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Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease of all Types Stages of CKD Stage Qualitative Renal Function Description (mL/min/1.73 m?) 1 Kidney damage-normal GFR 290 ‘ “e ther evence ody dome 2 Kidney damage-mild + GFR 60-89 x soe evidence of dney donage Bi Moderate + GFR 30-59 ft without eter evince oF ane 4 Severe 4 GFR 15-29 7 cc) ‘Severe decrease in GFR, with or Seton oer endence oan 5 End-stage renal disease <15 (or dialysis) : = sen ae singe of Crone Kidney Dense DGGE Hou BE on Ble feience of CHD for © Risk factor for Chronic Renal Failure (Glomerular Firaton Rate, mumin/s 72m ications of CKD CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE (CRF EBRD -END STAGE RENAL DISEASE 115 mi/in GER ete rie comm ¢ Chronic kidney disease = =e ea | | esos | stepson Cockrott-Gault formula + Creatinine clearance (men) = “1 X body weight in tepid Ain Naw ea Plasma creatinine in mg% X 72 = cores Manbatere sono, amasetis This value should be multiplied 0.85 for women, since a lower fraction of the body weight is composed of muscle The five stages of chronic kidney disease BCE ao Amount of | sorvtinsen |aowern — arms — fisw2 — | mbonise we Speech | tedden sere |S Doce | Ss Sebe joe a ies (Soe tae = % ae ger ba ter [te Sco [Sas ee SS. (ES (ioe ee ie SS, Se eee tee |S, = |SScera on Bee |aie es Facnlely =o, Ro ead clone me mre Sos. a= | eae | RES | EES

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