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Why Are Allergies

On the Rise?
A century ago, allergies were rare. Today, more than half of all Americans test
positive for an allergy. What's causing the skyrocketing rise in allergic disease?
By John Murphy, Senior Editor

bout a century ago, allergy The actual prevalence of allergic Allergies are not only
was so uncommon that it rhinitis is unknown because many becoming more prevalent,
hadn't yet been named. The of these allergy sufferers don't seek but also more severe and more
term "hay fever" had been medical treatment. Currently, more deadly. For instance, more than 12
around since the 1800s, but the than 14% of adults (one in seven) million Americans have a food
word "allergy" wasn't coined until surveyed in the United States say allergy, such as to seafood (6.9 mil-
1906.' they've been medically diagnosed lion) or to peanuts or tree nuts (3.3
Historically, allergy appears to with nasal allergies; that equates to million), according to the Food
have been a byproduct of the devel- nearly 36 million Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network.
oped, industrialized world. Allergy Americans Indeed, the number of children
in pre-war, pre-industrialized, with allergic allergic to peanuts doubled between
1930s Japan, for example, had not rhinitis.' 1997 and 2002. In the United
been recognized. But, by rhe 1980s, States, food allergy is the leading
the country had advanced to a for- cause of anaphylaxis (outside of
midable industrialized nation, and hospitals) and causes an estimated
allergy rates followed. By 1986, 150 to 200 deaths and 30,000
more than 30% of children in very emergency room visits each year.
polluted areas were identified with Three of the But, peanuts have been cultivated
allergic rhinitis due to pollen.' most common for thousands of years, and pollen
Similarly, in North America dur- allergens: grass has been around for millions of
ing the 1930s and 1940s, only pollen (ahove), years. So, what's causing the sud-
about 3 % of people (and up to ragweed pollen (left) den increasing severity and explod-
10% in ragweed-infested areas) and dust mites (ahove right). ing prevalence of allergiesfrom
were estimated to have hay fever almost non-existent a century ago
(i.e., allergic rhinitis).' During the But, it's not just allergic rhinitis. to almost ubiquitous today?
past decades, however, the preva- Many more Americans have other
lence of allergic rhinitis has contin- or additional allergies. At last Two Possible Causes
ued to increase, from 10% of the count, more than half of all Ameri- There are at least two basic
population in 1970 to 30% of cans (54%) test positive to at least seemingly opposingcauses: the
adults and 40% of children in one ofthe top 10 allergens.* On dirty cause and the clean cause.
2000, with severity ranging from average, people who test positive The dirty cause (or pollution
mild to debilitating.- have at least three allergies. hypothesis) suggests that increased


