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The HRSim - HRM MBA 2017

Industry Trade Report for Company 02 at Quarter 7

Rank 6 out of 7 *Turnover *Absenteeism Diversity Well-Being Productivity

(For this quarter only)
KPI & BR High (All Teams) 0.094 187.245 0.442 0.775 64.963

KPI & BR Average (All Teams) 0.116 220.172 0.368 0.712 56.453

KPI & BR Low (All Teams) 0.149 293.514 0.280 0.617 46.452

KPI & BR for Quarter (Your Team) 0.124 214.137 0.330 0.678 52.001

KPI and BR Average % Change (All Teams) 0.073 0.077 0.081 0.046 0.064

KPI and BR % Change (Your Team) 0.063 0.088 0.050 0.037 0.048

**Distance to Nearest Competitor by % 0.024 -0.081 0.077 0.019 0.060

**Distance to Nearest Competitor by Value 0.003 -17.260 0.025 0.013 3.113

Average Budget Spent (All Companies): $384,714.29

* Absenteeism and Turnover are considered improving as they go down in value. So, for example, a -10 is considered "higher" than a -2.
**Distance to nearest competitor finds the first company with a better current quarter Rank than your company, and indicates the distance to that company's score for each KPI. Negative value
has a lower KPI score for that particular KPI than your company. Note that if your company has the Rank of 1 then there is no competitor ahead of you to compare with so all the values will be
TBL Profitability Innovativeness

67.131 1.064

55.027 0.872

40.579 0.619

48.581 0.820

0.090 0.105

0.057 0.092

0.087 -0.007

4.206 -0.006

ach KPI. Negative values indicates that the competitor

so all the values will be 0.

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