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8o ANO
Nos Cadernos do Programa de Educao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) Mundo do Trabalho so indicados
sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos contedos apresentados e
como referncias bibliogrficas. Todos esses endereos eletrnicos foram verificados. No entanto, como a
internet um meio dinmico e sujeito a mudanas, a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econmico, Cincia,
Tecnologia e Inovao no garante que os sites indicados permaneam acessveis ou inalterados, aps a
data de consulta impressa neste material.

A Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econmico, Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao autoriza a reproduo

do contedo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias do pas, desde que mantida a
integridade da obra e dos crditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos* devero ser diretamente
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*Constituem direitos autorais protegidos todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas neste material que no estejam em domnio
pblico nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

Educao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) Mundo do Trabalho: Arte, Ingls e Lngua Portuguesa: 8o ano/3o termo
do Ensino Fundamental. So Paulo: Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econmico, Cincia e Tecnologia
(SDECT), 2013.
il. (EJA Mundo do Trabalho)

Contedo: Caderno do Estudante.

ISBN: 978-85-65278-57-7 (Impresso)
978-85-65278-64-5 (Digital)

1. Educao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) Ensino Fundamental 2. Artes Estudo e ensino 3. Lngua
Inglesa Estudo e ensino 4. Lngua Portuguesa Estudo e ensino I. Secretaria de Desenvolvimento
Econmico, Cincia e Tecnologia II. Ttulo III. Srie.

CDD: 372

Sandra Aparecida Miquelin CRB-8 / 6090
Tatiane Silva Massucato Arias CRB-8 / 7262
Geraldo Alckmin



Nelson Luiz Baeta Neves Filho

Secretrio em exerccio

Maria Cristina Lopes Victorino

Chefe de Gabinete

Ernesto Masselani Neto

Coordenador de Ensino Tcnico,
Tecnolgico e Profissionalizante


Herman Voorwald

Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Secretria Adjunta

Fernando Padula Novaes

Chefe de Gabinete

Maria Elizabete da Costa

Coordenadora de Gesto da Educao Bsica
Concepo do programa e elaborao de contedos

Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econmico, Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao

Coordenao Geral do Projeto Equipe Tcnica

Juan Carlos Dans Sanchez Cibele Rodrigues Silva e Joo Mota Jr.

Fundao do Desenvolvimento Administrativo Fundap

Geraldo Biasoto Jr. Equipe tcnica e pedaggica

Diretor Executivo Ana Paula Lavos, Cllia La Laina, Dilma Fabri
Maro Pichoneri, Emily Hozokawa Dias, Fernando
Lais Cristina da Costa Manso Nabuco de Arajo Manzieri Heder, Lais Schalch, Liliana Rolfsen Petrilli
Segnini, Maria Helena de Castro Lima, Paula Marcia
Superintendente de Relaes Institucionais e
Ciacco da Silva Dias, Silvia Andrade da Silva Telles e
Projetos Especiais
Walkiria Rigolon
Coordenao Executiva do Projeto
Arte: Eloise Guazzelli e Gisa Picosque. Cincias:
Jos Lucas Cordeiro
Gustavo Isaac Killner. Geografia: Mait Bertollo.
Histria: Fbio Luis Barbosa dos Santos. Ingls:
Coordenao Tcnica Eduardo Portela. Lngua Portuguesa: Claudio
Impressos: Selma Venco Bazzoni. Matemtica: Antonio Jos Lopes. Trabalho:
Vdeos: Cristiane Ballerini Maria Helena de Castro Lima e Selma Venco.

Gesto do processo de produo editorial

Fundao Carlos Alberto Vanzolini

Antonio Rafael Namur Muscat Gesto Editorial

Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Denise Blanes

Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki Equipe de Produo

Vice-presidente da Diretoria Executiva Assessoria pedaggica: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira
Editorial: Adriana Ayami Takimoto, Airton Dantas de
Gesto de Tecnologias em Educao Arajo, Beatriz Chaves, Camila De Pieri Fernandes,
Carla Fernanda Nascimento, Clia Maria Cassis,
Direo da rea Cludia Letcia Vendrame Santos, Gisele Gonalves,
Guilherme Ary Plonski Hugo Otvio Cruz Reis, Lvia Andersen Frana,
Lucas Puntel Carrasco, Main Greeb Vicente,
Patrcia Maciel Bomfim, Patrcia Pinheiro de SantAna,
Coordenao Executiva do Projeto
Paulo Mendes e Tatiana Pavanelli Valsi
Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza
Direitos autorais e iconografia: Aparecido Francisco,
Beatriz Blay, Olvia Vieira da Silva Villa de Lima,
Gesto do Portal
Priscila Garofalo, Rita De Luca e Roberto Polacov
Luiz Carlos Gonalves, Sonia Akimoto e Apoio produo: Luiz Roberto Vital Pinto,
Wilder Rogrio de Oliveira Maria Regina Xavier de Brito, Valria Aranha e
Vanessa Leite Rios
Gesto de Comunicao Projeto grfico-editorial: R2 Editorial e Michelangelo
Ane do Valle Russo (Capa)

CTP, Impresso e Acabamento

Imprensa Oficial do Estado de So Paulo
Caro(a) estudante,
com grande satisfao que a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econmico,
Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao, em parceria com a Secretaria da Educao
do Estado de So Paulo, apresenta os Cadernos do Estudante do Programa
Educao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) Mundo do Trabalho, em atendimento
a uma justa reivindicao dos educadores e da sociedade. A proposta oferecer
um material pedaggico de fcil compreenso, para complementar suas atuais
necessidades de conhecimento.
Sabemos quanto difcil para quem trabalha ou procura um emprego se dedi-
car aos estudos, principalmente quando se retorna escola aps algum tempo.
O Programa nasceu da constatao de que os estudantes jovens e adultos
tm experincias pessoais que devem ser consideradas no processo de aprendi-
zagem em sala de aula. Trata-se de um conjunto de experincias, conhecimen-
tos e convices que se formou ao longo da vida. Dessa forma, procuramos
respeitar a trajetria daqueles que apostaram na educao como o caminho
para a conquista de um futuro melhor.
Nos Cadernos e vdeos que fazem parte do seu material de estudo, voc
perceber a nossa preocupao em estabelecer um dilogo com o universo do
trabalho. Alm disso, foi acrescentada ao currculo a disciplina Trabalho para
tratar de questes relacionadas a esse tema.
Nessa disciplina, voc ter acesso a contedos que podero auxili-lo na
procura do primeiro ou de um novo emprego. Vai aprender a elaborar o seu
currculo observando as diversas formas de seleo utilizadas pelas empresas.
Compreender tambm os aspectos mais gerais do mundo do trabalho, como as
causas do desemprego, os direitos trabalhistas e os dados relativos ao mercado
de trabalho na regio em que vive. Alm disso, voc conhecer algumas estra-
tgias que podero ajud-lo a abrir um negcio prprio, entre outros assuntos.
Esperamos que neste Programa voc conclua o Ensino Fundamental e, pos-
teriormente, continue estudando e buscando conhecimentos importantes para
seu desenvolvimento e para sua participao na sociedade. Afinal, o conheci-
mento o bem mais valioso que adquirimos na vida e o nico que se acumula
por toda a nossa existncia.
Bons estudos!
Secretaria da Educao

Secretaria de Desenvolvimento
Econmico, Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao
Arte.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Unidade 1
A materialidade nas criaes artsticas 9
Unidade 2
O corpo como suporte e matria da arte 29
Unidade 3
Matria e materiais inusitados na arte 45
Unidade 4
@rte e tecnologia: outros modos de materialidade 63

Ingls................................................................................................................................. 75
Unit 1
Food 77
Unit 2
The origins of work 91
Unit 3
Work safety 103
Unit 4
Common work issues 113

Lngua Portuguesa......................................................................................... 127

Unidade 1
Sentidos dentro e fora dos textos 129
Unidade 2
Fio de histrias... 153
Unidade 3
Cartas: seus autores e seus leitores 165
Unidade 4
Pesquisando o mundo em dicionrios e enciclopdias 187
Unidade 5
O que fazem os poetas com as palavras? 203
E nglish

8o ANO

Caro(a) estudante,

Aqui comea o seu estudo da disciplina Ingls do 8o ano/3o termo do Pro-

grama EJA Mundo do Trabalho.

Neste Caderno, voc ter oportunidade de enriquecer seu repertrio de

palavras em ingls, discutindo assuntos relevantes e de seu interesse que
enfocam diferentes dimenses das relaes de trabalho, inclusive do ponto
de vista histrico. Ver tambm alguns eventos importantes para os traba-

O tema da Unidade 1 alimentao e sua importncia para uma vida sau-

dvel. Voc aprender como a fome atinge populaes no mundo, conhecer
os tipos de alimentos e as ocupaes relacionadas indstria alimentcia.

Na Unidade 2, voc estudar os primrdios do trabalho: desde a origem

da palavra trabalho em portugus e em ingls at alguns aspectos sobre as
transformaes nas condies de trabalho, a partir da resistncia e organizao
dos trabalhadores.

