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Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 43: 509523, 2003

Copyright # 2003 Taylor & Francis

1040-7790/03 $12.00 + .00
DOI: 10.1080/10407790390122177



Weizhong Dai and Raja Nassar

Mathematics & Statistics, College of Engineering & Science,
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana, USA

Heat transport at the microscale is important for the processing of materials with a pulsed
laser. In this study, we develop a three-level finite-difference scheme for solving micro heat
transport equations with temperature-dependent thermal properties obtained based on the
parabolic two-step model. It is shown by the discrete energy method that for constant
thermal properties the scheme is unconditionally stable. Numerical results for thermal
analysis of a gold film are obtained.

Heat transfer at the microscale is important for the processing of materials with
a pulsed laser [14]. Developments of high-power short-pulse lasers have matured
into several innovative technologies, including structural monitoring of thin metal
lms, laser micromachining and patterning, structural tailoring of microlms, and
laser synthesis and processing in thin-lm deposition [5]. During ultrafast heating on
metallic lms, surface temperature change is converted from the reectivity change
measured optically on the lm surface. Due to the much smaller heat capacity of the
electron gas as compared to that of the metal lattice, the temperature rise during the
rst few picoseconds is caused mainly by the hot electron gas rather than the metal
lattice. Short-pulse laser interactions with thin metal lms has been widely investi-
gated. Major focus in modeling the ultrafast process of heat transport has been
placed on the electron gas, whose temperature becomes physically meaningful after
the rst few hundred femtoseconds [118]. The physical phenomena involved in
ultrashort laser pulse interactions with solid targets are very complex and are still the
subject of many investigations. Kaganov and colleagues [6] rst evaluated theore-
tically the heating process between electrons and lattice. Anisimov and colleagues [7]
proposed a parabolic two-step heat conduction model, which was advanced by
Fujimoto and colleagues [8]. Qiu and Tien [2] derived a more general and rigorous

Received 19 February 2002; accepted 9 January 2003.

This research was supported by a Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund (LEQSF) grant,
Contact no. LEQSF (2002-05)-RD-A-01.
Address correspondence to Weizhong Dai, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Engineering &
Science, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272, USA. E-mail:


A constant coecient d2x second-order nite dierence
C heat capacity Hx ; Hx rst-order forward, backward nitedif-
Ce electron heat capacity ferences
Cl lattice heat capacity DTe electron temperature change
d radiation penetration depth Dt; Dx time increment, grid size
G electronphonon coupling factor tq constant coecient
J laser uence tT constant coecient
ke electron thermal conductivity
L lm thickness
k k ke
e electron
N number of grid points
i spatial node
Q heat source
l lattice
R reectivity
0 initial
t time
tp laser pulse duration
T; T1 temperature Superscript
x; y; z Cartesian coordinates n time level

hyperbolic two-step radiation heating model based on quantum and statistical

mechanics. They [4] demonstrated experimentally with relatively low-uence laser
pulses that both the parabolic and hyperbolic two-step temperature models correlate
quite well with the measured electron temperature. Using a dierent approach, Tzou
[9, 10] developed a microscopic dual-phase-lag theory, which is able to represent the
microscopic, two-step heat conduction models by retaining the proper lag-time
eects of dierent orders. Other approaches to heat transport at the microscale, such
as molecular dynamics [11], the electron distribution function [12], and the corrective
smoothed particle method [1316], have been reported also. Recently, the thermal
behavior by accommodating the temperature-dependent thermal properties in
describing the ultrafast process of heat transport in metal lms has been studied
[5, 17, 18]. The problem becomes highly nonlinear due to the temperature-dependent
thermal properties, necessitating a numerical study of the fast transient phenomena.
Chen and Beraun [17] employed the corrective smoothed particles technique to solve
the coupled temperature-dependent heat conduction equations. Smith and collea-
gues [18] employed the Crank-Nicholson method to solve the parabolic two-step
heat conduction equations with temperature-dependent thermal properties.
However, the condition for stability of the scheme was not mentioned. Tzou and
Chiu [5] employed a mixed formulation, specially tailored to recover the stability
criterion in Fouriers law as the lagging behavior diminishes. The nite-dierence
scheme is conditionally stable in the case where the thermal properties are constants.
In this article, we develop a three-level nite-dierence scheme for solving micro heat
transport equations with temperature-dependent thermal properties obtained based
on the parabolic two-step equations. For constant thermal properties, the scheme is
shown to be unconditionally stable. It should be pointed out that unconditional
stability is particularly important so that there are no restrictions on the mesh ratio,
Dt=Dx, because the grid size, Dx, may be very small. The method is illustrated by a
numerical example.

