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General Studies : General Science

All about Vitamins

Vitamin A Retinol Night blindness
Vitamin B1 Thiamine Beri-Beri
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Extreme and unusual sensitivity to light
Vitamin B3 Niacin/ Nicotinic acid Pellagra
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid Irritability, fatigue, tiredness, and apathy.
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Responsible for protein in metabolism, formation of
blood; found in all food grains
Vitamin B7 Biotin Dermantitis

Vitamin B9 Folic Acid Megalonlastic anaemia

Vitamin B12 Cobalamine Pernicious / Megaloblastic anemia

Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Scurvy
Vitamin D Calcipherol Rickets, Osteomalacia
Vitamin E Tocopherol Animals sterility (Reproduction capacity reduces)
Vitamin K Phillioquine Hemorrhage
Calcium Ca Tetany and Rickets
Phosphorous P Tetany and Rickets
Sulphur S Disturbed Protein metabolism
Potassium K Nervous disorder
Sodium Na Nervous, depression, PH disbalance
Chlorine Cl Loss of appetite muscle camps
Magnesium Mg Irregularity of metabolism
Iron Fe Anaemia and low immunity
Zinc Zn Weak immunity ,fertility
Cobalt Co Anaemia
Iodine I Goitre

Facts About Animal Cell

Robert Hook was the first to coin the term Cell
Cell is defined as structural and functional unit of the body

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It is the living substance of the cell. It is a viscous, colourless fluid and is the seat for
all physiological functions.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes found throughout the cell and
connected to the nucleus. The membranes are slightly different from cell to cell and a
cells function determines the size and structure of the ER
They are the smallest organelles of the cell
Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis in the cell
The main function of Golgi complex is cell secretion e. it packs and transports certain
materials like proteins and polysaccharides out of the cells.
It is involved in the formation of primary lysosmes
Mitochondrion are called power house of the cell.
The plastids are of three types :-
1. Leucoplast
2. Chromoplast
3. Chloroplast
Leucoplasts are colourless plastids, found in the underground parts of plants which are
not exposed of light.
Chromoplasts are orange, yellow or red coloured plastids found in petals, fruits and roots
in certain higher plants. The red colour of ripe tomatoes is the result of Chromoplasts
which contain the red pigment lycopene
Chloroplasts are the most important and most common plastids found in all the
photosynthesising cells except prokaryotes. Blue-green algae however, lacks
LYSOSOMES : are also called suicidal bags as when these are injured by a toxic substance, the
enzymes thus released can digest the whole cell.

Some facts about Biology :

Length of Alimentary Canal Approximately- 8 metres.
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) 1600 K. Cal / day.
Number of Cells in Body 75 trillion
Longest Bone Femur (Thigh bone).

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Weight of Brain : 1400 gms

Blood Volume 6.8 litres (in 70 kg body)
Normal B.P 120 / 80 mm Hg
Number of R.B.C (a) In Male : 4.5 5.0 million / cubic mm.(b) In Female : 4.0
4.5 million / cubic mm
Life Span of R.B.C : 120 days
Normal W.B.C Count 5000 1000 / cubic mm
Life Span of W.B.C : 3 4 days
L.C. (Differential Leucocyte Count)
(a) Basophils : 0.5 1%
(b) Eosinophils : 1 3%
(c) Monocytes : 3 8%
(d)Neutrophils : 40 70%
(e) Lymphocytes : 2 25%
Blood Platelets Count : 2,00,000 4,00,000 / cubic mm
Haemoglobin (a) In Male : 14 15.6 gm / 100 c.c. of blood(b)In Female : 11 14 gm
/ 100 c.c. of blood
Hb Content in Body 500 700 gm
Universal Blood Donor: O Rh -ve
Universal Blood Recipient : AB
Blood Clotting Time: 2 5 minutes
Average Body Weight: 70 kg
Normal Body Temperature : 98.4 F or 37 C
Breathing Rate : 16 20 / minute
Dental Formula Adult : 2123 / 2123 = 32;
Child : 22 Milk Teeth
Largest Endocrine Gland : Thyroid
Gestation Period 9 months (253 266 days)
Normal Heart Beat 72 75 / minute
Largest Gland : Liver
Largest Muscle in the Body Gluteus maximus (Buttock Muscle)
Largest Artery: Abdominal Aorta
Largest Vein: Inferior Venacava
Largest W.B.C : Monocyte
Smallest W.B.C : Lymphocyte
Longest Nerve : Sciatic
Longest Cell : Neuron (Nerve Cell)
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Menstrual Cycle : 28 days

