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Timet H C M M , Carroll, la., Thursday, AwejMt 2 3 , 1 * 7 * - Page 1 1


stair a p a r t m e n t , H i a i 4 lITi rORD LTD U n d t u . 2 door,
1 :P;M:jOJWplite?Closing out
f i r m machinery s a l e ; :
7 P.M. Special bred gilt and
sow sale, To. be held at t h e .
wtter hmilaMd, Adults only, ftow-tohe Hfht/derk Mut: elec- Located 3 miles east * 2 Farmers Livestock Auction
trie sunroof. ;'Cralse.Jl.oe6,i mites north of Lake City..Don north of
mllM.WMSir ; 71-U4-3tp located 2 west &
N i c h o l s . O w n e r . Schar- Hwy. 71" t 30 Jcl. Carroll,
PUftNlSHEb J bedroorti apart v fenkampt,: Ruplper> It, McCar
ment. Meal for working gtrls. m J E E P C37. m s-speed. Leonard Wlelan. Owner. Dave
White rltns. IOXU tires. 4K0 vilte.'Auctioneers: ' ' ' ACROSS 52 Desuetude UNITED Feature Syndicate
Inquire at Jung's Bakery. 1:30 Kerkhoff, Jack Kasperbauer 1 Hodge
or best offer. 7K-407I, , FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 & M e r y l Kerkhoff. Auc 54 Detail Wednesday's Puzzle Solved:
a.m. to5p,m, -MMtc podge 56 Nine-sided
, ' 71-ltMte 1 P.M. Elmer Schettlcr Hog tioneers.
APARTMENT NEAR Kusmpsf. Equipment Sale, 'a mite East 5 up: Sick figure nnnn nnnn nnnno
in-tm. >MIMtp tin FORD Oahxle 800. Make of'
of Breda. Grote. Cerken &
9 Scour 59 Spar nnnn oann
for. Ph.: - t 0 . 7H6Htc 15-. 62 Merriment n o o n aannaoanDD
WANTED: 2,girls to share S Mexher. Auctioneers. 1 P.M. Closing out farm sale. To" T T ti TT 14 Formerly 64 Weighty nnnn nan aannnn
' bedroom house. 7tMIW after 1177 P L Y M O U T H V o l a r * . SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 - From Scranton l'a mites east 15
16 Girl's name
Chicago's 65'Audible
nnnnn nnnnn
4:30 p.m. Premier station wagon. SIS 1 P.M. Household goods and nnnn a o n none
V4, automatic. PB. PS. speed
control. Juggage rack plus
many.other extras; Local one-
farm machinery consignment
sale. Located P i miles west
of L\dderdale! Rudy Rlese.
on old Hwy. 30. Mrs. Clarence
Gllem..Owner. Ruplper.
Scharfenkamp & McCarvilte.
b airport
17 Auto fixer
19 Foolishness
67 Carnivore: 2 n a n nnnno nnnnn
70 Avalanche
nnnnn nnnon nnn
Two 4-plex a p t . house*.
owner plenty of economy
left here. 1177 Dodge Aspen
Special Edition. 2 dry hdtop.
311 V-8. automatic. PS. PB.
Owner. McCarvtlle. Schar
fenkamp & Ruplper. Auc
tioneers, i
1 P.M. House & household
goods sale in Arcadia. Iowa.
21 20 U.S.A.: Pre
21 Came upon
71 Yugoslav
72 Saucy .
nnnn nnn nnnn
nnnno nnnon
DdDcioD ona anon
WEDNESDAY, S E P T E M 23 Turnip 73 Apertures D D G D D Q D D D OQOD
Excellent location. factory air; tilt wheel; bucket Marcellus Grundmeier. 24 More In 74 Ragout
M 48,000. seats, console, rally wheels B E R 5 Owner. Gerken & Grote. Auc formative 75 Adj. endings
lus. many other extras. Just 1 P.M. Farm equipment sale.
<ros)3 unit a p t . h o u s e .
> 1 bedroom each.*
S 1.000 one-owner miles. Wit-
trock Motors. 71-lM-ttc
Located southeast of Glidden.
SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 6 -
27 Legend
29 Spree
2 words
11 Rhonchus
43 Middling
46 Place
Roger Adamson. Owner. 1 P.M. Mrs. Verna Musfeldt 31 " In the 12 Plead 48 Thrust
46,000; 1970 G R E M L I N . P h Ruplper. Scharfenkamp & closing out farm sale. 2 miles Cold, Cold 1 Golfer Ben 13 Horn sound 51 Ump
SS32-2ttl. ask for Tim. McCarvilte. Auctioneers. east & 4 miles south of Man Ground" 18 Departing 53 Poncho:
HALBUR REALTY 71-tt3-5tc SATURDAY, S E P T E M B E R ning. Iowa. Meryl Kerkhoff.
Jack Kasperbauer St Dave
35 Wash. agcy.
37 Scoffs
2 "What's in
22 Cap
25 Revise 55 Parotitis
Office 792-2866 1 P.M. Don E. Wlnnett closing Kerkhoff. Auctioneers. 39 Embdens 3 Nuts 26 Disprove 57 Open
Motorcycles 73 out farm machinery & arv SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 6 - 40 Droop 4 Funeral ve 28 Hoax 58 '30's slangy
Arthur Halburm-17**
42 Ducts hicle 30 Quote anew word
David Schapman7*l-S143 . 11976 SUZUKI TC 100 Endure.
3,900 miles. Top condition.
792-9013. 73-lW-3tc
tique auction. Located 10
miles south & M west of Gild
den. I A. Dave Kerkhoff. Jack
1 P.M. Large antique auction.
1109 N.W. St in Carroll. Em-
mett Lahr. Owner. Rupiper.
U 44 Opposed:
5 Sprawl
6 Fortify
32 Separates
33 The East
56 Crush
60 Other: prefix
Used Cars A Trucks 71
K a s p e r b a u e r , & Meryl Scharfenkamp & McCarvilte. a 45 Map book 7 Moslem 34 Delivered 61 Loam
1979 CORVETTE, Black w/oyster I FOR SALE: 1976 Honda. Only
Kerkhoff. Auctioneers. Auctioneers. 47 Yodeler's priest 35 Mollusk 63 Natty
interior. 3.500 miles, 683-3011 10.000 miles. Excellent. '3150.
SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 9 - SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 -
w range 8 Europeans 36 Whit 66 Moines
