Anda di halaman 1dari 5

/]l8of] k|;f/ ;]jf ljsf; ;ldlt

-/]l8of] g]kfn_
O{lGhlgol/ ;]jf, k|fljlws ;d"x, jl/i7 k|fljlws ;xfos -tx %_
v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
k|yd r/0f M k|of]ufTds k"0ff{M %)
ltLo r/0f M lnlvt k/LIff k"0ff{ M !%)
t[tLo r/0f M cGtjf{tf{ k"0ff{ M %)

lnlvt k/LIff of]hgf (Examination Scheme)

k|Zg ;+Vof
kq ljifo k"0ff{ pQL0ff{ k/LIff k|0ffnL ;do
;ffdGo 1fg / j:t'ut ax'pQ/ @%@ %)
k|yd kq cfwf/e"t gLlt !)) $) 5f]6f] 5f]6f] 'pQ/ *% $) @ 306f
lgodx? nfdf] pQ ! !) !)
On]S6f]lgS; P08 a:t'ut @%@ %)
ltLo kq %) @) ! 306f

2_ lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL x'g]% .
3_ lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|To]s kqdf pQL)ff{ 40 k|ltzt dflgg] % .
4_ a:t'ut ax'pQ/ k|Zg uNtL u/]sf] k|Zgf]Q/sf] nflu 20 k|ltzt c+s sf ul/g]% .
5_ kf&\oqmddf ePsf oyf;Dej ;a} kf&\of+zx?af^ k|Zg ;f]lwg] % .
6_ o; kf&\oqmddf h];'s} n]lvPsf] ePtfklg kf&\oqmddf k/]sf P]g, lgodx? k/LIffsf] ldlt
eGbf 3 dlxgf cufl* -;+zf]wg ePsf jf ;+zf]wg eO{ x^fOPsf jf yk u/L ;+zf]wg eO{_
sfod /x]sfnfO{ o; kf&\oqmddf k/]sf] ;Demg' kb{% .
7_ efu 1 sf] k|of]ufTd k/LIff pQL)f{ eO{ %gf}^ ePsf pDd]bjf/x? dfq efu 2 sf] lnlvt
k/LIffdf ;lDdlnt x'g kfpg]%g\ .
8_ efu 2 sf] lnlvt k/LIffaf^ pQL)f{ eO{ %gf}^ ePsf pDd]bjf/x? dfq efu 3 sf]
cGtjf{tf{df ;lDdlnt x'g kfpg]%g\ .
/]l8of] k|;f/ ;]jf ljsf; ;ldlt
-/]l8of] g]kfn_
O{lGhlgol/ ;]jf, k|fljlws ;d"x, jl/i7 k|fljlws ;xfos -tx %_
v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
k"0ff{ M!))
;doM @ 306f

k|ydkqM ;fdfGo !fg / cfwf/e"t gLlt lgodx?sf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L

1, ;fdfGo !fgM
1=1= g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns, P]ltxfl;s / /fhg}lts cj:yf ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
1=2= ;fs{ d'n's ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
1=3= /]l*of] g]kfn ljutb]lv jt{dfg;Dd .
1=4= g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts tyf /fhg}lts ljefhg / k|To]s k|b]zsf ljz]iftfx?
1=5= g]kfnsf] jt{dfg zf;g k$tL, ;+#Lo nf]stflGqs u)ftGqfTds Joj:yf / g]kfnsf]

2= cfwf/e"t gLlt lgodx?sf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L

2=1= cfd;+rf/ gLlt 2073 ;DaGwL hfgsf/L
2=2= /]l*of] k|;f/ ;]jf ljsf; ;ldlt u&g cfb]z, 2041 -;+zf]wg ;lxt_
2=3= /]l*of] k|;f/ ;]jf ljsf; ;ldlt sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ lgodfjnL 2057
-;+zf]wg ;lxt_
2=4= /fli^o k|;f/)f P]g, 2049 / /fli^o k|;f/)f lgodfjnL, 2052 -;+zf]wg
;lxt_ df ePsf k|;f/)f ;DaGwL Joj:yfsf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
2=5= g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
/]l8of] k|;f/ ;]jf ljsf; ;ldlt
-/]l8of] g]kfn_
O{lGhlgol/ ;]jf, k|fljlws ;d"x, jl/i7 k|fljlws ;xfos -tx %_
v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

ltLo kq M k"0ff{M !))

;doM @ 306f
1) Basic Electricity and Electronics :
Ohm's Law
Kirchifl' s Law
Elementary Magnetism
Active and passive Devices
Fundamentals of Transformers

2) Nature of Sound :
Wave Length

3) Electrical Electronics Symbols and System Diagrams

Block Diagram
Schematics Diagram
Different type Recorder

4) Recording Technology
Portable Recorder
Open reel Tape Recorder
CD Players and other Optical Recording Device
Digital Recorder
Jacks and Jack field
Recording Media
5) Microphones
Basic requirement of broadcast microphone
Acoustic conversion
Electrical Conversion
Use of Microphones
6) Elementary Loudspeaker
Drive Unit
Types of Loudspeaker

7) Monitoring and quality

Mic / Line Level
S/N Ration

8) Mono/Stereo (Basic Principles)

9) Telephone Balancing Unit and clean Feed

10) Analog/ Digital System- Basic Principles Properties of :

Analogue Signal and Digital Signal
Binary, decimal and Hexa -decimal System and its Conversion
Sampling rate
quantising Level
Analog to Digital Conversion
Different types of Gates and Flip-Flop

11) AM Transmitters
Amplitude Modulation
Electro Magnetic Wave
Audio/ RF / Intermediate Amplifier
Transmission Line and Characteristics

12) FM Transmitters
Characteristics of FM Transmitters
Transmitter Control System
Transmission Line and VSWR Measurement

13) Broadcast Production Facilities

AM, FM Studio Facilities
Acoustic consideration definition and explanation, reverberations,
absorption, resonance etc.

14) Radio Receivers

AM/FM Receivers

15) STL
Different types of STL Equipments

16) Computer
Basic Computer Principles
Input/Output and Memory Organization
Computer Hardware, Software
Computer Network and System
Digital Audio Workstations Internet and its Applications

17) Power Supply System:

Main & Standby power supply System in Broadcasting
Earthling and its importance in Communication and industry
Poly-phase system, Electrical Meters, Advantage of 3 phase System

18) Safety at work

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