Anda di halaman 1dari 15

Chapter II


Malignant neoplasms

Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs


Includes: skin of female genital organs

C51 Malignant neoplasm of vulva

C51.0 Labium majus
Bartholin's [greater vestibular] gland
C51.1 Labium minus
C51.2 Clitoris
C51.8 Overlapping lesion of vulva
[See note 5 at the beginning of this chapter]
C51.9 Vulva, unspecified
External female genitalia NOS

C52 Malignant neoplasm of vagina

C53 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri

C53.0 Endocervix
C53.1 Exocervix
C53.8 Overlapping lesion of cervix uteri
[See note 5 at the beginning of this chapter]
C53.9 Cervix uteri, unspecified

C54 Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri

C54.0 Isthmus uteri
Lower uterine segment
C54.1 Endometrium
C54.2 Myometrium
C54.3 Fundus uteri
C54.8 Overlapping lesion of corpus uteri
[See note 5 at the beginning of this chapter]
C54.9 Corpus uteri, unspecified

C55 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified

C56 Malignant neoplasm of ovary

C57 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs

C57.0 Fallopian tube
Uterine tube
C57.1 Broad ligament

C57.2 Round ligament
C57.3 Parametrium
Uterine ligament NOS
C57.4 Uterine adnexa, unspecified
C57.7 Other specified female genital organs
Wolffian body or duct
C57.8 Overlapping lesion of female genital organs
[See note 5 at the beginning of this chapter]
Malignant neoplasm of female genital organs whose point of origin cannot be classified to any one
of the categories C51-C57.7, C58
C57.9 Female genital organ, unspecified
Female genitourinary tract NOS

C58 Malignant neoplasm of placenta

Choriocarcinoma NOS
Chorionepithelioma NOS
Excludes: chorioadenoma (destruens) ( D39.2 )
hydatidiform mole:
NOS ( O01.9 )
invasive ( D39.2 )
malignant ( D39.2 )

Chapter XIV

Diseases of the genitourinary system


Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs


Excludes: those complicating:

abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.0 )
pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ( O23.- , O75.3 , O85 , O86.- )

N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis

Includes: abscess (of):
fallopian tube
tubo-ovarian inflammatory disease
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
N70.0 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
N70.1 Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis
N70.9 Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified

N71 Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix

Includes: endo(myo)metritis
uterine abscess
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.

N71.0 Acute inflammatory disease of uterus
N71.1 Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus
N71.9 Inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified

N72 Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri

Cervicitis } with or without erosion or ectropion
Endocervicitis }
Exocervicitis }
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: erosion and ectropion of cervix without cervicitis ( N86 )

N73 Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases

Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
N73.0 Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
Abscess of: } specified as acute
broad ligament }
parametrium }
Pelvic cellulitis, female }
N73.1 Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
Any condition in N73.0 specified as chronic
N73.2 Unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
Any condition in N73.0 unspecified whether acute or chronic
N73.3 Female acute pelvic peritonitis
N73.4 Female chronic pelvic peritonitis
N73.5 Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified
N73.6 Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions
Excludes: postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions ( N99.4 )
N73.8 Other specified female pelvic inflammatory diseases
N73.9 Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified
Female pelvic infection or inflammation NOS

N74* Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere

N74.0* Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri ( A18.1+ )
N74.1* Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease ( A18.1+ )
Tuberculous endometritis
N74.2* Female syphilitic pelvic inflammatory disease ( A51.4+ , A52.7+ )
N74.3* Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease ( A54.2+ )
N74.4* Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease ( A56.1+ )
N74.8* Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere

N75 Diseases of Bartholin's gland

N75.0 Cyst of Bartholin's gland
N75.1 Abscess of Bartholin's gland
N75.8 Other diseases of Bartholin's gland
N75.9 Disease of Bartholin's gland, unspecified

