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IBM Software An IBM Proof of Technology

Hands-on Lab: Integrate Web

Application Inside Portal FAST Using
Web Application Bridge
Connecting Microsoft Sharepoint into WebSphere Portal

Lab Exercise
Catalog Number

Copyright IBM Corporation, 2012

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM Software


LAB 1 SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................9

1.1 INITIAL STEPS....................................................................................................................................................................9
1.2 ENABLE VWAT SERVLET................................................................................................................................................10

2.1 CREATE A NEW CATEGORY..........................................................................................................................................13
2.2 CREATE A VIRTUAL WEB APPLICATION (VWA) FOR MS SHAREPOINT 2007.........................................................14

3.1 CREATE A PAGE IN WEBSPHERE PORTAL.................................................................................................................19
3.2 CONFIGURE THE PAGE FOR WAB................................................................................................................................21
3.3 CONFIGURE WEB DOCK PORTLET...............................................................................................................................22




Web Experience v8 PoT Page 3

IBM Software

Lab Overview

This lab provides an overview of the IBM Web Application Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal. Lab
attendees will rapidly generate a rich and interactive portal application that integrates view from multiple
back-end web applications especially MS Sharepoint 2007. Lab attendees will create a Virtual Web
Application using the Virtual Web Application Manager portlet and then deploy the Virtual Web
Application on a portal page that delivers the back-end content to users by integrating web resources
from the back-end web application on the glass.

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WebSphere Portal Overview

What is WebSphere Portal?

Web portals allow partners, employees and customers to choose their user experience, with
personalized applications based on role, context, actions, location, preferences and team collaboration
needs. IBM WebSphere Portal software provides a composite application or business mashup
framework and the advanced tooling needed to build flexible, SOA-based solutions, as well as the
unmatched scalability required by any size organization.

Why Should You Consider Using WebSphere Portal to Deliver Applications to Your Customers?

Many IT solutions provide needed functionality, but require you to learn a new way to work. Portals allow
you to customize your work environment to your own needs, present resources in a consistent fashion,
and can provide a personalized experience based upon your previous preferences or specific role within
an organization.

In addition, the IBM WebSphere Portal provides an integration platform capable of bringing several
services together as a single, unified, consistent user interface (UI). You can create and deploy custom-
branded, market-driven solutions comprised of existing and net-new business assets. Then re-purpose
and reuse as appropriate to help organizations address the challenges inherent with build your own
Web solutions, such as:

Finding it difficult to keep up with the pace of evolution and the demand of user communities

Needing to reduce application development resources and time to market

Wanting to optimize the allocation of scarce IT resources, skills and budgets

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IBM Web Application Bridge Overview

What is Web Application Bridge?

The IBM Web Application Bridge for WebSphere Portal is a feature built on top of WebSphere Portal
and WebSphere Application Server that facilitates low-cost, At the glass integration of existing Web

The Web Application Bridge uses HTML IFrames and reverse proxy technology to provide an integration
solution conforming to the following major requirements.

Little to no content pre/post processing

Direct access to back-end applications is not allowed

Access to applications can be provisioned by URI

Authentication requirements and request handling can vary depending on an end users location

Why and Where Should I Consider Using Web Application Bridge to Integrate existing Web
Applications For My Customers?

The business users operate in complex, dynamic and diverse environments where competitive
pressures are intense due to globalization and reduced barriers to entry. Your customers demand
applications that deliver business growth now and simply will not tolerate lengthy application
development project durations. They have already invested heavily in applications, infrastructure and
platforms from multiple vendors and do not wish to forgo that investment. However, they want to
leverage IBM WebSphere Portal capabilities to provide a unified experience for end-users.

