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ISSN 1850 373X


Volumen especial 1 - 2014

Qu tipo de ciencia contribuimos a construir? Estrategia editorial de Intersecciones en Antropologa 05

What kind of science are we contributing to produce? Editorial strategy of Intersecciones en Antropologa 09

Multi-service taphonomy. Shells, garbage, and floating palimpsests - L. A. Borrero 13

Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia,
Argentina) - H. Hammond 21

Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the South-Central
Andes - M. P. Babot, J. Lund and A. V. Olmos 35

Post-depositional processes studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina)
M. Grosso 55

Taphonomy of a village: the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina)
C. Landa, V. Pineau, E. Montanari and J. Doval 71

Trampling, taphonomy, and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
C. Balirn 85

Trampling fragmentation potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach - C. Weitzel, K. Borrazzo, A. Ceraso and
C. Balirn 97

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record

Guest editors
Karen Borrazzo and Celeste Weitzel
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Editorial Board
Intersecciones en Antropologa Special Issue 1 Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record

Editors in Chief
Mara A. Gutirrez, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia
de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) Investigaciones Arqueolgicas y Paleontolgicas del Cuaternario
Pampeano (INCUAPA) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET)
Ramiro Barberena, CONICET, Laboratorio de Paleoecologa Humana,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.

Guest Editors
Karen Borrazzo, CONICET Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU),
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UBA).
Celeste Weitzel, CONICET rea Arqueologa y Antropologa, Museo Ciencias Naturales,
Municipalidad de Necochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associate Editors
Mara Clara lvarez, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, INCUAPA, CONICET, UNCPBA.
Adolfo F. Gil, Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael, CONICET.
Mariela Gonzlez, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, INCUAPA, CONICET, UNCPBA.
Agustina Massigoge, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, INCUAPA, CONICET, UNCPBA.
A. Francisco Zangrando, Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientficas (CADIC), CONICET, UBA.

Editorial Advisory Comitee

Lszl Bartosiewic, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, The University
of Edinburgh. Edimburgo, Scotland. Etvs Lornd University, Hungary.
Robert L. Bettinger, Department of Anthropology, University of California. Davis, California, USA.
Guillaume Boccara, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Lcole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales (CNRSEHESS). Paris, France.
Luis. A. Borrero, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas - CONICET. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Claudia Briones, Universidad Nacional de Ro Negro (UNRN) - CONICET. Bariloche, Ro Negro, Argentina.
Felipe Criado-Boado, Laboratorio de Patrimonio (LaPa), CSIC. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Magarita Daz-Andreu, ICREA - Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
Tom D. Dillehay, Anthropology Department, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Alejandro Grimson, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional
de San Martn CONICET. San Martn, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Alejandro Isla, Programa Antropologa Social y Poltica de FLACSO CONICET.
Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Robert L. Kelly, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming, USA.
Alberto Mendona, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas,
Fsico-Qumicas y Naturales, UNRC - CONICET. Ro Cuarto, Crdoba, Argentina.
Walter Neves, Laboratorio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento
de Gentica e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocincias, Universidade de So Paulo. So Paulo, Brasil.
Gustavo Politis, INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNCPBA y
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP. Olavarra, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Calgero M. Santoro, Instituto de Alta Investigacin, Universidad de Tarapac. Arica, Chile.
Robin Torrence, The Australian Museum. Sydney, Australia.
Robert H. Tykot, Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida. Tampa, Florida, USA.
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English Revision
Raven Garvey, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, USA.

Reviewers of this special issue

Huw Barton, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
Silvana Buscaglia, CONICET-Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU), Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Universidad de la Patagonia Austral Unidad Acadmica San Julin (UNPA-USAJ), Santa Cruz, Argentina.
Diego Carabias, Director of ARKA - Arqueologa Martima, Valparaso, Chile.
Marcelo Cardillo, CONICET-Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU), Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gabriel Cocco, rea arqueologa, Departamento de Estudios Etnogrficos y Coloniales, Ministerio de Innovacin y Cultura
de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.
Kelly Dixon, Department of Anthropology, University of Montana, USA.
Catherine Dupont, CNRS Researcher, UMR 6566, CReAAH, Centre de Recherche en Archologie Archosciences Histoire,
Rennes, France.
Nora Flegenheimer, CONICET-rea Arqueologa y Antropologa, Museo Ciencias Naturales, Municipalidad de Necochea,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Irene Garibotti, CONICET- Instituto Argentino de Nivologa, Glaciologia y Ciencias Ambientales, Mendoza, Argentina.
Mara Gutierrez, INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de
Buenos Aires, Olavarra (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Thomas Jennings, University of West Georgia, USA.
Carina Llano, CONICET-Laboratorio de Geoarqueologa - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.
Martijn Rene Manders, University of Leiden & Head of the Maritime Programme Cultural Heritage Agency of the
Netherlands (RCE).
Laura Miotti, CONICET- Departamento de Arqueologa, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de
La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gaurav K. Mishra, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lichenology Lab, Lucknow, India.
Justin Pargeter, Interdepartmental Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University, New York, USA. Honorary
Research Fellow, Center for Anthropological Research at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Maria Raviele, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington DC, USA.
Mark Staniforth, School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University. Australia.
Marcelo Weissel, Departamento Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Lans. Fundacin de Historia Natural Flix
de Azara, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A. Francisco Zangrando, CONICET-Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientficas (CADIC), Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
And anonymous reviewers.

Article editor
Mara Milena Sesar

Mario Pesci

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Rector: Cr. Roberto Tassara
Vicerrector: Ing. Agr. Omar Losardo

Anthropological Literature (HOLLIS 009867824); Directorio y Catlogo LATINDEX (Folio No. 15044); Ncleo Bsico de
Revistas Cientficas Argentinas (Resolucin 1071/07, CAICYT-CONICET); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Social
Science Citation Index; Arts & Humanities Citation Index; SCOPUS; Zoological Record
Portal SciELO Argentina

Intersecciones en Antropologa es propiedad de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional

del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Prohibida la reproduccin de artculos sin su expreso permiso.
Domicilio postal: Avda. del Valle 5737 - B7400JWI Olavarra, Argentina.
ISSN 1850 373X (versin on line)

Inscripta en el Registro de Propiedad Intelectual Expte. 869051.

La versin on line de Intersecciones en Antropologa est disponible en el Portal SciELO Argentina (
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Qu tipo de ciencia contribuimos a construir? Estrategia editorial de Intersecciones en Antropologa.....................05

What kind of science are we contributing to produce? Editorial strategy of Intersecciones en Antropologa............09


Multi-service taphonomy. Shells, garbage, and floating palimpsests - L. A. Borrero..................................................13

Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz
(Patagonia, Argentina) - H. Hammond.....................................................................................................................21

Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the
South-Central Andes - M. P. Babot, J. Lund and A. V. Olmos....................................................................................35

Post-depositional processes studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia,
Argentina) - M. Grosso.............................................................................................................................................55

Taphonomy of a village: the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa,
Argentina) - C. Landa, V. Pineau, E. Montanari and J. Doval.....................................................................................71

Trampling, taphonomy, and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz,
Argentina) - C. Balirn..............................................................................................................................................85

Trampling fragmentation potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach - C. Weitzel, K. Borrazzo,

A. Ceraso and C. Balirn..........................................................................................................................................97

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 03-03. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
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Qu tipo de ciencia contribuimos a construir?

Estrategia editorial de Intersecciones en Antropologa
Comit Editor

Esta breve introduccin cumple dos funciones. desde esta perspectiva, a la que Borrero ha comenzado
En primer lugar, presentar con gran orgullo y alegra a llamar Tafonoma sin lmites, irrestricta o total.
el primer Volumen Especial de Intersecciones en Celebramos que las editoras hayan elegido nuestra
Antropologa (IeA), titulado Taphonomic Approaches revista para esta propuesta innovadora y provocadora.
to the Archaeological Record, para cuya edicin
En segundo lugar, utilizamos este contexto de
fueron invitadas Karen Borrazzo y Celeste Weitzel.
presentacin del primer volumen especial para
Este volumen es una contribucin pionera de una
reflexionar sobre algunos aspectos del quehacer
destacable diversidad en su contenido y robusta en
editorial en el mbito de nuestra disciplina. Esta
trminos de la inversin de trabajo que representa,
reflexin nos conducir a plantear algunos aspectos
desde el desarrollo de las investigaciones originales
de la historia de IeA, que nos permitirn, al mismo
hasta el exhaustivo trabajo editorial que han realizado
tiempo, contextualizar y comprender los desafos a
las editoras a cargo, que refleja la evolucin de las
los que nos enfrentamos en la actualidad. Justamente,
aplicaciones tafonmicas en la Argentina desde los
el proceso que lleva a la creacin de este volumen
primeras investigaciones realizadas en la dcada de
especial es una parte central de esa realidad. Sobre
1980. Esta evolucin es visible en diversos niveles, que
esta base, describimos algunos aspectos de nuestra
van desde los tipos de evidencia y contextos estudiados
estrategia editorial. Qu hay detrs de ella? Un
desde esta perspectiva, las herramientas metodolgicas
determinado concepto de investigacin al que
empleadas y, por sobre todo, la madurez que se observa
aspiramos a contribuir. O una suma de pequeas
en una integracin cada vez ms fuerte de la tafonoma
decisiones en funcin de un objetivo de largo plazo.
como va de respuesta a interrogantes arqueolgicos
generales. La Argentina constituye un pas pionero
de Amrica Latina en la propuesta y conduccin de
estudios tafonmicos. El amplio y variado desarrollo Breve historia y objetivos de
temprano de la zooarqueologa en nuestro territorio Intersecciones en Antropologa
ha permitido la rpida integracin y expansin de
En la Figura 1 presentamos el nmero de trabajos
esta disciplina. El reconocimiento temprano de sus
publicados desde el volumen 1 del ao 2000 hasta
contribuciones a las interpretaciones arqueolgicas ha
el volumen 15 del ao 2014 (no se incluyen las
permitido la consolidacin de lneas de investigacin
reseas de libro, que tienen un proceso de evaluacin
cuyos ejes temticos giran casi exclusivamente en
diferente, as como tampoco los obituarios). Un rpido
tratar de resolver problemas arqueolgicos desde
anlisis visual de esta informacin marca la evolucin
una perspectiva tafonmica, y
esta maduracin, a la vez, ha
estimulado la incorporacin
de los aspectos tericos y
metodolgicos de la tafonoma a
otros registros arqueolgicos. Este
volumen entonces, de la mano de
dos jvenes investigadoras, refleja
esa madurez que ha alcanzado
la disciplina en nuestro pas, con
una propuesta cuya aplicacin
trasciende a los restos seos
exclusivamente. Los artculos
de este volumen muestran la
diversidad de evidencias (madera,
conchas, lticos, almidones, etc.) Figura 1. Nmero de contribuciones publicadas en Intersecciones en Antropologa
a los que es posible abordar (aos 2000-2014).

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 05-07. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
6 Comit Editor - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 05-07

explosiva que experiment la revista, particularmente de clasificar una revista son la calidad cientfica y
a partir del volumen publicado en el ao 2006, editorial, la visibilidad y la accesibilidad.
en el que se duplic el nmero de contribuciones.
Estamos de acuerdo en que, a los fines prcticos de
Este crecimiento contina hasta la actualidad. Estos
un sistema de evaluacin, deben existir formas de medir
nmeros muestran slo la punta del iceberg en
calidad y otorgar puntajes a nuestras publicaciones.
trminos de la tarea editorial, ya que no se incluyen
Buscando canalizar esta necesidad, se trabaj desde
las contribuciones que no fueron aceptadas para
un comienzo para que IeA fuera indexada en las bases
publicacin cada ao.
de datos nacionales e internacionales ms prestigiosas
Por otra parte, el crecimiento que experimenta a escala mundial (Social Science Citation Index, Arts &
la comunidad cientfica vinculada a instituciones Humanities Citation Index, SCOPUS, Anthropological
acadmicas o de investigacin tales como el CONICET Literature, Directorio y Catlogo LATINDEX, Ncleo
o las Universidades Nacionales se refleja claramente Bsico de Revistas Cientficas Argentinas, Directory of
en estos nmeros. La comunidad acadmica que enva Open Access Journals, Zoological Record, Redalyc,
contribuciones a esta revista ha cambiado y crecido entre otras). Sin embargo, sabemos tambin que las
en forma ostensible desde el inicio de este perodo indexaciones han adquirido un rol en dicho sistema
hasta la actualidad. Los nuevos requisitos de estas que soslaya los objetivos comerciales que algunas de
instituciones para acceder, permanecer o promocionar estas conllevan, al ser parte de las propias empresas
a la carrera del investigador, categorizacin docente o editoriales. Es necesario mejorar el conocimiento
para financiar proyectos de investigacin, han puesto sobre cmo se construyen los ndices y cul es su
en marcha una serie de desafos para los autores, funcin real, para otorgarles el lugar adecuado como
evaluadores y editores. Esto requiri, y an requiere, medida de calidad de las publicaciones en nuestra
cambios en la estructura y estrategia editorial de la disciplina. En este sentido, creemos que urge un
revista. debate y dilogo entre autores, editores y evaluadores
a fin de reflexionar sobre estos aspectos particulares de
Cada publicacin cientfica tiene un perfil
las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, y disear caminos
acadmico determinado, que se construye sobre la
conjuntos que unan intereses diversos.
base de los objetivos de largo plazo establecidos por
el Comit Editorial. Estos objetivos se materializan a
travs de innumerables decisiones pequeas tomadas
en forma permanente. La situacin se puede resumir Qu se publica en IeA?
en dos grandes dimensiones, que, sumadas, construyen
El perfil acadmico que adopta una revista en
nuestra estrategia editorial: qu mensaje buscamos
el largo plazo no se desarrolla en aislamiento de
transmitir y cules son los receptores que aspiramos
las condiciones econmicas y sociolgicas de la
comunidad donde se inserta. Hay dos tendencias que
inciden en mltiples publicaciones cientficas en forma
global. En primer lugar, se puede verificar un notorio
Estrategia editorial de IeA aumento en la magnitud de trabajos publicados en
publicaciones consideradas de alta calidad en sus
Todo sistema de evaluacin sano y eficiente se
respectivos mbitos. Un rpido anlisis en Science
basa en criterios objetivos y precisos. Es lgico realizar
Direct del nmero de trabajos publicados por el
crticas muchas veces acertadas a determinados
Journal of Archaeological Science (Elsevier) desde
criterios de evaluacin de la calidad de un trabajo
la dcada de 1980 hasta la actualidad muestra un
o de una revista cientfica. Dicho esto, creemos que
ejemplo evidente (
estos criterios son necesarios en un sistema cientfico
science/journal/03054403). Esto ha llevado en forma
que aspire a superarse a s mismo en el tiempo.
reciente al lanzamiento de un nuevo formato de
Las revistas cientficas nacionales no son ajenas a publicacin denominado Journal of Archaeological
las exigencias y evaluaciones de calidad de carcter Science. Reports (http://www.journals.elsevier.
nacional e internacional. En nuestras instituciones (i.e., com/journal-of-archaeological-science-reports/), el
Universidad, CONICET, FONDECyT, entre otras), las cual buscar absorber una parte de la produccin
reas vinculadas a las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas se usualmente enviada a la publicacin tradicional. La
han hecho eco, si bien con particularidades y tiempos irrupcin en gran escala de las diversas ramas de la
propios de la disciplina, de las exigencias pautadas Public Library of Science (PLOS) es otro ejemplo.
para otras reas del conocimiento. Es as como ha
En segundo lugar, cabe afirmar que los recursos
crecido la demanda de publicar en revistas indexadas.
econmicos disponibles en las instituciones pblicas
Las revistas son medidas a travs del sistema de
que financian muchas de estas revistas no han podido
indexacin, que funciona como una base de datos
crecer en forma equivalente a la magnitud de la
especializada. Las variables fundamentales a la hora
Qu tipo de ciencia contribuimos a construir? Estrategia editorial de Intersecciones en Antropologa 7

produccin cientfica que canalizan en la actualidad. En este marco, creemos que, si son adecuadamente
Esto genera una asimetra creciente entre los diseados y evaluados, los volmenes especiales
requerimientos que marca una comunidad acadmica en publicaciones peridicas proveen una poderosa
determinada y los recursos econmicos y humanos herramienta de transmisin de informacin sobre
disponibles para satisfacerla. Este es el caso de IeA. campos temticos especficos. Existen excelentes
Y es tambin el caso de numerosas publicaciones ejemplos en la arqueologa mundial (Current
de Arqueologa en el mundo, que han pasado de Anthropology, Journal of Archaeological Science,
mbitos de sustentacin exclusivamente universitarios International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, entre
a otros que implican diversas formas de asociacin a muchos otros). Este es el caso de Taphonomic
empresas editoriales que cubren los costos y ofrecen Approaches to the Archaeological Record. Creemos
canales ms amplios de difusin. Un ejemplo reciente que este volumen marcar un hito en la historia de
es el paso de Archaeology in Oceania, fundada por la disciplina, as como un camino de ida en nuestra
Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown en 1930, de la University tarea editorial a travs de la incorporacin de estos
of Sydney a Wiley en 2013 ( volmenes especiales como herramientas de difusin
publications/oceania/about.shtml). Anthropological del conocimiento arqueolgico.
Forum, creada en 1963 en el mbito de la University
of Western Australia, provee un caso particularmente
interesante, ya que ha sido adquirida por Taylor & A quines se dirige IeA?
Francis pero permanece bajo la rbita acadmica de
dicha universidad ( Podemos analizar esta pregunta a partir de otra.
canf20/current#.U8vsS4B5M0c). Existen fronteras en la produccin y difusin del
conocimiento? Nuestra respuesta es un NO rotundo.
Actualmente, en IeA se reciben y evalan ms de
Intersecciones en Antropologa es una publicacin
60 manuscritos por ao. Esto ha generado la necesidad
sustentada desde un punto de vista institucional y
de ampliar el Comit Editorial, aunque esto provee tan
econmico por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de
slo una solucin parcial. Desde sus inicios, IeA cubri
la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia
todas las ramas de las Ciencias Antropolgicas. Con el
de Buenos Aires de la Repblica Argentina. En este
crecimiento de la comunidad cientfica en la Argentina,
sentido, es lgico que el principal receptor sea la
el surgimiento de nuevos campos disciplinares cada
comunidad cientfica de la Argentina, y as lo es
vez ms especficos, y una afluencia creciente de
actualmente. Sin embargo, desde un comienzo, IeA ha
contribuciones de Chile, Uruguay, Espaa, Mxico y
luchado por trascender esta escala local de difusin del
EEUU, entre otros pases, reconocemos que esta tarea
pensamiento; alcanz oportunamente la escala del sur
resulta cada vez ms herclea. En los siguientes aos,
de Sudamrica y aspira a trascenderla. La publicacin
la revista se enfrentar a la necesidad de redefinirse
de ciertas contribuciones en ingls es, en este sentido,
en ciertos aspectos. Esto resulta imprescindible para
una herramienta clave. Es el medio a travs del cual
garantizar su viabilidad en un mediano y largo plazo.
podemos dar mayor alcance a nuestro pensamiento
IeA pone especial nfasis en el proceso de local, as como dar lugar a la publicacin de trabajos
evaluacin, al que consideramos una de las etapas procedentes de otros mbitos acadmicos del mundo.
clave del proceso editorial. Nuestro banco de Creemos que es una virtud exponer nuestras ideas a
evaluadores es amplio, diverso y multinacional, y se una multiplicidad de mbitos acadmicos diferentes.
actualiza constantemente. En la actualidad, IeA trabaja
En sntesis, hemos utilizado el espacio que brinda
con un mnimo de tres revisiones y toda decisin
este primer volumen especial para comentar ciertos
sobre un manuscrito se basa en un balance de las
aspectos que hacen a la estrategia editorial de
opiniones recibidas. Dependiendo de la decisin de
Intersecciones en Antropologa. Creemos firmemente
los revisores convocados, se llega a contar con cinco
en un sistema acadmico perfectible mediante la
o ms evaluaciones para un trabajo. De este modo se
aplicacin de criterios explcitos y universales de
minimiza el peso de evaluaciones arbitrarias o poco
exigencia. Y aspiramos a exponer la investigacin del
sustentadas, aunque lgicamente no se elimina el
sur de Sudamrica en un contexto global. Esto implica
carcter subjetivo del proceso de revisin por pares.
trascender la imposicin de fronteras artificiales en la
Creemos que una exigencia elevada slo puede
difusin del conocimiento.
beneficiar a la disciplina en su conjunto. Desde el
punto de vista de la salud de un sistema acadmico en La gnesis del conocimiento es local.
el largo plazo, nuestra postura es simple: slo debemos
Su difusin y evaluacin deben ser globales.
preocuparnos al enfrentar sistemas poco exigentes de
seleccin editorial (an cuando, circunstancialmente,
esto nos lleve a enfrentar el rechazo de manuscritos).
8 Comit Editor - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 05-07
| 9

What kind of science are we contributing to produce?

Editorial strategy of Intersecciones en Antropologa
Editorial board

This brief introduction plays two roles. In the discipline. Throughout this reflection we will bring
first place, we proudly present the first special up some aspects of the history of IeA that allow us to
volume of Intersecciones en Antropologa (IeA): contextualize and understand the editorial challenges
Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological that we face in the present. Precisely, the process
Record, with Karen Borrazzo and Celeste Weitzel as that led to the creation of this special volume is a
guest editors. This volume is a pioneer contribution central aspect of this reality. On this basis, we present
with a remarkable diversity of contents and solid some tenets of our editorial strategy. What underlies
in terms of the efforts invested, both in the original an editorial strategy? We suggest that a particular
research and the thorough editorial work carried conception of science to which we aspire to contribute
out by the editors. This first volume reflects the to. Or the sum of innumerable small decisions aimed
development of taphonomic approaches in Argentina at a long-term goal.
since the early research in the 1980s. This evolution
is evident in the remarkable range of contexts and
materials studied from this perspective, the diversity BRIEF HISTORY AND GOALS OF
of methodological tools applied, and specially, in the INTERSECCIONES EN ANTROPOLOGA
maturity shown by the increasing incorporation of
taphonomy to answer broad archaeological questions. Figure 1 shows the number of papers that were
Argentina is a pioneer country in the application of published in the journal since volume 1 in 2000 until
taphonomic studies in Latin America. The early and volume 15 in 2014 (book reviews with a different
varied development of zooarchaeology in Argentina reviewing process- and obituaries are not included).
enabled a prompt incorporation and expansion of A glimpse of this information reveals the bursting
the discipline. The recognition of the substantial evolution of the journal, particularly since 2006,
contributions of taphonomy to archaeological when the number of published papers doubled in
interpretation led to the consolidation of lines of comparison to previous issues. This growth continues
research focused in solving archaeological problems in the present. These numbers are just the tip of
from a taphonomic perspective. This development the iceberg regarding the editorial work, as rejected
stimulated the incorporation of the methods and theory papers are not included here.
of taphonomy to varied archaeological records. This
The growth experienced by the scientific community
volume, edited by two young researchers, reflects the
linked with academic or research institutions, like
maturity of the discipline in Argentina, with a proposal
CONICET or the State Universities, is clearly reflected
that goes beyond the application
of taphonomy exclusively to
faunal remains. The papers in this
volume show the various materials
(wood, shells, lithic, starch, etc.)
that can be approached from
a taphonomic perspective as
part of what Borrero defines as
unbounded Taphonomy. We
celebrate that the guest editors
have chosen our journal for this
innovative proposal.
In the second place, we take
this opportunity to make some
considerations on several points
of the editorial work in our Figure 1. Number of papers published by Intersecciones en Antropologa (years

Intersecciones en Antropologa - special Issue 1: 09-11. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
10 Editorial board - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 09-11

in these numbers. The academic community that indexations their appropriate place as a measure of
submits papers to IeA has grown ostensibly from the the scientific quality of our publications. We believe
beginning of this period to the present. The latest that a dialog and debate among authors, editors and
requirements of national research institutions for reviewers are needed to design paths that combine the
admission and promotion as a researcher, research diverse interests and aspects of Social Sciences and
fellow or to obtain funding have set several challenges Humanities with the global indexation requirements.
for authors, reviewers and editors. This required, and
still requires, changes in the journals structure and
editorial strategy. About IeA
Every scientific publication has a specific academic
The academic profile of a journal in the long-
profile, built according to long-term goals set by the
term is not isolated from the economic and social
editorial board. These goals are achieved through
conditions of its community. Two trends influence
countless small decisions. The situation could be
scientific publications in a global manner. In the first
summarized in two major dimensions: which message
place, there is a notorious increment in the number
do we want to communicate and who are the receivers
of articles published in journals considered of high
we are aiming for. The sum of these two factors builds
quality within each field. A quick analysis in Science
an editorial strategy.
Direct of the number of papers published in the Journal
of Archaeological Science (Elsevier) since the 1980s to
the present depicts this trend (http://www.sciencedirect.
EDITORIAL STRATEGY OF IeA com/science/journal/03054403). Recently, this led to
the creation of a new publication format: Journal of
Every healthy and efficient editorial system is based
Archaeological Science. Reports (http://www.journals.
on unbiased and precise criteria. It is valuable -and
usually correct- to discuss and criticize particular
that incorporates part of the manuscripts usually sent
criteria about the revision of the quality of a paper
to the original journal.The massive irruption of the
or of a scientific journal. Having said this, we believe
Public Library of Science (PLOS) is another example.
that these criteria are a key part of a scientific system
that seeks to improve itself over time. Secondly, the economic resources of the public
institutions funding many of these journals have not
National scientific journals are not divorced
experienced a similar growth to that of the current
from the national and international requirements of
scientific community and its published production.
quality control. In our own institutions (Universities,
This creates an increasing asymmetry between the
CONICET, FONDECyT, among others), Social
requirements of the scientific community and the
Sciences and Humanities areas have followed
available economic and human resources. This
the global requirements ruled by other fields of
is the case of IeA. And it is also the case of many
knowledge, although considering the special features
Archaeology journals in the world that had to recur
of each discipline. In this way, a growing demand for
to publishers with the capacity to cover the costs and
publishing in indexed journals has developed. Journals
offer broader worldwide diffusion. A recent example
are ranked through an indexation system in the form of
is the merge of Archaeology in Oceania, founded by
a specialized journals data-base. The essential variables
Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown in 1930 in the University
for ranking a journal are scientific and editorial quality,
of Sydney, with Wiley in 2013 (
visibility and access.
arts/publications/oceania/about.html). Anthropological
We agree with quality control and ranking measures Forum, created in 1963 in the University of Western
for our publications as a part of an evaluation system. Australia, represents a particular case since it was
Since the beginnings we worked to get IeA indexed taken over by Taylor & Francis but it remains in hands
in the most prestigious national and international of that University (
data-bases (Social Science Citation Index; Arts & canf20/current#.U8vsS4B5M0c).
Humanities Citation Index; SCOPUS; Anthropological
Currently IeA receives and reviews more than 60
Literature; Directorio y Catlogo LATINDEX; Ncleo
papers over a year. As a first measure, the editorial
Bsico de Revistas Cientficas Argentinas; Directory of
board had to enlarge its team, but this is only a
Open Access Journals; Zoological Record; Redalyc,
partial solution. Since its beginning the scope of IeA
among others). Nevertheless, we are also aware that
included all the disciplines within Anthropological
indexations have taken a role that contributes to the
Science. However, with the growth of the Argentine
commercial goals that some of them entail, since they
scientific community, the advent of numerous new and
are part of the publishing companies themselves. We
specific fields, as well as the increasing number of
need to improve our knowledge on how the indexes
contributions received from Chile, Uruguay, Espaa,
are built and which is their actual role in order to give
Editorial strategy of Intersecciones en Antropologa 11

Mxico and the USA, among other countries, our Who is IeA addressed to?
editorial work is becoming an increasingly demanding
task. In the following years the journal will have to We can analyze this topic by answering the
face a redefinition of some aspects. This is imperative following question: Are there boundaries in knowledge
to guarantee its viability in the mid- and long-term. production and diffusion? Our reply is: absolutely not.
IeA is funded by the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de
IeA pays special attention to the review process, la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de
a stage that we consider key in the editorial process. Buenos Aires de la Repblica Argentina. Therefore, it
Our reviewer board is wide, diverse and multinational, is natural that the Argentine scientific community is
and is updated on a permanent basis. Currently, IeA its main receiver, and it actually is indeed. However,
considers three revisions per manuscript as a minimum since the beginning, IeA has struggled to go beyond the
number and the final editorial decision on each paper local scale of knowledge diffusion, reaching the scale
is based on a balance of all reviewers comments. of southern South America opportunely, and currently
According to reviewers opinions, the final decision on attempting to transcend it. Publishing papers written
a manuscript can be based on five or more reviews. in English language is a key factor in this endeavor.
This process minimizes the relative incidence of This is the means to widen the scope of our local
biased or poorly sustained reviews, although it does production, as well as to incorporate works produced
not remove the subjective character of the peer-review by researchers from other scientific communities
process. We believe that a rigorous review process worldwide. We consider a virtue to bring local ideas
benefits the discipline globally. From the point of view to multiple and different academic spheres.
of the long-term health of any academic system, our
position is quite simple: we only need to be concerned In sum, we have taken the opportunity provided by
when dealing with undemanding editorial systems of this first special issue to comment on several central
scientific selection (even though when, eventually, this aspects of the editorial strategy of Intersecciones
leads to the refusal of manuscripts). en Antropologa. We firmly believe in a perfectible
academic system by means of explicit and universal
Within this framework, we believe that if special quality criteria. And we look forward to show southern
issues of periodic journals are appropriately reviewed South American research in a global scale. This
they provide a powerful tool of information transmission implies to transcend imposed artificial boundaries for
on specific fields. There are very good examples of knowledge diffusion.
this in world archaeology (Current Anthropology,
Journal of Archaeological Science, International The production of knowledge is local.
Journal of Osteoarchaeology, among many others). Its diffusion and evaluation have to be global.
This is also the case of Taphonomic Approaches to
the Archaeological Record. We are confident that this
special issue will become a milestone in the discipline,
also representing a one-way path in our editorial work
through the incorporation of special issues as a tool in
broadcasting archaeological knowledge.
12 Editorial board - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 09-11
| 13

Multi-service taphonomy. Shells, garbage,

and floating palimpsests
Luis Alberto Borrero
Received 20 August 2013. Accepted 14 February 2014


We discuss the importance of widening the scope of taphonomy, arguing that it is critical to study of different
classes of materials within this framework. We introduce several examples related to the deposition of marine
shells and garbage. In particular, we focus on debris generated by tsunamis
Keywords: Taphonomy; Garbage; Tsunami; Palimpsest.



acerca de la importancia de ampliar el campo de la tafonoma, considerando distintas clases de materiales.
Se presentan varios ejemplos, relacionados con la depositacin de valvas marinas y el estudio de la basura en
diferentes contextos. Se desarrolla en particular el caso de los desechos derivados de la accin de tsunamis.
Palabras clave: Tafonoma; Basura; Tsunami; Palimpsesto.


The concept of site formation processes is necessary media (Borrero 2011: 270). The focus is not on
to build a sound foundation for archaeological bones specifically, but on these tensions as recorded
inference (Schiffer 1987: 8). According to Schiffer, in different materials. This is coincident with the efforts
taphonomy is one of several research strategies along of Peter Hiscock (1985) and others (Bordes 2003;
with ethnoarchaeology or experimental archaeology Borrazzo 2006) who are developing systematic studies
that inform our understanding of the principles of site of taphonomic effects on lithic tools, for example.
formation (Schiffer 1987: 8-9). Schiffer also suggested Moreover, Dominguez-Rodrigo et al. (2011) recently
that what we see today is a distorted image of what was noted that taphonomy has broadened its referential
deposited in the past and that these distortions can be scope to incorporate humans as taphonomic agents,
rectified (Schiffer 1976). His view is flawed in at least and that the non-organic materials of archaeological
two ways, however. First, such distortions rarely can be (and palaeontological) sites might also be studied
rectified. Instead, they can be understood and used to taphonomically (Dominguez-Rodrigo et al. 2011: 4).
select the most appropriate scale of analysis. Second, Broadening the scope of taphonomy is desirable since
taphonomy goes well beyond supplying principles of it will facilitate comparative research (Coumont et al.
site formation, generating independent paleobiological, 2010). This objective is more or less convergent with
paleoclimatological and palaeoecological data (Gifford the goals of classic formation studies (Schiffer 1987),
1981). The goals of taphonomy are the subject of adding an interest in preservation that goes beyond
intense discussion (Lyman 2010; Thibaut et al. establishing links between behavior and discard. It
2010; Dominguez-Rodrigo et al. 2011). As I have is becoming clear that this extension of taphonomic
said elsewhere, taphonomy studies the constant studies is operative at several levels (Borrazzo 2011a;
tension between preservational and destructive Eren et al. 2011; Ratto and Carniglia 2013).

