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Eduardo R.

Miranda, Larry Bull,

Francois Gueguen, and Ivan S.
Computer Music Meets
Uroukov Unconventional Computing:
Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer
Towards Sound Synthesis

Music Research (ICCMR)

with In Vitro Neuronal

University of Plymouth
Plymouth, PL4 8AA UK

School of Computer Science

University of the West of England
Bristol, BS16 1QY UK
{larry.bull, ivan.uroukov}

We are interested in exploring ways in which un- in physical, chemical, and biological systems are
conventional modes of computation may provide promising new venues for the development of
new directions for future developments in computer new types of computers, and these new ideas
music. Research into unconventional computing may eventually supersede classical paradigms. For
(Calude, Casti, and Dinneen 1998) addresses com- instance, it has been reported that reaction-diffusion
putational paradigms other than the standard von chemical computers have been capable of performing
Neumann architecture, which has prevailed in a number of complex computational tasks, including
computing since the 1940s. This article presents the design of logical circuits (Steinbock, Toth, and
an investigation into the feasibility of synthesizing Showalter 1996) and image processing (Kuhnert,
sounds with hybrid wetware-silicon devices using Agladze, and Krinsky 1989).
in vitro neuronal networks. In short, unconventional computing takes com-
The field of computer music has evolved in putation (or part of it) into the real world, thereby
tandem with the field of computer science. Com- harnessing the immense parallelism and non-
puters have been programmed to play music as algorithmic openness of physical systems. There
early as the beginning of the 1950s, when the CSIR has been a growing interest in research into the
Mk1 computer in Australia was programmed to development of hybrid wetware-silicon devices for
play popular musical melodies (Doornbusch 2005). non-linear computations using cultured brain cells
The Illiac Suite for String Quartet, written in the (DeMarse et al. 2001; Potter et al. 2004; Bontorin
USA in the late 1950s by composer Lejaren Hiller et al. 2007; Bull and Uroukov 2007; Novellino et al.
and mathematician Leonard Isaacson (Hiller and 2007). The ambition is to harness the intricate
Isaacson 1959), is often cited as the first piece of dynamics of in vitro neuronal networks to perform
music involving materials generated by a com- computations. Researchers have already mastered
puter. (The fourth movement was generated using techniques to culture tens of thousands of brain
a Markov chain.) Currently, the computer is ubiq- cells (neurons and glia) in vitro, on the scale of a
uitous in many aspects of music, ranging from few square millimeters, in a mini Petri-like dish
software for musical composition and production, with embedded electrodes. Such a system is referred
to systems for distribution of music on the Internet. to as a multi-electrode array (MEA) device (see
Therefore, it is likely that future developments in Figure 1). The electrodes can detect neural activity
computer science will continue to have an impact on of aggregates of cells and stimulate those cells with
music. electrical pulses (see Figure 2). An MEA can record
New computational paradigms based on or extra-cellular neural signals fast enough to detect
inspired by the principles of information processing the firing of thousands of nearby neurons as micro-
voltage spikes. Thus, the activity of multiple aggre-
Computer Music Journal, 33:1, pp. 918, Spring 2009
gates of neurons can be observed in parallel, and neu-
!2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ronal network phenomena can be studied. Supplying

Miranda et al. 9
Figure 1. A typical MEA electrodes. (Image printed Figure 2. Phase-contrast
used to stimulate and with permission of Multi- microscopy showing
record electrical activity of channel Systems [www. aggregates of cultured cells
cultured brain cells on the multichannelsystems. on an MEA device.
surface of an array of com].)