J na Unidade 3, o assunto rotina e segurana no trabalho. Voc poder

refletir sobre as prticas que reduzem riscos para a sade e que contribuem
para a integridade fsica e mental dos trabalhadores.

Por fim, na Unidade 4, voc vai se aprofundar nas questes relacionadas ao

trabalho nos dias de hoje e seus principais desafios. Voc ter a oportunidade
de discutir alguns dos problemas mais comuns enfrentados pelo trabalhador

Bons estudos!
U nit

1 Food

Nesta Unidade, voc aprender ingls a partir de temas presentes

em nosso cotidiano: a alimentao, a sua importncia para os traba-
lhadores e os problemas decorrentes da m alimentao. Conhecer as
causas da fome no mundo e tambm estudar alguns tipos de alimentos
e a forma correta de prepar-los. Por fim, ver algumas ocupaes e
profisses relacionadas indstria alimentcia.

For starters
Qual a importncia da alimentao na rotina dos trabalhadores?
E as consequncias da falta ou da deficincia de alimentao?
Voc acha que o nmero de pessoas que passam fome no mundo
alto? Por qu?
Como o trabalho com alimentos? H cuidados especiais? Quais?

Activity 1 Lunch time!

1. Pair up with a classmate in order to do this reading activity. One
of you will be Glucia and the other will be Anderson. The teacher
will choose some students to perform for the rest of the class.

ANDERSON Hi, Glucia!

GLUCIA Hey, Anderson!
ANDERSON Voc j almoou?
GLUCIA Did you have lunch yet?
ANDERSON Did you have lunch yet?
GLUCIA No, not yet.
ANDERSON Vamos comer algo?
GLUCIA Lets...
ANDERSON Lets eat something?
GLUCIA Yes, lets have lunch! But in which restaurant?
ANDERSON Num restaurante limpo e barato, e com boa comida! In a clean
and cheap restaurant with good food!
GLUCIA Alright! I totally agree with you! I am starving!
ANDERSON Starving?
GLUCIA Morrendo de fome!
ANDERSON Ok, so lets go!

English Unit 1

2. The following text is about hunger. Read it silently. You may use a
dictionary and the keywords box.

What is hunger?

Hunger and starvation are terms used to indicate cases of malnutrition or food deprivation that affect
people all over the world. In many regions, victims spend weeks and even months living with less food than
recommended for a healthy life.
According to World Food Programme (WFP) Programa Mundial de Alimentao the daily quantity of energy
and protein that a person needs varies according to age, sex, body mass and practice of physical activity. An estimated
average indicates that 2,100 calories a day are needed to live a normal and healthy life.

To compensate for the lack of energy,

Imagem do acervo do Projeto Portinari/ Reproduo autorizada por Joo Candido Portinari

the body starts to decrease its physical

and mental activities. This way, a person
suffering from hunger has more difficulty in
concentrating and having initiatives for the
daily activities. Children lose the will to play
and study.
Added to this, the lack of food debilitates
the immune system; people suffering from
hunger have more difficulties in fighting
diseases. This may lead to death caused by
common infections such as diarrhea.

Candido Portinari. Retirantes, 1944. leo sobre tela,

190 cm x 180 cm. Coleo Museu de Arte de So Paulo
Assis Chateaubriand, So Paulo (SP).

Fonte: WORLD Food Programme (WFP). What is hunger? Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.

Keywords box
according to de acordo com to decrease diminuir lack of falta de
all over por todo deprivation privao to lead levar a, conduzir
average mdia disease doena starvation inanio, fome extrema
body mass massa corporal healthy saudvel will vontade
daily dirio hunger fome

3. Talk to your partner about the text. What is it about? How much
of the text could you understand? Did you find it easy or difficult?

English Unit 1

4. Answer the following questions:

a) According to the text, what is the definition of hunger?
How do you feel when you see someone suffering from hungry?

b) Why is healthy eating so important?

Time for citizenship

A sade e a alimentao so, entre outros, direitos sociais
dos cidados brasileiros. Inmeras normas legais e publicaes
foram editadas, a partir da Constituio Federal de 1988, para
garantir a produo e a comercializao de alimentos mais segu-
ros e, assim, proteger a sade dos consumidores.
Na primeira metade da dcada de 1990, o principal marco
nessa direo foi a Primeira Conferncia Nacional de Segurana
Alimentar, em Braslia, em julho de 1994. Suas discusses pre-
paratrias em todo o territrio nacional foram significativas e
tornaram evidente que a concentrao de renda e terra podia
ser considerada o principal determinante da situao de fome
e insegurana alimentar no Brasil. Em documento, o Conselho
Nacional de Segurana Alimentar e Nutricional (Consea) de-
monstrou a necessidade de assegurar sade, nutrio e alimenta-
o a grupos vulnerveis; de garantir qualidade aos alimentos e
de estimular prticas alimentares e de vida saudveis.
importante manter-se bem informado sobre os efeitos de
uma alimentao equilibrada para o bem-estar e a disposio
geral fsica e mental, seja para o trabalho ou para o lazer e
evitar comer lanches, salgados e doces gordurosos, que tm
pouco valor nutricional.
BRASIL. Conselho Nacional de Segurana Alimentar e Nutricional (Consea). Relatrio
Final: GT Alimentao adequada e saudvel. Braslia, DF, maro 2007. Disponvel em:
documento-final-alimentacao-adequada-e-saudavel>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.

English Unit 1

Activity 2 Lets talk about food safety

1. The teacher will read the following text out loud once or twice.
Pay attention to his/her pronunciation. When he/she is finished,
he/she will choose a volunteer student to read the text out loud.
After a few sentences, another volunteer will continue reading.
Pay attention to pronunciation corrections and explanations that
the teacher will make during the activity.

Food safety

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), it is possible to say
that there is a state of food safety when:
[...] all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which
meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

From 1970 to 1997 (cf. WFP), with the aid of social programs in India and China, the number of people suffering
from hunger decreased from 959 million to 791 million. But in the second half of the 1990s, this number started to
increase at a rate of almost 4 million a year in developing countries due to the new social and food crisis.
Although the world produces more food each year, this does not seem to solve the problem. The UN
estimated that 1,023 billion people suffered from hunger in 2009. This figure is still extremely high.
In order to fight poverty and hunger, in 2010 the UN established eight goals called the Millennium
Development Goals. The first of them is related to hunger:

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

United Nations
Development Programme
The Goal 1 established three targets, from 1990 to 2015, in order to
eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the world:
1. Decrease by half the proportion of people who make less than 1 dollar a day.
Smbolo da campanha
2. Obtain decent work and full and productive employment for everyone. da ONU para representar
3. Decrease by half the proportion of people suffering from hunger. a primeira meta do milnio.

What causes hunger?

According to the Global Issues (2010), these are the most important causes of hunger all over the world:
[Lack of] land rights and ownership Famine
Diversion of land use to non-productive use Drought
Increasing emphasis on export-oriented agriculture Overfishing
Inefficient agricultural practices Poor crop yield
War Lack of democracy and rights

FOOD and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Chapter 2. Food security: concepts and measurement. In: Trade reforms and food security.
Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.
SHAH, Anup. Causes of hunger are related to poverty. Global issues, 3 out. 2010. Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.
UNITED Nations (UN). Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. We can end poverty 2015 Millennium development goals.
Nova Iorque, 20-22 set. 2010. Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.
WORLD Food Programme (WFP). What is hunger? Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 18 out. 2012.

English Unit 1

Keywords box

aid ajuda famine escassez genera- overfishing pesca

lizada de comida predatria
although embora

crop yield rendimento de safra figure nmero ownership propriedade

full and emprego pleno safety segurana

to decrease by half diminuir pela metade
productive e produtivo to seem parecer
developing em desenvolvimento employment
goal objetivo target meta
drought seca
war guerra
due to devido a to increase aumentar
each cada to meet satisfazer

2. Answer the following questions about the text you have just read.
a) What happened from 1970 to 1997?

b) Read again about the causes of hunger in the world. Which

of those causes do you think are associated with hunger in

English Unit 1

3. Study the map. What continents suffer from hunger the most?

Sciences Po
Atelier de Cartographie de Sciences Po. Disponvel em: <
malnutrition-et-ins-curit-alimentaire-2010>. Acesso em: 24 out. 2012. Traduo: Rene Zicman.

Did you know?

As you read in the beginning of this Unit, according to the
Oleksiy Mark/123RF

Jaimie Duplass/123RF

WFP, a person needs about 2,100 calories a day in order to

have a normal and healthy life. Take a look at the pictures with
the approximate amount of calories present in a single portion
of some foods. It is not only the lack of calories which causes
problems; calories abuse can also be harmful for a persons
health. Some of the problems related to obesity are heart 1 slice of mozzarella pizza = 304 cal.
disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer (cf. UN).
1 can of soda = 137 cal.
Valentyn Volkov/123RF

FAAC Unesp. Tabela de calorias dos alimentos mais servidos em nossa


mesa. Disponvel em: <

apetite/tabelas/cal_ali.htm>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.
UN News Centre. Worldwide overweight and obesity problem staggering
UN Health Agency. Disponvel em: <
asp?NewsID=15937&Cr=health&Cr1>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. 1 bread roll = 135 cal. 1 cheese salad sandwich = 738 cal.

