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Assignment 1 IE6425 PLM & SD Kunal Bachhav(fx3443)


The Article includes the collaborative data management framework related

to concurrent product and process development. The main aspects of the
article consisted the use of data management techniques for storage of data
included Product Data Management(PDM), Engineering Data
Management(EDM), Integrated Product Data Management(IPDM). The quality
and accuracy of the manufacturing of the product has simply increased due
to the improvements in the concurrent engineering. But for this to happen
both product and process have to be improved simultaneously. This Paper
thus presents a collaborative data management framework which is capable
of supporting the information sharing and team data management in
concurrent product and process development by providing functions like
product and process management and team management.

The collaborative engineering data management focuses on three steps; a)

Product delivery process b) Concurrent product and process development
and c) Analysis of functional requirements. The Product delivery process
consists of the consideration of several product functional needs and using
various tools and techniques achieve the quality of a product. The
simultaneous following of the product delivery process by various teams is
called as concurrent product and process development. And this
simultaneous running of product and processes is to be analyzed in the
functional requirements. The view of the user related to the proposed
collaborative team data management is represented on a functional diagram
containing sections like; 1) Project installation is a logical container which
deals with the work areas related to the product and process data. 2)
Personal wok area is an area for a single personal work space. 3) Workbench
is an area where members of the team perform the tasks 4) Bins are those
private areas where a team member can take his/her work to an area where
the other members are not involved. The functions of team data
management include the product definition, project configuration, Entity
Management and Library management.

The Object modelling of collaborative team data management framework

consists of Object oriented study of the of the different techniques involved.
It provides a new way of thinking about the problems in an object oriented
manner. As per Rumbaughs Object modelling technique(OMT), he proposed
Assignment 1 IE6425 PLM & SD Kunal Bachhav(fx3443)

framework is developed in three terms; Object model, dynamic model and

functional model. These selected approaches of collaborative team data
management system where implemented using ObjectStore. The framework
using implemented using Visual C++.


The collaborative data management deals with a systematic

approach involving number of steps which creates a path to be
followed. By carrying a collaborative study, it can support the
different aspects of the product manufacturing and planning. The
information can be preserved and later could be made available
for later use. This could provide the exact path to follow and
scrutinize various aspects of product and process management.
The Object oriented methodology is an another way to improve
accuracy and quality in the process planning. The various
members of the team could focus on each and every object to
make it as accurate and qualified as possible. The Object Oriented
technology provides a common ground for the transition between
the stages of the system development analysis, modelling and
design, coding and maintenance. It also allows easy mapping
from a functional program back to the original requirements and
thus makes system easier.

Assignment 1 IE6425 PLM & SD Kunal Bachhav(fx3443)

The article only talks about the use of concurrent product and
process management. Though it introduces the various aspects of
the object-oriented method yet has no standard one to follow.
There have been research stating the limitations of Rumbaugh
OMT one of them was of Jaconson et al.(1992). He stated that
there are separate notations and orientation and the lack of
integration between the three different methods; object model,
dynamic model and functiocal model. It is very difficult to
maintain the equality and use of these three models.

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