electrical stimulation through the multiple elec- an attempt to understand how information was
trodes typically induces widespread neural activity. encoded and processed by the cultured neurons.
In vitro cultures of brain cells display a strong Potter et al. (2004) described a similar study, but
disposition to form synapses, even more so if they used physical robots instead of simulations
subjected to electrical stimulation. It is well known of animals. In this case, different patterns of spike
that in vitro cells spontaneously branch out, even if trains triggered specific robotic movements; for
left to themselves without external input other than example, step forward, turn right, and so forth. The
nutrients in the dish. They establish connections robot was fitted with light sensors and returned
with their neighbors and begin to communicate brightness information to the MEA as it got closer
within days, demonstrating an inherent bias to to the light source. The researchers monitored the
form networks. Dissociated neurons begin to form activity of the neurons for new signals and emerging
connections within a few hours, and an elaborate neuronal connections. Steve Potters group also
and spontaneously active living neuronal network collaborated with artists at SymbioticA in Australia
is established within a few days. After one month to create an art installation (Potter et al. 2004). They
in culture, the development of these networks connected an MEA device with cultured neurons
becomes relatively stable and is characterized by in their laboratory in Atlanta to a robotic drawing
spontaneous bursts of activity (Kamioka et al. 1996). arm in Perth, Australia. A video camera relayed
Potter and DeMarse (2001) have developed methods the drawing process to Atlanta, comparing the
to maintain cultures of brain cells for a number image in progress with a photograph of a person.
of months, allowing for long-term continuous The comparison generated a feedback signal for
observations of their behavior. the cells on the MEA device. The dynamics of in
Research into hybrid wetware-silicon devices vitro neuronal networks represent a source of very
with in vitro neuronal networks has made continual rich temporal behavior, and we are interested in
progress in recent years. DeMarse et al. (2001) exploiting this behavior to make music.
reported the development of a neurally controlled This article is organized as follows. It begins
virtual animalor Animatusing dissociated by introducing the basics of culturing brain cells.
cortical neurons from rats cultured on an MEA Then, it briefly presents the procedures that we
device. Distributed patterns of neural activity (also have established to stimulate the in vitro neuronal
referred to as spike trains) controlled the behavior of networks and record their behavior, followed by an
the Animat in a virtual, computer-simulated envi- introduction to a technique that we have developed
ronment. The Animat provided electrical feedback to sonify their behavior. Next, we report on the ini-
about its movement within its virtual environment tial results from our research into the development
to the cells on the MEA device. Changes in the of techniques to steer the behavior of the networks.
Animats behavior were studied together with the The aim is to exert some form of controllability
neural processes that produced those changes in and repeatability in the system, which is the next

10 Computer Music Journal

Figure 3. A typical
aggregate neuronal culture
from a hen embryo,
viewed on a scanning
electron microscope:
magnified (a) 350 times
and (b) 2,000 times.

step toward placing effective renderings of in vitro

neuronal networks technology into controllable
sound synthesizers.

Culturing Brain Cells

The majority of research into in vitro neuronal
networks exploits monolayer (two-dimensional)
cultures of rat cortical cells, where the cells grow
across the surface of an MEA device (Shahaf and
Marom 2001). However, it is now possible to obtain
brain cells (neurons and glia) from seven-day-old
hen embryos in ovo and maintain them in vitro
for relatively long periods of time (typically several
months). We have recently described how the mat-
uration of spontaneous spiking behavior in cultures
of such cells is typically very similar to that reported
in rat cortical cells (Uroukov et al. 2006a). Hence,
we have opted for using three-dimensional neuronal
cell cultures from hen embryos, rather than mono-
layer cultures of rat cortical cells. The behavior of
3D cultures is potentially more akin to in vivo net-
works than are 2D monolayer cultures, and therefore
exponentially richer in behavior (Seeds 1971).
Figure 3 shows a typical hen embryo aggregate
neuronal culture, also referred to as a spheroid. In
our experiments, spheroids are grown in culture
in an incubator for 21 days. They are then placed
into an MEA device in such a way that at least
two electrodes make connections into the neuronal
network inside the spheroid. The achievement of
an appropriate connection is ascertained through
recording of the constant spontaneous spiking
surface was modified with 10 g/ml aqueous
activity within the spheroid on a given electrode.
solution of Polymer Ethylene Imine (PEI) under
Next, one electrode is arbitrarily designated as
sterile conditions. The molecular weight of PEI
the input by which to apply electrical stimulation
varied between 0.610 and 1.010 according to product
and the other as the output from which to record
specifications. After the modification, the dish was
the effects of the stimulation on the spheroids
washed twice with demineralized (DEMI) water
spiking behavior. (See Uroukov et al. 2006b for more
before the spheroid was placed in it.
information on the protocols for culturing cells and
Stimulation at the input electrode consisted of a
placement into an MEA device.)
train of biphasic pulses of 300 mV each, occurring
once every 300 msec. This induced change in the
Stimulation and Recording stream of spikes at the output electrode, which
was recorded and saved into a file. The sampling
We used 3D MEA devices supplied by Multi Channel frequency of the output electrode was set to 25 kHz,
Systems MCS GmbH, Germany. The MEA dish and the spikes were detected by threshold depending