English Unit 1

Types of food


Emotive Images/Easypix


Fernando Favoretto/Criar Imagem

Anatoly Tiplyashin/123RF

Coffee Milk Yogurt Fruits

Vladimir Voronin/123RF
Daniel Oertelt/123RF

Pedro Rubens/Abril Imagens

Paulo Savala
Cereal Cheese Juice Grilled bread


Fernando Favoretto/Criar Imagem

Ricardo Machado/Sambaphoto

Denis Khveshchenik/123RF

Rice Vegetables Beans

Fried egg
Kheng Ho Toh/123RF

Ramon Grosso Dolarea/123RF

Andrey Starostin/123RF

Ildi Papp/123RF

French fries (potatoes) Salad Steak Soup

Did you know?

Olga Miltsova/123RF
liv friis-larsen/Alamy/Diomedia

A palavra pasta chegou ao ingls diretamente do

italiano. Como no idioma original, ela designa todos
os tipos de macarro espaguete, nhoque, capelete
etc. Alis, no ingls, esses nomes permanecem
tambm com a grafia italiana: spaghetti, gnocchi e
Pizza Pasta cappelletti.

English Unit 1

Activity 3 What do you eat?

Top tips
O documentrio Consider what you have learned about eating habits and answer
Super size me A dieta do the following questions with a classmate.
palhao (Super size me,
direo de Morgan
Spurlock, 2004) expe os 1. What is healthy eating habits? What about healthy food?
males que a alimentao
desequilibrada pode
causar. Nele, o diretor
do filme registra os
efeitos fsicos e mentais
que 30 dias seguidos de
alimentao fast-food
causam nele mesmo. Em
um ms ele ganha
2. What is junk food?
11 quilos, v seu colesterol
aumentar e desenvolve
problemas de humor.
Outro documentrio
interessante sobre o
tema Comida S/A
(Food, Inc., direo de
Robert Kenner, 2008). 3. What are the types of food you eat every day? Are they healthy
O filme mostra de
onde realmente vm or not?
e como so feitos os
alimentos encontrados
nas prateleiras dos
A concluso
preocupante: a indstria
alimentcia responsvel
por maus-tratos a animais
e mesmo a funcionrios,
destruio do ambiente
e produo de comida
pouco ou nada saudvel. Activity 4 Mind map
The topics discussed in this Unit could be arranged in mind maps,
Mind map like: types of food or hunger. A good mind map should have many
Diagram used to branches and be clear. Look at the following mind map of types of food:
indicate and visualize
linked information.
It is a common tool
for classification and tomato
organization of several Vegetables
items in a certain list.


Types of food Meats



English Unit 1

1. In groups, develop your mind map. Add three or four more examples
of types of food.

2. Show your production to the teacher and check if it is correct.

3. Present your production to the whole class.

Activity 5 The cheapest healthy eating plate

Analyze the following diagram of a healthy eating plate developed
by the Harvard School of Public Health.

In groups, produce a healthy eating plate with food available in

your neighborhood markets or street markets. Choose the cheapest
ingredients. Make a list with them and share with the class your
recipe and how much you spent. You may use the dictionary and talk
to your teacher in order to do this activity.

Harvard University

English Unit 1

Activity 6 Preparing food in a healthy way

1. Read the following text.

Hygienic food preparation

The steps suggested by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency

(Agncia Nacional de Vigilncia Sanitria Anvisa) in order to prepare food
hygienically are:
Wash your hands properly
It is utterly necessary to wash your hands

Zhang Xiangyang/123RF
thoroughly and correctly before and after
manipulating raw food (red meat, chicken,
fish and unwashed vegetables). Wash your
hands correctly:
wet your hands in running water;
rub the palm and the back of your hands
with soap;
rub your fingernails and between your
fingers for at least 15 seconds;
rinse with running water, making sure all soap is gone;
dry hands with paper towel or another efficient drying system;
rub your hand with antiseptic.
Cook all food
Food must be well-cooked in
a temperature of at least 70C in
Ale Ruaro/Pulsar Imagens

order to kill all microbes. Make

sure red meat and chicken are not
raw inside. The juice of these meats
must be clear and not rosy. Make
sure all foods have changed color
and texture while cooking; the
internal parts of the food must also
reach 70C.

Avoid cross-contamination
Avoid the contact between raw food and cooked food. Wash all utensils
(knives, forks, spoons, plates, bowls etc.) used during raw food preparation
before using them on cooked food.
This procedure is necessary because
raw food may transmit microbes to
Fernando Favoretto/Criar Imagem

ready-to-eat food through utensils.

This type of microbe transmission
is called cross-contamination. An
example of cross-contamination is
cutting raw chicken and using the
same knife (without washing it) to
slice cooked meat.

English Unit 1

Use oil correctly

Pay attention to changes
in odor, flavor, color and foam
Joo Prudente/Pulsar Imagens

formation when using oils and

fats in cooking: these are signs
that they must be replaced
immediately. Oils form toxic
substances when used for long
periods, besides giving unpleasant
taste and odor to food. Overused
oil also produces a lot of smoke.
Frozen food
Frozen and refrigerated food must not
stay out of the freezer for too long. In case you

prepare food that goes into the fridge or freezer,
make sure to tag them with:
name of the food;
date in which food was prepared;
expiration date.
Do not let food defrost in ambient weather.
Microbes rapidly multiply in room temperature.
Preferably, use a microwave if you need to
prepare the food immediately or leave it in the
fridge until defrosting is complete. Meat should
defrost inside recipients because its juice might
contaminate other foods with microbes.

Fonte: ANVISA. Cartilha sobre boas prticas para servios de alimentao. 3. ed. Braslia: Anvisa, 2004.
Disponvel em: <>.
Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. Traduo: Eduardo Portela.

Keywords box

to avoid evitar raw cru

ambient weather temperatura ambiente to reach alcanar
besides alm de to rinse enxaguar
cross-contamination contaminao cruzada rosy de colorao rosada
to defrost descongelar to rub esfregar
to dry secar running water gua corrente
expiration date data de vencimento smoke fumaa
fat gordura soap sabo
foam espuma to tag etiquetar, rotular
frozen congelado thoroughly completamente
to leave deixar utensil utenslio
meat carne utterly absolutamente
must deve to wet molhar
overused usado muitas vezes

English Unit 1

2. Answer the questions about the text you have just read.

a) When is it especially necessary to wash your hands?

b) Why must food be cooked at 70C?

c) What is cross-contamination?

d) What are the signs that the oil has been overused?

e) What do we have to do before putting food into the freezer?

3. Read the text Hygienic food preparation again and write a short
paragraph based on it using your own words. Then show your
production to the teacher and check if it is correct. If you want,
present your production to the whole class.

English Unit 1

Food and professions

Depending on the goals you want to achieve in your professional
life, you may find many food-related professions to follow a career.
Read the chart below to know some of them.

baker fish farmer

chef cook

bartender restaurant manager

beekeeper hot dog vendor

butcher ice cream taster

cake designer kitchen assistant

coffee shop owner nutritionist

dishwasher pizza chef

restaurant owner sommelier

Activity 7 Guessing game

With the teachers mediation, you are going to play a guessing
game. First, one volunteer will choose a profession from the list above
without telling the classmates. The rest of the class will ask yes or no
questions (questions to which the answer can only be yes or no)
until somebody finds out the profession chosen by the volunteer.

You studied

Nesta Unidade, voc estudou diversos temas relacionados

com comida e alimentao, como a importncia dos alimentos
para uma vida saudvel e os problemas causados por sua falta
ou seu excesso. Tambm discutiu sobre os diferentes tipos de
comida e a forma correta de manuse-los, bem como sobre al-
guns dos profissionais que trabalham direta ou indiretamente
com os alimentos.

English Unit 1

Think about it

Em sua famlia, h pessoas com excesso de peso ou obesas? Elas

apresentam alguma doena relacionada com a obesidade? O que pode
ser feito, alm de adquirir hbitos alimentares mais saudveis, para
combater esse transtorno sem precisar recorrer a medicamentos? E
voc? Quando se alimenta, voc se preocupa em ingerir uma refeio
saudvel ou prefere junk food?

U nit

2 The origins of work

Nesta Unidade, voc ver que, desde os primeiros registros sobre

sua origem, o trabalho se transformou, passando pela escravido,
pelas lutas e revolues histricas de homens e mulheres que assegu-
raram aos profissionais de hoje melhores condies e direitos traba-
lhistas. Por meio de textos, dilogos e debates, voc poder ampliar
seu vocabulrio em ingls sobre o tema.

For starters
Converse com seus colegas sobre as seguintes questes: Trabalho
6o ano/1o termo
Unidade 1
Em sua opinio, o que trabalho?
Como as relaes de trabalho modificaram-se ao longo da histria?
Como elas so hoje em dia?
Faa uma lista com as palavras que voc associa ao trabalho.

As origens das palavras trabalho, work e labor

H diversas maneiras de
denominar o trabalho; labor e
Joo Pirolla

labuta so alguns dos exemplos.