Menopause Age : 45 50 Years
Minimum Distance for proper vision : 25 cm
Pulse Rate 72 / minute.
Normal Sperm Count 200 350 million / ejaculation.
FSR (normal Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate) 4 10 min / hr
pH of Gastric Juice : 1.4
pH of Urine : 6.0
pH of Blood: 35 7.45
pH of Bile : 7.5
pH of Pancreatic Juice : 8.5
Total Number of Muscles in the Body: 639
Total Number of Bones in the Body : 206
Largest Organ of Human Body: Skin
70% of human body consists of water
Bitter taste buds located at the mid of the tongue
Sweet taste buds located at the tip of the tongue
Sour/salt taste buds located at either side of the tongue

All about Human Blood

Blood is a fluid connective tissue. It is 6.8 litres in man and 500 ml less in woman. 6 8% of body
weight ( pH 7.4 ).

Blood is made up of :
Red Blood Corpuscles ( RBC)
Also called Erythrocytes, disc shaped ( for increased Surface Area ), no nucleus
contains a pigment called Haemoglobin, which gives blood its Red Color.
Life of RBC is 120 days after which they are broken down in spleen or liver.
White Blood Corpuscles (WBC)
Also called Leucocytes, rounded, with a nucleus, far less numerous than RBCs ( 1 : 400
500 ) ( 5,000 10,000 / cu mm ), life 3 4 days, soldiers of bodys defence system.
Also called Thrombocytes, formed in bone marrow, about 250,000 / cu mm of blood, life
3 7 days, sets off blood clotting.
Plasma (65% of total blood)
Plasma transports nutrients from the small intestine to the body tissues, and return the
waste material to the kidneys, where it is filtered out.

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Regulates pH of blood.
Blood Groupings:
Father of Blood Grouping: Karl Landsteiner ( Australian pathologist ). He discovered A, B
and O blood groups in 1900.
Possible Blood Groups:

List of Diseases caused by Bacteria


Diphtheria Pathogenic Contact Throat, respiratory System

(disease causing) bacterium
(C. diphtheriae).
Pneumonia Diploccocus Contact Pain in chest, Jaundice

TB Mycobacterium Contact Lungs (fever in evening

and loss of wt.)
Plague/Bubonic Short rod (Yesinia) Rats Lymph
Tetanus(lockjaw) Clostridium Through Muscles
Typhoid (Enteric Salmonella Files and Food Low fever, Headache;
Fever) Nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, stomach pain; or
mild skin rash.

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Cholera Vibrio Flies AND Muscular Cramps,

Foods Stoppage of urine(Kidney)
List of Diseases caused by Viruses
Small pox Variola Direct contact Skin
Chicken pox Varicella Contact Skin
Cold Rhino Virus Contact air or skin
Influenza Orthiomixo Contact Lungs
Measles (Rubella) Paramyxo Contact Skin, respiratory Tract
Mumps Paramyxo Contact Salivary glands, ears, jaws
Viral Encephalitis Domestic Animals Brain
Polio Enterovirus Contact, food, Paralysis (Brain)
houseflies &water
Rabies (Hydrophobia) Rhabdovirus Mad dog Paralysis, Death, insomnia
Dengue (Break- Arbovirus Aecies(Mosquito) bite
AIDS Human T-cell Besides other,
Leukamia Hemophiliacs,
Virus(HTLV-3) Promiscuous indi.