N76 Other inflammation of vagina and vulva

Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: senile (atrophic) vaginitis ( N95.2 )
N76.0 Acute vaginitis
Vaginitis NOS
N76.1 Subacute and chronic vaginitis

N76.2 Acute vulvitis
Vulvitis NOS
N76.3 Subacute and chronic vulvitis
N76.4 Abscess of vulva
Furuncle of vulva
N76.5 Ulceration of vagina
N76.6 Ulceration of vulva
N76.8 Other specified inflammation of vagina and vulva

N77* Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation in diseases classified elsewhere

N77.0* Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
Ulceration of vulva in:
herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection ( A60.0+ )
tuberculosis ( A18.1+ )
N77.1* Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified
Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in:
candidiasis ( B37.3+ )
herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection ( A60.0+ )
pinworm infection ( B80+ )
N77.8* Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation in other diseases classified elsewhere
Ulceration of vulva in Behet's disease ( M35.2+ )

Chapter XIV

Diseases of the genitourinary system


Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract


N80 Endometriosis
N80.0 Endometriosis of uterus
N80.1 Endometriosis of ovary
N80.2 Endometriosis of fallopian tube
N80.3 Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum
N80.4 Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum and vagina
N80.5 Endometriosis of intestine
N80.6 Endometriosis in cutaneous scar
N80.8 Other endometriosis
N80.9 Endometriosis, unspecified

N81 Female genital prolapse

Excludes: genital prolapse complicating pregnancy, labour or delivery ( O34.5 )
prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube ( N83.4 )
prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy ( N99.3 )
N81.0 Female urethrocele
Excludes: urethrocele with:
cystocele ( N81.1 )
prolapse of uterus ( N81.2-N81.4 )
N81.1 Cystocele

Cystocele with urethrocele
Prolapse of (anterior) vaginal (wall) NOS
Excludes: cystocele with prolapse of uterus ( N81.2-N81.4 )
N81.2 Incomplete uterovaginal prolapse
Prolapse of cervix NOS
Uterine prolapse:
first degree
second degree
N81.3 Complete uterovaginal prolapse
Procidentia (uteri) NOS
Third degree uterine prolapse
N81.4 Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified
Prolapse of uterus NOS
N81.5 Vaginal enterocele
Excludes: enterocele with prolapse of uterus ( N81.2-N81.4 )
N81.6 Rectocele
Prolapse of posterior vaginal wall
Excludes: rectal prolapse ( K62.3 )
rectocele with prolapse of uterus ( N81.2-N81.4 )
N81.8 Other female genital prolapse
Deficient perineum
Old laceration of muscles of pelvic floor
N81.9 Female genital prolapse, unspecified

N82 Fistulae involving female genital tract

Excludes: vesicointestinal fistulae ( N32.1 )
N82.0 Vesicovaginal fistula
N82.1 Other female urinary-genital tract fistulae
N82.2 Fistula of vagina to small intestine
N82.3 Fistula of vagina to large intestine
Rectovaginal fistula
N82.4 Other female intestinal-genital tract fistulae
Intestinouterine fistula
N82.5 Female genital tract-skin fistulae
uterus to abdominal wall
N82.8 Other female genital tract fistulae
N82.9 Female genital tract fistula, unspecified

N83 Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament

Excludes: hydrosalpinx ( N70.1 )
N83.0 Follicular cyst of ovary
Cyst of graafian follicle
Haemorrhagic follicular cyst (of ovary)
N83.1 Corpus luteum cyst
Haemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst
N83.2 Other and unspecified ovarian cysts
Retention cyst } of ovary
Simple cyst }
Excludes: ovarian cyst:
developmental ( Q50.1 )

neoplastic ( D27 )
polycystic ovarian syndrome ( E28.2 )
N83.3 Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube
N83.4 Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube
N83.5 Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube
accessory tube
hydatid of Morgagni
N83.6 Haematosalpinx
Excludes: haematosalpinx with:
haematocolpos ( N89.7 )
haematometra ( N85.7 )
N83.7 Haematoma of broad ligament
N83.8 Other noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament
Broad ligament laceration syndrome [Allen-Masters]
N83.9 Noninflammatory disorder of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament, unspecified