A palavra trabalho vem do
latim tripalium, que significa,
literalmente, trs paus (tri- =
trs; pallium = paus). Original-
mente, o termo tripalium refe-
ria-se a um instrumento de ferro
com trs pontas, utilizado para
bater e esfiapar o trigo ou as
espigas de milho. Depois, come-
ou a ser utilizado para indicar Latim vulgar
um instrumento de tortura de O latim falado pela plebe
escravos. Desse termo derivou-se da sociedade do antigo
Imprio Romano.
o verbo do latim vulgar tripaliare,
que significa torturar.

English Unit 2

Em ingls, as palavras work e labor so usadas para designar

trabalho. A origem da palavra work indo-europeia, werk, que
significa um feito, ao, procedimento, negcio ou fortificao mili-
tar. J a palavra labor tem sua origem no francs antigo e significa
o esforo fsico do corpo humano.

Uma das formas mais antigas de trabalho tambm uma das mais
desumanas e cruis: o trabalho escravo. No trabalho escravo, as pes-
soas eram tratadas como mercadorias e, como tais, podiam ser com-
pradas e vendidas.

Gustave Boulanger. Mercado de escravos romano, sculo XIX. Xilogravura aps pintura.

Como em muitos outros lugares do mundo, o Brasil tambm

sofreu com a escravido. Tal sistema deixou marcas que ainda hoje
se refletem em alguns aspectos das relaes de trabalho, como as
condies desumanas dos empregados nos canaviais de So Paulo,
ou a explorao do trabalho dos imigrantes ilegais.

English Unit 2

Fundao Biblioteca Nacional

Johann Moritz Rugendas. Mercado de Negros, 1827-35. Litogravura colorida integrante da obra Viagem Pitoresca ao Brasil.

Neste Caderno, voc vai estudar como as condies de trabalho

mudaram medida que homens e mulheres lutaram para garantir seus
direitos e impedir os abusos da explorao do homem pelo homem.

Activity 1 A little bit of history

1. Read the following text in silence. Use the keywords box to
learn new words and understand the text. The teacher will be
walking around the classroom to help you.
2. After you have read and understood the text, the teacher will
choose a volunteer student to read the text out loud. After a few
sentences, another volunteer will continue reading. Pay attention
to pronunciation corrections and explanations that the teacher will
make during the activity.

English Unit 2

Quilombo of Palmares and the struggle of the black people in Brazil

Quilombo is a word originated from the peoples of Bantu language, who inhabited the region of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. It is a place where fugitive slaves could live free from the
oppression of slave work.

Political Africa

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The world factbook. Disponvel em: <
the-world-factbook/docs/refmaps.html>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. Mantida a grafia original.

English Unit 2

The name Palmares comes from the vegetation found in the region: palm trees of several types. Historians
indicate that Quilombo of Palmares was established around 1597, when a group of approximately 40 slaves
escaped during the night from a sugar cane mill in the captaincy of Pernambuco, in an area now located in the
State of Alagoas.
Professor Kabengele Munanga, an anthropologist specialized in Afro-Brazilian culture, asserts that
quilombos are of African origin; they were a social and military organization to fight against enemies and for

The quilombo was run by a warrior among warriors, an intransigent chief inserted in the strictness of military
discipline. The content of the Brazilian quilombo makes it, without a doubt, a copy of the African quilombo.

The leader of Quilombo of Palmares

Acervo Iconographia/Reminiscncias
was Zumbi. He was killed by government
troops on November 20 th, 1695. For this
reason, the Zumbi and Black Awareness
National Day (Dia Nacional do Zumbi e
da Conscincia Negra) is celebrated as a
holiday in Brazil.
The resistance of the black people
against slavery was one of the first
and most important struggles against
inhumane work conditions.

Antnio Parreiras. Zumbi (detalhe), 1927. leo sobre tela,

115,3 cm x 87,4 cm. Museu Antnio Parreiras, Niteri (RJ).
GENNARI, Emilio. Em busca da liberdade: trao das lutas escravas no Brasil. So Paulo: Expresso Popular, 2008.
MUNANGA, Kabengele. Origem e histrico do Quilombo na frica. Revista USP Dossi Povo Negro, 300 anos. So Paulo:
Universidade de So Paulo, dez./fev. 95/96. Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.
Traduo: Eduardo Portela.
VILELA, Tlio. O Quilombo dos Palmares: verdades e mitos sobre o quilombo e Zumbi. UOL Educao, 8 ago. 2005. Disponvel
em: <>.
Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

Keywords box
to assert afirmar, insistir to insert/inserted inserir/inserido
awareness conscincia leader chefe, lder
black people populao negra mill engenho, moinho
content contedo self-protection autoproteo
doubt dvida several vrios
to establish/established estabelecer/estabelecido slave/slavery escravo/escravido
to fight lutar, brigar strictness rigor, severidade
to find/found encontrar, encontrado struggle against luta contra
to inhabit/inhabited habitar/habitavam warrior guerreiro
inhumane desumano

English Unit 2

3. According to the text, answer the following questions with the

assistance of your teacher:
a) What was a quilombo?

b) Who lived in quilombos?

c) Who was Zumbi?

Activity 2 Working conditions in the beginning of the

twentieth century
1. Based on your previous knowledge, answer the following
questions in pairs:

a) What were the work conditions in England about 100 years ago?

Trabalho b) In your opinion, have these work conditions changed with

8o ano/3o termo
Unidade 3 time? What were these changes? Point out positive and negative
aspects of these changes.

c) What is the role of workers in the demands for better work


English Unit 2

2. Now read the following text. It contains some answers to the

questions previously raised.

The Uprising of the 20,000

In the beginning of the twentieth century, many migrants

Biblioteca do Congresso Americano, Washington, EUA

moved to the United States of America searching for the
American dream. However, work conditions were not what
one would call a dream. In New York City, around 30,000 women
worked in the shirtwaist industry as seamstresses, most of them
were migrants from Italy and Eastern Europe.
Work was hard and wages were low. Women and children
worked up to 70 hours a week. On November 22nd, 1909, around
20,000 women decided to cross their arms and go on strike for
better conditions. This was the largest strike by women in the
USA until the womens strike for equality in 1970. Mulheres em manifestao de greve feita no
incio do sculo XX.

The strike lasted 13 weeks and


many women were arrested and sent

to prison for many days. Besides the
support of trade unions, the movement
received donations from rich women
of New York City who supported their
After spreading to other cities like
Chicago, Cleveland and Philadelphia,
and mobilizing over 40,000 workers,
339 companies signed agreements with
the workers. Only 13 companies, among
them the Triangle Shirtwaist Company,
did not come to any agreement with
their workers.

A foto, de 1960, apresenta as condies e organizao do trabalho comuns poca.

Fonte: GONZLES, Ana Isabel Alvarez. Origens e a comemorao do Dia Internacional das Mulheres. So Paulo: Expresso Popular, 2010, p. 40-47.

Keywords box
after spreading aps se espalhar low baixo strike greve
agreement acordo over mais de support apoio
American dream sonho americano seamstress costureira trade union sindicato
among them entre eles to search/ procurar, buscar/ twentieth sculo XX
to arrest/arrested prender/presos searching procurando, century
beginning incio, comeo buscando uprising levante
to come chegar shirtwaist vestido cuja parte de wage salrio
to go on strike entrar em greve cima era uma camisa
however no entanto to sign/signed assinar/assinaram

English Unit 2

3. With your teachers assistance compare your answers given in

Exercise 1 with the information in the text The Uprising of the 20,000.

4. Now answer the following questions in groups.

a) How many people worked in the shirtwaist industry in New

York City?

b) How many hours a week did a seamstress use to work?

c) What other precarious conditions could you identify in the text?

d) What was the Uprising of the 20,000?

e) Would you join the movement if you were a worker at that

time? Why?

English Unit 2

Activity 3 Verbs and nouns

Verbs are the backbone of a language. In English, they are
important because many words can be verbs and nouns. For example,
the word fish means both the animal and the act of fishing.
However, not all words fit into this rule, so pay special attention to the
nouns which are different from the verbs.

Complete and expand the following chart:

Verb (present) Past Past Participle Future Noun

to fish = pescar fished fished will fish fish = peixe

to originate = originar originated originated will originate origin = origem

to inhabit = will habitation =

to live = viver will life = vida

to establish = estabelecer will establishment = estabelecimento

to escape = escapar, fugir will escape = fuga

to locate = localizar located located will local = local

= especializar specialized will specialty =

to assert = afirmar will assertion =

to serve = served will service =

to fight = brigar fought fought will fight =

to kill = assassinar will killing =

to celebrate = will celebration =

to group = will group = grupo

to place = colocar will place =

to work = will work =

to doubt = will doubt = dvida

being = ser
to be = ser, estar was/were been will be (human being = ser humano)

English Unit 2

Activity 4 
What did you learn?
1. Read the following dialogue between Anderson and Glucia:

ANDERSON Hey, Glucia, how are you doing?

