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<title> Senior High School </title>

<h1 align="center"> UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN </h1>
<h1 align="center"> General Luna st. </h1>
<h1 align="center"> Iloilo City Philippines </h1>
<table border="5" bordercolor="red" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="10" width="100%
<tr> <td bgcolor= "violet"><h2> mission </th></h2> <td bgcolor="blue"> <h2>vissi
on </td></tr></h2>
</p> </td></h4> <td> <h4> the university of san agustin is an agustinian,
<p>catholic and filipino educational</p>
<p>instution that aims to form the members of its academic</p>
<p>community at virtus et scientia to </p>
<p>serve wsetern visayas</p>
<p>the philippines and the world</p> </td></h4>
<td> <h4> a premier academic community of life-long </p>
<p>learners working with one mind and one heart </p>
<p>to search for, discover and share the truth</p>
<p>(Gradium de Veritate)</p>
<p>for the promotion af authetic human</p>
<p>and societal development</p>
<li>UNITAS (UNITY)</li>
<li>A transformative community builder oriented towards God</li>
<li>A restless critical and creative thinker</li>
<li>A social communicator of Truth</li>

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