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Opening One: BE

Open with a line where
the plot isnt obvious and
the reader is left with
numerous questions.
For example The grandmother didnt want to go to Florida. This
leaves the reader thinking who is this grandmother? Why is she
important? What has Florida got to do with anything? Why
doesnt she want to go?

Opening Two: DIALOGUE

Open with dialogue or a conversation
between characters that
hints at events to come
without revealing too
much to the reader. Try to
use alternatives to said!
And keep dialogue to a
minimum i.e. three lines is enough!
Remember: start a new line for each new speaker!

Opening Three: SMALL HOOKS

Dont start at your most
dramatic point. Tell your
reader something strange or
For instance, hook the reader with a misleading statement and
then pull them in the opposite direction straight away. E.g.
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or
whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages
must show.

Opening Four: Zoom in

Just like in descriptive writing, paint a
picture for the reader
with your words and then
zoom in on the scene as if
you have a camera
focused on the area.
Tip: use your descriptive writing techniques.

Opening Five: First Person

Open your story with the
protagonist revealing
personal facts and
information about
themselves. Treat it like a
diary entry. Tip: use words such as I
and me.

Opening Six: Second Person

Confuse the reader by using the second
person narrative such as you and ask
the reader questions as if they
are in the story with the
protagonist. Try to use
rhetorical questions and directly
address the reader.

Opening Seven: Third Person

Take the role of the narrator and
introduce the reader to the
main character. Describe them
without using lots of
adjectives, instead use
subordinate clauses and
introduce the reader to their
hobbies and habits, whilst revealing
them to their key characteristics.

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