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Please refer to school-wide newsletter sent by email or the Old High webpage for additional
information and important events.

Mrs. Cabrera- Literacy

Hi parents it was wonderful seeing many of you at Student-Led Conferences. I hope my little summary of how your
child is progressing in Literacy was helpful. In March/April we will continue focusing on Opinion Writing with an
emphasis on elaboration and on honing our skills in CER writing (writing claims, supporting them with evidence, and
explaining how our evidence supports are claim). In addition, we will continue writing poetry (We have written 13
poems so far this year and your child will bring home their own anthology at the end of the year.) Just a reminder -
your child should be reading nightly. Reading is the foundation of all other learning. This is a skill that can only be
developed through continual practice. Also, be aware that students still are learning new vocabulary and have hard
copies of vocabulary sheets given to them each week to study at home. If you child has lost their vocabulary sheet for
the week, it can be found on my webpage at Finally, I am adding a section to my
webpage entitled ACT Aspire Test Prep practice. When your child has a bit of time, ask them to play some of the
review games to help them prepare for testing, which is the week of April 24. Thank you for supporting your childs

Mr. Seim- Social Studies

Its amazing how little time there is left in the school year, and how much ground we still need to cover in the Story of
America. Next week, we will be finishing the 13 Colonies and heading into the events before the Declaration of
Independence. We will have one more BMW towards the end of April. This writing assignment must be done at
home. E-mails will be sent out to parents whose child did not complete BMW #3. We will still be having Friday
geography quizzes. Next week, we will be starting state nicknames.

Mrs. Bancroft- Math

I can't believe that it is already 4th quarter! Students are continuing to develop independent problem solving skills as
we progress through the 5th grade math curriculum. Students are demonstrating that they can communicate with their
peers in a sophisticated and respectful manner. We are currently focusing on multiplication and division of decimals.
Next we will focus on volume as well as applying what we know and understand about the coordinate plane!

Students will continue to assess their understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers, multiplication of
fractions, and addition and subtraction of fractions throughout the year. Multiple feedback/self-assessment
opportunities will be provided so students can grow mathematically.

Math continued
Students will continue to assess their understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers, multiplication of
fractions, and addition and subtraction of fractions throughout the year. Multiple feedback/self-assessment
opportunities will be provided so students can grow mathematically.

Mrs. Yaeger- Science

The connections from the beginning of the year are becoming more obvious to students. As we explored the concept of
matter, we learned it is something that has mass and takes up space. How does MATTER relate to ECOSYSTEMS?
While they seem disconnected, they are truly related.

Students learned about the Earths four spheres (hydrosphere= water, geosphere= rock/crust, atmosphere= air, and
biosphere= life/organisms). We discussed basic interactions. For example, a plant (biosphere) has its roots in the dirt
(geosphere) and it takes in water (hydrosphere) through its roots and breaths in CO2 (atmosphere). All of these things
are made of matter. We went in depth about how life on Earth interacts and transfers energy and matter through the
food chain food web. Where does the matter go? Does matter just disappear when it is eaten? Some of the matter helps
an organism grow. They use their fuel energy (part matter), get rid of it as well (part matter). Organisms also die. We
learned decomposers break down excreted and dead matter from organisms. Then, we learned about plants taking in
and putting out matter (water and air). We learned that water changes to different states of matter through the water
cycle. The point is that matter is involved with all of this. Matter is changed but conserved through all of the systems
and cycles we have here on this planet. Students need to see it is interconnected. Without these matter cycles and
systems in place, our planet would be completely different!!!! Whoa!

Parent Connection: (Taken from STEMscopes- Matter Cycles)

Matter Cycles at Home:
In order to explore the matter cycles at home with your child, go outside and observe them at work.
See if you can see the different parts of the water cycle. Look for other living organisms outside
that are part of the carbon dioxide/oxygen cycle.

Here are some questions to discuss with your child:

How do you interact with the water cycle every day?

How does the amount of sunlight affect the water cycle? Does more evaporation take place at
night or during the day? Why?
Did you find more examples of oxygen-producing organisms or carbon dioxide-producing organisms?
How are plants a unique member of the carbon dioxide/oxygen cycle?
How could you add more oxygen to your neighborhood ecosystem?

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