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Overview on the efforts to generate
transgenic chicken

Esmaeilzadeh Mahdi* and Kazemzadeh


Departemen Ilmu Dasar, Bojnourd Branch,

Universitas Islam Azad, Bojnourd, IRAN.2012

Primordial sel germinal (PGCs) adalah prekursor

sperma dan telurpada embrio burung, PGCs yang pertama kali
diidentifikasi di wilayah ekstra-embrio, bulan sabit germinal,
setelah sekitar 18 jam inkubasi. Setelah 50 sampai dengan
55 h pembangunan, PGCs bermigrasi ke gonad dan subseq-
uently menghasilkan sperma fungsional dan oosit Sejauh ini,
budaya PGCs yang tetap dibatasi pada garis kuman belum
dilaporkan dalam spesiesPGCs ayam dapat diisolasi,
berbudaya dan rekayasa genetika, sambil mempertahankan
komitmen mereka untuk germline tersebut.
PGCs ayam dapat diinduksi secara in vitro untuk
berdiferensiasi menjadi sel-sel germinal embrio yang
berkontribusi terhadap jaringan somatik. Retensi
komitmen PGCs ke garis kuman setelah periode
diperpanjang dalam budaya dan setelah modifikasi
genedikombinasikan dengan kemampuan mereka untuk
memperoleh kompetensi somatik in vitro memberikan
model baru untuk biologi perkembanganUtilitas model
ditingkatkan dengan aksesibilitas embrio burung, yang
memfasilitasiakses ke tahap awal pengembangan dan
memasok rute lancar untuk reintroduksi PGCs ke
pembuluh darah embrio. Selain itu, atribut ini menciptakan
peluang baru untuk memanipulasi genom ayam untuk
aplikasi pertanian dan farmasi.
Gambar . 1
Kultur Jaringan
O 2 metode pembuatan ayam transgenik:
O 1. Ketika diletakkan, embrio pada tahap X, dan ketika
berusia 20 h, yang terdiri dari selembar w 60000 sel
blastodermal pluripoten (Gambar 1). Dalam satu
metode, partikel retroviral bantalan transgen yang
disuntikkan ke rongga subgerminal bawah blastoderm
melalui jendela dibuat dalam telur. Infeksi
menyebabkan integrasi transgen ke dalam beberapa
sel penerima (Bosselm et al., 1989). Ketika menetas
dan dibesarkan untuk kematangan seksual, G0 sperma
dari ayam jantan chimeric disaring untuk transgen dan
sperma laki-laki positif disuntikkan ke dalam betina
non-transgenik untuk menghasilkan burung G1

O 2. metode kedua dikembangkan dan digunakan

oleh etches (1996) dan Zhu et al. (2005), yang
merupakan subjek utama dari artikel ini, sel-sel
ayam primordial germ (cPGC), yang berasal dari
budaya jangka panjang sel blastodermal
panggung X, yang transfected dengan, dan
dipilih untuk integrasi transgen dan ekspresi,
dan kemudian disuntikkan ke subgerminal yang
rongga embrio penerima tahap X. Sel menyerang
blastoderm, dan setelah menetas, mengisi
sebagian besar jaringan burung.
Modifikasi Genetik Ayam
O Upaya untuk mengembangkan metode
untuk modifikasi genetik ayam telah
didorong tidak hanya oleh pentingnya cewek
sebagai model untuk mempelajari
pengembangan vertebrata, tetapi juga oleh
kemungkinan menarik memproduksi terapi
protein manusia dalam telur transgenik.