Luis Alberto Borrero. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET). Instituto Multidisciplina-
rio de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU). Saavedra 15, 5to. piso (1083ACA), Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 13-20. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X
Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
14 L. A. Borrero - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 13-20

Taphonomy should integrate studies of different is unlikely from those areas within a region where
material types. For example, what we learn through preservation is likely to be good. For example, it could
the taphonomic study of bones can guide our be useful to classify archaeological shell-middens in
expectations for other materials (Borrero 2011: 269- terms of their topographic location or distance from the
270; VanDerwarker and Peres 2013), and this concept upper intertidal zone; in other words, to differentiate
of multi-service taphonomy has applications even shell-middens within and distant from the locally
beyond the realm of archaeology. Indeed a number defined TAZ. Experiments can then be designed
of taphonomic studies of non-bone organic materials to reproduce the conditions in the TAZ and derive
already exist, including pollen (Campbell 1999), rock expectations for preservation.
art (Brady and Gunn 2012), and even oil (Lipps 2008).
TAZs are appropriate places to learn about the
But there is also a taphonomy of non-organic materials
formation and preservation of the archaeological
such as photographs including the study of formation
record. For example, I generated a model of
processes and posterior alterations (Fiore and Varela
contamination of archaeological sites by modern
2009: 21) and of lithics, as I have mentioned.
vertebrate bones. A number of factors can contribute
The subject of all these discussions is the same: to such contamination including, trampling, generally
the tensions between preservational and destructive associated with the regular use of paths by guanaco
media, and the information that can be gleaned from (Lama guanicoe) and some degree of overlap
those tensions. Naturally, all of these studies are between paths, the places were animals died, and the
focused on differential preservation, but only some distributions of prehistoric settlements (Borrero 1990).
of them are simultaneously interested in decoding Of course, I was able to recognize this process in a
the environmental signal associated with taphonomic place where all or most of these factors coincide,
marks. Of course, a comparison between corroded and a true TAZ. The high ratio of archaeological sites
well-preserved plumbing also provides information contaminated with recently incorporated guanaco
about the environment in which each is found. bones indicated the importance of the observation.
Studies restricted to the description of preservational However, the conditions of my model are not always
differences are incomplete since it is an understanding met and its applicability is limited to locations where
of the processes that led to the differences that is really those conditions exist. Still, even slight variations in
important (Behrensmeyer and Kidwell 1985). those conditions help us develop new criteria that can
be useful for identifying intrusive bones (Borrero 2001).
All these approaches to taphonomy can be improved
So, in a sense, the utility of any such modeling exercise
and expanded by experimentation. Good examples of
is the ability to go from obvious cases represented by
such research are the studies by Fernndez Jalvo et al.
TAZs to the more common archaeological situations
(2010) on pollen found on coprolites, Borrazzo (2011b)
away from such places.
on the morphological changes to artifacts deposited
on the surface, Blanco and Lynch (2011) on the ways It is important to bear in mind that taphonomic
of producing rock art, and Pickering and Egeland processes occur in both high and low energy
(2006) on percussion marks on bones. This broad environments (Petraglia and Nash 1987). We know
approach to taphonomy may be useful in a number something about areas where disturbance is high,
of ways. Importantly, neither new disciplines nor new but we also need to know which places are only
terminology is required to do the job. What is required mildly affected or relatively unaffected by the main
is a theoretical and methodological program to make taphonomic processes. We must also be ready to
taphonomy fully operative. The importance of creating extract the environmental information implied by those
relevant frames of reference cannot be exaggerated very markers of little disturbance, be it a paucity of
(Dominguez-Rodrigo 2012). I will introduce some weathering, corrosion, or any other process.
examples that not only work at different scales, but
Combining disciplines like taphonomy and
also serve more than one discipline (Hayashida 2005).
ethnoarchaeology can provide a clearer picture
of formation processes. For example, it is a useful
exercise to examine the ethnoarchaeological record
HIGH AND LOWENERGY TAPHONOMY associated with the discard of mollusks by the Ambarra
on the Australian coasts with TAZ criteria in mind
It is useful to refer to the Taphonomically Active
(Meehan 1982). This should help us understand the
Zone (TAZ), where destructive potential is high. This
likelihood of preservation of mollusks discarded by
is a common concept in discussing preservation of
the Ambarra and, in turn, inform comparisons with
shell beds (Ritter et al. 2013), but it is applicable to
other regions. At least two important depositional
a variety of other situations as well (i.e., places with
principles are derived from the Ambarra study: (1) in
high incidence of carnivore activity, etc.). Identifying
some cases associated with the exploitation of Batissa
TAZs is a way to separate areas where preservation
violacea and Crassostrea amara usually only flesh, but
Multi-service taphonomy. Shells, garbage, and floating palimpsests 15

sometimes a few shells as well, is carried back to home at some point he asked himself if he was trespassing
base (Meehan 1982: 117). Similar observations are the rights of other people (or specifically those of Bob
available from ancient sources (Cook 1946: 51). This Dylan), but concluded that in the post-Watergate times
indicates the existence of more than one depositional that action was acceptable. Unfortunately, when he
setting for mollusk shells, only one of which would be applied the same tactics in 1980 to the garbage of ex-
archaeologically visible. As asserted by Bailey (2007: president Richard Nixon, Secret Service agents arrested
205),If the individual episodes of shellgathering that him (Rathje and Murphy 1992). Leaving legal problems
make up a large mound, or the individual assemblages aside it is important to learn about garbage. I intend
of stone tools that make up a layer in a stratified to demonstrate this by examining a particular class of
cave, had been dispersed across the landscape, many garbage: floating garbage.
would now be lost to view, and will be affected by
destructive processes. In Baileys words, this constitutes
a particular archaeological phenomenon: a spatial FLOATING PALIMPSESTS
palimpsest. (2) It was observed that shells were
relocated several times during a single occupation, Some of the most impressive sources of highly
becoming intermixed with shells from previous mobile debris are tsunamis. It was recently stated
occupations or dead shells that formed a normal part of that to accurately predict future coastal hazards, one
beach debris, or else they were washed away by high must identify the records that are generated by the
tides (Meehan 1982: 117). Beyond the implication processes associated with these hazards and recognize
that our expectations for finding ordered occupational what will be preserved (Arcos et al. 2013: 9). In other
sequences should be low, the information provided by words, taphonomy is required to understand important
this study is basically taphonomic. It clearly states that ecological issues like the oceanic distribution of the
palimpsests of cultural and natural processes are to be five million tons of waste generated by the March 11,
expected. Also, it says something about the location of 2011 tsunami in Japan. The NOAA agency modeled
the deposits, the expectations for associated artifacts the potential distribution of that waste, indicating
and the energy of the processes involved. that debris could pass near or wash ashore in the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in spring 2012,
approach the West Coast of the United States in 2013,
GARBOLOGY and circle back to Hawaii in 2014 to 2016 (NOAA
2011: 1).
Garbage studies1, a classic actualistic approach
Not all five million tons of waste was strictly
to site formation, clearly demonstrate that formation
floating. The debris is classifiable into items that have
processes and taphonomy are closely aligned For
sunk and flotsam floating garbage which, 15 months
example, Weberman, the infamous garbologist,
after the tsunami, had already reached the coasts of
describes his rapid discovery of the benefits of
North America, between California and Alaska. This
scavenging garbage from Bob Dylans garbage can: I
material after a long stay in the ocean environment
lifted the lid I reached in and the first thing that I
was mostly restricted to plastic, but even a Harley-
pulled out of Dylans garbage was a half-finished letter
Davidson in a container was found. Obviously, there
written by Bob Dylan to Johnny Cash (Weberman
are taphonomic processes acting on these materials.
1980: 1). It goes without saying that the utility of
For example, perforating organisms accelerate the
this approach requires a taphonomic approach;
sinking of different materials, particularly wood.
Webermans great discovery the Dylan letter was
Generally speaking, many remains decayed swiftly, up
preserved because it was not in contact with humid
to the point when they were reduced to floating glass
rejects like diapers, which were also present or other
and especially polyethylene and polypropylene that
destructive materials.
cover thousands of square kilometers (United Nations
Since Webermans discovery, a less owner- 2012: 41). This material will slowly disintegrate, to
focused, more systematic approach to garbage was become what we generically call microplastic (Erikson
developed (Rathje and Murphy 1992). The distinction 2012). In contrast, we must remember that ultraviolet
between items that preserve in the long-term and those rays will swiftly break up plastic in desert environments
that preserve in the short-term was crucial for the (Weisman 2007). From a taphonomic point of view
success of the approach. Needless to say, garbage is not the floating materials can be separated in high
restricted to bones. Undoubtedly, garbage studies are a and low-windage, depending on how much of
basic element for the construction of discard theories. it is exposed to the wind (Erikson 2012: 20). The
They offer evidence of factors like messiness of the Ministry of Environment of British Columbia, Canada,
items discarded (Murray 1980), otherwise difficult to like other institutions along the Pacific coast, issued
obtain but nonetheless important for understanding bulletins with instructions on how to deal with debris
the archaeological record. Returning to Weberman, from the tsunami, explaining which were dangerous.
16 L. A. Borrero - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 13-20

No doubt on the basis of taphonomic and forensic were evidences of palimpsests in the form of Pliocene
considerations, it was reported that It is extremely foraminifera within a Late Quaternary deposit. Also,
unlikely any human remains from the tsunami will the remains of a hand grenade that was in use during
reach Canada (Ministry of Environment 2012: 1). the 18th Century, that was related to alternative hostile
scenarios between 1727 and 1779-1783 were found
So far I have presented a detailed example focused
(Rodrguez-Vidal et al. 2011: 187). Any improvement
on the last high impact tsunami on the coasts of
in the taphonomy of tsunamis should be useful in the
Japan, but this is only one of many examples. For
program of understanding and maintenance of the
example, in Chile there are records of tsunamis at
least since the 1550s (Urrutia de Habun and Lanza
Lezcano 1993). More impressive, there are records of Summing up my impression of the debris resulting
22 tsunamis for the Galpagos Islands between 1960 from tsunamis, it must be stated that these floating
and 2011 (Arcos et al. 2013), at least 245 tsunamis palimpsests are going to be the basis of future
for the Pacific between 1900 and 1983, and 229 for taphonomic evaluations. A wide and comparative
the Mediterranean in historic times (Auger 1993: 119). concept of taphonomy is necessary for these evaluations.
I cannot see any utility in separating the study of
On the other hand, a depositional record testifying
different raw materials by discipline; information on
to the existence of tsunamis and related phenomena
the distribution of plastic is useful in the evaluation of
was found at the Peruvian coast (Spiske et al. 2013).
the destiny of other classes of debris, for example. In
This is not always the case, but clearly indicates
this way we can learn about the velocity and direction
the tsunamis can sometimes be easily recognized,
of drift in the ocean, materials resistance to and
while other times they are nearly impossible to
persistence through different processes, and locations
detect. Perhaps some indications can be found
where flotsam is likely to appear in the future. There
at archaeological sites disturbed or destroyed by
are short and long term ecological implications, and
tsunamis (Clague and Bobrowsky 1994; Cole et al.
there are also different lifecycles for different materials,
1996; Hutchinson and MacMillan 1997), a subject
all of which are the stuff of taphonomy.
that has received general treatment (Renfrew 1979;
Estevez 2005). For example, Colin Renfrew writes I have focused on tsunamis, but they are not the
that when excavating an archaeological site affected only forces circulating materials in the ocean. The
by a tsunami, large chunks of debris immediately observation rate of different debris in the ocean was
recognizable as intrusive should be found (Renfrew high for the last several decades. During the Atlantic
1979: 578). Needless to say, the importance of crossings of the papyrus boat Ra in 1969-1970, flotsam
taphonomy for this evaluation cannot be understated. was recorded every day (Heyerdahl 1972). In 2005,
It was generally accepted that tsunamis debris can be even the supposedly limpid environment of Kingman
easily identified and isolated from other deposits like reef in the Pacific, to which access is restricted, was
those resulting from storms. However, difficulty arises heavily affected by the plastic rain (Weisman 2007).
from what Arcos and collaborators call amalgamated The preservational-destructive tensions in those diverse
deposits (palimpsests; Arcos et al. 2013). An endless assemblages of artifacts will determine which will
variety of artifacts result from the action of tsunamis. survive and where. There are other classes of materials,
However, when discussing the effects of specific like wastewaters, that are discharged into the oceans
events, like that of Japan, it is possible to identify in massive amounts and that have even a greater
items of Japanese origin (United Nations 2012), but ecological impact (George 2009); their relationships
usually their link with specific phenomena can only with the survival of different materials still needs to
be achieved through contemporaneous testimonies, be elucidated. Inspection of the oceans constantly
as demonstrated by the study of Galpagos (Arcos et reminds us of the recently recognized importance of
al. 2013: 16). Unfortunately, there is almost no way humans as coevolutionary agents (Odling-Smee et al.
of telling the age of floating microplastic (Humes 2003; Rick and Erlandson 2008). However, within this
2013: 133 ss.). In cases like that of the 1975 Makran panorama of garbage and extensive contamination, not
Trench tsunami in the northern Arabian sea it was everything is negative; floating garbage wreckage sites
a combination of concentrations of angular shell may have constructive uses as well. For example, there
fragments, articulated bivalves (out of life position), is archaeological evidence for opportunistic scavenging
particle size and a predominance of foraminiferous of wood from European wreckages to construct huts
marine taxa that was used to identify the relevant at Herschel Island, Chile (Solari 1992). Also, there are
sediments (Pilarczyk and Reinhardt 2012: 129). A probably many Robinson Crusoe-style stories in which
recent Pepsi label from plastic bottle and other wreckages offer more than construction material.
debris helped to identify the reworking of the upper However, the main point is that the best contribution
sediments (Pilarczyk and Reinhardt 2012: 130). In the that can be made with those materials is to understand
case of the 1755 tsunami on the Gibraltar coast there and, if possible, control them.
Multi-service taphonomy. Shells, garbage, and floating palimpsests 17


I have presented some examples trying to convey Arcos, M. E. M., B. T. MacInnes, P. Arreaga, F. Rivera-
the notion that the range of applications of taphonomy Hernndez, R. T. Weiss and P. Lynett
should be unrestricted. I chose to focus on actualistic 2013 An amalgamated meter-thick sedimentary
cases, somewhat related to ethnoarchaeology, package enabled by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami in El
garbology or ecology, as a way to demonstrate the Garrapatero, Galapagos Islands. Quaternary Research
wide array of taphonomic studies that currently exists. 80: 9-19.
Results are not always spectacular, problems are not
Auger, D.
always solved and usually we learn that we really
1993 The New Catastrophism. The Importance of the
do not know as much as we believed. Generally
Rare Event in Geological History. Cambridge University
speaking, most of our difficulties in accepting this,
Press, Cambridge.
or even accepting that taphonomy is a crucial
component of our research agenda, result from viewing Bailey, G. N.
the link between the archaeological record and our 1981 Concepts, timescales and explanations in economic
interpretations as a fingerprint, when in fact it is prehistory. En Economic Archaeology, edited by A.
only a footprint. We should not expect precision and Sheridan and G. Bailey, pp. 97-117. BAR International
that is the reason why palimpsests are not our worst Series 9. Archaeopress, Oxford.
enemies, but the valuable preserved parts of the record 2007 Time perspectives, palimpsests and the archaeology
(Borrero 2011). They are so important that instead of of time. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 26:
the usual plangent cries that go with the discovery of 198-223.
palimpsests, we should hear cheering shouts. I would
Behrensmeyer, A. K. and S. M. Kidwell
like to emphasize that my defense of the palimpsest
1985 Taphonomys contribution to paleobiology.
is not based exclusively on its offer of different levels
Paleobiology 11: 105-109.
of organization not appreciated at the ethnographic
scale (Bailey 1981; Binford 1981, among others), but Binford, L. R.
it is predicated on the notion that they are the usual 1981 Bones. Ancient Men and Modern Myths. Academic
form in which the record is presented to us for study. Press, New York.

In accordance with Lyman, what I am suggesting Blanco, R. V. and V. Lynch

here can be read as a misuse of the term taphonomy, 2011 Experimentos replicativos de grabados en piedra.
that exacerbate confusion and misunderstanding Implicancias en el arte rupestre de la localidad
(Lyman 2010: 1). However, I feel that real confusion arqueolgica de Piedra Museo (Santa Cruz, Argentina).
arises when we try to maintain our trade within the Boletn del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 16
narrow confines of tradition. In the end, the name of (1): 9-21.
the discipline is not important. What is important is Bordes, J-G.
that if this claim for a unity of taphonomy is wrong, 2003 Lithic taphonomy of the Chtelperronian/
no major harm will be done to the disciplines of Aurignacian interstratifications in Roc de Combe
archaeology, ecology or paleontology, yet, there and Le Piage (Lot, France). In The Chronology of the
is always danger in ignoring the need to proceed Aurignacian and of the Transitional Technocomplexes:
taphonomically. Dating, Stratigraphies, Cultural Implications, edited by
J. Zilhao and F. dErrico, pp. 223-244. Trabalhos de
Arqueologia 33. Instituto Portugus de Arqueologia,
Acknowledgements Lisboa.

I want to express my gratitude to Karen Borrazzo Borrazzo, K.

and Celeste Weitzel for their kind invitation to 2006 Tafonoma ltica en dunas: una propuesta para
participate in their Symposium at the XVIII Congreso el anlisis de los artefactos lticos. Intersecciones en
Nacional de Arqueologa Argentina, La Rioja. I also Antropologa 7: 247-261.
want to thank Ivana Ozn for her help during the 2011a Tafonoma ltica y pseudoartefactos: el caso de
preparation of this chapter. Comments by the reviewers la pennsula El Pramo (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina).
were very helpful in clarifying aspects of this chapter. Intersecciones en Antropologa 12: 155-166.
Finally, I want to thank Raven Garvey who helped 2011b Tafonoma ltica en la estepa patagnica:
improving the translation to English. experimentacin y registro arqueolgico de superficie.
In Bosques, montaas y cazadores. Investigaciones
arqueolgicas en Patagonia Meridional, edited by L.
A. Borrero and K. Borrazzo, pp. 127-153. CONICET-
IMHICIHU, Buenos Aires.
18 L. A. Borrero - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 13-20

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| 21

Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological

assemblages: shell middens on the northern
coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina)
Heidi Hammond
Received 20 August 2013. Accepted 26 March 2014


This paper proposes a method of studying archaeomalacological assemblages from shell middens, and describes
an application of this method in the analysis of remains recovered from systematic excavations at sites located
south of the Ra Deseado estuary (northern coast of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). This methodology aims
to isolate taphonomic variables affecting archaeomalacological records to aid identification of the agents and
processes involved in shell midden formation and to improve interpretations of the human activities performed
at the sites. These analyses are also relevant to paleoenvironmental and paleoecological reconstructions, and to
interpretations of site variability through assessments of assemblage integrity and structure.
Keywords: Archaeolomalacology; Taphonomy; Shell middens; Formation Processes; Northern Coast of Santa



NORTE DE SANTA CRUZ (PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA). En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodolgica
para el estudio de conjuntos arqueomalacolgicos de concheros y su aplicacin en el anlisis de restos recuperados
a partir de excavaciones sistemticas en sitios ubicados al sur de la ra Deseado, en la costa norte de Santa Cruz,
Patagonia argentina. Esta metodologa se focaliza en el estudio de diferentes variables tafonmicas que afectan
el registro arqueomalacolgico para avanzar en la interpretacin de los agentes y procesos involucrados en la
formacin de las estructuras de concheros y sobre las actividades humanas desarrolladas en los sitios. Adems
estos anlisis son significativos para realizar interpretaciones paleoambientales, paleoecolgicas, as como para
evaluar la integridad de los conjuntos, interpretar las caractersticas estructurales y la variabilidad de los sitios.
Palabras clave: Arqueomalacologa; Tafonoma; Concheros; Procesos de formacin; Costa norte de Santa Cruz.

shells calcareous composition affords them high
Studies on the northern coast of Santa Cruz Province, preservation potential (Waselkov 1987; Orquera
Argentina (hereafter NCSC; Figure 1) identified a large and Piana 1999; Aguirre et al. 2009). The study of
number of shell middens distributed along the coast, taphonomic modifications to mollusc shells can
near the present-day shoreline. Shell middens are provide information about past human activities and
located on geomorphological features in areas where formation processes at archaeological sites, as well as
food resources such as molluscs and pinniped colonies paleoenvironmental and paleoecological conditions
are abundant (Zubimendi et al. 2005). Shell middens (Kidwell 1991; Claassen 1998; Aguirre et al. 2011).
are composed of different archaeological materials in As such identification of taphonomic variables can
a sedimentary matrix: animal bones (seals, seabirds, clarify the natural and anthropic process that affected
fish, and terrestrial mammals, among others), lithic archaeological assemblages (Fernndez Lpez 1999;
artifacts, charcoal and, primarily, mollusc shells. The Gutirrez Zugasti 2008).

Heidi Hammond. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET). Divisin Arqueologa, Laboratorio
1, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Paseo del
Bosque S/N (1900), La Plata. E-mail:
Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 21-34. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X
Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
22 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

the west and are strongest during

the summer months. Vegetation is
of the Patagonian Province of the
Andean-Patagonian domain and
characterized by shrub steppes
composed of grasses and coirones
(Stipa humilius and S. speciosa)
and interrupted by patches of mata
negra shrubs (Verbena tridens).
Geomorphologically, the San Jorge
gulf consists of wide sand or boulder
beaches, and rocky tidal flats where
mollusc shoals (restingas) develop.
To the south of the Cabo Blanco
area, the Atlantic coast extends
to the Ra Deseado estuary and
is characterized by beaches and
small intertidal zones with some
mollusc shoals. The area south of
Ra Deseado is geomorphologically
variable with large sand and
Figure 1. Northern coast of Santa Cruz Province and archaeological locations
mentioned in the text. boulder beaches interspersed with
porphyritic outcrops of the Baha
Laura Formation. Mollusc shoals
The aim of this paper is to present a methodology
develop in this area and species of edible molluscs
for the study of archaeomalacological assemblages.
belonging to the Magellanic Biogeographic Province
The focus is on identification of taphonomic processes
are available.
that affect archaeological shells and the method is
offered as a preliminary approach to assessing both Archaeological materials from sites located
the integrity of shell middens and the formation south of Ra Deseado are used here as case studies.
processes associated with these features within the Archaeological records in this area indicate intensive
study area. Additionally, results of analyses of three but uneven use by hunter-gatherer populations. Major
archaeomalacological assemblages provide a test concentrations of archaeological materials are found in
case for the proposed methodology. The assemblages areas where animal resource availability particularly
were recovered from three archaeological localities on marine resources tends to be high (Zubimendi et al.
the NCSC: Puerto Jenkins Puerto
Jenkins 2 site (PJ2), Baha del Oso
Marino Las Hormigas site (LH),
and Isla Lobos 112 site (S112)
(Figure 2).


The NCSC study area

comprises approximately 420 km
of coastline, bounded to the north
by the boundary between Chubut
and Santa Cruz Provinces, and
to the south by the Baha Laura
archaeological locality (Castro et
al. 2003). The area is characterized
by an arid to semiarid climate with
average temperatures between 4 C
and 17 C, and average precipitation
of 200 mm, falling largely as winter
rain. Predominant winds are from
Figure 2. Archaeological sites mentioned in the text.
Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological
assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) 23

2005), as in the Isla Lobos, Baha del Oso Marino, and Mollusc shell analyses: identification,
Punta Medanosa areas (Figure 2). classification and quantification

1. Anatomical and taxonomic identification

and quantification of archaeological shellfish
SHELL MIDDENS assemblages

Table 1 provides a contextual description of the In archaeological shellfish assemblages,

shell middens analyzed in this paper. PJ2 is located anatomical and taxonomic identification is based
in the Puerto Jenkins archaeological locality (Figure 2) firstly on distinctive features of the shells, such as
where numerous shell middens are concentrated near morphology, color, sculpture and decoration; and
identified mollusc shoals. Middens are found up to secondly on biogeographical distributions. Once a
400 m from the modern shoreline (Zubimendi et al. shell has been identified anatomically, taxonomic
2004). PJ2, dated to 690 60 years BP, is located 100 identification proceeds using diagnostic features
m from the Ra Deseado shoreline. LH is located in the that permit assignment, ideally to the species level
Baha del Oso Marino locality, where shell middens (Gutirrez Zugasti 2008). Taxonomic features used in
are heterogeneously distributed (Zilio and Hammond the identification of the molluscs are: (for gastropods)
2013). The site is radiocarbon dated to 370 40 shape of the shell, characteristics of the umbilicus
years BP and located at 16 masl and 80 m from the and aperture, and characteristics of ornamentation;
present coastline. S112 is located in the Isla Lobos (for bivalves) shape of the shell, hinge features,
archaeological locality (Castro et al. 2003), where shell number and arrangement of muscular impressions,
middens cluster near the coastline. S112 is located and ornamentation (Moreno Nuo 1994: 16);
100 m away from the current shoreline and 11 masl. and (for polyplacophorans) shape of the shell and
Fragments of charcoal associated with archaeological ornamentation (Gordillo 2007). Shells are grouped into
materials date to 2870 60 years BP (Table 1). categories according to their preservation:
Complete shells (VCOM) are those exhibiting more than
90% of the original shell and an individual diagnostic
element, known as a Non-Repetitive Element (NRE; Mason
MATERIALS AND METHODS et al. 1998). An NRE is a part of a shell that is diagnostic
Excavation for each species or genus, which can be counted a
number of times to infer the presence of an individual.
On the NCSC, shell middens are composed of very In gastropods, NRE include the apex, columella, and
thick lenses of archaeological materials, so excavations foramen. In bivalves, it is the hinge or the umbo, to be
differentiated right from left. Polyplacophorans (chitons)
proceeded in 5-cm artificial levels. According to
are composed of eight plates, one cephalic, one caudal,
Bejega Garca (2010), stratigraphic differences
and six intermediate; individuals can be counted taking
between massive levels of mollusc shells may be
the highest value of cephalic or caudal plates. On
based on biological composition where the presence or complete shells, biometric measurements are made,
absence of particular species defines the stratigraphy. including length, width, and height of the shell.
Therefore, excavating by artificial levels aids detection Diagnostic shell fragments (VFRA) are shells less than
of differences in high-density shell lenses that may not 90% complete but that still contain an NRE. Gastropod
be identified otherwise. Recovery of small items was fragments were assigned to one of two categories.1) IFRA
performed using a 2 mm mesh sieve (Claassen 1998), are fragments with intact columella ends but that lack the
and the bottom sieve the smallest items remaining buccal area. Among Nacella magellanica, IFRA contain
after sieving was collected for classification and the apex and part of the shell. 2) FAPI are fragments that
include apex or portions of it. On bivalves the identifiable
further analysis in the laboratory (Bowdler 2009).
fragments were subdivided into: VFRA (fragmented shell)
The following section details the methodology and FCHC (fragment of umbo or hinge complete) (lvarez
for identification, classification, and quantification of Fernndez 2007).
mollusc shells. It also describes different taphonomic
agents (Lyman
1994) and lists Archaeological Archaeological Age 14C Excavated Stratigraphic
selected taphonomic locality site (years BP) rea (m2) thickness (cm)
cord of coastal
variables that should Puerto
690 60 boulders with
Jenkins 2 0.5 43
be considered in Jenkins
(LP-2603) sandy cover
any taphonomic
Baha del Oso Las Hormigas 370 40 aeolian mantle on
approach to 1 55
Marino LH (LP-2504) Holocene terrace
archaeomalacological Site 112 2870 60
Isla Lobos Aeolian mantle 0.25 17
assemblages. S112 (LP-2141)

1. Description of archaeological sites presented in this paper.
24 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

Fragments (FRAG) are pieces of shell that lack diagnostic 2000; Glassow 2000). Claassen (1998: 107) points
elements. Fragments can contribute to measures of out that criticisms of shell weight quantification center
abundance including NISP, the number of identifiable primarily on the loss of weight with diagenesis, which
specimens (complete shells plus fragments), and MNI, affects different species at different rates. The author
the minimum number of individuals for each genus or notes that the older the site or the more acidic the
species. For gastropods, MNI is calculated according
soil, the greater the loss of calcium carbonate and
to the formula: VCOM + FAPI + IFRA. For bivalves,
conchiolin and the greater the differential loss of
MNI is calculated as VCOM + FCHC + VFRA (taking
calcium carbonate between species. lvarez Fernndez
the highest value between left and right VFRA; lvarez
Fernndez 2007). Fragments are also used to calculate (2007) indicates that we must consider that different
taxonomic richness, defined as the total number of taxa taphonomic agents and processes that could affect
in a collection. Assemblage diversity is the number of archaeomalacological remains and the weight of
individuals (NISP or NMI) distributed across all the shells, such as descaling or precipitation of calcium
identified species or taxa (Claassen 1998; Dupont 2003). carbonate and matrix acidity. Moreover, Bejega Garca
(2008) notes that despite the limitations of weight for
In the NCSC contexts analyzed to date, we have
estimating abundance, weight values are still important
identified three groups of molluscs gastropods,
as they may reflect changes in the shell composition of
bivalves, and polyplacophorans using specific
archaeological levels within a site. In the same way,
literature (Castellanos 1970; Aguirre 2003; Aguirre et
if a sample is highly fragmented, weight is sometimes
al. 2009 and Gordillo 2007 for polyplacophora, among
the only available criterion of analysis.
others), and a comparative collection consisting of both
modern and archaeological specimens (Bejega Garca
2010), and following the nomenclature of the World
Taphonomic agents and taphonomic processes
Register Marine Species (WoRMS 2012) database.
1. Taphonomic agents

2. Biometric analysis A taphonomic agent is a source of force applied

to materials, and the physical cause of modification
Following taxonomic identification of (Morlan 1984; Lyman 1994). Archaeological materials
archaeomalacological assemblages, biometric have their own taphonomic histories, and it is necessary
analysis (length, width, and height) of complete to identify the agents and processes responsible for any
shells is required. Shell size is related to the age signs of modification. Agents that modify materials in
of the individual, the microenvironment in which the archaeological record have predictable physical
it developed, and ontogenetic growth rate, which effects (Schiffer 1983) that can be inferred (Nash and
decreases as age increases (Claassen 1998). At NCSC Petraglia 1987). In this way, taphonomic studies in
shell middens, the most abundant conchological archaeology contribute to our understanding of the
species are Nacella magellanica (limpet), Aulacomya formation of archaeological sites (Borrero 1988).
atra (ribbed mussel), Mytilus edulis (blue mussel),
and Perumytilus purpuratus (Zubimendi et al. 2005; A variety of taphonomic agents alter the remains
Zubimendi 2012; Hammond and Zubimendi 2013). that compose shell middens:
Biological: Fauna (both vertebrates and invertebrates) and
To gauge shell size, the maximum diameter of the
flora are considered among biological agents. At NCSC,
base of the shell is measured in Nacella magellanica;
fossorial rodents (Ctenomys sp.), Magellanic penguins
in bivalves, maximum diameter is measured from (Spheniscus magellanicus), and armadillos (Zaedyus pichiy
the umbo to the distal end of the shell. Usually, and Chaetophractus villosus) are among the animals
biometric analyses are used to interpret the processes that modify remains and their spatial arrangements in
of overexploitation, in studies of growth environments, shell middens by moving and scattering archaeological
for estimating season of harvest (Claassen 1998), material. These animals can also introduce foreign
and to determine whether there may have been size remains through the caves they excavate (Hammond et
selection during harvesting (lvarez Fernndez 2009). al. 2013). The modern introduction of livestock (sheep)
Occasionally these analyses have also been used to is another factor that disturbs shell middens; trampling
causes the removal, displacement, and fragmentation
explore the mode of harvest, estimate the size of the
of archaeological remains. Vegetation may also cause
sampled population, and identify rare or uncommon
movement and mixing of archaeological remains, and
species at archaeological sites (Claassen 1998).
root growth in fissures or cracks may fracture shells, all
of which can mechanically change the original structure
of deposits. Roots between the shells can also trigger
3. Weight of the remains chemical dissolution (Gutirrez Zugasti 2008).
Anthropic: Human populations can modifiy the
The weight of archaeomalacological assemblages
archaeological record in several ways, whether
is a variable that has been widely discussed by many deliberately or accidentally. Such modifications can
authors (Claassen 1998, 2000; Mason et al. 1998,
Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological
assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) 25

be divided into ones produced during occupation of they have undergone throughout the formation of the
the site and those that occur after abandonment. For archaeological deposit.
example, trampling of archaeomalacological remains
post-deposition can cause considerable fragmentation
and horizontal displacement. Subsequent reoccupation Taphonomic variables
of archaeological sites can further modify preexisting
Preservation of periostracum: The periostracum is an outer
membrane composed of protein that covers the shells of
Excavation by non-specialists, construction of roads, ur-
some gastropods and bivalve molluscs (Figure 3A). This
ban growth, and the use of vehicles in coastal areas are
membrane is especially visible in the shells of species
also agents of archaeological site destruction (Ceci 1984;
within the family Mitilidae, particularly Aulacomya atra
Zubimendi et al. 2012).
and Mytilus edulis. This organic layer is secreted by a
Physical-geological: The primary physical agents
mantle portion of molluscs, and its main function is to
affecting shell middens are water and wind. In open-air
protect the limestone part of the shell against various
shell middens, fluvial processes and wind can transport
hazards including acidic substances (Camacho 2007).
archaeological remains, resulting in the modification of
Preservation of the periostracum on archaeological shells
site morphology and structure. Wind erosion, storms,
is interpreted as a sign of the records integrity and of
and sudden changes in temperature can accelerate the
rapid burial (Zubimendi 2012; Hammond and Zubimendi
degradation, fragmentation, and mobilization of the shells
2013). Preservation of this membrane in stratigraphic
(Claassen 1998). Moisture and sunlight are other agents
contexts is also determined by conditions within the
that may alter the remains.
sedimentary matrix (moisture, organic content, and pH).
Chemicals: Archaeological remains can be chemically
Under unfavorable conditions of burial, periostracum
altered according to chemical conditions within the
loss will progress through time. When exposed to
sedimentary matrix. A variety of variables, including
environmental conditions (wind, sun, rain, and moisture)
pH and the relative proportion of organic matter,
the periostracum dries quickly, fractures and falls off
phosphate, carbonate and salt, can be studied to assess
easily. The preservation of periostracum is recorded as
conservation, pollution, and other chemical processes
present (1) or absent (0).
that affect assemblages. The pH level of the matrix affects
the preservation of certain archaeological remains. Stein
(1987) suggests that soil pH is affected by
the amount of organic waste introduced by
people during site occupation. Generally,
an abundance of calcium carbonate, of
which shells are composed, causes a neutral
or slightly alkaline pH, which tends to
preserve many organic remains (Orquera
and Piana 2000). However, a highly alkaline
environment creates unfavorable conditions
for the preservation of organic remains such as
bone because it induces collagen hydrolysis
(Favier Dubois and Bonomo 2008). High
salinity and high levels of organic matter
within the midden matrix cause a higher
incidence of corrosion.

