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What do pets need?


Subject(s) Language Arts (English), Reading

Topic/Unit of Study & Time


Grade/Level Grade 1

Objective LOTS: The student will recognize what pets need.

HOTS: The student will organize those needs as nouns and verbs (and other, as needed).

Summary We will start a written list by identifying the things we know a pet needs. We will then read "A Class Pet" and with discussion add to our list with more
things pets need. Next we will review what nouns and verbs are and categorize those needs as nouns, verbs, and other (if needed). We will then have
the students write about their pet (if they don't have a pet, what they would like as a pet) as students complete their writing they can draw a picture
under it. I will go by to each student and discuss their writing with them expecially paying attention to nouns and verbs.

Easy Reading As an easy read I will introduce The Pet Song but I will not show the title of the poem. I will have the students predict what the song is talking about
after reading and singing it.

It is living, it is living!

I know why, I know why!

It eats and breaths and grows.

It eats adn breaths and grows.

It's a-live!

It's a-live!

Pre-Reading I will start a list and have the students tell me what they know a pet needs. I will then introduce the book, "A Class Pet."

Procedure 1) After reading the book, we will readdress our list and add any new concepts we learned or remembered.

2) We will then create a t chart to divide the need on our first list into nouns or verb.

3) I will then show the student a story I wrote about my pet (teacher model) and instruct them to write their own story about their favorite pet (or a
pet) and some of the things the pet needs.

4) Students will construct sentences and a picture that is related.

5) I will go around a guide/assess students individually. We will indentify the verbs and nouns they used in their writing.

Applying The student will recognize the needs of a pet.

The student will organize those needs as nouns or verbs.

Differentiated Instruction at-risk: I will dedicate more time to one-on-one instruction and guide the learner through beginning an activity, as needed.

advanced learners: Students can evaluate their written sentences and identify verbs and nouns idividually. Students will circle nouns and underline

Instructional Resources A Class Pet by Rebecca Herman


Dry Erase Board/Expo Markers


1. fave pet writing paper.png

2. The Pet Song.docx

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Standards TX- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) (2012)
Chapter: Chapter 110. English Language Arts and Reading
Subchapter: Elementary
Grade/Course: Grade 1
(6) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to:
Student Expectation:
(A) identify words that name actions (verbs) and words that name persons, places, or things (nouns);

Assessment/Rubrics I will use the checklist and collect student work for further assessment.

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