Commonly used Chemicals in Everyday Life

Baking powder Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 For bug bites and bee stings
Baking soda Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 Fire Extinguishers, Baking soda
Bleaching Calcium hypochlorite/ chloride CaOCL2 For water treatment
powder of lime
Caustic soda Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Manufacture of pulp and paper,
textiles, drinking water, soaps and
Chalk (Marble) Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 For raising pH in soils
Chloroform Tri-Choloro Methane CHCL3 For sleep and anesthetic
Dry Ice Solid carbon dioxide CO2 To keep things frozen
Green Vitriol Ferrous sulphate FeSO4. 7H2O Mordant for varying the colors of
natural dyes and iron gall ink.
Gypsum CaSO42H2O Added to Cement to increase its
setting time
Laughing gas Nitrous oxide N2O Surgical, food service
Lime Calcium oxide CaO Basic lining in furnaces
Lime Stone Calcium carconate CaCO3 Soil conditioner to neutralize acidic
Mohrs Salt Ammonium Ferrous FeSO4(NH4) 2SO4. Common laboratory reagent.
Sulphate 6H2O
Plaster of Paris (CaSO4) 2H2O Fractured bones. Fine proofing

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Potash Alum Potassium Aluminium K2SO4AL2(SO4)3. water purification, leather tanning,

Sulphate 24H2O dyeing, fireproof textiles
Potash Ash Potassium carbonate K2CO3 To manufacture soap, glass, and
even gunpowder.
Quick Lime Calcium oxide CaO To remove acidic acids
RDX C3H6N6O6 Military and industrial applications

Rock Salt Sodium chloride NaCL For making ice cream, Food
Silica SiO2 Exists in sand, Flint, Quartz,
Sodium (hypo) S2O32- Used in photography
Vinegar Acetic Acid CH3COOH Cleaning purpose
Washing soda Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3. 10 H2O Softening hard water

Alloys and different types of fuel


Aluminium Duralium Al + Mn + Cu + Manganese

Magnalium Al + Magnesium
Alnico AL + Ni + Cu + Fe (Ni is nickel)
Iron (Fe) Steel Fe + C (c is carbon)
Stainless Steel Fe + Cr + Ni + C (Cr is chromium)
Copper (Cu) Brass Cu + Zn (Zn is zinc)
Bronze Cu + Tn (brown Tn)
German silver Cu + Zn + Ni (no silver in German silver)
Munz metal Cu+Zn
Gun Metal Cu+Sn+Zn
Lead (Pb) Solder Pb + Sn
Tin (Sn) Rose metal Pb + Sn + Bi

Some Important Fuels:

Fuel Chemical Formula
Biogas Methane+Co2+Hydrogen+Nitrogen
Coke gas CH+ H + CO
Liquid fuel Liquid H2
LPG Butane+Propane
Mustard gas War gas
Natural gas Methane+Ethane
Oil gas CH4+C2H4+C2H2
Producer gas N2+ CO
Sarin gas Nerve gas
Solid fuel Hydrazine
Teflon Insulating material
Water gas H2+ CO

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Some Metal and its Ore :

Metal Ore
Aluminium (Al) Bauxite, Corundum, felspar, Cryolite, Kaolin
Antimony (Sb) Stibnite
Barium (Ba) Barite, Witherite
Beryllium (Be) Beryl
Cadmium (Cd) Greenockite
Calcium (Ca) Chalk, Quicklime, Calcite, Dolomite, Gypsum, Asbestus,
Chromium (Cr) Chromite
Copper (Cu) Malachite, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Cuprite
Gold (Au) Quartz, Calaverite, Silvenites
Iron (Fe) Hematite, Magnetite, Lemonite, Copper pyrites
Lead (Pb) Galena, Cerrusite
Magnesium (Mg) Magnesite, Dolomite, Epsom salt, Carnalite
Manganese (Mn) Pyrolusite
Mercury (Hg) Cinnabar
Nickel (Ni) Pentlandite, Milarite
Potassium (K) Carnalite, Sylvite, Potash, Nitre
Silver (Ag) Argentite
Sodium (Na) Rock Salt, Trona, Borax
Strontium (Sr) Strontianite, Silestine
Thorium Monazite
Tin (Sn) Cassiterite
Tungsten (W) Wolframite, Scheelite
Uranium (U) Uraninite
Zinc (Zn) Zincite, Ferulinite , Calamine

