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Chapter 15 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 15.1 Thick-Wall C; Stress Field (Fig. 15.1) Pe % | 15.2 Cylinder With Rough Rigid End Plates (Fig. 15.2) a ne x = bie} eT TT ; AR one Te Keay oj 4 4 at " 4 | TRI 4/1 | ms st) Ye aon, ves (5.19) Lee Meg) pate nit csay 710.35.2 pat bat PO (,-P,) pzatap,b gy we PoP PPM asa) Moore (1966) has obtained solutions for the 8 (Bat yr* Be a stresses and displacements within the cylinder for esis value of 4/0. ad yf, for womdined Compression foy-0),"thase solutions ire given in Gabler Iss] and’ 18-2, "for no arial moveaont_ (i), o see GS.1d) ‘the solutions for #/D=2 are shown in Table 15.3. In Tibtes Ais1 to 15.5, the vertical displacement 9g, 10 Ae taken as positive when disectol torarde the canted of og = Hage) say tattle C0 Sa” oy" Selng copressie. be a! The relationships between the spparent and true Poisson's ratio and Toug's aodstus SF the eylinger am fog) gt op") Se thom in Figeris-3 asd 13-8. = BI a eer] ‘The solution for any ratio of o1/ox can be der~ @*- ate eae ived from a combination of the solution for unconfined ‘compression (Tables 15.1 and 15.2), with the solution san fren = 0/Cieu) thks tavaee Soleelen coa'bs 7 038) calculated straightforwardly since there are no radial Strains throught the eyliader in this casey ee Spot, Oyedy “and the rovgness of the pistes has no Py = se (5.19) eee 298 (MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEKS TABLE 15.1 ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, 2/D = 7 (ore, 1966) ea aD ae 0 0m 080 0.78 2 002s 050 075 1 PJ8 (Outvarde) 1 0 0 9 oo 0.500 0.75 0 .01S 0.032 0.058 c.085 Os 0:50 9 L026 oL0ss Loss O-138 02290, 0:8 9 los? Orbea 0086 OL? Pet OO _o03s 0.007 0.089 0.130 ° y= 0.25 zs Gin 0 eye Uoer rr 0.892 0.805 0.098 0.932 5.150 075 0 Sioso 91982 Ose .o22 0.24 os 8 1039 1.036 11085 1.006 0:908, 01s 8 Toes lose 1058 190s 0.005, o 8 More tloes 1057 oL9e9 0°95, 1 0.297 0.298 0.299 o.S11 2.083 0.297 0.298 0.209 0.511 1.003, 0.75 01177 oli rte 0:08 0) 01197 01178 OL16s 05158 0086 0180 01085 L076 Loss OLoIs 0 208s 01079 Olas 9.081 9-008 0:25 01050 1026 o-01S 0:08 0 0.050 0:027 0.017 0.005 0.013 O oloa clon ofo0s oLeano Soi 9101 91008-85007 oc017 2/8 (Outsanta) oe To oo 0.800 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.75 9 0.029 0.060 Oreis 01816 0-408 0.359, 0:50 0 Oos8 0.099 01296 o!ze1 27s 0.206 0: 8 Olose OLS 0.126 oo best ona ° ye 080 fe 0 Tee Wer a To 0.0% 0.165 0.280 1.256 0.862 75 0.75 8 Bios orld O11a2 0 Looe ost 0:50 8 lou OLo4z O02 0 Hope ols 0:25 0 ~ ole08 0-007 -0:005 0 uaz o:867 oo 1136 or88s T0574 0.572 0.560 0.583 4.650 0.574 