O PGCs memungkinkan pendekatan baru untuk

modifikasi genetik vertebrata lainnya. Namun,
beberapa faktor menghambat modifikasi stabil
genom ayam. Tidak hanya ayam 'telur besar dan
yolky, yang membuat manipulasi sulit, tetapi
pada saat telur subur diletakkan,
pengembangan telah maju ke tahap di mana
embrio terdiri ~ 60.000 sel. Upaya untuk
mengakses genom telah melibatkan manipulasi
embrio segera setelah pembuahan, modifikasi
telur yang baru diletakkan dan manipulasi PGCs.
O Secara singkat tahap dasar-dasar menghasilkan
ayam transgenik 'Bioreaktor' adalah sebagai berikut:
O A. PGCs (hitam) yang diisolasi dari darah embrio
ayam setelah sekitar dua hari inkubasi.
O B. Darah embrio adalah berbudaya dalam kondisi
yang mempromosikan proliferasi PGCs, dan sel kultur
yang electroporated dengan membangun transgen,
di sini pengkodean protein fluorescent hijau (GFP).
O C. PGCs transgenik (hijau) yang disuntikkan ke
dalamsistem peredaran darah embrio setelah dua
hari inkubasi dan bermigrasi ke gonad berkembang.
Embrio penerima diinkubasi sampai menetas.
O D. Jantan menetas dipelihara untuk
kematangan seksual dan disilangkan
dengan tipe liar ayam.
O E. keturunan salib disaring untuk
mengidentifikasi mereka yang berasal dari
GFP-mengekspresikan PGCs transgenik
(Gambar 2).
Gambar. 2
O Setelah 25 tahun, pencarian sel burung yang
dapat dibudidayakan tanpa batas, yang
dimodifikasi secara genetik, dan klonal. Van de
Lavoir et al. (2006) telah menetapkan keadaan
untuk budaya dan modifikasi genetik sel
germinal primordial (PGCs) dan menunjukkan
bahwa sel-sel ini ditransmisikan pada tingkat
tinggi melalui germline tersebut. Munculnya
teknologi ini memberikan kemampuan untuk
memperkenalkan transgen dari berbagai ukuran
dan untuk membuat perubahan situs-spesifik
untuk genom.
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(36), pp. 8784-8789, 3 May, 2012
Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.3279
ISSN 16845315 2012 Academic Journals


Overview on the efforts to generate transgenic chicken

Esmaeilzadeh Mahdi* and Kazemzadeh Fariba
Department of Basic Science, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, IRAN.
Accepted 3 January, 2012

After 25 years, the search for the avian cell that can be cultured indefinitely, genetically modified, and
clonally derived while retaining its ability to enter the germ line has ended. Van de Lavoir et al. have
defined the conditions for culture and genetic modification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and showed
that these cells are transmitted at high rates through the germline. The advent of this technology
provides the ability to introduce transgenes of any size and to make site-specific changes to the
genome. In this review, general avian reproduction and establishment of germ cells are described for
possible routes to gene transfer. Also, the current gene transfer methodologies were summarized with
a focus on PGC gene transfer. Finally, the application of transgenics to poultry was considered.

Key words: Transgenic chickens, bioreactors, PGC.


Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the precursors of sperm access to the earliest stages of development and
and eggs (Nieuwkoop and Sutasurya, 1979). In most supplies a facile route for the reintroduction of PGCs into
animals, segregation of the germ line from the somatic the embryonic vasculature. In addition, these attributes
lineages is one of the earliest events in development create new opportunities to manipulate the genome of
(Wylie, 1999); in avian embryos, PGCs are rst identied chickens for agricultural and pharmaceutical applications.
in an extra-embryonic region, the germinal crescent, after An ovum, a female sex cell, in the domestic hens ovary
approximately 18 h of incubation. After 50 to 55 h of gradually accumulates yolk, which provides nutritive
development, PGCs migrate to the gonad and subseq- materials for the embryo and ovulation occurs approxi-
uently produce functional sperm and oocytes (Fujimoto et mately every 24 h. The nucleus and cytoplasm of the
al., 1976; Swift, 1914). So far, cultures of PGCs that ovum is located at the surface of the yolk mass within a
remain restricted to the germ line have not been reported small white area called the germinal disc (Perry, 1987).
in any species (McLaren, 1992, 2003). Van de Lavoir et After ovulation, the ovum is immediately engulfed by the
al. (2006) showed that chicken PGCs can be isolated, funnel-shaped infundibulum, the first portion of hens
cultured and genetically modied, while maintaining their oviduct where the spermatozoa, the male sex cells,
commitment to the germline. Furthermore, they showed fertilize the ovum. Fertilization in birds is polyspermic
that chicken PGCs can be induced in vitro to differentiate (Waddington et al., 1998). The forming zygote remains in
into embryonic germ cells that contribute to somatic this section approximately 15 min (Olsen and Neher,
tissues. Retention of the commitment of PGCs to the 1948). Subsequently the egg enters the magnum which
germ line after extended periods in culture and after secrets albumen that encases the yolk. The egg spends
genetic modication combined with their capacity to about 3 h in the magnum. Afterward, the yolk together
acquire somatic competence in vitro provides a new with the albumen capsule enters the isthmus where the
model for developmental biology (Van de Lavoir et al. inner and outer shell membranes are laid down and the
(2006). The utility of the model is enhanced by the first cleavage division of the fertilized egg occurs (Perry,
accessibility of the avian embryo, which facilitates 1987). Leaving the isthmus, the developing egg moves to
the uterus or the shell gland where the eggshell forms.
The egg spends the longest time in uterus than in any
other portion of the hens reproductive tract, about 18 to
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: 21 h (Etches, 1996). For the period before oviposition,
+98 935 979 3491. Eyal-Giladi and Kochav (1976) classified a series of
Mahdi and Fariba 8785

