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David Avocado Wolfe

Intro Living Nutrition

Table of Contents
1 - No Single Nutrition System Is the Only One ........................................................................................... 2
2 - David Wolfes Take on Balanced Nutrition ............................................................................................. 6
3 - The POWER of Writing Down Your Goals .......................................................................................... 10
4 - Juicing & Blending .................................................................................................................................. 13
5 - Nuts & Seeds .......................................................................................................................................... 16
7 - Sprouts and Seeds .................................................................................................................................. 22
8.1 - Canmore Spring Water - Finding Springs - Winter .............................................................................. 26
8.2 - Canmore Spring Water - Finding Springs - Summer ............................................................................ 28
8.3 - Spring Water Part 1 ............................................................................................................................. 30
9 - Picking NoniLand Sacred Chocolate ...................................................................................................... 32
10 - Papaya and Passionflower ..................................................................................................................... 34
11 - Foraging for Salad - Part 1 .................................................................................................................... 35
12 - Cleansing from the top of Burtlemans Hill Part 1............................................................................. 39
13 - From Burtlemans Hill Learning & Creating Hope ........................................................................... 42
14 - Metabolism ........................................................................................................................................... 45
15 - Color Cure Prelude Part 1 ................................................................................................................. 48

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David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

1 - No Single Nutrition System Is the Only One

The biggest criticisms that I receive, now, 17 years into this, are from the people that are like I was
when I first got started. And, its interesting. Its the argument that no diet is simple, no you just
need to eat raw food, no you just need to eat mostly fruit and a little bit of vegetables, everything is
going to be fine, that all this stuff about metabolic typing and different Dosha types and elemental
characteristics from the Chinese medicine system, dont mean anything. Its all BS. And,
obviously, time will prove that actually the ancient systems are correct and that diet is more
sophisticated that just eating fruits and some vegetables, having an 80% fruit diet and 10% this and
10% that, is going to go by the wayside with time and its difficult for people in the beginning to
understand that. And thats an important point as a teacher that youve got to put out there.


That its very easy in the beginning to get caught up in kind of fascist this is the way, this is right,
this is the only way story because youre new. Its how politicians have taken advantage of us from
the beginning of time. They get a new movement going, this is the thing, this is the way, and then
that turns into Nazism, or it turns into Communism, or it turns into Capitalism, or whatever. So
its always a little more sophisticated than that. And there is a relationship here between politics
and gardening and food and that is shall we let a man rule a nation who cannot rule his own
garden, as the ancient Chinese proverb states. And thats kind of how it is with diet too, is that its
a garden, its a variety of different moving parts and it can be sophisticated. And the way I chunk it
down, the way I simplify it is that theres food right, thats just food. It has caloric value, right,
major macro nutrients, like fruits or like carbohydrates from fruits or carbohydrates from other
sources and macro nutrients like


Oils and fats from say avocadoes and nuts and seeds, and other types of oils, olive oil, and then
theres the major macro nutrients of protein that are in that category of food and that should be a
predominance of raw food and that will work for everybody if that can be in say 80% raw food of
the food we are eating, thats going to benefit a lot of people greatly exceeding the effectiveness of
most food choices. But, thats not all there is. Theres also this category which is the superfood
and insurance policy category which is making sure youre actually getting enough. Because we
cant guarantee youre going to get enough from say lettuce, of the minerals that you need in order
to produce vigorous health for 20 years. We cant guarantee that youre going to get enough
protein, for example, from just plants that are in the fruits and vegetable category. But, with
superfoods, yeah, we can guarantee that. With that supplement category, maybe B12 or DHA,
marine oils or whatever thats going to fit into that category too, then youre


guaranteeing through an insurance policy that youre not flying off the deep end. This makes a lot
more sense when youre pregnant and makes a lot more sense when you want to become pregnant
because women know. They are not fooled by this kind of fascistic nonsense about this is the only
diet or you have to eat this limited stuff or whatever. Women have a stronger intuition. Their
body will tell them if they need to eat fish, if they need to eat meat, if they need to eat fruit, if they

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Intro Living Nutrition

need to eat chlorella, if they need to eat olive oil, if they need to eat avocadoes, if they need to eat
whatever. The womens body will tell them. And then we have a third category and thats
superherbs which is your medicine. The food category doesnt have any medicine in it. Its just
calories. Its all been breaded and domesticated. No matter what food youre eating, unless youre
eating a wild food diet, most likely theres no medicine in your diet. And thats where you come
over here into the herbal category which is actually medicine so that you can knock out all those
things in your body that are virally oriented, that are bacterially oriented, that are developing into
problems maybe down the road,


Right at the very infancy of it. This has been learned since the 1980 in the field of medicine in the
studies of bacteria growth, from population growth of bacteria, is that our original idea that all
bacteria behave like dogs. And that is if you leave your house for a week and you leave a bowl of
food for your dog, your dog is going to eat the whole food in the first day. And thats the model
that is in all science in relationship to studying population growth in bacteria right up until the
1980s. Until it was realized that there are organisms on this earth that dont eat like dogs, they eat
like cats. Now if you have a cat, you know that if you leave a bowl out for your cat and youre gone
for a week, your cat will ration the bowl out. It will eat a little bit one day, a little bit the next day, a
little bit the next day after that. So there are organisms given an infinite amount of food that will
only populate at a certain level. And those are the organisms that are behind arthritis, those are
the organisms that are behind plaque formation in your body, those are calcification organisms,
bacteria that form shells, and viruses that form shells,


Leaving debris behind in your body, coral or muscles or oysters or barnacles that leave a shell
behind, and thats arthritis, thats plaque formation in our body. And, to fight those, we need a
very intense herbal program all the time. And thats why I recommend tea. When you have tea
coming into your body youre knocking down all different kinds of medicine, all the time. Its
rocking into your body all the time. And when you put that all together, you got your food sorted
out, so its not toxifying you and giving you what you actually need, youve got your
superfood/supplement category sorted out, so youre actually completely covered, youre not
missing DHA, youre not missing protein, youre not missing Vitamin B12, youre not missing
vitamin K2, youre not missing Vitamin B9, youre not missing D3, and you have all that covered
and youre like ok, got it Insurance done. And then you have this whole superherbs category
which is in essence, at its foundation, the idea that we should be taking the top 20 herbs


Around us, the ones we can get access to and just not even worry about herb number 1111or herb
number 108 or herb number 444, it doesnt matter, were not getting there. Let s get herb 1
through 10 and then 10 through 20. Thats superherbs. And those are the ones that are designed
for everybody by the creator and by the higher power to be eating on a regular basis like food, but
they have medicine. Whats the best in that category? Probably Reishi mushroom, its the most
well studied, and if you dont take Reishi mushroom, then you havent actually learned enough
about it. Thats the only reason why youre not taking it. Its the most well studied herb in the

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world and I really recommend researching it and if you want a good recommendation just for
anybody right away doing anything Reishi mushroom. Do it right away because it starts giving
people an immune system and if youre getting a cold, a cough, a fever, a scratchiness in your
throat, any kind of infection thats chronic, then actually what its indicating is that there is no
immune system. Let me just reiterate this again. If youre just eating food over here, theres no
immune system.


Youre not getting immunity. And therefore you dont really have the weapons. You dont really
have an army thats able to go out and knock out the bad bacteria, the viruses, and the stuff that
creeps up on you, the calcium forming organisms. They are actually having a field day as well.
But they creep up slowly so you dont really notice it until youre about 60 and all of sudden, its
like crunch. Once the hormones go down and they get the signal to go Oh wait we got our chance,
boom, and they start coming up. All of a sudden the arthritis starts, all of sudden the calcification
and heart disease starts up and then we are going to start paying attention. If youre younger than
that now, now is the time to start rocking the medicines in. This is where we have to be careful
with people going flying off the deep end with these kind of crazy diets. Its like if theres no
insurance policy there then theres no medicine in there. So I know whats going to happen.
Whats going to happen is its going to cause hyper, kind of an anorexic kind of a look. Its going
to cause demineralization and loss of brain oils which is going to cause that kind of cooky behavior,
and it can cause even insanity.


Or extreme personality distortions such as chronic and incessant anger. Chronic and incessant
energies that are destructive in the world and thats like being or chronic and excessive talking,
thats another one. And, youve met people like that. Theyre just blah-blah-blah blah and you
just want to get one word in and they go blah, blah, blah, blah and they just keep talking. That
right there is a wind excess in the elemental theory of Chinese medicine. And in the Ayurvedic
system, its a Dosha, a Vata imbalance where the Vata has gone out of control and really out of
control. Now the number one thing people have said to me over the years in the field of raw food,
it comes up more than any single thing is that if Im going to eat raw food, am I going to be crazy
like that person?. Thats the number one thing I have heard over all these years. Its like
chronic, all the time. And Ive always wondered like God, there is a lot of crazy people in the raw
food scene. Maybe theres crazy people in every scene in the world. Ive always wondered is it
different with raw food than say in the heart


Of a corporation like a computer company or something or any other kind of social group? And I
think that actually it is a little different in raw foods. Because in raw foods, it can be in a 1- be done
totally wrong, we dont have any insurance policy and we dont have any herbalism, so were just
working with food and thats it and 2- it can cause extreme Dosha imbalances extreme wind,
extreme fire, extreme heat, or extreme cold, extreme dampening, and this is where the medicine
comes in because those superherbs actually will modulate that for us. Theyll dry out our spleen,
like poria, the medicinal mushroom poria, dries out the damp, wet spleen. Its exactly

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counteractive to the damp, wet spleen. So is rhemmania, which is a Chinese herb, is also
counteractive to the damp, wet spleen. So it counteracts those things that raw food can create in
some types of metabolisms.