N84 Polyp of female genital tract

Excludes: adenomatous polyp ( D28.- )
placental polyp ( O90.8 )
N84.0 Polyp of corpus uteri
Polyp of:
uterus NOS
Excludes: polypoid endometrial hyperplasia ( N85.0 )
N84.1 Polyp of cervix uteri
Mucous polyp of cervix
N84.2 Polyp of vagina
N84.3 Polyp of vulva
Polyp of labia
N84.8 Polyp of other parts of female genital tract
N84.9 Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified

N85 Other noninflammatory disorders of uterus, except cervix

Excludes: endometriosis ( N80.- )
inflammatory diseases of uterus ( N71.- )
noninflammatory disorders of cervix ( N86-N88 )
polyp of corpus uteri ( N84.0 )
uterine prolapse ( N81.- )
N85.0 Endometrial glandular hyperplasia
Hyperplasia of endometrium:
N85.1 Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia
Hyperplasia of endometrium, atypical (adenomatous)
N85.2 Hypertrophy of uterus
Bulky or enlarged uterus
Excludes: puerperal hypertrophy of uterus ( O90.8 )
N85.3 Subinvolution of uterus
Excludes: puerperal subinvolution of uterus ( O90.8 )
N85.4 Malposition of uterus
Anteversion } of uterus
Retroflexion }
Retroversion }
Excludes: that complicating pregnancy, labour or delivery ( O34.5 , O65.5 )
N85.5 Inversion of uterus

Excludes: current obstetric trauma ( O71.2 )
postpartum inversion of uterus ( O71.2 )
N85.6 Intrauterine synechiae
N85.7 Haematometra
Haematosalpinx with haematometra
Excludes: haematometra with haematocolpos ( N89.7 )
N85.8 Other specified noninflammatory disorders of uterus
Atrophy of uterus, acquired
Fibrosis of uterus NOS
N85.9 Noninflammatory disorder of uterus, unspecified
Disorder of uterus NOS

N86 Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri

Decubitus (trophic) ulcer } of cervix
Eversion }
Excludes: with cervicitis ( N72 )

N87 Dysplasia of cervix uteri

Excludes: carcinoma in situ of cervix ( D06.- )
N87.0 Mild cervical dysplasia
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN], grade I
N87.1 Moderate cervical dysplasia
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN], grade II
N87.2 Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Severe cervical dysplasia NOS
Excludes: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN], grade III, with or without mention of severe
dysplasia ( D06.- )
N87.9 Dysplasia of cervix uteri, unspecified

N88 Other noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri

Excludes: inflammatory disease of cervix ( N72 )
polyp of cervix ( N84.1 )
N88.0 Leukoplakia of cervix uteri
N88.1 Old laceration of cervix uteri
Adhesions of cervix
Excludes: current obstetric trauma ( O71.3 )
N88.2 Stricture and stenosis of cervix uteri
Excludes: complicating labour ( O65.5 )
N88.3 Incompetence of cervix uteri
Investigation and management of (suspected) cervical incompetence in a nonpregnant woman
Excludes: affecting fetus or newborn ( P01.0 )
complicating pregnancy ( O34.3 )
N88.4 Hypertrophic elongation of cervix uteri
N88.8 Other specified noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri
Excludes: current obstetric trauma ( O71.3 )
N88.9 Noninflammatory disorder of cervix uteri, unspecified

N89 Other noninflammatory disorders of vagina

Excludes: carcinoma in situ of vagina ( D07.2 )
inflammation of vagina ( N76.- )
senile (atrophic) vaginitis ( N95.2 )
trichomonal leukorrhoea ( A59.0 )
N89.0 Mild vaginal dysplasia
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia [VAIN], grade I
N89.1 Moderate vaginal dysplasia
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia [VAIN], grade II