GLUCIA Im great! How about you?
ANDERSON Im great, too! Yesterday, I had a very interesting class.
GLUCIA Really? And what was this class about?
ANDERSON Well, it was about work!
 bout work? That doesnt sound very interesting. No me parece
to interessante assim.
ANDERSON But it was! It really was! Acredite em mim.
GLUCIA Believe me...
ANDERSON Believe me.
GLUCIA Well, what did you learn that was so interesting?
ANDERSON I learned that... I learned that... Glucia, como eu digo, se hoje
temos condies decentes de trabalho?
GLUCIA Decent work conditions.
ANDERSON Decent work conditions.
GLUCIA If today we have...
ANDERSON If today we have...
GLUCIA If today we have decent work conditions...
 hanks, Glucia. Now I got it! If today we have decent work
conditions, its because of workers and their struggle.
GLUCIA Interesting! Tell me more! What else did you learn?

2. Write with your own words a short paragraph about what you
have learned so far in this Unit. Use your glossary, dictionary and
ask the teacher for some help.

English Unit 2

Activity 5 The Russian Revolution

1. Read the following text.
An example of workers struggle: the Russian Revolution 8o ano/3o termo
Unidade 1
One of the most important and relevant
episodes in the history of workers struggle is the

Did you know?
Russian Revolution. The International
This revolution happened mainly because of Womens Day
centuries of oppression suffered by workers who In the early 1900s, at
the time of the Industrial
lived in a serfdom system, but there were other
Revolution, the womens
causes which also contributed to this historical event. salary was considered
The serfdom system had its origins in the 11th a complement to
the mens salary. The
century, and was very similar to slavery. The main
historical struggle of
difference between slavery and serfdom was that working women began
in serfdom, landowners did not own a serf. before the Russian
Revolution. In fact, the
In serfdom, serfs worked for the landowner episode of the Triangle
Cartaz de propaganda da
and could not move to a different location. They Shirtwaist Company
Revoluo Russa de 1917,
had to work the land for the landowner and pay convocando trabalhadores de was only one among
him tributes. outros pases para se envolver others when female
na revoluo. workers demanded
In 1861, the Tsar similar to a king abolished social rights similar to
the serfdom system and the Russian Industrial those of male citizens.
Revolution began. Russia industrialized very rapidly and, as a result, cities In 1909, the National
were growing as never before. The average number of people living in a single Womens Day (NWD) was
celebrated for the first
apartment was 16, with approximately six people per room. There was no time in the United States.
running water, and trash was accumulated in the streets. In 1910, Clara Zetkin,
a leader and German
In the fields, even though serfdom had been abolished, peasants still had to
worker, proposed an
pay tributes to the State and many revolts related to land ownership happened International Womens
around this period. Day. Later, the United
Nations (UN) proposed an
In 1914, the Tsar sent millions of Russians to fight in the World War I. As a International Womens
consequence, Russian women became responsible for much of the work done by Year between March 8th,
men, as they watched their children, husbands and fathers die in the war. The lack 1975 and March 8th, 1976.
of food and the cold russian winter turned the situation even more despairing. Finally, in 1977, March 8th
was designated the
Alexandra Kollontai, a writer and revolutionary leader described the International Womens
beginning of this historical event: Day (IWD), a date that
is now celebrated yearly
Hunger, cold and trials of war broke the patience of the women workers in many countries
and the peasant women of Russia. In 1917, on the 8th of March (23 rd around the world as a
of February), on Working Womens Day, they came out boldly in the global day of recognition
streets of Petrograd. The women some were workers, some were wives and celebration of
of soldiers demanded Bread for our children and The return of our womens rights.
husbands from the trenches. Fonte: ABOUT International
Womens Day (8 March).
Referncias International Womens
Day website. Disponvel
FIGES, Orlando. A tragdia de um povo: a Revoluo Russa 1891-1924. Rio de Janeiro: em: <http://www.
Record, 1999, p. 159. internationalwomensday.
KOLLONTAI, Alexandra. International Womens Day. Traduo: Alix Holt. Disponvel em: com/about.asp>. Acesso
<>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. em: 23 out. 2012.

English Unit 2

Keywords box
to abolish/abolished abolir/aboliu despairing desesperador peasant campesino,
to become/ tornar-se/ even more ainda mais campons
became tornou-se to grow/ crescer/ serf servo
boldly corajosamente growing crescendo serfdom servido
bread po to happen/ acontecer/ trench trincheira
to break/ acabar/acabou happened aconteceu trial provao
broke the patience com a pacincia husband marido winter inverno
children filhos, crianas landowner proprietrio de terra wife/wives esposa/esposas
to demand/ demandar, exigir/ mainly principalmente
demanded demandaram, exigiram own possuir, ter

2. Read more about the Russian Revolution in Portuguese or in

English. Write a small report about your findings in English.
Make sure to add information about the impacts (positive and
negative) in the life of Russian workers after the revolution.

You studied

Nesta Unidade, voc aprendeu sobre as origens do trabalho e suas formas mais
precrias. Conheceu a histria de resistncia da populao negra que, lutando contra a
escravido, vivia nos quilombos. Pde ainda refletir sobre as condies de trabalho no
incio do sculo XX, ao discutir sobre um episdio de luta de trabalhadoras da inds-
tria txtil estadunidense e a Rssia revolucionria.

Ao longo desta Unidade, voc tambm teve oportunidade de ampliar seu repertrio
de palavras e conhecer novas estruturas e frases em ingls.

Think about it

Escravido, servido e trabalho infantil so formas extremas de explorao. Apesar das

mudanas e conquistas de direitos sociais vinculados ao trabalho, ainda possvel encontrar
trabalho infantil e formas similares escravido no Brasil e em outros pases.
Em sua opinio, por que isso ainda acontece?
Voc tem conhecimento sobre a ocorrncia de algumas dessas formas ilegais de trabalho?
Se sim, que medidas tomaria com base nas leis para denunciar esse fato?
Quais so os instrumentos disponveis sociedade para conter e acabar com esses proble-
mas que infelizmente ainda persistem em nosso Pas?

U nit

3 Work safety

Nesta Unidade, voc ver a importncia de procedimentos que Trabalho

8o ano/3o termo
visam segurana no local de trabalho. Por meio de textos, dilogos Unidade 3
e debates, conhecer mais sobre os Equipamentos de Proteo Indivi-
dual (EPIs) e sobre as leses que esses equipamentos previnem. Outro
tema ser a Comisso Interna de Preveno de Acidentes (CIPA),
seus objetivos e funcionamento. Todos esses assuntos trabalhados em
ingls possibilitaro a voc ampliar seus conhecimentos do idioma.

For starters
Em duplas, conversem sobre os seguintes temas:
Quais so os riscos existentes em seu trabalho? O que ter segu-
rana no trabalho?
Quais so os instrumentos (ou meios) existentes para a preveno
de riscos no trabalho?

Time for citizenship

Desde a Revoluo Industrial, em fins do sculo XIX, o caminho percorrido pelos
trabalhadores, no mundo todo, foi marcado pelas lutas da classe operria organizada em
reconhecimento de seus direitos sociais, igualdade, justia e conquista da cidadania plena.
Essas lutas resultaram na conquista de direitos, como o de fazer greve, de reunir-se em
sindicatos e de regulamentar a jornada de trabalho. Os empregadores passaram, por fora
da lei, a providenciar condies de trabalho mais favorveis e mais seguras, por exemplo,
o fornecimento de EPIs. Entretanto, a insegurana fsica e a insalubridade do ambiente de
trabalho nem sempre so compensadas pelos equipamentos de segurana. preciso reconhe-
cer tambm que muitos trabalhadores se recusam a usar tais equipamentos baseando-se,
muitas vezes, em certo sentimento de coragem e virilidade para enfrentar o trabalho , mes-
mo sabendo que esto prejudicando sua sade e integridade fsica. Outro agravante que,
por inmeras razes, entre as quais o receio de perder o emprego, o prprio empregado
deixa de reconhecer que o ambiente insalubre prejudica sua sade e segurana, preferindo
atribuir a si prprio a responsabilidade pelos acidentes ou doenas laborais.

English Unit 3

Activity 1 Silent reading

1. Read the following text in silence. Use the keywords box to
learn new words and to understand the text. The teacher will be
walking around the classroom to help you.

The routine of Sadie Frowne

Sadie Frowne came with her family from Poland to work in the United States of America. She worked
as a seamstress in a factory in Brooklyn, New York City. She was approximately 16 years old when she
described to a reporter of The Independent magazine her work routine in 1902.
At seven oclock we all sit down to our machines and the
boss brings to each one the pile of work that he or she is to

finish during the day, what they call in English their stint.
This pile is put down beside the machine and as soon as a
garment is done it is laid on the other side of the machine.
Sometimes the work is not all finished by six oclock, and
then the one who is behind must work overtime.

The machines go like mad all day, because the faster you
A foto, de 1910, mostra crianas entre 5 e 12 anos work the more money you get. Sometimes in my haste I
trabalhando como costureiras em Nova Iorque, get my finger caught and the needle goes right through it.
nos Estados Unidos.
It goes so quick, though, that it does not hurt much. I bind
the finger up with a piece of cotton and go on working. We
all have accidents like that.
Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis/Latinstock

All the time we are working the boss walks around

examining the finished garments and making us do them
over again if they are not just right. So we have to be careful
as well as swift. But I am getting so good at the work that
within a year I will be making $7 a week, and then I can save
at least $4.50 a week. I have over $200 saved now.

