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Volume xxxi Issue 5 May, 2013

First Sunday - The Inn of Chicago 11:00 A.M./12:30 P.M.

162 E. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60611 (Mezz. Level)

Second Tuesday On-line Meeting 7:30 P.M.

Third Sunday - Home of Bob Harper 11:00 A.M.

259 Skyline Dr., Carpentersville, IL 60110 - Please R.S.V.P.

Fourth Tuesday On-line Meeting 7:30 P.M.

Every Thursday Book Study Meeting, On-line 7:30 P.M.

Meetings Conducted by Bob Harper

Please Arrive 15 min. Early for Meditation

SUNDAY, MAY 5th at THE INN OF CHICAGO - 11:00 A.M./12:30 P.M. (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!)


"I Speaks Unto Me, Tape 4, Side 1 (#392A)


Conscious Awareness, Session 2

TUESDAY, MAY 14h On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

"Removing Barriers," Session 5

at 259 SKYLINE DR., CARPENTERSVILLE - 11:00 A.M. (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!)
Infinite Way Pearls, Tape 3, Side 1 (#511A)

TUESDAY, MAY 28th On-line Meeting 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!)
"I Speaks Unto Me, Tape 4, Side 1 (#392A) (Review of May 5th Recording)

FURTHER ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to:
Universal Nature of God Realization, Tape 3, Side 1

MAIL & TEL: Bob Harper, P.O. Box 337, Carpentersville, IL 60110
(847)428-4759 hm (847) 710-4759 cel
Books by Joel and Other Infinite Way Teachers Are Available at Most of the Meetings and by Mail Order.
Go to:
JOEL GOLDSMITH: A MESSAGE FOR THE AGES, Chapter 5: "Infinite Way Pearls;"

WEEKLY BOOK STUDY MEETING: Every Thursday, 7:30 P.M. CST. (Meditation 7:15) You may participate on-line or by phone. This
will be an open-mic meeting, and you will need Joel's book, A MESSAGE FOR THE AGES, (available from:; mystics of
the; also, a computer mic, or phone. The Chapter for May will be Chapter 5: "Infinite Way Pearls,
and Luella Overeem's May, 1975 IW Letter Lesson. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Please register for the On-line book study
meeting by email:, or by phone (847) 428-4759.

CHICAGO GOLDSMITH GROUP ON-LINE TAPE MEETINGS: See individual meeting excerpts for connection info. Meditation
begins 15 min. before scheduled meeting time. NOTE: If the on-line meeting room is full, try connecting by phone. Meeting time CST.

SATURDAY TAPE MEETINGS IN CHICAGO: Hyde Park; Contact Barbara:202-262-7252 ; E-mail:

SATURDAY ON-LINE TAPE MEETING: Liz and Marty Parker. Info:


SUNDAY, MAY 5th at THE INN OF CHICAGO- 11:00 A.M. (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.
"I Speaks Unto Me, Tape 4, Side 1 (#392A)

One thing everyone must learn is the adjustment that must take place in the life of every individual, as this
thing called time goes on, is the realization that for every child that is born, remember, there is also someone passing
on. The very fact of birth makes inevitable the passing on. Therefore, everyone must make an adjustment to the
realization that they will not always have their friends, their relatives, their parents, their children, because in the
human scheme of life, where the human lives as a branch separate from the tree, the very birth is the forerunner of
the death that is to come. Now there is only one way that this can be overcome, and that is in the realization that since
we are a branch of the Tree, one with the Tree, we have no life, branch-life, no life that has a beginning, no life that
has an ending. We have the infinite and eternal Life of the Tree, the immortal Life of the whole Tree; and because of our
relation to the Tree, a branch that is one with the Tree, we have no personal responsibility, no personal life: we have
that Life, the life which is God. Therefore, a branch could say, I and the Tree are one, but the Tree is greater than I. So
can we say, I am one with the Life which is God, yet the Life which is God is greater than any of its branches. It's even
greater than the sum-total of all of its branches.
Now, to bring this relationship into active expression in our lives, there must be a specific act. When The
Prodigal realized his situation, separate and apart from his father, when he realized what his desire to be something of
himself had brought him to, then we learn [that] he got up and went to his father's house. He got up and he started the
journey back to the father's house. He did not continue sitting there, he got up and started back. There comes a
moment in our lives when we realize that we have lived as human beings, cut off from God, from our source; that we
had been the branch, separate and apart from the Tree of Life. When we realize that, we perform an act, the act that is
described in Scripture as repent, or turn ye, and live. It is an act, like The Prodigal's, in which we consciously make
an about face, and declare, I and the Father are one. I am now turning, consciously, to the realization of my true
identity. My true identity is as a branch of a tree is to the tree, as the Son of God is to God: Father and Son, yet one in
the sense that there is only one Life, the one Mind, the one Spirit, the one Soul, the one Intelligence, the one Eternality,
the one Immortality. Having taken that step of consciously declaring, I have been living separate and apart from God.
I have been living the life of a human being. I have been living by bread, by food, by water, by air. I have been living
by external means, and now I return to the Father's house, and I realize, consciously, that from now on, I shall be fed
from that eternal Spring that is within me, . For Study: THE MYSTICAL I, Chapter 8.
For Meditation: Rise, Son of God: Accept your healing in this realization of your true identity, for you are the living
Christ. You are the one true Son of God. Joel, Excerpts From the Writings of Joel S. Goldsmith, 'The Infinite Way
SUNDAY, MAY 5h at THE INN OF CHICAGO - 12:30 P.M. (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!)
(Use connection information for 11:00 A.M. Meeting.)


