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Use of Tags in HTML and Queries in Database.

Submitted By Submitted To

Muhammad Nauman Mr. Mohammad Inayat Ullah

Registration No. 13PWIND0273 Signature:

Dated: February 15, 2017 Dated:


Use of Tags in HTML and Queries in Database.

In this lab we study the different tags used in HTML and different queries Database.

What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages
and web applications.
HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML constructs, images
and other objects, such as interactive forms, may be embedded into the rendered page.
It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics
for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.
HTML elements are delineated by tags, written using angle brackets, < >.

Tags Function
<title>, </title> Used for title of web page.
<body>, </body> Used for writing in page.
<p>, </p> Used for writing paragraphs.
<br> Used for line breaks (Enter).
<center>, </center> Used for writing in center of page.
<font>, </font> Used for changing font attributes like style, size, color etc.
<marquee>, </marquee> Used for animation in text.
<mark>, </mark> Used for highlighting text.
<b>, </b> Used for bolding text.
<i>, </i> Used for italicizing text.
<u>, </u> Used for underlining text.
<a href>, </a> Used for hyperlinking.
<img>, </img> Used for inserting image.
<h1>, <h2>, <h6> Used for different preformatted text.
Note: Tag with / sign shows closing of a tag.

What is Database?
Combination of two or more files is called database.
File: Combination of two or more records is called file.
Record: Combination of two or more fields is called record.
Field: Combination of two or more characters is called field.
Character: Smallest piece of information is called character.

Muhammad Nauman (13PWIND0273)


This lab shows use of different tags and properties in HTML and use of different SQL clauses in

How to make HTML file:
Open notepad.
Save as anyname.html and Click OK.
First of all, write title of website, <title> Industrial Engineering </title>
Now the rest of the text will be written in body (page) of website,
<body> Introduction: </body>
Always close tag. (/ sign is used for closing a tag.)
Use different types of tags mentioned above.

How to make Database using Microsoft Access:

Open Microsoft Access.
Click Blank Database.
Microsoft Excel like table will be generated, shown below.

Click Click to Add for generating fields, like Name, Age, Address etc.
How to retrieve information from database:
Follow the given sequence:
Step 1: Create Query Design Add Table Close
Step 2: Right Click on Page SQL View Select * from Table #;

* will show each and every element of selected table.
Use different parameter from table (like Name, Age etc.) instead of *
for showing those specific parameters.
Use where PARAMETER=Required Parameter Value or Name

Muhammad Nauman (13PWIND0273)


Clause Function
Select Used for selecting/displaying data.
Where Used for fetching specific data.

Select * From Table1; Display whole record.

Select name From Table1; Display one column.
Select name, age From Table1 Display two column.
Select * From Table1 where
Display whole record of A.
Select * From Table1 where
Display record within ranges/limits.
salary>=100 and salary<=150

Different logical operators are used in Where Clause (>, <, >=, <=, =).
Different separating operators are used in Where Clause (and, or, not).

By performing the lab, it is concluded that HTML is a simple tool for designing websites easily.
It provides different attributes of presenting either text or graphics etc. On the other hand,
database is a powerful tool for storing different types of records which can be retrieved easily
and saves lot of time.

Muhammad Nauman (13PWIND0273)

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