Overcome Challenges and Deliver Business Value to Your Customers Using Web Application
Bridge and WebSphere Portal

Together Web Application Bridge and WebSphere Portal help overcome the challenges described in the
previous section and provide the ultimate exceptional web experience platform for rapidly delivering rich,
interactive and social applications that enable business growth by attracting, engaging, retaining and
delighting customers. Web Application Bridge provides the fastest way to integrate existing deployed
applications with a web interface into WebSphere Portal and provides the following key benefits:

Faster solution delivery by completely negating the application delivery cycle time

Increased customer satisfaction by preserving ROI

Empowers self-service application integration and provides adaptive role-based applications as

intended by the integrated application

Extensively tested for and certified for integrating MS Sharepoint 2007. Can be used to integrate
all kinds of other web applications as well

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How Does Web Application Bridge Work?

The Web Application Bridge henceforth mentioned as WAB uses reverse proxy and iframe technology to
provide an integration mechanism for back-end web applications. The term back-end web applications
implies that the application users will be interacting with the IBM WebSphere Portal which will provide an
interface to these applications in its own context.

Each back-end web application to be integrated through WAB needs to be registered through the Virtual
Web Application Manager Portlet. You need to provide a corresponding Virtual Web Application
configuration with runtime parameters used to make an HTTP connection to the application, satisfy its
security requirements and fetch its web content and resources.

The content from the Virtual Web Application is displayed inside a Web Dock Portlet which is a
specialized iframe portlet. It invokes the VWAT Servlet for each request either generated by any user
action or even browser generated activity. The VWAT Servlet proxies the interaction with the back-end
web application and provides its functionality and content to the Web Dock portlet.

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Web Application Bridge Lab

Lab User Credentials (Use the credentials below when completing this lab)

Account Type Description User ID / Password

MS Windows 7 Account used to access the lab VM ibm_admin/password
IBM WebSphere Portal Account used to access WebSphere wpsadmin / wpsadmin
MS Sharepoint 2007 Account used to access Sharepoint. ibm_admin/password

Lab Exercise Goals

This is an introductory demonstration of integrating MS Sharepoint 2007 inside IBM WebSphere Portal
v8.0 using WAB. The specific activities covered under this exercise are:

Enable VWAT Servlet

Configure Virtual Web Application for MS Sharepoint 2007 in Virtual Web Application Manager

Deploy and Configure Web Dock Portlet to display contents from Virtual Web Application for MS
Sharepoint 2007

Page 8 Integrating Web Applications with WAB

IBM Software

Lab 1 Setup

1.1 Initial Steps

__1. Navigate to Start Menu All Programs IBM WebSphere IBM WebSphere Portal Server

__2. Launch First Steps.

__3. Click Work with IBM WebSphere Portal and then Start WebSphere Portal.

Integrating Web Applications with WAB Page 9

IBM Software

1.2 Enable VWAT Servlet

The VWAT Servlet as available Out of the Box, is deployed on a dummy context root of /wps/vwat. We
need to change it to the context root of /. This is required so that all requests on contexts not registered
with the WebSphere Application Server should be handled by the VWAT Servlet which is the reverse
proxy component of WAB.

__1. Login into WAS console.

__2. Navigate to the wp.vwat.servlet.ear.

Applications Application Types WebSphere enterprise applications wp.vwat.servlet.ear

You can use a filter, such as wp.vwat.* as above, to find the application quickly.

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__3. Click on wp.vwat.servlet.ear.

__4. Click on Context Root For Web Modules.

__5. Modify the value of Context Root from /wps/vwat to /.

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__6. Click on the Ok button.

__7. Click on Save directly to the master configuration.

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Lab 2 Configure Virtual Web Application for MS Sharepoint 2007

in Virtual Web Application Manager Portlet

2.1 Create a New Category

__1. Login into WebSphere Portal.

__2. Click on Administration.

__3. Click on Virtual Web Application Manager.

Every VWA is required to be under an Administrator-defined Category. It is used for classification of


__4. Click on New Application Category.

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__5. Enter the details as per the screenshot below.