Conscious Awareness, Session 2

There's a great drawing that is a visual presentation of the way we live between two worlds, the way we
live from our spiritual basis in this world, and it is a line drawing of two profiles of people. You have all seen it.
They are looking at each other. Those two profiles looking at each other, nose to nose, lips to lips, you look at
one way, and it looks like a chalice. You look at it the other way, and you see the profiles. Now, when you see the
chalice, there's no line from the top of the forehead, or there's no line from the chins. Your imagination, your mind,
completes that picture. What, really, is on that page? Nothing but two lines defining two different things, and you
see what you have been conditioned to see. Somebody who has never seen it before would say, Oh, that's a
chalice, and they would be convinced it's a chalice. Somebody who was aware of the nature of line, and the
nature of drawing, would say, No. Those are two profiles. Which is the truth? All of it! How we perceive this
world, whether we see the chalice, or whether we see the profile, is part of our conditioning; and we are seeing
both the chalice and the profile at the same time. They're both there. The spiritual kingdom is here and now,
always has been, always will be. The material concept of the world is a mental projection, a superimposition, on
the reality of Being. Now, if you look at that chalice, there is nothing really there! It's only this our mind creates
that which is there. All that is really there are two profiles. So if we say those profiles are the nature of spiritual
being, that those profiles, in a certain way, make us fill in the blanks, and then we start seeing the reality that is
based on our conditioning. That's the nature of this world.
Now, what Paul is saying, [For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin
and death. Romans 8:2] is that because Jesus demonstrated the non-power of matter, he established spiritual law
in this world; and spiritual law is the unseen reality, spiritual law is that divine love, that activity of God within
the individual, and that activity within the individual is a law of harmony, is a law of peace. We have been given
the choice, because we have become aware of both the profile and the chalice. So we are now having a choice
of where are we going to live, what are we going to identify with? It's all a matter of identification. If we identify
with the chalice, we are identifying with that mental concept that is defined by something completely different. If
we see the profile, we are seeing that which outlines, that which defines, that which isn't there. What is it that
defines this world but the Spirit of God, spiritual consciousness; and this developed spiritual consciousness, sees
through the illusion, sees through the appearance, and experiences the presence of God, which brings spiritual
law into that individuals experience.

For Study: THE MASTER SPEAKS, Chapter 2.

