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Name : Eka Agustina

NPM : 1514051025

Class : THP A

Tittle : Preservative Tofu Using Flavonoid Compounds of Starfruit (Averrhoa Blimbi)

Topic Sentences :

1. Tofu is perishable food

2. Starfruit (Averrhoa Blimbi) contains many bioactive compounds
3. Antibacterial is compounds that can inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria

Support sentences :

1. The characteristic of Tofu

2. Bioactive compund of starfruit ( Averrhoa Blimbi )
The function of Flavonoid compund
The natural and synthetic preservative
3. Some of types of compounds that have antibacterial activity
Natural antibacterial

Preservative Tofu Using Flavonoid Compounds of Starfruit (Averrhoa Blimbi)

Tofu is perishable food. Tofu has a soft texture, as a result tofu easily destroyed. Tofu will not
quickly be damaged, if it remains submerged in water or had been fried. Tofu is a food derived
from soybeans. Tofu is a food healthful and contain very high protein needed to improve
nutrition in our body. Therefore, tofu very much needed by the people and many people who
consumed them. Antimicrobial compund can be preserve the tofu.

Starfruit(Averrhoa Blimbi) contains many bioactive compounds. Starfruit contains saponins,

tannins, glucosides, calcium oxalate, sulfur, formic acid. Starfruit leaf extract contains
flavonoids,saponins, and tannins. Flavonoid compounds to be active as an antimicrobial that can
be used as a natural preservative in the tofu. The main advantages of the use of natural food
preservatives, namely the absence ofside effects that harm our body. Compared with the use of
synthetic preservative, natural preservatives better used and good for consumption because it
does not cause disease such as cancer and damage to vital organs in our body. In addition to,
various type of natural preservative can be easily obtained either buy or grow it yourself.
Starfruit tree is small, up to 10 m with a trunk is not so big. From odd pinnate leaves with 21-45
pairs of leaflets. Flower are smalland shaped like a star, a reddish purple color . Starfruit is often
called sour starfruit is a plant tha thrives in all region in Indonesua, especially in Aceh Province.

Antibacterial compounds that can be inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria. The purpose is to
prevent decay antibacterial or poisoning by microorganism in food. Some of types of compounds
that have antibacterial activity are sodium benzoate, phenol compounds , organic acids, medium
chain fatty acids and esters, sulfur dioxide and sulphites, and etc. Natural antibacterial either
from animal product, plants and microorganism. Antibacterial agents may be bactericidal (killing
bacteri), bacteristatic (inhibit bacterial growth), and germicidal (inhibit germination of bacterial
spores). The ability of a substance antimicrobial in inhibiting bacterial growth is influenced by
various factors, including : The concentration, temperature, PH, the type, number , age, and state
of microbial.

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