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Foreign Direct Investment Gautama.

S - Page 359-424
Banking Law Widjanarka, Hukum dan Ketentuan Perbankan di
Indonesia, 55-167
Capital Market Pramono N.
Anti Monopoly Law Wolfgang et al. UU Larangan Praktek Monopoli. 33-
HAKI Gautama.S Page 627-709
Bankruptcy Syahdeini SR.

Capital Market
Prerequisite and Procedure UU No.40 Tahun 2007, Article 125 dan 126
UU No.05 Tahun 1999, Article 28 dan 29
Aturan mengenai RUPS UU No.40 Tahun 2007, Article 89
Insider Trading UU No.08 Tahun 1995, Article 95 dan 96
Unsur Insider Trading (Adanya perdagangan efek, Dilakukan oleh orang-orang
dalam perusahaan, Adanya inside information, Informasi tersebut belum
diungkap dan terbuka untuk umum, Perdagangan tersebut dimotivasi oleh
informasi tersebut, Untuk mendapat keuntungan)
Profesi Penunjang PM UU No. 08 Tahun 1995, Article 64
Penjelasan Orang Dalam UU No.08 Tahun 1995, Article 95 (bottom)

UU Anti Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat UU No.5 Tahun 1999
UU Perseroan Terbatas UU No.40 Tahun 2007
UU Pasar Modal/Capital Market UU No.8 Tahun 1995
UU Penanaman Modal UU No.25 Tahun 2007

Anti Monopoly Law

Relevant Market UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 1, Paragraph 10
Market Share UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 1, Paragraph 14
Diduga Oligopoli UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 4
Diduga Monopoli UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 17
Posisi Dominan UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 25
Definisi Pelaku Usaha UU No.5 Tahun 1999 - Article 1, Paragraph 5

Per se illegal practices are illegal without proof

Rule of reason practices are prohibited only if there is evidence
Price fixing Article. 5 Anti-Monopoly Law
Per se illegal, without having to see first: the price level, market power, whether it is
already done

Bankruptcy UU No. 37 Tahun 2004

Prerequisite Provision 2, Article 2

Article 6, Paragraph 6
Sidang pemeriksaan paling lambat 20 hari setelah tanggal permohonan didaftarkan

Article 6, Paragraph 7
Paling lambat 25 hari. Jika atas permohonan debitor dan berdasarkan alasan yang
cukup, ditunda

Article 8, Paragraph 5
Putusan Pengadilan paling lambat 60 hari setelah tanggal permohonan pernyataan
pailit didaftarkan

Article 11 dan 12
Debitor, Kreditor, Kreditor lain dapat melakukan kasasi
Paling lambat 14 hari setelah tanggal permohonan kasasi didaftarkan, panitera
menyampaikan permohonan kepada MA

Article 13
Putusan atas permohonan kasasi harus diucapkan paling lambat 60 hari setelah
permohonan diterima oleh MA

Arbitrage UU No.30 Tahun 1999

Perjanjian tidak tertulis harus ditulis dengan akta notaris Pasal 2
Alasan menggunakan arbitrage
Hasil penyelesaian sengketa berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.
Win-win solution.

Banking Law UU No.10 Tahun 1998

Business Law Final Exam. 03 June 2016. 67 INT. Paripurna P Sugarda.

1. Banks should have fractional reserve while depositors at the same time should be
able to do demand deposit. Discuss
2. capital market as trading places and offering share to public. securities-related
institution and profession. discuss
3. a company issue securities that is non-transferable, has very attractive discount
rate, has maturities and will specified payment, and has option to be use as down
payment for land purchase and reimburse option. is it violates the definition of
securities? if yes, what is the consequence?
4. A debtor may be adjudicated a bankrupt if he has not paying his debt,
which is due to, and can be collected by, one of at least two creditors.
Explain the weakness of this.
5. Discuss the distinction of patents, trademark, copyrights, trade secret, and
industry secret.
Use your notebook as an example.
6. Carrefour are acquiring Alfa. After acquisition its market share becoming more
than 50%. In Anti-monopoly law, Carrefour is seen as violating the law. Is there any
chance that Carrefour could be seen as not guilty? Explain.

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