2. Taphonomic processes on shells

People and animals are geomorphological

agents that produce archaeological
sediments, the physical, biogenic, and
cultural components of which require
identification and interpretation (Butzer
1982: 66). Thus, shell accumulations are
considered archaeosediments (Butzer 1982;
Stein 1987). The identification of natural and
anthropic components is therefore critical
to the interpretation of formation processes
at archaeological sites. For this reason,
analysis of taphonomic processes that have
affected archaeological remains is a means of Figure 3. A. Aulacomya atra shells with preserved periostraca; B. Shells
with evidence of surface corrosion; C. Shells with evidence of surface
understanding their origins and the changes
26 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

Corrosion: Corrosion occurs when calcium carbonate ornamentation, size and strength of the shell, as well
in the form of calcite or aragonite (Camacho 2007) as biostratinomic processes (Claassen 1998; Aguirre et
or other mineral components of the shell dissolve due al. 2011). Other factors that may affect the structure
to chemical conditions in the environment (Gutirrez of shells and increase fragmentation of an assemblage
Zugasti 2008; Figure 3B). Chemical erosion first attacks are exposure to heat (Claassen 1998), decalcification
thinner surface areas, which leads to characteristic shapes and biodegradation (Gutirrez Zugasti 2008), and the
on particular taxa. Some effects of chemical dissolution amount of organic matter and moisture in the sedimentary
of shells are a corroded appearance of surfaces, loss of matrix (Zuschin et al. 2003). Sedimentary processes such
ornamentation, and thinning and development of holes as compression (Claassen 1998), and biological (e.g.,
and cracks (Fernndez Lpez 1999: 81). Identification bioturbation and root action) and natural processes (e.g.,
of such alterations can indicate the environmental effects of water, wind and temperature fluctuations) may
conditions in the organisms habitat or deposition matrix. also influence increase fragmentation rates. Fragmentation
Moreover, corrosion can be inferred from analyses of the increases the susceptibility of the particles to size sorting
substrate where the remains were deposited. Corrosion and transport by different agents (Claassen 1998: 55).
and dissolution of shells mineral components are Different anthropic processes can produce fragmentation
greater in areas where salinity is high, temperatures are such as trampling, site cleaning (removal of remains),
low, and bioturbation is common (Claassen 1998: 59). production of artifacts or instruments, or the mode of
Chemical dissolution is also related to sediment moisture shellfish gathering.
conditions, climatic fluctuations, and the abundance of Thermal alteration: Heat alters the crystallographic
vegetation in the substrate (Aguirre et al. 2011). Corrosion structure of shells. The higher the temperatures they are
is recorded as present (1) or absent (0). exposed to, the faster they will deteriorate and, ultimately,
Abrasion: Abrasion refers to the removal of calcium break. Shells affected by thermal exposure experience
carbonate, of which shells are composed, by physical changes in the original color of the surface and weight
processes or bioerosion (Claassen 1998). This process loss relative to unburned shells (Claassen 1998). For
leads to weathering of shells most prominent exterior example, limpets that have not been affected by heat
ornamentation, modifying their original texture and are brown whereas those exposed to high temperatures
creating porous surfaces (Figure 3C). Corrasion is abrasion for longer periods are dark gray, often carbonized, and
caused by wind (Breed et al. 1997) and its effects vary their structure is very weak, which causes them to be
according to wind speed, hardness of the abraded surface, easily fragmented (Claassen 1998; Villamarzo 2009),
concentration of abrasive particles (such as sand), and the thereby affecting conservation of the entire assemblage.
density and distribution of vegetation and topographic Carbonification is related to the exposure of shells
features (Waters 1992).Time of exposure on the land directly to flames, and involves carbon enrichment.
surface is also a factor. Abrasion analysis can provide Typically, molluscs are covered by a layer of very fine
information regarding sedimentation at the archaeological gray sediments (Gutirrez Zugasti 2008).
site, displacement of archaeological remains, and post- Thermal alteration of shells is determined by macroscopic
depositional processes. It is important to assess abrasion appearance and color and recorded as not burned (0,
to identify which remains were incorporated in to the site original color); burned (1, light brown-gray); carbonized
by people, and which by natural processes. For example, (2, dark brown to black color); or calcined (3, white
small gastropods that form natural coastal cords where color) (Villamarzo 2009; Villagran et al. 2010).
archaeological sites are sometimes located generally have Breakage and/or deliberated impact of shells: It has been
evidence of marine abrasion and can be integrated as suggested that breakage and/or impact on shells may
part of the sedimentary matrix of sites. Shell abrasion is be related to the way some species of molluscs were
recorded as present (1) or absent (0). harvested (Pailler et al. 2007). In particular shell middens
Deformation: Deformation refers to changes in the at NCSC, many limpet shells are cracked or broken
size, shape, structure, and/or texture of shells due to (Figure 4A). These breaks may be due to the use of an
mechanical stress. This process may cause folds, fissures, instrument to release the molluscs from the rocks where
cracks, or fractures. Sediment pressure may cause they grow. When a hard blow is delivered to detach
deformation of overall shape (lvarez Fernndez 2009). a shell, breaks along the margin or side may occur.
This process is enhanced if the sediment column has high Classification and recording of impacts and breakage
levels of moisture or organic material, which affect the follows Pailler and colleagues (2007). These authors
microstructure of the shell and its resistance (Zuschin divide shells of the gastropod Nacella magellanica into
et al. 2003). At NCSC, deformation has been observed eight zones and in three areas in relation to the height
mainly on limpet shells. of the shell (Figure 4B). By this method, the location
Fragmentation: Fragmentation is one of the most common of impacts / breakage can be recorded in a way that
processes observed in archaeomalacological assemblages permits comparison.
and involves breakage of shells and separation of the Bioerosion: The analysis of bioerosion can provide
fragments. This process can affect anatomic and taxonomic paleoecological information. Many marine organisms are
identification of the remains (Gutirrez Zugasti 2008). capable of eroding and modifying shells, for predatory
Shells, particularly those of bivalves, tend to fragment reasons or otherwise (Figure 5). Algae, fungi, foraminifera,
along existing features, such as growth and ornamentation bryozoans, bivalves, gastropods, sponges, and barnacles
lines (Farinati and Zavala 1995). Fragmentation will vary can cause such modifications before and/or after death of
according to the morphology, microstructure, thickness, the shellfish (Claassen 1998). Some gastropods, particularly
Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological
assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) 27

embedded on shells collected by human

groups. In the archaeomalacological
assemblages of the NCSC, Balanus sp. is the
predominant encrusting species (Hammond
and Zubimendi 2013). Sometimes the
encrustations occur on the inner surface of
the shells, which indicates that they were
incorporated into the archaeological record
after the death of the organism. The presence
of encrustations or epibiont organisms can
prevent the effects of bioeroders on shell
surfaces (Claassen 1998: 40).
Color preservation: This variable is
recorded as an indicator of preservation
of the remains. The preservation
of color depends primarily on the
chemical composition and stability of
the pigment that colors the surface, and
the mineralogical composition of shell
(Claassen 1998). Color loss is determined
by different agents. It is important to
distinguish the processes involved and
their effects because different processes
can have similar effects (Lyman 1994: 38).
Abrasion, corrosion, and thermal alteration
are the main taphonomic processes related
to the loss of original shell color, and can
significantly affect the surface coloration
and ornamentation. Color loss due to
sunlight exposure causes shells to acquire
Figure 4. A. Shells with evidence of impacts and breaks; B. Segmentation of a white color superficially. Preservation of
shells to record the position of impacts and breaks. original shell color was recorded using the
naticid and muricid, drill shells with their radula leaving following scale: conservation of the original color (0);
circular holes with slightly tapered or straight sides (lvarez partial conservation of the original color (1); total loss
Fernndez 2009). The holes produced by mollusc drilling of original color (2); total color loss by sun exposure
can result in either complete perforation or incomplete, (3) (Figure 6).
unsuccessful perforation. Perforations are made in
exposed or weak areas of shells; among bivalves, this
is usually near the umbo, and among gastropods, near
the apex. Drilling facilitates future
fracture of shells (Claassen 1998;
Zuschin et al. 2003). Completely
perforated shells likely entered the
deposits dead because of the action
of bioeroding organisms to obtain soft
tissue or calcium.
Sometimes mollusc shells have
other epibiont organisms attached
to them. Such organisms erode
and remove the periostracum, and
produce erosion and surface marks.
Heavy encrustation occurs on dead
organisms shells exposed at the
watersediment interface in low
energy habitats (Claassen 1998). It is
important to identify these types of
marks to avoid confusion with marks
produced by humans. Bioerosion
studies allow understanding the
presence of certain species in the
malacological assemblage, which
could be incorporated to the site
Figure 5. Shells with surface bioerosion.
28 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

shells were recorded in LH and S112, and

imbricated limpet shells were recorded in situ
at PJ2. These features indicate rapid burial
without mobilization of the archaeological

Malacological composition of shell


Table 3 presents mollusc species NISPs

and MNIs for each excavation. Twenty-three
species were identified, and some specimens
remain unidentified. Most of the species are
gastropods and Nacella magellanica is the
predominant species in all assemblages.
The remaining gastropod species occur in
smaller amounts. Of the bivalves, Mytilus
edulis, Aulacomya atra and Perumytilus
purpuratus predominate; the rest of the
species are represented by a few specimens
Figure 6. Degrees of color preservation of shells.
each. Regarding species richness, LH has the
highest conchological diversity, while S112 exhibits
Variables analyzed Puerto Jenkins 2 Las Hormigas Site 112
Table 2 presents a characterization Thickness 15 cm 8 cm 6 cm
Concentrations of shells

sandy cover
of shells identified in each of the Location
aeolian mantle aeolian mantle
middens analyzed in terms of the Geometry Tabular Lenticular Lenticular
variables proposed by Favier Dubois Estratigraphy 1 lens of shells 1 lens of shells 1 lens of shells
and Borella (2007), Zubimendi (2012), No preferential No preferential No preferential
orientation orientation orientation
and Hammond and Zubimendi Tilt Subhorizontal Subhorizontal Subhorizontal
(2013). Excavations profiles are Shells articulated
Yes Yes Yes
in situ
presented in Figure 7. Shell middens
are located on different geomorphic Table 2. Features of shells concentrations at the shell middens.
surfaces: lines of coastal boulders
with sandy cover and sandy aeolian
mantles. The shell concentration at
the PJ2 site is described as having
tabular stratigraphic geometry with
a high density of shells in contact
with each other (bioclast-supported
structure). The LH and S112 sites
are described as having lenticular
geometry affected by erosion and
deflation that has exposed the surfaces
of archaeological remains. These
processes generated mound-shaped
accumulations formed by a surface
layer of shells redeposited above
aeolian sediments that compose the
dunes (Hammond et al. 2013). In all
three case studies, individual lenses
with high-density archaeological
remains were identified in the
stratigraphic sequence. The surfaces
on which the sites are located are
horizontal to subhorizontal. During
excavations, articulated mussel
Figure 7. Excavations profiles.
Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological
assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) 29

uneven at our study sites

Mollusc Puerto Jenkins 2 Las Hormigas Site 112
(Table 5). The main processes
that have affected the shells
2440 2440 (69.2%) 509 509 (18.85%) 35 35 (5.8%) in these assemblages are
Crepipatella fragmentation, corrosion, and
94 94 (2.66%) 72 72 (2.7%) 4 4 (0.7%)
dilatata thermal alteration. Regarding
2 2 (0.05%) 7 7 (0.25%) 2 2 (0.35%) shell color preservation at LH,
Trophon a very low percentage of the
2 2 (0.05%) 5 5 (0.2%) - -
geversianus specimens retain their original
- - 2 2 (0.07%) - - color (2.2%) and more than
Adelomelon sp. 1 1 (0.02%) - - - - half of the assemblage reflects
Epitonium a partial loss of original shell
- - 1 1 (0.04%) - -
magellanicum color (68.9%). In the PJ2 and
Siphonaria 7 (1.16%) S112 assemblages, almost all of
5 5 (0.14%) 12 12 (0.45%) 7
Fissurella sp. 5 5 (0.14%) 11 11 (0.4%) - -
the shells have completely lost
Acantina their original color, possibly
- - 1 1 (0.04%) - -
monodon due to high levels of thermal
Kerguelenella 9 (1.5%) alteration and corrosion. The
31 31 (0.9%) 9 9 (0.35%) 9
Iothia total loss of color by sun
- - 1 1 (0.04%) - -
coppingeri exposure is very low at LH, and
Gasteropodoindet. 3 3 (0.08%) 10 10 (0.35%) - - was observed primarily among
Cl. Bivalvia NISP MMI NISP MNI NISP MNI remains exposed on the surface.
Mytilusedulis 1390 726 (20.6%) 1462 761 (28.2%) 941 488 (81%) At LH, a high percentage of
Aulacomyaatra 164 101 (2.9%) 1658 873 (32.5%) 10 6 (1%) shells (primarily Aulacomya
207 114 (3.2%) 709 389 (14.4%) 82 50 (8.3%) atra) retain their periostraca,
which may indicate rapid burial
Ensis macha - - 17 11 (0.4%) 1 1 (0.16%)
and a high-integrity record
Hiatella solida 1 1 (0.02%) 3 2 (0.07%) - -
(Zubimendi and Hammond
Hiatellaartica - - 1 1 (0.04%) - -
2009; Zubimendi 2012;
Taweraelliptica 1 1 (0.02%) 18 11 (0.4%) - -
Hammond and Zubimendi
Petricolaria -
- - 1 1 (0.04%) - 2013).
- - 2 2 (0.07%) - The PJ2 assemblage has a

SF. Veneridae 1 1 (0.02%) 3 3 (0.11%) - high incidence of corrosion

Cl. Polyplacophora NISP MNI NISP MNI NISP MNI (99.5%), while the proportion
Neoloricata - - 15 4 (0.14%) - - of abraded shells is low in all
Richness 13 13 18 18 9 9 of the analyzed assemblages.
Total 4347 3527 4529 2698 1091 602 Abrasion is evident on shells
that were exposed on the
Table 3. Species of molluscs at the shell middens (NISP and MNI).
surface and in contact with
particles that abraded and polished surfaces.
the minimum value, the latter being both the earliest
site and the one with the smallest excavated area. Thermal alteration among shells from LH, indicate
Table 4 presents the weight of the shell remains at that part of the assemblage was exposed to heat.
each site, sorted by mollusc class and quantification However, well-preserved shell structures suggest the
category. heat exposure may have been of short duration or the
temperature relatively low. At S112, the malacological
remains have been severely affected by thermal
Taphonomic alterations of the
Archaeological Weight of the remains of shells (grams)
shells Mollusc
Cl. Gasteropoda 13,514 2,862
The taphonomic analysis of Puerto Cl. Bivalvia 667 3,583 12,689 33,315
Jenkins 2
mollusc shells presented here is Cl. Polyplacophora 0 0
preliminary and, accordingly, we focus Las
Cl. Gasteropoda 1,945 191
Cl. Bivalvia 4,084 5089 9,615 20,927
our analysis of taphonomic processes Hormigas
Cl. Polyplacophora 2 1
on complete mollusc shells (VCOM). Cl. Gasteropoda 237 44
Site 112 Cl. Bivalvia 558 2,488 2,513 5,840
Preservation of the Cl. Polyplacophora 0 0
archaeomalacological remains is Table 4. Weight of the remains of shells.
30 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

Variables analyzed Puerto Jenkins 2 Las Hormigas Site 112 and 73.2% of P. purpuratus shells are
Original color 0 (0 %) 39 (2.22%) 0 (0%) complete, respectively. Signs of in situ
Color preservation

fragmentation of Mytilus edulis and
conservation of 70 (3.6%) 1207 (68.9%) 3 (2%)
color Aulacomya atra shells were observed
Total color loss 1877 (96.4%) 489 (27.9%) 175 (98%) at LH and S112, which may be the
Total color loss by
1 (0.1%) 17 (1%) 0 (0%) result of trampling and/or sediment
sun exposure
1 (0.1%) 1006 (57.4%) 0 (0%)
conservation Unidentifiable fragments
Evidence of corrosion 1939 (99.5%) 649 (37.05%) 118 (66%)
Evidence of abrasion
(FRAG) represent large volumes of
6 (0.3%) 8 (0.45%) 0 (0%)
Taphonomic variables

Presenceofencrustations malacological material in the study

5 (0.3%) 18 (1.03%) 0 (0%)
Evidence of bioerosion area. To date, we have used weight to
11 (0.6%) 4 (0.25%) 0 (0%)
not burned 0 (0%) 406 (23%) 0 (0%)
estimate the relative abundance of this

burned 840 (43%) 1349 (77%) 0 (0%)

type of debris (Table 4). Some authors

carbonized 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

calcined 1108 (57%) 0 (0%) 178 (100%)
identify the remains at the level of the
Breakage and/or
deliberate impact on
species and perform quantification
460 (23.6%) 139 (7.95%) 3 (2%)
shells of Nacella thereof (Moreno Nuo 1994; lvarez
magellanica Fernndez 2007; Bejega Garca 2009).
Total of mollusc shells (VCOM)
on which color and taphonomic 1948 1752 178 Another approach is assessing the size
variables were calculated of fragments to evaluate factors of
Table 5. Color preservation and taphonomic processes that have affected the fragmentation and depositional history
malacological remains. (Stein 1987; Ford 1992). Such analyses
alteration. The shell lens was located above a burned of unidentifiable fragments (FRAG) should be part of
layer of sediment, ash and charcoal; the shells surfaces future studies designed to more thoroughly investigate
are light gray to white (calcined), they have lost the the multiplicity of agents and factors that determine
original color, and their crystallographic structure has the preservation of shells (Muckle 1985; Ford 1992;
been altered and deteriorated. During excavation, shells Claassen 1998).
were easily fractured when removed from the sediment.
The PJ2 malacological assemblage was also thermally
altered, which accounts for the high percentage of DISCUSSION
shells exhibiting total loss of original color, that are
brown (43% burned) or are light gray to white (57% The archaeomalacological assemblages presented
calcined). Also, there is a high percentage of Nacella in this paper correspond to single discard events. The
magellanica shells with impacts or breaks, interpreted shells were in contact with one another (bioclast-
as anthropic alteration due to the irregularity of the supported fabric) at all sites, creating discrete lenses
fractures, similarity to other excavated sites, and based of archaeological remains with good integrity. At LH
on experimental replication. The proportion of shell and S112, deflation and erosion have exposed the
alterations by other marine organisms (encrustation and archaeological materials, which begin to deteriorate
perforation) is insignificant, and the primary encrusting
species recorded at the sites is Balanus sp.

Fragmentation of archaeomalacological

The malacological assemblages analyzed here

all have similar percentages of fragmentation:
approximately 70% of Nacella magellanica shells
are complete (Figure 8), while Mytilus edulis and
Aulacomya atra shells are highly fragmented. Mussel
shells are best preserved at LH (23% of Mytilus edulis
and 30.5% of Aulacomya atra were complete), whereas
only 10% of Mytilus edulis and Aulacomya atra shells
are complete at S112 (Figure 8). Fragmentation may
be influenced by deterioration of the shells due to
thermal alteration. Perumytilus purpuratus shells were
differentially preserved at the sites. At PJ2, 47.3% of
Figure 8. Percentages of complete (VCOM) and fragmented
this species is complete; while at LH and S112 71.8%
(VFRA) shells of the main species represented at the sites.
Taphonomic analysis of archaeomalacological
assemblages: shell middens on the northern coast of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) 31

rapidly when subjected to environmental conditions. We observed that the predominant taxa in the
At PJ2, the archaeological remains are completely malacological assemblages are those identified as
buried, and the site surface was covered by vegetation important foods (Nacella magellanica, Mytilus edulis
that fixed the surface sedimentary layer and prevented and Aulacomya atra), which develop on hard substrates
exposure of the archaeological remains. The integrity in the intertidal zone (Zubimendi et al. 2005). We have
of the assemblages is good; burial was likely rapid also observed low frequencies of various taxa that,
and archaeological materials appear not to have been because of their small size, cannot be considered as
scattered. This resulted in the formation of massive food (for example Crepipatella dilatata, Siphonaria
archaeological deposits, resistant to disaggregation. lessoni, Kerguelenella lateralis, Iothia coppinheri or
At all sites the level of abrasion is low, and evidence Balanus sp.). These species are important because they
of abrasion was observed only on shells found in provide information about environmental conditions
superficial layers, indicating that they were not exposed and site formation processes. These small molluscs may
to environmental conditions (wind, water effect) for long have been deposited in the site as an unintentional
time. by product of particular harvesting techniques, such
The taphonomic processes most evident among as collecting in bunches (Orquera and Piana 1999).
the assemblages are fragmentation, corrosion, and
thermal alteration, although the malacological
remains are generally well preserved. At LH, rapid CONCLUSIONS
burial preserved periostraca and original color in high
proportions (though it should be noted that this is also In this paper, we presented a proposal for the study
the youngest site). Articulated mussel shells were found of shell midden archaeomalacological assemblages,
in situ at the three sites, and imbricated limpet shells and emphasized the importance of taphonomic studies
were found at PJ2. High percentage of corrosion and in the identification of agents that modify shells and
thermal alteration were also recorded at PJ2, which processes that affect shell midden formation in the
led to a high percentage of shells exhibiting loss of study area. Based on the results of our analyses of
original color. At S112, shells were severely altered malacological assemblages at NCSC, we argue that it
by heat, which made them very weak; bivalve shells is possible to infer the agents (natural and anthropic)
in particular have not preserved periostracum neither and processes (pre- and post-depositational) that have
the original shell color. produced physical and/or chemical modifications on
the shells.
Similar trends in fragmentation are observed in all
assemblages. Mytilus edulis and Aulacomya atra shells The advantage of our methodological approach to
have the highest percentages of fragmentation, while archaeomalacological assemblages is its applicability
Perumytilus purpuratus and Nacella magellanica have to different kinds of archaeological records composed
higher percentages of complete shells. This could be of molluscs. Due to their composition, shells are more
due to structural and morphological characteristics of resistant than other organic remains such as bone
the shells themselves, although it must be recognized (Linse 1992) or wood. Moreover, insights gleaned
that different processes (e.g., corrosion, thermal from the study of archaeomalacological assemblages
alteration, sediment pressure) can significantly affect extends beyond interpreting the records themselves,
their structure and lead to fragmentation. Study of the contributing to discussions of archaeological site
NCSC shell middens indicates that mussels usually have formation.
higher levels of fragmentation than gastropods such as
Nacella magellanica (Zubimendi 2012; Hammond and
Zubimendi 2013). Future studies should incorporate Acknowledgements
analyses of diagnostic or identifiable (VFRA) mollusc
shell fragments to obtain more comprehensive I would like to thank A. Castro and M. Zubimendi
information regarding the processes that have affected for their comments and suggestions. I also want to
the archaeological remains. thank L. Zilio who made the figures, and the reviewers
and editors whose comments on an earlier draft of this
Archaeological remains at all three sites are paper helped to improve it.
associated with fragments of charcoal and thermally
altered sediments, which suggests that the molluscs may
have been exposed to heat for cooking and opening the
shells of bivalves. At the three shell middens, we also
recovered lithic artifacts and faunal remains (generally Aguirre, M.
highly fragmented) in association with the shell lenses 2003 Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoenvironments
and charcoal (Hammond y Zubimendi 2013). in Golfo San Jorge, Patagonia: molluscan evidence.
Marine Geology 194 (1): 3-30.
32 H. Hammond - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 21-34

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| 35

Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary practices and

processing residues of native tuberous plants of the
south-central Andes
Mara del Pilar Babot, Julia Lund and Adriana Valeria Olmos
Received 20 August 2013. Accepted 14 February 2014


We present comparative material for the identification of culinary residues of cooked tubers of Solanum sp.,
Oxalis tuberosa and Ullucus tuberosus. We use a broad concept of taphonomy that includes the study of plant
modifications resulting from the preparation of food, in this case the boiling and cooking al rescoldo of fresh
tubers. We undertake a number of controlled cooking experiments and compare the results with fresh samples. We
discuss morphological and optical modifications of tissue fragments and intracellular particles resulting from our
cooking experiments. Finally, we discuss the possibility of recognizing cooking techniques from microscopic
analysis of tuber remains.
Keywords: Taphonomy; Culinary techniques; Plant processing; Starch; Tubers.



TUBEROSAS NATIVAS DE LOS ANDES CENTRO-SUR. Presentamos material comparativo para la identificacin
de residuos culinarios de tubrculos cocidos de Solanum sp., Oxalis tuberosa y Ullucus tuberosus. Partimos de
un concepto amplio de tafonoma que incluye el estudio de las modificaciones de las plantas resultantes de la
preparacin de alimentos; en este caso, aquellas que se deben al hervido y coccin al rescoldo de tubrculos
frescos. Realizamos experimentos de coccin controlados y comparamos los resultados con muestras frescas.
Describimos las modificaciones en los atributos morfolgicos y pticos de tejidos y partculas intracelulares
resultantes de nuestros experimentos de coccin. Finalmente, discutimos la posibilidad de reconocer las tcnicas
de coccin a partir del anlisis microscpico de vestigios de tubrculos.
Palabras clave: Tafonoma; Tcnicas culinarias; Procesamiento de plantas; Almidn; Tubrculos.

Mara del Pilar Babot. Instituto de Arqueologa y Museo, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo,
Universidad Nacional de Tucumn (IAM, FCN e IML, UNT). Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales - Consejo Nacional
de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas-UNT (ISES-CONICET-UNT). San Lorenzo 429 (4000), San Miguel de Tucumn,
Tucumn, Argentina. E-mail:
Julia Lund. Instituto de Arqueologa y Museo, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional
de Tucumn (IAM, FCN e IML, UNT). San Martn 1545 (4000), San Miguel de Tucumn, Tucumn, Argentina. E-mail:
Adriana Valeria Olmos. Instituto de Arqueologa y Museo, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo,
Universidad Nacional de Tucumn (IAM, FCN e IML, UNT). San Martn 1545 (4000), San Miguel de Tucumn, Tucumn,
Argentina. E-mail:

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 35-53. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
36 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

A TAPHONOMIC APPROACH OF CULINARY differential preservation in archaeological contexts, so

TRANSFORMATIONS that they can be genuine sources of archaeological
information (Lewarch and OBrien 1981; Borrazzo
This work is part of a series of studies initiated
2006). We are particularly interested in assessing how
over a decade ago (Babot and Korstanje 2001; Babot
such a perspective can inform our interpretation of past
2003), aimed at generating comparative material
human practices. Thus, we consider the modifications
for identifying plant processing techniques from
of plants useful parts associated with different methods
microscopic analysis of preserved residues of plants
of food preparation, which condition the appearance
native to the south-central Andes. It is worth noting
and integrity of such food remains as recovered from
that the transformations and agents involved in such
archaeological contexts. Such modifications can
preparations (e.g., cooking) go beyond the scope of
be explained in terms of different physico-chemical
food, as medicinal or ritual uses can also be important.
processes that affect the structure and the properties
Thus, although the perspective of this work is culinary,
of starch and other vegetable intracellular particles,
this is only circumstantial; the emphasis is on how
and histological elements (Babot 2003). Previous
techniques, as modes of transformation, affect matter
work has demonstrated the utility of taphonomic and
(Pazzarelli 2012).
experimental approaches to the macroscopic and
This study deals with the cooking of tuberous plants microscopic analyses of the modes and procedures
of the genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae), potatoes; for preparing animal or vegetable foods (e.g., Gonzlez
Oxalis tuberosa Mol. (Oxalidaceae), oca and Ullucus and Frre 2004; Gong et al. 2011; Lpez et al. 2011;
tuberosus Caldas (Basellaceae), ulluco or papa Lovis et al. 2011; Raviele 2011; Babot et al. 2012 and
lisa. We began with an ethnobotanical approach that references therein; Lantos et al. 2012). In particular,
considers the traditional uses of plants in the south- our approach focuses on the micro-morphological
central Andean region and the various means by which characterization of such modifications.
tubers become food. We developed experiments to
In this study, we characterized the anthropic/
obtain tubers cooked al rescoldo and boiled tubers,
culinary modifications of micro-particles and tissue
which may themselves constitute simple foods, based on
fragments in different varieties of tubers of three
a single ingredient, or be part of complex preparations
genera, which allowed us to formulate expectations
with other plant, animal and mineral ingredients.
for archaeological cases. Thus, the various stages of
We rely on a broad concept of recipe [...] as investigation aimed to: 1) characterize fresh tissues of
a more or less flexible or open formula to achieve a different varieties of potato, oca and ulluco, since these
preparation (Babot et al. 2012: 242). The components are ingredients in traditional culinary preparations and
of a recipe are its ingredients in relative amounts recipes; 2) observe how aspects of the fresh tissue
and combinations, the modes and techniques of of potato, oca and ulluco change or disappear as
preparation and service, the circumstances of its use, a consequence of two traditional food preparation
the implements required throughout the process, and the methods (boiling and cooking al rescoldo until
spatio-temporal context and the actors involved in the completely cooked), and identify which new elements
culinary performance (Babot et al. 2012). Of all these appear in processed foods, explaining these on the
components, this paper deals with tubers as ingredients basis of the physico-chemical processes involved; and
in recipes, and with methods of tuber preparation. 3) compare the two sets of observations to identify
Preparation sequences are not rigid or linear because taphonomic signatures of these culinary practices in
a food element can be associated with multiple recipe archaeological situations.
pathways of different length and complexity (Babot
2009). So, when we refer to old recipes, we refer to
approximations to the modes of preparing foods, rather THE TAPHONOMY OF MICROFOSSILS
than to strict and closed models of the ingredients,
their preparation and presentation [...] (Babot et al. Current Perspectives
2012: 241).
The taphonomic study of plant microfossils
The taphonomic study of food residues gives us a and their archaeological associations is a versatile
unique perspective on how plants, animals and minerals approach. Some taphonomic researches focus on the
were transformed into food and their subsequent ways various biological (e.g., soil fauna and roots) and
history to the point of archaeological recovery and environmental agents (e.g., pH, moisture and temperature
analysis. According to the unrestricted taphonomy conditions, salt precipitation and transport) alter the
approach (Borrero 2011) we use a broad definition microfossil record and affect its survival and integrity
of the concept as the study of the decomposition or (Therin 1994; Hart 2003; Humphreys et al. 2003; Haslam
modification of organisms, their parts or products, and 2004; Barton and Matthews 2006; Osterrieth et al.
of the processes leading to their accumulation and 2013; Musaubach and Babot 2014, among others).
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 37

These studies also consider humans, through the would follow an opposite tendency to that of use.
manipulation of the natural environment, as an agent of Hence, precautions taken during sample extraction
transformation, since they can modify plants and their and the criteria used to interpret manufacture, use and
microfossil remains through residential use of certain context are very important (Babot and Haros 2008;
places, agriculture, or burning (Therin 1994; Parr et al. Zucol and Loponte 2008; Hart 2011). The exchanges,
2008; Osterrieth et al. 2009, among others). These kind gains, losses and modifications of material that occur at
of taphonomic researches have focused on analysis of the interfaces between object, use residue and matrix
biosiliceous particles, calcium phytoliths and starch must be considered, including other processes that may
from the perspective of paleoecological, pedological occur between the time archaeological remains are
and archaeological problems. Previous work has also extracted and analytical data are obtained. Sometimes,
included study of the effects of different laboratory burial conditions can promote the preservation of
manipulations on the integrity and composition of residues, degradation byproducts and new products
microfossil assemblages that are ultimately observed resulting from interactions with the sedimentary
under the microscope. Many of these recent studies matrix (Jones 2009). This applies to different types of
also involved revision of sample extraction and treatment elements contained in the residues, whether chemical,
protocols with particular attention to archaeological histological or intracellular.
applications (Babot and Korstanje 2001; Coil et al.
In this regard, we consider that interpreting the
2003; Korstanje 2003; Babot 2007; Korstanje and
nature of a residue requires knowing the particular
Babot 2007; Torrence and Barton 2007, etc.).
history of the object under analysis. In other words, a
Other taphonomic studies closely related to the residue could indicate 1) the last recorded use of an
analysis of use residues on archaeological artifacts artifact (Haslam 2006), or 2) successive use episodes
assess the survival rates and prospects of starch -one of recorded in the stratification of the remains (Musaubach
the main microfossils useful for these purposes- under and Beron 2012), or 3) random averaging (in a broad
different conditions of entrapment, depth, sediment sense rather than referring to statistical significance)
compaction and exposure, and considering the passage of resulting from repeated use, partial cleaning between
time according to the nature of the processed substance successive uses, differential decay of components and
(Lu 2003; Babot and Bru de Labanda 2005; Barton exchanges between the environment, the objects mass
and Matthews 2006; Langejans 2010, among others). and the residue, plus laboratory treatments (Babot
The potential for post-depositional contamination has 2007; Babot et al. 2012).
also been discussed (Barton et al. 1998). Related to

taphonomic studies but following different approaches
are archaeologically or bromatologically inclined A taphonomic approach to plant microfossils
histological studies designed to understand the and anthropogenic manipulations
feasibility and reliability of identifying plant tissues
A small number of studies have discussed the
exhibiting different degrees of fragmentation and
transformation of tissues and intracellular particles
preservation (Pochettino and Scattolin 1991; Cortella
resulting from anthropogenic manipulation of plants.
and Pochettino 1994).
Examples include the identification of striae on the
We are optimistic about the possibility of obtaining surface of silica phytoliths obtained during threshing of
archaeological information from taphonomic and silica-rich taxa (e.g., European grains); the transformation
contextual approaches and we consider residues of calcium oxalate crystals into calcite pseudomorphs,
(meaning remains in general, rather than a priori use which occurs during combustion (Juan-Tresserras
residues) as dynamic systems that can provide data 1992); the fracture of biosiliceous particles as a result
about use, the contemporaneous context for such of activities such as grinding (Checa et al. 1999); and
use, processes subsequent to deposition, and the the tearing and disarrangement of plant fibers during
manufacture of associated artifacts (the latter when mastication (Musaubach and Babot 2014). The formation
microfossils are included in the artifact raw materials) of new products during cooking (e.g., micro-charcoals
(Babot and Haros 2008; Hart 2011; Babot et al. 2012). and particle clumps) has also been documented (Babot
Thus, when considering plant residues located on 2003; Tassara and Osterrieth 2008, among others).
an artifact or in an archaeological matrix, it would
Starch is one of the most studied intracellular
hypothetically be possible to identify interfaces. In the
particles, both in archaeology and other fields.
first case, such interfaces would be artifact/residue/
Analyses of the physico-chemical processes that can
sediment matrix after deposition, where the microfossil
alter starch have a long history, linked initially to
signal attributable to the raw materials would decrease
biological and food industry interests (e.g., Radley
from the artifact mass to its surface; the signal related
1943; Whistler et al. 1984). These studies have
to use would decrease from the surface of the artifact
addressed aspects including starch grains loss of
to the sediment matrix, and the signal of the matrix
structure and birefringence properties through contact
38 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

with caustic chemicals, heat in the presence of water, on the same individual starch granule or on different
the action of enzymes during seed germination, and the granules within a sample.
sprouting of underground organs. The first applications
Damaged starch grains are more susceptible to
of this knowledge to archaeological situations were
hydrolytic agents and fungal and bacterial activity than
related to questions about food, particularly brewing,
well-preserved starch. This is attributed to infiltration
grinding and boiling of starchy plants (e.g., Juan-
of the grains interior via cracks associated with the
Tresserras 1992; Loy 1994; Checa et al. 1999). These
damage (Radley 1943; Cortella and Pochettino 1994)
studies, along with the work of Babot (2003), Beck
and to structural weaknesses resulting from physico-
and Torrence (2006), Fullagar (2006), Samuel (2006),
chemical changes to the granules. However, research
Henry et al. (2009), Gong et al. (2011) and Crowther
on ancient starch has shown that it is possible to
(2012), are directly related to our research, as they
recover damaged grains from both modern and
consider the effects past anthropogenic manipulation
archaeological contexts, as this carbohydrates pseudo-
of plants had on their starches. Babots (2003) research
crystalline structure survives the passage of time even
aimed to develop modern comparative standards for
when damaged.
application to archaeological cases (Babot 2009; Babot
et al. 2012, etc.), and has focused on the optical and Ancient starch analyses with a taphonomic
morphological effects of various processing techniques perspective have increasingly focused on damaged
on starch (e.g., aeration, sun drying, toasting, ashing, starch grains (alongside those recovered intact),
freezing, desaponification/washing -i.e., removal as well as the natural and cultural causes of the
of saponins-, and grinding). Babots research also observed changes. In addition, appropriate and specific
includes recognition of various cooking practices from terminologies for the description of alteration processes
starchy residues. Beck and Torrence (2006) considered and damage have been adopted (Babot 2003; The
the paths of starch when used for different purposes International Code for Starch Nomenclature [ICSN
in various cultural contexts. Fullagar (2006) evaluated 2011]), referring to the so-called modified starch (sensu
the role of experiments in the functional assessment of Samuel 2006; ICSN 2011). This category and one
archaeological artifacts, and Samuel (2006) discussed referred to as resistant starch1 have been distinguished
various ways in which modified starch has been from native starch, which refers to unaltered grains.
preserved, including bread and yeast residues. Henry et Such studies have recognized certain traits that have
al. (2009) documented the progression of starch damage a taphonomic rather than taxonomic origin, and
due to the baking, boiling, drying, and fermentation have proposed that damaged starch is a source of
of domesticated legumes and grass seeds, and found information regarding cultural practices and post-
boiling to be the most harmful cooking technique for depositional processes. Damage patterns have also
starch. Gong et al. (2011) studied food remains from been used to evaluate contamination by assessing
exceptionally well preserved mortuary offerings, and the coherence between the types of damage and the
developed experiments to aid identification of culinary archaeological context from which the starch was
preparations. Crowther (2012) discussed the influence recovered (Babot 2003).
of moisture on starch during cooking.
Previous publications have proposed descriptors for
These studies of cultural manipulations have modified starches, but when studying human practices
shown that, although they are modified, starch and we suggest it is possible to rank those descriptors by
other intracellular elements can survive multiple food grouping them following hierarchical categories: a)
preparation processes. Drying, heating, the breaking techniques: modes of transformation implemented
down of tissues by trampling and friction, and the by humans; b) agents other than humans -the latter
formation of ice crystals, all generate physico-chemical included in a- ; c) physico-chemical processes
changes in those particles, modify their completeness triggered by human activities and their results or the
and degree of crystallinity, and produce optical and final state of the mass of material processed, and,
morphological changes in some grains (Babot 2003). finally, d) morphological and optical damage and
While the damage caused by different food processing modifications or changes that are verified in starch
techniques may look similar, and although sometimes grains within the mass (Table 1). Following Lymans
the same process can alter the starch from different (1994) terminology, applied techniques and resulting
biological sources in different ways (Babot 2003; physico-chemical processes constitute taphonomic
Henry et al. 2009), it has been shown that, in general, processes, where the taphonomic agents are the
distinct damage patterns seem to result from different physical, chemical and biological factors involved
processes (Babot 2003). Also, it has been documented in the transformation of grains. In this case humans
that the more intense the process, the greater the are the default participants in technical manipulation.
severity of the damage. In addition, it is sometimes Finally, the taphonomic effects are the results of
possible to infer the consecutive stages of processing, these processes and the specific patterns of damage
which are present as damage patterns superimposed and changes that may be identified histologically and
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 39

