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La semana del veintisiete de marzo (week of 3-27)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.



Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.
Tarea means homework. Examencito means

lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo repasar para el examen.

-Qudate con la tarea (half worksheet
preterite practice)
-Find a partner who sits at a working
computer in the first two rows and
stand by them.
-The person at the computer has to Log
in to and sign in with
both your names. For example, if
Amber partnered with Maria, their name
would be Amber y Maria. Todays code

-The other partner brings both

homework sheets to me and makes
sure that I mark them as credit,
showing me if they did extra or not.
Vamos a -arreglar la tarea
-aprender sobre la tarea para maana
entrevistas (Tues night: figure out what the questions
mean and how you will answer them on Wed. Wed from 11:05-
11:45: interview at least 10 people in Spanish, ask each other
the questions and write down the answers. Wed night: look
over your data and make up a logical sentence about your data
for each question)
-jugar Quizletlive (ch 10 subjectos de estudio)
-usar Quizletlive con el grupo (? De viaje con

Tarea: Your test is tomorrow. Make sure

you are still studying tonight, look over
the study guide so you know what to
expect for each section, use the
quizlets, and review and fix any
mistakes you have made on the
homework for this chapter. Youve had
a week to study, so you should be

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo tomar mi examen de

cpitulo 10.
-Put up your privacy folder/s and put up the
folders for your neighbors if they need them.
-take out a pencil and be ready for your test
with your folders set up.
-Quiz rules:
No peeking. No talking.
Raise your hand for questions.
When you are done, put your paper
face down under your folder(s) and
raise your hand. I will come and get
it from you.

Remember no talking or moving while anyone

still has their test.
Vamos a -Hacer el examen y hacer la
Tarea: Your homework entrevista sheet
is on the front of your test packet. For
tonight, you need to translate the
questions to English on the back, and
write your answers in Spanish on the
back, and practice asking the
Tomorrow from 11:05-11:45 you will talk
to at least 10 different people asking
each other the questions and writing
down their responses.
Tomorrow nights homework is to look
at your interview data and write a
sentence of information you found out
from each question you asked. This is
due Thursday no matter what.

mircoles (Wednesday)

Yo puedo hacer entrevistas a por lo

menos 10 estudiantes con las
preguntas en la hoja de

You have the

whole class
period (11:05-
11:45) to do your
!No ingls!
You should interview at least 10 people, and if
someone interviews you, you must interview
Tarea: look at your interview data and
write a sentence of information you
found out from each question you
asked. This is due Thursday no matter

jueves (Thursday)

Yo puedo hablar en espaol. No ingles!

The only English will be a brief
explanation of the partner activity. Take
out your partner activity from last
Friday A or B and do this scavenger
hunt in Spanish:
--Sigue estos mandatos, y hazlos:
*Haz una pregunta nuevo de viajando en
espaol para alguien (someone) en tu
*Preguntale a alguien nuevo, y escribe la
respuesta en tu cuaderno.
*Preguntale a todas que necesitas, Viajaste
a Florida? y escribe quien en tu cuaderno
con una oracin completa.
*Preguntale a todas que necesitas, Fuiste
de pesca? y escribe quin y cundo
(necesitas preguntale a la persona) con una
oracin completa.
Vamos a
Buscar personas
Practicar hablando en espanol sobre viajes
y que hicieron (partner activity)
Tarea: Over break you need to write one
preterite sentence telling what you or
your family members did over break
each day. See the full sheet for
instructions. You need to use at least 4
preterite verbs and no two sentences
can be the same. On Monday random
people will share, and I will be
collecting them all.

viernes (Friday)
No hay clase de espaol. Es medioda.
Dont forget to write a preterite sentence of something
you did every day over break. It is due Monday.
Also, it would be a good idea review the quizlets of
chapter 10 over break, and you may want to look at
chapter 5 and 6 from Spanish 1 to review family,
house, and food vocabulary.

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