__6. Click on the Save button.

2.2 Create a Virtual Web Application (VWA) for MS Sharepoint 2007.

This contains the configuration required for a VWA and is a placeholder for the back-end web

__1. Click on New Application Component.

__2. Enter the details as per the screenshot below.

Page 14 Integrating Web Applications with WAB

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Basic Tab

URI Scheme: HTTP


Context Root: /WebResource.axd, /Pages, /_layouts, /PublishingImages, /Wiki%20Site, /Document

%20Workspace, /Team%20Site, /[a-zA-Z0-9]*

Display Name: Sharepoint 2007

Description: For MS Sharepoint 2007.

Category: Sharepoint

Note: You can find the above information in the desktop file Virtual Web Application.rtf , so that you
can cut and paste the information.

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Also, please make sure that you add the wpsadmins group in the permissions section :

Connection Tab

Allowed HTTP Methods: GET, POST

User Agent: Forward User Agent

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Authentication Tab

Type: HTTP

Scheme: Basic

Add Header

Name: User-Agent

Type: Header

Direction: Both

Action: Propagate

Integrating Web Applications with WAB Page 17

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Localization Tab

The display name specified here appears as the Web Dock Portlet title. If not specified, then the
display name specified on the Basic tab appears instead. (You do not have to add anything, this
is just informational)

__3. Click Save.

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Lab 3 Deploy and Configure Web Dock Portlet to display

contents from Virtual Web Application for MS Sharepoint

3.1 Create a page in WebSphere Portal

The page on which the back-end content needs to be displayed.

__1. Click on Home

__2. Go to Edit Mode . Look to the Top Right Hand side. If it says Edit Mode, then click that link.
If it reads View Mode then you are already in Edit Mode and you don't have to do anything.

__3. Click the More button and create a new Sibling Page

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__4. Create a Page called WAB Demo . The Friendly URL name will auto-populate:

__5. A new page will be created , with a 2-column Layout.

__6. You will be fitting entire Sharepoint page into this screen so you may want to only have one
column. Choose the 1-column layout by clicking the Layout tab and selecting the appropriate

__7. Click Save

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3.2 Configure the page for WAB

The Web Dock portlet which is the iframe component of WAB requires the portal theme to provide
certain capabilities through the page.

__1. Select the Overview Tab, and Edit the Page Properties

__2. Navigate to the Advanced tab on the Page Properties dialog.

__3. Select Profile Full.

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__4. Click on the Save button at the bottom.

__5. Navigate to the Content tab.

__6. Search for Web Dock

__7. Place the portlet onto the page by doing drag & drop of the Web Dock Portlet onto the
content hot spot.

__8. Click on Save.

3.3 Configure Web Dock Portlet

__1. Click on Portlet Menu Click on Edit Shared Settings.

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__2. Enter the details as per the screenshot below.

Edit Shared Settings

__a. URL: /Pages/Default.aspx

__b. Scheme: HTTP

__c. Host:

__d. Height: 800

__e. Width: 1000

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__3. Click on the Save Button.

The page will ask you to enter the credentials because MS Sharepoint 2007 as configured requires
Basic Authentication.

You may see the following error :

__4. Click on Portlet Menu Personalize.

__5. Enter the credentials.

__6. Click on the Save button.

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__7. The MS Sharepoint page displays as per the screenshot.

You can experiment with the layout and iframe settings to get an optimum display.

Navigate to various Sharepoint pages and execute functionality.

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You have been able to setup the Web Application Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal and successful in
using it to integrate MS Sharepoint 2007. The Web Application Bridge (WAB) can be used to integrate
other public internet sites as well as other business and social applications. The Web Application Bridge
provides an extended list of features & capabilities like Inter Portlet Communication, SPNEGO
authentication using Kerberos etc.

Page 26 Integrating Web Applications with WAB

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Web Application Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal

Catalog download link

(This will be the most updated version available)

Wiki link

Integrating Web Applications with WAB Page 27

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Appendix Page 29
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Page 30 Integration Between WebSphere Portal and Forms Experience Builder


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