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2nd Grade News Academic

March 7, 2017 Vocabulary

decimal point


Hello 2nd grade families,

a.m. & p.m.

quarter past

I hope your week is off to a great start.

If we were unable to meet during parent-teacher quarter till

conferences and you would still like to meet please half past

email me a few times that would be convenient for you. I will vertical

do my best to accommodate so we can discuss your childs MAP horizontal

scores and goals for this quarter.



Spring Pictures have been rescheduled for March 28. As

cause and effect

a reminder students may dress down.


We have been working hard all year on our writing, and pronoun

the time has come for us to become published authors. Next adverb

week we will be working on a class book that will be published topic sentence

through Student Treasures. The order form was sent home supporting details

today and is due no later than Wednesday, March 22. If you closing statement

would like more information or would like to purchase our class


book online please visit


Permission slips for our field trip to the City of Raleigh weathering

Museum went home today and are due no later than Friday, cirrus

March 24. If you are interested in being a chaperone please let cumulus

me know.


Have a wonderful evening, and if you have any questions or landslide

concerns please dont hesitate to ask.


Upcoming Events
3/10 Dress Down Day
3./28 Picture Day
What We are learning this week:

In reading we have been studying prefix and suffixes. We have also started our poetry unit and
will learn how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. In
grammar we have been discussing synonyms and shades of meaning. We have also been learning
about compound sentences. We our working on our first informative piece by writing a
biography about a classmate. In math we have started learning about estimating and measuring
length using centimeter, inches, and feet. In Science we have started our new PLTW unit and
have been taking about how erosion and weathering play a part in shaping the Earths surface.
In Social Studies we have been reviewing mapping skills.

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