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Student Name: Rachael Webb Date: Friday, February 10, 2017

Placement: Mindwerx4kids
Purpose: My supervisor had asked me to create an art activity
Reason for completing the based on what he wanted. The idea was a wanted
task. This could be based on
poster in which the students would draw themselves.
an observation you made, a
conversation between you My task was to create the wanted template and
and your site supervisor, etc draw an example of myself.
Task: As previously mentioned, my task was to create a
What are you planning in template so that the children could create a poster
response to your purpose?
based on themselves. The template included the title
- Label your task (e.g. Bulletin
board focused on the WANTED, a box where they would draw
importance of play-based themselves, and a section that included a Reward, in
learning). which they can give themselves a value. I also
- What are your 3 objectives
for this experience? (i.e. created a document that gave the students examples
Why are creating a on how to draw faces, to go along with my drawing.
bulletin board on the Objectives:
importance of play-based
learning? What message 1) To help my supervisor out by creating this
are you sending?) activity the night before so that he could work
on other things as well.
Describe the experience:
2) To provide examples to the children so that
- List the materials and
resources you will use they are able to understand the activity and see
- Describe the completion of visuals.
the task, with a step by 3) To allow for the younger classes to get
step description examples on what to do because my supervisor
could not attend the younger grades due to my
other supervisor being away.

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