Figure 1. The basic structure of blastoderm (BD) at the time of oviposition. A freshly laid egg often contains an embryo at stage
X characterized by a fully formed area pellucida (AP).

normal stages describing the sequence of developmental (Eyal-Giladi and Kochav, 1976) and is composed of
events from the first cleavage up to primitive streak into about 50,000 to 60,000 cells (Figure 1). Upon incubation
14 stages using Roman numerals. of the freshly laid egg a second layer of cells beneath the
These events can be divided into three developmental area pellucida starts to appear and is completed in a few
periods: cleavage, formation of the area pellucida, and hours (Eyal-Giladi and Kochav, 1976). This signals the
hypoblast formation. During 10 to 12 h in the uterus, the process of hypoblast formation, which is completed at
cytoplasmic mass of germinal disc cleaves very rapidly to stage XIII (Eyal-Giladi and Kochav, 1976). When viewed
form an epithelial sheet five to six cells thick (E.G and K ventrally, the hypoblast is smooth and has a well-defined
stage VI). The germ is now known as the blastoderm. border between area opaca and area pellucid (Eyal-
The blastoderm is separated from the underlying yolk Giladi and Kochav, 1976; Eyal-Giladi, 1993; Balinsky,
mass by the subgerminal cavity. About 6 to 8 h before the 1981). The cellular sheet of the area pellucida, the upper
egg is laid, the lower layers of the blastoderm start to layer, is now known as an epiblast (Eyal-Giladi and
detach and fall into the subgerminal cavity to form a Kochav, 1976; Eyal-Giladi, 1993; Balinsky, 1981). The
transparent thinned-out area that marks the future resulting space between the two-layered blastoderm is a
posterior end of the embryo (Eyal-Giladi and Kochav, blastocoel, and the space between the hypoblast and the
1976). This process marks the beginning of area pellu- underlying yolk is the subgerminal cavity (Eyal-Giladi and
cida formation. At about the time of oviposition the Kochav, 1976). This marks the beginning of gastrulation,
developing blastoderm appears to the naked eye as a a process which gives rise to three germ layers:
whitish circular structure approximately 2 mm in diameter ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm (Balinsky, 1981).
that is composed of two regions. The outer edge is The first visible sign of gastrulation is a thickening of
opaque, and is called area opaca; while the inner layer is epiblast that results in the primitive streak (Romanoff,
translucent from a shedding process, and is referred to as 1960; Patten, 1971), marking the anterior-posterior axis
the area pellucida (Eyal-Giladi, 1993). The chick embryo at where the embryo properly develops (Eyal-Giladi and
the time of oviposition is known as a stage X embryo Kochav, 1976; Eyal-Giladi, 1993; Balinsky, 1981). From
8786 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Figure 2. The developmental history of primordial germ cells from oviposition to their colonization of the genital