FROWNE, Sadie. Days and dreams. Kheel Center/Universidade
de Cornell, EUA. Disponvel em: <
Mulheres costureiras trabalhando em fbrica do trianglefire/primary/testimonials/ootss_SadieFrowne.html>.
incio do sculo XX, sob vigilncia do supervisor. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

Keywords box
as soon as to logo, garment vesturio, roupa to save/saved economizar/
assim que to hurt doer economizado
at least pelo menos needle agulha stint tarefa com prazo
behind atrs, atrasado limitado, quota
over again mais uma vez,
beside ao lado novamente swift veloz, gil

to bind something up colocar atadura piece of cotton pedao de through atravs

finger dedo algodo within dentro de

English Unit 3

2. Answer the following questions about the text you have just read.

a) Who was Sadie Frowne?

b) How many hours a day did she use to work?

c) What kinds of accident happened where she worked?

d) Do you agree with the system the more you work the more
money you get? Why?

Activity 2 Reading out loud

1. The teacher will read the following text out loud once or twice.
Pay attention to his/her pronunciation. After reading, the teacher
will choose a volunteer student to read the text out loud. Few
sentences later, another volunteer will continue reading. Pay
attention to pronunciation corrections and explanations that the
teacher will make during the activity.

English Unit 3

The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company

Only one year after the Uprising of the 20,000, a huge fire ended the lives of 143 workers: 13 men, 123 women,
and seven unidentified bodies.
The women were aged between 16 and 24, most of them foreigners who did not speak English very well
and panicked when they could not understand the warnings and exit signs in the building.
Associated Press/Glow Images

Associated Press/Glow Images

Parte externa do prdio da Parte interna do prdio da Triangle Shirtwaist Company aps
Triangle Shirtwaist Company incndio de 1911.
no incndio de 1911.

The tragedy happened in the Triangle


Shirtwaist Factory, located in a 10-story
Hudson Calasans




building. The building did not have enough

exits and the doors were locked so that
Co. Bldg.

8 continuous tables - total number

workers would not steal materials or

of sewing machines: 240

leave the factory without authorization. The
N.Y.U. - American Book

image on the left shows the plant of the ninth

floor, one of the three floors occupied by
4 tables containing a row of sewing machines on each side

the factory. Observe that the total number

of sewing machines on ninth floor was 240,
Double row of chairs between tables

but 260 workers were working on this floor

when the fire started.
Greene Street
Toilet room

Cloak room

The wooden floors, doors and window-

-frames contributed to the fire; the material
was allowed in this type of building at the
time. The inspector of the New York City
Department of Buildings detected that the
building only had two access stairs, when it
should have three.
Elev. Elev.

The owners of the factory were taken to

court and were absolved of any charge by a
jury comprised only by men since women
Washington Place were not allowed to be members of a jury
Plan of ninth floor in the State of New York.
Long tables allowed owners to employ 240 people in a relatively small Workers assemblies and trade unions
area resulting in the rapid transmission of illnesses and leaving little space organized big rallies so that the death of
for moving safely. these workers would not be in vain.

Fontes: GONZLES, Ana Isabel Alvarez. As origens e a comemorao do Dia Internacional das Mulheres. So Paulo: Expresso Popular, 2010, p. 29-40.
ILR Cornell. Triangle Fire. Disponvel em: <
id=744&sec_id=3#screen>. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2012.

English Unit 3

Keywords box

access stair escada de acesso floor piso, andar to show mostrar

to allow/allowed permitir/permitido foreigner estrangeiro since j que
charge acusao, encargo jury jri to steal roubar
to comprise/comprised formar/formado to lock/locked trancar/trancado window- moldura
court tribunal owner dono -frame de janela

door porta sewing machine mquina de costura without sem

wooden de madeira
enough suficiente should deveria
fire fogo, incndio

2. Answer the following questions in your own words:

Top Tips
a) What happened in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company?
Para saber mais
sobre o grande incndio
na Triangle Shirtwaist
Company, voc pode
assistir ao stimo
episdio Cidades do
premiado documentrio
Amrica: a saga dos EUA
(America: the story of us,
episdio Cities, produo
de Nutopia, 2010).
A srie j foi transmitida
b) Was it safe to work in this building? Why? no Brasil por um canal
de TV a cabo, e voc
pode encontrar mais
informaes sobre
ela na internet. Os
prprios idealizadores
do programa
disponibilizaram em
seu site um guia para
o stimo episdio, que
pode servir de ajuda
para entender melhor o
incndio e praticar a sua
leitura em lngua inglesa.
O guia est disponvel
c) Make a list of things/actions that could have prevented this em: <http://www.history.
terrible accident. com/images/media/
guide_FIN.pdf> (acesso
em: 23 out. 2012).

English Unit 3

Activity 3 Lets think about safety at work

1. In groups, read silently the article below.

Preventing occupational diseases

Occupational diseases are those that happen as a result of work. They
can be identified because they are usually linked to certain occupations.

Image Source/Getty Images

Bank workers, for example, are often vulnerable to repetitive strain
injury, while eye strains happen more to welders.
Occupational diseases can and should be avoided. The correct use of
personal protective equipment and the adoption of safety procedures are
important means for workers health and safety.

Hearing protection

Earmuffs and earplugs are a proper way of hearing protection. Construction
workers or any worker using noisy machinery should wear hearing protection to
prevent hearing loss.

Head protection

Helmets and hard hats are used especially in construction sites to prevent

injuries from falling objects. Besides that, helmets are also used to prevent shock
injuries and to protect workers from bad weather conditions.

Respiratory protection Stillfx/123RF

Denis Iachimovschi/123RF
Respirators and dust masks are indicated to prevent inhalation
of harmful substances such as dust particles, vapors or gases. This
type of equipment is necessary to protect the workers respiratory
system and to avoid chemicals from reaching the bloodstream.

Eye protection
Eldred Lim/123RF

Safety glasses and face shields (or welding shields) protect the eyes

from threats such as chemicals, particles, wind, light and heat. They are
fundamental to prevent visual injuries such as eye strain and irritation.

Hand protection
Viktor Kosev/123RF

Gloves are the most common equipment used to prevent hand injuries or
electric shock. Leather gloves are used in apiculture to prevent the beekeeper
from getting stung. Leather gloves are also used by welders to protect their
hands from high temperatures and sparks.
Gevorg Gevorgyan/123RF

Rubber gloves are used in dishwashing to protect the hand from the chemicals
contained in detergents. Nurses, doctors and surgeons also wear a type of rubber
gloves called medical gloves in order to prevent contamination among patients and
health care workers.

English Unit 3

Foot protection

Paulo Savala
Foot protection is necessary to prevent accidents caused by stepping on sharp
objects or slipping on wet floors. The most common equipment for foot protection
are boots, that also protect from heat and cold. They are usually made of rubber or
leather, and many of them are reinforced with iron plates inside.

Body protection

Workers exposed to the impacts of big machinery, or to the


splash of chemicals, or molten hot materials, should wear adequate

clothing to prevent injuries. There are many types of body
protection outfits; the most common ones are made of thick wool.
Firefighters often use protective clothing made of a fabric known as
ripstop, resistant to fire, ripping and tearing.
Safety belts and harness are used to prevent workers from
falling from high places.

Linha de viso horizontal

Hudson Calasans
na postura ereta
Ergonomics is a field of study
aimed at designing equipment that Campo de viso
fits the human body. This field is very Regulagem do
para leitura
do vdeo Apoio do
ngulo vertical do brao
important for preventing occupational monitor (antirreflexo) Apoio do
diseases, especially back, neck and punho

limb strains. See the picture for an

example of a workstation that is Regulagem ngulo formado
da altura do entre o brao
ergonomically adequate for workers monitor e antebrao
prximo a 900
who sit at a desk and use the computer
Ajuste do encosto
all day long. Apoio
os ps

Regulagem da
altura do assento

Fonte: RIO Grande do Sul (Estado). Ministrio Pblico do Trabalho do Rio Grande do Sul. Segurana do trabalho na construo civil. NR 18.
Caxias do Sul: MPT-RS, 2010. Disponvel em: <
seguranca_constrcivil/cartilhnr18.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

Keywords box
to aim at/aimed at objetivar/com eye strain leso ocular neck pescoo
o objetivo de field rea, campo repetitive strain injury leso por esforo
to avoid/avoided evitar/evitado to fit encaixar, caber repetitivo
to design projetar limb membro (perna thick wool l grossa
disease doena ou brao) welder soldador
ergonomics ergonomia often geralmente

English Unit 3

2. Pick two of the topics presented in the text, and discuss them in
your group. Share with your group any additional information
you might have.
Hearing protection Hand protection
Head protection Foot protection
Respiratory protection Body protection
Eye protection Ergonomics

3. Share the conclusions of your group with the rest of your

classmates. Make sure to mention any additional information
from the discussion. Try to do this activity in English, but you
may use Portuguese. Here are some examples:

In this job, ear protections are necessary because the noise of

the machines is too loud.