0.872 7.650 0.75 01585 01520 L274 01156 0 0135501525, 0.088 0.50 0.154 0.140 0.099 0.057 0 orise Octae 0°03 0:25 0-085 0.047 0028 0.009 0 01085 01086 L025 01012 “0.019 0 0035 01020 o-010000s 0 01025 01018-01002 “0,028 70.051, 2J8_(rtsanta) too oO 0.75 0 0.035 0.073 0.120 0.380 0:5 0 Oltss 0.119 oLlaz 0.259 0:28 9 1071 0114001205 0.262 OO alors ort45 202 0.268, vn oss bo Tet Bet ie 10 0,091 0.188 o.sis 1.378 0.75 0 01068 0115 Lisl 01S 0 o.os2 0.049 0.028 0 0:28 9 81009 8.009 0-008 8 oo 6 10.707 0.702 0.699 0.698 9.791 0.75 01405 0.390 01554 o.2m 0 050 oct 0.175 Oc124 oLost 0 0:38 01069 0.059 0.055 OL0lL 0 Oras 01027 0.012 0.0080 TABLE 15.2 ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, 2/D = 2 (ore, 1966) 2 23/0 an 00a 0.8 078 1 0 0as 0.80 0.75 ° ° 0.500 3 Bo oleae ° Biose O89 ° O18 0325 ° Bios 0260, 5 Oi0se ote ° Oise 0°19 ° 0:08 Boek 8 Biose 8 yn 0.25 oe 0 waa 7 ° 0.685 0.806 O87 8 ° 01969 07508 3 Voz oes 0 ° 1039 01008 ° Loss 03750 ° Teas og 8 ° Yoie os 0 ° Yeu ° ° ° 100s Tos 1.059 oss ole ° 0.750 9.087 O08 0 0.625 0.058 2.0080 0500 0.007 O00 0 oss -0L002 8000 8 0250 “o.0s 2:01 9 0128 “o'o0s o:008 “o%00s “o‘eat 9 0 2oL005 0:006 “0002 “o:001 0 2/8 (Crtoanda) . ooo 2.500 0.01 0.027 0.046 056 0.395 0530 22s 0199 oss 0.087 ° O85 0.842 0.863 0.870 olg7s 01978 oLs82 1.020, Bose ose 087 tlo02 Lors 1069 1oue L949 Hoss ios 1f0m2 0:990 Koy Lose azz L996 Kost Leas les Soon SoM 1021 1.013 1008 Hoa Lote ito toes 1 ose 08a O.e7s 01555 0.299 0.750 0.159 0120 0.625 0.058 0.052 0:00 8.01 8.001 01375-05006 2010 0:28 “9.010 Ta‘o1o “oon “eco os “oon Taiont “oon “oc010 oe -Za010 Ta‘b1e “o%o10 “e009 299 TABLE 15.2 (Continued) ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, 2/D = 2 Qeore, 1966) ae = at oes es) om ise en) oa rn Sars 3 Sais oor 0.039 0.0m ous o.teg Seo $ Steak fear OlkesSSaer eis sctit Sa ols Sse Sito Sie She ois 8 is 8.308 oie 8 oe Sciss ois 8 one oe ors Ea weeds - aoe a B= ve z oa pale oss tee ars Oss Sige Siar ‘a.as0 oes SRS T9te Sises trae Bed Ene ine Soe stee si Ee Tose See olaas oss Eat 1000 Glam Ota Be Ema Teas oor tage ois Eee ime toe i : Eis loss ito ion 0.617 0.678 0.670 0.68 9.551 0599 01589 OLse4 0.275 0.038, 01195 OLis1 0:45 0.072 -0.058, 007s lost 0105 Oc001 “0.045 0101s Lol -0.002 0.018 0.052 -o'00s 0009 o:01¢ “o:o18 “oL0zi Chios “oles “o‘ois “o:01g “o-o1s Seloxs “oleis “o:ois “o%01s “olo0s “eloie “eleis “eros “0%012 “ooo (CYLINDER WITH RIGID END PLATES TABLE 15.3 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR CONFINING PRESSURE WITH NO AXIAL MOVEMENT Qoore, 1966) 025080 0.75 ° 05 pp/bey (mand) 0.50 05 co‘o18 colts “elon coon “eco1e ° “oi008. “olo0s ° ° oes ocass “0.02 “oles “oleae Zo‘007 colons “oceis celoo8 ARRRRR SS gagygage age eRggnes 8] Saaggga) socdgeqge RRg88838 Saggnad g oy BRR888338 egeae aay apneneag 283988588 88988393 RRGRESSS BR3RRRa oer Soom ° 3.028 aloe? -2%008 ‘oss “91008, 335 “0.028 “0.021 “0.016 Toloas “oleae “ole20 “elois lou Sbieis “aoa “a%o10 ° ° 2. 