What it really comes down to again is taking the food, and the superfood combination and going
ok, now Ive got all this covered but am I in balance? And then using herbalism to drive the
balance to move it so youre getting into the zone where you want to be so we dont get into
extreme personality distortions, of extreme upset, extreme passivity is another side effect, lack of
drive is another side effect. And these things can be worked with herbally in order to direct the
energies where we want them to go. This is the overall picture of the sophistication of food
brought to its most simplest categories that we can play with. Again, they are 1-Food, 2-
Superfoods/Supplements, thats your insurance policy, 3-Superherbs which is your medicine,
which are metable, and easy to eat on a regular basis, almost on a daily basis if you want to and the
effects of which are felt pretty much instantly. And thats the kind of thing we want to be feeding
people out there because we dont want to be guessing anymore.


We dont need to guess anymore. We want to be giving people things that we know are going to
work for a vast, large portion of the population that have been time proven and time tested over
thousands of years and boom, we go right to that and step by step, as we learn more about that
person, more about ourselves, we can dial it even tighter, even a little bit more specific, dial in that
frequency even a little bit more perfectly.

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Intro Living Nutrition

2 - David Wolfes Take on Balanced Nutrition

Theres a lot of excitement about an Andean Plant called Chanca Piedra, the Stone Breaker,
phyllanthus niruri is its Latin binomial. And one day I was in this garden and I started noticing this
plant right here, this one if you look at it closely, you see its got little dingle berries on it theres a
few different ones, theres another one over here, see this, that one there and theres another one
down here by the leaf shape and the structure of the plant, the way it fruits you can tell its a
nitrogen fixer, so its in the leguminosae, so its good. Thats why we leave it in here. We want it
to nourish the soil. This is a phyllanthus. This is actually a very close relative of Chanca Piedra
already here, already growing wildly.


I can already just grab this and eat it and just chew it down and get all the stone breaking properties
of Chanca Piedra, the stone breaker. It breaks down the calcification. Thats one of the great
things about it. And it all came because I kept getting online and looking at Chanca Piedra on
Google Images and then coming back here and going like wait, huh, wait, its the same!. Its a
phyllanthus. And thats what you can do. You can literally get on Google Images with your phone.
You could be out foraging, you think youve got something, get your IPhone out, get on Google
Images, punch up images of all of that particular plant that you think it is and then compare it like
that. I could have my IPhone right here looking at it. Thats where we are. Thats how Chaga was
rediscovered in the West, actually. And it was discovered because I kept going to these sites about
Siberian Chaga, looking at the pictures of the Chaga, saying wait a second, we have that over here
even though everybody had told me we dont! Everybody, even the mycological community said
no, its not there. It is there! Its been there all along.


So weve got to be very careful about some of this advice that we get sometimes. And we also have
to be very careful about the leverage that we really have at our fingertips which is massive and a lot.
Because sometimes we get into a thing that He has to tell me how to do this and its like hey, get
onto a Google Search Engine, get onto Dog Pile, get onto Yahoo Search Engine, and punch those
things up and see what you get and see what you can learn yourself, see what you can discover.
Ultimately the Teacher is about teaching you about how to become your own student. Right?
Thats really what youre trying to do is youre trying to develop yourself as a student. Every
teacher really is just a great student. And as you develop yourself as a student you start finding
your own answers and you start developing your own momentum and that kind of feeds into itself
because you can acquire a large volume of data. Teaching is really about listening. What are the
people saying, what do they want to know, what do they want to hear about.


And theres a big controversy right now about Should I be eating meat or should I not be eating
meat? Thats a big controversy right now. Im not qualified to tell you if you should be eating

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meat or not. Only you are qualified to do that. Im a vegetarian so I cant tell you about meat. I
dont eat it, dont know anything about it. And thats something that you have to find outI will
tell you this; I know about the benefits of being a Vegetarian and I know the downside too. There
are pluses and minuses to everything. On the meat side, youre up on the high end of the food
chain and in our world today with nuclear disasters, thats not a good place to be. On the other
side, can you really get your DHA, your protein, all the oils you need, all of the B12, all of the B
vitamins, that you require to be totally the most healthy you can be from plants and the answer is
you might be able to pull that off. I think I pulled it off. But, its taken a lot of sophisticated
knowledge to really pull that off. Maybe you dont have that time. So these are things that you
have to look into. Maybe you dont have the research abilities in the field of nutrition to really like
dig that up and its easier to just take a little short cut. And thats really what meat is.


I mean meat is a superfood but it has a karma thats why I dont eat it. I dont want to be involved
in that but I cant say thats right or wrong for anybody else. Im glad those choices were made
available to me and thats why I pass those choices on forward but there are amazing people out
there, like my friend Daniel Vitalis, whod love to tell you how to eat meat. Thats what he does.
He was a raw vegan for a period of time and now hes a meat eater and he would know more
about the subject than I would. And, I feel like whatever diet youre on, definitely these little
magical herbal substances like that little Chanca Piedra right there could help you. Theyre
actually going to give you the alkaloids that you require to be able to live to be 100 or 102 or 104.
Theyre also going to detoxify the compounds that might be in the meat that you may want to get
out. Theyre also going to add a little bit of the archetypical wisdom of Nature and theyre going to
allow us to get a little bit more connected to life because this is obviously a living food. I pulled it
out maybe I should rebury it and see if it survives.


I probably will. Now theres the whole issue of what are we supposed to be eating then? Are we
supposed to be Carnivores, Meat Eaters, Plant Eaters, whats the story there? So this is my call on
that. This is my call on if you should be a carnivore, meat eater, omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, raw
Foodist, whatever. The human race consists of all of those things and it probably always will.
When I became a Raw Foodist, I found out there was tons of Raw Foodists out there. I never
knew about them. I thought I was the only one in the world. I mean I didnt meet anybody who
was a Raw Foodist and all of a sudden I found out theres tons of them out there and theres always
been tons of them out there its just the way that it is. So in that overall cornucopia of which
position are you gonna slot yourself in, this is what I found out in my research on that subject is if
you want to be a plant eater, sure thats gonna work and thats going to cover maybe 80% of your
diet, 90%.


Out of the overall picture of what you could eat, maybe about 10% of it, 5%, should come from
the Flesh Kingdom meat, animal maybe 5 -10% should come from the Mushroom Kingdom,
maybe 5-10% of it should come from the Insect Kingdom and if you put those numbers together
you might go ok hes saying like 10% animal, 5% mushroom, 5% insect kingdom which is really

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the natural and rational diet of every primate with a primate body. Its very hard to get anybody
eating anything out of the Insect Kingdom unless its honey so there you go. Theres your honey.
You get your magic out of the Insect Kingdom and that works it. It gives you that little bit that
honey gives you which is about 10 extra years of life which is worthwhile and thats why we want to
take account of all these things because if were missing something, lets say were missing Vitamin
B12, we may be knocking 20 years off our life or 30 years off our life or more. So if you get all the
pieces and you know in each piece you may actually get what you need in order to get your
appropriate longevity.


I cant bring myself to kill any animal to eat. I just cant do it so thats just my own bias and I have
to suffer for that and Ill suffer before that, just as the Hindus did for 5000 years, as a vegetarian
and make different choices. And I still know though that I need to get my B12, I need to get the
protein, I need to get the DHA, I need to get the special things that I can get from animal foods
and Vitamin K2 which I need to find out where Im going to get that from which I believe comes
from the grasses, like this, like this crab grass, right there is your Vitamin K2 in your inner core of
the crab grass because Vitamin K2 or Activator X is found in grasses, right, thats what they tell you
in the Nourishing Traditions Books. And the Price Pottenger research comes from the fast
growing grasses. There you go. I just got it right there, my Vitamin K2, just like a cow gets it - is
that enough - probably not.


For a little child, probably not. For a child if youre going to raise your child as a Vegan, you need
to supplement with Vitamin K2. It needs to be part of the supplement program because I cant
guarantee that thats enough or you can give them raw cheese which does have enough Vitamin
K2. See these are things youve got to know. If youre going to be a Vegetarian and slot out that 5-
10% of animal flesh product, if youre going to slot that out, youve got to then make up the
difference in some way. Hindus of course did it with dairy products and there are many amazing
things to be said about raw dairy products which is not kosher to fanatic vegans. They hate that
because they are not into farming. Im into farming. I dont have cattle here but I like farms and I
like the idea of farms. I think its good for the soul. I think having a few cows at a farm is great for
people and its a much better thing than having a few televisions in a city. Anyway, the power of
dairy is that you can glean some of that animal material without killing. And the Hindus figured
that out, the Brahmans lived that way for 5000 years and they showed us that way. You can also go
to things like the Deer Antler.


You can glean that magic right from the deer without killing the deer. Actually, youre probably
saving its life in a lot of cases because theyll buck each other in the rut to the death. If theres no
antlers then theyre not going to fight each other and theyre not going to get into that kind of
conflict. So thats something that Im into too. I like the Deer Antler, I think its an amazing
herbal material and it comes from the animal world and it can be procured without killing so its
got everything going for it as far as Im concerned and again, thats kosher to some of us. Its not
kosher to fanatics. Its like a lot of fanatic carnivores, a lot of fanatic omnivores, a lot of fanatic

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vegans and where Im over fanaticism. Its like to each his own, do the best you can, were all
doing the best we can and weve got to encourage everybody to do the best they can. And I bet
you that when you encourage someone to do the best they can, theyll do better than you think
they were going to do before or they think theyre going to do before. If you just encourage
somebody, theyre going to give it a little bit more attention and its actually very helpful.