Source of Acids

Acid Source
Acetic acid Vinegar
Citric acid Lemon, Orange, Grapes
Formic acid Red ant
Hydrochloric acid Stomach
Lactic acid Milk
Maleic acid Unripe apple
Oxalic acid Tomato
Tartaric acid Tamarind

Various Scientific Disciplines

Acarology : Branch of zoology dealing with ticks and mites.
Acoustics : The study of sound (or the science of sound).
Aerodynamics : The branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases;
the study of the motion and control of solid bodies like aircraft, missiles in air.
Aeronautics : The science or art of flight.

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Aerostatics : The branch of statics that deals with gases in equilibrium and with gases and
bodies in them.
Anatomy : The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
Anthropology : The Science that deals with the origin and physical and cultural development of
Arboriculture : Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
Archaeology : The study of antiquities.
Astronautics : The science of space travel.
Astronomy : The study of the heavenly bodies.
Astrophysics : The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of heavenly
Biometry : The application of mathematics to the study of living things.
Bionics : The study of functions, characteristics and phenomena observed in the living world
and the application of this knowledge to the world of machines.
Biophysics : The physics of vital processes (living things).
Botany : The study of plants.
Cardiology : A branch of medicine dealing with the heart.
Cytochemsitry : The branch of cytology dealing with chemistry of cells.
Cytogenetics : The branch of biology dealing with the body of heredity from the point of view
of cytology and genetics.
Cytology : The study of cells, especially their formation, structure and functions.
Dactylography : The study of fingerprints for the purchase or identification.
Dactylology : The study of fingerprints.
Dandrology : Science dealing with study of trees.
Dietetics : Science dealing with study of diet and nutrition.
Epidemiology : The branch of medicine dealing with communicable diseases.
Epigraphy : The study of inscriptions.
Epistemology : Study of the nature of knowledge.
Eugenics : The study of the production of better offering by the careful selection of parents.
Genesiology : The science of generation.
Geology : The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
Geomedicine : The branch of medicine dealing with the influence of climate and environmental
conditions on health.
Geomorphology : The study of the characteristics, origin and development of landforms.
Gynaecology : Dealing with female diseases of the reproductive system.
Haemetology : Relating to study of blood and blood disorders.
Hepatology : Branch of medicine relating to study of liver and its diseases-
Metallography : Study of the crystalline structures of metals and alloys.
Meteorology : Science of the atmosphere and its phenomena.
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Metrology : Scientific study of weights and measures, bacteria, molds and pathogenic
Minerology : Study of distribution, identification and properties of minerals

Mycology - Study of fungi.

Myology - Study of muscles.
Nephrology - Study of kidneys.
Neurology - The branch of medicine dealing with the nervous system and its disorders
Nuclear Physics - The branch of physics concerned with the nucleus of the atom
Numismatics - Study of coins and medals.
Obstetrics - Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
Oceanography - Study of the earths oceans and their interlinked ecosystems and chemical
and physical processes
Omithology - Study of birds.
Oneirology - Study of dreams.
Ophthalmology - Study of eyes .
Organic Chemistry - The branch of chemistry dedicated to the study of the structures,
synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds
Ornithology - The study of birds
Osteology - Study of bones.
Paleontology - The study of life-forms existing in former geological time periods
Pathology - Study of disease causing organisms.
Pedology - Stydy of soils.
Petrology - The branch of geology that studies the origin, composition, distribution and
structure of rocks
Philately - Study of Stamp collecting.
Philology - Study of languages.
Phonetics - Concerning the sounds of a language.
Phycology - Study of algae.
Physics - The study of the behavior and properties of matter
Physiography Study of Natural phenomenon.
Physiology - The study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of living
Pisciculture - Study of Breeding, Rearing, and Transplantation of Fish
Pomology - Study of fruits.
Psychology - Study of the mind and behaviour
Radiology - The branch of medicine dealing with the applications of radiant energy, including x-
rays and radioisotopes
Seismology - The study of earthquakes and the movement of waves through the earth
Sericulture Study of Production of Raw Silk by rearing of Silk Worms
Serpentology - Study of snakes.
Taxonomy - The science of classification of animals and plants
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Telepathy - Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions,
thoughts and feelings.
Thermodynamics - The physics of energy, heat, work, entropy and the spontaneity of
Toxicology - The study of poisons and the effects of poisoning
Virology - Study of virus.