792-4418. 73-166-3tc 38 Finch 68 Exist
or 792-9991. 7I-16-2tc 1 P.M. Household goods & an 1 P.M. Home & furniture auc h 49 Rodent 9 Cry
50 Overcome 10 Pacific area: 41 Width 69Mlb
1972 C H E V R O L E T s t a t i o n FOR SALE: 1979 425 L Suzuki
1.300 miles. 792-3952. 73-165-4tp
tiqes of Clarence L. and Mary t i o n ' a t 718 West 19th St.
wagon. Runs good. 7924013. Goreham. 819 West 6th St Richard Luchtel. Owner. Mc- PEANUTS
71-166-Stc FOR SALE: 1979 Honda 650 Carroll. Auctioneers: Jack Carvillc. Scharfenkamp &
P r i c e d to sell. Audubon. Kasperbauer. Meryl Kerkhoff Kuplpcr, Auctioneers.
1974 OLDSMOBILE Toronado. 563-3096. 73 165-5tc & Dave Kerkhoff. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 3 - THIS IS THE LAST
58,000. miles. Priced to sell.
792-9013. 71-166-3tc SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R 9- 1 P.M. Antiques, household SAME OF THE SEASON,
Calendar of 1 P . M . House, lots goods & machinery auction. MANAGER.. '
1973 IMP ALA 350. PS. PB. air. household goods. Lancsboro; Arthur Hulsing. Lake View.
Car in A-l condition. '1000. Sale Dates Iowa. Lydia Dial Estate Iowa O w n e r . Wayne
659-2135. 71-166-2tC Claimed Owner. Scharfenkamp Stewart. Auctioneer.
1974 MALIBU Classic 2 door har Ruplper St McCarvilte. Auc SATURDAY, S E P T E M B E R
dtop. Green. Average mileage. and tioneers. 29 9?
Many options. 792-1016. Auction Sales SUNDAY, S E P T E M B E R S
l'P.M. Antiques St household 1 P.M. House St household
71-166-5tc All types of auctions will be run contents. Leonard Schocssler.
goods. Wayne & Phyliss Jans
1976 CHEVROLET Camaro. near 'In this Auction Calendar FREE Westside. Walt Johnson. Auc Owner. Westside. Walt John
new rubber, power steering, |-if we have the advertising copy son. Auctioneer.
air. brakes. AM-FM, maroon of your ad in our office. tioneer.
with vinyl top. McCarvilte & MONDAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 P.M. Closing out equipment
Son Motors. 71-166-ltc EVERY THURSDAY- 10 auction. Francis Tunink.
1974 MONTE Carlo. PS. PB. air. 7:00 P.M. Carroll Livestock 7 P.M. 3 bedroom home. 1146 Owner. Located Odebolt.
tilt, cruise control, clean, ex Sale. orth Grant Road. James & Iowa. Meryl Kerkhoff. Jack
cellent condition. 50.000 miles. Patricia Carroll. Owners. K a s p e r b a u e r & Dave
792-3290. 71-165-3tc E V E R Y S A T U R D A Y - J a c k Kasperbauer. Dave Kerkhoff. Auctioneers.
1 P.M. Farmer's Livestock Kerkhoff & Meryl Kerkhoff. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7
1973 FORD Gran Torino 2 dr.. 400 Auction. Auctioneers.
V8. automatic, power steering 1 P.M. house & furniture auc
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER tion. 1916 Quint Avenue. Car
& brakes, air. vinyl roof. 59.000 S A T U R D A Y A S U N D A Y , 11-
mi. 822-5295 after 5 p.m. AUGUST 25 & 26 9-5 roll. Emmett & Eileen Peter
71-165-3tc (Sat.). 11-5 (Sun.) 1 P.M. Closing out farm sale. son. Owners. Jack Kasper
Annual Ulmer. Iowa Flea 3' j miles north of Carroll on bauer. Dave Kerkhoff &
1965 CHRYSLER - Rebuilt Market. Collectibles & An Highway 71. Ervin Meryl Kerkhoff. Auctioneers.
engine. Almost every part new tiques. Baumhover. Owner. Jack
or r e p l a c e d . Best offer. Kasperbauer. Meryl Kerkhoff EVERYBODY HEADS the Whnt
792-9912. 71-162-5tp SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 5 - & Dave Kerkhoff. Auc Ads. Advertise your services
10 A.M. Tern-Ken Manufac
TO FINANCE your new or used turing Co. closing out auction. tioneers. here.
car see Personal Lenders. Templeton. IA. Tony Ocken.
Thomas Plaza. Carroll. Call Owner. Dave Kerkhoff. Jack
792-2555. 71-233-tfc Kasperbauer & Meryl TWO COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS
GRIFFITH FORD-MERCURY Kerkhoff. Auctioneers.
Inc. Authorized sales, & ser SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 6 - FOR S A L E
vice. Jet. Hwv. 71 & 30 Car 1:30 P.M. Household goods on
roll. 792-1505. 71-16-tfc sale. Located 1 mile south of
Lldderdale & 4 mi. east. Jes
M a i n Street, Dedham, la.
KOBERG CHEVROLET - Your.l Will' sell for less than one half the appraised
authorized GM dealer in Car sie' Johnson. Owner. Schar
roll. Top dollar paid for used fenkamp. Ruplper & McCar price.
cars. 792-9236. 71-124-tfc vilte. Auctioneers. No down payment. Owner will hold 2 or 3 year
T o see b u i l d i n g s call 683-3324.
BOYS & GIRLS! For further information on sale,
call collect 303-772-3148. 7o-iw-stc
EARN *7.00 PER WEEK N e w l y constructed duplex. H a s 2 bedrooms
e a c h . A t t a c h e d g a r a g e . S e p a r a t e utility
N O SATURDAYS OR SUNDAYS r o o m & storage s p a c e . A l l carpeted, C / A ,
CONTACT a n d s e p a r a t e p a t i o s . P r i c e d right.