The Mushroom Kingdom you actually need material coming out of the Mushroom Kingdom.
The medicinal mushrooms have solved that whole thing for us and made it very simple. Reishi
mushroom, Chaga mushroom, the great mushrooms that grow out of these logs, you know the
dead wood, the saprophytic mushrooms. Theyre giving us a certain level of nutrition that we
require. Lets see if there are any mushrooms coming off any of these logs around here. Alright,
you can see a growth just right here. This is great and thats its fruiting body. Its beginning to
generate a little bit of sporulation possibility right here and here. You can see that the mushroom
has gotten in over here as well. And these are edible and we need things out of that kingdom.
And that right there is holistic primate nutrition. In the plant world its going to be fruits and
vegetables and nuts and seeds and seaweeds and grasses and sprouts and flowers and herbs and
superherbs and superfoods and fermented foods.


In the mushroom world its going to be medicinal mushrooms. Thats kind of clear. In the insect
world its going to be honey unless youre into eating bugs which a lot of people are not. I think
ants are great but I dont go out eating ants. If they get into my honey and drown in there thats
how its done. Then I dont have to worry about Vitamin B12. I dont have to go out and do that
but if you need Vitamin B12, you should go out and do that just to guarantee if youre pregnant,
you dont want to be taking any chances. And then on top of that out of the flesh world, or the
dairy world, I dont consume any of those things so I have to skate around them and I have to
know what Im missing and because I know what Im missing, I am able to skate around it and
dance around it and it works out.

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Intro Living Nutrition

3 - The POWER of Writing Down Your Goals

20 years ago I got inspired by Jim Rohn to keep a personal journal. And Ive been doing that all
these years. Actually, Ive kept journals since I was in 5th grade, since I was 10 years old. So 30
years of keeping journals, but really intensely over the last 20, have really taught me something
about writing things down and the importance of writing things down. The first thing that its
taught me is that when you spell something out, you actually cast a spell and that there is something
magical about the written word. We are so fortunate that we are actually literate. That we can
read. That we can write. We are maybe 5th generation in our lineage, maybe 1st generation,
thats literate. Before that, all our ancestors were illiterate. They didnt have the magical power we
have of reading and writing.


And a person who cannot read is no better off than a person who does not read. And, a person
who does not read is no better off than a person who cannot read. Keep that in mind and the
same truth in writing. So if I want something to happen, I write it down. I have also been setting
goals for over 20 years and Ive been writing my goals down in my journal, my personal journal.
And Ive been amazed over the years of how many of those dreams come true. How many of
those ideas actually come to pass and I really believe that what underlies the Universe is not
mathematical equations, is not the ellipses of orbitals of planets or anything like that, actually what
underlies the Universe, what is the fabric of the Universe, is Story. And in the detail of a story,
youre going to find that its written down, that its actually something you read. And only recently
have we seen stories develop further into more of a visual phenomenon with the development of
the Film Industry.


But even that has to come from a Screen Play. It has to be scripted. It has to be written down. So
I came from a place of writing goals down like My name is Elmer Fudd, I own a mansion and a
yacht, all the way to I easily and gracefully evade this particular issue and open to abundance and
grace on that particular issue. I write it out how I want it to happen. I have also developed the
whole idea of instead of just writing like Im going to lose 10 pounds and everything is going to be
great NO. Its going to be something like this I manifest the best weight ever for me then
you open it up. Its all of a sudden the best ever and we dont know what that is, we open it up to a
higher power. Its implicit or its an assumption in the way that the goal is actually worded. And
whenever something comes up a lot in my consciousness,


I get my journal out and I start thinking actually ok, this is bothering me, how do I want it to play
out? And so I get my goal section out, which I am doing right now, and Im thinking of something
right now, and Im going to write it out how I want it to occur. Thats gonna be my goal. Its a
story. Im basically telling the future the story of my life. Am I writing my name is Elmer Fudd
and I own a mansion and a yacht? Absolutely not! Do I show anybody what Ive written? Not
usually. There is a big controversy in goal setting, should you show somebody? I think its fine to

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show somebody, but you dont want to show somebody whos overtly negative or who will actively
work against you, what your goals are.


But, if somebody is there and theyre supporting you, you do want to let them know what your
goals are. Part of my goal setting is always I enjoy the process, whatever process I am writing
about I enjoy that process as part of my goal. Boom! Done! If you timed that, I bet you is
what no more than 30 seconds and all of a sudden, the thing thats been on my mind, very
subconsciously, is now on paper and its redirecting.


From setting goals all these years, if I set 100 goals in a year and I number them, Im on 14 this
year already, I find out that about 33 of them every year are accomplished doesnt matter which
ones are there. Some of them are very difficult, some are totally easy. Some happen in the second
that I read them or write them. But, about 33 of them every year, or 33% come true. And, thats
interesting to me because I know that if I put anything now on paper, any goal at all, it has a 1/3
chance for sure of being achieved. Gods delays arent Gods denials, so maybe next year, Ill get
another few from the next year, another few after that and some goals take ten years, even though I
wanted them to be one year goals. But I know again that Gods delays arent Gods denials.
Theres going to be an accounting thats done for people whove ordered on the menu of the
Universe. Imagine going into a restaurant.


Lets say you went into the best Raw Food Restaurant in the world. You sat down. Waitress
comes up and says Hi Mam, what would you like? or Hi Sir, what would you like? and you
just sit there, you dont know. Half hour later, the waitress comes back and says Hey, maybe you
should go, youre not ordering anything. Do you want to order anything? and you say Im not
sure what I want yet and this keeps going on, hour after hour after hour, until finally they carry
you out with the furniture. Thats what its like not keeping goals. When you are writing down
what you want and developing your ideas on paper then all of a sudden, you have leverage. Youre
using a technology. Youre using a technology we dont understand. Imagine what Doctor Emoto
found out when he just literally put a sticker on a piece of water, a bottle of water, and all of a
sudden, the love word suddenly transformed the content of what was in that water, just the word,
the symbols. Heres where I took that. I started taking bottles of water and on all my shelves, put
bottles of water next to all my books and I did that for years.


And, I would drink that water. And I remember one day, I was moving out of that place and my
friend, Verda, she said Can I drink some of your smart water? She actually got that about it. It
was like it makes you smarter. You drink that water, you get the information, you get the codes.
Heres the codes. Yes, we are involved somehow in a symbolic reality thats in code. You
probably had synchronicities that happened to you that were coded. It was like a riddle. Where
things that you followed out that were developed like a riddle, like a story in your life because thats

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how I have come to understand the world. Its actually like a code or a story and you can hack
into it which means that you can use leverage like this to hack into the code and get into a better
operating system to get to the server, to get to the main frame, to get to where the action is. There
you go and by directing your life with the written word, you begin to activate Genius.


Activating genius can be something as simple as staying with reading, writing, and arithmetic. And
in case you havent noticed, arithmetic has stayed with us. Weve got to balance our cheque book,
we have to make sure we know exactly how much we owe on taxes. Weve got to be able to pay
people correctly and on time. Weve got to be able to add up the numbers. Thats called
arithmetic. Here it is in the beginning reading, writing and arithmetic. Master those 3 things and
you are on to something. If you try to avoid any of those things, youre gonna get in trouble
because thats what were being tested on right now. Somehow we said we want reading, writing
and arithmetic and the Universe said, ok bam, here you go, heres some reading, writing and
arithmetic for you and literally your life depends on it because you got to balance your cheque
book and if you cant read, its really hard to get anywhere in this world, because its a literate world
and if you cant write, its hard to direct where youre going. So thats how I break it down to the
simplicity. The most easy accessible steps of success. Its a technology.

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4 - Juicing & Blending

Juicers and blenders are different devices we should be very well educated about the difference
and the different types that are out there. A blender is taking everything, all the fiber, all the pulp,
everything thats involved, and blending it all together. A juicer is actually separating the pulp away
from the juice, and they both are very important tools. Juicers are more important for beginners
and blenders for more advanced students because through the juicer you are able to squeeze and
get the fiber out get the juice from the vegetable. Say, a celery juice drink. That gets all the energy
from the celery but none of the fiber which is really what we want in the beginning, because were
not used to dealing with large amounts of fiber. Thats the thing about raw foods when you start
somebody on raw foods youre starting them on a diet that has a lot more fiber than theyve ever
had before. We have to be sensitive to that.


