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URBANISMUL MONITOR AL UNIUNII ORASELOR DIN ROMANIA APARE SUB INGRIJIREA INSTITUTULUI URBANISTIC AL ROMANIEI ee eee ee ee ANUL XIX (XI) —N-RELE 1-6 wr CADRAN SOLAR AL ORAgUGUI BUCURESTI (Wr2NS" LATIN. 725" LONG. EG) S Orale in timp legal: fopucris «Ian TIA: INSTITUTUL URBANISTIC AL ROMANIEL I. Bie, M. Filiesen Ne. 31. — Telefon 279/70, Interior 88 Me a eae ore Ce ieee ee Coe ee ee eM aetna eee a et Eas eet MT, Etat de Resta Unban dn Roma Publised bythe Register Romania Unban Planers Pee TOs Pieters ae rary rer ated cr Pere tg Per ere ead Mara MANESCU See eae eeeriag Cee ea ee eta) ee eater ttre egy eae eed oreo feet a eset ee Soe rantinesste cero ee yes Pp ere ae one ot ey aie ee tora ae ere Ce a ee ets Ser oNere Creo Penh cera CUPRINS/ CONTENT EDITORIAL Lorn NICULAE Colectiv. Sau nevota de coerents ce unitate / 4Colectx.Orthe need of coherence as unity Nocomment 6 Dosar/FiLe BS Mihai Catalin ALEXANDRU Policentraltatescoerenti metropolitans Tex de doctoratsustnus de Maltin ALEXANDRU in 2014 subingumarea profem.dr. ar, AleranruM,SANDUL Fragmente esentiale selectate de Doina BUBULETE TO. Palycentricity nd Metroplitan Coherence PhO Tess defended by Mihai Btn Alxond in 2014 under be Superson oo Emeritus Alexandru. Sand, Ach PR. Essential Excerpts selected by Doina BUBULETE 1S Opinii / Opinions Alexandea,saNoU 21 Constantin ENACHE 24 Radu RADOSLAY 2B Gabriel PASCARU ‘A1-aBienala a Oragelor i Urbanigtilo Dublin, 14-16 octombrie 2015 / The 1th Biennial of Towns and Town Planners on the theme “Making Cities Work ~ Technology in Hanning Practice’ Dublin, 14th-16th October 2015 31 ‘Mihai tin ALEXANDRU Adaptare si hibridizare in cadrul oragelorin declin, LASORATOR BRAILA ‘Abordsti alternative ale perifrilor urbane in cadrul unui oras cu crestere stagnaté (B-LAB) /Adaptation and Hybridization within Cities in Decline, ‘BRAILA LABORATORY - Alternative Approaches to Urban Perpheries in Stognant Cries @-L48) 36 Mina Cain ALEXANDRU Aspect ale cenralti urbane a ral, Necestatea une reconigurr /Aspects ‘ofan Centrality in Bela iy The Necessity ofa Reconfiguration Atcisn NEORU Pardon uni universal —Setl Peter /The Px ur Unive Pesto Viloge 48 2 coPRNS 7072016 UDBANT (Catalina IONITA Golulcainstrument conceptual de investigare a organiciti ora postindustial Tez8 doctortsustinutd de Catalina lon in 2014 sub indrumarea prof. em. dar, Alexandru M Sand. Fragment esentile selectate de Maria MANESCU 52 The Void as Conceptual Instrument for Investigating the Organicity of the PostIndustral City aD Tess defended by Cdn loin 2014 under the Superision of Prof Emertus Alevandry M Sandu Ach, PRO. Essential Ecerpts selected by Maria MANESCU GO Opinii /Opinions ‘erandrusanou 6 Radu racostay GF Avadicastan FO Catdina ONT ‘Aspecte ale informaltiilubane / Aspects of Urban Informalty 73. damérovkes Proiectarea de orse-aptal Belo, Bucursi Sofi / Planing Capital Cites Belgrade Bucharest Sofa (Grigor Dotchinov, Aleksandra Bukit Cétalina lois (Editor) BS Finca uN CONSTANTS URGANEYE un esl neces /URBANEYE oNecesaryFstval BO Mihai in ALEXANDRU i Cai lina 1ONITA Fady RADOSLAY \gagse responsabiltate 0 cronologie/Responsiblty Lessons. AChronology ia ast Pierdute vitorurlipotetice /Lost Hypothetical Futures 4 Angelica STAN Druire si cteativitate /Devotion and Creativity 97 Constntn ENACHE (Cum putem sin mal pastrim alsturl/What Can We Doto Keep Ther Sti lose? 1 URBANISMUL 7072016 PASC Urbanist sirhitectl un tandem exemplar /The Architect andthe Urban Planner, an Exemplary Tandem 104 Andieea UOREA Preteniimel/MyFriends TOF INMEMORIAM Vlad TELEA Vasie rue4 110 Andrei BUCA céraincanacea TTT Maria VULCU. Cristan supa TTS Joan TRIPA (Kuki) leana TuREANY TIE Alex PASCU Sonn vasiescu T16 Gobel mscamts 20minute.O ectopie urban’ /20 minutes An Urban Ecopy TAB Vl USCA GooosveTo Gravy 122 PORTRET thing TULBURE Profesorul Octav Radutaurian 124 AGORA Radu RADOSLAY Onous tics? 128, PAGINARUR Gabriel PASCARI Inatentia specialisior cu drept de semnéturéinscrisin Tabloul Nasional al Urbanistilo! 