3 2 se 036 oes ct 21007 “o%008 “e008 0-005 ° ° 0.015 ° e352. e872. oe o. cates 22! colons “bios “aor 0-964 Moor Koz Kes ow Toor 200s Kove 0872 01826, o195¢ 0.999, ie10 Lou Too 1006. 2006. oss ot Toe Tone oor oor H88888888 SRERgSEES §88888883 TABLE 15.3 (Continued) ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR CONFINING PRESSURE WITH NO AXIAL MOVEMENT (bore, 1966) O25 0.50 0.78 075 ope Gmande gegaeee FERIIEGS B8gee83 99999ee 888383 ogesaadde SBg58sa8 BRGRR RS egaguanEa B8g55883 Scdcdadda aggusgagg g 2g888888 sReghas Ragagggae BE5R8R8E RERRgR ERE agagegyas PERCE LL BLLELL LLL aegeneaaa RaRRRRaS Séddddded RUGRRESES sedddadad ERaRE RR (CLEVER WITH RIGID END PLATES os wh SA Hioe2 os 7 oof oa O03 04 OS Se True Poisson Ratio FIG.15.3. Apparent Poisson's Ratio versus the Poisson's Ratio (Noore, 1966) 3, a d ” fate Asporent E/tre & iF [there a al a tree Pome nt FIG.15.¢ Ratio of apparent E to true E versus ‘true Poisson's Ratio (Yoore, 1966) 303 304 (MISCELLANBOUS PROBLEMS 15.3 Inclusion in an Infinite Region (Fig. 15.5) Wh Wd FEG.15.5 Jaeger and Cook (1969) quote the following solutions: rcR Principal stresses are TRCe2) + XoTROHIIP oy = Hee) + =" ~ #_-P,) + (2 - Djeoees ses 8.50) 2 AR, SCR. weap Ms SE eta «58 tet Hose » where 4 = 20ck) Cog) Kyo) (2heexg-1) =e (ext) 15.4 Stiff Plate Subjected to Moment and Horizontal Load ‘The solutions for displacement and rotation © -of a stiff vertical plate ina semi-infinite mass, have been obtained by Douglas and Davis (1964), and are shown in Fig.15.6. The upper edge of the plate is at the surface and the loads are applied to this edge. The results are for v0.5 but are not si a 2(Bkty9=1) (kyl) nificantly different for other values of Vv. Bely-2) = xo #20K C4) . Fee tgeay FE OED 7 Tt I i cba) (i “ | f bers + - ey / tt | Te(28) = x0 AIRC, 20 iy / t = | wos ‘2 Bk9-1) exe) L} } A Dele) + xelR(X#D) Eis ; y + as.) § fai} BC zeege=1) ext) 3 “p’| where k = Go/G g x x = Sv for plme strain ie z | y for plane stress or x = ER fr Plame seres Tag, | and similarly for Xo. os tet ou ae sagt : | Hpgfey) (2 - “> Megrey) {t= or oa 08 SP jcos28 5.50) px¢.15.6 Influence coefficients for rotation and F ‘translation of rigid plate (Douglas and Davis, 1964) {AYER NITE FIELDING BASE 15.5 Streses in a Layer With a Yielding Base 15.5.1 TRANSLATING SMOOTH BASE (Plane Strain) (Fig.18.7) Finn (1963) obtained the following solutions