So what do we do? We start them out with juices because that way they can get the vitality and the
energy of the vegetable right into their bodies within 15 seconds of them drinking that juice, instead
of having to deal with all the fiber. Blending is something that comes along later. Sometimes it
plays an important role in the beginning if somebody is already into doing smoothies. Great,
awesome thats a great thing. What we can do, is we can get them using that blender to upgrade
what theyre doing with the smoothie. Instead of throwing in, for example those whey protein,
super gainer, immuno flexo, fuel wiener protein powders, right? Whatever those things are and
we dont know what they are its undisclosed sources. We dont know where the stuff is coming
from. Get rid of that! We bring super foods in instead of that. Goji berries, marine phytoplankton,
cacao, maca for example those 4 super foods boom we throw that in instead of that powder and we
just upgraded


our operating system to real food, real super food, some of the most powerful nutritive substances
on the earth and were getting that into a blender every day so we have juicing and blending.
Juicing, we want to do juicing with vegetables and fruit which is wonderful, but more so with
vegetables and thats where we get onto this green juice idea. The chlorophyll, the chlorophyll is a
detoxifier, its a deodorant, its an outstanding healer of both inner and topical and inflammation
and wounds. So if you topically have a wound, say you burnt yourself, through green juice is
outrageous what that does. Green is clean, its pure sap of the earth, and it rebuilds our blood; it
actually remakes our blood. Our blood is centered on iron, chlorophyll is centered on magnesium;
very interesting research in that area as to if there really is a difference between chlorophyll and
hemoglobin. Not muchnot much of a difference. What were doing with the juice machine is
liberating that chlorophyll fresh and living


and able to get that into our body immediately. Generally these juicers, because their spinning
blade juicers, cause oxidation and your juice isnt going to last more than an hour and forty
minutes if youre lucky. If its refrigeration juice, where its taking the pulp and its putting it through
a press either grinding press or an actual physical press, that juice may last if its not exposed to the

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atmosphere and refrigerated, for up to 3 days. So youve got to look at all those options and figure
out what kind of juice youre getting. A friend of mine used to do carrot juice for the big casinos in
Las Vegas. It was all done with a press juice. Those people had no idea what a great thing they
were getting. They were getting such a high end organic carrot juice because it was pressed so even
if you drank half of it and let it sit on the table there for an hour and then drank the other half its
still good. The spinning blade juicers are a totally different story there is more oxidation, more
heat, and therefore they dont last as long.


[Cameraman: I think thats really interesting you brought that point about the casinos. I think they
did know what they were getting because it kept people up longer, gambling longer.]

Good point, good point. Thats super juicethat was awesome. Fantastic. So now the benefits of
getting into juicing and blending from the perspective of someone just beginning they might not
want to go out and buy a juicer or cant wrap their mind around that. That upgrade concept is
absolutelySo lets talk about what happens to you if you start juicing and blending these things
that weve been talking about. Juicing in general for a person out there, whos brand new to it, is
like reinvigoration of life force energy. Now if this person is very ill, very toxic, they are going to
have some toxins thrown out very rapidly. That usually can happen with certain types of bowel
movements. Sometimes their liver can just dump a whole bunch of toxins and just everything just
comes out like a flaming sewer...


I mean that stuff happens. The thing that is so great about juices, is chlorophyll is a complete
neutralizer of toxins, so its a great bridge no matter what toxins youre throwing at chlorophyll,
chlorophyll can take it, deal with it, and calm it down. Thats why the green juice revolution is on;
its been an enormous hit through all the health food stores in North America, probably all over
western Europe as well, and now were kind of taking it to another level which is inviting you to
educate even more people about the power of green juices. Excellent for all conditions.
Somebody, whatever condition they have kidney condition, heart condition, liver condition
they can still do green juices. Its amazing. Theres one exception however, and that is if they are
on lots of medication; we have to pull them off of say, kale juice and some of the stuff thats a little
bit richer and get them the very simple juices like carrot,


like apple, like carrot apple lettuce, very simple, very light stuff that doesnt interfere with
medication, so thats a consideration as well. The effect of blending when you upgrade from this,
like whey protein whatever stuff, undisclosed sources, that have all kinds of additives in it high
fructose corn syrup and xanthium gum whatever. Push that out and we put the super foods in. We
get the intelligence working in the super foods, thats what happens to people. Its outrageous.
When you start putting goji berries in your body, goji berries are mythological known in the
Chinese medicine system especially by the shaman monks, to actually teach you the entire system

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of Chinese medicine. Thats what the actual goji berry is all about. When the western scientists
came and showed up in China to categorize their entire Chinese pharmacopeia, what they missed
is that they were jumping all over the place to all these different plants and just trying to fit it all into
the system but they missed the goji berry.


Finally the shaman guys said, actually in order to understand all of this youve got to understand
this plant which is the goji berry and therefore when you have this plant youll then know the whole
system. Well the Europeans took that teaching and they ascribed a name to this berry called
lyceum, its the name of the genus and lyceum was chosen on purpose because it means school of
learning; its from the Greek, it was coined by Plato, meaning school of learning; so the genus of
the goji berry is called lyceum for that reason, that it teaches you everything else. Well, imagine
that kind of intelligence coming into your body every day with your morning smoothie just as
youre going about on your business, normal just like before but theres been this added thing, this
added intelligence. Is that going to have an effect? Yes its going to have an effect on you. And
thats when the snowball starts. Thats when the momentum begins. Its a mind body spirit
connection as well.


You start connecting, like oh my food to my body, likewhoa...its become part of my body to my
spirit actually affecting my intelligence and my consciousness. When you bring all of that together
just from blending a simple food into what youre doing adding it in, were not even changing it
were just adding it in. Thats pretty profound. Thats what we call this thing, super foods. Theyve
got the intelligence that can get us where were going.

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5 - Nuts & Seeds

Lets talk about what nuts are good for because I bashed them enough and there are very
important uses for nuts in the world. Nut butters in particular because they can stone grind and
open up. Actually, the nuts have been squeezed and the oils have been squeezed out of it, then
that oil coats all over the molecules and thats how we get the nut butter, which is a very good
source of fat. When do people need fat? When theyre very thin and theyre very nervous. People
who are like that, we call them vata aggravated in the higher Ayurvedic system. They are very thin,
they are very nervous kind of people; they need something that is very oily. They need something
that is very salty in order to bring that groundingness down. Ground those kinds of people out.
People like that can benefit tremendously from nut butters and nuts in general because it helps to
bring that nervous,


very thin sheathed nervous system, helps to fatten it up. The fat goes right around our nerves so
that we can actually feel better. If people are too sensitive generally they can deal with a little more
nuts in their diet so they have a little bit more insulation on their nerves.

Lets talk about the other side, by the way those kinds of conditions can cascade into MS, nervous
system disorders, anxiety; people get stressed and they start developing nervous system disorders.
Thats having too little fat and oil in your diet and in particular having too little salt in your diet.
Those factors play in here and therefore, nuts and nut butters can be very helpful for those kinds
of conditions. Now lets look at the other side. Lets say somebody is already insulated. They are
already overweigh they need to cleanse and detoxify. Then nuts are a food that you should
probably keep that person away from. Theyll use


the nut just like they used a steak to plug everything up and clog everything up. Those conditions
where we need to actually take a person through the cleansing and detoxification, we need to bring
their nuts to zero. Actually, no nuts in that kind of a diet at all. This is a cleansing, detoxing diet.
This is different than a maintenance diet, so as an educator one of the things that we want to
empower you with is two different types of diets. Theres a cleansing diet which raw food definitely
fits; there its obvious right you get on juices, sprout juices, sprouts, no calories, no sugar, no fat.
Youre going to be cleansing. Thats a detox diet. But you cant live that way forever. You know,
eventually the person loses 200 pounds, then what? See, thats where I come in. Thats where
youre going to come in. Right? Because youve got to then go, okay, theyve lost 200 pounds, now
what do we do? Well now weve got to get them on a maintenance diet which is okay. You can
have nuts and seeds. You can have nut butter in your diet, but not too much. Everyone is going to
have that experience of having too much because were coming off food addiction and thats just
one of those things that is going to happen.


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But were getting smarter about it and whats happening is then weve got to give them a diet that
has enough calories in it and that has enough fat in it. Now those are words that are hated in this
world. Fat and calories, but it really does come down to that. If youre living on raw food as soon as
you lose the centre hub of your calories from cooked food to raw food it will very quickly, youll
land it right somewhere in there, going to some amount of seeds or nuts that you need to eat every
day in order to feel like youre getting enough fuel for your day. Very key idea to explain to people
and its helpful for yourself. As soon as you move that central bank account of calories over so its
being burned as raw food instead of cooked food then youre going to have to land it somewhere
where you know for example you have enough seeds or enough nuts in your diet so you have
enough calories. Now thats going to come after somebodys been detoxified, you know they lost
100 pounds, 200 pounds, 50 pounds, whatever it is. There is going to have to now


land somewhere where its like OK this is the lifestyle, this is doable. Seeds and nuts are excellent
maintenance food and weight gaining food. Whenever weve been plugged up with calcification
and heart conditions and all that stuff again, weve just got to drop those things out until we bring
our overall system into a state of upgrade and get a bunch of the sludge out from our organs. Very
key idea. We just cant shift from one thing to the other and go its just perfect or its going to be
this way forever because most of us weve been filled up with a lot of sludge. Its like a system
where theres a lot of debris in the system and our power as according to Dr. Eric and his research
comes from having those obstructions lowered so our energy moves through our body completely
cleanly and clearly. Through the detoxification diet, the juicing, the no calorie salads, the no fat, no
sugar, keep those things very low low


sugar, low fat and we can have everything else. Lots of seaweed things like that, the weight just
comes right off of us because our body will turn its calorie burning center right to our fat and just
burn this up instead. For example, weve got all these nutrients to neutralize in health wonderful
neutralizers and assistance with the fiber thats in these raw foods the chlorophyll, the minerals,
everything else. However, when were done with all that, once weve burned through all the junk,
and all thats been stripped away, we need to get back to a calorie source we can count on. Really, a
raw foodist is a person whose primary calorie source is raw. Thats really what the definition is.

