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Discover Your Own Purpose

By Bernard Simwinga

One question that really daunts a human being is, Why am I here? Many circles of
study have tried to find an answer to this seemingly puzzle be it in philosophy, religion,
science, psychology, and the like. And for more than two thousand years of creation,
people are inherently still searching for a reason of their own existence.

The late renowned leadership expert Myles Munroe once said, If you dont know the
purpose of something you will abuse it. Which is extremely true, for instance if you
dont know the purpose of fire, it will burn you. If you dont know the right use of a
knife, you will cut yourself. It is the same with life; if you dont know the purpose of it
you will abuse it.

And the late activist Martin Luther King Jnr. quipped, If you havent yet found
something to die for, you are not fit to live. This was a man who become aware of his
human rights and had to stand on them to fight for other people who were deprived of
their equal rights regardless of any racial background. He later ignited a great
revolution which still resound his I Have a Dream speech. Other valiant leaders who
have existed have also shown a similar attitude of selflessness in their leadership. From
the likes of Nelson Mandela to Mother Theresa, these individuals have proven that
there must be something greater than just bettering oneself to climb the ladder of
success as is the pursuit of happiness in our day and age.

Discovering your own purpose in life is more of a journey than a destination. Some
people think that success is a place where they will experience total fulfillment. But
when they arrive at that place nothing is close to what they imagined. The happiness
seems to evade them. The reason is because true success is not really out there in the
future. Success is now, its today. Its a state of mind.

It is very possible to be successful today right now as you are reading this article. First
of all it means you are alive and I believe you may find something to be grateful for.
Gratefulness will enable you to see life differently. You will become aware of who you
really are, what you are capable of doing and what you already have. With these
aspects you will develop an attitude that will propel you into greatness.

Discover Your Own Purpose 2017 Bernard Simwinga

The best way to know how to
discover your own purpose is
to go to the Creator. The same
way that you use a manual for
an electric appliance is the
same way you will need to
have a manual for your life.
You use a TV manual because
you lack knowledge on how
to operate the TV, which of
course the producer knows
already. When God created
you, He designed you by purpose, on purpose and for a purpose. He put inside of you
greater potential you can never comprehend or exhaust. The whole universe can never
out do the grandiosity of your inner abilities.

The ultimate universal purpose of a human being is to have dominion and multiply. As
according to Genesis 1:28, God commanded man to increase not just in procreation but
in his influence as well. So our individual purpose should reach the apex of positive
impact wherever we are.

Now lets look at the five simple ways you can discover your own purpose to maximize
your life:

1. Understand your uniqueness. No two people share the same destiny. As our finger
prints differ so are our identities. Some people are short, some tall, thin, bigger,
dark, or lighter and the like. The size of our body parts is different too. Many people
have trouble in understand how we are so different. But its the Creator who made
us that way and He perceives that we are all special regardless of being different.
Our true value comes not from what we accomplish or accumulate on the earth but
from His image in which He made us all. So before you achieve anything, you are
already valuable. Before the world gives you a standing ovation, heaven esteems the
reflection of God that you have been created. Therefore, your purpose should come
from the truth that you are unique; you are special, created to rise from mediocrity
to greatness. Rise!
2. Accept your personality. Another personal problem a human being has is self-
acceptance. Because of a faulty personal view, he tends to lack self-esteem and
admire others who are succeeding instead. Many people have failed to really accept

Discover Your Own Purpose 2017 Bernard Simwinga

and appreciate their personality. Most of the times introverts would think extroverts
are better since they have the lime light and seem to find their way to success easily.
3. Appreciate what you have. Many times people have a lack-mentality which
prevents them to discover their true purpose as a result they live to accumulate what
they think they want which they dont necessarily need. Purpose comes with
potential. The greatest service you will ever achieve on this earth is to appreciate
and sharpen your natural gifts with which you will bless others. You have talents
that need developing.
4. Overcome self-destructive beliefs. Your belief system is a set of facts, whether true
or not, you hold as a standard. Standard of how things are or how they should be.
One builds that standard when they are a child and begin to question it as they
grow. Many do not get passed what they were told by society when they were
young. They are crept with fear because of accepting what others say which is not
really true. For instance, if somebody tagged you a failure because of failing an
exam, it is not really true because it is not final. You can still excel provided you
apply yourself to study hard. True failing is accepting defeat when its not over yet.
Dont call yourself a failure just because you failed, call yourself a success because
you did your best.
5. Express your gifts. There is a law that many people do not understand its called the
law of expression. It states that purpose is discovered when potential is uncovered. I
know this might sound paradoxical to popular beliefs as many believe that success
is about having what you dont have. Well, true success is about expressing ones
inner abilities to add value to society. An inadequate mindset wants to have before it
can give. But an abundant mindset lives to give. Your purpose comes with a
package potential to catapult you to your successful destiny.

Enjoy your purposeful and enjoyable life applying these five principles as your great
and powerful destiny unfolds.

About the Author

Bernard Simwinga is a writer; speaker, entrepreneur, and life coach who trains
individuals and organizations to maximize their lives to produce excellent results.
He is CEO of BC Simwinga Consultancy and founder of ZedPreneurs. He resides and
works in Lusaka, Zambia.

For bookings and speaking engagements:

Call or WhatsApp: +260 975 868683
Facebook: Bernard Simwinga The Inspirator

Discover Your Own Purpose 2017 Bernard Simwinga

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