In this job, hand protection is necessary to prevent burning

from the chemicals we use.

4. Write a short paragraph about the equipment you use or

should use in your workplace. Use the examples below and the
keywords box in order to complete this activity.

I work as a/an ________________________________________. In my work I wear

____________________________ in order to prevent ______________________________.

I wear _________________________________ in order to ______________________________.

I should wear ________________________ in order to ___________________________.

English Unit 3

Activity 4 The health and safety committee

1. Read the following dialogue between Anderson and Glucia:

ANDERSON Hi, Glucia! How are you doing?

GLUCIA Hey, Anderson, Im fine thanks and you?
ANDERSON Great! Eu quero te apresentar um amigo.
GLUCIA You want to introduce me to a friend?
ANDERSON Yes, I want to introduce you to a friend, Carlos.
GLUCIA And who is Carlos?
ANDERSON Carlos is a janitor.
GLUCIA Alright.
ANDERSON And he is from CIPA.
GLUCIA CIPA? I am sorry, Anderson, but I dont know what CIPA is.
ANDERSON CIPA means Comisso Interna de Preveno de Acidentes.
 h! I know what you are talking about! In English we call it the
Health and Safety Committee, Comit de Sade e Segurana.
ANDERSON Really? I think this committee is very important.
GLUCIA And why do you think this committee is so important?
ANDERSON Para prevenir acidentes.
GLUCIA To prevent accidents.
ANDERSON To prevent accidents... e para preservar a sade do trabalhador.
GLUCIA And to preserve the workers health.
ANDERSON And to preserve the workers health.
GLUCIA Yes, I agree with you! But where is Carlos?
 e is over there talking to that group of people. Ele est sempre
muito ocupado.
GLUCIA Hes always very busy.
ANDERSON Hes always very busy, but I will call him!
GLUCIA Ok! Id really like to meet him!

2. Use the available means to discover more about safety in Brazilian

companies. For this activity, you can search for the term in
Portuguese (CIPA Comisso Interna de Preveno de Acidentes)
or English (Health and Safety Committee).

After researching, answer the following questions in English:

a) What are the goals of this committee?

English Unit 3

b) How does it work? What kind of events does the CIPA promote?

c) What companies should have the committee?

d) Who can be a member of the committee?

You studied

Nesta Unidade, voc aprendeu sobre segurana no trabalho.

Discutiu como os Equipamentos de Proteo Individual (EPIs)
so importantes para a preveno dos mais diversos acidentes e
doenas ocupacionais. Voc ainda pesquisou os meios dispo-
sio dos trabalhadores para garantir um ambiente de trabalho
mais seguro, como a Comisso Interna de Preveno de Aciden-
tes (CIPA). E o mais importante: voc estudou todo esse conte-
do em ingls, conhecendo novas palavras e frases, expandindo o
seu repertrio no idioma.

Think about it

Pense na sua trajetria profissional ou na das pessoas com quem

Voc conhece algum que j sofreu acidentes de trabalho? Por que
isso aconteceu?
Por que isso ainda acontece? O trabalhador sempre culpado
pelo que acontece quando sofre um acidente de trabalho?

Quais so os direitos do trabalhador acidentado?

U nit

4 Common work issues

Na Unidade anterior, voc teve a oportunidade de aprender ingls,

refletindo sobre os riscos fsicos relacionados com o exerccio de certas
ocupaes. Agora, a ideia tratar de aspectos vinculados s relaes
de trabalho (organizao, condies, desigualdades etc.) que podem
representar riscos psicolgicos, chegando mesmo a ocasionar dano e
sofrimento para os profissionais. A anlise dessas relaes tambm vai
considerar os contextos de trabalho precrio e de trabalho decente.

For starters
Conversem em duplas:
O que voc entende por diviso do trabalho?
Como ela acontece no local onde voc trabalha?
Quais so as vantagens e as desvantagens dessa diviso?

Activity 1 The division of work

1. Read the following text in silence. Use the keywords box to
learn new words and to understand the text. The teacher will also
be available to help you.

The division of work

The division of work aims to increase production and reduce costs. With that,
the production of goods becomes faster and cheaper. Many theorists studied this
subject. Learn more about two of them.

For the French sociologist mile Durkheim the division of work is responsible
for social integration. According to him, society works as a biological body, in
which each organ executes its function totally dependent on the others. It is the mile Durkheim (1858-
1917), socilogo francs.
difference and interdependence among individuals that keep them integrated
and cohesive, producing what Durkheim named social solidarity.

For Karl Marx, a German philosopher and social thinker, the division of work
causes essentially what he calls the alienation of workers in the productive
system. Before Industrial Revolution, workers decided when, how and what to
produce; with industrialization, they can no longer identify themselves with the
product being made, since they execute only a small part of the work process.
According to Marx, the division of work turns labor into a meaningless activity Karl Marx (1818-1883),
for the worker. filsofo e pensador alemo.

English Unit 4

7o ano/2o termo The division of work in the auto industry
Unidade 2
Henry Ford invented a system of production for the assembly lines of vehicles
known as Fordism. In this system, cars were assembled in conveyor belts that
transported auto parts to the workers location. Employees had a simple specific
training because each one executed small functions. Fords objective was to
produce cheap cars and turn them into mass consumption items.

Hulton Collection/Getty Images

8o ano/3o termo
Unidade 1

Linha de produo do modelo fordista no incio do sculo XX, em Michigan, nos Estados Unidos.

Keywords box
assembly line linha de montagem fast/faster rpido/mais rpido
to assemble/assembled montar/montado meaningless sem sentido
cheap/cheaper barato/mais barato themselves eles mesmos, elas mesmas
cohesive coeso theorist terico
consumption consumo thinker pensador
conveyor belt esteira rolante to turn something into tornar, transformar algo em
goods mercadoria, produto

2. Answer the following questions in your own words:

a) What keeps society together according to mile Durkheim?

English Unit 4

b) What is the problem with the division of work according to

Karl Marx?

c) What was the objective of the Fordist system?

Activity 2 Work issues

1. Pair up with a classmate in order to do this reading activity. One of
you will be Glucia and the other will be Dolores. You can look up
new words in the keywords box at the end of the text. The teacher
will choose some students to perform for the rest of the class.

GLUCIA Hi, Dolores, how are you doing?

DOLORES Im fine, thank you. How about you?
GLUCIA Ok. Tell me, have you already found a job?
DOLORES No, not yet. You know, its much harder finding a job when you
are a foreigner
GLUCIA Yes, Ive been there, remember?
DOLORES Of course, my friend. Those were difficult days we lived in Royal
Cleaning Agency. It was not easy working there, especially for
us, foreign women.
GLUCIA Not easy, indeed! But it was nice that we were able to organize
and have some of our requests answered.
DOLORES I still remember our endless meetings to discuss the problems we
had at work. They were always so interesting and productive.
GLUCIA And after our meetings all the girls would go out and have fun.
So many memories

Keywords box
endless interminvel our nosso, nossa
indeed de fato, sem dvida request pedido, solicitao
meeting encontro, reunio

English Unit 4

2. Talk to a classmate and answer the following questions:

Top tips
a) Did Dolores find a job yet?
Que tal assistir a Po e
rosas (Bread and roses,
direo de Ken Loach,
2000)? O filme retrata
a dura realidade de
homens e mulheres
que vo trabalhar
ilegalmente nos Estados
Unidos. Retrata tambm
como os trabalhadores
foram capazes de
contornar, ainda que
parcialmente, a situao.
b) Why is finding a job harder for Dolores?

c) Did Dolores and Glucia like to work in Royal Cleaning

Agency? Why?

d) Did they have any of their requests answered? How?

English Unit 4

Time for citizenship

Entre os direitos sociais do trabalhador assegurados na lei, ressaltam-se a proteo e a
justia contra o assdio, seja sexual ou moral. No entanto, em ambos os casos, nem sempre
o agressor denunciado.
No assdio sexual, a vtima, geralmente mulher, sente-se insegura, envergonhada
e dominada pelo agressor. J no assdio moral, nem sempre a vtima reconhece ou
consegue comprovar o assdio, o que torna a denncia ainda mais rara. Esse tipo de
violncia psicolgica, que se caracteriza pela exposio do trabalhador a situaes
humilhantes, frequentes e prolongadas, pode acarretar srios danos sade fsica e
mental, levando o profissional agredido at mesmo a pedir demisso do emprego.
A conquista de um ambiente de trabalho ausente de riscos e violncia, tanto para a sa-
de como para a segurana e o bem-estar, uma luta permanente. Ela s possvel na medi-
da em que os trabalhadores conhecem os direitos que garantem a dignidade e o respeito
necessrios ao convvio saudvel e a plena cidadania e, principalmente, exigem que esses
direitos lhes sejam assegurados.
BRASIL. Ministrio da Sade. Assdio violncia e sofrimento no ambiente de trabalho: Assdio moral. Braslia, DF: Editora do
Ministrio da Sade, 2008. Disponvel em: <
trabalho_assedio_moral.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

Activity 3 Thinking about work issues

1. In groups, make a list of common problems in workplaces. The
teacher will be walking around the classroom to help you.

