Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Physical Capital; background that affects the type of knowledge that exists

in the community?
-Fasilitas Desa / infrastruktur dasar 6. Is there a tradition of local innovation? Are technologies
Listrik in use from internal or external sources?
Air (sanitasi) dan jaringan air minum 7. Do people feel that they are particularly lacking in certain
Jaringan telepon dan internet types of information?
Kanal / kilang 8. How aware are people of their rights and of the policies,
Jalan (transpotasi) dan jembatan legislation and regulation that impact on their livelihoods?
o Jauh atau tidak dari pusat kabupaten / jalan utama If they do consider themselves to be aware, how accurate
berpengaruh kepada hasil pertanin ke kota atau is their understanding?
kecamatan. Lebih jauh akses kepasar berpengaruh
kepada apakah komoditas sagu di monopoli oleh
makelar yang mempunyai truk-truk besar. Terkait Financial Capital:
ketergantungan pada makelar - Kemiskinan
o Jika dikaitkan dengan aspek kesejahteraan maka o Real per capita income
fasilitas fisik juga penting karena berpengaruh o Real per capita income growth
kepada akses masyarakat terhadap layanan o Real per capita income inequality
kesehatan o Tabungan
o Kondisi: sagu basah di jual kepada toke Cina; dan ada o Investasi (sertifikat surat berharga, saham, dsb)
yang dikirim ke cirebon o Program pengentasan kemiskinan
-Kondisi Fisik Rumah o Jika terjadi krisis
o Dinding tembok dan lantai Tendensi berhutang; apakah dari hubungan
o Apakah disetiap rumah ada MCK
sosial kolektif, atau akses bank
Question: (based on DFIF) Kalau terjadi kebakaran hutan dan
produktivitas menurut bagaimana petani
1. How complex is the local environment (the more complex menyikapinya? Apakah menggunakan modal
the problems, the greater the importance of knowledge)? sosial (hutang keluarga; hubungan baik
2. From where (what sources, networks) do people access dengan investor; atau pemerintah)
information that they feel is valuable to their livelihoods? - Agiculture
3. Which groups, if any, are excluded from accessing these o Agiculture productivity
sources? o Food production index
4. Does this exclusion affect the nature of information o Pendanaan regular
available? (e.g. if women are excluded, then knowledge o Pinjaman modal usaha
of traditionally female production activities may be Institusi kredit alternatf, community
limited.) development credi unions (lembaga
5. Are knowledge managers (e.g. teachers or core perkreditan); community development
members of knowledge networks) from a particular social banks.
o Food price index
o Pemerintahan Desa 2. Kualitas Intelektual (pengetahuan dan
Local government debt rate keterampilan
Market and institution (akses petani a. Memiliki kemampuan pendidikan pada jenjang
terhadap pasar; bukan pasar tradisional yang lebih tinggi;
seperti di modal fisik tetapi akses terhadap i. Tingkat Melek Huruf;
konsumen sagu) ii. Rasio anggaran untuk pendidikan desa
Labour (Employment rate) Sungai Tohor disbanding keseluruhan
Migration rate pembiayaan;
iii. Pendidikan Terakhir (Sungai Tohor: anak-
anaknya rata-rata lulusan SMA; ada juga
Human Capital: yang kuliah dan merantau ke batam)
b. Memiliki tingkat ragam dan kualitas pendidikan
Quality of social life and welfare. Good quality means good serta keterampilan yang relevan dengan
education and health; reduced risks and vulnerability of people. memperhatikan dinamika lapangan kerja
i. Ilmu pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan yang
relevan dengan tuntutan industrialisasi
Profil responden Industri Tani
- Sudah Berapa Lama Bertani
Indikator Kualitas SDM menurut hasil seminari TNI-AD (Strategi o 1-10 tahun
Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam PJPTK) o 10-20 tahun
o >21 tahun
1. Kualitas fisik dan kesehatan, yang melitputi: - Asal keterampilan bertani:
a. Kesehatan yang baik dan kesegaran jasmani o Sesama petani sukses
Petani sagu yang biasa bekerja berat akan terkena o Mengikuti pelatihan
penyakit hernia (turun perut) atau wasir. Jadi, o Coba-coba (trial)
penyakit ini adalah penyakit yang paling banyak o Turun temurun
diderita oleh Masyarakat Sungai Tohor ii. Pengetahuan Teknologi
b. Memiliki postur tubuh yang baik disebabkan oleh c. Memiliki penguasaan Bahasa, meliputi Bahasa
peningkatan gizi yang baik; nasional, Bahasa daerah, dan sekurang kurangnya
i. Rural child malnutrition satu Bahasa asing;
ii. Rurl population living on less tan $1 a day
c. Tingkat kehidupan yang layak dan manusiawi
i. Infant mortality rate 3. Kualitas Spiritual (prespektif, mentalitas)
ii. Tingkat ketergantungan (John Stuart Mill); a. taat menjalankan agama dan kepercayaan
- Apakah yang kaya bergantung pada terhadap tuhan; serta toleransi yang tinggi dalam
yang miskin? kehidupan beragama;
- Aapakah wanita bergantung pada - apakah terjadi konflik yang berkaitan
pria? Apakah ada budaya patriarki? dengan agama?
