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Arkeoloji kaz blimi demektir.

Eski zamanlar, somut kalntlara bakarak

inceleyen ve tarihe yardm eden bir bilim daldr Arkeolojinin inceleme
alanna her trl sanat eseri, ehir kalntlar ve eitli eyalar girer. Arkeoloji,
bu malzemelerle eski zamanlarn tarihini canlandrmaya alr.

Archeology refers to excavation blueprints. Ancient times are a science that

tries to look at concrete remains and helps the history. Archeology enters into
the field of study all kinds of artifacts, city dwellings and various items.
Archeology tries to revive the history of old times with these materials.

Arkeoloji iin alian insanlara ise arkeolog denir Eski arkeologlar sadece eya
ararken, yeni arkeologlar artk kaz yaplan blgenin tarihini inceliyor Kaz
sonrasnda ele geen rnlerin incelenmesi yaplarak, ne zaman ve nerede
yapld sorularnn cevab aranyor. Bu almalar sonunda bulunan birok
eyann ekli bozuktur.

People who work for archeology are called archaeologists. While old
archaeologists are just looking for things, new archaeologists are now
studying the history of the excavated region. After the excavation, the
products were investigated and the questions of when and where were asked
were sought. At the end of these studies, many of them are shaped.

Arkeolojik almalar ne zaman balamtr bilinmiyor. Fakat bu bilm dalnn

kurucusu olarak Fransz Caylus ve Alman Winckelman biliniyor. Kazlar
genellikle Msr'da ve Mezopotamya'da yaplyor. Bylece asrlar nce bu
blgelerde yaayan insanlardan kalntlar bulunuyor.

It is not known when archaeological studies begin. But the founders of this
branch of knowledge are French Caylus and German Winckelman. The
excavations are usually carried out in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Thus, residues
of people who lived in these regions centuries ago are present.
Arkeologlar sadece kaz yapmakla kalmayp yzyllar ncesinden kalma
ortaa tekniklerini kullanarak yeni projeler yapyorlar. Geen gn gazetede,
deneyimli bir arkeoloun Trkye'deki ta ocaklarn ve su kaynaklarn
inceleyerek bir alsma yapmay planladn okudum. Bu projenin fikir sahibi
olarak muhabirin sorularna gereken her eyi yapacan syledi ve Trkiye'de
bulunun arkeologlarn da ona destek olmalarn istedi Bu almann hem
Turkiye hem de dnya iin ok onemli olacan syleyen nl arkeolog.
yetkililerden de bu almada ellerinden geleni yapmalarn rica etti.

Archaeologists are not only doing excavations, they are doing new projects
using medieval techniques dating back hundreds of years. I read on the other
day that you planned to do a study by examining the stone quarries (canteras
de piedra) and water resources of an experienced archaeological site in
Turkiye. This project, as an opinion, said that he would do everything
necessary to the questions of the reporters and asked the archaeologists in
Turkey to support him. This famous archaeologist who says that this work will
be very important for both Turkey and the world. The authorities also asked
them to do their work in this work.

kaz excavation
demektir means
somut tangible
kalntlara the ruins
inceleyen Thinner
daldr Drop
inceleme examination
alanna In the field
sanat art
eseri Work
canlandrmaya To animate
yaplan Structured
inceliyor Examining
ele Hand
rnlerin Products
aranyor wanted
bulunan Found
ekli bozuktur its shape is distorted
bilinmiyor Unknown
dalnn Branch of
kurucusu Founder
Bylece thus
asrlar ages
yzyllar Centuries
ncesinden Before
ortaa medieval
deneyimli experienced
kaynaklarn Resources
sahibi owner
muhabirin Reporter
gereken required
bulunun Be found
destek support
syleyen Telling
yetkililerden From the authorities
geleni Come

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