Miranda et al. 11
Figure 4. The first second time. Induced spikes of
of a stimulation session, higher amplitudes took
showing the spheroids place between 300 msec
activity plotted as and 420 msec.
microvolts (V) against

upon the standard deviation and the offset of noise Here, we introduce the method that was chosen
(Uroukov and Bull 2008). Each simulation session as the most successful, which combines aspects
lasted for 60 sec, with a 600-sec rest between them. of granular synthesis and additive synthesis. This
We observed an increase in the spiking behavior choice was informed by three criteria: ability to
after each session, which is an indication that such hear the behavior of the data, simplicity of the
stimulations seem to foster self-organization within synthesizer architecture, and interestingness of the
the spheroid. The neuronal networks form in such results for use in musical compositions.
a way that external stimulation causes significant The synthesizer is an additive synthesizer with
excitation within the structure. nine sinusoidal oscillators, which required three
The resulting neural activity for each session input values to generate a tone: frequency (freq),
was saved in separate files. Figure 4 plots an excerpt amplitude (amp), and duration (dur). The data
lasting for 1 sec of typical neuronal activity from one produced freq and amp values for the first oscil-
of the sessions. Note that the network continually lator only. The values for the other oscillators are
fires spontaneously. The noticeable spikes of higher relative to the values of the first oscillator (e.g.,
amplitude indicate concerted increases of firing freqosc2 = freqosc1 0.7, freqosc3 = freqosc1 0.6).
activity by groups of neurons, which are most The synthesizer was implemented in Csound
probably due to response to input stimuli. (Boulanger 2000), and we wrote an application in
C++ to generate the respective Csound score files
from the data files.
Sonification Initially, we synthesized a separate tone for
every data point in the recorded neural activity
We developed and tested a number of sonification (e.g., every successive y-axis value in Figure 4).
methods using different synthesis techniques, However, this produced excessively long sounds. To
including FM, AM, subtractive synthesis, additive address this problem, a data compression-technique
synthesis, and granular synthesis (Miranda 2002). was developed that still preserved the behavior we

