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The Shack. A blessing or a curse?

Ed Decker

It shocks me to see churches and ministries promoting a

film called The Shack.

I have received more than a dozen notes from Christian

friends, Churches and ministries, encouraging me to see
this wonderful, delightful, gentle, tender, faith-building,
family oriented film about death and life and hope. It is
even being promoted by a few of my Facebook Friends.

And I just listed a few of the adjectives they included in

the rave reviews. I did note, however, that every one of
the notes, emails, text messages had a common word.
That word was BUT.

I know that the film presents an unorthodox, but.. [Ed:

read unbiblical]

But it is so wonderful that people find their relationship

with God in it. But it helps us understand death and
Gods love for us.... But it lets me know that I am going
to be with a loving God when I die. But, but, but.. The list
is as different as the churches and people who have been
telling me it is a must see.

Friends, Choose your faith based films very carefully.

This film teaches [yes, in a gentle and heartwarming

way] a false god, a false Jesus, a false salvation, a false
hope in a salvation for all.
Satan is not going to come to you looking like a 14 foot,
fire-breathing frog. He is going to come as an angel of
light, even as the scripture warns.

I am keeping this very simple. Just in the very basics,

without doing a line-by-line correction, here are three
demonic teachings that will lead to hell.

The Shack offers you another god who, in this case is an

ancient Polynesian goddess.

It portrays a different Jesus who is not fully God. And the

theological base of its doctrine is a Universalist Salvation.
A happy Heaven.For everyone.

I have dozens of scriptural support for what I say here. If

you are confused and unsure that this film is teaching a
sugar coated false gospel, email me and I will give you
the many scriptures that prove I am telling the hard truth
here. The gospel of Christ is simple enough that I can tell
you this.

It is in the blood of Christ.

Either you are covered by it or you are not.

Either you are saved or you are not. Jesus made it clear
when he said: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me.

To the Ministry Leaders and Church Pastors who have

encouraged their followers to see this marvelous film, I
say repent.

You have lost the zeal for the truth of God and His Holy
Word and treasure the world more than heaven. You
have fallen for the new Age Christian philosophy of never
offending anyone with a call for repentance of sin. You
have bowed to the god of this world.

What of the millions of untaught believers who have read

this book or seen the film and then slide comfortably
back to their sin lives? Who will be accountable to God
for their loss?

If you cannot divide the Word and preach truth to your

people, enjoy your many worldly blessings because they
will not be with you at the Judgment seat of God.

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