TUESDAY, MAY 14th On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

"Removing Barriers," Session 5

If we live in the now-moment, there's really no need for forgiveness. It's only when we are living in the
mental realm that we must forgive, because we are thinking personally, and we are keeping a scorecard. We're
resentful and reacting to human conversation, and human thinking. As really babes in Christ, we do forgive
seventy times seven; but once you understand the nature of the unconditioned mind, and you begin to live in
the now, you forget those things. Even if somebody does something terrible to you, you don't react, because it is
incidental and inconsequential, and there is no ego in you to respond to it.
I remember listening to [Trungpa] Rimpoche, a Lama from Tibet, and he said, Well, we have no such
word as 'forgiveness,' because our whole message is that we do not have a personal ego. Only an ego would take
offense, so when someone does something that is offensive, we just have compassion and understanding. So
instead of 'forgiveness,' the words we have are compassion and understanding. And I thought, What a
beautiful attitude. But you see, our Hebrew background is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and
justice. When Jesus was trying to wipe out, raise the consciousness out of this eye for an eye, and a tooth for a
tooth, and justice, he gave a parable, and the parable was [of] the people working in the vineyard. The
vineyardmen went out into the town square at noontime and agreed to pay these men if they would work for a
certain amount of money, let's just say $10. The men were unemployed, and they agreed to this. Then he went out
at 3 O'clock in the afternoon, and he saw some men standing around, and he said, Do you want to go and pick
grapes? I'll give you $10. So those men went out, and they went out at 3 in the afternoon. Then he came back
about 4:30, and there was some men standing around. He said, Do you want to go pick some grapes? And they
said yes. He said, Well, I'll give you $10. They went out and they picked grapes. When it grew dark, and they
all came in, they all got the same pay. The men that went out at noon were irate. They said, That isn't fair! That
isn't just! And he said, Who are you to speak of justice? I function from love. So you see, he was looking at it
differently. He wasn't looking at it as taking place in time and space, he was looking at it deeper, at the level of
soul, that any service there was no time in it. It was the same; they deserved the same quality of love. Now that's
different from the human mind. So in spiritual living, we don't think in terms of justice; and that's why my
kingdom is not of this world. In this world, everything is talking about justice and trying to make things right
on the human level. It cannot be done. That's why the Master said, In this world, I come not to bring peace, but a
sword. Because Love has nothing to do with justice. So we are drawn into a higher consciousness, and it's a hard
pill for us to take, because we have to realize that when we get down into the human drama, we're in a dream.
What does it matter? It's a human dream! What does it matter? Is there a winner, in the dream? There's a winner
and a loser, and there's victory and there's defeat. But My kingdom is not of this world, and in My kingdom,
there's no winners or losers, because there is just ONE. There is just the one I AM, expressing Itself as individual
being. So it's a whole change of consciousness, and the minute you get into this world and think, That's unfair!
That's unjust! I'm not getting the recognition! you're in the dream, and you must awaken from the dream. When
you awaken, who are you? I and my Father are one, and the Father says, Son, thou art ever with me, and all
that I have is thine. That allness is indivisible, it is one. So you can't have partial health, partial wealth, partial
good, partial anything. You either accept all of it in your oneness, or you're living in the dream.

For Meditation: The ocean is infinite in its depth and its breadth and its width, and you can go down with a
teaspoon and have a teaspoon of ocean, you can go down with a cup and have a cup, you can down with a great,
big bathtub and have a bathtub-[full]. So it is when we go within meditation, when we go into that kingdom of
God within us, that spiritual realm. We can have the attitude, 'Well, give me a little. I want a little help, a little
awareness; just give me a little.' But you must ask for ALL, because God is indivisible: God can't give you 'a little.'
God, divine Consciousness, can only give Itself, and that Self is universal and impartial.

For Study: Virginia's Monthly Lesson For May, 2013; Subscriptions for Virginias Monthly Lessons: Leslie Lewis,
3731 Kanina Ave, #231, Honolulu, HI 96815. Tel: (808) 779-9817. Email:
SUNDAY, MAY 19th - at 259 SKYLINE DR., CARPENTERSVILLE - 11:00 A.M. (Attend On-line, by Phone, or In Person) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

Infinite Way Pearls, Tape 3, Side 1 (#511A)

While you cannot give this to the beginning student, you must evolve some way, in your own
consciousness, as to how and when to introduce this. There are two major contributions that have been made to
the world through The Infinite Way. One does away with God, and a belief in God, and a faith in God, and
a hope in God as God; but [it] reveals, instead, that the illumined consciousness of the individual is the God.
When an individual has the mind that was in Christ Jesus, they have the God-mind, and when they do not
have the mind that was in Christ Jesus, they do not have the God-mind, and they have no God; for there is no
God separate and apart from the illumined consciousness of an individual. The unillumined consciousness of the
individual is not God, but there is no God except the illumined consciousness of the individual. This agrees with
Buddhism, in that there is no God separate and apart from the individual, but that the individual has God in
proportion as they have the Buddha-mind, the illumined mind.
Once we know that God constitutes individual consciousness, then God is the consciousness of the
individual, and the consciousness of the individual is as God. How much God does he have? As much as he can
accept and become aware of. He can have a little bit of God, and he can have a whole lot of God, and eventually,
he can have the whole of the mind that was in Christ Jesus, if he can keep on developing to that point.
Therefore, we come back to this, in the Infinite Way teaching, that anything that you can think about God cannot
be God, because it is only an idea in your mind, and an idea in your mind cannot be God, a concept in your mind
cannot be God, because whatever is in your mind is an effect, and it is the thinker that it is the cause of that
effect. Therefore, if there is a God, it has to be the thinker; but not the human thinker, ah no: the illumined mind
of the individual. So that, our attainment isn't finding a God, our attainment is developing our individual
consciousness to its Christhood, or some degree thereof.
It is true that no individual can undertake this except by the grace of God, because without the grace of
God, he has no interest in it. The things of the spirit are foolishness with man. Therefore, there is no use trying
to develop spiritually the person who does not hunger and thirst after it within themselves. They, themselves,
give some indication of their degree of hungering and thirsting, and their appreciation of what it is that they're
When the spark touches an individual and awakens him, not merely to being healed by God, that's
merely saying, I can't be healed medically, and so I'm willing to be healed spiritually, as we often receive in
letters. That, I don't think it makes any difference whether we are healed materially or spiritually, but being
healed spiritually is easier. And I think they mean less expensive. But it does make a difference. It doesn't
make a difference if all we're trying to attain is our health; but to the person seeking illumination, there is no God
to heal them now, any more than there was a God to heal them yesterday, or the day before yesterday! If there is
a God to heal you tomorrow, there must have been a God to heal you yesterday, and where was It? Therefore, the
healing agency is the illumined consciousness of an individual; and if you go to Jesus, you'll probably have an
instantaneous healing; and if you go to The Disciples, most of them, you might have a very good healing; and so
with us, if you come to us, you go to one, you'll have far better healings than going to some of the others. The
difference isn't in God, the difference is in the illumination of the individual.

