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English as an additional language


Students are considered EAL if the language they

were first exposed to was other than English.

Parents provide this information

Students arrive (if possible with a past
educational history)
Tested to assess level of language
Placed on the EAL register (Register on the T
Given a set for English and Maths
Given a basic phrasebook if we have one for
their particular language
HODs advised of new EAL arrivals.

Sets /classes for new arrivals decided by relevant co-

ordinator ( where possible EAL students should not be
placed in bottom sets)

Guidelines for teachers provided in the EAL Hand book and

toolkit ( both to be re-sent to HODs )
Additional information and phrasebooks are on the T drive

All teachers are teachers of EAL in the classroom

Students who are Level 2 or below are withdrawn
for 4 hours over the two week timetable.
In- class support given to Level 3 and below,
where possible. (a hard copy register of these
students given to all teachers)
All level 3 and below students are placed in
Literacy Booster classes in English during Years 7
and 8.
Literacy Option offered to EAL students in Year 9
transition and in the upper school.
Students arriving late in Ks4 with little English
may be given a reduced timetable.
Priorities in a lesson
Modify targets (can be written or verbal)
Check understanding (often)
Access to tasks will be dictated by level of
language students have on arrival(see
recommendations in the handbook for Writing,
Reading and Speaking and Listening). Be aware
of this
Ask simple questions to include early learners.
Students will learn social language first. The
teacher is their model for academic language
At acquisition level...
Display key words.
Use lots of repetition
Set collaborative tasks ( EAL students can
listen, observe and learn before they are able
to participate )
Ensure they have and use a dictionary
Allow them to make notes/ write
summaries/plan in their own language
Speak clearly.
Repeat instructions.
Check understanding.
Be aware of ambiguity in your instructions or
written tasks at all learner levels.
Monitoring progress
This is done through:
Termly assessment in English
School tracking
Feedback from EAL teacher in the early stages
Marking work
It is important that all teachers check language
especially in the early stages. Things to look
out for are:
Tenses (verb endings)
Word order
Use of prepositions(or lack of)
Use or omission of the definite or indefinite
article (the /a /an )

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