described in morphological and optical terms (Table PROCEDURES AND MATERIALS

1). Thus, for example, what we observe as a paste
Tuber samples were obtained from traditional vending
or a mixture of cooked food that includes resistant
stalls in Jujuy Province (Argentina) in 2010 and 2012
and modified starch damaged in various ways is
and Villazn (Bolivia) in 2012. We obtained 19 ethno-
a modification due to the retrogradation that occurs
varieties of potato (Solanum L.), 4 of oca (Oxalis tuberosa
when boiled dough is left to rest, or a modification due
Mol.) and 3 of ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas), all from
to the melting by heating in a medium with low water
rural areas. Here we selected 10 varieties of potato,
content (Radley 1943; Johnson et al. 1990).
2 of oca and 1 of ulluco, which were sampled and
The two main physico-chemical processes we address processed for culinary purposes. The purpose of using
in this paper, gelatinization and melting, are described different ethno-varieties was to assess whether there were
in previous works. The effects of heating in a wet variations if different kinds of potatoes were subjected to
medium have been studied extensively, especially for the different processing techniques, particularly since they
generation of baseline information on the properties of could have been used in different traditional culinary
starch for industrial purposes. It leads to a non-reversible practices (Castro 2008).
process called gelatinization (Radley 1943).
In all ethno-varieties, cortex and periderm were
For dry heating or for heating with low moisture sampled separately from the vascular parenchyma and
content, we consider the dry-cooking series, toasting/ medullary tissue. Cortex and periderm were separated
cooking al rescoldo/cooking on embers/roasting/ under the assumption that they were part of the
charring2, wherein the relative intensity of the heat shell that was eventually removed or peeled prior to
and, therefore, the thermal alteration of the granules, consumption, while the parenchyma and the medullary
increase from toasting to charring (Radley 1943; Babot tissue constitute the soft part intended for consumption.
2003). Direct contact with the heat source differentiates Three types of samplings were used for the fresh
roasting, charring and cooking al rescoldo from tubers to obtain reference material: 1) soft scrapings
toasting and cooking on embers, with heat contact and histological cuts done freehand with a scalpel to
being indirect in the latter. obtain thin sections (Babot 2007), 2) diaphanization
(a technique in which the
Techniques Physico-chemical tissue is treated with an
Morphological and optical modifications
(Modes of Agents Processes and
transformation) Results
Taphonomic effects oxidizing agent to make
Heating in humid Liquid water Gelatinization Loss of defined shape and structure it transparent whilst
medium (chemical) + (Radley 1943). manifested in the swelling, bursting, hilum
temperature Irreversible opening and projection of grains, loss of
retaining fabric), and 3)
e.g.: boiling (heat) Gelatinized material birefringence (Babot 2003), and the presence dry ashing (Piperno 1988).
of exudates (Messner and Schindler 2010),
collapsed (Williams and Bowler 1982) or
Some washing of the ash
emptied grains (ghosts) (Radley 1943) material was incorporated
Rest of the boiled mass Chemical Retrogradation Formation of pastes (Biliaderis 2009), in as well to assess tissue
after cooking forces (Jacobson et al. which damage and modifications related to
(chemical) 1997) Retrograded gelatinization can be observed loss by this procedure.
e.g.: airing or standing material or paste The first two sampling
Heating in medium Temperature Melting (Biliaderis Loss of the structure manifested in the techniques provided
with low moisture (heat) + 2009). Irreversible formation of pastes (Biliaderis 2009),
content (chemical) liquid water Melt or paste projection and/or opening of the hilum in references regarding tissue
e.g.: toasting or (residual grains, loss of birefringence (Babot 2003) appearance and various
roasting moisture)
Hydration, dehydration Liquid water Hydration, Swelling (Williams and Bowler 1982) or
elements of tissues, such
in cold (chemical) (or relative dehydration (Radley shrinkage (Radley 1943) of the grains, as ergastic substances
humidity) + 1943). Reversible increase or decrease of the relief (e.g., flat
temperature Hydrated or relief) and of the birefringence and the
(starch, cellulose and
e.g.: soaking, sun
drying, airing (cold) dehydrated material visibility of lamellae (Babot 2003) crystalline calcium salts),
Abrasion, percussion Breakage Disaggregation Grains in different states of disaggregation or of interest to archeology
(mechanical) mechanical (Babot 2003), disarrangement, with presence of physical
forces mechanical discontinuities such as fracture, truncation,
because they survive
e.g.: milling, mashing breakage. cracking; surface damage such as depressions as microfossils. These
and pounding Irreversible or dents (Babot 2003) and collapse (Williams
Disaggregated and Bowler 1982)
procedures allowed us
material to observe intact tissue
Freezing (mechanical) Solid water Dehydration, Presence of physical discontinuities of the and fragments in different
e.g.: making chuo, a + mechanical grains such as breakage and cracking,
dehydrated form of temperature breakage. fragmentation (Babot 2003), collapse stages of disintegration,
potato obtained by (cold to the Irreversible (Williams and Bowler 1982), emptying as well as free cells and
freeze-drying (Pardo point of Dehydrated material (ghosts) (Radley 1943), decreased relief (e.g.,
and Pizarro 2008) freezing) flat relief) and brightness (Babot 2003) intracellular elements.
Enzymatic attack (bio- Amylolytic Amylolysis. Loss of structure manifested in the presence of Controlled diaphanization
chemical) enzymes Irreversible pitting (French 1984; Juan-Tresserras 1992),
deep grooves and corrosion (Reichert 1913)
at temperatures below
e.g.: malting
10C thinned the material
Table 1. Techniques, agents, physico-chemical processes and results, and morphological
for better observation.
and optical modifications relevant to the study of human manipulation of starchy substances.
40 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

Dry ashing allowed for recovery of the silicified tuber the tuber and degree of exposure to the heat source.
tissues. Due to the low proportion of silica produced Ocas cooked most quickly, followed by ullucos and
by these plants, after the first trials, we avoided to wash longer/thinner potatoes and, finally, thicker potatoes.
ash samples because doing so results in a significant During this process the tubers were not covered, so
loss of material. the periderm was carbonized where directly in contact
with embers. Differences in the humidity of the cooked
Cooking experiments included: a) boiling until
mass were observed in areas near carbonized and non-
cooking was complete, transforming the starch-rich
carbonized periderm. Oxygen and temperature might
parenchyma and medullary tissue by heating it to boiling
have fluctuated between the periphery and the center
in a humid medium with sufficient water; b) cooking al
of the ember and ash layer within the range of 100-
rescoldo (in direct contact with embers and ashes) until
200C. Quebracho blanco provided a strong, slow,
cooking was complete, transforming tissues by heating
constant and non-sparking charcoal combustion, with
them at moderate temperature in a dry medium or in the
low ash production.
presence of tuber residual moisture. Cooking enables
consumption, increases energetic value of tubers and Boiled tubers and those cooked al rescoldo were
eliminates the causes of indigestion (Wandsnider 1997). wrapped in aluminum foil and refrigerated until
sampling was complete. Sampling followed the same
Boiling was performed using a stove; tubers were
procedures used for fresh specimens (see above). Fresh,
placed in a metal container filled with potable water dry-ashed and cooked specimens were mounted on
to avoid contamination. Unpeeled tubers were boiled slides for viewing and photographing using a polarizing
separately, reaching an average of 99C during the microscope (200X to 630X). Assemblage analysis
time needed to soften the parenchyma and medullary focused on the various histological elements and
tissue (between 15-20 minutes). Tubers started to loss intracellular particles present.
their peel and stain water before completely cooked.
Pink oca stained the water and started to loss their peel Characteristics recorded for fresh samples include:
after 15 minutes in the boiling water. Nine minutes cell shape in two- and three-dimensions, arrangement
later it was completely cooked. White oca lost their of tissue cells (tiled, linear, concentric, etc.), color with
peel at 17 minutes and started to smell like boiled and without polarizer, birefringence, cell size, presence
sweet potato. Eight minutes later it was completely of conduction elements and their characteristics,
cooked. Ulluco took 19 minutes to begin staining the presence of cellulose in the cell walls; presence, kind,
water, losing a minimal amount of peel. Two minutes shape, color, presentation and location of calcium salt
later was completely cooked. Potatoes took 24 minutes bodies within the tissues (isolated, grouped); and the
to cook completely. occurrence of starch in the reserve parenchyma and
the medullary tissue, and its disposition (isolated,
Cooking al rescoldo was done in a backyard in clusters, massively filling the tissue). The same
fire. The fire was started with quebracho blanco characteristics were observed in food samples, with
(Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schltr.) wood. Red special attention to the features preserved, modified,
hot embers were produced and gradually covered and originated from culinary practices. In the case of
with ash, at which point the charcoal was not as native and modified starches, the specific variables
hot as in its red-hot state. A layer of embers and summarized in the ICSN (2011) and previous studies
ashes was dispersed on the firebrick floor. Whole, were recorded (Korstanje and Babot 2007 and
unpeeled tubers were set over the embers and ashes references therein; Henry et al. 2009). As mentioned,
and exposed to the heat source until the parenchyma rather than a detailed description of individual starch
and medullary tissue were softened, simulating the grains, the presence of various attributes was confirmed
effect of placing tubers on the periphery of an active (Table 1). Observations proceeded from questions
fire. This is a dry-cooking technique different from such as: What is the general state of preservation of
others such as toasting, cooking on the flame or on the intracellular particles and tissues in our samples?
embers with a grate, or in ovens. Cooking on the flame What is the degree of alteration? How does alteration
involves direct contact of food with the heat source; vary with cooking techniques and their relative
placing a grate between the food and flame or red-hot aggressiveness? Have the integrity, visibility, shape,
embers separates food from the heat source. Toasting size, color, spatial arrangement, optical properties or
requires an intermediate object (e.g., a stone or vessel) textures of tissues, cells and ergastic substances been
to avoid direct contact with fire and buffer heat altered? If so, how? Have any elements or distinctive
(Pazzarelli 2012). Cooking al rescoldo is a moderate- features of fresh tissues disappeared? Have any new
temperature procedure traditional in northwestern elements arisen as a result of processing? Finally,
Argentina, where food is put into embers and ashes, we compared the two sets of observations, which
coming into direct contact with the heat source. In allowed us to generate expectations for documenting
our experiment, cooking al rescoldo took between 10- foods made from potatoes, oca and ulluco based on
15 minutes depending on the type and size/form of archaeological residues (Tables 2 and 3).
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 41

Characteristic microscopic features on periderm and cortex from tubers

Fresh specimens Specimens cooked al rescoldo Boiled specimens
Turgid tissue, transparent, with General preservation of the original fabric of the Preservation of original tissue structure by sections.
mosaic-like fabric, tight or dense tissue. Deformation and fragmentation by sections, Tissue fragmentation and intense cracks in the form of
with straight-sided polyhedral with presence of net cracks and folds. Thermal tears and joined cell fragments; presence of folds in
cells, occasionally rounded alteration varies between complete carbonization tissue fragments. Distension, loss of turgor of the
Aspect of tissue

and mild impact by heat. Dehydration and tissue with increased apparent size. Thinning of the
shrinkage; loss of relief and aging. Greatly affected tissue and loss of relief
tissues become brittle and in particles
Transparent tissue Opaque tissue, slightly translucent or transparent Transparent and diaphanous tissue
according to the effect of heat
Non-birefringent and colorless Staining of the tissue in brown-reddish tones until It can vary between color preservation, partial loss of
tissue, or heterogeneously colored, reaching black in carbonized sections. Loss of the color in parts of the tissue, or preservation of parts
depending on variety original color. In oca, all tissues appear birefringent with watery or diluted coloration (brown-reddish
under polarized light tones). In oca, all the tissues appear birefringent
Thickened cell walls with thick The birefringence of cellulose is preserved or The birefringence of cellulose is preserved or

birefringent cellulose enrichments emphasized emphasized

Sections of the tissue with Colorless silicified tissues (silica phytoliths) with Colorless silicified tissues (silica phytoliths) with gray
Silica deposits

intracellular deposits of amorphous gray-black hues detached as a result of the thermal hues detached as a result of the thermal alteration. If
silica (polyhedral or globular cells alteration. If not detached, they stand out from the not detached, they stand out from the surroundings
and vessel elements) stand out due surroundings due to their higher relief due to their higher relief
to their higher profile

Polyhedral, tabular druses, crystal Crystals very clearly observed in situ or detached Crystals very clearly observed in situ or detached
sand and subrounded discoid or from the tissue. They look unaltered; their from the tissue, located close to the cell walls or

globular particles. Scattered in the birefringence is retained or accentuated. Eventual completely expelled from the tissue. They may look
tissue or grouped in the partial melting of the crystalline surface unaltered. Evidence of partial melting. New clumps of
intracellular space melted crystals are formed
- Clumps of organic matter isolated or attached to the -
tissue, with a matrix of unctuous appearance colored
New products

in brown-reddish tones, in which crystals and

occluded micro-charcoal stand out (verified in
extensive sections, or in particles)
- Massive carbonization by sections (outer areas of the Micro-charcoals or carbonized tissues were not
tubers) and presence of micro-charcoal abundantly observed
distributed throughout the tissue

Table 2. Characteristic features of the periderm and cortex of fresh and boiled tubers, and tubers cooked al rescoldo. Note:
CE= Cellulose.
Characteristic microscopic features on parenchyma and medullary tissue from tubers
Fresh specimens Specimens cooked al rescoldo Boiled specimens
Turgid tissue, transparent and Tissues remain structured; cells remain close Tissues remain structured; cells remain close but not
dense with polyhedral and but not attached to each other, or completely mutually attached, or are disaggregated and dispersed
globular cells with thin walls detached and with a globular appearance. with a globular appearance. Distension, loss of turgor or
Aspect of tissue

Dented and rough surface of cells, contracted, firmness. Cells with cracks and fractures, partially or
cracked, with lower relief. Although totally collapsed, depending on the preservation of their
dehydrated, some degree of turgor persist; content
some cells are partially or fully collapsed
Colorless to slightly brown- Colorless to slightly brown-grayish tissue is Colorless to slightly brown-grayish tissue is maintained.
grayish tissue maintained. Tissues became diaphanous. A staining of the tissue may
occur in watery or diluted brown-reddish hues
Cells with thin cellulose walls The cellulose thickenings are preserved, and The cellulose thickenings are preserved, and their
their birefringence stands out in some cases. birefringence stands out in some cases. This element

This element highlights the fabric of the tissues highlights the fabric of the tissues

Closely packed cells, filled The starch content is completely absent, giving The starch content is completely absent, giving the tissue
with birefringent starch grains the tissue an empty appearance, or the starch an empty appearance, or the starch content is in different
content is in different stages of the melting- stages of the melting-gelatinization process. The
gelatinization process. The birefringence birefringence varies depending on the situation. There are
varies depending on the situation. There are exudates of amorphous starch within and outside of the
exudates of amorphous starch within and tissues
outside of the tissues

Supernumerary simple starch Amorphous starch masses dominate in the Amorphous starch masses dominate in the interior of the
grains interior of the tissue. Occasional clumps or tissue. There is unaltered resistant starch as isolated and
isolated individuals of modified starch with scarce grains, and grains of modified starch in individual
damage due to heating (open hilum, darkened gelatinization process of (open hilum, damage to the
sections, peripheral cracks and damage to the extinction cross and birefringence, longitudinal cracks)
extinction cross and the birefringence). Little forming clumps associated with starch exudates
to no presence of unaltered resistant starch
Calcium crystals dispersed in Crystals preserve their location in the tissue. Crystals preserve their location in the tissue. Expulsion
the tissue Expulsion events of crystal clusters and events of crystal clusters and microcrystals into the

microcrystals into the intercellular space intercellular space

Dense clusters of vessel They are preserved unaltered within or outside They are preserved unaltered within or outside the tissue
elements, birefringent, the tissue

silicified or not

Table 3. Characteristic features of the parenchyma and the medullary tissue of fresh and boiled tubers, and tubers cooked al
rescoldo. Note: CE = Cellulose; CR = Crystals; VR = Vessel elements; NP = New products.
42 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

RESULTS Description of tuber specimens cooked al

Description of fresh tuber specimens
Carbonized or highly thermally altered sections
Periderm and cortex tissues are turgid and present of the periderm and cortex appear opaque to slightly
a tight or dense mosaic-like fabric of polyhedral cells translucent under the microscope. The internal structures
(Figure 1; Table 2). The tissue is non-birefringent -with and content of some tissues are difficult to observe,
the exception of periderm cell walls that are cellulose but in other sections, birefringent elements stand out
enriched- and either colorless or colored by sections well (Figures 2d-f, o-r and 3k-m; Table 2). Parts of the
(Figure 1a-b). The
presence of calcium
salt crystals (primarily
calcium oxalate)
is variable (Figure
1). They occur as
polyhedra in oca and
ulluco (Figures1 i-n,
p-r); tabular druses and
crystal sand in oca,
ulluco and Solanum
(Figure 3o-p); and flat,
rounded or globular
particles in Solanum
(Figure 1h).
Parenchymal and
fresh medullary tissue
cells are polyhedral
and globular, with
thin and less cellulose-
enriched membranes
than the periderm.
They are closely
packed and contain
numerous starch grains
of the type described
previously (e.g.,
Korstanje and Babot
2007 and references
therein), completely
filling reserve tissue
(Figure 5u, Table 3).
Abundant calcium
crystals are observed
in ulluco and oca
parenchyma (Figure
7i-n); in Solanum,
crystal abundance
depends on the variety
(Figures 4c, e and 5e-
f). Dense clusters of
birefringent conducting
elements are observed,
especially in the
section corresponding
to the vascular ring Figure 1. Appearance of the fresh periderm and cortex of: a-h) Solanum, i-n) Oxalis tuberosa
(Figures 5a-b and 7f-g). and o-r) Ullucus tuberosus. a-b) Pentaoca, c-d) Abajea, e-f) Huanco Suyo, g-h) Solanum 1a, i-l)
Pink oca, m-n) White oca, o-r) Ulluco. The contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with
parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols of the same tissue.
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 43

tissues that were not in direct contact with fire are 3n, p). In a few cases, partial melting of the druses
less thermally altered (Figure 2a-c, h-I). Silicified parts crystallites is observed (Figure 3i).
stand out from the tissues around them due to a higher
Parenchyma and medullary tissues may retain their
relief than the periphery. Occasionally, they appear
original structure. In other cases, cells remain close
as isolated polyhedral or globular siliceous particles
without completely attaching to each other, or are
(Figure 3k, g-h). Some deformation, fragmentation,
entirely detached. Their surfaces are dented, rough,
crack and folds are observed, but this kind of damage is
contracted, cracked, and have lower relief than fresh
less pronounced among tubers cooked al rescoldo than
internal tissues (Figures 4-5; Table 3). Despite being
among those that were boiled (Figures 2c-d, p). Tissues
significantly affected
by heat become
brittle, dehydrated and
shrunken. They are
stained reddish-brown
to black (in carbonized
areas), which
accentuates surface
irregularities regardless
of the original
periderm color. Micro-
charcoals are abundant
throughout the tissue;
some of them are still
recognizable in the
inner layers (Figures
2a-c, h-i, k-n, g and
3d-f, j, q). Typically, it
is possible to observe
isolated clumps, or
clumps attached to
the tissue, within an
unctuous, reddish-
brown matrix, against
which crystals and
occluded micro-
charcoals stand out.
This pattern occurs
in both extensive and
restricted sections of
tissue (Figures 2g-h,
k-n and 3d-f, g-h, q).
Cell wall cellulose
birefringence is
retained or increased.
In the cells of oca,
birefringence is
widespread, not
restricted to cellulose
accumulation (Figure
3n, r). Conducting
tissues remain
unaltered. Calcium
crystals also remain
largely unaltered,
although t h e i r Figure 2. Appearance of the periderm and cortex cooked al rescoldo of: a-o) Solanum sp. and
birefringence stands p-r) Ullucus tuberosus. a-c) Desire, d-i) Abajea, j-n) Malcacha, o) Huaico potato, p-r) Ulluco.
The contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols
out (Figures 2r and of the same sample.
44 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

retained. Although the

crystals can maintain
their location within
the tissues (Figure
4c, e), clusters of
multiple crystallites
are often found in the
intercellular spaces due
to their expulsion from
the interior of the cells
(Figure 5e-f). Vessel
elements are preserved
unaltered, with
high birefringence,
appearing isolated
or in clusters (Figure

Description of
boiled tuber

Periderm maintains
its configuration and
original morphology
in some portions,
although there is
more fragmentation of
the tissue than when
cooking al rescoldo
(Figure 6, Table 2).
Highly fragmented, torn
or folded sections are
observed (Figures 6c,
m-r). In general, boiling
causes distension, loss
of tissue turgor, an
increase in size, and
loss of relief. Tissues
become transparent
and noticeably thinner
(Figure 6a-f). Colorless
to gray silicified tissue
and isolated polyhedral
Figure 3. Appearance of the periderm and cortex of Oxalis tuberosa cooked al rescoldo. a-j) White
cells can be seen. If not
Oca, k-s) Pink Oca. The contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and
crossed (right) nicols of the same sample. detached, they stand
out from surroundings
dehydrated, they retain a degree of turgor, though some tissues due to their higher relief (Figure 6e-f). A watery
are partially or fully collapsed (Figure 4a). Starches are or diluted pigmentation remains unaltered or lost by
in the process of melting/gelatinization (Figures 4e-g, sections in periderm cells (Figure 6e-f, I, m). Brown
j, o-r and 5o-p, s-t) or absent, giving the tissue the to reddish staining can appear by sections (Figure 6p).
appearance of being almost totally empty (Figure 4c, Birefringence of thickened cell wall cellulose is retained
i). Clumps (Figure 5s-t) and isolated grains of modified (Figure 6j, l, n, r). In pink oca, this phenomenon is
starch with damage from dry-cooking are occasionally widespread, as with cooking al rescoldo (Figure 6g).
observed (Table 3) (Figure 5g-j, m-n), and unaltered, Calcium crystals may be unaltered and retain their
resistant starch is scarce or virtually absent (Figure position in the tissue (Figures 6m, q-r) or be released
5c, k-l). The birefringent cellulose of cell walls is into the inter- or extracellular space (Figure 6k, q-r).
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 45

of turgor, and cells appear

more distended than when
cooked al rescoldo or
fresh. In sections more
affected by boiling, cells
appear collapsed due to
the partial or total loss of
starch (Figure 7a-e and 8j-
k). There are cracks and
fractures in the cell walls;
the surfaces are rough
or dented, resembling
those of tissues cooked
al rescoldo (Figures 7a,
e and 8n, r). Increased
transparency and areas
with watery or diluted
reddish-brown staining
are observed (Figure 7i
and 8b-e). Some nodular
particles in the same
tones are attached to
tissue (Figures 7i-j and 8a,
c). Discontinuous masses
of gelatinized, amorphous
starch are observed in the
interior or exterior of the
tissues (Figure 8g-h, j-k).
Resistant starch occurs as
scarce, isolated individual
grains (Figures 7c-e, h
and 8g-i, l). Modified
starch is in the process
of gelatinization (Table
3), isolated (Figure 8n-
o, r-s), forming clumps
of individuals that have
lost their original shape
(Figures 7a-b and 8p-
q), and associated with
starch exudates within the
tissues or expelled from
them (Figure 8j-k). The
survival of resistant starch
Figure 4. Appearance of parenchyma and medullary tissue of Solanum sp. cooked al rescoldo.
a-c) Abajea, d-g) Desire, h-i) Malcacha, j-k) Pentaoca, l-r) Huaico potato. The contiguous and of partially gelatinized
twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols of the individuals is greater in the
same sample. close proximity of cortex
and periderm than in the
Occasionally, crystals are found melted, formed into parenchymal and medullary tissue. Vessel elements
clumps in which the individuals are not discernable within the vascular parenchyma preserve their
(Figure 6j-k). No micro-charcoals or carbonized tissues birefringence and structure forming dense packages
are observed in the boiling specimens. with a persistent linear orientation (Figures 7f-g and
8a, c-d, f). In some cases the crystals maintain their
Globular or polyhedral parenchymal and medullary
original location within the tissues (Figures 7i-j and
tissue cells with rounded edges are present in clusters
8f-h) or are expelled from them to the inter- or extra-
although not attached to each other-, or disaggregated
cellular spaces (Figures 7k-n and 8m). Some are
and dispersed, and there are empty net spaces between
partially solubilized (Figure 7n).
them (Figures 7-8, Table 3). In general, there is a loss
46 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

Generally speaking,
certain reactions are
common among tubers
cooked al rescoldo and
those heated in a moisture-
rich medium, the latter
being a more aggressive
transformation technique
that compromises the
integrity of plant tissues
and particles to a
corresponding degree.
However, damage to the
morphology and optical
properties of starch
caused by cooking al
rescoldo is greater than
that caused by toasting, as
reported elsewhere (Babot
2003). Such damage
includes denaturation
and a very low specimen
count. In the case of
cooking al rescoldo, this
is influenced by the fact
that plant matter is in
direct contact with the
heat source and subjected
to higher temperatures
than in toasting.
Although both groups
of cooking techniques
Figure 5. Starch grains, calcium crystals and conduction elements in parenchyma and medullary a n a l y z e d h e r e c a u s e
tissue cooked al rescoldo of: a-n) Solanum sp. and o-t) Oxalis tuberosa. Appearance of the s i m i l a r m o d i f i c a t i o n s
fresh parenchyma and medullary tissue of Solanum sp. (Huaico potato) is in (u). a-c) Abajea, and damage, our results
d) Huaico potato, e-f) Desire, g-n) Pentaoca, o-t) White oca. The contiguous twin micrographs
correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols of the same sample. indicate that certain
characteristics can be
used to differentiate them and also, to distinguish
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS cooked from fresh samples. For them to be applicable
Experimental results indicate the potential for in archaeological contexts, we need to evaluate the
differentiating two cooking techniques: heating in survival over time of the characteristics reported here.
humid and dry (or low moisture) environments. Based The periderm and cortex generally survive and
on previous studies, we expected these techniques to retain their original fabric. They react differently
be similar in their effects on tubers since both involve to cooking al rescoldo (characterized by reddish-
the same agents of modification: heat and moisture. In brown staining of tissues; unctuous clumps -isolated,
the case of boiling, water is abundant in the cooking or attached to tissue- with crystals and occluded
environment. By contrast, water is scarce but not totally micro-charcoals; contraction and tissue aging) versus
absent in the dry-cooking series techniques. Among boiling (characterized by diaphanous and thin
the latter, there is an increase in both the temperature material, partial preservation of the original watery
gradient and exposure of the matter to temperature. color, tissue distension). However, the natural color
While there are similarities in the effects of the cooking of tuberous plants shell could be confused with the
techniques reviewed, the abundance of water clearly effects of cooking on color and mistakenly attributed
leads to gelatinization, while its absence leads, in to anthropogenic modification. In the external tissues,
theory, to melting due to loss of starch humidity, massive carbonization occurs by sections, and the
although some degree of gelatinization is also possible. presence of micro-charcoals distributed throughout
the tissue occurs only with cooking al rescoldo.
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 47

contexts, both inside

cooking containers where
whole tubers were cooked
and as discarded peelings
(particularly those of
bitter tuber varieties). The
parenchyma and medullary
tissue suffer greater damage
than the periderm and
cortex. Contraction occurs
in cooking al rescoldo,
whereas distension is
observed with boiling. In
the latter case, a diluted
reddish-brown staining of
the interior tissues may
appear, as well as the
occurrence of some nodular
particles in the same tones.
Observed starch alterations
are consistent with those
reported elsewhere, but
a higher intensity of the
modifications was verified
when cooking al rescoldo,
with respect to what was
previously documented
for toasting (Babot 2003).
Despite the poor survival
of starch as isolated,
identifiable grains, both
ins ide or outs ide t he
cooked mass, resistant
starch specimens are more
common in boiled tubers
than in those cooked al
rescoldo. Both techniques
result in modified starch
grains. Calcium crystals,
conducting tissues and
cellulose survive both
techniques. Melted or
diluted crystals and
Figure 6. Appearance of the boiled periderm and cortex of: a-d, g-l) Oxalis tuberosa, e-f) crystals expelled from the
Solanum sp. and m-r) Ullucus tuberosus. a-d) White oca, e-f) Pentaoka, g-l) Pink oca, m-r)
tissues generally indicate
Ulluco. The contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed
(right) nicols of the same tissue. manipulation in a medium
with heat. Nonetheless
Results obtained for the most external tissues are these changes are more intense in the presence of
important for supplementing the data regarding the water. Wet cooking is also more aggressive to cellulose
parenchyma and medullary tissue, where the starches than cooking al rescoldo. After cooking, cellulose
are primarily located. While the latter are distinctively allows excellent visualization of the original tissue
altered by particular processes and, therefore, play an fabric. Silica deposits, located in conduction and
important role in identifying anthropogenic processes, peridermal tissues and usually of little diagnostic value
under certain circumstances they can be denatured or when taken alone, are not affected by the processes
absent, making information about the periderm and studied; on the contrary, they tend to stand out from
cortex particularly relevant. Additionally, the periderm the rest of the tissue, either in situ or detached from it.
and cortex tissue can be preserved in archaeological
48 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

Figure 7. Appearance of boiled parenchyma and medullary tissue of: a-h) Solanum sp. (Pentaoca) and i-n) Ullucus tuberosus.
The contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols of the same tissue.

No significant differences in changes produced varieties. Thus, the expectations generated should apply
by the processing techniques considered here were to a large number of tuberous plants and potentially
observed between the three types of tubers and their other resources as well.
Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary
practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes 49

Figure 8. Appearance of boiled parenchyma and medullary tissue of Oxalis tuberosa. a-q) White Oca, r-s) Pink Oca. The
contiguous twin micrographs correspond to views with parallel (left) and crossed (right) nicols of the same tissue.
50 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53

Finally, we must acknowledge that the daily Babot, M. P. and M. C. Haros

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To S. Hocsman, C. Codemo and A. Calisaya for Babot, M. P. and M. A. Korstanje

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participated in sampling of the tubers. To anonymous of the Conference: The state of the art in phytolith and
reviewers for their useful comments on the content and starch research in the Australian-Pacific-Asian regions,
language of this paper. To editors, K. Borrazzo and pp. 7-9. Centre for Archaeological Research, Australian
C. Weitzel for inviting us to publish in this volume National University, Canberra.
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54 M. P. Babot et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 35-53
| 55

Post-depositional processes studies of wooden

artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site
(Patagonia, Argentina)
Mnica Grosso
Received 21 August 2013. Accepted 20 February 2014


The HMS Swift was a British Navy sloop-of-war that sank off the Patagonia coast in 1770. The Swift shipwreck
site, on the northern coast of Santa Cruz Province (Argentina), is a well-preserved underwater archaeological
site. The high frequency of wooden artifacts at the site permitted the development of specific research designed
to identify the primary natural and cultural post-depositional processes related to the preservation and spatial
distribution of those artifacts. This paper presents the methodological framework for this research, which included
both direct observations and experimental studies that led to the characterization of the organisms related to the
shipwreck site and their interaction with archaeological materials. Results confirm that sedimentary conditions
have played a central role in the preservation of wooden materials and their spatial distributions. Furthermore,
the archaeological consequences of organisms damaging activities (mainly those of marine wood-borer mollusks)
are assessed.
Keywords: Wooden artifacts; Post-depositional processes; Shipwrecks; Underwater archaeological sites;



NAUFRAGIO SWIFT, SIGLO XVIII (PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA). En los ambientes subacuticos marinos,
bajo ciertas condiciones, puede preservarse una diversidad de materiales arqueolgicos de origen orgnico e
inorgnico. Uno de estos casos es el sitio Swift, embarcacin de la Armada Britnica que en 1770 naufrag en
la costa norte de la actual provincia de Santa Cruz. La existencia de una gran cantidad de artefactos de madera
brind una interesante oportunidad para realizar investigaciones dirigidas a identificar los principales procesos
posdepositacionales de ndole natural y cultural involucrados en la preservacin y en la distribucin de estos
materiales. En este trabajo se presenta el enfoque metodolgico aplicado, el cual incluy la realizacin de
observaciones y estudios experimentales que permitieron caracterizar las comunidades de organismos asociados
al sitio y su interaccin con los materiales arqueolgicos. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que las condiciones
sedimentarias han desempeado un rol fundamental para la preservacin de los materiales y sus relaciones
contextuales. Asimismo, se analizan las consecuencias arqueolgicas de la actividad de organismos que ejercen
una accin destructiva, entre los que se destacan los moluscos marinos perforantes de madera.
Palabras clave: Artefactos de madera; Procesos posdepositacionales; Naufragios; Sitios arqueolgicos
subacuticos, Patagonia.

Mnica Grosso. Instituto Nacional de Antropologa y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL). 3 de Febrero 1378 (1426),
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 55-69. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
56 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69


Since the development of underwater archaeology as The Swift was a Royal Navy sloop-of-war stationed
a scientific discipline in the 1960s, interest has increased at Port Egmont, the 18th century British naval base in
in the factors that regulate differential preservation of the Malvinas / Falkland Islands. Like all sailing ships
shipwreck sites. In 1978 Keith Muckelroy proposed a at the time, the Swift was a wooden vessel. She had
pioneering model based on systematic research, which two decks, a length of 27.8 m and a breadth of 7.9
was later expanded upon by Ward et al. (1999) and m (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, NMM
Gibbs (2006). To date, most such studies have aimed to Draughts Box 52 N 3603A sheer and profile, Swift
understand general processes involved in site formation and Vulture).
and factors that contribute to in situ preservation of
In March of 1770, the Swift was stranded on a
sites. Nevertheless, researches designed to improve our
rock off the coast of Puerto Deseado estuary. Several
interpretations of the submerged archaeological record
measures were taken to avoid sinking1 but, eventually,
are still scarce (Grosso 2008, 2011). This situation
the ship slipped away from the rock and sank. Very
can likely be explained by the common perception
few items could be saved before the ship disappeared
of shipwrecks as time capsules. Contrary to this
below the water (The National Archives, Kew, ADM
perception, though, it has been argued that research
1/5304 Court Martial: Loss of HMS Swift, 29 September
must take into account the social and technological
1770; Gower 1803).
biography of ships as well as their contents, that is to
say, their temporal depth (Adams 2001). Moreover, it
should be noted that the loss of a ship is a process
that can last many hours or even days. Therefore, THE SWIFT ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT
even at shipwreck sites that appear to contain well-
The wreck site is located in the harbor of present
preserved materials and to display original relationships
day Puerto Deseado city, in northeast Santa Cruz
between objects, the coherence and integrity of the
Province, Argentina (Figure 1).
context should not be assumed but archaeologically
demonstrated (Adams 2001). Archaeological research at the site was begun in
1997 by the Programa de Arqueologa Subacutica
South America has also produced few studies on
(Underwater Archaeology Program, or PROAS) of
wrecksites formation processes; shipwreck archaeology
the Argentinean Instituto Nacional de Antropologa
in the region with the exception of Argentina, Chile
y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL), under the
and Uruguay is a field of study only now getting
direction of Dr. Dolores Elkin. To achieve the projects
underway (Elkin 2011). In Argentina, archaeological
research goals, survey of visible structural remains and
research at the wreck site of the HMS Swift has
excavation of representative sectors of the ship were
included a multidisciplinary study of natural site
planned (Elkin et al. 2007, 2011).
formation processes from the beginning (Bastida et al.
2004; Elkin et al. 2011).
As part of my doctoral
research which focused
on wooden material culture
onboard the Swift I analyzed
the primary natural and
cultural post-depositional
processes that affected the
preservation and distribution
of wooden artifacts (Grosso
2011). Here, I summarize
the methodological approach
and main results of that
study. Additionally, I hope
it will contribute to provide
information relevant to
the interpretation of other
shipwreck sites located in
the regions underwater
or intertidal marine
environments. Figure 1. Location of the Swift wreck site in the harbor area of Puerto Deseado (Map: C.
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 57

The ship remains cover an area of approximately scrambling devices. Extracting filters are processes
180 m2. About 70% of the hull has survived, most that result in the loss of materials: elements floating
still assembled, though sediments cover nearly 60% away during the sinking, salvage operations, and
(Murray et al. 2003). The site is between 10 and 18 disintegration of perishables. Scrambling devices
m below surface, depending on the bottom slope and are processes that move artifacts around, resulting
level of the tide. The shallowest depth corresponds in the loss of contextual information: the wreckage
to the bow-starboard area, and the deepest to the process, movement of the seabed (which may or
stern-port. The hull lies on its port side with a list may not bury elements), wave action, currents, and
of about 60 degrees, such that the starboard side is biological activity. Based on Muckelroys proposal,
the most exposed structural portion. While the port Ward et al. (1999) produced an expanded model
side of the upper deck is well preserved, the opposite that distinguishes the primary processes affecting
side has collapsed or disappeared, with some frames disintegration of a shipwreck on the basis of the ships
and beams protruding up to 3 m above the sediment own characteristic, the sedimentary environment,
level. Neither masts nor yards were preserved (Figure and the hydrodynamic environment (Figure 3). The
2). Many detached structural components, as well as nature of the sedimentation process whether it is
cannons, anchors and a great diversity of organic and accumulative or erosive is considered the main
inorganic artifacts lie partially or totally covered by the factor in the shipwreck preservation, which, in
sediments. Nearly all exposed elements are colonized turn, depends on sedimentary and hydrodynamic
by a variety of organisms, with the exception of those characteristics.