b. Memiliki sikap-sikap adaptif dan kritis terhadap Natural / Environmental
pengaruh negatif nilai-nilai budaya asing;
c. Memiliki semangat kompetisi yang tinggi dengan
meningkatkan motivasi, etos kerja, dan Question:
produktivitas demi membangunan bangsa dan 1. Which groups have access to which types of natural
negara resources?
d. Memiliki semangat berwiraswasta dan 2. What is the nature of access rights (e.g. private
kemandirian; ownership, rental, common ownership, highly contested
e. Tingkat partisipasi politic / political right access)? How secure are they? Can they be defended
against encroachment?
Pertanyaan 3. Is there evidence of significant conflict over resources?
a. How complex is the local environment (the more 4. How productive is the resource (issues of soil fertility,
complex the problems, the greater the importance of structure, salinisation, value of different tree species,
knowledge)? etc.)? How has this been changing over time (e.g.
b. From where (what sources, networks) do people variation in yields)?
access information that they feel is valuable to their 5. Is there existing knowledge that can help increase the
livelihoods? productivity of resources?
c. Which groups, if any, are excluded from accessing 6. Is there much spatial variability in the quality of the
these sources? resource?
d. Does this exclusion affect the nature of information 7. How is the resource affected by externalities? (For
available? (e.g. if women are excluded, then example: the productive potential of different parts of
knowledge of traditionally female production activities watersheds is affected by the activities of other users and
may be limited.) the way in which resource systems operate; the value of
e. Are knowledge managers (e.g. teachers or core fisheries depends upon the number of other users who
members of knowledge networks) from a particular have access and the choices they make about their
social background that affects the type of knowledge catches; biodiversity is often damaged by intensive
that exists in the community? agriculture.)
f. Is there a tradition of local innovation? Are
8. How versatile is the resource? Can it be used for multiple
technologies in use from internal or external
purposes? (This can be important in cushioning users
against particular shocks.) Environmental economists
g. Do people feel that they are particularly lacking in
have invested considerable effort in trying to determine
certain types of information?
overall values for natural assets that take into account:
h. How aware are people of their rights and of the
direct use value (e.g. of land used for agricultural
policies, legislation and regulation that impact on their
production or of recreational areas);
livelihoods? If they do consider themselves to be
aware, how accurate is their understanding?
9. indirect use value (e.g. biodiversity, erosion protection
and other ecological services); and
10. non-use value, or existence value (often calculated
on the basis of the amount people would be willing to pay
to see the continued existence of a given resource, Bridging capital
regardless of whether they use it).
o Menggabungkan masyarakat
dengan kelompok sosial yang
Social Capital berbeda
Linking capital
how best to support groups (especially of the poor who may lack
time for group activities); what are appropriate indicators of
o Ikatan kelompok yang lemah dan
effective group functioning; and what is the relationship kurang berdaya dengan
between various types of government structure and ideology masyarakat yang lebih berdaya
and the density of social capital at the community level.
(powerfull people) missal bank
Bonding capital polisi dan dinas pertanian
o Yang mengikat masyarakat dalam satu
kelompok tertentu
o Mengenai organisasi tani atau kah kesatuan
masyarakat adat

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