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Kilburn Chemicols Lld .

Sho nl nikelon l6ihFoor I Comocsireei, l(olkolo 700017 Ph 033'22828501, Fox:033-22824627


The Secretary
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street
Mumbai- 400 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Unaudited Financial Results and Limited Review Report for the quarter ended 31st
December. 2016 as per Reeulation 33(3) of the SDBI (Listine Oblieation and Disclosure
Requirements) Rezulations. 2015 and apnroval of the allotment of 11,85.000 eouity shares
of face value of Rs. 10/- each. issued at a price of Rs. 39/- each (includine a premium of Rs.
29l- each). pursuant to conversion of equivalent number of Convertible Warrants.

1. We are enclosing herewith the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended
31.12.2016, duly passed at the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held oh
today, i.e., 10.02.2017, along with the Limited Review Report issued by the Statutory
Auditors of the Company. The same is being published in Newspapers in pursuance of
Regulation 29 ofthe LOD& 2015.

2. Pursuant to the receipt of the "In-Principle Approval" ganted by the BSE Limited (vide
its letter reference no. DCS/PREF1AN[|FD1S|4/2015-16 dated 11.03.2016) and in
compliance with Chapter VII of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2009 read with Regulation 30 of the SEBI (I-isting Obligation ard
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended and upon receipt of balance
7 5Yo money consideration, aggregating to Rs. 34661250/- from the allottees (as detailed

below), the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on today, i.e.,
10.02.2017, have approved the allotment of 11,85,000 equity shares of face value of Rs.
l0l- each, issued at a price of Rs. 39l- each (including a premium of Rs. 29l- each),

pursuant to conversion of equivalent number of Convertible Warrants allotted to them on

16.03.2016 as follows:

rnc hemicols. com website : clN | 1241 I7W8l990PtC199409

Emort : corporole(arkitb u
Kilburn Chemico ls Ltd. Shontrn kelon, l6lhFloor,8,ComocS1reel,Kolkoto7000l7,;h.03322828501 Fox 033-22824627

sl. List of Allottees No. of equity shares allotted Category

No. pursuant to conversion of
1. lWs. Shree Durga Agencres 660000 Promoter
) IWs. Arham Vyapaar Private 240000 Promoter
J. M/s. Sandeep lnvestments Limited 285000 Promoter
Total 1185000

Consequently, the issued, subscribed and paid-up equity share capital of the Company increased
from Rs. 9,13,00,000/- divided into 91,30,000 equity shares offace va.1ue ofRs. i0/- each fully paid-
up to Rs. 10,31,50,000/- divided into 1,03,15,000 equity shares of face value ofRs. 10/- each firlly

3. The Meeting was commenced at 10.30 A.M. and was ended at 1.10 PM

You are requested to acknowledge the same and take the same on record.

Thanking you,

YourS faith-frrl ly,


Emarl : website i CIN : 124'l 1 7WBl990PLC 199409

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1) ahhgr p!. rh..e i! nol on.nnnalilcd b.ii3.rc.plhs EPs lo. rh. y.!r erned 31rl Maich ao10 wrlci is.nnui[.d
2)Tn Cdnp.ny i. M.n1t rh. pro4$ o{ *uhg !p 6 prcr..r to. or',..turhg ol ft. nn ca'de 6 G!j.,!|. Accordirlly, 'n9 lFns.s i.tctdhg
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o.t 10.02.20t 7

V. SINGHI & ASSOCIATES Phone: 3028 7838
Chartered Accountonts Telefax: 3028 7836
Four Mangoe lane
Surendra Mohan Ghoshsarani
Kolkata - 700 001

The Board of Directors

Kilburn Chemicals Limited
16s Floor-8 Camac Street
Kolkata- 700071
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Regort on Limited Review of the Statement of Un-audited Financial
Results of th Company for the Quarter and Nine Months endsd 31't

1. We have revlet/ed the accompanying Statement of Un-audited Financial Results of Kilburn

Chcmicals Limited ("the Company") for the quarter and nine months ended 3l$Decernber,'
2016 ("the Statement), being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of
Regulation 33 of Securities Exchange Board of lndia (Listing Obligation and Disclosure
Rquirements) Regulation, 2015as modified by Circular No. CIR/CrDlFACl52l2Ol6dl. )uly
5,2016. This Statement which is the responsibility of the Company's management and
approved by the Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordanqe with the recognition
and measu.ement principles laid down in the Accounting Standard 25 "Interim Financial
Reporting" ("AS 25'), prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act. 2013 read with
relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in
lndia. Our responsibility is lo issue a repo.t on the Statement based on our review.

We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review
Engagement (SRE) 2410, "Review oF lnterim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of tl,e Entity",.issued by the lnstitute ol chartered Accountants of
India, This staldard requires that we plan and pertorm the review to obtain moderate
assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement, A revieln/ is
limited primarily to inquiries of the Conrpany personnel and analytical procedures applied
to flnancial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed
an audit and accordlngly, we do not express an audit opinion,

3. Based on our Review conducted as above,.nothing has come to our attention that causes
us to believe that the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the aforesaid
Accounting Standard and other accounting principles generally accepted in India has not
disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms oF Requlation 33 ot the SEBI
(Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation. 2015, as modified t y Circular
No. CIR/CFD/FAC/62I2016 dated luly 5, 2016, iocluding the nranner in whlch it is to be
disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.


Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration otTE

*{ K(

Place: Kolkala
Date: lotn February, 2017 Membership No.05O051

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