Figure 2. Site plan with the excavated areas highlighted (Drawing: C. Murray).

materials that may be toxic for them (like

copper and copper alloys).
Twenty six percent of the more than
500 artifacts retrieved from the site since
its discovery were made of wood. These
materials are currently housed at the Museo
Municipal Mario Brozoski, Puerto Deseado2.



Muckelroys model of shipwreck site

formation processes take into account the
different components that contribute to the
evolution of a shipwreck, from the time the
ship was sailing to the presently-observed
seabed distribution (Muckelroy 1978). He Figure 3. Muckelroys expanded model. a) The wreck, b) the sedimentary
identified two main processes that operate environment, and c) the hydrodynamic environment. After Ward et al.
during that timeframe: extracting filters and (1999: 564).
58 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

Physical, chemical and biological processes are Marine wood-borers

involved in the disintegration of a shipwreck, so it
is important to identify and understand the dynamics There are two groups of wood-borers in marine
of their interaction. Positive and negative feedback environments: mollusks and crustaceans. Bivalve
operate continually between the water, the sediment, mollusks are represented by two families: Teredinidae
and the wreck. In general, physical deterioration (shipworms) and Pholadidae (piddocks). Teredinidae
processes dominate in the early stages. Afterwards, is the larger group and is composed of a number of
as the shipwreck disintegrates and materials interact genera and species distributed around the world (but
with the sedimentary environment, biological and note that Teredo is often and erroneously referred to
chemical processes become relatively more important. as the only genus). As soon as Teredinidae larvae find
In this model, the rate of shipwreck disintegration is a suitable substratum, they begin to bore tunnels into
equal to the sum of the rates of disintegration caused the wood. Larvae gradually develop a soft, worm-like
by physical, chemical and biological processes, in body with two valves at the front extremity that enable
relation to the depositional history (that is, variation in them to bore wood. As Teredinidae grow, they deposit
sedimentary processes through time). The combination a calcareous lining in the tunnel where they remain
of these factors defines different possible levels of throughout their lives. A pair of siphons is the only part
preservation (Ward et al. 1999). of the body that maintains contact with the seawater
through the initial hole. A couple of calcareous pallets
allow organisms to seal the hole when necessary.
These elements enable taxonomic identification of
species. As a consequence of the teredinids activity,
a piece of wood can be completely bored inside while
Marine environments have great biodiversity and externally only the small initial holes of 1 to 2 mm in
a remarkable variety of colonization modes may diameter are visible (Eaton and Hale 1993). Tunnels
develop in them. Solid marine substrates can be only become exposed when a piece of wood is broken
divided into two groups: soft or sedimentary bottoms or its surface heavily deteriorated.
and hard or rocky bottoms, each with species living Pholadidae is a smaller group of mollusks than
in close association with them (Bastida et al. 2004, the Teredinidae and their geographical distribution is
2008). Sedimentary bottoms prevail in nature and, more limited. They also have a less significant role as
therefore, a great demand exists for colonization of destructive agents (Pournou 1999). Not all members
hard bottoms by organisms that need hard substrata of the Pholadidae family are exclusively wood-borers.
to live. Consequently, when anthropic material is Generally, they can be distinguished easily from the
submerged in seawater it is immediately colonized teredinids because they lack the characteristic worm-
by organisms, providing that it is not toxic for them. like body (with the exception of Xylophaginae) and
Among organisms that live in the sea, two main do not create a calcareous lining in the tunnels walls.
groups have been considered responsible for the They have oval valves similar to those of the common
most serious damage to man-made substrata: marine clam but with a denticulate area for boring wood.
wood-borers, and biofouling (benthic communities Their tunnels can be 3 to 8 times the size of the valves
associated to artificial substrata). These micro- and (Eaton and Hale 1993).
macro-organisms are capable of physico-chemical Marine wood-borer crustaceans are represented by
modification of materials as a result of their attachment the orders Isopoda and Amphipoda. The first includes
to them (mechanical effects) and their metabolic the most important groups: Limnoriidae (gribble)
processes. The search for methods to prevent the and Sphareomatidae (pill bug). These organisms
settling and harmful effects of biofouling has led to the have small, segmented bodies generally 2 to 4 mm
development of biodeterioration studies as a specific long and legs, so they are capable of moving over
field of research. Since the 1960s, Argentina has been the wood surface. They produce superficial or sub-
a Latin American leader in this discipline. Studies on superficial galleries of 1 to 3 mm in diameter. The
the experimental ecology of benthic communities have extensive network of galleries can lead to collapse of
played a substantial role in biodeterioration research the superficial levels of the wood and, eventually, total
developing experimental systems to achieve controlled destruction of the substratum.
studies of the biological communities associated with
diverse materials (see references in Bastida et al. 2004; Teredinidae mollusks have been recorded off the
Grosso 2008). Therefore, these studies provide basic coasts of Buenos Aires, Chubut (Puerto Madryn) and
information on the biological and ecological processes Tierra del Fuego (Ushuaia) Provinces, and the Malvinas
involved in the formation of underwater archaeological / Falkland Islands. Limnoriidae are reported only in the
sites. first three localities (Bastida and Torti 1972a, 1972b;
Prosser Goodall 1978).
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 59

Biofouling communities considered with a focus on hydrological and

sedimentological parameters. Systematic sampling
Contrary to what happens with wood-borers, few was performed to record sediment characteristics
studies have been designed to understand the formation by means of three transects along the ships length,
and development of biofouling communities in wreck each with five sampling stations. The following
sites (Thomson 1997; Randell 1998). This is remarkable data were collected: qualitative and quantitative
in light of the fact that marine wreck sites develop into fractions, granulometric classification, concentration
reefs of artificial origin. of organic matter, concentration of calcium
When an artificial substratum is submerged in carbonate, and relative amounts of bioclasts and
seawater a biotic colonization process begins, which faunistic groups represented (Bastida et al. 2004,
leads to the development of a biofouling community. 2011).
This benthic succession process begins with the Afterward, a macroscopic examination of a
adsorption of organic macromolecules, followed by sample of artifacts was conducted for the purpose of
the formation of an initial biofilm constituted mainly identifying the primary associations between different
by bacteria and micro algae, and continues with the organisms and specific archaeological substrata, along
settling and growth of different species of invertebrates with the consequences of these associations on the
and macro algae that form communities of variable archaeological materials. The analysis included
complexity and ecological characteristics. The process both in situ and recovered artifacts; the depositional
tends to conduct the community to a final, equilibrium context and general state of preservation were also
stage known as the climax stage, after which the considered.
detachment and partial restart of a new cycle takes
place (Bastida et al. 2008). Excavated areas allowed the examination of
wooden elements that had been covered by sediments.
Biofouling in different parts of the world involves As shown in Figure 2, 20 m2 were excavated, distributed
nearly 2000 micro- and macro-organisms (Florian as follows: on the main deck near the galley (bow-port
1987) and comprises aerobic bacteria, fungi, side) and the Captains quarters (stern-port side); on
protozoa, diatoms, algae, bryozoans, coelenterates, the lower deck, in a possible block storeroom, and
polychaetes, mollusks and tunicates, among others. forward of the main mast. In the two first areas listed,
The diversity and variety of organisms differs internal planking was reached while the others were
according to the community stage of development just partially excavated.
and to local environmental conditions. Biofouling
species can be sessile attached to the substratum Additionally, an experimental study was performed
throughout its life by means of different mechanisms to obtain controlled information about biofouling
or non-sessile. communities and wood-boring organisms, including
their basic ecological and biological characteristics
(Bastida et al. 2004). This study was adapted from
others previously carried out in biodeterioration
research in Argentina (Bastida et al. 2008, see
references therein). The experimental design used
The goal of this research was to identify the acrylic and pine wood panels of 10 x 5 cm fitted to
primary processes responsible for the differential acrylic frames of 30 x 40 cm. Samples were taken
preservation of wooden artifacts, as well as those that at 6 (cold and warm seasons), 12 and 24 months to
modified the artifacts original depositional context. monitor seasonal cycles of colonization, growth and
The wooden artifacts database contains 197 objects successional strategies of the community. Additionally,
from superficial sediment levels and excavation panels of 12 x 12 cm composed of thin wooden layers
areas, and includes multi-component and single- were used to obtain complete wood-borer specimens.
component artifacts, both complete and fragmented. The frames were located at the bow and stern areas of
The following functional categories were identified: the vessel. Biological and sedimentary analyses were
tableware, cooperage, rigging, storage, tools, carried out by the Laboratorio of Ecologa Bentnica
furniture, objects related to military or navigation y Biodeterioro (Benthic Ecology and Biodeterioration
activities, as well as unidentified elements. In each Laboratory) of the Mar del Plata National University,
case the following data were recorded: provenience, under the direction of Dr. Ricardo Bastida.
general characterization, components (including Finally, to assess cultural formation processes,
other materials), and taxonomic identification when diverse sources of information were analyzed with
possible (Grosso 2011)3. the purpose of understanding the human activities that
To understand natural formation processes, would have affected the site over the course of more
prevailing environmental conditions at the site were than two hundred years.
60 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS of the local harbor and its industrial fishery (Bastida
et al. 2004, 2011).
The Deseado estuary is 40 km long, depending
on the marine influence, and up to 400 m wide. Its
maximum depth is 32 m, near the entrance, while its
minimum is 0.5 m, at the end of the estuary. The Swift
site is situated off the north coast of the estuary and
near its mouth, such that the hydrological parameters Systematic macroscopic observations have
are similar to those of the adjacent open sea. Marine permitted an assessment of the more conspicuous
water in this area is renewed in a high frequency due to association of biofouling and wood-borer communities
the influence of the tides (Khnemann 1971). Average with archaeological substrata. Type of material, shape
annual salinity is 33 (typical ocean waters are 35), and superficial texture, context of provenience, and
and Ph values are slightly alkaline characteristic of primary features regarding their state of preservation
seawater ranging between 7.8 and 8.2. Dissolved (e.g., structural weakness, marine erosion) were
oxygen values vary between 7.85 and 9.56 mg/l and recorded in each case.
slightly lower in areas with anthropic impact. The
water temperature ranges between 13 C (summer) To gain a better understanding of biological
and 4 C (winter) (Elkin et al. 2007). communities associated with wood artifacts, it was also
relevant to compare what happens to wooden ships
Estuary tides are semi-diurnal; that is, two high tides structural elements, as well as to artifacts made on
and two low tides each day. They reach amplitudes of other materials. Primary associations are summarized
4.2 m (average spring tides) so the estuary is considered in Table 1 (Elkin et al. 2007; Grosso 2008). In each
a macro-tidal environment. This causes displacement case, levels of biodiversity and biomass are identified.
of huge masses of water, which generates currents of Both refer to the natural communities of the area,
up to 6 knots in narrow zones, though their speed which are considered the maximum level of biomass
decreases in some places according to topographic and biodiversity possible.
characteristics. Maximum currents at the site are about
2 knots. Waves have limited impact on the site; their Among the fouling organisms colonizing the
maximum amplitude is 0.7 m. Prevailing winds are shipwreck, tunicates (sea squirts) are the most
from the west and southwest and are generally strong notorious, due to their size and distribution over the
(Khnemann 1971). Underwater visibility is typically whole site on various types of substrata. Tunicates are
low, ranging from 0.1 to 2 m, with an average of able to develop communities of considerable size even
1 m. The low water transparency, and consequent from very small areas, chiefly in zones of good water
limited light penetration, is caused by suspended flow, as in the case of frames and beams that are
sediment. Precipitation is scarce and without strong nearly vertical due to the ship list (Figure 5).
seasonal variance, with monthly values ranging from
5 to 45 mm. Sediment sampling at the site revealed a
dominance of fine fraction sediments, with a significant
presence of clay, mud, and fine sand (Figure 4). These
small particles have a continental origin; they are
swept by the rain towards the estuary. Coarse sands are
very little represented, as are larger fractions, with the
exception of some areas where a relevant abundance
of granules and pebbles was observed (Bastida et al.
The sediment composition has contributed to
the formation of low oxygen level deposits. The
considerable quantity of organic material that cannot
be mineralized due to of the lack of oxygen generates
hydrogen sulphide, easily detected by a pervasive,
characteristic smell and the black coloration of the
sediment. Negative Redox potential values (ranging
from -140 to -314) confirm the anoxic nature of
the burial environment. Concentrations of organic
material reach high values of up to 9.02%. This is
due to the high productivity of the water and benthonic Figure 4. Granulometric composition of the Swift site. Sizes
communities, as well as the significant contributions classification follows Udden-Wentworth scale (Bastida et
al. 2011).
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 61

Biodiversity (B1) and kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)

MATERIALS Substrate surface Fouling association (assemblages)
Biomass (B2) levels detached from nearby
Smooth surfaces Associations represented by several B1: Medium seabottoms are transported
(bottles) invertebrates groups B2: Low
GLASS to the site by currents. They
Rough surfaces B1: High
Associations represented by several can reach 30 m of length and
(windows emery B2: Medium
glass panels)
invertebrates groups and chordates frecuently become tangled in
structural timbers.
Ship structural B1: Medium
Associations represented by algae,
components (beams
and frames)
invertebrates and chordates B2: High Small size wooden
B1: Low
artifacts, such as blocks
Small artifacts over Associations represented by several
the sediment (pulley) invertebrates groups B2: Low and pulleys, present
Associations represented by algae B1: High comparatively minor species
METAL and invertebrates B2: Medium diversity relative to structural
Represented by only one invertebrate B1: Low components and other
group B2: Low substrata, such as glass of
Table 1. General characterization of the biofouling associated to diverse substrata. rough surfaces and iron; small
coelenterates (anemones
Corynactis carnea) and arborescent briozoans (e.g.,
Hippotoa bouganvillei) predominate.
Regarding biofouling effects on archaeological
elements, it was observed that with the detachment
of tunicates from wooden substrates, part of the woody
tissue was also removed. Likewise, the activity of
small organisms may have deleterious consequences,
such as the impressions left by soft tubeworms
(polichaetes) such as Platynereis australis (Figure 6a)
or gastropod mollusks, as is probably the case with
Crepidula dilatata. On the other hand, a positive
outcome of biofouling organism growth might be that
they provide a physical barrier against the abrasion
produced by sediment transport (Thomson 1997; Jones
2003). Biofouling might also play an important role
in preventing the settlement of wood-borers larvae
(Nair and Saraswathy 1971; Pournou 1999).
Low visibility and biofouling organism coverage
complicated the examination of wood-borer activity
on archaeological materials in situ, which necessitated
removal of organisms at specific points. Colonization
was easily identified in ship structure timbers with
minor biofouling coverage and with tunnels exposed
on the bows main deck in the galley area, middle
lower deck, and sterns main deck forward of the
mizzen mast, and bulkheads. Their activity was also
identified in wood remains on the sediment surface
Figure 5. Deck beams colonized by tunicates of solitary and
at the bow and port side-stern areas. The morphology
colonial species (Photo: S. Massaro).
of the tunnels was consistent with those of teredinid
More conspicuous tunicates are from solitary mollusks species.
species (e.g., Cnemidocarpa verrucosa, Molgula
sp., Paramolgula gregaria, Ciona sp. and Corella On the other hand, a survey of more than one
eumyota) and colonial species (e.g., Sycozoa gaimardi, hundred artifacts (n = 140) from excavated and seafloor
Amaroucium sp., Didemnum sp., Polyzoa opuntia). surface contexts indicate that at least 15% had been
In the structural timbers mentioned above, there are colonized by wood-borers. This may be a conservative
also abundant small (Corynactis carnea) and large estimate, however, since the assessment was performed
species of anemone (sea anemones). Species of red with the naked eye (Grosso 2008). More than 50%
algae (Rhodymenia sp. and Ceramium sp.) and brown of these artifacts (including chests, boxes, furniture,
algae (Dyctiota sp.) are present, although in small etc.) were not in contact with seawater before Swift
amounts due to light limitations. Specimens of giant sank. Borer tunnel morphology was also indentified as
62 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

teredinids, with one exception, which was assigned the year, though the warm season is characterized
to the Pholadidae family (Bastida et al. 2004). This is by increased colonization activities and growth rates.
consistent with the fact that their members colonize Indeed, warm months show greater taxonomic diversity
wood occasionally. Diameters of Teredinidae tunnels and higher biomass (triple as a minimum) than cold
at the Swift site are between 4 mm and 15 mm. Larger months. The climax stage -when communities reach a
diameters are due to erosion processes. Wood-borers balance and achieve their maximum development- is
burrows were observed in high densities, even in dominated by colonial species of tunicates Paramolgula
some small artifacts, with a length that in some cases gregaria and Cnedomicarpa verrucosa. These
exceeds 20 cm (Figure 6b). Different wood species communities can evolve considerably, developing
were colonized including Ulmus sp. (elm), Quercus more than 10 cm of thickness on 10 x 5 cm panels
sp. (oak) and pinaceae. While no living wood-borers (Figure 7). Given that other environmental parameters
were found, the presence of calcareous pallets remain the same all year round, this study reveals
permitted identification of Bankia martensi, previously that water temperature is the main factor regulating
documented in some parts of the Argentinean coast, growth and development of biofouling organisms.
but not in the Puerto Deseado area (Bastida and Torti Wood panels host higher biomass than acrylic ones,
1972a). probably because organic material offers a more
suitable surface for colonization, especially in its
The experimental study provided valuable
early stages. On wood panels, biodeterioration was
information regarding identification and characterization
mainly produced by bacteria, fungi and Foliculinidae
of the biofouling community structure. Analysis of the
(ciliated protozoans). The latter were able to perforate
6-, 12- and 24-month panels included a description of
the substrata at a superficial level or settle in its natural
biofouling organisms examined under a stereoscopic
irregularities. No wood-borer activity (neither mollusk
microscope. Primary species were identified and
nor isopods) on wooden panels was observed under
quantified, and their maximum density and biomass
the stereomicroscope during the two-year experimental
calculated (see Grosso 2008 and Elkin et al. 2011 for
detailed information regarding methods and results).
The activity of wood-borers was also considered. The Finally, a systematic survey of non-archaeological
results indicate that biofouling communities have wooden substrata along more than 5 km of the
a similar composition to those observed in other Deseado estuarys north coast was designed to
Patagonian localities (Bastida et al. 2004). Despite evaluate historical and present day wood-borer activity
low water temperatures, they are present throughout in the area. This included examination of an early
20 th century pier, wooden boats,
and natural and anthropic wooden
elements left by tides on the beach.
Nearly a hundred wooden elements
were observed, but only about 1%
showed clear evidence of teredind
activity. It should be noted that
observed tunnels were eroded to
a great extent indicating that the
colonization was not recent.


Documentary, historical and

oral information was used to
identify anthropic activities that
took place in the Swift site area
between its sinking and the present
to assess their role in site formation
processes. Documentary sources
explain how survivors of the wreck
managed to rescue some objects
Figure 6. a) Impressions left by soft tube polichaetes in chest components. b) Timber
(two officers chests and some
broken as a consequence of teredinids activity. One of the tunnels still retains its spars) that floated away from the
calcium carbonate lining. ship in the days after the sinking.
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 63

near the site, but a recent

assessment during one of these
operations indicated that it had
no noticeable impact on the
site (Elkin et al. 2011).
Finally, interventions on
the site must be considered.
After discovery of the
shipwreck in 1982, local
divers retrieved nearly 180
artifacts. These materials all
lack information about their
Figure 7. a) Wooden panels after one year of immersion. b) Significant growth of biofouling precise location (Elkin et
form one of the acrylic panels after two years of immersion.
al. 2011). According to the
Additionally, crew members dived into the wreck divers reports, the artifacts were distributed on the
and managed to recover rigging elements and sails, sediment surface or buried up to 50 cm, so their
which were used to build tents (Gower 1803). After the extraction would have disturbed archaeological
survivors left Puerto Deseado, no salvage operations contexts. Afterward, four field seasons were carried
or opportunistic recoveries (sensu Gibbs 2006) are out by the Argentinean Committee of the International
documented for the wreck site. The only historical Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and one
reference to such activity is the collection of rigging season by Fundacin Albenga. The main goal of these
elements that were found on the coast by Antonio initiatives was to perform non-intrusive recording of
de Viedmas expedition in 1780, which probably the ship, and only few artifacts were recovered (Elkin
belonged to the Swift (Viedma [1837] 2006: 74-78). At et al. 2011). At that time, and also over the course of
the time of the wreck, no permanent human settlement subsequent archaeological work, divers displacement
could be found within hundreds of kilometers of the and equipment operation might have disturbed the
wreck. Until the end of the 18 th century, the only superficial layer of sediment. Likewise, artifacts and
people inhabiting the adjacent land were nomadic structural components of the ship, previously protected
indigenous groups. It is important to mention, however, by stable layers of sediments, became exposed at least
that Puerto Deseado is a natural harbor that has been temporarily during archaeological excavation activities.
frequently visited by vessels since the 16 th century.
Although salvaging shipwreck remains used to be a
common practice, available evidence suggests that it PRESERVATION AND DISTRIBUTION
is possible the Swift remained virtually unknown below PROCESSES
the waters surface until recently.
According to biodeterioration models, colonization
In the 18 th and 19 th centuries few settlements
by different microorganisms begins almost immediately
were established along the estuary coast, until 1884
after a ship sinks. Enzymes secreted by fungi and
when the town of Puerto Deseado was founded. At
bacteria break down wooden cell walls (composed
the beginning of the 20th century a pier for boats and
mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), causing
small ships was operating near the wreck site. Large
physical and chemical damage (Blanchette 2000).
vessels could not come close to the shore due to their
Non-biotic processes also take place, including
draught, but the anchors of boats and small ships could
hydrolysis, which usually occurs when the wood is
have damaged the Swift. A local resident indicated that
immersed in water, and causes decomposition of
in this area anchors and fishing tackle often became
molecules compounds (Pournou 1999). Furthermore,
entangled (Elkin et al. 2011). This might have been
abrasive sediment particles transported by currents can
an important factor in the physical deterioration of
erode artifacts (Jones 2003). In this way, the chemical
the most exposed structural remains, like the bow and
composition and microscopic structure of wood are
starboard side.
modified, making it more porous and permeable to
In the last decades of the 20 century, Puerto
th the water.
Deseado evolved into one of the most active commercial
Even if artifacts maintain their general shape,
ports on the Patagonian coast. In the harbor, large
changes in their structural tissue and external
vessels are frequently towed between the wharf and
appearance may occur. For example, some artifacts
a dry dock; the Swift site is very near the tow path. It
from the Swift site have polished edges caused by
is likely that the movement of the propellers -some
marine abrasion and others have a rough surface
of them very powerful- affects the superficial levels
due to biotic activity. Quite often, the second case is
of sediment. Dredging is also occasionally performed
64 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

also associated with a significant loss of hardness and thus inhibiting bacterial decay. This results in
resistance; the wood becomes extremely soft (or spongy) some coniferous species being more resistant to
at the slightest contact. Despite being fragile, artifacts biodeterioration than some hardwoods (angiosperms).
general shape may remain unchanged because water Nevertheless, as soon as those compounds leach
and the remaining lignin -more resistant to degradation out, these species become equally vulnerable to
than cellulose- support its shape (Jones 2003). biodeterioration (Jones 2003).
The degree to which organisms can leave In underwater environments wood permeability
impressions on wood surfaces depends on both can be counteracted by the deposition of inorganic
the way they associate with the substratum and the salts, calcareous materials, and the byproducts of
condition of the wood tissue. Therefore, if the artifact metal corrosion, which, prevent its micro-structure
is significantly decayed, even minor organic activity from collapsing (Grattan 1987). This process depends
might leave marks (Figure 6a). Furthermore, regarding on the chemical characteristics of the environment
the consequences of tunicate detachment, we must bear and the amount of time the artifacts have remained
in mind the cumulative effects of continuous cycles of in that environment. This preservative effect has been
fixing, development, and detachment of organisms and observed in several artifacts from the Swift, typically
communities over more than two hundred years. The boxes and a chest, which made possible to identify
potential loss of archaeological information caused by completely corroded elements (e.g., hinges and locks)
these factors must be considered. Based on observation that otherwise would not have been noticed.
of several artifacts from the Swift, such losses include
Colonization by teredinid mollusk larvae may also
features associated with the artifacts manufacture, use,
have occurred in the first years following the wreckage.
or ownership (such as inscriptions and stamps; Grosso
There is some evidence to support this such as artifacts
in the lower excavation levels in the stern area that
The particular physical and chemical properties of show signs of colonization. Furthermore, it takes
different wood species are also relevant factors when time for the wood to be eroded enough to expose
considering the degradation and water-saturation teredinid tunnels and to lose the internal carbonate,
processes in the marine environment. In this respect, as was observed in some cases. It is likely that wood-
it has been stated that porous woods like Betula borer activity in the Swift began in the Malvinas /
sp. (birch), Fagus sp. (beech) and Fraxinus sp. (ash) Falkland Islands, where Bankia martensi has been
become completely saturated within a few hours of identified. Once the ship wrecked, colonization
being submerged and scarcely survive in the water. could have expanded to the entire shipwreck. The
However, several artifacts manufactured with some scarcity of wood-borer activity observed during the
of these species (i.e., Fagus sp. and Fraxinus sp.) were coastal survey supports the hypothesis that they are
found at the Swift site. Additionally, objects made from not a chronic problem in this area. Despite the fact
Fagus sp exhibit clear differences in their preservation, that there is no clear evidence of teredind activity at
likely due to differences in their depositional histories. present, colonization events may be cyclical through
For example, the most degraded artifacts (tableware time, and their future presence at the site should not
pieces) were found in the galley area, a location more be dismissed (Elkin et al. 2011).
exposed than the stern, where well preserved objects
In situ observations reveal that colonization has
(such as a shoe last) were found completely covered
spread over structural elements and objects of varied
by sediments (Figure 8).
forms and sizes, which supports arguments that
It has also been noted that specific substances of different wood species and their hardness are not
certain wood species can be toxic for microorganisms, determining factors for wood-borer settlement (e.g.,
Nair and Saraswathy 1971; Bastida
and Torti 1972a). It is interesting to
note also that artifact size has no
apparent relation to the intensity of
colonization (Figure 6b).
C omparing the effects of
different biodeterioration agents,
marine borers have been said to
produce the most severe damage
in a relatively short amount of
time (Gregory 1998). Tunnels
Figure 8. A shoe last (INA 399) and a plate fragment (INA 471), both made from create empty spaces in the wood,
Fagus sp., exhibit differential preservation as a consequence of their particular which increase its permeability
post-depositional history.
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 65

and structural fragility. This leads to a reduction in already well developed (Bastida et al. 2004). There
its density and mechanical resistance (Pournou 1999), is no clear evidence of wood-borers on beams and
which reduces the weight of wood objects and makes frames, though they did colonize the decks planks, so
them more vulnerable to being displaced by currents. may have played a role in structural collapse.
In turn, fungi and bacteria play a relatively minor role
The deterioration of structural boundaries like
in the deterioration of marine archaeological wood,
decks and bulkheads could have led to the dispersion
though they do affect their long-term preservation
of artifacts that had originally been retained in
(Gregory 1998).
ship compartments. For example, those elements
At the Swift site, it was observed that artifacts belonging to the missing sectors of the upper deck
more severely colonized by wood-borers were more might have slipped towards the portside or collapsed
prone to fragmentation. Small fragments are more together with that part of the ship, depending on their
susceptible to further biotic and abiotic deterioration. different attributes (e.g., material, dimensions, weight,
This is why, contrary to what happens with glass or and whether they were fixed or loose). At the stern
ceramic fragments, wooden fragments tend to have a excavation area (captains quarters), materials on the
less significant diagnostic potential. sediment surface or near it did not maintain a clear
contextual association. Objects that seem to come
The deposition of thin particles of sediment was a
from the collapsed starboard area were found there.
slow but constant process since the Swift sank, until
The integrity of the objects themselves was poorly
a certain stability was reached. The wreck constitutes
preserved. For these reasons, contextual associations
an obstacle that slows down tidal currents, acting as
should be interpreted with caution, particularly in the
a sediment trap.
case of cupboards, chests and boxes and their possible
The formation of an anoxic environment is contents. On the contrary, in the lower levels of the
beneficial to the preservation of archaeological excavation, bulkheads have been largely preserved
materials, particularly organic ones, because the lack
of oxygen prevents the development of most organisms,
with the exception of specialized (anaerobic) bacteria.
However it is worth noting that even a small portion
of a wooden artifact that remains exposed it is enough
for wood-borers to colonize the whole piece (Figure 9).
In addition, sediment coverage also protects materials
from the marine erosion produced by the sediment
transportation of tidal currents.
As mentioned previously, the superficial stability of
sediments can be modified by currents, archaeological
work, and bioturbation produced by benthonic
invertebrates, whose effects, while generally minor,
can be cumulative and significant (Ferrari and Adams
1990). All of these factors can result in the exposure of
archaeological materials to new oxygenated conditions,
making them vulnerable to deterioration.
Recording the structural remains provided a more
comprehensive view of the possible processes and
successive stages of the ships deterioration and,
consequently, of the distribution and preservation
of its contents. After the sinking, the elements that
remained more exposed or closer to the water surface
the rigging, the bow and part of the starboard side
would likely have suffered the buffeting of waves
and tidal currents, as well as the consequences of
anthropic impact. In combination with this, the
mechanical effects of the giant kelp Macrocystis
pyrifera (Bastida et al. 2008) and large colonies of
tunicates attached to the structural timbers could have
Figure 9. Part of this sea chest component was seriously
further weakened them; according to the results of
deteriorated because of wood-borers activity and erosion
the experimental studies it is likely that, within one processes. A well preserved area due to sediment coverage
year of the wreck, macrofouling communities were can clearly be observed (Photo: C. Murray).
66 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

and permitted the distinction between the Captains and distribution of archaeological materials are the
cabin and his chamber. The spatial location and the environmental characteristics and their particular
integrity of the objects there seemed more clearly dynamics, even in those cases where human activity
defined. Some examples of this are furniture (e.g., had a considerable influence. The integrity of materials
folding stools) found in what it seems to be its original is related to complex processes, which in turn depend
storage location, and a cupboard and its content that on the depositional microenvironment and the
have maintained their contextual relations. Sediment physicochemical properties of the wood. As Ferrari
accumulated inside boxes and chests before nails and and Adams (1990) indicate, it is important to approach
ironwork corroded, preventing the collapse of wood this relationship not simply in terms of the environment
components and preserving the original content. This influence on the archaeological materials, but as an
pattern has also been observed in other areas of the interaction between them.
site where sedimentation was rapid, even in levels
The shipwreck process, the bottom slope, and
close to the surface (Figure 10).
the prevailing current direction have been the most
The results obtained in these studies have been important factors that determined the distribution
essential to discuss research questions related to material of artifacts towards the portside and stern areas.
culture at the Swift site. This includes artifact provenience, The accumulation of sediment at the Swift site
function, and contextual associations; links between has been a major a control agent, facilitating the
objects and crew members, and personal belongings survival and integrity of the archaeological record.
versus navy property (see Grosso 2011, 2013). Teredinid mollusks have been the primary agent of
biodeterioration, both in the aggressiveness of their
action but also the rapidity of their colonization.
CONCLUSIONS Teredinids have played a fundamental role in the decay
of wooden artifacts resulting in partial or complete
Regarding post-depositional processes affecting the destruction and also in their spatial distribution.
Swift site, the essential factors affecting the survival Fouling organisms can also produce certain deleterious
effects, particularly the loss of surface
evidence in artifacts.
The results obtained to date allowed
us to understand preservational and
distributional processes at different scales,
from the site as a whole, to excavated
areas and individual components. The
research should continue as the excavation
progresses in new areas. At present, the
interventions at the site are temporarily
suspended until further progress with
stabilization treatments can be made at
the conservation laboratory. In addition,
the biotic and abiotic microdeterioration
processes in wooden artifacts is an issue
that still requires investigation at the
site, both in terms of continued study of
formation processes and in situ preservation
assessment. This research field has not yet
been pursued in Argentine Patagonian
waters and in the future could be developed
in the region based in the work carried out
in the last years by several research projects
(e.g., Pournou 1999; Jones 2003; Manders
2004; Palma 2004).
Finally, the recovered data highlight
aspects that must be taken into account
when working at the site. The handling
of wooden artifacts underwater and on
Figure 10. Medicine chest found on the superficial level in the amidhsip land must be done with extreme care,
area with a very well preserved content (Photo: C. Murray). even if the artifacts appear to be in a good
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 67

condition, since the structure of the wood could be Bastida, R. and M. R. Torti
very weak and therefore easily damaged. At the end 1972a. Organismos perforantes de las costas argentinas.
of each fieldwork season, excavated areas must be I. La presencia de Lyrodus pedicelatus (Quatrefages,
covered (e.g., refilled with sediment) to avoid further 1849) (Mollusca, Pelecypoda) en el puerto de Mar del
colonization on newly oxygenated wood (see Gregory Plata. Clave para el reconocimiento de los Teredinidae
1998, among others). Lastly, periodic monitoring of the sudamericanos. Physis 31 (82): 39-50.
site should be carried out. 1972b. Organismos perforantes de las costas argentinas.
II. La presencia de Limnoria (Limnoria) tripunctata
In light of the information obtained to date, a
(Menzies, 1951) (Isopoda, Limnoriidae) en el puerto de
considerable contribution to understanding formation
Mar del Plata. Physis 31 (82): 143-153.
processes at the Swift site was achieved. This knowledge
may also be relevant for building predictive models Bastida, R., D. Elkin, M. Grosso, M. Trassens and J. P.
for the assessment of other sites less well preserved Martin
than the Swift, both in underwater and intertidal 2004 The British sloop of war HMS Swift (1770): a
environments of the Argentine Patagonian coast. case study of the effects of biodeterioration on the
underwater cultural heritage of Patagonia. Corrosion
Reviews, Special Issue: Biodeterioration of Cultural
Heritage 22 (5-6): 417-440.
Bastida, R., M. Grosso and D. Elkin
This research was only possible after many years
2008 The role of benthic communities and
of joint work. I am especially grateful to my PhD
environmental agents in the formation of underwater
directors, Dr. Dolores Elkin and Dr. Ricardo Bastida,
archaeological sites. In Underwater and Maritime
for their guidance and support. Dr. Bastida significantly
Archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean,
contributed to the accomplishment of this research
edited by M. E. Leshikar-Denton and P. Luna
and has generously provided me with specialized
Erreguerena, pp. 173-185. Left Coast Press, Walnut
bibliography. I would also like to thank all the people
who have worked or assisted in the fieldwork and
laboratory analyses, particularly the PROAS members Bastida, R., M. Trassens, J. P. Martin and M. Grosso
and the team of the Laboratorio de Ecologa Bentnica 2011 El papel de los sedimentos en la formacin y
y Biodeterioro (Mar del Plata University), to Marilin conservacin de los sitios arqueolgicos subacuticos:
Castro and Glenn McConnachie for wood anatomical el caso de la HMS Swift (1770). In El naufragio de
identifications, and to the friends from Puerto Deseado la HMS Swift (1770). Arqueologa martima en la
who have generously provided their help through these Patagonia, Specialized Studies section coordinated by
years. Several institutions have supported the HMS R. Bastida, pp. 27-57. Vzquez Mazzini, Buenos Aires.
Swift Project since it beginning: Fundacin Antorchas, Blanchette, R.
Secretara de Cultura de la Nacin, Municipalidad de 2000 A review of microbial deterioration found in
Puerto Deseado, Museo Municipal Mario Brozoski, archaeological wood from different environments.
Gobierno de Santa Cruz and the British Embassy in International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 46:
Argentina. I would also like to thank Women Divers 189-204.
Hall of Fame for the Cecelia Connelly Memorial
Scholarship in Underwater Archaeology, which I had Eaton, R. A. and M. D. C. Hale
the honor to receive. I gratefully acknowledge Cristian 1993 Wood. Decay, pest and protection. Chapman &
Murray and Alejandra Elas for their comments, and Hall, London.
to the anonymous reviewers and the editors Karen Elkin, D.
Borrazzo and Celeste Weitzel for their valuable 2011 Shipwreck Archaeology in South America. In The
observations and suggestions to improve this work, Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology, edited by
as well as for translating the abstract. Thanks also to A. Catsambis, B. Ford and D. L. Hamilton, pp. 685-
Ana Castelli for her assistance with the translation and 707. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
to Raven Garvey for her helpful review of the English
language that have improved the final manuscript. Elkin, D., A. Argeso, M. Grosso, C. Murray, D. Vainstub,
R. Bastida and V. Dellino-Musgrave
2007 Archaeological research on HMS Swift: a British
Sloop-of-War lost off Patagonia, Southern Argentina, in
1770. The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
Adams, J. 36 (1): 32-58.
2001 Ships and boats as archaeological source material.
World Archaeology 32 (3): 292-310.
68 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69

Elkin, D., C. Murray, R. Bastida, M. Grosso, A. Argeso, D. Khnemann, O.