N89.2 Severe vaginal dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Severe vaginal dysplasia NOS
Excludes: vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia [VAIN], grade III, with or without mention of severe
dysplasia ( D07.2 )
N89.3 Dysplasia of vagina, unspecified
N89.4 Leukoplakia of vagina
N89.5 Stricture and atresia of vagina
Excludes: postoperative adhesions of vagina ( N99.2 )
N89.6 Tight hymenal ring
Rigid hymen
Tight introitus
Excludes: imperforate hymen ( Q52.3 )
N89.7 Haematocolpos
Haematocolpos with haematometra or haematosalpinx
N89.8 Other specified noninflammatory disorders of vagina
Leukorrhoea NOS
Old vaginal laceration
Pessary ulcer of vagina
Excludes: current obstetric trauma ( O70.- , O71.4 , O71.7-O71.8 )
old laceration involving muscles of pelvic floor ( N81.8 )
N89.9 Noninflammatory disorder of vagina, unspecified

N90 Other noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum

Excludes: carcinoma in situ of vulva ( D07.1 )
current obstetric trauma ( O70.- , O71.7-O71.8 )
inflammation of vulva ( N76.- )
N90.0 Mild vulvar dysplasia
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia [VIN], grade I
N90.1 Moderate vulvar dysplasia
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia [VIN], grade II
N90.2 Severe vulvar dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Severe vulvar dysplasia NOS
Excludes: vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade III, [VIN] with or without mention of severe
dysplasia ( D07.1 )
N90.3 Dysplasia of vulva, unspecified
N90.4 Leukoplakia of vulva
Dystrophy } of vulva
Kraurosis }
N90.5 Atrophy of vulva
Stenosis of vulva
N90.6 Hypertrophy of vulva
Hypertrophy of labia
N90.7 Vulvar cyst
N90.8 Other specified noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
Adhesions of vulva
Hypertrophy of clitoris
N90.9 Noninflammatory disorder of vulva and perineum, unspecified

N91 Absent, scanty and rare menstruation

Excludes: ovarian dysfunction ( E28.- )
N91.0 Primary amenorrhoea
Failure to start menstruation at puberty.
N91.1 Secondary amenorrhoea
Absence of menstruation in a woman who had previously menstruated.

N91.2 Amenorrhoea, unspecified
Absence of menstruation NOS
N91.3 Primary oligomenorrhoea
Menstruation which is scanty or rare from the start.
N91.4 Secondary oligomenorrhoea
Scanty and rare menstruation in a woman with previously normal periods.
N91.5 Oligomenorrhoea, unspecified
Hypomenorrhoea NOS

N92 Excessive, frequent and irregular menstruation

Excludes: postmenopausal bleeding ( N95.0 )
N92.0 Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle
Heavy periods NOS
Menorrhagia NOS
N92.1 Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle
Irregular intermenstrual bleeding
Irregular, shortened intervals between menstrual bleeding
N92.2 Excessive menstruation at puberty
Excessive bleeding associated with onset of menstrual periods
Pubertal menorrhagia
Puberty bleeding
N92.3 Ovulation bleeding
Regular intermenstrual bleeding
N92.4 Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period
Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia:
N92.5 Other specified irregular menstruation
N92.6 Irregular menstruation, unspecified
bleeding NOS
periods NOS
Excludes: irregular menstruation with:
lengthened intervals or scanty bleeding ( N91.3-N91.5 )
shortened intervals or excessive bleeding ( N92.1 )

N93 Other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding

Excludes: neonatal vaginal haemorrhage ( P54.6 )
pseudomenses ( P54.6 )
N93.0 Postcoital and contact bleeding
N93.8 Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
Dysfunctional or functional uterine or vaginal bleeding NOS
N93.9 Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified

N94 Pain and other conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
N94.0 Mittelschmerz
N94.1 Dyspareunia
Excludes: psychogenic dyspareunia ( F52.6 )
N94.2 Vaginismus
Excludes: psychogenic vaginismus ( F52.5 )
N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndrome
N94.4 Primary dysmenorrhoea
N94.5 Secondary dysmenorrhoea

N94.6 Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified
N94.8 Other specified conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
N94.9 Unspecified condition associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle

N95 Menopausal and other perimenopausal disorders

Excludes: excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period ( N92.4 )
osteoporosis ( M81.0 )
with pathological fracture ( M80.0 )
urethritis ( N34.2 )
premature menopause NOS ( E28.3 )
N95.0 Postmenopausal bleeding
Excludes: that associated with artificial menopause ( N95.3 )
N95.1 Menopausal and female climacteric states
Symptoms such as flushing, sleeplessness, headache, lack of concentration, associated with
Excludes: those associated with artificial menopause ( N95.3 )
N95.2 Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis
Senile (atrophic) vaginitis
Excludes: that associated with artificial menopause ( N95.3 )
N95.3 States associated with artificial menopause
Post-artificial-menopause syndrome
N95.8 Other specified menopausal and perimenopausal disorders
N95.9 Menopausal and perimenopausal disorder, unspecified

N96 Habitual aborter

Investigation or care in a nonpregnant woman
Relative infertility
Excludes: currently pregnant ( O26.2 )
with current abortion ( O03-O06 )

N97 Female infertility

Includes: inability to achieve a pregnancy
sterility, female NOS
Excludes: relative infertility ( N96 )
N97.0 Female infertility associated with anovulation
N97.1 Female infertility of tubal origin
Associated with congenital anomaly of tube
N97.2 Female infertility of uterine origin
Associated with congenital anomaly of uterus
Nonimplantation of ovum
N97.3 Female infertility of cervical origin
N97.4 Female infertility associated with male factors
N97.8 Female infertility of other origin
N97.9 Female infertility, unspecified

N98 Complications associated with artificial fertilization

N98.0 Infection associated with artificial insemination
N98.1 Hyperstimulation of ovaries
Hyperstimulation of ovaries:
associated with induced ovulation
N98.2 Complications of attempted introduction of fertilized ovum following in vitro fertilization
N98.3 Complications of attempted introduction of embryo in embryo transfer

N98.8 Other complications associated with artificial fertilization
Complications of artificial insemination by:
N98.9 Complication associated with artificial fertilization, unspecified

Chapter XIV

Diseases of the genitourinary system


Other disorders of the genitourinary system


N99 Postprocedural disorders of genitourinary system, not elsewhere classified

Excludes: irradiation cystitis ( N30.4 )
postoophorectomy osteoporosis ( M81.1 )
with pathological fracture ( M80.1 )
states associated with artificial menopause ( N95.3 )
N99.0 Postprocedural renal failure
N99.1 Postprocedural urethral stricture
Postcatheterization urethral stricture
N99.2 Postoperative adhesions of vagina
N99.3 Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy
N99.4 Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions
N99.5 Malfunction of external stoma of urinary tract
N99.8 Other postprocedural disorders of genitourinary system
Residual ovary syndrome
N99.9 Postprocedural disorder of genitourinary system, unspecified

D25 Leiomyoma of uterus

Includes: benign neoplasms of uterus with morphology code M889 and behaviour code /0
fibromyoma of uterus
D25.0 Submucous leiomyoma of uterus
D25.1 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus
D25.2 Subserosal leiomyoma of uterus
D25.9 Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified

D26 Other benign neoplasms of uterus

D26.0 Cervix uteri
D26.1 Corpus uteri
D26.7 Other parts of uterus
D26.9 Uterus, unspecified

