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Morfologi Leishmania donovani

Leishmania donovani morphology varies according to the phase of his life.

GenusLeishmania has two stages, namely stage and stage Leptomonas Leishmania.
Stadium Leishamania (amastigot) oval with a diameter of 2 microns and yet have
flagella. There axonema, 1 nucleus, 1 blefaroplas (point out flagellum) and 1
kinetoplas. Stadium Leishmania occur in the human body as the definitive host.
Leishmania intra-cellular life and reproduce by splitting themselves
The second stage in the form of Leptomonas (promastigot) shaped with a size of 14-
20 microns long. Own flagella on its posterior part. Having one nucleus and one
kinetoplas working as the core institution flagella. Stadium is located on the host's
body intermediaries that flies Phlebotomus. Leptomonas reproduce by dividing
meman which

Siklus Hidup Leishmania donovani

Leishmania donovani is one of three species of particular importance for human

health of the genus Leishmania. Protozoan Leishmania donovani is the cause of
visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). The disease is caused by a protozoan parasite
Leishmania donovani and transmitted to humans by blood-sucking flies,
Phlebotomus argentipes as an intermediate host in the life cycle

At the time flies Phlebotomus sucking the blood of patients with leishmaniasis, stage and in the
stomach sucked amastigot Phlebotomus, amastigot stage is transformed into a stage promastigot
which then migrate to the proboscis. Infection occurs by puncture Phlebotomus flies that enter
the stadium promastigot through probosisnya into the human body. Stadium promastigot,
multiply rapidly be split into many pairs of longitudinal and within 3-5 days.
Promastigot stage then migrate through the esophagus and pharynx to the hypopharynx channels
contained in the fly proboscis. Promastigot Stadium are the infective stage and can be
transmitted to humans when the fly sucks blood

When the flies bite humans and suck their blood, stage promastigot entry into
macrophages and transformed into amastigot stage, the next stage of this
amastigot breed again be split pairs of longitudinal and so live in the cells
(intracellular). Transmission can occur through direct contact flies bite wounds.
Parasites in the human body live intracellularly in the blood, which in the reticulo-
endothelial cells (RE) as the stadium amastigot called Leishmania donovan. These
parasites multiply split pairs and is approximately 2 microns. RE cells can be fully
charged by parasites, and cause the cell to rupture. Stadium amastigot while being
in peripheral blood circulation, and then enter or search for another RE cells, then
this stage can be found in RE cells liver, spleen, bone marrow and lymph visceral
Patologi Penyakit Kala Azar

Leishmania donovani attack reticulo-endothelial cells (RE), because many RE is

broken then the body tries to form new cells, causing cell hyperplasia and
hypertrophy of RE. As a result, an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), liver
enlargement (hepatomegaly), enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) and
anemia due to blood cell formation is pressed.
Lymph glands in the intestine can be attacked this parasite, in severe infections in
the colon can occur diarrhea and dysentery. Anemia and leukopenia occurred as a
result of bone marrow attacked. Then comes anorexia (loss of appetite) and occurs
Cachexia (emaciated), so that the patient became very weak. Decreased immune
system, making it easy to secondary infection. After the symptoms of kala azar
dermal Leismanoid downs can arise, namely a skin disorder also called post kala
azar leishmaniasis.
In addition, this epidemic is very wide, namely the various countries in Asia (India),
Africa, Europe (around the Mediterranean). Central and South America. In Indonesia,
the disease has never been found

Leishmania donovani is a protozoan that has one flagellum, 1 core and 1 kinetoplas.
Transmitted through the bite of blood-sucking flies.
prevention is done by:
a. all patients treated, to eliminate transmission
b. remove the rotting rubbish
c. eradicate wild dogs may be a reservoir leishmania donovani
v Leishmania tropica, in humans causes cutaneous leishmaniasis disease.
prevention is done by covering the skin lesions that are not exposed to flies to
prevent transmission to others and the eradication of insects with insecticide and
wild dogs.

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