this point on, the changing appearance of the embryo is oocytes/spermatozoa, the newly fertilized ova/zygotes,
distinguished by the table of normal stages developed by primordial germ cells during their early establishment,
Hamburger and Hamilton (1951), a system that is based migration and colonization of gonad.
on morphological characteristics. The stages are numbe-
red from 1 to 46, from the pre-streak embryo to the newly
hatched chick. TISSUE CULTURE
Avian germ cells develop early in embryogenesis and
are the ultimate target of gene transfer for the production Two methods are currently available to generate
of transgenic chickens (Figure 2). Tsunekawa et al. transgenic hens for biopharmaceutical production and
(2000) has proposed that the chicken VASA protein, an both manipulate the embryo in a freshly laid fertilized egg
RNA binding protein, could act as germplasm containing when laid, the embryo is at stage X, and when 20 h old,
materials for predetermining the formation of germ cells consisting of a sheet of w 60000 pluripotent blastodermal
similar for that observed in Drosophophila. The chicken cells (Figure 1). In one method, retroviral particles
VASA protein can be detected histoimmunochemistically bearing a transgene are injected to the subgerminal
from early cleavage stages to the presumptive PGCs of cavity beneath the blastoderm through a window made in
stage X embryos and later (Tsunekawa et al., 2000). The the egg. Infection leads to integration of the transgene
mechanism of the establishment of the germ line in birds into some of the recipient cells (Bosselm et al., 1989).
is yet unknown. PGCs, the precursors of spermatozoa When hatched and raised to sexual maturity, G0 sperm
and oocytes in the early chicken embryo, have been from chimeric roosters is screened for the transgene and
characterized by their morphological characteristics, their positive male sperm is inseminated into non-transgenic
high glycogen content stained with periodic acid-Schiff females to generate hemizygous G1 birds.
(PAS) reaction, and the presence of cell surface antigens In the second method developed and used by Etches
such as EMA-1 and SSEA-1 (DCosta et al., 2001). (1996) and Zhu et al. (2005), which is the main subject of
Approximately 50 PGCs are first recognized in the stage this article, chicken primordial germ cells (cPGC), derived
X embryo based on immunostaining using anti-SSEA-1 from long term culture of stage X blastodermal cells, are
and EMA-1 and later on the dorsal surface of the transfected with, and selected for transgene integration
hypoblast. Then, PCGs migrate to an extra embryonic and expression, and then injected into the subgerminal
region anterior to the head fold, referred to as the cavity of a recipient stage X embryo. Cells invade the
germinal crescent that contains about 200 PGCs (Swift, blastoderm, and after hatching, populate most tissues of
1914; Rogulska et al., 1971). From the germinal crescent the bird.
region, PGCs immigrate into the newly formed vascular
system and are passively carried to the vicinity of the
germinal ridge through the extra embryonic circulation GENETIC MODIFICATION OF CHICKENS
(Swift, 1914; Meyer, 1964). From the blood, PCGs
actively migrate into the embryonic gonads (Kuwana et Efforts to develop methods for the genetic modification of
al., 1986; Nakamura et al., 1988; Urven et al., 1988). These chickens have been driven not only by the importance of
events suggest several ways to manipulate the avian the chick as a model for studying vertebrate develop-
genome. Many points of germ cell development can be ment, but also by the intriguing possibility of producing
accessed for gene delivery including mature human protein therapeutics in the eggs of transgenic
Mahdi and Fariba 8787

Figure 3. Production of transgenic chickens using cultured PGCs.