Ocular Allergies on the Rise pollution in our environment has
"In the literature, ocular allergy has clearly been underestimated and underappreciated," overburdened and hypersensitized
says Leonard J. Bielory, M.D., co-director of the Immuno-ophthaimology Service at the our immune systems.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The clean cause (or hygiene
Dr. Bielorv's research (soon to be published) shows that about 80% to 90% of people hypothesis) suggests that we've
who have allergic rhinitis also have ocular allergic complaints. made our modern household envi-
That's nothing to sneeze at. ronment so clean that our bodies
Other research has shown that overreact to otherwise harmless
allergic conjunctivitis symptoms microbes and pathogens.
are at least as severe as rhinitis Let's take a closer look
symptoms in approximately at each hypothesis. ^ ^ ^
70% of people with allergic
rhinitis.' Also, isolated ocular The Pollution Hypothesis
symptoms are more prevalent There's no question that
than isolated nasal symptoms increased pollution in our environ-
during the summer months (fylay ment goes hand-in-band with
to August) in the United States.'' increased allergy. Indeed, a recent
In a notable subset of allergy study of 3,000 children in Munich,
sufferers, their ocular allergy complaints are actually worse than their nasal allergy com- Germany, confirms previous inves-
plaints, according to the Allergies in America survey.' More than half of nasal allergy suf- tigations that air pollution increases
ferers say that their red, itching eyes (53%), headache (51 %) and watering eyes (51 %) are the risk for allergy and atopic dis-
extremely or moderately bothersome. Furthermore, red, itching eyes are the most bother- eases.*' Specifically, children who
some symptom of 10% of nasal allergy sufferers, and watering eyes are the most bother- live close to high-traffic roads were
some symptom of 5% of nasal allergy sufferers. 50% more likely to have allergies.
In terms of exposure, the eyes actually have it worse than the nose, says Paul J. Gomes, And tbe closer they live, tbe higher
M.S.. director of allergy at ORA Clinical Research and Development, in North /^dover. the risk. "Children living closer
Mass. than 50 meters to a busy street had
"Your eyes are open the whole day, so they are these two huge pollen-collecting dish- the highest probability of getting
esthe perfect entryway for allergens," he says. "In fact, our studies have shown that if allergic symptoms, compared to
you put an allergen in the eye, not only do 80% of patients get eye allergies, but they also children living further away," wrote
get nasal allergies. But, if you put an allergen up the nose, you only get nasal allergy; you author Joachim Heinrich, Ph.D."^^
don't get ocular allergy." At tbe same time, rising carbon
Atmospheric pollution also damages the ocular surface, allowing allergens to penetrate dioxide emissions (from cars, trucks
the eye's defenses more easily, Mr. Gomes says. How it works: Air pollutants create low- and factories) are actually causing
level ozone, which results in oxidative stress on the conjunctival epithelium. This, in turn, plants to boost pollen production.
potentially diminishes the protection provided by the tear film barrier. "That one-two punch And, the worst is yet to come. Car-
makes it much easier for allergens to penetrate into the eye, exacerbating the severity of bon dioxide in the atmosphere is
allergy, and perhaps causing what would have been an occasionally mild complaint to expected to double by the end of
become a more chronic, more prolonged intense reaction," he says. this century. Such an increase
In short, "There's a huge unmet need in terms of the number of people with ocular aller- would lead to an estimated 6 1 %
gy complaints," Mr. Gomes says. And, that need will only increase. more pollen from ragweed.'
In the future, ocular therapies will likely target the mast cell itself to preventnot just Pollution not only makes
inhibitthe mast cell from degranulating. Fortunately, he says, current topical therapy more pollen, but it also makes
with antihistamine/mast cell stabilizers can provide ocular relief for most patients most of pollen more powerful as an aller-
the time. gen. In polluted areas, airborne par-
1. Wthnch, Brignoli R. Canevascini M, Gerber M. Epidemiological survey in hay lever patients' symptom prevalerice
ticles accumulate on the surface of
and severity and influence on patienl management. Schweiz Meo Wocfiensctir 1998 Jan i^\:^2&(5)^'9-'l3. pollen grains and actually change
2. Singti K, Bielorv L, el al Epidemioiogy ol ocular aliergy symploms in United States adults {igSB-lffl-i). Presented at
the American Coi lege ot Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annuai Meeting: November 9-15,206; Philadelphia, Abstract 34,
the shape and structure of pollen.
3. AliergiBS in Ameiica: A Landmark Survey of Nasal Aliergy Sufferers: Executive Summary: Adult: 9, Available at: Also, pollution causes tbe release of
www mmcpub com/scsaia/AduitSummary.pdf. (Accessed July 21, 2008.)
4. Abelson MB, Lilyestrom L. Paving the pastures' Urban iite and aliergy. Rev Ophthaimol 2007 Fed, 14(2].86-B8.
more pollen protein on the surface
of pollen grains. So, polluted pollen