Vainstub, C. Underwood and N. Ciarlo 1971 Vegetacin Marina de la Ra de Puerto Deseado.
2011 El naufragio de la HMS Swift (1770). Arqueologa Centro de Investigacin de Biologa Marina,
martima en la Patagonia. Vzquez Mazzini, Buenos Contribucin Cientfica N 30. Buenos Aires.
Manders, M.
Ferrari, B and J. Adams 2004 Protecting Common Maritime Heritage. The
1990 Biogenic modifications of marine sediments Netherlands involved in two EU-projects: MoSS
and their influence on archaeological material. The and BACPOLES. Mediterraneum 4, Protection and
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Appraisal of Underwater Cultural Heritage, edited by F.
Underwater Exploration 19 (2): 139-151. Maniscalco, pp. 279-292. Massa, Napoli.

Florian, M-L. E. Muckelroy, K.

1987 The underwater environment. In Conservation of 1978 Maritime Archaeology. Cambridge University Press,
Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, Cambridge.
pp. 1-20. Butterworths, London.
Murray, C., D. Elkin and D. Vainstub
Gibbs, M. 2003 The Sloop-of-War HMS Swift. An archaeological
2006 Cultural Site Formation Processes in Maritime approach. In The Age of Sail 1. The International
Archaeology: Disaster Response, Salvage and Annual of the Historic Sailing Ship, edited by N. Tracy,
Muckelroy 30 Years on. The International Journal of pp. 101-115. Conway Maritime Press, London.
Nautical Archaeology 35 (1): 4-19.
Nair, N. B. and M. Saraswathy
Gower, E. 1971 The biology of wood boring teredinid molluscs. In
1803 An Account of the Loss of His Majestys Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 9, edited by F. Russel
SloopSwift, in Port Desire, on the Coast of Patagonia, and M. Yonge, pp. 335-509. Academic Press, London
on the 13th of March, 1770. Winchester and Son, and New York.
Newsom, L. A. and R. B. Miller
Grattan, D. W. 2009 Wood Species Analysis of Ship Timbers and
1987 Waterlogged wood. In Conservation of Marine Wooden Items Recovered from Shipwreck 31CR314,
Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 55- Queen Annes Revenge Site. Research Report and
67. Butterworths, Londres. Bulletin Series QUR-R-09-01. Queen Annes Revenge
Shipwreck Project. Underwater Archaeology Branch,
Gregory, D.
Department of Cultural Resources, State of North
1998 Re-burial of timbers in the marine environment
as a means of their long term storage: experimental
studies in Lyns Sands, Denmark. The International Palma, P.
Journal of Nautical Archaeology 27 (4): 343-358. 2004 Final Report for the Monitoring theme of the
MoSS Project. Moss Newsletter Final Report: 8-37. The
Grosso, M.
National Board of Antiquities.
2008 Arqueologa de naufragios: estudio de procesos
de formacin naturales en el sitio HMS Swift (Puerto Pournou, A.
Deseado, Santa Cruz). In Undergraduate thesis, 1999 In situ protection and conservation of the
Departamento de Ciencias Antropolgicas II. Facultad Zakynthos wreck. PhD Thesis. University of
de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Portsmouth, School of Biological Sciences, Portsmouth.
Buenos Aires (CD ROM).
Prosser Goodall, R. N.
2011 Estudios de cultura material en sitios histricos de
1978 Tierra del Fuego. Rae Natalie Prosser Goodall,
naufragio en el litoral patagnico. El uso de la madera
en artefactos del barco britnico HMS Swift (siglo
XVIII). PhD dissertation, Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Randell, S.
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. 1998 Marine growth on shipwrecks. The Bulletin of
2013 Qu llevar y cmo transportarlo. Acerca de los the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 22:
enseres de almacenaje en un barco de guerra ingls del 107-108.
siglo XVIII (Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz). Intersecciones
Thomson, L.
en Antropologa 14: 157-170.
1997 The biodegradation of the wreck Day Dawn.
Jones, M. (editor) The Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime
2003 For future generations. Conservation of a Tudor Archaeology 21 (1&2): 119-124.
Maritime Collection. The Mary Rose Trust, Portsmouth.
Post-depositional processes
studies of wooden artifacts from the 18th century Swift shipwreck site (Patagonia, Argentina) 69

Viedma, A. de NOTES
[1837] 2006 Diario de un viaje a la costa de la 1.- A detailed analysis of this response to shipwrecks threat
Patagonia... desde el puerto de Santa Elena hasta (sensu Gibbs 2006) is in Elkin et al. (2011).
la boca del Estrecho de Magallanes. In Diarios 2.- Some of the Swifts artifacts are at different stages of the
de Navegacin. Expediciones por las costas y ros conservation treatment. Once taken out of the water, wooden
patagnicos (1780-1783), directed by N. Tello, pp. 45- artifacts must be stabilized and dried in a controlled proce-
98. Buenos Aires, Continente. dure (see Jones 2003, among others).
3.- The identification of wood taxonomy based on its ana-
Ward, I., P. Larcombre and P. Veth
tomical characteristics has limitations because generally the
1999 A New Process-based Model for Wreck Site possible taxonomic specificity reaches only the level of genus
Formation. Journal of Archaeological Science 26: or subgenus. Also, the deterioration of the cell structure of the
561-570. wood sample may inhibit or make difficult the identification
(Newsom and Miller 2009).
70 M. Grosso - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 55-69
| 71

Taphonomy of a village: the early 20th century site

of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa,
Carlos Landa, Virginia Pineau, Emanuel Montanari and Jimena Doval
Received 29 August 2013. Accepted 28 April 2014


The Mariano Mir archaeological site (Chapaleuf Department, La Pampa Province, Argentina) was a town of
nearly 500 inhabitants, founded in 1901 and abandoned in 1911. From the Historical Archaeology perspective,
this paper aims to reconstruct the taphonomic histories of surface artifact assemblages from the Mariano Mir
ghost town. We analyze taphonomic processes at both the artifact and the assemblage level, considering multiple
variables including size, thermal alteration, weathering, site topography, trampling, anthropic activities and
burrowing animal activities. We use GIS to interrelate the selected variables and assess the roles of various
taphonomic agents in shaping the characteristics and distributions of materials at Mariano Mir. The information
pertaining to formation processes obtained from Mariano Mir is potentially useful for generating expectations
for and understanding other sites in the region that exhibit similar taphonomic conditions.
Keywords: Mariano Mir; Ghost Town; Taphonomy; Historic Archaeology; GIS.



DE CHAPALEUF, LA PAMPA, ARGENTINA). El sitio Mariano Mir (departamento Chapaleuf, Provincia de
La Pampa, Argentina) fue un pueblo de casi 500 habitantes fundado en 1901 y abandonado en 1911. Desde la
perspectiva de la arqueologa histrica, se propone reconstruir las historias tafonmicas del conjunto artefactual
de superficie de este Ghost town. Los procesos tafonmicos son analizados desde la escala del artefacto y su
distribucin espacial considerando mltiples variables (tamao, alteracin trmica, meteorizacin, topografa
del terreno, pisoteo, actividades antrpicas y animales cavadores). Se utiliza sistema de informacin geogrfica
(SIG) para interrelacionar las diferentes variables de anlisis y evaluar la incidencia de los distintos agentes
tafonmicos en las caractersticas y distribucin de los materiales. Esperamos poder comprender la dinmica de
formacin que afect al sitio y generar expectativas para contextos tafonmicos similares de la regin.
Palabras clave: Mariano Mir; Tafonoma; Arqueologa histrica; Ghost town; GIS.

Carlos G. Landa. Instituto de Arqueologa. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (FFyL, UBA).
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET). 25 de Mayo 217 3 piso, of. 8 (1002), Ciudad
Autnoma de Buenos Aires. E-mail:
Virginia Pineau. Instituto de Arqueologa. FFyL, UBA. 25 de Mayo 217 3 of. 8 (1002), Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos
Aires. E-mail:
Emanuel Montanari. Instituto de Arqueologa. FFyL, UBA. 25 de Mayo 217 3 of. 8 (1002), Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos
Aires. E-mail:
Jimena Doval. Instituto de Arqueologa. FFyL, UBA. CONICET. 25 de Mayo 217, 3 piso, of. 8 (1002), Ciudad Autnoma
de Buenos Aires. E-mail:

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 71-84. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
72 C. Landa et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 71-84

INTRODUCTION sites with similar characteristics. Lastly, we hope the

results of our taphonomic analysis will allow us probe
After the so-called Conquest of the Desert 1, social practices at the site such as those related to
thousands of hectares of productive lands in discard and cleaning during its occupation. Following
southwestern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina were Borrazzo, we take a taphonomic perspective:
incorporated to the national territory. This led to
economic expansion and the consolidation of the Nation in every routine of archaeological work, it may provide
State, which in turn led to Argentinas penetration of a diagnosis -in terms of preservation conditions,
international markets (Oszlak 1997). Land was divided resolution and integrity- for each record under study. It
into lots and awarded to a small number of individuals, will help us understand and explain the complex genesis
creating large latifundia. As different social actors of current material patterns as well as recognizing the
-settlers, tenants, sharecroppers, migrant workers, potential and limitations in the comparison of different
farmers, merchants- began to occupy these spaces, samples at regional and supra-regional level (Borrazzo
the first rural villages developed. This process was 2007: 147).
accompanied by railway expansion that connected
distant areas, peoples, ideas and merchandise. In this Taphonomic analyses are not usually applied in
context, Mariano Mir began as a rural village in what, the field of historical archaeology, which is why we
at that time, was the national territory of La Pampa; it emphazise its inclusion within investigation protocols
was established by a train station of the same name as a significant step towards the interpretation of
in 1901 and abandoned in 1911. The present study historical archaeological sites and social practices of
contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of the past (Brittez 2009; Landon 2009; Weissel 2010;
spatial occupation by the first tenants of villages in among others).
the current Pampean territory in the late 19th and early
20th centuries.
Currently, the only traces of Mariano Mir are
abundant artifacts on the surface of a vast area (ca. Taphonomy was originally defined by Efremov
32,900 m2), clear evidence that settlement attempts (1940) as the study of the changes that animal remains
were not always successful. The remains of failed undergo from their death to their burial, focusing on
settlements constitute a significant part of the present their transition from the biosphere to the litosphere.
regional identity. Many villages associated with Although taphonomic studies were developed in
capitalist production that, like Mariano Mir, were paleontological and archaeological studies by the
abandoned have been studied worldwide, contributing end of the 19th century, it was not until the second
to an Archaeology of abandonment or Archaeology half of the 20th century that they reached their present
of ghost towns (Neville and Hooker 1997; Bell 1998; expression (Lyman 1994). Processual archaeology
Vilches et al. 2008; Fuentes 2010; Lawrence and and actualistic studies had a strong influence on the
Davies 2010; Peyton 2012, among others). development of taphonomic research in archaeology,
As a first approach to the site, and in order to which was exponential growth beginning in the late
assess the integrity and resolution of the surface 1960searly 1970s (Mengoni Goalons 1988; Borrero
record, we aim to reconstruct the taphonomic 2011). Taphonomic studies in archaeological research
histories of surface remains (glass, pottery, metal, have focused on evaluating the resolution of samples
bone, earthenware, among others) (Binford 1981). We and understanding the dynamics generated by diverse
analyze taphonomic processes at both the artifact level agents on organic remains (Gifford Gonzlez 1981;
and material distributions through space, and assess a Lyman 1994, 2010). Thus, it considers the incidence
number of variables including topography, object size, of anthropic and natural agents on the formation of
thermal alteration, weathering, agricultural activities, the archaeological record.
trampling, and the action of burrowing animals. Our In the last few years some researchers have gone
use of geographic information systems (GIS) allowd beyond the original purview of taphonomic research,
us to interrelate different variables and evaluate the extending its theoretical-methodological precepts to
effects of taphonomic agents on the condition and the study of inorganic materials such as ceramics (Reid
distribution of surface materials. In addition, we 1984; Ozn 2009; Fantuzzi 2010; Prez Winter et al.
used a host of documentary sources such as maps, 2010; Bernabeu Aubn et al. 2011), lithics (Hiscock
population censuses, agricultural censuses, photos and 1985; Borrazzo 2004, 2007) and phytoliths (Piperno
oral story-telling to provide data for the investigation. 1985). However, Lyman (2010), a staunch defender of
By these methods, we hope to understand the traditional taphonomy, denies the inclusion of such
formation dynamics that affected the site and to approaches within the scope of taphonomic studies,
derive expectations for understandin other regional believing them to be within the field of formation
Taphonomy of a village:
the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina) 73

processes (Lyman 2010). This conservative standpoint others). Here we mention a few interesting results
is untenable in the face of the new and numerous lines to contextualize our study. Plowzone research has
of inquiry that require expansion of analytical horizons focused on horizontal shifting and fragmentation of the
to an irrestrictive taphonomy (Borrero 2011). That is archaeological record caused by plowing (Roper 1976;
why we prefer the following definition: Lewarch and OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Ammerman 1985;
Odell and Cowan 1987; Gonzlez de Bonaveri and
Taphonomy today is much more than the study of
Senatore 1991; Dunnell and Simek 1995; Ots 2008;
the transition of organisms from the biosphere to the
Harvey 2012, among others). There are two main views
lithosphere; it is the study of the dynamic processes
of the impact of agricultural work on archaeological
of modification of the original properties of all the
sites. The first states that the plow destroys the
components [] of any paleontological, archaeological
original spatial association of surface artifacts and
or forensic assemblage, comprising its constituent
moves materials laterally up to 15 meters from their
materials and its context (Dominguez-Rodrigo et al.
original location (Roper 1976; Odell and Cowan
2011: 5).
1987). The second proposes that even if the plow is
a significant agent in the fragmentation and shifting
In this sense, we believe that the reconstruction
of archaeological remains, it does not completely
of the taphonomic history of surface assemblages can
destroy spatial associations, moving materials less
provide information pertaining to aspects of sites that
than 6 meters from their initial position (Lewarch and
are often overlooked, especially in very large contexts
OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Riordan 1988; Yorston et al.
and/or those where agricultural-livestock activities
1990; Clark and Schofield 1991; Dunnell and Simek
have been common.
1995). Therefore, interpretations of concentrations as
the results of activity areas, dumps and/or subsurface
dwellings should still be possible in the plowzone.
Supporters of both views agree that because
Over the last 30 years, numerous lines of research materials are moved in the direction of the plow,
have been developed to analyze taphonomic evidence single-direction plowing causes a bigger shift than bi-
in the archaeological record, including the impact of directional plowing, which tends to average the effect
plowing and trampling, and studies of alterations to (Roper 1976; Odell and Cowan 1987). Another issue
inorganic materials such as pottery and glass. These on which researchers generally agree derives from
studies are considered essential contributions to frames experiments that helped determine that the effect of
of reference that improve our taphonomic understanding plowing on fragmentation of archaeological remains
of sites and archaeological assemblages at different is averaged through timeinitially causing a rapid
scales. What follows is a brief introduction to research reduction in material size that is later stabilized
of significance to the present study. Although the cited and that it generates a distribution tending towards
works do not refer specifically to the same region or to unimodal (Lewarch and OBrien 1981a, 1981b;
similar environmental conditions, it is necessary to take Odell and Cowan 1987; Dunnell and Simek 1995;
them into account to assess the relevance of diverse Boismier 1997). Results of numerous studies designed
processes, agents and effects in different contexts so to understand relationships between artifact size
that they contribute to our particular case study. The and displacement have been inconsistent. That is,
literature describing taphonomic research related to some show increased shifting among larger objects
organic remains is vast and will not be considered in whereas in others indicate a random correlation
detail here (Binford 1981; Mengoni Goalons 1988; between size/distance (Trubowitz 1978; Lewarch and
Lyman 1994, among others). OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Dunnell 1990). Furthermore,
Ammerman (1985) has indicated a need to consider
the slope of the terrain, and he reports that shifting is
Plowzone archaeology greater on steep slopes.

The processes and effects on the archaeological The effect of plowing on vertical movement has
r e c or d g e n e ra te d b y a g ric u ltu ra l t as ks has been studied thoroughly by Dunnel and Simek (1995),
been addressed in numerous studies based on who suggest that the area most substantially affected by
experimentation, simulation and interpretation of plowing ranges between 20 and 40 cm below ground
surface and subsurface records (Roper 1976; Lewarch surface. The equipment used and geomorphological
and OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Ammerman 1985; Odell features are significant factors conditioning the effect
and Cowan 1987; Yorston et al. 1990; Gonzlez de on vertical displacement of the archaeological record.
Bonaveri and Senatore 1991; Dunnell and Simek In affected areas, archaeologists should expect removal,
1995; Nicholson and Malainey 1995; Gmez Romero mixture, and fragmentation of smaller objects located
1999; Niknami 2003; Ots 2008; Harvey 2012, among on the upper portion of the plowzone, whereas below
74 C. Landa et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 71-84

this area, bigger objects, unaffected by this agent, be kicked (Nielsen 1991; Eren et al. 2010). Results
should be found (Yorston et al 1990; Boismier 1997; obtained from experimentation indicate a problem
Diez Martin 2009). As with horizontal shifting, the of equifinality between the effects of plowing and
effect would be averaged through time (Lewarch and trampling, which must be considered when interpreting
OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Boismier 1997). archaeological records.
This brief review summarizes some of the primary
archaeological research on cultivated lands. Even
Studies of non-organic materials
when our results are not consistent with these findings,
we will be able to establish a minimum/maximum Materials found at Mariano Mir are typical of late
effect of the impact of agricultural tasks in a site. We 19th early 20th century industrial production and may
see an immediate need for experiments that take into not be directly comparable those used in actualistic
account the particular characteristics of the study studies; ideally, studies should be replicated using
region (geomorphological features, rainfall patterns, materials that match the particilar characteristics of the
type of crops, etc.) and their effects at particular stages Mariano Mir collections. Alteration to ceramics are
in the agricultural cycle. conditioned by its porosity, hardness and composition
(Skibo 1992; Ozn 2009; Fantuzzi 2010). The pottery
recovered at Mariano Mir was mass-produced and
Trampling Studies characterized by low porosity, a lack of inclusions and
Trampling is another area of research useful in high hardness due to high firing temperatures (e.g.,
assessing the effects of anthropic and non-anthropic earthenware, pottery, and porcelain, among others). Its
agents in the vertical and horizontal movement of properties are similar to those of glass, which is more
archaeological remains, and in the damage they resistant to chemical alterations, but more susceptible
produce on artifacts. Trampling by humans, animals to mechanical damage because of their extreme
(large and small), and agricultural equipment has fragility (Fantuzzi 2010). Due to their physical and
been evaluated by numerous researchers. Experiments chemical characteristics, glass is significantly affected
designed to assess the effects of different types of by several agents. Surface alterations to glass artifacts
trampling on different artifact types in terms of both have been characterized according to categories
damage and horizontal and vertical displacement suggested by Pineau (2010):
- Iridescence: presence of gleaming caused by sandy se-
(Gifford Gonzlez et al. 1985; Olsen and Shipman
diments and heat.
1988; Mc Brearty et al. 1998; Flegenheimer and
- Chemical weathering (intemperizado): loss of original
Weitzel 2007; Lopinot and Ray 2007; Eren et al. gleam caused by environmental conditions with no
2010, among others). Research on the effects of human alteration of glass edges.
trampling on a diversity of materials including some - Physical weathering (erosionado): opacity of fragments
historic and industrially manufactured ones (e.g., and grinding of borders and walls caused by abrasive
ceramic, brick and handicraft pottery), are relevant to action including rolling down slopes or contact with
our study of the Mariano Mir assemblage (Gifford- water and/or sand.
Gonzlez et al. 1985; Nielsen 1991). The type and Alteration of metal artifacts cannot be assessed
compaction of sediments on which trampling took using the same analytical criteria since processes such
place are important variables given that penetrability as corrosion often preclude macroscopic observation of
diminish with increased substrate hardness (Nielsen specimen surfaces. Although the contexts of the studies
1991); all such studies confirm that when artifacts presented above differ from that of the present study,
cannot penetrate the substrate, more damage results reviewing the taphonomic literature contextualizes our
(Nielsen 1991; Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007), study of the surface record at Mariano Mir and helps
whereas a soft substrate mitigates the effect and permits us avoid issues of equifinality.
migration within the substrate (Gifford Gonzlez et
al. 1985). We will not devote attention to vertical
artifact movement since this work focuses on surface
Horizontal shifting due to trampling creates a
clustered pattern towards the margins of the affected Mariano Mir is located in La Pampa Province
area, which may resemble a discrete concentration (Chapaleuf Department; 35 01 31.1 S, 63
such as those associated with activity areas or dumps 4871.1 W), on dune-like plains formed by aeolian
(Nielsen 1991). Concentrations have size patterns deposition of sand during the Pleistocene (Figure 1). The
characterized by an absence of small objects, which expansion agricultural has significantly modified the
are incorporated into the sediment, while medium landscape, destroying the dunes and caldn (Prosopis
and large artifacts move the most and are likely to caldenia) forests that once predominated in this region.
Taphonomy of a village:
the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina) 75

of success; as Jackson
notes (1963 in Peyton
2012: 307) Men have
a tendency to forget
rather than record
disappointment and
failure, so the story
of the average camp
has not won much
space in old mens
memoirs. This lack
of documentation
makes studies of oral
history all the more
important. Accounts
from settlers of Hilario
Lagos indicate that
those who left Mariano
Mir brought along
tin plates, wood and
every usable material
Figure 1. Location of the site Mariano Mir in the north of the province of La Pampa, Argentina. to assemble their new
dwellings (Apuntes
The few remaining dune formations in the area have para una nostalgia, 1985). Village abandonment was
become fixed by vegetation, whereas disturbed fields forced by the abusive and speculative policies of big
have formed mollisols, making the region suitable for landowners on which the lease system was based in
agriculture and animal husbandry. Studies of soil pH Pampean territory, as well as the fact that lands were
indicate slight acidity (pH 5.2 to 6.2) (Romano and often sublet by colonizing companies (Cazenave 1971;
Zinda 2007; Sainz Rosas et al. 2008). The region is Colombato 1995; Moroni 2007).
considered humid, with an annual average rainfall of
Presently, the place where the settlement was located
800 mm, falling predominantly between October and
is plowzone largely under soybean cultivation (Figure
March (Servicio Meteorolgico Nacional).
2). For operative and visibility reasons archaeological
The village of Mariano Mir was founded in 1901, fieldwork is performed after the harvest. Nonetheless,
adjacent to an eponymous railway station. According different crops (e.g., corn, soybean) leave diverse
to data in the 1905 national Census of Territories, visibility conditions in the field after the harvest. It is
the village consisted of almost 500 inhabitants and likely that these fields have been used for agriculture
a typical variety of stores related to agriculture and and pasturage since the village was abandoned,
livestock. It is believed that the main part of the village which has significant implications for modificaiton of
was extended 3 ha south of railway station, although the archaeological record and its context. In 2011, a
some occupation to the north is mentioned as well local school teacher, Alicia Macagno, and her students
(Apuntes para una nostalgia, 1985; Giorgio 2008). from Rural School No. 65 collected surface materials
The land where the town grew up was leased to the from the old settlement as an initiative to rediscover
Santa Marina family. Around 1911,
after the lease contract was cancelled,
the village was abandoned and its
inhabitants founded new villages in the
region including Alta Italia and Aguas
Buenas (presently Hilario Lagos). The
abandonment of Mariano Mir was
gradual, as shown by the census of
1912, which indicates 254 inhabitants
and continued use of the railway
station (National Institute of Statistics
and Census; Archive of the Railway
Friends Association). Documentation of
Mariano Mirs decade of occupation
is scarce, perhaps due to its very lack Figure 2. The Mariano Mir site covered by soybean cultivation in January of 2012
76 C. Landa et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 71-84

their past. They also excavated and removed a lot of the importance of historic preservation and value of
material from a sector that we have geo-referenced cultural heritage, and to increase local knowledge of
and recorded on planimetries as Mmirop1 2. At the the areas history; allowing them to the conservation of
2011 Provincial Science Fair, Ms. Macagnos class the local archaeological heritage (Pineau et al. 2013).
presented their archaeological findings in the context
of historical information pertaining to the abandoned
village, after which the Cultural Research Department METHODOLOGY
(Subsecretara de Cultura de la Provincia de La Pampa)
contacted our research team directed by Alicia H. M a r ia n o M ir s t a p h o n o m i c h is t o r y wa s
Tapia to evaluate the archaeological site and recover reconstructed through multi-scale (e.g., artifact, site)
the village heritage. analysis of multiple variables (Behrensmeyer 1991)
including: (artifact) weathering, trampling, thermal
In April of 2011 the first contact was made with
alteration, size distributions in surface collections; (site)
the school community of Mariano Mir and in August
topography, geomorphology, and the effects of plowing
fieldwork began to determine the sites boundaries
burrowing animals.
based on the distribution of surface materials. A
39,200 m 2 area south of the railway station was Topography was studied during the 2012 field
thus deemed the most likely area of occupation and season and augmented with NASAs high-resolution
targeted for the first topographic survey. In 2012, images (30 meters per pixel), to create a topographic
a systematic survey of the site was completed. The model. Caves of burrowing animals were mapped
crew surveyed fourteen transects, oriented west to because their creation can cause movement,
east and each divided into seven 40-meter segments accumulation and/or dispersal of archaeological
labled A through G (Figure 3). Pedestrian survey was materials (Wood and Johnson 1978; Politis and Madrid
made with included use of a metal detector (Garret 1988; Mello Araujo and Marcelino 2003; Frontini
1500 model) to identify concentrations of subsurface 2011; Frontini and Ecosteguy 2011; Salemme et al.
metals. Metal concentrations (N = 402) were found 2012, among others).
and subsequently mapped in two dimensions. Surface
Archaeological materials were sorted into three size
collection was performed by four surveyors walking in
classes: small (0.1 to 2 cm), medium (2.1 to 4 cm)
straight, parallel lines with a 2.5 -meter interval between
and large (4.1 cm and over). The presence/absence
them. Additionally, a 5 m2 grid and a 4 m2 trench
of weathering, thermal alteration, trampling and plow
were excavated.
marks was recorded. Weathering on vitreous fragments
Complementary to the fieldwork, the research team included both physical and chemical weathering
actively engaged with the community to communicate (Sanford 1975; Purdy and Clark 1987; Pineau 2010).
the results of archaeological research, to reinforce Weathering recording for ceramics followed criteria

Figure 3. Map of the systematic survey of the site across 14 transects of 280 metres each.
Taphonomy of a village:
the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina) 77

similar to those for glass, since ceramics often have RESULTS

glazed surfaces. On bone, weathering was identified
Characteristics of the surface sample and its
following Behrensmeyer (1978). In all cases, all
modifications on all sides of each artifact were recorded
(Lyman 1994; Ozn 2009). Effects of thermal alteration We recovered 11,407 objects scattered across
are not uniform across material types. For bones, we 32,900m2 of Mariano Mirs surface. Materials were
used the color scales suggested by Shipman and co- grouped by both raw material and functionality in
authors (1984). Thermal alterations to pottery were the case of ceramics (pottery, porcelain, brick, tile,
identified by black surfaces and/or nuclei (Buenger kaolin and earthenware). Also, for graphic display, we
2003). On glass, several featuers were considered grouped uncommon materials (those with 30 or fewer
indications of thermal alteration, including iridescent specimens) into a miscellaneous category (plaster,
or crackled surfaces, or deformation (Pineau 2010). tile, leather, sulphur, cement, wood, lithic, masonry,
Agricultural activities can have direct and indirect slate, kaolin and mortar). The sample contains a wide
effects on the archaeological record. Direct impact variety of materials, however glass (N = 8,324) and
includes plow marks on archaeological materials, pottery (N = 1,125) predominate (Figure 4). Materials
such as scratches or fresh cracks. Indirect impact are predominantly medium-sized (55%) or small
can be inferred from objects sizes and spatial (46%), and though some large-size objects were found
distributions. Maps of objects spatial distributions (9%). There is no clear relationship between artifacts
and sizes can be overlain with satellite images that size and their topographic location. Based on their
show plow turning marks to help determine whether morphology, marks/backstamps and manufacturing
plowing accumulated or shifted the materials. To techniques, most of the artifacts could be assigned to
understand the effects of trampling, we considered the late 19th or early 20th century. While some of the
material size and displacement. However, multiple materials may be younger materials may be present,
taphonomic agents cause similar correlations between these would not make up a significant proportion of
the two variables. Thus, human, animal or equipment the assemblage.
trampling may generate patterns that are easily There are concentrations of artifacts in the
confused with the shifting and fragmentation caused northwestern portion of the survey area, and lower
by plowing (Gifford-Gonzlez et al. 1985; Nielsen frequencies in the southeast (Figure 5). That is, although
1991; Eren et al. 2010). materials are distributed across the sites surface, they
Given the complexity of the relationships between cluster in several high-density patches. One of these
multiple variables, we used bidimensional modeling concentrations is located in the northwest corner
aided by geographic information systems (GIS; (section A, transects 1, 2 and 3). On elevated portions
ARCGIS10 software and ArcMap complement). This of sections B and C, two smaller concentrations were
software calculates the nearest points to each raster observed. A fourth concentration exhibiting low
cell using the kernel density method and Gauss Kruger material density was detected at section E in transects
cartographic projection band 4. 7, 8 and 9, close to the point Mmirop1. These four
higher-density patches are composed of small- and
We consulted documents, blueprints and medium-sized materials, whereas large fragments are
photographs of Mariano Mir available in the Land notebly concentrated in sections B and C of transects
Registry of Municipalidad (City Hall) de Santa Rosa, 3, 4 and 5. Glass predominates in all concentrations.
La Pampa; the Provincial Historical Archives (Santa Material-specific concentrations were also observed
Rosa, La Pampa); the Railway Friends Association; for metal (section B, transects 3, 4 and 5; section E,
the Railway Museum Scalabrini Ortiz; the National transects 8 and 9), earthenware (section E - transects
Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC); and the 5, 6 and 7), brick (section C, transects 1, 2 and 3),
General Archive of the Nation
(AGN). We believe that documentary
sources and archaeological objects,
as the material products of multiple
social actors, are means to approach
past representations and meanings in
a comparative way (Gmez Romero
and Pedrotta 1998; Carbonelli
2010; Pineau 2011). For this reason,
we draw on both sources in the
following analyses.

Figure 4. Amount of materials per category according to raw material.

78 C. Landa et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 71-84

Figure 5. Distribution of surface materials with georeferenced tracing of the villages outline as indicated by documentary sources.

bone (section C, transects 3, 4 and 5), mineral coal coincide with a slope and plateau, respectively. Of the
(sections A and E, transects 1, 2 and 3), and pottery weathered artifacts, 33.4% showed signs of chemical
(section A, transects 1 and 2). The map of subsurface weathering on both sides. Most of these were located
metal concentrations is consistent with surface artifact in transect 2, sections A, C and E, which suggests
distributions (Figure 6). Furthermore, subsurface metal they may have rolled down slopes in those sections.
concentrations coincide with metal concentrations on Weathering on glass and pottery was present as surface
the surface. opacity, perhaps due to the relative acidity of the
soil, which tends to promote chemical weathering
these materials (Sandford 1975). Signs of mechanical
Alterations on materials weathering (erosion or corrasion) were not observed,
despite the sandy substrate.
The analysis of surface materials shows that 1,397
(12.7%NR3) exhibit evidence of weathering. Of the Evidence of thermal alteration was observed
weathered materials, 92% is glass and the remaining on 164 artifacts (1.5% NR) recovered from artifact
8% is composed of bone and pottery; 66.6% of concentrations in transects 3, 4 and 9. Glass represents
weathered artifacts are affected on a single side. The 79% of the thermally-altered sample, pottery 9% and
distribution of weathered artifacts is homogeneous bone 8% (Figure 7).
across the first seven transects, with the exception
of two concentrations in sections B and E, which

Figure 6. Density distribution of subsurface metal concentrations.