D27 Benign neoplasm of ovary

D28 Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs

Includes: adenomatous polyp
skin of female genital organs
D28.0 Vulva
D28.1 Vagina
D28.2 Uterine tubes and ligaments
Fallopian tube

Uterine ligament (broad)(round)
D28.7 Other specified female genital organs
D28.9 Female genital organ, unspecified

D06 Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri

Includes: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN], grade III, with or without mention of severe
Excludes: melanoma in situ of cervix ( D03.5 )
severe dysplasia of cervix NOS ( N87.2 )
D06.0 Endocervix
D06.1 Exocervix
D06.7 Other parts of cervix
D06.9 Cervix, unspecified

D07 Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs

Excludes: melanoma in situ ( D03.5 )
D07.0 Endometrium
D07.1 Vulva
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia [VIN], grade III, with or without mention of severe dysplasia
Excludes: severe dysplasia of vulva NOS ( N90.2 )
D07.2 Vagina
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia [VAIN], grade III, with or without mention of severe dysplasia
Excludes: severe dysplasia of vagina NOS ( N89.2 )
D07.3 Other and unspecified female genital organs

E28 Ovarian dysfunction

Excludes: isolated gonadotropin deficiency ( E23.0 )
postprocedural ovarian failure ( E89.4 )
E28.0 Estrogen excess
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug, if drug-induced.
E28.1 Androgen excess
Hypersecretion of ovarian androgens
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug, if drug-induced.
E28.2 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Sclerocystic ovary syndrome
Stein-Leventhal syndrome
E28.3 Primary ovarian failure
Decreased estrogen
Premature menopause NOS
Resistant ovary syndrome
Excludes: menopausal and female climacteric states ( N95.1 )
pure gonadal dysgenesis ( Q99.1 )
Turner's syndrome ( Q96.- )
E28.8 Other ovarian dysfunction
Ovarian hyperfunction NOS
E28.9 Ovarian dysfunction, unspecified

E29 Testicular dysfunction

Excludes: androgen resistance syndrome ( E34.5 )
azoospermia or oligospermia NOS ( N46 )
isolated gonadotropin deficiency ( E23.0 )
Klinefelter's syndrome ( Q98.0-Q98.2 , Q98.4 )
postprocedural testicular hypofunction ( E89.5 )
testicular feminization (syndrome) ( E34.5 )
E29.0 Testicular hyperfunction
Hypersecretion of testicular hormones
E29.1 Testicular hypofunction
Defective biosynthesis of testicular androgen NOS

5-Alpha-reductase deficiency (with male pseudohermaphroditism)
Testicular hypogonadism NOS
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug, if drug-induced.
E29.8 Other testicular dysfunction
E29.9 Testicular dysfunction, unspecified

E30 Disorders of puberty, not elsewhere classified

E30.0 Delayed puberty
Constitutional delay of puberty
Delayed sexual development
E30.1 Precocious puberty
Precocious menstruation
Excludes: Albright(-McCune)(-Sternberg) syndrome ( Q78.1 )
central precocious puberty ( E22.8 )
congenital adrenal hyperplasia ( E25.0 )
female heterosexual precocious pseudopuberty ( E25.- )
male isosexual precocious pseudopuberty ( E25.- )
E30.8 Other disorders of puberty
Premature thelarche
E30.9 Disorder of puberty, unspecified

Chapter XVII

Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities


Congenital malformations of genital organs


Excludes: androgen resistance syndrome ( E34.5 )

syndromes associated with anomalies in the number and form of chromosomes ( Q90-Q99 )
testicular feminization syndrome ( E34.5 )