is more effective than non- j overreactionan allergic reaction. protection against them," wrote the
polluted pollen in inducing ^ More specifically, an allergic investigators of the International
allergic reactions." reaction is an immunological hyper- Study of Asthma and Allergies in
Pollution also damages the sensitivity reaction that causes an Childhood (ISAAG)r
body's mucosal defenses, which immediate inflammatory response. So, does the hygiene hypothesis
allows greater access for allergens In the immune system, T helper mean than we can reduce allergies
to invade. Specifically, pollutants cells act as the traffic copsthey by reverting to a less hygienic
aggravate the nasal mucosa, causing tell the immune system how to react lifestyle? Should we get rid of the
chronic inflammation and epithelial to an invader. Bacteria and viruses antibacterial soap?
breakdown, and even altering the generally elicit a T^]!-mediated
mucociliary system. This increases immune response. But when the No Clear Answer
the opportunity of exposure to immune system detects a greater Unfortunately, neither the pollu-
environmental allergens and ^ danger, it fights back with a Tyil tion hypothesis nor the hygiene
jumpstarts the process of allergic m response (an allergic response). hypothesis provides all the answers.
sensitization.' " The hygiene hypothesis suggests Many questions remain.
Indeed, such exposure has even that insufficient stimulation of the Pollution, for instance, may not
led to a new diagnosis of an allergy- Tpjl arm of the immune system directly cause allergy. Instead, it
like conjunctivitis, "urban eye leads to an overactive T H 2 arm, may act as an adjuvantsomething
allergy syndrome," that is not which in turn causes allergic dis- that influences the course of an
directly caused by allergy, but ease. immune responseto exacerbate
largely by pollution.'*' The hygiene hypothesis has the reaction to an allergen.'^
plenty of support. It started with a The hygiene hypothesis has some
The Hygiene Hypothesis study that found that allergic rhini- holes in it, too. For one, the inner-
On the other hand, the hygiene tis and eczema are less common in city poor, who are exposed to
hypothesis says that a cleaner envi- children from larger familieswho greater allergens and microbes (and
ronment, particularly in childhood, presumably expose each other to would presumably benefit from the
causes our bodies to overreact to more infectious agentsthan in hygiene hypothesis), actually have
everyday "dirt." In other words, families with only one child." Like- higher rates of asthma and respira-
using antimicrobial soap might be wise, growing up with a dog or a tory allergies."^
causing your kid to sneeze. cat in the home appears to reduce Also, according to the hygiene
Long before antimicrobial soap, the risk of developing allergies.'' hypothesis, viral infections prevent
purified water and dust-filtering air Another classic example: Before the development of allergic disease.
conditioning came along, humans the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, But, the influenza virus now
(particularly children) were exposed children in Eastern Germany appears to enhance, rather than
to all kinds of dirt and microorgan- where living conditions were poorer inhibit, the development of
isms. (Of course, in poorer areas and dirtierhad lower prevalence asthma and allergic responses.'^
and underdeveloped countries, they of allergic rhinitis. Following unifi- Another curious anomaly:
still are.) The hygiene hypothesis cation, and the resulting surge in While the rates of allergic j|k
holds that in dirtier environments, Western lifestyle, allergy rates in rhinitis and asthma have
microbial exposure (to viruses, bac- East German children began to increased throughout the 20th
teria and parasites) effectively edu- catch up to their West German century, they appear to have
cates the body's immune system, counterparts." k f r reached a peak among children in
teaching it how to defend itself. Similarly, people who grow |Rk the early 1990sand may now be
Take that "education" away (by up in rural areas, particularly on a decline.'" The hygiene hypothe-
creating a much cleaner environ- those who grow up on farms, tend sis doesn't explain such an anom-
ment), and it alters the immune sys- to have lower risk for allergic rhini- aly, since concurrent environmental
tem's development. Now, the body tis and asthma. "Exposure to aller- exposure certainly hasn't declined.
is more likely to mistake a relatively genic pollen in early life does not Also, allergies aren't all environ-
harmless allergen for an invasive appear to increase the risk of mental. Genetics play a role as well.
pathogen, such as bacteria or a par- acquiring symptoms of respiratory For instance, if one parent suffers
asite. This, in turn, stimulates an allergy, and may even give some from allergies, the child is 40%


more likely to have allergies; if both
parents have allergies, their children
are 75% more likely to have aller-
gies., according to the American
College of Allergy, Asthma &
In other words, don't toss out
that antibacterial soap just yet.
^ ^
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You're seeing perfectly. The
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10. Leonardi A, Lanier 8. Urhan eye allergy syndrome: a new
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13. von Mutius E, Weiiand SK, Fritzsch C, el al. Increasing better time to try the Parasol.
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It's risk free, so call and order today.
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14. Burr ML, Emberlin JC, Treu R, et al; ISAAC Phase One
Study Group. Poilen counts in relation to the prevalence ot
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(ISAAC] Clin Exp Aliergy 2003 Dec:33( 12): 1675-80.
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in the prevalence ol asthma, allergies, and atopic sensitisa-
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