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Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa 8 ano ______

Nome: _____________________________________________ Data: ____/____/_____

Questo Gabarito Habilidades Valor

1.1. - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto e estabelecer alguns
01 A aspectos de suas condies de produo (o gnero a que pertence, funo scio-
comunicativa, finalidade, suporte, autor, data e local de publicao).
11.1. - Identificar a funo scio-comunicativa e o gnero textual, o local onde se
02 D
passa o evento comunicativo e os falantes envolvidos.
11.1. - Identificar a funo scio-comunicativa e o gnero textual, o local onde se
03 C
passa o evento comunicativo e os falantes envolvidos.
4.3. - Inferir sentido a partir das caractersticas lexicais e sintticas prprias de alguns
04 A dos tipos textuais (injunes, descries, narraes) em gneros textuais diferentes.
6.1. - Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos coesivos gramaticais e lexicais,
05 B como, por exemplo, os pronomes, as conjunes, os hipernimos, os sinnimos e os
14.2. -Inferir o efeito de sentido pretendido pelo uso de expresses de ironia, raiva,
06 D humor, sarcasmo, etc.
20.2. -Fazer uso adequado do presente perfeito no processo de recepo /produo do
07 A texto oral e escrito.
X. - Funes scio-comunicativas das wh-words
08 C Fazer uso adequado wh-words (when, why, where, etc.) no processo de
recepo/produo do texto oral e escrito.
14.1. - Inferir sentido a partir do uso de conhecimento prvio e de relaes
09 C
15.1. - Interagir por meio da lngua estrangeira para cumprimentar; fazer e responder
a uma apresentao; despedir-se; elogiar; convidar; recusar e aceitar convites; assim
10 D como para a comunicao oral na sala de aula (pedidos de esclarecimentos, pedidos
de licena para entrar e sair da sala, pedidos de desculpas e agradecimentos,
emprstimos de materiais).
22.1. - Fazer uso adequado do futuro simples, do futuro com going to no processo
11 B de recepo /produo do texto oral e escrito.
XV. - Formao de palavras
12 A Formar novas palavras pelo acrscimo de prefixos e sufixos.
3.1.- Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias que tenham o mesmo
13 B referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos (lexicais e gramaticais) em gneros
textuais diferentes.
XIII. - Plural de substantivos
14 C Fazer uso adequado do plural dos substantivos no processo de recepo/produo do
texto oral e escrito.
2.5. - Identificar e/ou localizar caractersticas lexicais e sintticas de algumas das
15 A articulaes textuais (enumerao, seqncia), tendo em vista a compreenso global
do texto.
PROFESSOR: _________________________________________________________________________
NOME DO ALUNO:____________________________________________________________________
DATA: _____/_____/ 2015 8 ANO______________


Judge determines suspension of Whatsapp in Brazil

Pedophile crimes investigation motivated decision of Justice of Piaui, according to state security secretariat
TERESINA and RIO - The judge of Teresina County of Inquiry Center, the Piaui Court of Justice, Luiz
Moura Correia, mandated that all telephone companies to temporarily suspend the operation of Whatsapp
application in Brazil, "until the compliance with court order ". According to the National Union of
Telephone Companies and Mobile and Personal Service (SindiTelebrasil), the operators are appealing the
decision in an attempt to prevent the Whatsapp is interrupted.

By Efrem Ribeiro / Srgio Matsuura 25/02/2015 15:51 / UPDATED 26.02.2015 17:02

1- The text is:

a) A report. b) A song. c) An app. d) A whatsapp.
2- To society, its serves to:
a) Hide informations. c) To take mood.
b) Just read. d) To take informations.
3- The history happens in:
a) Rio. b) Center. c) Teresina. d) Court.
4- In the sentence: suspend the operation of whatsapp application in Brazil, "until the compliance with
court order. The underlined word gives idea of:
a) Time. b) Opposition. c) Addition. d) Doubt.
5- In the sentence: Judge determines suspension of whatsapp in Brazil. The opposite of the
underlined word is:
a) To pause. b) To prolong. c) To rise. d) Seasick.
6- The mood in this text is:
a) The crossroad was big.
b) The taxi driver was a child.
c) The taxicab has stopped.
d) They didnt know what is the worst.
7- In the sentence: I havent made up my mind
yet. The underlined expression refers to:
a) Present Perfect.
b) Simple Past.
c) Present Continuous.
d) Simple Present.
8- In the sentence: Well, which one do you want? The underlined word was used to:
a) Give an order.
b) Make a request.
c) Make a question.
d) Give an advice.


9- Monica always is:

a) Eating a lot of.
b) Crying.
c) Wearing red dress.
d) Fighting with Smudge.
10- In the sentence: Hi, Monica! The underlined word was used to:
a) Kiss Monica.
b) See the clown.
c) Scream Monica.
d) Salute Monica.
11- In the sentence: Ill show you The underlined expression indicates which an action will be:
a) In the Past. c) In the Present.
b) In the Future. d) In a circle.
12- If we add LY in the word wrong, it will mean:
a) Erroneamente. c) Certamente.
b) Errante. d) Wronggly. n
13- In the sentence: Ill show you The underlined word refers to:
a) Twicks. c) Jimmy Five.
b) Monica. d) Clown.
14- In the sentence: lots of clown twicks The underlined word:
a) Is singular. c) Is plural.
b) Is an adverb. d) Is a verb.
15- The text appears in the order:
a) Meeting, crying and doubt.
b) Crying, meeting and doubt.
c) Doubt, meeting and crying.
d) Crying, doubt and meeting.

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