130 COPRN: 3 #COLECTIV. Sau nevoia de _coerenté ca unitate Lorin NICULAE u trecut cateva luni de la tragedia colectiva din 30 oc- tombrie 2015. Am plans. Ne-am revoltat. Am fost mar- torii unor transformari politice, sub presiunea aparitiei unet misciri sociale necesare si autentice. “#Colectiv” a deve- nit simbolul nevoii de schimbere, de reasezare a societatii roménesti pe baze etice, 63 este un numar coplesitor, un ta- laz capabil sa mature totul in cale. Insd el nu este format din ous cifre, ci din suma individualitatilor unor tinerireprezen- tativi pentru generatia lor: Ana Albu, Alex Aliman, Dan Matei Alexandru, Mihai Alexandru, Catalina lonit8, Manci Ayberk, Nicoleta Baldovin, Roxana Elena Boghian, Andrei Petre Buca, Costel Cérlicean, Alexandru Chelba, Andreea (Beavy) Chiri- ac, Daniel Ciobanu, Tullia Ciotola, Loredana Darescu,, Bodgan Enache, Diana Enache, Anda loana Epure, Valentin Fieraru, Valentina Florea, loana Victoria Geambasu, Paul Alexandru Georgescu, Liliana Gheorghe, Tudor Golu, Andrei Stefan H med, Alexandru Hoge, Alexandru Mihai, lancu Constantin Ignat, Maria lon, Bogdan Claudiu Istrate, Teodora Maftei,lo- nut Maior, Alexandra Matache, Gabriel Matei, Serian Mavi, Cristian Mitroi, Elena Nitu, Carmen lrina (Karina) Oprita, Radu Palada, Alexandru Pascu, loana Panculescu, Clauidiu Petre, Adrian Popa, Florin Cristian Popescu, lonut Cosmin Popescu, Alexandra Radulescu, Adrian Rugina, Marius Rusitoru, Ale~ xandru Catalin Simion, Simona Livia Stan, Madalina Struga~ ru, Andreea Stefan, Monica Tanasoiu, NeluTilie, Andra Elena Toader, loan (Kuki) Tripa, Viad Telea, Laurentiu Varlan, Milhae- la Vieru, Roberto Andy Viddus, Mimi Voicu, Maria Vulcu, Liviu Zaharescu. O generatie care, confruntata prima oar’ in Ro- mania cu disparitia in masa, is striga acum dreptul la viata. Numérul 20 al revistei Urbanismul - serie noud este dedicat colegilor nostri arhitecti si urbanisti: Catalina, Mihai, Kuki, Vad, Alex, Andrei, Maria. Nu 0 s8 mai lucram zimbind im- preuna, Lam pierdut pe 30 octombrie sin zilele ce au urmat. Dar nu am pierdut ceea ce ei au facut pentru profesille de arhitect si urbanist. Nu am pierdut deschiderea lor intelec- tual, modul in care au gandit spatiul public fzic si social, rafinamentul cu care s-au raportat la el, Dedicarea cu care au cercetat, proiectat, organizat evenimente si actiuni va dainui prin lucrarile lor, dar mai ales prin cea ce au sadit in inimile noastre, Faptul ci nucleul in jurul ciruia s-a structurat Dosarul aces- tui numér al revistei este generat de articolele gi tezele de doctorat ale lui Mihai Alexandru si Catalina lonit nu este deloc intamplator. Mihai era membru al Colegiului de redac- al revistei noastte, in care a si publicat in timp 0 serie de articole. A coordonat rubrica Glosar si numarul 16-17/2014 #COLECTIV. Or the need of coherence as unity few months have passed from the collective tragedy on 30" October 2015. We cried. We rebelled. We witnessed political transformations made under the pressure of the emergence of a necessary and authentic social movernent. '#Colectiv’ became the symbol of the need for a change, a restructuration of the Romanian society on ethical grounds. 