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A few weeks a fetus is inside the womb of its mother.

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In the womb
An embryo of few weeks is in the womb of its mother.
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Is in early development.
There is a long way to go.
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It's just a project of human being and at this stage may be confused with the em
bryo of dog or monkey.
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Next to it is the yolk sac, which provides the nutrients you need in the first w
eeks of life.
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Around the 8th week of gestation the yolk sac loses its function.
The umbilical cord then starts to feed it with nutrients from the mother's body.
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As it happens, it floats, calmly, in the womb of its mother.
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In the 16th week of gestation it already has almost all the organs.
The eyes are still closed, but the hands and feet begin to moverse, although her
mother does not perceive. Ria slides
Thanks to 4D ultrasound, the future shows a baby who is out in sharp images, eve
n their facial expressions.
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At 24 weeks. Among their organs, only the lungs are not fully formed.
Still, if born at this moment, would have great chances of survival.
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At this stage It already moves the arms and legs, flashing eyes, suck their fing
ers and even have their first bouts of hiccups.
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Is increasingly aware of the space that surrounds it.
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Like all ferns, spends most of time sleeping, and sleeping when nothing can wake
it up.
It even dream of.
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Complete at nine months and is ready to be born.
In 40 weeks, what was one cell was turned into a human.
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The miracle of the formation of human life in the womb is almost finished.
In few days the lungs and the placenta is in charge to signal that now is the ti
me of delivery.
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The baby sleeps, calm, in the womb of its mother.
Do not know that soon it will abandon the placidity of his "home" to go through
one of the most traumatic experiences of his life: the birth.
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Yes, because the childbirth is not painful only
for the mother.
It is also traumatic and stressful for the baby.
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The images used in this pps part documentary produced by National Geographic Cha
nnel: En el Vientre Mother. Are images gotten through a micron-chamber introduce
d in the uterus of a pregnant woman. Thanks to modern photographic techniques it
is possible to follow the fascinating process of gestation of a baby. If you wa
nt to see pictures and videos of this documentary, in Spanish, visit:
Slide Author: Ria Ellwanger Text: based on the footnotes to th
e photos of the site above cited Music: Brahm's Lullaby - violin This slide is e
xclusive of the site Ria
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