The parabolic two-step heat conduction equations with temperature-dependent
thermal properties can be written as follows [17, 18]:
qTe q qTe
Ce Te ke Te ; Tl  GTe  Tl Q 1
qt qx qx

Cl GTe  Tl 2
The electronphonon coupling factor G is a material property that represents the
rate of energy transfer between the electrons and the lattices. The heat capacity of the
electrons and lattice, Ce and Cl , and the thermal conductivity of the electron, ke , are
also material properties. While all these material properties have some temperature
dependence, the electron heat capacity is a strong function of the electron tem-
Ce Ae Te 3
Values of Ae are given by Kittel [9]. The electronphonon coupling factor and the
lattice heat capacity are assumed to be constant. The temperature dependence of the
thermal conductivity during nonequilibrium heating can be approximated as

ke Te ; Tl ke T0 4

where ke T0 is the equilibrium electron thermal conductivity measured at room

The laser source term Q in Eq. (1) has an exponential decay in space to account
for absorption in a nontransparent media, and a Gaussian shape in time, which is a
reasonable approximation of the pulse shape:
"  2 #
1  R x t
Q 0:94 J exp   2:77 5
tp d d tp

The reectivity R and the penetration depth d are material properties, while the
uence J and the pulse width tp are parameters of the incident laser pulse. This
source term neglects any interaction with the substrate. Therefore, the lm must be
thicker than the radiation penetration depth to ensure that the radiant energy does
not reach the substrate [18].
From Eq. (2), we obtain
Cl qTl
Te Tl 6
G qt
Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (1) gives
qTl Ce Cl q2 Tl q qTl Cl q qTl
Ce Cl ke ke Q 7
qt G qt2 qx qx G qx qx

The substrate is assumed to be an insulating material, and convection and

radiation from the surface are neglected owing to the small temperature rise and the
time scale of interest. Therefore, homogeneous boundary conditions of the second
kind are applied for this solution:

qTl qTl qTe qTe

0; t L; t 0 0; t L; t 0 8
qx qx qx qx
For simplicity, the initial conditions for both the electron and lattice systems are
assumed to be constant. Thus,

Te x; 0 Tl x; 0 T0 9

where T0 300 K. In order to solve Eq. (7), we further assume that

qTl qTe
x; 0 x; 0 0 10
qt qt
To develop a nite-dierence scheme for solving the above problem, we denote
Tl ni to be the numerical approximation of Tl i Dx; n Dt; where Dx and Dt are the
x-directional spatial and temporal mesh sizes, respectively, 0  i  N 1; so that
N 1 Dx L. Similarly, Te ni is the numerical approximation of Te i Dx; n Dt.
Further, we use the following dierence operators:

Hx Tin Ti1
 Tin HxTin Tin  Tni1

d2x Tin Ti1

 2Tin Tni1

and so on. It can be seen that d2x Tin Hx  HxTin : As such, a three-level nite-dif-
ference method for solving the above problem [Eqs. (6)(10)] can be written as

Tl n1  Tl n1 1 Ce Cl n
Ce Cl ni i i
2 Tl n1
i  2Tl ni Tl n1
2 Dt Dt G i

H k n
x i1=2 x  Tl n1
i 2Tl ni Tl n1
4 Dx2

1 Cl
Hx kni1=2 Hx  Tl n1
i  Tl n1
i  Qni 1  i  N 11
2 Dt Dx2 G

Cl Tl n1  Tl ni
Te n1
i i
Tl n1
i 1iN 12
G Dt

Tl 0i Tl 1i T0 i Te 0i Te 1i T0 i 0iN1 13

Tl n0 Tl n1 Tl nN1 Tl nN 14a

Figure 1. Normalized electron temperatures at the front surface of a gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser
pulse at a uence of 13.4 J=m2 and three dierent meshes.

Te n0 Te n1 Te nN1 Te nN 14b

Thus, one may solve Tl ni from Eq. (11) and then obtain Te ni from Eq. (12). It
can be seen that the truncation error of Eq. (11) at i Dx; n Dt is ODt2 Dx2 .
Hence, it is more accurate than those schemes [5, 18] obtained based on the Crank-
Nicholson method, for which the truncation error is ODt Dx2 . Here, it should be
pointed out that we use a weighted average Tl n1
i 2Tl ni Tl n1
i =4 in Eq. (11)
for stability, which is similar to the idea of the CrankNicholson method. The
advantage of the weighted average can be seen in Lemma 2, next section. Further-
more, Eq. (11) is a linearized three-level nite-dierence scheme. The resulting sys-
tem is a tridiagonal linear system and hence can be easily solved.