12 Computer Music Journal

wanted to sonify, namely, patterns of neural activity first sample to check if they are close to each other
and induced spikes. For clarity, we first describe according to a given distance threshold #. If the
the method whereby we produced a tone for every difference between them is lower than #, then the
datum. Then, we present the method using data incoming datum is stored in the set. Otherwise, the
compression. values of all data stored in the set are averaged and
In the case of synthesis of one tone per datum, used to generate a tone. Then, a new set is created
each datum yielded three values for the synthesizer: whose first value is the value of the datum that
frequency (freq), amplitude (amp) and duration prompted the creation of the last tone, and so forth.
(dur). The frequency value is calculated in Hz In this case, the frequency of a tone is calculated
as freq = (datum ) + . We set = 440 as an as freq = ( (set averagen)900
) + 100, where n is the
arbitrary reference to 440 Hz; changes to this minimum value found in the data file that is being
value produce sonifications in different frequency sonified, and x is the maximum value. (The values of
registers. The variable is a scaling factor that n and x do not necessarily need to be the minimum
accounts for the range of values in the data file. and maximum values in the data file; they can be
This scaling factor needs to be variable, because the set arbitrarily, with the condition that n < x.) The
range of V values produced by the spheroids can result is scaled to the range 1001,000 Hz. The
vary with different experimental conditions. For amplitude is calculated as with the case of one
the sonifications described in this article, we used tone per datum, as described previously, with the
= 20. only difference being that the datum is replaced
The synthesizers amplitude parameter is a num- by the set average. The duration is also calculated
ber between 0 and 10. The amplitude is calculated as described previously, except that we introduce
as amp = 2 log10 (abs(datum) + 0.01) + 4.5, which a bandwidth defined by minimum and maximum
produces a value between 0.5 and 9.5. To avoid duration thresholds. If the calculated duration of a
negative amplitudes, we take the absolute value of tone falls outside the bandwidth, we set the actual
the datum. Then, 0.01 is added to avoid taking a duration to the threshold value.
logarithm of 0, which cannot be computed. We later Figure 5 shows the cochleogram of an excerpt of a
decided to multiply the result of the logarithm by sonification, where one can clearly observe sonic ac-
2 to increase the interval between the amplitudes. tivity corresponding to induced spiking activity. Fig-
Because log10 (0.01) = 2, if we multiply this result ure 6 zooms into the details of the first 500 msec of a
by 2, then the minimum possible outcome would sonification, where one can observe variations in am-
be equal to 4. We add 4.5 to the result, because our plitude and the granular characteristic of the sound.
goal is to assign a positive amplitude value to every
datum, even a datum of 0 V.
The duration of the sound is calculated in seconds; Toward Control through Machine Learning
it is proportional to the absolute value of the datum,
which is divided by a constant c: dur = abs(datum)
+ t. Sonification of data is an interesting practice
In the case of the present example, c = 100. The in its own right, with applications in science
higher the value of c, the more granular-like (Baier, Hermann, and Stephani 2007) and sonic arts
(Roads 1988; Miranda 1995) the results. We add t (Kabisch, Kuester, and Penny 2005). However, this
to the result to account for excessively short or project does not stop here. The natural progression
possibly null durations (e.g., t = 0.05). is to move on toward sound synthesis, where control
In the case of sonification of compressed data, and repeatability of some sort are often desired. It
the compression algorithm begins by creating a set is at this stage of the project that the potential of
with the value of a datum; this will be the first performing nonlinear computations with hybrid
sample of the data. Then, it feeds in the second wetware-silicon devices begins to be explored.
sample, the third, and so on. The value of each In this section, we report the first results of our
incoming sample is compared with the value of the research into the development of protocols to control

Miranda et al. 13
Figure 5. Cochleogram of Figure 6. The first 500 amplitudes. In this case,
an excerpt of a sonification msec of a sonification their durations have been
where spikes of higher where one can observe a assigned a pre-established
amplitude can be heard sequence of five very short value of 100 msec each.
between 2 sec and 4.2 sec. tones at different

Figure 5

Figure 6

spiking behavior (in vitro wetware computing) Shahaf and Marom (2001) have demonstrated
through machine learning (in silicon computing). stimulus-response learning behavior in cultured
Currently, we are looking into the possibility of rat neurons, where a required response for a
producing spike trains with controllable temporal given input was obtained from a pre-determined
structures. electrode. We have made good progress in obtaining

14 Computer Music Journal

Figure 7. Example learning indicated by the dashed
behavior under XCS line and (b) how XCS
control, showing (a) altered the stimulus
spiking frequency response application time to
becoming repeatedly achieve this.
higher than the target

similar behavior with cultured neurons from hen The task of the XCS controller is to cause the chosen
embryos. We adopted an evolutionary computing electrode to reply to the simple stimulus described
reinforcement learning approach that employs herein with a spiking frequency of the spontaneous
a form of Hollands Learning Classifier System, mean plus two standard deviations; a significant
known as XCS, to create generalizations over a increase in typical spiking frequency is required.
state-action space (Holland 1986; Wilson 1995). The inputs to the XCS are (1) the spiking fre-
Such systems learn production rules of the general quency, averaged over the last three seconds, and
form IF <state(s)> AND <action> THEN Reward = x. (2) the time length of the stimulus. The first num-
The average spontaneous spiking frequency of an ber is presented as a fraction of the maximum
output electrode of the MEA device is ascertained spiking frequency observed during the 300 sec
over a window lasting for 300 sec. The standard of spontaneous behavior. The second number is
deviation of the spikes is detected over the window. presented as a fraction of the maximum allowed