For Meditation: This is one of the major contributions of The Infinite Way to the world, to stop their seeking
after 'a God,' and start to realize that what we are seeking is illumination. Then the next question comes up: of
what does illumination consist? An illumined consciousness is the state of consciousness that does not
hate, fear, or love error in any form. That is illumination; that is Christ-consciousness, or spiritual consciousness,
or the Buddha-mind. When consciousness is awakened to the realization that since God is 'too pure than to
behold iniquity,' then individual consciousness must be lifted to that place in consciousness where it is too pure to
behold iniquity, and it does not have evil to overcome, rise above, or destroy. Illumined consciousness is that state
of consciousness which is always at rest in the realization that there is 'My Kingdom, and that this is My
Kingdom. This is only this world when you have two powers. Joel, From the Recording
TUESDAY, MAY 28th On-line Only Meeting at 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

"I Speaks Unto Me, Tape 4, Side 1 (#392A) (Review of May 5th Recording)

The I that is speaking to me is the I of that army that is marching against me. The I that is my abiding place,
my dwelling place, is the I of your being: you, my friends, and you, my foes, and I dwell in you, and I dwell in them. As I
dwell in thee, so do I dwell in them, so do I dwell in all. So, in meeting friend and in meeting foe, you are meeting Me!
Recognize Me in the midst of you, and then recognize me in the midst of your friends; and recognize me in the midst of your
foes. Recognize that there is one divine Selfhood, one Father of us all, and you will soon see that the only enemies that you
ever had consisted of your own belief in a selfhood separate and apart from Me. Even if you recognize Me as your selfhood,
you still thought of others as having some other selfhood than Me. But I am the selfhood of you, I am your staff of life, I am
your wisdom, I am your bread and your meat and your wine and your water; but I am this to all men. I am this in the midst
of your friends and your loved ones, and I am this in the midst of your foes. Recognize Me in the midst of all. Then you will
find that I am in all, and I greet you through all. I greet you through those you thought were your friends, and I greet you
through those you thought were your enemies, for you can never be greeted by any other than I, for I am infinite. I am
infinite Omnipresence; I am omnipotent Omnipresence: I am the Presence that stands within you, before you, beside you,
behind you. I am that Presence; therefore, 'Be not afraid, it is I.' It is I. There is no God in the whirlwind, and therefore
recognize, there is no power. The only power there is is in I. The I that I am, which is the life of your being, the life of your
friend's being, the life of your enemy's being: I am the life of all being.