Since Eq. (11) is a nonlinear nite-dierence scheme, the analysis for stability is
rather complicated. Here, for simplicity we show its stability only when the coe-
cients are constants. In this case, Eq. (11) becomes

Figure 2. Normalized electron temperatures at the front surface of a gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser
pulse at a uence of 13.4 J=m2 and three dierent time increments.

Tl n1  Tl n1 tT
C i i
2 Tl n1
i  2Tl ni Tl n1
2 Dt Dt
k 1 tq 2
d2 Tl n1 2Tl ni Tl n1  d Tl n1  Tl n1  Qni 15
4 Dx2 x i i
2 Dt Dx2 x i i

where C Ce Cl , tT 1=Ce 1=Cl 1 1=G, k ke , and tq Cl =G. We will

employ the discrete energy method [20] to show that the scheme, Eq. (15), is
unconditionally stable with respect to the initial conditions and the source term.
To this end, we rst introduce the denition of the inner product and norm
between the mesh functions uni and vni : Let Sh be a set of fun funi g; with
un0 un1 ; unN unN1 g: For any un , vn 2 Sh ; the inner products and norms are
dened as follows:

un ; vn Dx uni vni kun k2 un ; un

kHxun k21 Hxun ; Hxun 1 Dx Hxuni 2

Lemma 1. For any un 2 Sh ,

i  2uni un1
i un1
i  un1
i  un1
i  uni 2  uni  un1
i 2 16

i  2uni un1
i un1
i  un1

i 2  2un1
i uni un1
i un1
i  un1
i un1
i 2uni un1
i  un1
i 2

i 2  2un1
i uni uni 2  funi 2  2uni un1
i un1
i 2 g

i  uni 2  uni  un1
i 2

Figure 3. Calculated electron temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser
pulse of uence of 10.0 J=m2 .

Figure 4. Calculated lattice temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser pulse
of uence of 10.0 J=m2 .

Lemma 2. For any un 2 Sh ,

i 2uni un1
i   Hxun1
i  un1

i Hxuni 2  Hxuni Hxun1
i 2 17

i 2uni un1
i   Hxun1
i  un1

i 2 2Hxun1
i  Hxuni Hxun1
i  Hxun1

i  Hxun1
i  2Hxuni  Hxun1
i  Hxun1
i 2

i 2 2Hxun1
i  Hxuni Hxuni 2

 fHxuni 2 2Hxuni  Hxun1

i Hx un1
i 2 g

i Hxuni 2  Hxuni Hxun1
i 2

Figure 5. Calculated electron temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser
pulse of uence of 500 J=m2 .

Lemma 3. If Tl ni is the solution of Eq. (15) with initial and boundary

conditions, Eqs. (13) and (14a), then

Dx d2x Tl n1
i 2Tl ni Tl n1
i   Tl n1
i  Tl n1

 Dx HxTl n1
i 2Tl ni Tl n1
i   Hx Tl n1
i  Tl n1
i  18

Dx d2x Tl n1
i  Tl n1
i   Tl n1
i  Tl n1
 HxTl n1  Tl n1  19

Figure 6. Calculated lattice temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser pulse
of uence of 500 J=m2 .

Proof: For any u, v are in Sh , we have

Dx d2x ui vi Dx ui1 ui vi Dx ui ui1 vi
i1 i1 i1

N1 X
Dx ui ui1 vi1 Dx ui ui1 vi
i2 i1

N1 X
Dx ui ui1 vi1 Dx ui ui1 vi because u0 u1 ; uN uN1
i1 i1

N 1
Dx Hxui Hxvi 20

Thus, we let vi Tl n1i  Tl n1

i , ui Tl n1
i 2Tl ni Tl n1
i , and ui
n1 n1
Tl i  Tl i , respectively. Substituting them into Eq. (20), we obtain Eqs. (18)
and (19).

Figure 7. Calculated electron temperature proles for a 500-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser
pulse of uence of 104 J=m2 .