hens. In a report in Nature, van de Lavoir et al. (2006) the embryo proper (Figure 3). They enter the circulatory
genetically modified cPGCs, reintroduced these into chick system of the embryo after about two days of incubation
embryos and demonstrated transmission of the and circulate in the blood before moving to the
transgene through the germ line of modified birds. This developing gonads. Despite the availability of effective
novel technology supplements current approaches to methods to isolate PGCs and transfer them to recipient
transgenesis in poultry and also suggests that manipu- embryos where they form functional gametes in host
lation of PGCs may allow a novel approach to genetic birds, genetic modification of avian PGCs had not been
modification of other vertebrates. However, several successful (DCosta et al., 2001).
factors hamper the stable modification of the chicken Van de Lavoir et al. (2006) first developed a method for
genome. Not only are hens eggs large and yolky, which culturing PGCs isolated from chick embryonic blood
makes manipulation difficult, but by the time a fertile egg during the developmental stage when they start to
is laid, development has advanced to a stage where the migrate to the developing gonads. The PGCs are grown
embryo comprises ~60,000 cells. Efforts to access the on feeder cells in medium conditioned on buffalo rat liver
genome have involved manipulation of the embryo cells and supplemented with stem cell factor and human
shortly after fertilization, modification of newly laid eggs recombinant fibroblast growth factor. The cultured PGCs
and manipulation of PGCs (Sang, 2004). may be transfected and after injection of the modified
Early approaches to genetically modify chickens cells into recipient embryos at the appropriate
involved injection of avian retrovirus vectors into the egg developmental stage, the transgenic PGCs migrate to the
shortly after lay. The utility of these vectors was limited gonads and form functional gametes as shown by
both by the high incidence of transgene silencing, breeding experiments (Figure 3). Male PGCs form
particularly after germline transmission, and by potential functional sperm in male recipients and female PGCs
safety issues associated with the risk of recombination form oocytes in female recipients, but no evidence was
with retroviruses that are widespread in commercial found that PGCs of one sex would contribute to the
poultry populations. Developments in the use of lenti- germline of the opposite sex (van de Lavoir et al., 2006).
viruses as gene transfer vectors, particularly for gene
therapy in humans, encouraged researchers to revisit the In brief the basics stage of generate transgenic hen
use of viral vectors for transgenesis. Lentiviral vector bioreactors is as follows:
transduction from newly laid eggs can produce founder
transgenic chickens at frequencies of up to 100%, with (a) PGCs (black) are isolated from the blood of chick
rates of germline transmission to the G1 generation embryos after approximately two days of incubation.
between 4 and 45% and no evidence of transgene silen- (b) The embryonic blood is cultured under conditions that
cing after germline transmission (McGrew et al., 2005). A promote proliferation of PGCs, and the cultured cells are
related approach has been to attempt to modify the germ electroporated with a transgene construct, here encoding
line directly by manipulation of PGCs. In the developing green fluorescent protein (GFP).
chick, as in many species, PGCs are first found outside (c) Transgenic PGCs (green) are injected into the
8788 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

circulatory system of embryos after two days of derived while retaining its ability to enter the germline has
incubation and migrate to the developing gonads. The ended. Van de Lavoir et al. (2006) have dened the con-
recipient embryos are incubated until they hatch. ditions for culture and genetic modication of primordial
(d) Hatched males are reared to sexual maturity and germ cells (PGCs) and showed that these cells are
crossed with wild-type hens. transmitted at high rates through the germline. The
(e) The offspring of the cross are screened to identify advent of this technology provides the ability to introduce
those derived from the GFP-expressing transgenic PGCs transgenes of any size and to make site-specic changes
(Figure 3). to the genome.
Although PGCs are committed to the germline, they
can be induced into somatically committed embryonic
THERAPEUTIC PROTEINS germ (EG) cells by changing the culture conditions. EG
cells resemble embryonic stem (ES) cells that are also
Efforts to generate transgenic hen bioreactors have committed to the somatic lineages. These cell-based sys-
focused on targeting expression of therapeutic proteins to tems facilitate insertion of larger transgenes that provide
the oviduct, using regulatory sequences of one of the high level, developmentally regulated and tissue-specic
major egg white proteins. Although van de Lavoir et al. expression in transgenic chimeras and their offspring.
(2006) did not evaluate expression of a transgene Following introduction of a transgene, high-grade som-
designed to direct protein accumulation in the eggs of the atic chimeras can be made with ES and EG cells within 4
transgenic progeny, a recent report (Zhu et al., 2005) weeks and 4 months respectively, thereby allowing quick
from the same laboratory described production of assessment of the transgenic phenotype. Following
chimeric birds from chicken ES cells transgenic for a introduction of a transgene into PGCs, high-grade germ-
construct in which sequences from the chicken gene line chimeras can be made within 8 to 9 weeks and the
encoding ovalbumin, the most abundant egg white high rate of germline transmission of G0 chimeras produ-
protein, direct the expression of a monoclonal antibody. sces a large cohort of transgenic chicks in 16 to 17
Although functional monoclonal antibody was secreted weeks. PGC, EG and ES cells can be grown in conven-
into egg white, transgene expression was not tightly tional laboratory settings and small ocks of recipient
limited to the oviduct cells, which could be problematic. birds or third-party vendors can supply recipient embryos
Since gene targeting (e.g., introducing the sequence to make somatic and/or germline chimeras. In general,
encoding a therapeutic protein into an endogenous egg animal management is routine, although some specia-
white protein gene) is an important goal of cell-based lized equipment and technical skill is required to incubate
transgenesis in poultry, demonstration of effective gene chimeras in surrogate shells.
targeting in cultured chicken PGCs is the next challenge
to maximize the impact of this new method. Targeting a
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