Q50 Congenital malformations of ovaries, fallopian tubes and broad ligaments

Q50.0 Congenital absence of ovary
Excludes: Turner's syndrome ( Q96.- )
Q50.1 Developmental ovarian cyst
Q50.2 Congenital torsion of ovary
Q50.3 Other congenital malformations of ovary
Accessory ovary
Congenital malformation of ovary NOS
Ovarian streak
Q50.4 Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube
Fimbrial cyst
Q50.5 Embryonic cyst of broad ligament
Gartner's duct
Q50.6 Other congenital malformations of fallopian tube and broad ligament
Absence } (of) fallopian tube or broad ligament
Accessory }
Atresia }
Congenital malformation of fallopian tube or broad ligament NOS

Q51 Congenital malformations of uterus and cervix
Q51.0 Agenesis and aplasia of uterus
Congenital absence of uterus
Q51.1 Doubling of uterus with doubling of cervix and vagina
Q51.2 Other doubling of uterus
Doubling of uterus NOS
Q51.3 Bicornate uterus
Q51.4 Unicornate uterus
Q51.5 Agenesis and aplasia of cervix
Congenital absence of cervix
Q51.6 Embryonic cyst of cervix
Q51.7 Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts
Q51.8 Other congenital malformations of uterus and cervix
Hypoplasia of uterus and cervix
Q51.9 Congenital malformation of uterus and cervix, unspecified

Q52 Other congenital malformations of female genitalia

Q52.0 Congenital absence of vagina
Q52.1 Doubling of vagina
Septate vagina
Excludes: doubling of vagina with doubling of uterus and cervix ( Q51.1 )
Q52.2 Congenital rectovaginal fistula
Excludes: cloaca ( Q43.7 )
Q52.3 Imperforate hymen
Q52.4 Other congenital malformations of vagina
Congenital malformation of vagina NOS
canal of Nuck, congenital
embryonic vaginal
Q52.5 Fusion of labia
Q52.6 Congenital malformation of clitoris
Q52.7 Other congenital malformations of vulva
absence } of vulva
cyst }
malformation NOS }
Q52.8 Other specified congenital malformations of female genitalia
Q52.9 Congenital malformation of female genitalia, unspecified

Q53 Undescended testicle

Q53.0 Ectopic testis
Unilateral or bilateral ectopic testes
Q53.1 Undescended testicle, unilateral
Q53.2 Undescended testicle, bilateral
Q53.9 Undescended testicle, unspecified
Cryptorchism NOS

Q54 Hypospadias
Excludes: epispadias ( Q64.0 )
Q54.0 Hypospadias, balanic
Q54.1 Hypospadias, penile
Q54.2 Hypospadias, penoscrotal
Q54.3 Hypospadias, perineal

Q54.4 Congenital chordee
Q54.8 Other hypospadias
Q54.9 Hypospadias, unspecified

Q55 Other congenital malformations of male genital organs

Excludes: congenital hydrocele ( P83.5 )
hypospadias ( Q54.- )
Q55.0 Absence and aplasia of testis
Q55.1 Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum
Fusion of testes
Q55.2 Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum
Congenital malformation of testis or scrotum NOS
Retractile testis
Testis migrans
Q55.3 Atresia of vas deferens
Q55.4 Other congenital malformations of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles and
Absence or aplasia of:
spermatic cord
Congenital malformation of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles or prostate NOS
Q55.5 Congenital absence and aplasia of penis
Q55.6 Other congenital malformations of penis
Congenital malformation of penis NOS
Curvature of penis (lateral)
Hypoplasia of penis
Q55.8 Other specified congenital malformations of male genital organs
Q55.9 Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified
anomaly } NOS of male genital organ
deformity }

Q56 Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism

Excludes: pseudohermaphroditism:
female, with adrenocortical disorder ( E25.- )
male, with androgen resistance ( E34.5 )
with specified chromosomal anomaly ( Q96-Q99 )
Q56.0 Hermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Q56.1 Male pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Male pseudohermaphroditism NOS
Q56.2 Female pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Female pseudohermaphroditism NOS
Q56.3 Pseudohermaphroditism, unspecified
Q56.4 Indeterminate sex, unspecified
Ambiguous genitalia


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