[Lars: So whats the transition time to go over? What do you see from people as they are going
through this cleansing? Are they going through a cleansing physically, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually? Whats the average timeline as you see it?]


Were dealing with a nutritional catastrophe in our world today. Which means its all over the
board. There have been people who have eaten junk food everyday for twenty years. There are
people who have eaten healthy for twenty years and when somebody decides, Okay, Im going to
upgrade my operating system Im going to get on the super foods. Im going to get on the top herbs
in the world. Im going to get on the spring water. Im going to get on the raw foods. We dont
know whats going to happen with each person. We can only guess by questioning them right?

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Because what we want to do, is we want to question them like, Okay, how long have you been
shopping organic? Where did you grow up? Because sometimes people grow up next to a nuclear
power plant thats not good. We need to have that information though. We just get deeper,
deeper into questioning them. Did they grow up near a major highway so were they breathing in a
bunch of those rubber particulates that come off the tires? Were they breathing in carbon
emissions? And it just goes on like this through questioning and then we can really land them into
this place. Its like, okay its


going to either be theyre really clean, really pure, have lived on organic food their whole life. Its
going to like three months to like clean everything up and move everything out. If not, its going to
be eighteen months to two years of cleansing, detoxifying, moving the stuff out and thats just the
primary stuff that gets moved out. Because having done this for fifteen years I know there are
deeper levels of stuff that we have to get to eventually and that we do eventually get there. But that
stuff might take five years or ten years to get that stuff out and dig it out, but the primary major
cleansing, the weight loss, the toxicity, the danger is an eighteen month to two year period.

So this obviously will go in phases when people are juicing, using super smoothies, and a variety of
levels. People ask me like whats the best place to get started right. Thats a common question.
Massive raw food action. Thats my answer. Massive raw food action.


With some of the caveats that weve been talking about which is keep the sugar down, keep the fat
down, but vegetables go berserk. Juicing go crazy on juicing. Explore what seaweeds are all about.
Explore what its like to have a little bit of you know, seeds in your pocket like pumpkin seeds
instead of a chocolate bar or you know some kind of a trail mix bar, you know just something
simple like that. And what happens is as you start burning that clean fuel, your body will start
burning off all the toxicity. The energy that happens, the energy that occurs, the uplifting of the
energy, gets your body into a state where you can turn around and detoxify the lower energy stuff.
So thats how you want to talk to people. You want to talk to people about the energy levels
because thats really what it comes down to, thats what youll feel. Youll feel that one day
suddenly your energy level is high enough to detoxify certain substances. Theres a famous story
about Paul Bragg


who did a 24 / 25 day water fast and about day 21 or 22 or 23 he detoxified some really harsh
things out of his urine that were so harsh that he took them into a lab and when he had the lab
analyze the material it was like dioxin and DDT. So this goes on. Just so were all aware of it most
of it comes out in that first 18 month to 2 year period of doing massive raw foods action is
everybody going to be perfect? No. Are they going to do lots of juices? Probably because you feel
good its like the next drug right. Its better than wine and beer and the side effects are all good.
Thats how you talk to people its like, hey, instead of going out for wine and beer have your
friends come over and juice. Youll have just as good a time, probably better of a time and all the
side effects are good. Great way to get people going. Anyway all that put together we have a process

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in front of us. Its a process of cleansing, of detoxification, and its also process of becoming more
responsible for ourselves. We realize


wow, all these years the food has affected me but I didnt realize it. Thats an amazing
psychological bit of council that you will take people through. Is this discovery like Oh, oh, you
know what was I doing along the way? Or their anger or the resentment or the regret about what
has happened before, and so people will come at you with that like I cant believe I didnt know
about thiswhats happening? I cant believe this problem Ive been having for years is gone. That
kind of stuff, what you need to do is convert that energy into them helping you spread the word
further. Thats really the best way to convert that energy. People who are like moving towards a
little bit of resentment or anger, you can flip it and say Hey, look, dont let somebody else be
angry or resentful. Why dont you go help me turn on somebody else and help me talk to this
group or whatever so that they get that negative energy, the resentment or whatever and turned it
into something positive which is positive action.

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6 - Seaweed

One of the unwritten rules of my area of nutrition, as an area I am sure you will become deeply
involved in, is this idea that wild food is better. We can prove it scientifically, we can prove it
logically, we can prove it through reason. Ultimately its an assumption just like anything else and
its one of the most powerful assumptions that you can put on your side. Again, its not so much
what to believe, its what is useful to believe? And when you start having to believe that hey, maybe
wild food is better you, start eating raw food and thats kind of self evident. Where that leads you
to is self evident and I love that self evident aspect of living food nutrition. Im not trying to prove
anything to anybody. You know what Dr. Eric said years ago was whatever must be proven is
already doubtful.


Whatever must be proven is already doubtful. The great thing about the seaweeds are that they are
entirely wild foods, theyre original foods, theyre known to contain extraordinary amounts of
minerals and thats why theyre used in agriculture. They are used to supplement diets all over the
world. When we get into the depth of what the seaweeds are about, they can gain very powerful
essential sugars, in fact the seaweeds contain all of the essential sugars that are polysaccharides that
carry really important anti viral compounds, in particular anti-fungal compounds and anti-microbial
compounds. These essential sugars that are in seaweed make seaweed actually essential in
anybodys diet. Whatever diet somebody is on seaweed should be a part of their diet. We know
that the cultures that eat seaweed,


lets just say the Japanese have very strong ethnic predilections towards health in general, we
already know that and if we look at what the Japanese do generally theyre on the right track with
their approach and seaweed is part of their whole overall programming. Something we can make
part of our program very easily, we just add it in. I snack on nori, I snack on dulse, I snack on Irish
moss just for fun, just for the interesting texture. We call it salt gum. Its an interesting phrase salt
gum; I learned that as a child. Child was chewing on seaweed and said, oh, this is salt gum. Its a
cool way of thinking about it. What is in the salts? All the minerals. What is in the seaweed? All
the minerals. What is the overall importance of seaweed? Its primary. Its second probably only to
vegetables in terms of its ability to transform you. Maybe super foods and super herbs are up there


So if you had to ask me what my top four are Id say vegetables, seaweeds, super foods, super
herbs. Those plants right there are incredible. By the way why are we on to plants? Well from a
philosophical standpoint based on my research and what Ive learned I dont want to be involved
in killing. Now that doesnt mean I cant have things from the animal world like dairy products. Im
allergic to dairy products that are raw. I think raw dairy products can be an important part of a
maintenance diet for somebody; raw dairy products not on a cleansing diet but I dont eat those
things. I dont really want to be eating things that are coming from undisclosed sources. This is a
very interesting idea. Ive gotten so used to knowing exactly where everything I eat comes from,

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where its growing. Everything about it that I dont like to put things in my body that are from
undisclosed sources. Thats why as a rule were going to have to move towards plants anyway
because its more controllable.


We know where the plant has been. We know what kind of water the plant has been drinking.
With farm animals we dont know and this aspect of nutrition, this angle on it, is the reason why I
do the work that I do plant based nutrition so that we can have more nutrition, with less killing
in the world. If somebody chooses to kill and eat meat, thats their prerogative, thats perfectly fine;
I dont want to argue with that. I see the benefits of it, I see the negative sides of it. So the way I
look at it, is lets bring more plants into the world, lets bring less killing into the world; its a
principle called a hymsa (non-harming). Its an Ayurvedic principal, yet its a hymsa (non-harming).
Can be very supportive to our overall angle as to diet and lifestyle because we can get all this
nourishment, we can get all this life force back where we havent had to steal it from anybody. We
havent had to actually take a life to get there. Seaweed is one of these areas


where we can get a whole lot of goodies with very little work. Its phenomenal. I was on the
beaches of Vancouver Island a number of years ago eating bladderwrack right off the beaches.
Beaches in Hawaii whenever youre swimming out there, you can reach right down to the seaweed.
Pick the seaweed and start eating it. Are there toxic seaweeds? Im sure there are. I dont know
which ones are out there. Ive never been toxified by eating wild seaweed, seems like its all good.
Anyway eat the ones that are available in health food stores. That will get you started. Kelp, arame,
hijiki, wakame, dulse, nori, sea palm, sea lettuce, those are some great ones to start with. Add them
into your diet add them into your salads add them into your kids lunch bag add them into trail
Wonderful travelling food. Outrageously awesome travelling food. Also theres a lot of fiber in
seaweed that should be mentioned just like vegetables have a tremendous amount of fiber it has
those beautiful


polysaccharides which give it like a gelling quality, healing polysaccharides, anti-viral, all those
minerals. Well we got something pretty good going on with seaweed and available in every health
food store and its a wild food. Thats a big plus all those on top of each other.

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7 - Sprouts and Seeds

We live here in the far north so in February, March, we start getting hungry for some greens cause
we can still get greens out of that garden until at least December. Even last year it was even going
into January. Were still getting greens out of our garden; however, there comes a point where the
greens go away. You can bring them back into your lifestyle, in your home by sprouting, getting a
tray out and sprouting these different seeds, lets say sunflower seedswonderful thing. You put
soaked sunflower seeds on thereyou put them in the window sillyou water it every couple
daysthey come up they produce these beautiful sprouts and then youve got your greens. By the
way Im saying greens:
G R E E N S not grains G R A I N S. I think grains are a great food for human consumption if
they are eaten raw. Of course, the primary grain were going to get to which is just the grasses.


