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What is your RIASEC code? List your self-assessed type or the results of an assessment, such
as the Strong Interest Inventory tool or the Self-Directed Search (SDS).

SCEIRA, it states that I am Social, Conventional, Enterprising, Investigative, Realistic,

and then Artistic.

Three Letter Code: SCE

What are your preferences according to the dichotomies assessed in the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator*?

Intuition, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging.

Four Letter Type: ISFJ

List the careers you wish to explore that are consistent with the types in your RIASEC code,
your MBTI* type, or both.

The types of jobs that I am interest in the RIASEC is, Human Resource assistant.
The career from the MBTI* are, Administrative Assistant, Bank Teller.


What did your RIASEC code tell you about your preferences?

I am practical, concrete, hands-on, analytical, intellectual, scientific, and a thinker. I

am also creative, independent, and inventive. I work cooperatively supporting,
helpful and nurturing. I am also detailed oriented, organizing and clerical.

What did your MBTI* type tell you about your preferences?

Its says that I am an Introvert, I am energized by being quiet, reflective, and calm. I
like contemplating ideas and experiences. Exploring a subject in depth, Maintaining
distance and privacy. Noticing details, experiencing the present moment. I am
realistic and practical. I like seeking harmony and appreciation. I like serving others
and making authentic decisions. I like to create a plan and stick to it. See a task thru
and complete it. I like to set goals and maintain focus. I am conventional, grounded
and enjoy contributing to established structures of society.

What further information would be helpful to learn about the careers that reflect your
patterns of interests and personality characteristics? (These questions will inform your
career exploration in Chapter 5: Explore.)

I would like to find out more on social work, it is something I believe I have a passion
in. Helping others is something I believe will give me a full and fulfilling life.

Following your analysis, create a list of your top five preference that you want to focus on
using in your career (such as characteristics of your RIASEC code or MBTI* type).

1. Administrative Assistant
2. Bookkeeping
3. Office systems
4. Secretarial
5. Human resources

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