for a base translation of dt a = apm (eth) + - tw _, 22 K(avb)*+ BY (a-b)*+ HY (eb) +t wee (15.48) we 4) ee, aor (ewb)*+ B (ob)*+ BP ee, ated ayy K(evb)*# BY” ((b)*4 3?) ses 5.40) a. (eb)? _28- (ed)? Clevo)? a) ses (5.40) 15.5.2 TRANSLATING ROUGH BASE (Plane Strain) This problem is as shown in Fig.15.7, except that lower surface is now perfectly rough throughout. Finn (1963) obtained the following solutions: o wed pee pth = °" qtsB-p) Bip (arb)*# BP (mb)? 3 Re, _ testy, ay Ueo)*+ BP” (ena iv ve (5.58) 2 p28 yo zd o, = [2 et. (38-9) Bep (arb)*# B® (b)*+ 3? 2(orb) 2(ebIE*__) 4 vg Lieb)? 2) {(2-b)*4 ses (S.5b) t= (et + SH) (38-9) Bip (ob) 3? (oid) He e)) , O*- co?) fas (ob (3% (oe)? ve 5.52) where 3 = hea pak e p= wae E 15.5.5 ROTATING SMOOTH BASE (Plane Strain) (Fig. 15.8) FIG.15.8 [MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEXS Finn (1963) gives the following solutions: a, = - #4 fy pp ee : . (38-9) (Bto) {latb) 437} (2b) 2484) (a 3) by 2 eb Be a Paes +8 -— {avb)*+ 3H (e-b)*+ 3} rhea gaara (2 - Se -—4p_ eae ae (SBP) B{ avd) *+ HY # -—+_. # ba? (nb) F 2 + ee D(a) a) B{(a-b)*+ 3} News By Wests 25am) 352 (e-b) 2 a aT ae ers - ie) ov” {ate} BY (lab) ty Tenn mr ¥ ses (05.7%) +t ses (15.66) ose Bee nw «, --2f% cate 52) BT wad ob) *+ BPH (ab)? 2} a: ee 2 (eb)*+ BP (a-b)*+ BP -— + 15.6 Stresses Behind Retaining Walls BU eeb)2+ 27} Bf (eb)? 22} The fotloving solutions have been derived by Fim pete) _bat) (4965), using the solutions for a layer with & yroléang Tei’ FY Ue-bis a5) base in Section 15.5. 15.6.1 SMOOTH TRANSLATING WALL -sitw sos (5.60) (Fig.35.9) 15.5.4 ROTATING ROUGH BASE (Plane Strain) ‘This problen is as show in Fig.15.8, except that lower surface is now perfectly rough. Finn (1963) gives the following solutions: o, --—tt— fe fate 32)? (BBP) BEDI a {wtb *48*H (ab )28*) by = 2b +hj me eb (eb)? 2% (zob)*# 2? oak z ‘The horizontal pressure oz along the wall (2=0) (oting the assumption in Fig. 18.9) is, b(38-p) i 2 arb)%+ BY -— —bttew) _ os ees (15.8) 2 (aeb)?+ 2) f(t )*+ 27) + bated) {(a-b)*+ 2°Y [STRESSES BEEIND RETAIRING WALLS 15.6.2 ROUGH TRANSLATING WALL 2Cibta) ths ‘Chva)® As in Fig.15.9, except that wall is now perfectly ee Lv J, along the wall (oO) is teers B= = 9 Mae me, 4 48 1 Label = 30” 1158-0) ‘Bop wR? hea)™ ves 5 vt iors 5 = bee (100 on? 15.6.3 SMOOTH ROTATING WALL (Fig. 15.10) comoarea tS a FIG.15.10 Along the wall (2-0), a, = W.-d ty rev anh GPa)® Bn (2*-A?) (as.10) 18.6.4 ROUGH ROTATING WALL As in Fig.15.10, except that wall is rough. ‘Along the wall (=o) ye st dd a I-v(3B-p)(B+p) anh (z*-h?)? a 2). 4. doh (23h?) (38-9) +p Chez)? +++ (5.11) 308

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