2. Now, the teacher will choose a volunteer student to read the

following text out loud. After a few sentences, another volunteer
will continue reading. Pay attention to pronunciation corrections
and explanations that the teacher will make during the activity.

English Unit 4

A delicate issue: harassment and discrimination in the workplace

There are situations to which workers of all sectors must pay attention
because they may cause severe injuries to the victims, such as stress, depression,
decrease in productivity and even more serious problems.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is an unethical behavior which consists in constraining
the victim (mostly women) through constant flirtation and insinuations. The
objective of the harasser is to obtain advantages or sexual favors. Sexual
harassment is a crime according to the Brazilian Constitution; it is punished with
the incarceration of the harasser for one to two years.
Moral harassment
Moral harassment, also known as workplace bullying, consists in exposing
a worker to humiliating and embarrassing situations. Usually, it is the repetition
of humiliating acts against a specific worker, but even a single act may constitute
moral harassment.
These acts of humiliation can be verbal, gestural or attitudinal; they may
cause psychic and physical injury. The main objective of harassers or bullies is to
destabilize their victims or force them to quit.
Harassers potential victims are Afro-descendant women and men, homosexuals
and physically challenged workers. Afro-descendant women are the most affected by
this practice. This kind of harassment usually happens when the victim resists and
frustrates an attempt of sexual harassment.
Moral harassment is an unethical and violent practice. The first step to stop it
is to recognize and identify the attitudes and actions of the harasser.
There are several forms of discrimination. The most common discriminative
acts include prejudice towards ethnic background, race, nationality, gender,
sexuality, age, abilities, beliefs and religion. For example, in case of gender
discrimination, married or pregnant women, as well as mothers, are less likely
to get promotions. The usual argument of offender is that the employee will
not be able to dedicate herself fully to work because of her child. Another way
of discrimination against women involves wage inequality; in many companies
women earn less money than men even though they perform the exact same tasks.
Inadequate tasking
People have different skills and abilities. If a worker is getting a workload
beyond what he or she can manage, he or she will likely suffer from stress and
other psychic and physical injuries. On the other hand, to remove someones task
or to leave them without any work at all may also constitute moral harassment;
the strategy of the harasser, in these cases, is to demoralize their victims by
suggesting that he or she is not necessary to the company.
BRASIL. Ministrio do Trabalho. Assdio moral e sexual no trabalho. Braslia, DF, 2010. Disponvel
em: <
AssedioMoralnoTrabalho.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.
SINDICATO Nacional dos Servidores do Ministrio Pblico da Unio. Cartilha sobre assdio moral.
Braslia, DF: Sinasempu, 2005/2007. Disponvel em:<
assediomoral-sinasempu.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

English Unit 4

Keywords box
advantage vantagem injury dano, leso
attempt tentativa married casado
to be able to ser capaz de prejudice preconceito
behavior comportamento, conduta to quit demitir-se, desistir
belief crena, f to recognize reconhecer
beyond alm to suffer/will suffer sofrer/sofrer
to constrain coagir, constranger task tarefa, trabalho
flirtation flerte towards com relao a
harassment assdio workload carga de trabalho

3. After reading the text, compare the problems you listed in

Exercise 1 and the problems mentioned in the text. Are they
the same? Share your findings with the rest of the class.

4. Now, take a look at the following chart. Observe some of the

most common problems faced by workers in general and especially
women in the workplace:

moral sexual
harassment harassment


In groups, choose a topic, analyze it and discuss the following


What is it?
What are its main characteristics?
When and where does it happen?
How does it happen?
Who are the most affected?
How do affected people react?

English Unit 4

5. Get together in groups. Read the situations, analyze them and

identify the kind of harassment or discrimination that is being
practiced. In addition, talk about possible solutions to each case.

You notice that your manager is not including a member of

your team in staff meetings and it is well known to everybody
that the manager does not like this person.
A coworker is spreading gossip or false and malicious
rumors about a person with intent to cause the person harm.
Your boss is giving a job promotion to a woman who has
been involved with him in an office romance.
A staff member does not want to sit next to a person because
of his sexual orientation.
A female coworker makes a mistake in her work and the
boss tells her off in front of her colleagues.

6. Discrimination, moral and sexual harassment are not exclusive to

workplaces. They may also happen at school and at home.

a) Has any of the above situations ever happened to someone

you know and care about? If yes, and if you wish, can you
describe it?

b) What could you do in case any of the above situations happened

to someone you know and care about?

English Unit 4

Activity 4 Precarious and decent work

1. Read the following text and then answer the questions.

Precarious work

Observe the following list. It contains some modalities of work which can be
considered precarious.
Agency work
The worker is not hired directly by the company to which he or she is going
to provide services. The worker is hired by an employment agency which
intermediates the contract and retains part of the workers salary.
Seasonal work
It is the work done during certain periods of the year. Examples of seasonal
work in Brazil are salespersons hired in the end of the year to meet the demand on
holidays, especially Christmas. After the season is over, workers are out of jobs again.
Casual or on-call work
People only work when called by the employer. They never know when they
will work and more important, do not know if they will have work.
In order to cut costs with legislation related to hiring employees directly,
companies employ outside workers from suppliers. For this reason, outsourced
(contracted out) workers have fewer benefits and lower salaries than regular
workers performing the exact same tasks.

Decent work

Everybody aspires and deserves to have a decent job. According to the

International Labor Organization (ILO), in order to be called decent, a work
should guarantee:
fair salaries;
safety in the workplace;
social protection for the workers family;
possibility for personal development and social integration;
freedom for workers to express their concerns;
freedom for workers to organize and participate in decisions which affect them;
equal opportunities and equal treatment for both men and women.

Fonte: INTERNATIONAL Labor Organization (ILO). Decent work. Disponvel em: <
global/topics/decent-work/lang-en/index.htm>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012.

Keywords box
concern preocupao outsourced terceirizado
fair justo to retain reter
for both para ambos salesperson vendedor
to hire/hired contratar/contratado seasonal sazonal
to intermediate intermediar

English Unit 4

2. Answer the following questions about the text you have just read:

a) Why is agency work considered precarious?

b) What about casual work? Why is it considered precarious?

c) In your own words, define decent work.

English Unit 4

Activity 5 Gender inequalities in the world of work

The following graphs present the results of the Monthly Survey on
Employment, conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica) in six
Brazilian metropolitan regions, including So Paulo.
1. Analyze the following graph. Then answer the questions.

Average income of the work of employees, by sex (in reais, prices

R2 Editorial
from December 2011) 2003-2011





2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

men women

Fonte: IBGE. Pesquisa mensal de emprego (PME), 8 mar. 2012. Disponvel em: <
Resp_2012.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. Traduo de: Eduardo Portela.

a) What could you observe in this graph?

b) Why do you think this happens?

c) Do you think this situation could change? How?

English Unit 4

2. Analyze this other graph. Then answer the questions.

R2 Editorial
Unemployment rates of workers by sex (%) 2003-2011

15.2 14.4
12.4 12.2
10.1 10.0 9.9
9.1 8.5
7.8 8.2 7.5
6.1 6.5

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

men women

Fonte: IBGE. Pesquisa mensal de emprego (PME), 8 mar. 2012. Disponvel em: <
Resp_2012.pdf>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2012. Traduo de: Eduardo Portela.

a) What happened to unemployment rates during 2003 and 2011?

b) In your opinion, what are the reasons for this change in

unemployment rates?

c) Who has the highest unemployment rates, men or women?

And the lowest? Why do you think this difference exists?

English Unit 4

Activity 6 Race inequalities in the world of work

1. Observe the graph below.

Average income per month in reais, 2010

R2 Editorial

Fonte: IBGE. Pessoas de 10

994.22 1,020.00 anos ou mais de idade, total
e com rendimento, e valor do
rendimento nominal mdio e
mediano mensal das pessoas de
10 anos ou mais de idade, total
e com rendimento, segundo o
539.96 sexo e a cor ou raa Brasil, 2010.
Censo 2010. Disponvel em:
345.91 <
pdf/tab1_3_7.pdf>. Acesso
em: 23 out. 2012. Traduo de:
indigenous mixed race black asians white
Eduardo Portela.

2. Answer the questions in your own words.

a) What is the graph about? In 2010, what part of the population

earned the highest salary? And the lowest one?

b) In your opinion, what factors contribute to this scenario?

c) What policies would you develop to change this situation?

English Unit 4

You studied

In this Unit, you have studied several sentences, structures

and words in English through the reading of texts related to the
division of work and its consequences.

You had the chance to discuss some of the most common

issues that afflict men and women in their workplaces.

You also noticed some differences between precarious

and decent work and analyzed some graphs about existing
inequalities in the labor market.

During the holidays, you can review all the content learned
throughout the year. Take the opportunity to look through your
glossaries and activities as well as reread the texts.

Think about it

Quem prejudicado com o assdio moral? As testemunhas de

casos de assdio no trabalho tambm esto expostas e sofrem com
os danos dessa prtica? Voc acha que h diferena de produtividade
entre empresas em que casos de assdio so comuns e empresas que
contam com um ambiente saudvel?


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