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Combined Esterified Estrogen and immune disease, most notably Sjgrens syndrome (SS)
and to hormonal influences in the pathogenesis of DES.
Methyltestosterone Treatment for Dry Studies have found that testosterone levels correlate pos-
Eye Syndrome in Postmenopausal itively with tear function in postmenopausal women and
Women negatively in younger patients,1 suggesting that postmeno-
pausal women with DES may benefit from testosterone
Garrett Scott, MD, Samuel C. Yiu, MD, PhD,
replacement. Through a retrospective, noncomparative
Daniel Wasilewski, MD, Jonathan Song, MD, and
chart review of patients seen by the Cornea Service of the
Ronald E. Smith, MD Doheny Eye Institute, 11 postmenopausal patients were
identified who received a combination of esterified estro-
PURPOSE: To determine whether systemic replacement gen (EE) and methyltestosterone (MT) (Estratest, Solvay
with combined esterified estrogen (EE) and methyltestos- Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Baudette, Minnesota, USA) for
terone (MT) (EE MT) would reduce symptoms and treatment of DES (2001 to 2003). Patients were already
promote clinical improvement in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy as recommended
with dry eye syndrome (DES). by their gynecologists. Estratest was recommended as an
DESIGN: Retrospective, noncomparative, interventional
alternative medication since some patients found the
case series. testosterone component could also relieve DES; we sug-
METHODS: Investigators reviewed the charts of 11 post-
gested it as a patient-option only. With a favorable
menopausal women treated within the last 3 years with
outcome reported, we initiated a review of individuals who
pursued the option and how many responded. The Insti-
RESULTS: The mean patient age was 65.2 years (standard
tutional Review Board of the Keck School of Medicine of
deviation [SD] 11.4, range 48 84 years). The mean
the University of Southern California approved the study
treatment duration was 12.2 months (SD 6.2 months,
protocol. Written informed consent was waived. The mean
range 4 24 months). Ten (91%) of 11 patients reported
age of the postmenopausal women treated was 65.2 years
improvement in dry eye symptoms while receiving treat-
ment. For these 10, relief occurred after an average of 4.1 (SD 11.4, range 48 84 years). Average duration of EE
months of treatment (SD 3.2, range, 19 months). MT treatment was 12.2 months (SD 6.2, range 4 24
CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with EE MT may be effica-
months). Ten (91%) of 11 patients noticed a decrease in
cious for DES of various etiologies. A randomized placebo- their dry eye symptoms, either a significant or a mild/
controlled trial is planned to further evaluate these moderate change (Table). Alleviation of symptoms oc-
encouraging findings. (Am J Ophthalmol 2005;139: curred after an average of 4.1 months of therapy (SD
1109 1110. 2005 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) 3.2, range 19 months). Additionally, patients showed
improvement in ophthalmologic examination and
Schirmer test (Table).
with higher prevalence in women than in men. This
may be attributable to an increased susceptibility to auto-
In the future, DES therapy should be aimed at the
underlying cause of disease, that is, impaired secretion
and inflammation of the ocular surface. Investigators
Accepted for publication Nov 15, 2004. have proposed that topical or systemically administered
From the Ocular Surface Center, Doheny Eye Institute, Los Angeles, testosterone may be efficacious for the treatment of SS
California (G.S., S.C.Y., D.W., J.S., R.E.S.); and the Department of
Ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern
and primary lacrimal deficiency, because of its anti-
California, Los Angeles, California (S.C.Y., J.S., R.E.S.). inflammatory properties.2 Our results are consistent with
Presented in part at the American Academy of Ophthalmology a case study in the literature of a DES patient who
Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, November, 2003.
Supported by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blind-
responded to topical androgen, reporting subjective
ness, New York, New York, NEI grant EYO3040, and by a Baxter improvement in dryness, itching, and foreign body
Foundation Junior Faculty Award to Dr. Yiu. sensation.3 There are no reports of using systemic
Inquiries to Samuel C. Yiu, MD, PHD, 1450 San Pablo Street
DEI5704, Los Angeles, CA 90033; fax: (323) 442-6515; e-mail: syiu@ testosterone replacement specifically for DES, but one study reported three patients with SS associated with

0002-9394/05/$30.00 2005 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1109