63 is an overwhelming number, an immense wave capable of destroying everything in its way. It is not two figures that compose it, but the sum of the individualities of the young people representing their generation: Ana Albu, Alex Aliman, Dan Matei Alexandru, Mihai Alexandru, Catalina lonita, Manci Ayberk, Nicoleta Baldovin, Roxana Elena Boghian, Andrei Petre Buca, Costel Carlicean, Alexandru Chelba, Andreea (Beavy) Chiriac, Daniel Ciobanu, Tullia Ciotola, Loredana Darescu, Bodgan Enache, Diana Enache, Anda loana Epure, Valentin Fieraru, Valentina Flotea, loana Victoria Geambasu, Paul Alexandru Georgescu, Liliana Gheorghe, Tudor Golu, ‘Andrei Stefan Hamed, Alexandru Hogea, Alexandru Mihai, lancu Constantin Ignat, Maria lon, Bogdan Claudiu Istrate, Teodora Maftei, lonut Maiot, Alexandra Matache, Gabriel Matei, Serian Mavi, Cristian Mitroi, Elena Nitu, Carmen Irina (Karina) Oprita, Radu Palada, Alexandru Pascu, loana Panculescu, Claudiu Petre, Adrian Popa, Florin Cristian Popescu, lonut Cosmin Popescu, Alexandra Radulescu, ‘Adrian Rugin8, Marius Rusitoru, Alexandru Catalin Simion, Simona Livia Stan, Madalina Strugaru, Andreea Stefan, Monica Tandsoiu, Nelu Tilie, Andra Elena Toader, loan (Kuki) Tripa, Vlad Telea, Laurentiu Varlan, Mihaela Vieru, Roberto Andy Vladut, Mimi Voicu, Maria Vulcu, Liviu Zaharescu. A generation giving voice to their right tolife when confronted with mass disappearance for the firsttime. Issue no. 20 of the Urbanismul ~ new series magazine is dedicated to our colleagues, architects and planners: Catalina, Mihai, Kuki, Vlad, Alex, Andrei, Maria. We will never work together smiling, We lost them on 30th October and in the days that followed. But we haven't lost what they have done for the professions of architect and urban planner. We haven't lost their intellectual openness, the way they imagined the physical and social public space and the refinement of their approach. The dedication they invested in research, design, event and action organization will endure through their works, but especially through what they engrafted into our hearts. It is not by chance that the core structure of the current Dossier is generated by the articles and PhD thesis belonging to Mihai Alexandru and Catalina lonit’. Mihai was a member of the editorial board of our magazine where he published a series of articles over the course of years. He was the coordinator of the Glossary section and of the issue no. 16-17/2014 (‘Allotments and city expansions’) a EDTORAL 7072015 UDBANISMUL .Parcelar si extinderi de orage’, participand activ in procesul de editare al revistei. Ctalina a fostsi ea prezenta in paginile revistei prin evenimentele pe care le crea sila cate participa, In care se implica intotdeauna cu entuziasm (Urban Eye, al 7-lea Forum Mondial dela Medellin din aprilie 2014 si altele), dar si prin articolele publicate, dintre care excelentul interviu ‘cu Ali Madanipour din septembrie 2014, pe tena,Spafiul pu- blic, ingredient de baza al vieti sociale’ ilustrat cu fotografi proprii de foarte buna calitate (Urbanismul ~ Serie Noua nr, 18/2014, pag. 100-105). Tezele lor de doctorat, respectiv Golul ca instrument con- ceptual de investigare a organicitati orasului postindustrial ~ Catalina si Policentralitate si coerenta metropolitand ~ Mina, ‘ocupé un loc central in ansamblul numarului. Conceptul de coerent8 ca unitate bundoard, cautat de Mihai Alexandru, poate deveni o idee calauzitoare pentru toticei care, in uma tragediei de la ,Colectiv’ au infeles nevoia de responsabili- tate comuné si de implicare civicd. Au infeles c& societatea romaneasca actual este bolnava sic nu se poate insanatosi {fara implicarea fiecéruia dintre noi. Ba mai mult, ne poate im- bolnavi si pe noi, daca acceptam problemele curente absur- de carora ne-am obisnuit sa le facem fata, situatile nefirest la care ne-am adaptat si pe care, daca nu reusim sé le gesti- ‘onam, macar ne pricepem s8 le ocolim. O societate in care fentarea normelor prea greu de aplicat, abilittile de a ne fo- fila pentru a ne atinge telurile indoielnice, graba de cele mai multe ori inutilé si prosteasca pot sa ucida mai eficient decat ‘o bomb MOAB. Plecarea celor mai buni dintre noi, departe de gravitatia care ne tintuieste din ce in ce mai ferm intr-o suprabirocratizare ‘care se autointretine si genereazé mecanismele de eludare prin coruptie ar trebui sa ne invete ca structura societati este data de suma valorilor impartasite de noi tot, capabile 8 fondeze 