A wave is a disturbance which propagate energy from one place to another place.
Two Types:
Mechanical waves : Require medium for propagation
i.Longitudinal waves ii. Transverse waves
Electromagnetic waves : Do not require medium for propagation
i.Wavelength range = 10-4 m to 104 m
ii.Light and geat are examples of electromagnetic waves
Sound waves :
It is longitudinal mechanical waves(20Hz to 20000Hz => audible sound waves)
Less than 20Hz : Infrasonic
Greater than 20000 : Ultrasonic(Bat and Dolphins are generating ultrasonic waves to find their
path )
Speed of sound maximum in solids and minimum in gases
Speed of sound in air: 332 m/s, water : 1483 m/s
Speed of sound remain unchanged by the increase or decrease pressure
Mach number :
The ratio of velocity of source to velocity of sound
Subsonic : Mach No <1
Supersonic: Mach No >1
Hypersonic : Mach No >5

Different Types of Rays

Cosmic Rays Gamma Rays X Rays UV Visible Rays Infra Red Microwave Radio
Cosmic rays it originates in outer space and continuously falls on earth.
Ultra Violet Rays invisible + Suns rays have it.
Infra red High Thermal effects.
Micro Telephone circuits and radar.
Radio used for Broad Casting.
VIBGYOR (Max. Wavelength of Red colour)

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Important Definition & Laws :

Force :
A force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. It is measured in the SI
unit of newtons and represented by the symbol F. The original form of Newton's second law states
that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with
F = ma

Centripetal Force :
A centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path

Centrifugal force :
Centrifugal force is a force, arising from the body's inertia, which appears to act on a body moving
in a circular path and is directed away from the centre around which the body is moving.

Newtons law of motion :

First Law :
Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight
line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This is normally taken
as the definition of inertia.
Second law:
The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the impressed force and
takes place in the direction of the force.
So, F= dp/dt or F = ma
Third Law:-
To Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
F AB = - F BA
Newton's Law of Cooling states that the rate of change of the temperature of an object is
proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature

kinetic energy :
kinetic energy is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as
the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity.
K.E. = 1/2 m v2. Where m = mass and V = velocity

Potential energy :
Potential energy is energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others,
stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.
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P.E = mgh, where g = gravity, h = height above surface

Law of conservation of energy :

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains
constantit is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed;
rather, it transforms from one form to another.

Power :
Rate of doing work by a body is called power
P = Workdone/Time = w/t watt
1 W = 1 J/2
1 horse power = 746 W

Gravitational Force :
It is the weakest force and attractive in nature
F G = GMm/r 2 , G = 6.673 x10-11 nm2/kg2
The value of gravity at the surface of the earth is (g)9.8 m/s2.The value of g is maximum on the
surface of the earth

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion :

The path of the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being
located at one focus. (The Law of Ellipses)
An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out
equal areas in equal intervals of time. (The Law of Equal Areas)
The ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of
their average distances from the sun. (The Law of Harmonies)

Pascal's law :
Pascal's law states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid,
there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.

Archimedes Principle :
The archimedes principle a law stating that a body totally or partially immersed in a fluid is
subject to an upward force equal in magnitude to the weight of fluid it displaces.

Bernoulli's principle :
Bernoulli's principle states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a
decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy

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Doppler effect :
The Doppler effect (or the Doppler shift) is the change in frequency of a wave (or other periodic
event) for an observer moving relative to its source.