When this Presence announces Itself to you in an inner assurance of Its presence, remember always that
this means not only Its presence in you, but Its presence, Its infinite omnipresence. It is not announcing that God
is present in me, separate and apart from you. When It announces Its presence, It is announcing Its presence
universally, When the Father speaks and says, Be not afraid, it is I, God is announcing that this I is present in
me, present in you, present in him, present in her, present in it. In other words, you could not channel God, you
could not finitize God, to be in one person or in one place. When you recognize the presence of God, you are
recognizing the universal presence of God. When, before you enter your automobile, you are given from within
the assurance, I am with you, and I go with you. Remember that this does not mean you, separate and apart
from everyone on the road! It means you are to recognize My presence, the divine Presence, as being
Omnipresence, all presence, everywhere present. Then, if you, mount up to heaven, you'll find that Presence; if
you make your bed in hell, in any particular moment, you will realize that Presence. If you walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, you will meet that Presence. Think only, how terrible it would be if God could
announce, I am present with you, Joel, and then leave out everybody else in this room, or walking on the street
outside. There is no such thing. When God announces It's presence, It is announcing Its omnipresence. The
moment you open your consciousness to realize that truth, you will see that God is here, and God is there, and
God is everywhere, but it is you who must give recognition to the omnipresence of I, God, when God announces
Its presence.
All this universe, and all its people, are embraced in my consciousness. All of the God-consciousness
is individually my consciousness; and all there is in this universe that constitutes a world, and the worlds beyond
worlds, and the worlds of outer space, if they weren't embodied in our consciousness, we couldn't attain them.
But because they are embodied in our consciousness, we will eventually attain them, just as we are attaining the
secrets of outer space. Why are we attaining the secrets of outer space? They are not in outer space, they are
embodied in our consciousness, and we are discovering them there. They are being revealed to us there; and
every person who is working with problems of outer space, remember, every one of them is working with
something that's within range of his own consciousness, or he could not be aware of it. Therefore, outer space is in
our consciousness, and be assured, God also is there. There may be no church in outer space, I wouldn't know. But
God is in outer space. There is no place where Life is not, no place where the Spirit is not. Why? Because all
that exists, exists in Consciousness, and that Consciousness is mine, and that Consciousness is yours.

For Meditation: The reality underlies the sense-formation, but is discerned only by spiritual consciousness. - Joel, Wisdom # 129

For Study: THE MYSTICAL I, Chapter 8.

ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to:
Universal Nature of God Realization, Tape 3, Side 1

Safety, peace, protection, is in your realization of God, of the presence of God. That's your only concern:
not how well they made the [air]plane, [but] that you know your oneness with God. The same thing is true, and
Joel says in THE INFINITE WAY LETTERS OF 1955, in the chapter on protective work, that the point isn't in
having guns or not having guns, or in having nuclear plants or not having them. Either way, you're in the human
picture of have or have not, or good and evil. Our safety, our security, our peace, our protection, is in our
realized oneness with God, not in any side of a question. It's in that one thing, our conscious realization of God.
That's our supply, that's our protection, that's our health. That's all there is; that's where it all is! All of infinity is
within us, when we realize it; but there has to be the discernment that sees it, receives it. That's why we're in this
Work. That's why we're studying and working and meditating for years: not so we become a power over
anything, but so that we get ourselves out of the way and let God function through us.

Question: In 1st Genesis, 27th verse, 'male and female created He them,' and yet we say that there is
neither male nor female.

Answer: Well, whatever there is, God created. Everything there is, everyone there is, God created in God's image
and likeness; and therefore, 'male' and 'female' are our interpretation of spiritual being. Spiritual identity isn't
male or female, any more than God is, but it's our interpretation of it.

Question: Would you talk about fear?

Answer: Fear is an absence of the realization of God. It comes back to the same thing. If you have the realization
of God, God realized as your own self, you couldn't possibly have any fear! Fear is the belief, the result or effect,
of believing that there are good and evil powers. If you believe it, you're going to fear them. If you believe there
are evil powers, evil persons, evil conditions, and you believe they're real, then you're going to have fear of them.
When you do, that's really an absence of having God. As Joel says in some places, it's the same as atheism. It's not
anything we can help, until we have the realization of God; and when you do, the fear goes, because you see the
unreality of it, that it's just a dream, a temptation to believe that there's something out here. If you don't accept
it, then you can't fear it, whether it's a gun, a bomb , or a disease, or anything else you can think of, a lack. If you
know and have an absolute conviction that it's just a mirage on the desert, the hypnotism, you couldn't fear it.
So it just comes back down to attaining this realization of God.

For Meditation: So there has to come that point where you stop looking out here, expecting your good, whether
it's your health, or your money, or your whatever, to come from out there, somewhere, in the world. As long as
we are looking out there, that's all we'll ever have, whatever limited bit we can find, humanly. . Luella.

For Study: REALIZATION OF ONENESS, Chapters 8 and 9.

Late one night a thief wielding a big sword broke into Master Taigans hut. Taigan, who was reading a book,
looked up and said: What do you want? My money or my life?
Your money, demanded the thief.
Taigan handed him his purse and went back to reading, as if nothing had happened. The thief crept out of the
room, feeling ill at ease.
Wait! yelled the master. The thief froze, terrified. Dont forget to shut the door!
Days later, when the thief was caught, he confessed that hed never felt more afraid than when the Buddhist
priest called after him. Zen Story

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