Taphonomy of a village:
the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina) 79

use of different plowing equipment including chisels,

coulters and discs through the 1990s (INDEC). Since
2000, landowners have practiced no-till farming, which
causes little alteration relative to plowing, although
heavy equipment can still affect the archaeological
record (INDEC; Hctor Morales pers. comm. 2012).
Surface material distributions are affected by a
variety of agents such as plowing, trampling, slope
and gravity, and rainfall. To understand the specific
effects of each agent on the archaeological record
and to interpret our assemblage, we must consider
the results of other studies. At the artifact level, such
Figure 7. Thermal alteration percentage of those materials comparisons facilitated assessment of artifact size
found on the surface.
distributions, in this case dominated by medium/small
Direct plow marks were recorded on very few artifacts and a low percentage of large objects (9%).
objects (N = 51; 0.5%), particularly small- and medium- Artifact size at Mariano Mir is unimodal, possibly as a
sized glass pieces. However, thorough evaluation of the result of fragmentation generated by plowing (Lewarch
effects of plowing requires consideration fragmentation and OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Odell and Cowan 1987;
and horizontal dispersion. Dunell and Simek 1995; Boismier 1997). Furthermore,
trampling on a sandy substrate is expected to bury
smaller objects within the uppermost centimeters of
the deposit while larger objects would remain on the
DISCUSSION surface (Baker 1978; Gifford Gonzlez et al. 1985).
As mentioned, the abandonment of the Mariano However, this is not the pattern observed at our site.
Mir circa 1911 was a gradual process. During this Nonetheless, we think plowing was not the primary
process, the villages 500 inhabitants surely generated agent responsible for material fragmentation since the
a differential discard pattern, with normal, daily refuse type of sediment diminishes the possibility of artifact
being augmented by discard associated with moving, fragmentation; once artifacts are buried they do not
which would show a high fragmentation rate (Peyton encounter resistance as they would in a compact
2012). Thus, on the one hand, we found a diversity soil (Gifford Gonzlez et al. 1985; Nielsen 1991).
of material fragments representative of daily life Although trampling may have had an influence on
in Mariano Mir, such as glass containers (bottles, lateral displacement, particularly among larger artifacts
perfume and pharmacy jars), earthenware bottles, that are prone to being kicked or dragged (Gifford
several types of pottery and porcelain, fragments of Gonzlez et al. 1985), it was not sufficient to create
a porcelain doll, bone remains and parts of metal the expected size pattern at the site. Also, rainfall in
utensils. On the other hand, we found remains related addition to slope, may have moved some materials
to the buildings, such as brick, tile, nails and wooden both downslope and laterally. Considering the heavy
fragments, among other things. In this sense, it is rainfalls at certain times of year, surface water may
virtually impossible to distinguish daily life in the village re-expose archaeological materials, though there is
from village abandonment based on surface artifacts no evidence that this affected different sized materials
or their distributions. Abandonment of the villagea differentially. The correlation between topography,
product of landowners zeal for increased production rainfall and trampling, and the size of artifacts and
led to the demolition of structures after all reusable their dispersal is not significant. Therefore, we suggest
materials had been taken away (Figure 5). Ultimately, that, while they may have had some influence, the
this resulted in a low-resolution archaeological record, general patterns observed in the assemblage are likely
making it difficult to differentiate based on surface the result of successive plowing that fragmented and
remains events that occurred prior to abandonment dispersed artifacts over a wide surface (Yorston et al.
from those that followed it. 1990).

Analysis and evaluation of taphonomic processes At the site level, we were able to determine that
involved in the formation of the site over the course the distribution of remains are consistent with the
of a century offer a means of understanding the locations of buildings indicated on village maps from
natural processes andin a future researchthe 1902, produced by Ferrocarril Central Oeste (Archives
social practices that influenced site formation. The of the Railway Museum Scalabrini Ortiz) (Figure 5).
Mariano Mir site has been impacted by agricultural Conversely, overlaying a map of burrowing animals
and livestock activities. Agricultural censuses in the caves (N = 80) on that of the spatial distribution of
study region from 1937 to 2008 reveal simultaneous artifacts does not reveal a correlation. The material
80 C. Landa et al. - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 71-84

concentration in the northwest sector of the site could were described as intact, leaving aside descriptions
primarily be the result of plows turning around in that of particular alterations (e.g., roads, agriculture;
section, according to our interpretations of agricultural Hargrave 2010). Despite differences in abandonment
equipment tracks observed in satellite images provided processes, material cultures, degree of preservation and
by Google Earth and ESRIs server. Moreover, the slope approaches to their study, these sites share narratives
in that sector could exacerbate artifact movement and about unsuccessful experiences that left traces on the
accumulation initiated by plowing. landscape, memories and identities of the descendants
of those upon whom an exodus was forced. Historic
Previous studies indicate that plowhing should have
archaeology will help us understand the histories of
high impact on altering archaeological context. Even
those settlers in the region, and aid preservation of
though in low frequencies, clusters of certain artifact
their material and immaterial heritage.
categories and thermally altered material at Mariano
Mir are remarkable. The presence of thermally-altered Consideration of diverse variables and scales of
materials in sectors with high artifact densities and analysis allowed us to describe a complex process in
concentrations of bones may support the hypothesis which multiple agents acted over the course of the
that these areas were trash dumps. There is a high last century. We acknowledge that there are issues of
proportion of thermally-altered materials among those equifinality when attempting to distinguish the effects
collected by the school group in section Mmirop1, of some agents. Nevertheless, we propose that plowing
particularly the glass, pottery and wood. The frequency was the most significant taphonomic agent at Mariano
and pattern of artifacts with this alteration lead us to Mir, fragmenting and moving artifacts. However,
believe it was not caused by a natural fire or deliberate some of our observations suggest that plowing did
burning of the field to eliminate weeds (Whyte 1984; not completely obliterate patterns generated during
Bennett 1999; Coirini and Karlin 2011). It remains occupation and abandonment of the village. For
unclear, however, whether these concentrations example, the three largest artifact concentrations in
correspond to structures or trash pits or are simply section A of transects 1, 2 and 3; sections B and C of
random, a question that requires stratigraphic data to transects 3, 4 and 5; and section E of transects 7, 8 and
fully resolve. Moreover, excavations are recommended 9 correspond to structures or loci, such as dumps used
more generally since all of the strategraphic agents during the towns occupation or abandonment. These
considered here also influence vertical distributions high-density patches consist of small- and medium-
of artifacts. Subsurface testing should be done in sized materials, whereas large fragments are primarily
conjunction with the development of experiments concentrated in sections B and C of transects 3, 4 and
designed to identify the taphonomic processes that 5, where there are also numerous thermally-altered
influenced our study area in particular. In light of materials and bones. This also supports the idea that
this, we reiterate the benefits of studying taphonomic plowing disturbance was not sufficient to completely
processes at every archaeological site and taking both alter artifact clustering, though we are well aware that
surface and stratified deposits under consideration we do not yet have enough information to confirm
(Lewarch and OBrien 1981a, 1981b; Dunnell and this hypothesis. Toward this end, we will complete
Dancey 1983; Butzer 1989; Dunnell 1992). additional systematic surveys in the light of the data
collected here. Stratigraphic information will improve
our knowledge of the effects of taphonomic agents on
CONCLUSIONS artifacts vertical displacement. Moreover, it is vital
that we design experiments to helps us to understand
Mariano Mir is an exceptional archaeological the effects of agents involved in the formation and
case: a village established by the railway that then alteration of the material record in the study region.
succumbed to the advance of the agricultural frontier Finally, given the sites size and the possibility
and landowners speculative tendencies. Studies that some structures remain, we intend to conduct
of ghost towns or the archaeology of abandonment geophysical survey as well.
typically deal with abandoned villages where at least
We believe that the surface record, despite its
some structures still stand, such as Newhouse, Frisco
limitations, provides valuable information and can be
and Silver Reef (Utah, USA) or sites associated with
used to understand both formation processes and social
mining activities in Australia, New Zealand or Chile
practices at a site (Butzer 1989; Dunnell 1992). A
(Neville and Hooker 1997; Bell 1998; Vilches et al.
taphonomic perspective allows us to pose new questions
2008; Fuentes 2010; Lawrence and Davies 2010). Only
and generate new expectations for interpreting the site.
the New Philadelphia site (Illinois, USA) is similar to
The study presented here highlights the importance of
our case study, having been abandoned gradually circa
a taphonomic perspective for interpreting a site where
1869 and later razed to permit agriculture. None of
all that is left of a community of 500 inhabitant are
these cases have been considered from taphonomic
numerous fragments found on the surface.
perspective, however, and their archaeological records
Taphonomy of a village:
the early 20th century site of Mariano Mir (Chapaleuf department, La Pampa, Argentina) 81

Acknowledgements superficie provenientes de los loci San Genaro 3 y 4

(Baha San Sebastin - Tierra del Fuego, Argentina).
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of Hilario Lagos and Rural School No. 65 in Mariano 2007 Aporte de la tafonoma ltica al estudio de
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| 85

Trampling, taphonomy, and experiments with lithic

artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa
Cruz, Argentina)
Catalina Balirn
Received 18 September 2013. Accepted 20 April 2014


This work assessess the impact of taphonomic processes on the surface lithic record of La Verdadera Argentina
archaeological locality (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Different stages of weathering were observed on lithic artifacts
surfaces, the edges consistently exhibiting less intense alteration, which may be the result of a reclamation
process of the archaeological record or of animal trampling. At such, this project was designed to understand
the potential effect of animal trampling on surface lithic artifacts. Toward this end, two experimental plots were
established in La Verdadera Argentina. Results of these actualistic tests are used as a frame of reference for the
taphonomic analysis of the surface artifact assemblage recovered along an archaeological survey transect (T9).
Preliminary results indicate that the effects of taphonomic processes are registered very quickly. The hypothesis
explaining the edge modifications observed in the local lithic record as a result of taphonomic processes cannot
be discarded.
Keywords: Lithic taphonomy; Lutite; Weathering; Archaeology; Patagonia.



BAGUALES (SANTA CRUZ, ARGENTINA). Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general discutir la incidencia de los
procesos tafonmicos que actan sobre el registro ltico de superficie en la localidad arqueolgica La Verdadera
Argentina (Santa Cruz, Argentina). En la superficie de dichos artefactos se observan diferentes grados de me-
teorizacin, siendo siempre los filos los que exhiben menor intensidad de alteracin. Se ha planteado que esta
diferencia puede ser resultado tanto de prcticas de reclamacin del registro arqueolgico como producto del
pisoteo de animales. Este trabajo busca evaluar los efectos potenciales del pisoteo sobre los artefactos lticos
de superficie. Para ello se sembraron dos pistas experimentales en la localidad. La informacin actualstica
obtenida se utiliza como marco de referencia para el anlisis tafonmico del conjunto artefactual de superficie
recuperado en una transecta (T9). Los primeros resultados indican que los efectos derivados de los procesos
tafonmicos son registrables en el corto plazo. Se concluye que la hiptesis que explica el fenmeno observado
en el registro ltico como producto de procesos tafonmicos no puede ser descartada.
Palabras clave: Tafonoma ltica; Lutita; Meteorizacin; Arqueologa; Patagonia.

Catalina Balirn. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Pun 480 (C1406CQJ), Ciudad Autnoma
de Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 85-95. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
86 C. Balirn - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Volumen especial 1 (2014) 85-95

INTRODUCTION Lopinot and Ray 2007; Schoville and Brown 2010;

Weitzel 2010, 2012; Borrazzo 2011a; Eren et al. 2011;
Understanding the role of taphonomic processes Pargeter 2011; Balirn 2012; Weitzel et al. 2014).
in the transformation of lithic archaeological records
is key to their interpretation (Hiscock 1985; Schiffer
1987; Eren et al. 2010, among others). The effects Study region
of trampling have been studied extensively (Wilk and
Schiffer 1979; Gifford-Gonzalez et al. 1985; Nielsen La Verdadera Argentina archaeological locality is
1991; Lopinot and Ray 2007; Eren et al. 2010, located in the southeast of the Baguales Range, Santa
among many others). This paper aims to contribute Cruz Province, Argentina. It is a steppic environment,
to taphonomic studies, focusing on animal trampling between 300 to 600 m asl, characterized by a
and its effect on surface lithic archaeological records. mean annual rainfall of 300 mm, and mean annual
This work is part of a long-term, actualistic program temperature of 8 C. Both native and exotic fauna are
of investigation geared towards understanding the present today (Borrazzo 2011b), including (native)
effects of trampling on the lithic record at La Verdadera guanaco (Lama guanicoe), grey fox (Pseudalopex
Argentia (LVA) locality (Argentine Patagonia). griseus), choique (Rhea pennata), and puma (Puma
concolor puma); and (exotic) cattle and horses. La
Verdadera Argentina ranch was established in 1923
(J. P. Riquez, personal communication, 2011), from
which date forward the introduction of large numbers
Trampling taphonomy of European cattle significantly amplified the trampling
effects of the local fauna that has been present
The occurrence of artifacts produced or transformed throughout the Holocene.
by taphonomic processes is a topic that has been studied
extensively (Hiscock 1985; Pryor 1988; Peacock 1991; Several lithic sources have been recorded in the
Thibaut et al. 2010b; Borrazzo 2011a). Different lines locality, occurring mainly as secondary deposits
of investigation regarding features observed on these composed of several lithologies (chert, dacite, diabase,
artifacts or pseudo-artifacts suggest how this kind of and lutite) available as boulders and/or large blocks.
record is produced and how it should be studied. When However, lutite is the most frequently occurring
artifacts are affected by geomorphological processes, material in all LVA lithic assemblages (Borrazzo
attributes associated with weathering should indicate 2006, 2008; Borrero et al. 2006). The chronology
the gradual action of geomorphological processes for local human occupation was obtained from the
in the form of differing degrees of surface alteration stratified Cerro Len 1 and 3 rock shelter sites. Humans
(Peacock 1991). Nonetheless, several authors advise appear to have been present in the area throughout
the use of multiple attributes to assess the origin of the Holocene, between 8,856 84 and 907 45 14C
surface characteristics (Peacock 1991; Burroni et al. years BP1 (Borrazzo 2006, 2008; Borrero et al. 2006;
2002; Borrazzo 2011a). For some of these authors, Borrero and Borrazzo 2011).
comparison between a lithic assemblage and the The southeastern extent of Baguales Range has
regions prehistoric technological baseline is key to been characterized as marginal to the home ranges
detecting patterns. Such studies aim to understand how of populations settled to the east (Franco and Borrero
taphonomic processes alter artifacts and create pseudo- 2000; Borrazzo 2006, 2008; Borrero et al. 2006).
artifacts that mimic those of anthropic origin. The absence of archaeological materials in viable
Much experimental work has been done to link local rock shelters (e.g., LVA cave; Borrazzo 2008) is
characteristics of the archaeological record in general consistent with this interpretation.
and in lithic artifacts in particular to specific causes Although the LVA archaeological locality has been
(Gifford-Gonzalez et al. 1985; Burroni et al. 2002; occupied throughout the Holocene, the archaeological
Weitzel and Colombo 2006; Lopinot and Ray 2007; record is sparse. Open-air surface sites are the most
Borrazzo 2008, 2011a y b; Schoville and Brown 2010; common evidence of a human presence in the locality
Weitzel 2010, 2012; Eren et al. 2010, 2011; Pargeter and these are primarily lithic scatters, probably
2011; Balirn 2012; Weitzel et al. 2014). Among them, indicating low sedimentation rates (Borrazzo 2011b).
trampling experiments provide a frame of reference for This paper addresses the formation of surface lithic
understanding artifact distributions (Gifford-Gonzalez assemblages in the LVA archaeological locality.
et al. 1985; Pintar 1987; Nielsen 1991; Osborn and
Surface lithic assemblages collected from the
Hartley 1991; Eren et al. 2010; Borrazzo 2011b,
LVA locality contain high frequencies of lutite tools
among many others), and factors that alter artifacts or
weathered to differing degrees. Retouched and flaked
produce pseudo-artifacts (Gifford-Gonzalez et al. 1985;
edges exhibit lower intensities of weathering. In a
Burroni et al. 2002; Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007;
previous publication, Balirn (2012) suggested that this
Trampling, taphonomy,
and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz, Argentina) 87

phenomenon could be explained by either reclamation visited by hunter-gatherers during the Holocene and,
-reintroduction of artifacts from the archaeological although this pattern is interpreted from stratified sites,
contexts to systemic contexts (Schiffer 1987)- or it is assumed that surface assemblages reflect a similar
taphonomic processes, particularly animal trampling level of human use.
in the current context. This led to a pilot project aimed
One hypothesis to explain the observed patterns
at evaluating the impact of trampling on surface lithic
of weathering on lutite artifact surfaces is artifact
reclamation (sensu Schiffer 1987). That is, if different
The focus of this work is to quantify the occurrence degrees of weathering can be interpreted as different
of fractures and/or macroscopic edge damage in exposure times of rock surfaces, we can assume that
experimental samples and to compare these patterns a considerable amount of time passed between the
to those observed during the taphonomic analysis of a production of an artifact and any other scar exhibiting
local archaeological surface assemblage (T9) in order a lesser amount of weathering. Therefore, lower
to evaluate the relevance of experimental data for weathering stages on edges would be the result of a
interpreting the archaeological record. provisioning strategy that seeks to save time and energy
by resharpening abandoned tools or by selecting
preexisting flakes as blanks for tool manufacture. An
Behavioral vs. taphonomic processes: working alternative hypothesis explains the occurrence of less-
hypotheses weathered fractures and/or flake scars as the effects
of taphonomic processes. An assessment of local
As mentioned, LVAs surface lithic assemblages
taphonomic agents and processes suggests that animal
are dominated by lutite artifacts. Weathering is readily
trampling is the most likely source of the pattern.
identifiable on this raw material since the color of the
rock surface becomes lighter as weathering increases. A
recurring pattern of varying degrees of weathering (sensu
Borrazzo 2006) among lithic artifacts was recorded; MATERIALS AND METHODS
artifact edgesboth isolated and continuous flake
Several features of the LVA locality make this
scarsare less weathered than other surfaces (Figure 1).
latter hypothesis plausible: a low sedimentation
These observations raise the question: Are the rate, which reduces the likelihood of artifact burial;
observed intra-artifact differences in weathering a a generally hard substrate with ample gravels and
result of human behavior or of taphonomic processes? sparse vegetation cover; and an abundance of native
To answer this question it is necessary to examine wildlife and European livestock. In this context, it is
both possibilities and determine how each of these reasonable to propose that the surface lithic record
factors might have contributed to the formation of is subject to animal trampling and that this has been
the archaeological record throughout the Holocene. the case for a long time. To test this hypothesis, a
Thus, the aim of this paper is to compare experimental long-term experimental study was specifically designed
trampling data and archaeological collections. to assess how taphonomic processes act on the LVA
Currently we know that while archaeological evidence surface lithic record. In this first stage of our research,
at LVA is sparse, the locality was available to and we focus on the effects of the animal trampling.

Figure 1. Artifacts from archaeological sample T9 that exhibit different weathering stages on their surfaces. Lower stages
can be observed on the edges.
88 C. Balirn - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Volumen especial 1 (2014) 85-95

Transect 9 (T9) Techno-morphological analysis of both experimental

and archaeological samples was conducted following
The archaeological material discussed in this paper Ascheros (1975, 1983) protocols.
comes from a surface collection identified as Transect
9 (T9). This transect runs NW-SE and the surface slopes We recorded the occurrence of less-weathered
gently to the east. Visibility ranges from 50% to 100% fractures and micro-flaking on the edges of artifacts
and two surveyors collected all surface materials within recovered from surface contexts. To build a framework
an area 250 m long by 10 m wide. for systematic analysis of the origin of these features,
we designed a trampling experiment. The author
The sample is composed of 305 artifacts, 87.87% established two experimental plots (see below) based
(N = 268) of which are made from lutite. The remaining on previous experimental work in the area (Borrazzo
12.13% (N = 37) were manufactured from other local 2011b) as well as more general experimental research
and non-local raw materials (e.g., chert, basalt, dacite). on formation processes (Schiffer 1987; Borrero 1991;
This study considers only the lutite artifacts, since 1) Kligmann 2009) and trampling in particular (see Pryor
this material exhibits higher degrees of macroscopic 1988; McBrearty et al. 1998; Eren et al. 2010; Weitzel
weathering as surface exposition time increases and 2) 2010; Thibaut et al. 2010b).
it is the most common raw material in T9 and other
archaeological samples collected in the area. Trampling experiments aim to link particular effects
with their potential causes; this information is then used
Previous work in the study area called attention to interpret the archaeological record (e.g., Nielsen
to taphonomic processes affecting surface lithic 1991; Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007; Eren et al. 2010;
assemblages and suggested the need to account for Weitzel 2010). In this particular case, special attention
such processes during techno-morphologic analyses was paid to average thickness of fracture sections since
(Borrazzo 2006, 2008). Here, we follow Hiscock it has been demonstrated that this attribute is a good
(1985), who posits that lithic artifacts change between indicator of flake breakage by trampling (Merenzon
their deposition and later retrieval and that, therefore, 1988; Borrazzo 2010; Weitzel 2010; Jennings 2011;
the study of formation processes is not only useful, Weitzel et al. 2014): the thinner the flake, the more
but necessary for proper interpretation of the lithic likely it is to be broken during trampling (Borrazzo
record. We also follow Borrazzos (2004, 2006, 2010) 2010). The proposed maximum thickness for trampling
approach to taphonomic analysis of archaeological fractures is 7 mm (Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007;
lithic assemblages, defining the taphonomy of lithic Weitzel 2010, 2012; Weitzel et al. 2014).
artifacts as an archaeological and actualistic study
which describes, defines and systematizes the effects
produced by natural and cultural processes and agents Experimental plots
that acted on lithic artifact sets since their deposition
and until their retrieval from the archaeological In 2011, two plots were established in LVA. This
context (Borrazzo 2004: 9). longitudinal study includes annual survey for each of
10 years (the time it took another local experimental
Chemical weathering intensity is the focus of this plot to stabilize; Borrazzo 2011b), or until no changes
taphonomic analysis. Borrazzo (2004, 2006) defines to the experimental assemblage are recorded during
four stages (0, 1, 2 and 3) of abrasion (physical three consecutive surveys (i.e., the plot stabilizes),
weathering) on different parent materials, while Hiscock whichever occurs soonest. The experiment consisted
(1985) describes four continuous but different stages of three stages:
for chemical weathering in chert, ranging from fresh - sample preparation
to heavily weathered. Following these two authors, a - plot set up
qualitative scale of lutite weathering is developed here; - survey
higher degrees of weathering result in a more porous
The first stage included manufacture of a sample of
rock texture and a lighter or whiter color:
lutite artifact replicas (N = 100) using a hard hammer
Stage 0: no weathering, or fresh in Hiscocks and free hand percussion, the most frequent technique
(1985) terminology recorded in LVA lithic assemblages. Each piece was
Stage 1: the rock surface exhibits a thin, light grey labeled, measured, and photographed, and a drawing
coating. The texture of the rock remains similar to of its outline was produced. This information was
that in stage 0. recorded to aid detection of any changes in the sample
through time. Subsequently, each piece was painted
Stage 2: the surface turns lighter grey and becomes with white diluted acrylic to increase the visibility of
porous. changes (fractures, flaking, micro-flaking) to dark gray
Stage 3: the rock texture is rough and very porous lutite surfaces. Subsequently, the sample was divided
and the surface has an almost white coloration. randomly into two subsamples: A (n = 54) and B (n = 46).
Trampling, taphonomy,
and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz, Argentina) 89

The second stage involved placement of the agents such as water, wind, gravity or snow, and the
experimental assemblage on two active livestock tracks accumulated effects of these agents over long periods
and recording of each artifacts exposed surface. The of time.
experimental plots were measured, georeferenced
and photographed (Figure 2). Survey began one
year following plot establishment. Each survey, the RESULTS
following observations are recorded:
- fractures and/or alterations to each pieces Experimental observations
- placement of the exposed face, changes in which provi-
de evidence of trampling even when no other changes The first survey was conducted one year after the
are detected plots were established, at which time it was clear that
- frequency of burial (recorded as 0%; 25%; 50%; 75% the animal tracks were still active. All observations
of artifact surface) were made in the field and the experimental sample
- length of experimental artifact distribution left in place for future surveys. The information
This experiment was designed to control for several collected during this first survey shows that:
- 32% of the specimens had a new surface exposed (Plot
variables in order to improve its comparability with the
A = 13; Plot B = 19). This is a minimum value since
archaeological record. However, we must acknowledge
exposed faces may have changed multiple times but only
that there are factors related to both the timescale
those with the opposite face showing at the time of survey
of the processes involved and the scope and goals can be recorded as having changed;
of our research that are beyond the control of this - 11% of the sample exhibited fractures involving the entire
experiment. It is important to bear these limitations artifact and/or its edge (Plot A = 112);
in mind throughout the experiment, as the results - 9% became partially buried (between 25 and 75% of
are directly dependent on both controlled and un- their surface; Plot A = 4; Plot B = 5);
controlled variables. Here, the controlled variables - 9% of the sample could not be relocated (Plot A = 7;
are raw material, substrate and local fauna; the Plot B = 2);
archaeological and the experimental samples are both - the plots length increased (horizontal distribution of the
sample, parallel to track margins; additional length: Plot
made on lutite, the substrate is the same due to the
A = 12 cm, Plot B = 15 cm);
fact that both tracks were plotted near T9 and, for
- one piece was found 276 cm away from its original
this reason, the available fauna is expected to be the
location in Plot A;
same. Uncontrolled variables include the animal that
generated each fracture, the action of other taphonomic

Figure 2. Experimental plots on animal tracks. Plot A (Left) and Plot B (Right).
90 C. Balirn - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Volumen especial 1 (2014) 85-95

Seven percent of the sample exhibited micro- archaeological record is currently exposed. One year
flaking. Edges with continuous micro-flaking did after the plots were established, 6% of the sample
not exceed 12 mm in length, although a few pieces exhibited edge damage or fracture. Maximum fracture
presented more than one fracture and/or micro-flaking. thickness recorded was 6 mm. We used this measure
This suggests that such edge damage can be generated as a minimum reference value when analyzing T9
in the short term and that its presence and therefore archaeological sample. Conservatively, we proposed
flake scar continuity- could be expected to increase that all the fractures present in the archaeological
over the long run. record equal to or less than 6 mm thick could be the
result of either taphonomic or anthropic processes.
Features on the edges of specimens in the
experimental collection appear in some cases as
isolated micro-flaking and in others as continuous Archaeological sample
flaking with up to six scars (Figure 3). Micro-flaking
is usually longer along the edges of pieces (1 to 3 Using the experimental data as a reference
mm) than on their surfaces (1 to 2 mm). Continuous collection, techno-morphological (Aschero 1975,
micro-flaking occurs along edges in lengths between 1983) and taphonomic aspects of the T9 archaeological
6 and 12 mm and intrudes artifacts surfaces 2 mm or sample were analyzed. The following attributes are of
less. It is worth mentioning that they always occur as particular importance to this study:
a series of individual flake scars and appear randomly
Fractures (excluding edge damage): 64.18% (n =
on both sides of specimens.
172) of the pieces are complete and 35.82% (n = 96)
The presence of cattle and horses was recorded are fractured, including longitudinal split fractures3,
near T9 area during fieldwork. This suggests that fauna which are considered of technological origin (Hiscock
walked over places where archaeological materials 2002). Artifacts with split fractures were excluded for
were collected, increasing the chances of lithic artifact further analysis since their anthropic origin is clear
trampling. It is also important to note that fresh animal (Figure 4). Excluding split fractures (N = 10), 33.33%
footprints, excrement, and sheep wool were observed of lutite artifacts were broken.
on the tracks where the experimental material was
Average thickness of broken artifacts: we compared
placed -very near T9- and, that vegetation was absent
the thickness distributions of split and non-split
from the tracks. All of these characteristics are proxies
fractured artifacts. While the distribution of maximum
for recent animal circulation on these tracks, which
thicknesses in the former is relatively homogeneous,
in turns increases the chances that the experimental
the non-split sample is quite different: 68.60% of the
sample was trampled.
fragmented pieces (N = 59) are up to 6 mm thick
These preliminary results indicate that a single (Figure 5). In order to assess the potential of breakage
year was enough time for the sample to register by trampling (Borrazzo 2010; Weitzel 2010; Weitzel
changes. These observations highlight the presence et al. 2014), we measured the thickness of the fracture
of high-energy conditions to which LVAs surface section in pieces with maximum thicknesses greater
than 6 mm. The calibrated
result is that 76.74% of the
s a m p l e c o n ta i n s f r a c t u r e s
with thicknesses up to 6 mm
(excluding split fractures).
Considering the experimental
data presented above, the
occurrence of fractures and
thicknesses of fractured sections
in the T9 archaeological sample
does not appear to be random.
Fracture frequency increases as
specimen thickness decreases.
Considering the experimental
results, 76.74% of the
fractures could be explained
by taphonomic processes
(specifically trampling) because
those pieces exhibit fractures
Figure 3. Modifications on experimental artifacts recorded in the first-year survey. A - B:
thickness equal to or below
fracture; C - E: edge flaking.
Trampling, taphonomy,
and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz, Argentina) 91

non-anthropic processes on artifact

fragmentation -in this case the animal
trampling- cannot be rejected either.
Micro-flaking (edge damage) and
intensity of weathering: the presence
of micro-flaking and differences in
weathering intensity were analyzed.
In all cases, the weathering stage
observed on micro-flaking scars was
lower than those on the rest of the
artifact surface (Figure 1). Of the lutite
artifacts (N = 268), 55.60% (N = 149)
had flaking and/or micro-flaking on
their edges. Among these, recorded
Figure 4. Lutite archaeological artifact condition in the T9 sample. Complete weathering stages ranged between 1, 2
(N = 172), fractured (N = 86) and split fracture (known origin) (N = 10), before or 3 on artifacts surfaces, but 93.96%
calibrating the sample. of the pieces have no weathering on
their edges (stage 0) and the remaining
6.04% are minimally weathered (stage
1; Figure 6).
The archaeological lithic
collection can be divided into two
groups: tools and artifacts with flaked
edges. While the tools are clearly of
anthropic origin, the artifacts with
flaked edges could be the product
of taphonomic processes (Figure 1).
Flaked edges appear as both isolated
and continuous micro-flaking and
flaking. The longest flaked edge in the
sample is 64 mm. Scar width varies
from 3 to 10 mm, and length from 2 to
12 mm. These features always appear
as a series of individual flaking scars,
Figure 5. Maximum thickness of fractured lutite artifacts (split and non-split and the relation between length and
fractures). width seems to be random. All of the
tools have marginal unifacially flaked
6 mm; that is, the taphonomic hypothesis cannot
edges. The length of these edges ranges from 8 to 82
be rejected for these artifacts. Although we cannot
mm, and flake scars are up to 10 mm long. In some
completely exclude the possibility that reclamation
cases, tools exhibit two- and three-flake-scar series
also affected the surface archaeological record, the
as well as evidence of edge resharpening. However,
experiment provides evidence that the effects of

Figure 6. Weathering stages on the surface of the artifacts with different (lower) weathering on their edges, and weathering
stages exhibited by T9 artifact edges.
92 C. Balirn - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Volumen especial 1 (2014) 85-95

resharpened tool edges present the same weathering we cannot exclude human agency (i.e., reclamation)
stage as the rest of artifact surface (Figure 7). as a contributor to the weathering patterns described
here, the introduction of large herds of cattle during
the last hundred years and the relative synchronicity
DISCUSSION recorded by low weathering stages on flaked edges
of T9 stone tools support the taphonomic hypothesis.
As mentioned, observed patterns differ when we Furthermore, the average thickness observed among
consider only the weathering stages on artifacts edges fractured sections in the experimental sample also
relative to artifact bodies. If reclamation for economic suggests that a large proportion of those fractures could
purposes did occur, we would expect different (lower) have been produced by animal trampling.
weathering stages (0 to 2) on artifact edges. This is
not the case for the T9 archaeological sample, since
93.96% of the pieces have weathering stage 0 on their CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
edges while the remaining 6.04% presents weathering
stage 1. In this regard, and returning to the concept of This work began with an archaeological question
weathering as an indicator of length of exposure, the prompted by a case of equifinality in the LVA
traces on artifact edges show a relative synchronicity. archaeological record: Are the patterns we observe in
Furthermore, as their weathering stages suggest, they the surface lithic archaeological record the product of
would have been produced recently. It was also anthropic or taphonomic agents? This question guided
observed that among archaeological artifacts with the development of a research protocol designed to
retouched edges, some instruments show a different achieve a better understanding of the surface lithic
pattern (more-than-one-scar series). This difference record. In this instance, experimentation has proven
requires further study since it may help us better fruitful in terms of generating frames of reference for
understand the processes involved in the formation interpreting the LVA surface lithic record.
of the edges.
Based on the experimental and archaeological
While the results obtained to date do not data presented here, the taphonomic hypothesis
definitively exclude the possibility of intentional cannot be rejected. The phenomena observed in
human modification of the archaeological record, they the experimental sample were also recorded in the
do strengthen arguments in favor of trampling -the archaeological sample from T9, and comparison of
intensity of which surely increased during the 100 years the two samples is appropriate given that we were
since the introduction of European livestock- as the able to control for several key variables (raw material,
primary process responsible for the observed pattern substrate, animals presence). Although the results
among surface lithic assemblages. That is, although presented here are preliminary, the changes recorded
on the experimental collection in a single
year suggest that future surveys will yield
still more information that will improve
our understanding of the potential effects
of local taphonomic processes, and
clarify whether damage to experimental
collections eventually stabilizes (Borrero
Although the results reported here
were obtained from only the first survey,
our findings have already proven relevant
for determining parameters for analysis
and stimulating new lines of inquiry.
Specifically, the experimental research
led to a hypothesis regarding the origin
of patterns observed in the LVA surface
lithic assemblages. In accord with other
authors (Flegenheimer and Weitzel
2007; Borrazzo 2010; Weitzel 2010;
Weitzel et al. 2014), we consider that
the thickness of fractures is a sensitive
Figure 7. Two tools from T9 archaeological assemblage. Above, a tool with variable in the identification of animal
two retouched edges (1: an end-scraper; 2: a side-scraper). Below, a side-
trampling. However, it is important to
scraper and a detail of its retouched edge.
Trampling, taphonomy,
and experiments with lithic artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa Cruz, Argentina) 93

note that 23.26% of the sample exhibits fractures with Balirn, C.

an average thickness greater than 6 mm. Fractures 2012. Preguntas arqueolgicas, respuestas actualsticas.
of these thicknesses have not been observed in the Experimentos sobre tafonoma litica al sur de sierra
experimental sample to date, so they may indicate Baguales (Santa Cruz - Argentina). Primeros resultados.
interaction of several different processes on the Presented at X Jornadas de Jvenes Investigadores del
LVA surface record. These observations and results Instituto Nacional de Antropologa y Pensamiento
suggest new avenues of analysis for understanding Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires.
the LVA record, such as fracture type analysis, which
Borrazzo, K.
would allow us to identify the origin of fractures
2004 Hacia una tafonoma ltica: el anlisis tafonmico
on archaeological artifacts (Miller 2006; Weitzel
y tecnolgico de los conjuntos artefactuales lticos de
and Colombo 2006; Jennings 2011; Weitzel 2012).
superficie provenientes de los loci San Genaro 3 y 4
Moreover, it is necessary to assess whether there
(Baha San Sebastin - Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). BD
is a direct relationship between edge angles and
dissertation. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad
the occurrence of trampling damage. Also, a more
de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.
thorough analysis of the edge flaking measurements
2006 Tecnologa ltica del alero Cerro Len 3 (Santa
and morphologies is required to determine whether
Cruz, Argentina). Magallania 34 (2): 63-74.
there are clear morphological patterns useful for
2008 Distribuciones artefactuales en la periferia
distinguishing anthropically from taphonomically
sudeste de la sierra Baguales (Santa Cruz, Argentina).
flaked edges. Finally, this paper illustrates the utility of
Magallania 36 (1): 103-116.
actualistic studies to improve our interpretations of the
2010 Arqueologa de los esteparios fueguinos. Tafonoma
archaeological record. As have other studies (Nielsen
y tecnologa ltica en el norte de Tierra del Fuego,
1991; Lopinot and Ray 2007; Eren et al. 2010, 2011;
Argentina. PhD dissertation. Facultad de Filosofa y
Thibaut et al. 2010a; Borrazzo 2011a, 2011b; Weitzel
Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.
et al. 2014), we hope this paper offers a case study
2011a Tafonoma ltica y pseudoartefactos: el caso de
in which experimentation generated new data and
la pennsula El Pramo (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina).
questions about the formation of the archaeological
Intersecciones en Antropologa 12: 155-167.
record, contributing to trampling taphonomic studies
2011b Tafonoma ltica en la estepa patagnica:
and, in particular to the understanding of LVAs surface
experimentacin y registro arqueolgico de superficie.
lithic assemblages.
In Bosques, montaas y cazadores: investigaciones
arqueolgicas en Patagonia Meridional, compilated by
L. A. Borrero and K. Borrazzo, pp. 127-153. CONICET-
Acknowledgments Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias
Humanas (IMHICIHU), Buenos Aires.
I wish to thank Luis Borrero and Karen Borrazzo
for their constant advice and support. Special thanks Borrero, L. A.
to Celeste Weitzel who has patiently read and 1991Experimentos y escalas arqueolgicas. Shincal 3:
commented on previous versions of this paper and to 142-148
three anonymous reviewers who helped to improve this Borrero, L. A. and K. Borrazzo
paper. I specially thank the Riquez family for their kind 2011 La geografa cultural del sudoeste de Patagonia
support of our archaeological research at La Verdadera continental. In Bosques, Montaas y cazadores:
Argentina. This study was funded by the Universidad investigaciones arqueolgicas en Patagonia Meridional,
de Buenos Aires (UBACyT 20020100100957) and compilated by L. A. Borrero y K. Borrazzo, pp. 7-36.
CONICET (PIP 11220110100262). CONICET-IMHICIHU, Buenos Aires.