Theorem 1. Suppose that Tin and Sni are solutions of the scheme, Eqs. (15),
(13), and (14a), with different initial values, and different source terms,
respectively. Let eni Tin  Sni : Then for any n in 0  n Dt  t0 , eni satisfies

Fn  F0 t0 Dt2 max kexk2 21


where  2 1  2
Fn tT en1  en  krx Hx en1  en 1 22
and ex is the dierence of corresponding source terms. Here, rx Dt=Dx2 .
Hence, this scheme is unconditionally stable with respect to the initial condi-
tions and the source term.
Proof: It can be seen from Eq. (15) that eni satises
en1  en1 tT
C i i
2 en1  2eni en1 
2 Dt Dt i i

k 1 tq 2 n1
d2 en1 2 eni en1   d e  en1  eni 23
4 Dx2 x i i
2Dt Dx2 x i i

Figure 8. Calculated lattice temperature proles for a 500-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser pulse
of uence of 104 J=m2 .

Multiplying Eq. (23) by 2 Dten1 i  en1

i ; summing over i from i 1; . . . ; N, one
X N  n1
e  en1 tT
Dx 2 Dt C i i
2 en1 i  2eni en1
2 Dt Dt

k 2 n1 n n1 1 tq 2 n1 n1
 d e 2e e    d e  e   en
4 Dx2 x i i i
2 Dt Dx2 x i i i

i  en1
0 24
By Lemmas 13, we obtain

 2 2tT  n1 2  2
Cen1  en1  e  en  en  en1  
Dt  2  2
k 2
Hxen1  en 1 Hxen  en1 1 
2 Dx

Hx en1  en1 2
2 Dten; en1  en1 25

By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have

2 Dten; en1  en1  Cen1  en1  Dt2 C1 kenk2

 the above inequality into Eq. (25) to eliminate the term
Cen1  en1  , further dropping out the last term on the left-hand side multiplying
both sides by Dt, and using the notation Fn, we can simplify Eq. (25) as follows:

Fn  Fn  1 Dt3 kenk2
 F0 Dt3 kexk2

 F0 t0 Dt2 max kexk2 26


which completes the proof.

To demonstrate the applicability of the numerical method, we investigate the
temperature rise in a thin gold lm. Thermal properties are chosen to be k0 315
W=m K, Cl 2:5  106 J=m3 K, G 2:6  1016 W=m3 K, and A 70 J=m3 K2 . We
further chose tp 100 fs, d 15:3 nm, and R 0:93 for the laser source term Q in
Eq. (5).
In calculation, we rst chose three dierent meshes of 100, 200, and 400 grid
points with the time increment Dt 0:005 ps for the nite-dierence scheme to test for
stability. Figure 1 shows the change in temperature (DTe =DTe Max on the surface
of the gold layer when L 100 nm and L 20 nm with a uence of J 13:4 J=m2 :
Compared with that displayed in [17] (see Figure 3 in [17]), they agree very well with
those obtained based on the parabolic two-step model. Also, it can be seen from Figure
1 that mesh size had no signicant eect on the solution. This implies that the scheme is
grid-independent. For these three meshes, Dx 1:0  106 mm, 0:5  106 mm, and
0:25  106 mm were chosen for L 100 nm, respectively. This implies that the mesh
ratios, Dt=Dx, are 5.0  103 , 1.0  104 , and 2.0  104 , respectively. We then chose three
dierent time increments, 0.005, 0.01, and 0.02 ps, and Dx 1:0  106 mm. Figure 2
shows the change in temperature (DTe =DTe Max) on the surface of the gold layer
when L 100 nm with a uence of J 13:4 J=m2 . It can be seen from Figure 2 that
there is no signicant dierence in the solution. Figures 3 and 4 plot the electron
temperature proles and lattice temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated
with a 0.1-ps laser pulse at a uence of J 10:0 J=m2 ; respectively. Both of these
proles agree well with those obtained by the parabolic two-step model (see Figures 1
and 2 in [17]). Figures 5 and 6 plot the electron temperature proles and lattice

temperature proles for a 100-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser pulse at
a uence of J 500:0 J=m2 ; respectively. Again, both of these proles agree well
with those obtained by the parabolic two-step model (see Figure 5 in [3]). Figures
7 and 8 plot the electron temperature proles and lattice temperature proles for
a 500-nm gold lm irradiated with a 0.1-ps laser pulse at a uence of
J 104 J=m2 ; respectively.

In this study, we develop a three-level nite-dierence scheme for solving micro
heat transport equations with temperature-dependent thermal properties, which are
obtained based on the parabolic two-step model. It is shown by the discrete energy
method that for constant thermal properties this scheme is unconditionally stable
with respect to the initial conditions and the source term. However, the stability of
the scheme with temperature-dependent thermal properties needs further study.
Numerical results for thermal analysis of a gold lm show that the scheme is ecient.

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