0 axiologie colectiva. Cateva dintre acestea repre- Zinta darurile pe care colegii nostri ni le-au facut si alcatu- {esc paginile ce urmeaza. Le-am primit. Vom sti sé le folosim? Vom sti, aga cum propunea Catalina in paginile tezei sale referindu-se la orag, s& ,teparim’ societatea, incepind cu fi- ecare dintre noi? Numérul 20 al Revistei Urbanismul— serie noud nu ar fi putut apirea fard contributile extrem de generoase ale celor care i-au cunoscut pe Catalina, Mihai, Kuki, Vlad, Alex, Andrei ‘Maria: prieteni, colegi, co-cercetatori, institut. Multumim Universal Media pentru generozitatea de a aduce muzica formatiei Goodbye to Gravity aproape de cititorirevistei si le multumim tuturor colaboratorilor care au considerat c& tex: tele lor, fotografile, imaginile de arhiva pe care le detin, pot completa portretele celor care, lasdnd in urma lor un gol de nevindecat, ne-au adus impreund pe noi, ceilalti Colectiv. and an active participant in the editorial process of the ‘magazine. Catalina was a common presence in the pages of ourmagazine due to the events she organized and in which she was enthusiastically involved (Urban Eye, the 7* World Urban Forum in Medellin in April 2014 and others) and also bymeans of her published articles, forexamplethe excellent interview with Ali Madanipour in September 2014, with the theme “Public space, core ingredient of social life’, richly illustrated with her own high-quality photos (Urbanismul - Serie Noua nr. 18/2014, pag. 100-105). Their PhD theses, namely The void as a conceptual instru- ‘ment of investigating the organicity of the postindustrial city — Catalina and Policentricity and metropolitan coherence ~ hai hold acentral space in our current issue. Forinstance, the concept of coherence as unity investigated by Mihai Alex- andru, can become a guiding idea for all those who, follow- ing the tragedy at Colectiv, understood the need for shared responsibility and civic engagement. They understood that the current Romanian society is unwell and it cannot get better without the involvement of each of us. Moreover, it can also contaminate us if we accept the absurd everyday problems which we got used dealing with, the unnatural situations which we have adapted to and which we succeed to avoid when failing to manage. A society in which avoid- ing norms too difficult to apply, the ability to shirk in order to attain our doubtful purposes, the utterly useless and fool- ish haste can kill more efficiently than MOAB bombs. The departure of the best among us in a place far away from the gravity firmly confining us to an increasingly self maintaining bureaucratization generating evasion mechanisms through corruption should teach us that the structure of the society is represented by the totality of values shared by all of us, capable of founding a collective axiology. Some of these are the gifts our colleagues gave us and are to be found in the following pages. We received them. Will we know how to make good use of thern? Will we be able, just as Catilina suggested in the pages of her thesis, when referring to the city, to fix’ our society, starting with each of us? Issue n0.20 of the Urbanismul - new series magazine couldn't have been published in the absence of the extremely generous contributions of the people who knew Catalina, Mihai, Kuki, Viad, Alex, Andrei and Maria: friends, colleagues, co-tesearchers, institutions. We would like to thank Universal ‘Media for the generosity of bringing the music of the band. Goodbye to Gravity closer to the readers of our magazine and we would also like to thank all our collaborators who felt that their texts, photographs, archive images in their possession may contribute to the portraits of those who, leaving an unhealing void behind them, brought us together. Collectively. ‘URBANISMUL 7072015 STORIAL 5 Nerney Peas

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