Borrero, L. A., N. V. Franco, F. M. Martin, R. Barberena, R.

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Weitzel, C. NOTES
2010 El estudio de los artefactos formatizados
1.- Date on bone, (AA98670, dC13 -20.7).
fracturados. Contribucin a la comprensin del
registro arqueolgico y las actividades humanas. PhD 2.- Although artifacts from plot A showed no fractures or
damage on their edges in this first survey, in a subsequent
dissertation. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad
survey, conducted in January 2014, broken pieces were re-
de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. corded in that plot (Fractured N = 2; edge damage N = 6).
2012 Cuentan los fragmentos. Clasificacin y causas
3.- Longitudinal split fractures are those that split the flake
de fractura de artefactos formatizados por talla. into left and right along the percussion axis. Each fragment
Intersecciones en Antropologa 13: 43-55. retains a portion of the platform (often with a portion of the
ringcrack in hertzian initiations), and usually a portion of the
Weitzel, C., K. Borrazzo, A. Ceraso and C. Balirn
termination and one lateral margin (Hiscock 2002: 252).
2014Trampling fragmentation potential of lithic
artifacts: an experimental approach.In this volume, pp.
96 C. Balirn - Intersecciones en Antropologa - Volumen especial 1 (2014) 85-95
| 97

Trampling Fragmentation Potential of lithic artifacts:

an experimental approach
Celeste Weitzel, Karen Borrazzo, Antonio Ceraso and Catalina Balirn
Received 20 August 2013. Accepted 11 November 2013


A proposal to estimate the Trampling Fragmentation Potential (TFP) on lithic artifacts from their metric attributes
is presented. We apply a data mining technique known as decision tree to experimental datasets obtained in
several trampling experiments. Results show that the ratio of area to thickness is the main element affecting the
probability of breakage on lithic artifacts by trampling. Also, a maximum thickness value for lithic artifacts prone
to be broken by trampling is estimated. Finally, we argue establishing threshold values for trampling potential
allows distinguishing incidental fractures with similar traits and different origins.
Keywords: Trampling; Fragmentation potential; Lithics; Experiments; Decision tree.



EXPERIMENTAL. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para estimar el Potencial para la Fragmentacin por Pisoteo
(PFP) en artefactos lticos a partir de los atributos mtricos de las piezas. Se aplica la tcnica de data mining
denominada rbol de decisin, para el anlisis de datos experimentales obtenidos en diversas experiencias de
pisoteo. Los resultados indican que la razn superficie/espesor es el elemento ms influyente sobre la probabilidad
de fractura de los artefactos sometidos a pisoteo. De modo complementario, se estima un valor mximo para el
espesor de los artefactos lticos que pueden fracturarse por este proceso. Finalmente, el establecimiento de valores
lmite para la fragmentacin por pisoteo permitira diferenciar fracturas accidentales causadas por otros procesos.
Palabras clave: Pisoteo; Potencial de fragmentacin; Ltico; Experimentacin; rbol de decisin.

INTRODUCTION 2000; Deller and Ellis 2001; Petraglia 2002; Miller

2006; Weitzel and Colombo 2006; Flegenheimer and
Fragmentation is common among lithic assemblage Weitzel 2007; Lombard and Pargeter 2008; Tallavaara
and its causes and implications have been the focus et al. 2010; Weitzel 2010, 2011, 2012; Jennings 2011,
of much archaeological research (i.e., Crabtree 1972; among many others). Lithic artifacts, considered one of
Cotterell and Kamminga 1979; Johnson 1979; Odell the most durable cultural materials, have the potential
1981; Rondeau 1981; Bergman and Newcomer 1983; to bear and preserve valuable information related to
Fischer et al. 1984; Hiscock 1985, 2002; Odell and the formation of archaeological records (Hiscock
Cowan 1986; Whittaker 1995; Root et al. 1999; Shott 1985; Goldberg et al. 1993; Borrazzo 2004, 2006a,

Celeste Weitzel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET). rea Arqueologa y
Antropologa. Municipalidad de Necochea, Av. 10 entre 63 y 67 sin No. (7630), Necochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Karen Borrazzo. CONICET. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU). Saavedra 15 piso 5
(1083ACA), Buenos Aires. Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. E-mail:
Antonio Ceraso. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calles 122 y 60 (1900), La
Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
Catalina Balirn. Facultad de Filosofa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Pun 480 (C1406CQJ), Buenos Aires,
Argentina. E-mail:

Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1: 97-110. 2014. ISSN 1850-373X

Taphonomic Approaches to the Archaeological Record.
Copyright Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina
98 C. Weitzel et al.- Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 97-110

2010; Thibaut et al. 2010a). Artifact fragmentation 2011) and a model with material expectations to asses
has been used to assess assemblage preservation and Trampling Fragmentation Potential is presented.
integrity, human occupation intensity, and taphonomic
modifications to lithic artifacts themselves (Bordes 1961;
Gifford-Gonzalez et al. 1985; Hiscock 1985, 2002; BACKGROUND
Nielsen 1991; Osborn and Hartley 1991; Borrazzo
2004, 2010; Ramos and Merenzon 2004; Eren et al. Trampling exposes lithic artifacts to complex high-
2010, 2011; Thibaut 2010, among others). Within energy processes that can alter both their shape and
this framework, we believe that understanding factors spatial position. Flakes have morphological attributes
that influence lithic artifact breakage is a key issue in that allow us to determine whether their original shape
need of further investigation. In this paper we define was subsequently modified, which, in turn, permits
artifact breakage or fragmentation as macroscopic the study of taphonomic processes that contributed to
damage (macrofractures) involving the whole artifact, this modification. Thus, analysis of metric attributes
as opposed to edge damage, and the research we (length, width, and thickness) and the ratios between
present centers on the study of macrofractures. them among complete artifacts may help us understand
the intensity of the post-depositional processes that
Several archaeological studies have focused on the
acted on an assemblage.
agents and processes involved in artifact fragmentation.
Current archaeological knowledge indicates that lithic Several investigations have focused on the processes
artifacts might break as a result of manufacture, use, that can lead to artifact fracture (i.e., Crabtree 1972;
deliberate breakage, and postdepositional or taphonomic Cotterell and Kamminga 1979; Johnson 1979; Odell
processes (Crabtree 1972; Johnson 1979; Frison and 1981; Rondeau 1981; Bergman and Newcomer 1983;
Bradley 1980; Rondeau 1981; Nami 1983; Fischer et Fischer et al. 1984; Root et al. 1999; Miller 2006;
al. 1984; Root et al. 1999; Deller and Ellis 2001; Miller Weitzel and Colombo 2006; Weitzel 2010). Bordes
2006; Weitzel and Colombo 2006; Borrazzo 2010; and Bourgon (1951) were among the first exploring
Weitzel 2010, among others). Moreover, the study of the effects of trampling on lithic assemblages. With
fracture surface markings suggests that several patterns the advent of experimental archaeology and studies of
of breakage are identifiable as the unequivocal effects site formation processes, several trampling experiments
of specific processes (Johnson 1979; Frison and Bradley were designed to test specific hypotheses. One of the
1980; Fischer et al. 1984; Quinn 2007; Weitzel 2010, first such studies was that of Tringham et al. (1974)
2012). However, bending (transverse) fractures the who proposed a set of criteria for identifying edge
most common fracture type in lithic assemblages may damage caused by trampling: random distribution of
result from a variety of taphonomic processes (Fischer flake scars, scars on a single surface of the flake, flake
et al. 1984; Cotterell and Kamminga 1987; Whittaker scars without patterned orientation or size but always
1995; Weitzel 2010). The low diagnostic power of elongated. This paper was discussed later by several
bending fractures, therefore, has severely limited their researchers who were unable to replicate the results
usefulness in studies designed to identify causes of (Flenniken and Haggarty 1980; Mansur-Franchomme
lithic fragmentation. 1986; Pryor 1988). Gifford-Gonzlez et al. (1985)
describe an experiment designed to evaluate vertical
Trampling is likely an important cause of lithic
artifact movements due to human foot traffic. They
fragmentation but the process has been shown to
used a sample of 2000 obsidian flakes ranging in size
result in numerous bending fractures (Fischer et al.
from 3 to 13 mm and arranged half of them on a
1984; Cotterell and Kamminga 1987; Whittaker
loam substrate and the other half on a sandy substrate.
1995; Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007; Weitzel
Their results showed both a higher fracture rate and
2010, 2012; Jennings 2011). Therefore, understanding
the breakage of smaller pieces on the harder substrate
the contribution of trampling to overall assemblage
fragmentation patterns requires alternative lines
of evidence. With this aim, this paper explores Pintars (1987) experiment was designed to track
methodological tools to gauge the extent of human and horizontal and vertical displacements due to heavy
faunal trampling in lithic assemblage fragmentation. A human foot traffic on surface and subsurface lithic
crucial first step, and the primary goal of this paper, assemblages. She used basalt flakes between 2 and
is to identify which artifacts can and which cannot 12 cm, placed on a sandy substrate. Fractures defined
be broken by trampling. We analyzed relationships as those thicker than 1 mm- were the least frequent
between experimentally produced lithic artifacts type of damage recorded. Pryor (1988) presents an
metrics and whether they broke during five independent experiment designed to define material signatures of
trampling experiments carried out by the authors. trampling. The author arranged two sets of artifacts
Experimental data is explored with a data mining on substrates of different hardness, sandy and loamy.
technique called decision-tree (Quinlan 1986; Williams Nine hundred obsidian flakes of different sizes were
Trampling Fragmentation Potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach 99

laid on a sandy beach and on a residential garden with retouch. They used 1400 flakes of obsidian and a
loosely compacted loam that included rocks. He found coarse chert ranging in size from 3 to 7 cm, which
that flakes between 12 mm and 25 mm are resistant were arranged on two different substrates: compact,
to fracture. The experiment focused on edge damage; moist loam and unconsolidated sand. The highest
there are no references to fracture ratios, thickness, breakage ratio was recorded on high density chert
or other fracture traits. Jorge Merenzon carried out assemblage located on moist loam substrate (39%).
several experiments in 1983, 1984, and 1986 aimed The authors concluded that substrate was the most
at controlling the trampling effects of intense human important factor influencing damage, followed by raw
foot traffic on lithic assemblages deposited in shell material and artifact density.
middens located along the Beagle Channel (Tierra del
Eren et al. (2010) carried out an experiment
Fuego, Argentina). He placed lithic artifacts on loamy
to evaluate the effects of short-duration animal
soils (dry and wet), loamy soils (dry and wet) with shell
trampling on dry and water-saturated substrates.
fragments added, and a fresh, complete shells substrate
They used 120 limestone flakes that were trampled
(dry and wet). In one set of experiments (Merenzon
by buffalos and goats, and recorded horizontal
1988), 511 flakes were deposited in two plots that
and vertical displacements, artifact inclination, and
were trampled for 28 days. The author observed that
breakage. The latter occurred only on two artifacts.
90% of the sample was displaced either vertically or
Thibaut et al. (2010b) carried out an experiment of
horizontally, or both. Regarding macrofactures, he
bison trampling on flint and chert flakes and bone
reported that flakes trampled on the complete shell
to evaluate disappearance, spatial displacements,
substrate exhibited the highest mass loss (30.5%). In
edge modification, and fractures. They observed a
addition, Merenzon observed that both macro- and
fragmentation ratio of nearly 50%. Jennings (2011)
microfractures were more frequent in the wet plot
conducted three flake fracture experiments testing
samples. Finally, he concluded that trampling is a
damage due to manufacture, intentional breakage,
non-linear process and proposed a sequence of three
and trampling. The goal of the trampling experiment
stages, at which particular phenomena predominate: 1)
was to break each flake by walking on it. The sample
pronounced horizontal dispersal; 2) vertical migration,
included twenty chert flakes, which were first placed
and 3) edge damage and stability (i.e., no further
on a dry, hardened silty clay surface with no vegetation
displacement or breakage while conditions hold).
cover. Each flake was then stepped on in a single step.
Osborn and Hartley (1991) created twelve Flakes that could not be broken in a single step were
experimental plots in Capitol Reef National Park subjected to flake-on-flake trampling in which one flake
(Utah, USA) to monitor the effects of livestock was placed on the silty clay surface, two additional
trampling, specifically post-depositional breakage, flakes were placed directly on top of it, and all three
artifact visibility, and displacement. Plots included flakes were stepped on a single time. Nineteen out of
lithic artifacts and ceramic vessel fragments. After twenty flakes were broken during this experiment: eight
approximately six month of livestock grazing, the by a single step (single flake placed on the ground)
authors found that only eleven of the 589 original and eleven during flake-on-flake trampling. The 19
lithic artifacts exhibited fractures and that 22% of broken flakes exhibited bending, radial, and Hertzian
the lithic sample recorded horizontal displacement. fractures. Bending fractures were the most common
Nielsen (1991) carried out six experiments to evaluate (n = 21). The recorded average thickness at break was
contradictory results reported by several published 3.48 mm in the trampling experiment. Pargeter (2011)
trampling experiments. Of his six experiments using assessed human and cattle trampling on dolerite,
obsidian flakes, bone, wood, bricks and sherds, five quartz, and quartzite flakes. Artifacts were placed on
were conducted on dry consolidated surfaces with sandy clay soil with rock and sand inclusions. In each
no vegetation and one on those same muddy gravel plot, half of each sample was buried at a depth of
sediments after a heavy rain. The experiments focused 10 cm and the other half was deposited just below
mainly on vertical and horizontal displacement, the surface, to assess whether fracture occurrence
general artifact damage, and patterns of ceramic was affected by depth below surface. Cattle (n = 40)
breakage. Three plots included lithic artifacts. Among trampled the experimental plots for 15 minutes twice
them, he assessed three types of damage: breakage, a day for 27 days. Human trampling was conducted
microflaking, and abrasion. Breakage occurred on 19 by six individuals in sock feet, for a period of 1 hour
to 24.8% of the artifacts after trampling and it was per experiment. The author reported that 2.4% of
more frequent on harder surfaces (24.8%), even though the sample was broken during cattle trampling while
the number of crossings performed on another plot was human trampling produced fractures in only 1.5% of
larger (800 vs. 1500 crossings). the flakes. Pargeter proposed that most fracturing takes
place within the first few hours of trampling since,
McBrearty et al. (1998) designed an experiment to
after that time, artifacts are generally covered with
evaluate edge damage due to trampling vs. deliberate
sediments and often protected from further fracturing.
100 C. Weitzel et al.- Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 97-110

However, nearly 50% of the cattle-broken

assemblage was originally located 10 cm
below the surface.
As this brief review shows, trampling
studies focused primarily on: (1) natural/
accidental edge fractures that can simulate
intentional retouch or use wear (Tringham
et al. 1974; Fischer et. al. 1984; Mansur-
Franchomme 1986; Pryor 1988; McBrearty
et al. 1998; Lopinot and Ray 2007; Thibaut
2010); (2) distinguishing macrofractures
originated during production and use from
those produced by trampling (McBrearty et
al. 1998; Jennings 2011; Pargeter 2011);
(3) the extent of horizontal and vertical
displacement caused by trampling (Gifford-
Gonzlez et al. 1985; Pintar 1987; Merenzon
1988; Eren et al. 2010); and (4) differential
rates of fragmentation by raw material type
(Nielsen 1991; Osborn and Hartley 1991;
McBrearty et al. 1998; Pargeter 2011).
Specific traits of trampling fractures have
seldom been identified, defined or proposed
(Hiscock 1985; Cotterell and Kamminga
1987; Weitzel 2010, 2012; Jennings 2011;
Pargeter 2013).

Figure 1. Locations of authors trampling experiments. 1: Necochea

MATERIALS AND METHODS (Buenos Aires); 2: La Verdadera Argentina Ranch archaeological locality
(Santa Cruz); 3: Northern Tierra del Fuego.
a hard, compact substrate (brick) and the second one
Data considered in this study were collected was established on loamy soil in a residential garden
during five experiments in nine plots, carried out by (Figure 2). One hour of intense human trampling was
the authors in Buenos Aires, Santa Cruz, and Tierra performed in each plot by experimenters weighing 50
del Fuego Provinces, Argentina (Figure 1). These and 60 kg, one wearing soft-soled shoes and the other
experiments involved various lithic raw materials, wearing socks. Artifact fracture and movement were
substrates, trampling agents,
Exp RM Substrate Agent t N N Fth (min/ F%
and durations (Table 1). (fl) (F) mean/max)
The first experiment Necochea Ortho- Loam Human 1 hour 47 5 3/5/7 mm 10.6%
was carried out by CW quartzite
Brick Human 1 hour 52 14 3/5/7 mm 26.9%
and Nora Flegenheimer in
LVA Lutite Loam with Fauna 7 years 22 9 1/1.44/4 40.90%
Necochea, Buenos Aires
steppe gravels mm
Province (Flegenheimer and
LVA Lutite Loam with Fauna 1 year 46 3 1/3.67/6 6.52%
Weitzel 2007) as part of track gravels (livestock) mm
CWs dissertation research on
lithic artifact fragmentation Loam with Fauna 1 year 54 3 2/3.67/5 5.56%
gravels (livestock) mm
(Weitzel 2010). Experimental
Tierra del Rhyolite, Compact silty Fauna 5 years 12 3 2/4/6 mm 20%
artifacts were manufactured Fuego silicified clay
from Sierras Bayas rocks and
orthoquartzites, the main Wet silty clay Fauna 5 years 12 0 0 0%
lithic raw material used Tierra del Fine- Compact silty Human 20 18 1 3 mm 5.55%
by hunter-gatherer groups Fuego grained clay
in the Pampean Region rocks
(Flegenheimer et al. 1996;
Table 1. Summary of the experimental data sets. Ref: Exp: Experiment; RM: raw material;
Bayn et al. 2006). One of fl: flakes; F: fracture; Fth: fracture thickness.
two plots was established on
Trampling Fragmentation Potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach 101

culpaeus and P. griseus],

and hare [Lepus europaeus])
as well as livestock (horse,
cow, and sheep) that graze
in the area. Experimental
artifacts were manufactured
from lutite, an immediately
available raw material
that dominates the local
archaeological assemblages
(Borrazzo 2006b, 2008).
Figure 2. Necochea human trampling experiments. A: brick substrate plot; B: detail of brick
substrate after trampling; C: general view of loamy soil plot; D: detail of loamy soil substrate
after trampling. Arrows indicate fractured artifacts.
The second experiment
carried out in LVA consisted of two plots established
assessed every 10 minutes. Rotations, displacements, by CB in 2011 (Balirn 2012, 2014). The primary goal
and fractures were recorded in both plots at the end of of this experiment was to assess fracture patterns of
each experiment. Results indicate that fractures were faunal trampling, specifically large cattle. Plots were
far more common among artifacts in the brick plot located on active livestock tracks, away from roads
(Table 1). In the loamy soil experiment, fragmentation and ranch houses (Figure 4). As in the previous case,
occurred primarily during the first 20 minutes and then all artifacts were manufactured from lutite. The plots
plateaued. Breakage ratios among the materials in the were assessed for movement, burial frequency, and
brick plot increased throughout the hour; in the last fractures in 2012.
10-15 minutes breakage was highest among already-
broken pieces. Finally, all of the fractures were bending The final two experiments were developed by KB in
type, most of them transverse and perpendicular to the northern Tierra del Fuego (Borrazzo 2010, 2013a). The
longitudinal axis (Flegenheimer and Weitzel 2007). substrate in the study area (aeolian-lacustrine plains,
Vilas et al. 1986-1987, 1999; Borrazzo 2012, 2013b)
The other four experiments were developed in
Fuego-Patagonia as part of the larger
Magallania Archaeological Project
directed by Luis Borrero (Borrero
2001a, 2001b). These long-term
experiments focus on the study
of taphonomic transformations in
surface lithic assemblages located
within different steppe environments.
Two of these experiments were
conducted in La Verdadera Argentina
Ranch archaeological locality (LVA),
in the southeastern Baguales Range
(Santa Cruz Province; Borrero et
al. 2006, 2007). All of the plots
were established on loamy soils
containing gravel. One experiment
consisted of regular monitoring of
a plot first established by KB at the
end of 2004 (Borrazzo 2011a), and
subsequently revisited in 2005, 2008,
2010, 2011, and 2012 to assess
artifact movement, burial frequency,
and fracture occurrence (Figure 3).
The location of the plot away from
roads and ranch houses suggests
that main trampling agents are wild
fauna (guanaco [Lama guanicoe],
puma [Puma concolor], choique Figure 3. LVA steppe plot. A: general view of the environmental setting; B: LVA
[Rhea penatta, foxes [Pseudalopex steppe plot; C: detail of plot substrate.
102 C. Weitzel et al.- Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 97-110

is the primary trampling agent

(presence of dung and footprint on
the plots, guanaco sightings near
plots). Finally, a human trampling
experiment was conducted near
plot A. The experiment included
one plot (silty clay substrate) and
two agents (55 and 80 kg) wearing
rubber-soled shoes. Local lithic raw
materials employed for Tierra del
Fuego experiments include rhyolite,
lutite, and fine-grained silicified
Table 1 summarizes the results
of the five experiments presented
above and assessed in the following
section. It bears noting that only 38
of 263 artifacts broke during the
experiments (Figure 6).

Figure 4. LVA animal track experiment (plot A). A: general view of the environmental Analytical Methods
setting; B: plot A in year 2011; C: detail of track substrate.
The need for a taphonomic
is primarily composed of clay (with a small amount of perspective in lithic artifact analysis was first expressed
silt). The first experiment in Tierra del Fuego included by Hiscock (1985) and has in recent years been
three plots established in 2007 and assessed in 2008 acknowledged and applied by an increasing number
and 2013. Here we will consider data collected at of scholars (Nash 1993; Paddayya and Petraglia
plots A and C (Borrazzo 2010, Figure 5). Potential 1993; Burroni et al. 2002; Bordes 2003; Borrazzo
trampling agents in the area are guanaco and livestock 2004, 2006a, 2011a, b; Thibaut et al. 2010a;
(cow and sheep) but evidence suggests that guanaco Borrero 2011; Domnguez-Rodrigo et al. 2011; Eren
et al. 2011, among others). Our
theoretical approach is that of lithic
taphonomy, which we define as
the archaeological and actualistic
study of the effects of natural and
cultural agents and processes on
lithic artifact assemblages that
occurred after their deposition in
an archaeological context (Borrazzo
2004, 2006a). In studies of site
formation processes (Schiffer 1983,
1987), the study of lithic taphonomy
focuses on artifact and assemblage
morphological and spatial attributes
to understand their post-depositional
history and paleobiological and
paleoenvironmental contexts.
To assess which variables might
explain the observed condition of
artifacts which might have been
broken by trampling and which not
we analyzed the maximum length
(L), maximum width (W), maximum
Figure 5. Tierra del Fuego plot A. A: general view of the environmental setting; B: thickness (T), and raw material of
Tierra del Fuego plot A; C: detail of experimental artifact deposited on silty clay experimental lithic artifacts using
substrate. R 2.11.0 (R Development Core
Trampling Fragmentation Potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach 103

material, trampling agent,

and substrate were explicitly
detailed in those experiments,
the measures for the three
main shape axis (length, width,
and thickness) of each artifact
subjected to trampling were not
systematically informed and
considered in further analysis.
As we will show here, all of
these morphometric attributes
are a significant factor in
fracture occurrence since they
condition the fragmentation
potential of each artifact and,
thus, the expected rate of
assemblage fragmentation due
to trampling. The statistical
characterizations of metric
attributes and indices for
the experimental data sets
considered in our study are
summarized in Table 2.
The data were analyzed
Figure 6. Examples of broken artifacts from trampling experiments. A-C: LVA livestock using a data mining technique
track plots; D: LVA steppe plot (drawing below the artifact indicates its original shape
known as decision trees.
and the missing fragment); E-F: Tierra del Fuego plot A; G: Necochea hard surface plot;
H: Necochea soft surface plot. Data mining (DM) is defined
by Williams (2011) as the
Team 2011). We also included two ratios, maximum science of intelligent data analysis. DM consists in
length/ maximum width/ maximum thickness (L/W/T) the application of specic algorithms and statistical
and area to thickness (A/T)1. We previously proposed methods for extracting patterns from large data sets.
these rates as potentially significant variables as we Technically, it is the process of finding correlations
observed that absolute artifact measures are not always or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational
themselves conclusive on its condition (Borrazzo 2004, databases (Fayyad et al. 1996; Williams 2011). It
2010; Weitzel 2010). For example, a very thin artifact is also described as a process of building models,
will not break when subject to trampling if it offers a since the information extracted from data is often
small surface of encounter (small size). Furthermore, expressed through models (Williams 2011). Decision
we expected its probability of breakage will also trees (DT) are a classic learning system of data mining
diminish as the difference for its length and width or knowledge discovery in databases, and a class of
measures approximates to 0 (i.e., similar values for statistical methods that generate predictive models.
length and width). Finally, we proposed those artifacts These tree-shaped structures represent sets of decisions;
exhibiting spherical shape (i.e., similar measures for they consist of a root (the most representative attribute
its three shape axis, sensu Zingg 1935) are the less that describes the data set); branches (a classification
sensitive items to trampling fragmentation (Borrazzo question or probability, one of the possible alternatives
2004). Thus, we considered L/W/T and/or A/T rates as or courses of action available at that point); and leaves/
possible syntheses of some of the existing relationships nodes (cases within the dataset, a point where a choice
among main shape axis may be significantly
Max. Max. Max. Area/ Length/Width/
related to artifact condition. Length Width Thickness Thickness Thickness

As evidenced by the studies cited in the N (observations) 263 263 263 263 263
literature review and our own experiments, Minimum 10 9 2 27.86 .020
fragmentation ratios are quite variable, even Maximum 74 93 49 427.50 .88
among similar substrates and trampling Mean 35.26 33.66 8.18 151.71 .17
agents (i.e., Osborn and Hartley 1991; Eren Median 35 31 7 145.71 .15
et al. 2010; Thibaut et al. 2010b; Jennings Variance 179.05 180.61 21.70 3909.22 .01
2011; Pargeter 2011). We believe this is 13.38 13.44 4.66 62.52 .12
due in part to the fact that, although raw Table 2. Experimental data set descriptive statistics. All measures in mm.
104 C. Weitzel et al.- Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 97-110

must be made) (Berson et al. 1999; Rokach and the DT, the ratio of artifact area to maximum thickness
Maimon 2010; Williams 2011). The system (decision (A/T) is the first significant variable (root) to explain
tree) learns from examples in a non-incremental artifact condition (complete or broken).
manner: the system is presented with cases relevant
The decision tree, then, shows given the variables
to a classification task and it develops a DT from the
in our experimental data set that artifacts with A/T
top down, guided by frequency information in the
values less than or equal to 172.28 mm were not broken
examples (Quinlan 1986; Berson et al. 1999; Williams
by trampling. Thus, the condition of approximately 91%
2011). DT inducers are algorithms that automatically
of the experimental dataset (unbroken) is explained by
construct a DT from a given data set. Specifically,
the model. The first node (following the right branch)
the algorithm seeks to create a tree that explains as
indicates that artifacts with an A/T greater than 172.28
perfectly as possible all the available data, that is, to
mm were broken after trampling when their length/
find the optimal DT by minimizing the generalization
width/thickness ratio (L/W/T) was greater than or equal
error (Rokach and Maimon 2010: 151). Algorithms
to 0.28. If L/W/T is smaller than 0.28 (left branch of
frequently used in DT building include ID3 (Iterative
the first node) the DT produces a second node where
Dicotomiser 3), C4.5 an extension of ID3 CART
length is the decisive variable: artifacts equal to or
(Classication and Regression Tree) and CHAID
longer than 35.5 mm remained unbroken after being
(Chi Square Automatic Interaction Detection). These
trampled (left branch of the second node), while
algorithms construct a model that explains the given
shorter artifacts are evaluated by another condition,
data generating a predictive model by providing a set
indicated in the third node (right branch). Here, A/T
of rules that can be applied to a new (unclassified)
becomes important again since short artifacts (L <
dataset (Quinlan 1986; Palace 1996; Berson et al.
35.5) with A/T values below 210.6 mm should not
1999). In this work we considered artifact condition
break when subjected to trampling (left branch of the
(complete or broken) as the target.
third node), but should break if A/T is greater than or
equal to 210.6 mm.
In order to assess if the relationships between
artifact condition and the variables selected by the DT
The decision tree we obtained for the condition of were statistically significant, we perform a Students
artifacts exposed to trampling is shown in Figure 7. t-test for artifact condition against each DT variable.
The diagram reads from the top down. According to Results show that the relationship between A/T and
artifact condition is the only statistically significant (see
Table 3). Therefore, factors other than A/T may change
their role in the model as new data is submitted to
the decision tree. Still, although we do not expect the
role of A/T to change, its switch-point values may
change as new data or datasets are considered. The DT
presented here will only be useful for samples holding
metric values and raw materials similar to the ones in
our experimental data set.
Next we included in the decision tree the contextual
variables shown by our trampling experiments to affect
damage outcomes; particularly trampling agent and
substrate. Considering all the variables together (raw
material, metric, and contextual), the decision tree
arrived at exactly the same structure for trampling
expectations. That is, raw material, agent, and substrate
were not selected by DT as determining factors for
artifact condition after trampling events. It is worth

p T
Thickness .08 1.72
Length .054 -1.96
Width .55 -.59
Area .39 -.85
Area/Thickness .00007 -3.6
Length/Width/Thickness .24 -1.16
Figure 7. Decision tree for the condition of experimental Table 3. Student`s t-test for artifact condition (significance
artifacts subject to trampling. level: .05).
Trampling Fragmentation Potential of lithic artifacts: an experimental approach 105

considering that the influence of raw material may propose for artifact TFP assessment derives from our
increase with obsidian artifacts because of its high actualistic observations: thickness. Given our dataset,
fragility. Further experimentation is needed to assess artifacts whose sections are up to 7 mm thick can be
this statement. broken by trampling and therefore have high TFP.
So far, DT selected A/T ratio as the key variable These threshold values explain artifact condition
affecting artifact condition when subjected to trampling. for the dataset obtained from our five trampling
Students t test showed that the relation between these experiments, but the DT also serves as a predictive
variables is the only statically significant. Furthermore, model. That is, we can evaluate new data (experimental
DT predicts that artifacts exhibiting A/T values below or archaeological) relative to this model, so long as
172.28 mm are unlikely to be broken by trampling. it is within the morphological range, and suite of raw
Thus, DT predictions suggest that the occurrence materials, substrates and agents. Meeting these criteria,
of fractures on pieces exhibiting smaller A/T values the model will predict artifacts condition (broken or
should be attributable to other processes. Based whole), and we can then compare artifacts actual
on these results, we propose that the ratio of area condition to the modeled predictions to assess whether
to thickness is a key in the assessment of trampling trampling is the most likely mechanism to explain
fragmentation potential (TFP) in lithics. Our results the fragmentation pattern observed in any given
indicate that TFP is primarily conditioned by artifacts assemblage. Furthermore, the model can be refined
metric attributes and that other factors such as substrate with new experimental data; as it incorporates more
and trampling agent may influence the frequency of training data, the models predictions become more
fragmentation but not whether an artifact can be accurate and applicable to more diverse assemblages.
broken by trampling. For example, the results from The DT also shows that, among our sample, other
the Necochea experiment showed that there was a variables (length/width/thickness and artifact length)
significant relationship between substrate hardness contribute to artifact condition, though they are not
and fracture ratio (Weitzel 2010), as demonstrated statistically significant. The size of the available
previously by other researchers (Gifford-Gonzalez et al. sample remains small, and the role of these variables
1985; Nielsen 1991; McBrearty et al. 1998). A further in explaining artifact condition may change as more
important observation from our study is that in none data are introduced to the DT. We will be better able
of the experiments fracture section thicknesses of more to judge the relative importance of these and other
than 7 mm were recorded. Therefore, we propose to add variables when the available experimental sample is
thickness as a complementary variable to assess artifact diverse enough to represent the morphological universe
TFP. If we consider 7 mm the maximum thickness of flaked artifacts. The model presented above is useful
that can be effectively broken by trampling given the for assessing lithic assemblages with attributes (metric
other morphological characteristics represented in our variables and raw materials) similar to those considered
experimental dataset, then tentatively, we can suggest in our data set (Table 2), but assemblages exhibiting
that any artifact with an A/T value above 172.28 and different values for artifact morphometric attributes
7 mm or more thick cannot be broken by trampling. are not strictly comparable and therefore specific
Of course, the 7 mm thickness threshold is based experimental data are needed for the construction of
on trampling agents weighting up to approximately a new DT.
600 kg; agents above this weight (i.e., elephants or
We recommend a cautious use of threshold values
several extinct mammals, Borrero and Martin 2012)
to assess whether a lithic assemblage was subjected to
might break artifacts 7 mm thick; further actualistic
trampling by calculating the frequency of whole flakes
research is required in areas that include or included
with a high TFP (here, A/T >172.28 mm and maximum
such large-bodied animals.
thickness < 7 mm). If a sample contains intact artifacts
with a high TFP, that lithic assemblage may not have
been intensively affected by trampling processes. On
DISCUSSION the other hand, if high TFP flakes are scarce or absent
Based on the results of our analyses using decision from an assemblage, the analyst will need to determine
trees and experimental observations of attributes that whether such artifacts were ever present in the original
influence lithic artifact breakage by trampling, we assemblage before making a claim for trample damage
propose two threshold values for assessing TFP. The since flake morphological attributes depend on tool
first is the ratio of area to thickness, selected as the production techniques and parent material size. To
DT root for predicting artifact condition (threshold address this, we suggest a thorough examination of
value for current sample is 172.28 mm). So far, A/T broken flakes to understand an assemblages original
is the only variable among those considered for this composition (Hiscock 2002). Lastly, TFP expectations
study exhibiting a statistically significant relationship provided by the model permit special consideration of
with artifact condition. The second threshold value we broken artifacts with fracture thicknesses greater than
106 C. Weitzel et al.- Intersecciones en Antropologa - Special Issue 1 (2014) 97-110

7 mm. In this case, fracture-type analyses might help REFERENCES

us distinguish fractures generated through production
technique, knapping errors, or deliberate breakage Balirn, C.
(Weitzel 2010). 2012 Preguntas arqueolgicas, respuestas actualsticas.
Experimentos sobre tafonoma ltica al sur de sierra
Baguales (Santa Cruz-Argentina). Primeros resultados.
Presented at X Jornadas de Jvenes Investigadores del
INAPL, Buenos Aires.
The decision tree technique generated a model 2014 Trampling, taphonomy, and experiments with lithic
that explains and predicts the attributes that determine artifacts in the southeastern Baguales Range (Santa
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