Law of thermodynamics
The first law, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be
created or destroyed in an isolated system.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of any isolated system always
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a
constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two thermodynamic systems are each in
thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

Ohms law :
This law stating that electric current is proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to

Stefan Law :
StefanBoltzmann law, statement that the total radiant heat energy emitted from a surface is
proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

Law of refraction :
Snell's law is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence
and refraction, when referring to light or other waves passing through a boundary between two
different isotropic media, such as water, glass, or air
Sin i/Sin r = 2 / 1

Total Internal Reflection:

The complete reflection of a light ray reaching an interface with a less dense medium when the
angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle.This is the working principle of Optical fibre.

Coulomb's law :
The electrical force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of the
quantity of charge on the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the separation
distance between the two objects.
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Boyles law :
The pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant
temperature. PV = k

Charles law :
The volume of an ideal gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to the absolute

Avogadro's law :
Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of

Graham's law of diffusion :

The rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of either the density or
the molar mass of the gas.

De broglie concept :
Every matter posses dual nature(wave as well as particle)

Heisenberg uncertainty principle :

It is impossible to determine the simultaneously the exact position an exact momentum of an

List of Indian Missiles with Range

Prithvi-I: (Range: 150 km, Payload: 1000 kg, User: Army)
Prithvi-II: (Range: 250 km 350 km, Payload: 500 kg 1000 kg, User: Air Force, Army)
Prithvi-III:(Range: 350 km 600 km, Payload: 250 kg 500 kg, User: Army, Air Force, Navy)
Agni-I:(Range: 700 1,200 km, Type: Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM), User: Army, Air
Agni-II: (Range: 2,000 2,500 km, User: Army, Air Force)
Agni-III: (Range: 3,000 5,000 km, User: Army, Air Force)
Agni-IV: (Range: 2,500 3,700 km, User: Army, Air Force)
Agni-V: (Range: 5,000 8,000 km, User: Army, Air Force)
Agni-VI: (Range: 8,000 10,000 km, User: Army, Air Force)

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K-15: (Range: 750 km, Weight: 10 tonne, Warhead: 1 tonne, length: 10 m)
K-4: (Range: 3,500-5,000 km, Weight: 17 tonnes, Warhead: 1 tonne 2.5 tonnes, length: 10
K-5: (Range: 6,000 km, Weight: Unspecified, Warhead: 1 tonne, length: Unspecified)
BrahMos: (Type: Supersonic, Range: 290 km, Status: Inducted)
Shaurya; (Type: Hypersonic, Range: 1000-1800 Km, Status: Inducted)
SRSAM; (Type: Hypersonic, Range: 15 Km, Status: Inducted)
Pinaka: (Range: 40 km, Status: Inducted)
Nag: (Range: 4km, Status: Induction)
Akash: (Range: 30 Km , Status: Inducted)
MRSAM: (Range: 70 km, Used: Air force)

SI Derived Units
Area Square Meter
Volume Cubic Meter
Speed, Velocity Meter Per Second
Acceleration Meter Per Second Squared
Wave Number Reciprocal Meter
Mass Density Kilogram Per Cubic Meter
Specific Volume Cubic Meter Per Kilogram
Current Density Ampere Per Square Meter
Magnetic Field Strength Ampere Per Meter
Amount-Of-Substance Concentration Mole Per Cubic Meter
Luminance Candela Per Square Meter
Plane Angle Radian (A)
Solid Angle Steradian(A)
Frequency Hertz
Force Newton
Pressure, Stress Pascal
Energy, Work, Quantity Of Heat Joule
Power, Radiant Flux Watt
Electric Charge, Quantity Of Electricity Coulomb
Electric Potential Difference, Volt
Electromotive Force
Capacitance Farad
Electric Resistance Ohm
Electric Conductance Siemens
Magnetic Flux Weber
Magnetic Flux Density Tesla
Inductance Henry
Celsius Temperature Degree Celsius
Luminous Flux Lumen
Illuminance Lux
Activity (Of A Radionuclide) Becquerel
Absorbed Dose, Specific Energy (Imparted), Gray
Dose Equivalent (D) Sievert
Catalytic Activity Katal

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