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activity program

â ¢ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, at 11 h. â ¢ setting of Cuevas de

l Campo Palm Sunday 11 h. to 14 h. and Good Friday 10 h. 20 h. In the Jerusalem
of the past * recovery of lost trades. â ¢ Rehearsal drama of passion â ¢ Jewish Mar
ket Holy Thursday, at 5 pm Friday 10 h. to 20h.
â ¢ iX theatrical performance of the drama of passion, death and resurrection. (Pa
rade of the army of Emperor Tiberius, the arrival of the praetorian governor of
Judea, Pilate's Judgement, flogging, ascent to Calvary with the three falls, cru
cifixion, death, deposition, burial and resurrection). Good Friday, at 5 pm. Pre
amble * parade army of Emperor Tiberius. * Changing of the Guard. * Arrival of t
he governor of Judea Praetorian * Caiaphas and the chief priests have the Nazare
ne, to Pontius Pilate for trial. first act * Judgement of Pilate. * Flogging. *
The second act cyrenean help Jesus carry the cross. * First fall. (A woman, with
children, gives drink to Christ). * Second fall. (Veronica wipes Jesus' face.)
* Third fall. (The Nazarene heals a blind child.) * third act of the two thieves
crucified. * Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. * High priest Caiaphas and taunt
the Nazarene. * Jesus' death. * The launch. * Mary near the cross. * Joseph of
Arimathea requested the body of Jesus. * Descent from the body of the Nazarene.
* Scene of piety (Mary with her dead Son in her arms). * Burial of Jesus. * Desc
ent from the two thieves. Resurrection. Epilogue * farewell from Golgotha.
atmosphere of caves in the Jerusalem area in the past.
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Pilate, escorted by his bodyguards, his arrival at Praetorian
Jews shout and call the governor of Judea the condemnation of Jesus on the cross
Holy Week living in caves in the field, Granada
time of rest, meditation and fervor, Holy Week is multifaceted and millennial ce
lebrations in the Spanish geography. saved them all, the common denominator, the
passion of whole communities able to move, to bring a little heaven. every corn
er in Spain is based on the tears, pain and sorrow of the sacrifice of Christ. b
ut holy week in sevilla monopolize international spectacular applause, there are
countless geographical points where the passion is, as in the Andalusian capita
l, immeasurable. render entire communities with intense fervor and sincere humil
ity, reverence to the suffering endured by Christ.
Granada town of Cuevas del Campo, a town of 2,300 inhabitants in the north of th
e province of Granada, becomes real these days in the mirage of the city of Jeru
salem over two millennia. Score with scrupulous fidelity to the Gospel of St. Ma
tthew with the participation of all people, living Holy Week has been recognized
for their professionalism and spectacular beauty of attractions such as nationa
l party of Andalusia, in addition to receiving awards from the size of the prize
Generalitat de Catalunya, 2001, award in-
tional world teatre 2004 - a major European awards amateur theater - and two 200
6 awards Padul brother image and content. the town has managed to gather over hi
s eight previous editions over 80,000 visitors, with an annual average soaring.
In the blink efforts involving thousands of the people on Palm Sunday awake comp
letely transformed. more than 600 actors in costumes similar to those of the rei
gn of Emperor Tiberius lining the streets and recreate "lost trades" of the time
, and gastronomic activities, so that the whole town becomes one big stage in a
pristine time warp. Good Friday takes place in the main event, the drama of pass
ion, a "silent" representation - just listed 30 phrases in his two and a half ho
urs duration, in which
Campsa Guide 2008
shine the careful design of the costumes, the elaborate soundtrack, the natural
beauty of the enclaves and the extreme professionalism and neatness in the inter
pretation of the actors. for a day, bakers, apothecaries, mayors, managers, carp
enters put their talents to the passion of his characters. prior to the work, wh
ich takes place at sunset, is a market vibrant and colorful Jewish unique, ident
ical to those that had held for more than 2,000 years.
Jesus, looking lost and the Cross, Golgotha Road
Mary Magdalene and the mother of Jesus reflected in his face the sadness and bit
terness of the sacrifice of Christ
The Jewish people is mockery of the Nazarene
a woman gives drink to Christ
Roman soldiers, Via Dolorosa,€are directed to Golgotha
the chief priests rejoice contemplating the death of Christ
at the ninth hour darkness fell upon the earth, and Jesus gave a loud cry, expir
... And rose again
prizes and awards
National Tourist Interest in Andalusia (Decree 15/2004) prizes Padul brother (im
age and content) 2006 International Prize "world theater" 2004 Award of Cataloni
a 2001 telephone numbers
direction of the drama: President Guild: HE. City Hall:
antonio v. Cruz Maria Martinez Carrion Caves field troubles
tlf. 609 486 219 tel. 617 271 925 tel. 958 718 051
Free activities fully

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