Back to sprouts. What about sprouts? Rejuvenation energy. If you study Dr. Anne Wigmore she
certainly a giant of whom were standing on her shoulders. She rejuvenated herself not just through
the wheatgrass juice but through the sprout juice. She was a fan of sprout juices. You got to be a
hard core person to start drinking sprout juice. You have to have gotten a certain distance into this
movement before that occurs. But when it does occur and you actually have your sprout juice
youll feel that rejuvenation that resuscitation that energy of youth that comes out of sprouts.
Sprouts are an amazing source of protein. My friend The Wheatgrass Messiah and another friend
of mine The Sproutman have spent years educating the public about the protein content of young
sprouted plants which is actually pretty extraordinarily high. Its not as high as seeds, but in a lot of
cases it rivals whats in nuts and this is good to know. Its like wow if we have a few of these
different types of sprouts in your diet


we can actually have complete protein . We are getting it from an interesting sourcea young
growing plant.metaphoric.. is intended to fall over to young growing children. We also see
that we get that chlorophyll. We can access that chlorophyll even in the middle of winter by that
sprouting process that were describing there. I personally prefer sunflower greens as my favorite
sprout of all time. Theres alfalfa, theres clover, theres broccoli sprouts out there, now onion
sprouts, garlic sprouts, radish sprouts, theres all different kinds of stuff out thereits all good.
However I personally like sunflower greens the best. I like the energy of the sunflower. I like the
flavor of it. I like the nutrient profile of itreally rich in calcium the right kind of calcium from
the young sprouts. Generally sprouts are richer in silica as they are younger and then they mature
and produce more calcium. The opposite is true of another whole class of sprouts which we get
into now which is


this whole class of sprouted grasses like wheat grass. What is that? Its a sprouted grass. Is that
different from Chemlawn? Not really. I mean Chemlawn or whatever theyre calling it now
Agrolawn or something like that. Those grasses that are being used for lawns for sporting events for
arenas those are the same kind of grasses you can eat. They are not that much different from wheat

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grass. It took me years to figure this out. That actually there are grasses right out here in the front
yard that we could be juicing todaywe probably shouldwe probably willthat are loaded with
the love. Thats where weve finally arrived. Weve been juicing wild grasses for well over a dozen
years. Different wild grasses. You go up there with a pair of scissors and a bag and you cut wild
grasses and you put them in a bag. You bring them back in and you juice them and you drink it
and you go ok I did wheat grass and does this tastes better than wheat grass? It tastes better than
wheat grass that you get from stores


Whichone.right there is a mind blower because its a wild food. Two.two you can get so
much of it you can cut it a little bit with celery and cucumber and lemon and stretch it and what
that does it allows you to get into the love...the highs thats in this young grass. My feeling is that
where there is love in the earthits actually in the grass. When you get the grass going into your
body you feel the loveyou get the best highs youve ever had in your lifereal highs once its
done its number on you. Because when we put in sprout juicewhen we put in grass juiceits
going to be liquid plumber for awhile. Were putting in high alkaline substances high mineralized
substanceshigh life force substances and they will just drive out all the low energy toxic
emotions.low energy toxic debris,low energy toxic metaphysical stuff in our body. It just
pushes it right outits like you knowthanks for staying, bye. Its like the uncle who wears a
wife beater and sweats on


your couch who never wants to leaveits like time to get them going and get them back on the
road show. Thats what grass can do for you. Again we start out with wheat grass because we know
what that iswheat grass juice at a health food store. We know what that isits a known quantity.
As we develop sophistication in this area the real healingthe deep healing comes from wild
grass juice from your own front yard, from your own neighborhood, from your own wild forest like
we have right here. That kind of thing gets you into states of consciousness that are indescribable.
Theyre associated with love and laughter I can tell you that. It can go on for 12 to 14 hours. If you
want to be deeply healedgrass juice can deeply heal you and its not wheat grass juice its wild
grass. And then youve got to know what youre doing so you have to have some experience in this
area and thats what happened to me just step-by-step I started learningI started being able to go
out and look at a field. I learned this from observing my dogs


and see which kind of grass are my dogs going to eat out of this whole field here. Because I would
notice that they would eat certain types of grass and not others. From those types of experiences I
started seeing when the grass was ripe to eat which kind of grasses to cutand then throwing
them into a juicer and seeing what happens and from there going whoa, wait a second this is what
weve always been meant for. Is grass a natural food for us? The answer is yes it is. There is this
whole argument aboutwell we dont have four stomachs to digest the fiber, sure, but we have two
stomachswe have the upper stomach and the lower stomach. We actually have two stomachs.
The fundus which is our upper stomach is capable of taking food, moving it to itselfallowing

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Intro Living Nutrition

other food to pass by and then bring the food back in again. Weve had that experience in our life
before if we pay attention. Weve had experiences indicated that was going on.


That two stomach system is capable of digesting a small amount of grassnot a massive amount
like a cow would eat. Grass is ONE of our natural foods it is not our ONLY natural food. It is
the best food for our teeth. It is the best food to chew to improve the strength of your gums. It is
the best food to chew on if you have a little pain in your mouthlike if you have a cavity coming in.
If its a more severe dental problem maybe its not the best thingbut for small stuff its the best
thing. Chewing grass like that Midwest Farmers daughter, that iconic image that we have, is an
extraordinary experience of reconnecting to your natural environment. I do it every time Im out
hiking. I make myself do it because its one of the great gifts that we get from being in a far away
environment from industrial pollutants, from industry, from cars, from people, from all that. Again
you can take your grass straight. You can just chew it up if you want toits wonderful. If you get a
big ball of fiber in your mouth


I want you to do a little experiment. And that is if you chew grass and get a big ball of fiber in your
mouth and think OK my digestive tract cannot digest this fiberI want you to do a little
experiment. I want you to take a few handfuls of some seeds or nutseither way. Again, you we
talked about nut. Nuts are good for you in small amountswe need them for the minerals.and
large amounts is notjust like in anything else. But if you take that handful or two handfuls of nuts
and you put it in your mouth with that fiber, what you are going to notice is that in about a minute
the fiber will disintegrate. Now I started noticing this over the years. I noticed that if I just chewed
grassno problem. I was chewing the grassthe grass would chew down and Id get the
off it but the fiber would still be there. If I put anything in my mouth like a nut or a seed it would
disintegrate that fiber. I was in Germany about 10 years ago and there were two doctors there and
they had done a huge amount of research just on this subject. And what they had found out was


that there are actually enzymes that are secreted by the pancreas that get into our saliva. There
called trypsin and chymotrypsin. You may have heard if youve been studying robe enzymes and
this product thats out on the marketthats been out in the market for 50 years, thats very
popular in Europe. Its more popular than aspirin. Its an anti-inflammatoryits an enzyme
product. They use chymotrypsin as a catalysta super catalystfor a whole reaction that theyre
looking to create in your body by taking that enzyme supplement. Chymotrypsin and trypsin are
two enzymes that you naturally secrete and they pulverize everything. They break down fiberthey
break down proteinthey break down fatthey break down everything. When you put in nuts and
seeds in your mouth just a little bityour body will over produce trypsin and chymotrypsin. And
what these doctors found out that if you have any fiber in your mouth


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Intro Living Nutrition

at all, it will be completely dissolved by the trypsin and chymotrypsin. If you have excess stuff in
your bloodstream and you have just enough nuts, like just about 4 or 5 nutsjust smaller than a
handful, to stimulate that trypsin/chymotrypsin reaction, that you can actually have an over
stimulation of that reaction and that trypsin and chymotrypsin will go into your bloodstream and
clean up your blood. They found out that can be done in the morning. So in the morning instead
of getting up and having whatever we used to do maybe orange juice or something like that I
got into the habit of drinking a lot of water first thing in the morning and then having a little bit of
nutsthen nothing from these guys, and I found out theres something to it. There is something to
it. It stimulates production of trypsin and chymotrypsin. Its like lifting weights a little bit each day
and theres a little bit over-producing that goes into your blood and cleans out your blood. This will
also pulverize any fiber, excess fiber in your body and my personal belief about aging and enzymes
from that experience has come to this


its the sapping or the running our gas tank empty with trypsin and chymotrypsin that eventually
gets us. That if we sap out or tap out our reserves of these two enzymes byfor example lavish
secretions of enzymes with every mealthats the cooked food dietits every single meal our
bodies are having to produce a huge amount of enzymes in our mouth. In a child its 30 times
greater. Whats going on in the mouth of a child that eats cooked food than a child that eats raw
food.30 times the amount of enzymes. By the time were 60 its back down to zero. So whats
happening according to the theory is that were robbing Peter to pay Paul. Were pulling from our
future in order to deal with lavish enzyme secretions right now in order to digest the foodthe
cooked food of civilization. When we get onto this raw food idea and we very cleverly


activate enzymes using a little bit of nuts and seeds here and thereparticularly on an empty
stomach and then eating nothing afterwe can then work out our enzyme system and make our
enzyme system stronger so we can last longer. So, this is what Im saying here is actuallyits kind
of a longevity idea. Because if we can produce enough trypsin and chymotrypsin forever we can
pretty much digest everything forever, especially raw foods which dont take hardly any digestive
acids or enzymes to digest, and we can extend our life further because we still have some reserves
of trypsin and chymotrypsin. OKso thats sprouts and grasses. Now weve got to talk about super
foods and super herbs. Thats going to be a whole individual lesson in those areas because those
are such incredible areas. In fact well do a lesson just on super herbs and just on super foods.

