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Jesus Loves Malawi

March 2017 Update

Dear Friends,

Have you ever seen problems turn around in such a way that you thought to yourself, Someone must be
praying? We know that many of you do pray for us, and we want to say a special thank you! And also
to share about some answered prayers.
For example: in early February we had the great privilege
of welcoming Brian and Cathy Oldrieve, founders of
Foundations for Farming, to Zomba, as part of their visit to
Malawi. The visit was a wonderful encouragement, but not
without some concerns looming in the background. Just a
few days before their visit, the alternator blew on our truck.
Thankfully, a used replacement part was found, and the
shop was able to fix it - just in time! We needed to haul not
just ourselves, but a lot of food for the celebration to the
project site where Brian and Cathy were to meet the village
farmers who are learning a new way to farm.
But rain was also a concern - outdoor meetings just cant happen here during our heavy tropical
downpours and we were getting daily rains. After raining all night, however, it rained itself out, and
we had a beautiful, clear day for the event. But... our colleagues, who were bringing the Oldrieves, also
had car trouble just as they started out. The timing couldn't have been worse unless, of course, we
consider the fact that God had an opportunity to show himself faithful. They found the needed part in
record time (something that almost never happens here in Malawi), and arrived only slightly late (by
African standards).
We had a good turnout, considering the fact there was a funeral which kept many away. And Brian, a
wonderfully humble man, shared from his heart, encouraging people to be persistent at farming in a way
that will heal the soil, and encouraging them to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. At the end an invitation
was given, and many prayed to receive Christ. Overall, it was a very blessed event.
After lunch we showed Brian the training center and
demonstration plots (which we are helping our colleagues to
develop), and he found some teaching opportunities on the
spot. Our Malawian friends were very proud to be able to
show him some of their own fields. And he remarked that the
maize in the demonstration plot, planted by trained locals,
was the best he had seen this year. (Even better than his own).
And it's the best we've seen yet in Malawi. Foundations for
Farming methods really work, whether it's a good year or bad
Meeting with the Oldrieves
- and its done completely organically.

And speaking of answered prayer, we asked you to pray for a good harvest this year, and God has
answered. The very first corn is being harvested. And Malawians are looking forward to a very good
harvest, at least in this region. We thank God that after two very
difficult years, people now feel they will have enough.
We also feel your prayers for protection many times, such as
when a mini twister ripped through our neighborhood last month
and caused many trees to fall, and walls to collapse. Several
buildings lost their
roofs in our
immediate area, but
the only damage on
our property was a
young tree that got
knocked over, along
with a few
Beautiful ears of corn at sunflowers. Praise Its hard to see, but theres
the demonstration plot. God for his a tangled roof in this tree.
Another big answer to prayer is the Bible study that Dean has begun with local pastors, with the help
of the chief. They are studying the book of John, and enjoying the encouragement of mutual fellowship
and prayer. Some of them are interested in introducing us to their
villages to teach about farming. And Dean has also been asked to
teach a new Bible study at the training center when he returns,
which brings us to the next important point.

It's Official! We're planning a return visit to Canada this Summer,

and hope to see many of you. We're excited about being back after
nearly three years! Unfortunately, our time will be very short, so
we must apologize to many of our U.S. friends that we just can't
make it around to see everyone. And well only be able to visit a
handful of churches in Canada, but were really looking forward to
seeing many of you at Wesley Acres and Maple Grove Camps.

Please continue to pray with us: Foundations for Farming (FfF)

We will need a mini van in Canada beginning May 18 until July 18, Demonstration Plot
-a place to stay for the month of June (if you know of any options
for either, please let us know),
-Gods protection and blessing leading up to the return trip,
-and that God would order our steps and bless our time in Canada.

Thanks so much for all your love, prayers, and support! We

appreciate each of you, and pray that God will use you in powerful
ways in His service.

Yours in His Love,

Dean and Stephanie Babcock A neighboring plot (not FfF),

Christopher, Jonathan, Sarah, and Elianna Photo taken the same day.

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