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Everyday Math Unit 1

Lesson Number and Objective Procedure Assessment Standards

1.1: Introducing First SWBAT: count Warm up: count by 1s using Teacher 1.G.1, 1.NBT.1, 1.OA.6
Grade Everyday collections of objects the number line observation of
Mathematics Focus: children will find and responses
discuss numbers and shapes
in the classroom; estimate the
number of objects in a
collection; identify the total
number of dots on dot
Practice: Explore dice-dot
1.2: Investigating the SWBAT: use the Warm up: count by 1s on the Teacher 1.NBT.1, 1.NBT.3
Number Line number line to count number line observation of
and compare numbers Focus: Introduction to skip responses and
counting by 1s, 5s and 10s game play
Practice: Monster Squeeze
1.3: Tools for doing SWBAT: explore tools Warm up: count on the Teacher 1.G.1, 1.NBT.1,
mathematics for counting and number line observation of 1.NBT.3, 1.OA.6
reasoning about the Focus: exploration of toolkits; responses and
attributes of shapes. use the pattern-block game play
Practice: Penny-dice game
1.4: Counting SWBAT: solve an open Warm up: counting by 5 on Teacher 1.NBT.1
Strategies (Open response problem by the number line observation of
Response, Day 1) estimating and Focus: estimate how many responses and
counting collections of counters are in a collection; game play, slate
counters math journal open response assessment
1.4: Counting SWBAT: discuss and Warm up: review the open Teacher 1.NBT.1
Strategies (Open learn from other response problem from the observation of
Response, Day 2) childrens strategies, day prior and discuss counting responses and
then use a new strategies game play
strategy to count a Focus: discuss counting
different set of strategies and revising work
1.5: One more, one less SWBAT: use the Warm up: Identify the number Teacher 1.NBT.1, 1.OA.1,
number line to tell and that comes before and after a observation of 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6
solve number stories given number responses and
and to play a game that Focus: Introduce slates as game play
prepares them for classroom tools; children use
adding and subtracting a number line to solve 1 more
within 20 and 1 less number stories
Practice: playing Bunny Hop
1.6: Comparing SWBAT: learn more Warm up: Identify numbers Teacher 1.NBT.1, 1.NBT.3
Numbers about comparing and that come before and after observation of
ordering numbers Focus: Comparing and responses and
ordering numbers game play
Practice: Playing Top-It
1.7: Organizing Data in SWBAT: use tally marks Warm up: count up and back Teacher 1.MD.4, 1.NBT.1,
a Tally Chart to represent data by 1s observation of 1.OA.6
Focus: read tally marks and responses and
make tally marks representing game play
numbers; sort animal pictures
into categories and create
tally charts
Practice: Playing Penny-Dice
1.8: More Organizing SWBAT: practice Warm up: record tally marks Teacher 1.MD.4, 1.NBT.1,
Data counting and for numbers on slates and observation of 1.OA.6
representing data in practice counting the tallies responses and
tally charts Focus: Organizing data onto a game play; slate
tally chart with Rock, Paper, routine
Scissors game
Practice: Play Top-It
1.9: Exploring Math SWBAT: explore Warm up: counting backwards Teacher 1.G.1, 1.G.2, 1.NBT.1
Materials pattern blocks, base-10 on the number line observation
blocks, and geoboards Focus: Exploration of pattern
in preparation for blocks, base-10 blocks, and
reasoning about shapes geoboards
and their attributes Practice: Playing Bunny Hop
1.10: Number Stories SWBAT: tell and solve Warm up: Count by 1s and 5s Teacher 1.OA.1, 1.OA.3, 1.OA.6
number stories to using the number line observation of
practice adding and Focus: Children model and responses and
subtracting within 20 solve simple number stories game play
using various strategies; make
up and solve their own
number stories
Practice: playing Bunny Hop
1.11: Counting Larger SWBAT: navigate the Warm up: count up and back Teacher 1.NBT.1, 1.OA.5
Numbers number grid to prepare on the number line observation of
for adding and Focus: Introducing Number responses and
subtracting larger Grid Counting; Rolling for 50 game play
numbers game
Practice: Play Top-it
1.12: (Day 1) Unit 1 SWBAT: use knowledge Students will work Formal 1.NBT.1, 1.NBT.3,
Progress Check from unit 1 to independently to complete an Assessment 1.OA.1, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6,
complete a unit 1 assessment on unit 1 from EM 1.MD.4
1.12: (Day 2) Unit 1 SWBAT: use knowledge Students will work Formal 1.NBT.1, 1.NBT.3,
Progress Check from unit 1 to independently to complete an Assessment 1.OA.1, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6,
complete a unit 1 assessment on unit 1 from EM 1.MD.4

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