TABLE. Dry Eye Syndrome Sign and Symptom Change With Combined Esterified Estrogen and Methyltestosterone Treatment

Treatment VA (Change in No Clinical

Pt No. Age Duration Subjective Improvement Schirmer Test Snellen Lines) Exam

1 60 9 months slight improvement Not documented OD 2 1 OS

symptom free
2 48 21 months eyes improved OD 813 mm OS 714 mm OU
3 55 9 months doing better feeling better OD 03 mm OS 05 mm OU
4 51 24 months no improvement Not documented OU1 1
5 69 12 months symptoms better No change OU
6 63 16 months improved Not documented OU 1 1
7 80 15 months doing better OD 25 mm OS 31 mm OD OS 2
8 74 8 months doing better Not documented OU 1 4 0
9 66 8 months doing much better OD 410 mm OS 38 mm OU 0
10 67 4 month doing better Not documented OD 1 6 OS

11 84 8 month slight improvement Not documented OD OS 2

VA: 1 Snellen lines gain; 2 Snellen lines loss; no change in VA clinical exam; improvement (resolution or significantly
decreased severity of clinical signs indicative of dry eye disease, such as superficial punctuate keratopathy, punctuate epithelial erosions, and
tear breakup time, was regarded as ocular exam improvements; 0 no change.

Klinefelters syndrome whose SS resolved after oral 5. Sullivan DA, Wickham LA, Rocha EM, Kelleher RS, da
testosterone replacement.4 Silveira LA, Toda I. Influence of gender, sex steroid hor-
Although there is a scarcity of clinical investigation study- mones, and the hypothalamic-pituitary axis on the structure
ing testosterone treatment for DES, laboratory studies support and function of the lacrimal gland. Adv Exp Med Biol
1998;438:11 42.
the plausibility of this therapy. Multiple mechanisms maybe
responsible for the amelioration of DES symptoms in those
treated with combined EE MT. Likely mechanisms include
(1) anti-inflammatory action within the lacrimal gland; (2) Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)
ocular surface protection by increased IgA levels; and (3) Complicated by Intraocular Pressure
stimulation of meibomian gland secretions, affecting both the
quality and quantity of the lipid phase.5 Through one or a
Elevation in Eyes With Heavily
combination of these three mechanisms, androgens could Pigmented Trabecular Meshworks
improve the quality and quantity of the tear film. Prospective Paul J. Harasymowycz, MD,
controlled trials are necessary to determine the value of EE Demosthenes G. Papamatheakis, MD,
MT therapy for DES.
Mark Latina, MD, Mark De Leon, MD,
REFERENCES Mark R. Lesk, MD, MSc, and
Karim F. Damji, MD
1. Mathers WD, Stovall D, Lane JA, Zimmerman MB, Johnson
S. Menopause and tear function: the influence of prolactin
and sex hormones on human tear production. Cornea 1998; PURPOSE: To report and assess the complication of in-
17:353358. traocular pressure (IOP) elevations after selective laser
2. Mircheff AK, Warren DW, Wood RL. Hormonal support of
lacrimal function, primary lacrimal deficiency, autoimmunity, Accepted for publication Nov 16, 2004.
and peripheral tolerance in the lacrimal gland. Ocul Immunol From the Ophthalmology Department, University of Montreal,
Inflamm 1996;4:145172. Montreal, Canada (P.J.H., D.G.P., M.R.L.); Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts (M.L.); Massachusetts Eye
3. Worda C, Nepp J, Huber JC, Sator MO. Treatment of and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts (M.d.L.); and University of
keratoconjunctivitis sicca with topical androgen. Maturitas Ottawa Eye Institute, Ottawa, Canada (K.F.D.).
2001;37:209 212. Dr. Latina is a patent holder of SLT and has a financial interest with
4. Bizzarro A, Valentini G, Di Martino G, DaPonte A, De Bellis A, Lumenis.
Inquiries to Paul Harasymowycz, MD, Department of Ophthalmology,
Iacono G. Influence of testosterone therapy on clinical and immu- Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, 5689 Boulevard Rosemont, Montreal,
nological features of autoimmune diseases associated with Quebec, Canada, H1T 2H1; fax: (514) 252-3905; e-mail: pavloh@
Klinefelters syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987;64:3236.


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