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Intro Living Nutrition

8.1 - Canmore Spring Water - Finding Springs - Winter

How do you find springs? Theyre all over the place. They are all over the world. Wherever you
are in the world, there are springs around places where the water bubbles out of the Earth, where
you can procure pure, bacteria free, cold spring water. We have an instinct about it and weve got
to start there. We have an intuition as to where these things are. Its an ancient knowledge thats
in us, somewhere. The first step is to open up that knowledge, to actually access it its at the
DNA cellular level and just draw it out. One thing that you want to look for is you want to look
for the cold side of the mountain the cold ravines; the wet side of the mountain; the forested side
which generally means the North side. Now, South facing mountains can actually have springs
on them but theyre going to be in a sulcification in a place where theres a deep ravine or gorge.


Theyre going to be obviously places that can support the water without it being exposed to direct
sunlight. I mean thats going to be the place where the spring is going to come out and usually its
going to come out higher rather than lower. Now heres an interesting point about that: the spring
water, as it comes out, is going to create a fast moving creek or a stream and its going to multiply
pretty quickly so if you do know a local mountain, that has water run-off, what you start doing is
you just follow that run-off up to the top and you just find that place where the water is coming out.
Usually youll see that theyll be one or two or three springs that lead into the actual stream and
thats where you want to procure your water. Now lets say it doesnt have much flow - like this is a
great spring because it has a lot of flow. What you might want to do and this is what they did in
Appalachia and theyve done this all over the world is you open up that area where the spring is
coming out and you create a box. And you can tell in that area that its real spring water by the


Itll be extremely cold right there on that spot. And you allow the water to come up and fill up that
box and then run off. And then youve got a small pool. At that point you then put a little
structure in over the top of it and you start bleeding off some of the water from that pool. You can
create, almost like a pump system a natural water pump system by taking a pipe and back-filling
it with water kind of like when youre doing a siphon then you can put that into the pool up
and over a ridge and then downhill and then that way you can have water running to your home or
to your cabin or to your campsite full time, if thats something that you can do in that location.
Now lets say you are new to this, youre in a desert, youre wondering okay, you know, what in the
world am I going to do at this point? Youre always gonna head up higher to high ground because
water is going to seek the highest point in the environment in the Earth in which to mate with the
Sun. Now, what the heck does that mean Mate with the Sun?


The water doesnt come out lower because its further away from the Sun. The water comes out
higher because its closer to the Sun. And what the waters trying to do, ultimately, what the
hydrogen is trying to do, is fall into the Sun. Thats why you see this whole thing with these trees.
Whats happening here is these hydrogen engines which is what a tree is is elevating water. Each
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Intro Living Nutrition

tree is actually a complete metaphor of a spring. Every tree is a metaphor of a spring. The tree is
levitating water. Thats its very nature. Its created bark and golden mean spiral tubules and a
system where light, heat and oxygen is withheld away from the trees bark in order to allow the
water to just fall upwards or the etherealized hydrogen gas to fall towards the Sun. And thats how
we have levity. And so what is going on with a mountain is its like a tree. Right? If you look at
a mountain, its kind of like a tree it goes up and the water is going to come up at the highest
point, just like the growth tip of any of these trees in this environment.


When you tune in on that, then youre gonna understand that okay, barren rock regions is going
to be a tough area for springs. But, once you put trees in, you create shade, then what happens is
the soil gathers up the debris of all those trees and eventually creates an environment a thin layer
that allows the water like it rises in bark to actually rise up in the soil because the soil really is
bark, just in a transformed structure. The soil contains golden mean spiral tubules that hold away
light, heat and oxygen and allows the water to fall up the mountain to levitate to the top like this
spring right here then it reaches the high point where it can rise no further and it pops out.
There it becomes oxidized and all of a sudden, you have a significant flow of water like we have
here. In any environment then, look for the highest point, look for the coldest side, look for the
most forested regions with riparian areas or rivers, creeks and streams with fast, flowing water.

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8.2 - Canmore Spring Water - Finding Springs - Summer

Greetings, everybody! This is David Avocado Wolfe and were at one of my favorite springs here,
outside of Banff, Alberta. This is the Canmore Spring. Were going to be heading in there to get
our spring water. One of the great magic phenomenons of Nature is spring water. Its a sacred
experience. Lets go check it out.

Someones put a pipe in the spring head. You can see it right up here. And that is fresh,
drinkable, beautiful, cold spring water, right there, from wild nature.


Okay. Here were go! Always incredible! Im just over here from Hawaii. Here into Canada this
morning. One of the things thats really remarkably different about the spring water in Hawaii
versus say the mainland of North America is that the water in Hawaii is very young. Its not very
mineralized, it hasnt had its impregnation of the energy of the crystals, the calcium layers, the
granite, the rock that you find here.


So its a richer, more hydrating water, actually, here in North America than you would find on a
young set of islands like Hawaii. And that is really something special. Thats something thats very
noticeable. So I have to drink three or four or five times as much water in Hawaii as I would here.
This is one of our favorite types of glass. This is the miron glass. Best water bottle, probably,
made in the world. And this is the violet glass that was channeled through by Jacob Lorber over a
hundred years ago, and produced in Europe today and thats why we go the extra mile to bring it to
get the water here. Ive got one in my bag here.


This is amazing. This is produced in Vancouver First Glass Designs (

They gave me this bottle. Its got the Sri Yantra on it all kinds of water prayers, flower of life,
prayers in Chinese, Japanese, and in Sanskrit, and then the Oms on top. This was just filled with
Hawaiian spring water, yesterday, which I just finished off. So theres still some droplets of
Hawaiian water in there which Ill leave in there and get that mix. Now people ask me all the
time, is there any bacteria in water like this and the answer is the colder that the water is and this
is ice cold and the less amount of total dissolved solids or the lower the content in minerals, the
more likely there is going to be less bacteria. But generally, cold spring water has no bacteria in it
as a general rule.


So thats something thats really important to understand about spring water, is that its basically
purer, fresher, and cleaner than your tap water. And, on top of all that, its original wild water, so
its like a wild food. There was a time in our history, 10000 years ago, where we ate 100% wild
David Avocado Wolfe Living Nutrition

food and this kind of helps to get us back to that that reconnection to original water, the original
way of life, and also that reconnection to the Sacred the original and the sacred way that we had
always lived on the Earth.

Alright, this had this is going to be great! Yesterday, this had coconut water in it. Theres still a
little bit of coconut water in it. So were gonna fill up.


Its fermented a little bit. And there it is, folks pure as the driven snow real, original spring
water mountain spring water. You hear that term thrown around, you hear it in advertisements,
yet very rarely do we get the real thing. And there is the real thing. If you come around here, you
can have a look at how it comes out of the Earth. Just like that. And somebody has placed a pipe
in here to make it easier to fill up water bottles and theyre doing a very good job. Ultimately, you
could just come right down here to these little waterfalls and pick up our water that way the
original way.


Ive made it a commitment to only drink spring water. So every day, pretty much, Im either
thinking about getting to the spring or actually at the local springs. And it really is, energetically, its
very clean, its really pure. I can feel comfortable that I am drinking something that I know is
going to be good for my body and I also feel that there is a connection between the idea of spring
water coming out of a mountain like this and the Fountain of Youth. I mean the idea of a fountain
is something that is coming up and out of the Earth. And so this really to me is part of the
Fountain of Youth. I have met people over the years on the road going to various different spring
all over North America, all over Europe, Australia, Asia, whove been drinking spring water
exclusively their whole life. A gentleman comes to mind in Maryland, whos been drinking spring
water his whole life and hes in his 80s.


And he basically channeled it out to the road for other people to get the spring water for free! Isnt
that amazing! Why would somebody do that? Because they know in their heart from experience
that theres something that is really superior about fresh, clean, pure water from the Earth. Now, if
I was going to be at a hot springs, thats going to be something different, right. Some of the hot
spring waters have bacteria in it; some hot springs waters not drinkable many are. And so, when
its a hot springs, its a different phenomenon. A cold spring, that is something where you know
youre gonna be able to drink it. You know youre gonna have very little or no bacteria in it and
you know its straight from the source in a way thats difficult to understand. Because, its easy to
understand a hot springs its heating up and its pushing out of the Earth, right? Its heat thats
pushing it out. But, with a cold spring, theres no pressure involved. Theres no heat. So hows
that coming out of the Earth? Its a great question to ask yourself. Having travelled to springs on
every continent on the Earth except for Antarctica, I have to say Im still mystified by it.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

8.3 - Spring Water Part 1

Of course everywhere you go there are Sacred Springs and were here at the Sacred Spring in our
local neighborhood, right up there. It is local and Hawaiian so we like to respect the land and go
glean a little bit of the manna off this natural spring that comes out of a rock. Lets go have a look.


Up here is where the spring comes out right out of the rock. And theyve created a little bit of a
containment, this cement wall with some spigots coming out of it, so that the water can be
collected. But we like to still get it directly out of the spring. So Im going to look into my
backpack here, get my spring water bottles out and start collecting.