Miranda et al. 15
stimulation time of 600 sec. The XCS returns one computing with in vitro neural networks. This
of three actions: to double, halve, or maintain the article reported an initial investigation into the
current stimulation time. A reward of 500 is given feasibility of such an approach. To the best of our
if the spiking frequency increases over the last knowledge, this is the first time that this modality of
stimulation period compared to that immediately unconventional computation has been investigated
prior, and a reward of 1,000 is given if the target in the context of computer music.
spiking frequency, or one greater, is achieved. We We introduced a technique to sonify the behavior
allow a 300-sec rest period between applications of of in vitro neuronal networks, which proved the con-
the stimulus and truncate the maximum duration cept: it works (in the sense that we can hear the be-
of stimulation to 600 sec. Thus, 300 sec after the havior of the data), and it is simple. We acknowledge
last stimulation period, the XCS controller is given that one of our three criteria for evaluating potential
the last recorded spiking frequency of the neuronal sonification techniques (see the first paragraph of
network under stimulation as a three-point running the section, Sonification) is rather subjective and
average, as well as the amount of time for which the biased by the aesthetic judgment of the authors, one
stimulus was applied that caused the response. It of whom is a composer. Nevertheless, we have de-
then adjusts or maintains the stimulus duration for cided to adopt this subjective criterion, because this
the next cycle. A stimulation period of 60 sec is used technology is being developed primarily for making
for the initial cycle. Hence, the XCS is presented music, and we believe that composers should ul-
with an input consisting of two real numbers scaled timately decide upon the nature of the technology
between 0.0 and 1.0. The condition part of the clas- and sounds with which they make music.
sifier is encoded as un-ordered pairs of real numbers An important property of a sound-synthesis
in the range [0, 1], one pair for each input. A pair is technique is its ability to produce different types of
considered to match the corresponding input value sounds with a certain degree of predictable control.
if one element of the pair is smaller or equal to the Controlling behavior and understanding how
target, and the other is larger or equal. The action of information is coded and processed by the cultured
the classifier results in an integer value. neurons are two holy grails of research into in
The control problem that we face here is not vitro neuronal networks. We introduced an evolu-
trivial. Nevertheless, we have succeeded in steering tionary computing reinforcement-learning approach
the behavior of the in vitro neuronal networks to tackle the problem of control and demon-
with the XCS controller in at least a third of our strated how stimulus-response learning behavior in
experiments so far. Figure 7 shows an example where cultured neurons from hen embryos can be achieved.
the XCS controller was able to cause the required Our ability to steer the behavior of in vitro
spiking response to the stimulus. As can be seen, neuronal networks in a third of cases is very encour-
and as was typical here, the XCS controller achieves aging, because it demonstrates that the problem is
this by increasing the duration for which the tractable. From a control engineering perspective,
stimulation is applied. However, there were cases it would be highly desirable to be able to fully con-
where no significant change in spiking appeared to trol the in vitro neural networks, especially if one
have occurred regardless of how the XCS adjusted intends to exploit this technology to build new dig-
the stimulation. In other cases, the average spiking ital musical instruments (Miranda and Wanderley
response decreased during the experiment regardless 2006). However, our current inability to exert full
of stimulation. control or predict the behavior of these networks
does not prohibit musical application of this tech-
nology. On the contrary, the technology still allows
Concluding Discussion a number of attractive possibilities for musicians
interested in ideas such as those of John Cage (1961),
Sound synthesis with in vitro neural networks still who welcomed indeterminism in the creative pro-
is in its infancy, but so is the field of unconventional cess. Moreover, a less conservative approach to

16 Computer Music Journal

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France, thanks ICCMR for the opportunity to of Connections in Cortical Cultures. Neuroscience
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University of Plymouth. Kuhnert, L., K. I. Agladze, and V. I. Krinsky. 1989. Image
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