792-3573 21.145-rip Your Independent Real Estate Broker
Pringle Building
792-3805 792-1558
Webb Lappe 792-2773 2316441

F A R M For S A L E
By owner. S . E . 1 quarter Section 14
Glidden Township. 130 tillable acres
with house and outbuildings. One
mile north of Ralston blacktop Hwy.
30. $320,000. Possible contract.
Gilbert Stanek 515-549-3494.

Hurry Immediate possession on this three bedroom

home. Spotless condition. Two blocks from St. Lawrence.
Mid 50's. lull
Duplex. Each unit features two bedrooms. Central air and
garage. Asiumoble loan. *69,500. iu
Price reduced on this three bedroom home on an acre of
ground in Willey. Only *29,7S0. (7*4)
Near Holy Spirit. Three bedroom ranch. Carpeted. Family
room and garage. Only *44,950. (t4*i


09ACIJ insurance
real estate Let u s show you this h o m e on Crawford St.
704 highway 30 792-5050 S e p a r a t e living r o o m a n d dining r o o m . Kitchen
has breakfast nook. C / A a n d g a s furnace. Large
BobGreterrian 792.2435 H e l e n N i e U n d 792-2344
lot. H o m e n e e d s s o m e r e p a i r . P r i c e s l a s h e d t o
M i k e G r e t e m e n < 792-493* L o u G r e t e m a n 792-4737
W a y n e C h a n d l e e 792-4599 a-i**jc *29,500 f o r q u i c k s a l e . C a l l : <NO.7W)
H a r v e y F l e s h n e r 792-1513 o r P a t Johnston 792-2305
A snail moves or mucus. This gooey trail

around by
creeping on a
part of its body t h a t a e e m s
to be its stomach. The fact
smooths t h e way for t h e
snail and helps it to cling to
walla and other surfaces a s
it crawls up and down over
is that t h e whole bottom objects In its path. The
part of a snail's body i s common garden snail
KNSTWMMeXOf* creeps along a t a snail's
MARlhTTl, Wl., really a broad foot! The
WINftAPWZIPOR muscles in t h e snail's foot' pace of about six inches a
THWeTUMrriON. move in a rippling motion minute.
You can win a WocktAlma-
that slowly pushes t h e mc it your quaUm ii
snaif forward. As the snail Mlaclcd, Stnd your nama
and ag t JOHNNY WON
crawls from place to place, DER, c/o thla Mwaaaoar,
it pours out a trail of slime, P.O. Boa IVt. (DA) Santa
a mi Mm* rtmm iinnnn. iw. Crm, CA wan.

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