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Why is saying "boil it" a banable offence?

Everyone is sick to death of people saying "boil it" as a response. Mostly it ma

rks out the worst kind of noob - one who desires to find acceptance by sharing w
hat they imagine is an hilarious in-joke, which will cause all us 'oldfags' to n
udge and wink before welcoming the person who clearly started vaping a week ago,
as one of our own. Said person will also tell people with stern conviction how
Sony never actually made VTC batteries, expound the virtues and decry the failin
gs of mods and atties they've never seen in the flesh - much less owned, and be
the first one to troll anyone at the earliest opportunity.
The other use of our rule against such things is a handy trigger word for people
desirous of committing suicide by admin, and which allows them the opportunity
to join any number of JJ spin offs started by children, trolls, racists, homopho
bes, and idiots; in which they will boast about how they successfully "showed al
l those dumb noob faggots over at Juice Junkies by saying BOIL IT". Oh and how t
hey shall laugh, and laugh, and laugh.........
The reality is that 9/10, we just delete the comments and take names. Repeat off
enders, or those who like to add further douchebaggery to their repertoire, don'
t last much longer. Of course, some people do it because they've heard it elsewh
ere, and haven't bothered to read the rules. If they PM me asking why they were
banned, and assuming they agree to read and follow said rules in future, I unban
them and welcome them back. All those asshats who bitch about the group in gene
ral, and me in particular, really just need to agree not to do whatever it was t
hey did again. Do that and I'd unban them five minutes later. Yet there are peop
le who instead are still whining elsewhere about being wrongfully banned some mo
nths later. Maybe being bitter and having an excuse to play the victim was what
they wanted all along. People are weird.
Has anyone ever actually boiled a battery because someone told them to? Honestly
I'd call that story apocryphal at best, but regardless of those who say we shou
ld tell everyone to boil their batteries, make wicks from asbestos, and use copp
er wire for coils on the basis that it will 'thin out the stupid' - it's not hap
pening on Juice Junkies. Want a real horror story? I caught someone suggesting t
o another member a recipe to patina their copper mod which would have produced a
potentially deadly gas. Some now very erstwhile Juice Junkie actually tried to
troll someone to death. So, whilst the boiled battery incident may be as much of
a troll in its own right, some people are......I'm sorry, but when attempted mu
rder is offered up as humour, there's no other word I can use - some people are
just cunts.

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