There is my spring water jug and Im going to look for some nice flow. Ive positioned a leaf in
here to catch some of this flow and you can see it dripping off. That may be one of the easiest
ways to collect water here. Sometimes you find a good little niche. You can get in there. What
you like to do in a situation like this is take a leaf like this and kind of jam it back in there and see
if you can get it to be like a funnel like it is doing right there. That helps out a lot. It makes your
job a little bit easier. Its great to go to all lengths to get your spring water. Its important stuff.
Real living water from out of the living Earth Pure Cold.


On this side of the Island, actually, on the Northern shores of the Hawaiian Islands the side that
gets scraped by the waves in the winter there is a shearing effect that occurs across the entire
chain. And that shearing effect is sheared into the cliffs and reveals springs. And thats exactly
where we are right now. Were on the North shore and this cliff has been sheared into and springs
have been unleashed out of this mountain. Lets see, maybe I can get some more here. Step by
step, drop by drop, inch by inch, its a cinch! Ill let that fill up. Now I will use that spring water
because today is the Equinox.


Its also the full moon and I will use that spring water for various different tinctures that I have. Ill
put a little bit in. Stretch them out a little bit and bring them back to life. Bring some of that full
moon energy alive. During the full moon, of course, youre going to have a greater flow at the
spring. And definitely you always, if you can line them up together, getting the full moon and the
equinox, or the full moon and Solstice together, is a really good idea. And its interesting this year
is that they fall at the same time as we enter into 2012. Next year, were going to find theres going
to be even more astrological line-ups. And this all has an effect on us. Because when its the
Equinox, like to today, you appetite is lower and you should be fasting, actually, because this is the
Spring Equinox, which is your spring cleaning. Thats the time you do your spring cleaning. You
get ready for spring ultimately getting ready for the bikini or the bathing suit or whatever, in the
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

summer. So this is where it starts, right here, for with your spring cleaning on the Spring Equinox
especially when theres a full moon.


This is the Age of Aquarius Bear your water on your own back. Worked for it, got it. There it is
done the end period. Mission accomplished. Aquarius is the water bearer, right. And in the
Age of Aquarius, you bear your own water. Spring water Collect and Protect!
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

9 - Picking NoniLand Sacred Chocolate

Now were going into a favorite realm of mine, the Cacao forest. Theres cacao trees tucked away
in here magically hidden. Theres one there. Theres one back there. And this one right here,
this ones a personal favorite right in the immediate moment. When we first came to this property
5 years ago, we planted all different kinds of Cacao seeds all over the property. Only 2 of them
grew and this is one of them. This has actually been going now for 5 years. Its barely going but in
the last couple of months, it started to put out a new growth spurt and it feels like its going to make
it all the way so thats very exciting.


Its right here next to this one and see this Cacao this is one of our biggest Cacaos on the
property but is yet to become a good producer of chocolate. Another Cacao tree right here, doing
very well. You can see what we are always encouraging in here. We are encouraging in this kind
of nitrogen fixing growth right there like that. Were also letting the Noni grow right in with
everything else, with the Cacaos, and it really works out well. Cacao here. This ones a beauty.


This is what you call a survivor. This one has been through unbelievable cataclysms as a Cacao
tree. And it has made it and now its doing very well. Its flourishing. Weve literally brought this
one back from the grave twice. Cacao trees are tough! Once they get in and get going, once they
get to this level, theres nothing thats gonna take that out. They are tough trees. From a doctrine
of signatures perspective, I would put Cacao on a high echelon as one of the great trees of strength,
virility, vitality, because thats its essence. It has all of that. Its zany too so its kind of like zany
virility and I think thats why its always appealed to me.


Its like a zany kind of Willy Wonka type of vigor and vitality. Thats what Cacao represents
energetically. Alright now this is our best producing Cacao tree grown right here at NoniLand.
You can see that its got ripe fruits on it and were ready to pick those fruits. Im gonna go get my
clippers. Alright were going to clip these Cacao pods. Weve got some ripe pods here our
second harvest off of this tree. Very exciting! Lets see what were gonna get here. Its got some
Vanilla in there so Ive got to be careful that I dont harm the Vanilla. That is ripe. When the
beans move on the inside, even a little bit, its indicating that its ripe. Cacaos dont fall from the
tree. Theyll stay there. So you have to kind of be able to know when theyre ripe. Birds will
come and just dig into them right on the tree.


Thats another weird thing about Cacao. And monkeys will as well. Theyll just come right to the
tree. Its not a tree that produces a fruit that falls on the ground. You get that bam so we got
that one. The twolook at the beauty of these NoniLand fruits. Lets see whats happening here.
Yeah, thats a ripe one as well. Its everything that Cacao is its the Sun fire orange, its the
surface of the Sun, its the brilliant glow of the vitamin C element, its the serotonin, the happiness,
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

everything is there. Its all matched it. Now if you look closely, come take a look at this, you can
see that there is a doctrine of signatures thing here. Theres a little bit of chocolate syrup squirted


You can see that. Chocolate produces these types of markings for some reason and in some cases,
they look exactly like chocolate syrup has been squirted right onto the pod. Its a doctrine of
signature relationship. Lets see what weve got here. Come around, lets have a look at this. You
can see here, the Vanilla, thats just above. See the Vanilla right here? So theyre dancing
together. So Ive got to clip this out without damaging that Vanilla. Boom, got it out. And there
you can see those chocolaty kind of markings. People ask me is this Criollo variety, Forastero
variety, Trinitario variety? Its actually a Forastero variety and almost everything out there is a
Forastero variety. We do have about 10 Criollos, here on this property, that were brought from
the Honduras Jungle.


They are wild varieties of Criollo Cacao. But these are Forastero varieties. Theyre workhorse
varieties and it doesnt mean that Criollo is better or Trinitario is better or Forastero is better or
worse, its just the type that they are. They are all good. They have very unique and different
flavours, tastes, and effects on us when we take them. Thats a proud father right there. Thats
absolutely gorgeous. Alright, well open those later. Check them out. Naturally these will go into
some chocolate that well make here at NoniLand for your pleasure and ours too!
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

10 - Papaya and Passionflower

Its interesting how Nature creates gateways and doorways from one realm into another. So this
separates one side of our mountain here to the other side. Its just a stand of trees that grew up in
that way and we kind of designed it into an archway gateway portal. I always loved that stuff when I
was a kid little portals, gateways, tree houses, things like that kept with it. Im 40 now and still
doing that kind of stuff, its kind of fun. Ive got a weed here. and trying to get rid of it in the best
place possible. A good way to get rid of a weed by the way, to keep it from rerooting is to just put
it up here in the sun like that and let it bake and that will take it out.


Oh, theres a ripe papaya right there. For those of you who have never seen a papaya tree before
or a ripe papaya, this is what it looks like. Were going to eat this right here next to this young Pau
darco tree. Now Im just gonna bust this open. So this is the natural way of eating a papaya. The
skin is tough here on this one. Oh, there we go. Mmm, wow, check it out.


Theres the drugs that Charlie Sheen should have been taking, if he knew. And what I love about
eating this stuff and raw food in general what I love about the whole raw lifestyle is this, (throws it
on the ground) its compost, no trash, ever. All your containers that you get with your superfoods
in it, you keep reusing them. I just saw a container down in the house that Trevor had been
reusing for like 5 years. Alright Im in the shadow of course of some Nonies. So you can see how
the lay of the land is. Theres Noni, theres wild Papaya growing right on top of here, guess what
that is, Passion Fruit. Look it, its reaching out for me. Passion fruit flower is an amazingly
important aromatase inhibitor. It pushes all of the progesterone and testosterone and DHEA into
their place so they do not go over to the dark side and become bad estrogen.


Thats what Passion Flower does. Thats the flower of this plant. The fruit contains Nervine in the
seeds, so if you do the passion fruit with Cacao, you can bring out the Nervine which gives you a
calm relaxing sensation. The root of this plant contains psychoactive cannabinoids. What the
heck is that? Those are things that are in Cacao, its also in ganja, marijuana, that cause you to feel
high and relaxed. Its as pronounced in this plant but it is there and its in the root material. So
thats the overall pharmacopeia of this simple vine known as Passion flower and on top of all that,
passion flower is an MAO inhibitor, so its an antidepressant.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

11 - Foraging for Salad - Part 1

Nothing like a good wooden bowl when you are foraging. Were going to start right in front of my
house. Nobody ever eats anything right in front of their house, but I do. Look at this right here.
Wild malva, perfect shape, perfectly green delicious edible right in this state. We can eat these little
cheesy things. These things taste like cheese. They are super awesome, throw a few of those in
there. It is Oct. 25th so, yes even in the far north, plenty of food around all the time even after it
snows. Weve already had snow.


This is such a great vegetable and so nutrient and mineral rich that Im going to try to make this the
basis of the salad that were going to make out of all this stuff. Look at all that and all this, all that,
put more of these cheesy things in there and that. Let's get this one over here, entirely wild food,
totally wild never domesticated. It's doing what it's always done. Let's see, let me get more of those,
good. All right, let's just walk around the orchard over here. Lets see what we come across.


This is how I normally do my rounds, getting my food. Ill go into the orchard over here. Ill look
around and see if there is anything down here that I want? What about this stuff, let's see. This
stuff is looking good actually. Take a little bit of this, it's like a chic weed. Throw that in there, a
little sprinkling of those goodies in there.

[Cameraman: So cool.]

Wormwood. A few leaves of this couldnt hurt you. This is wormwood, like antiparasite killer like
full on, like parasite killer not anti parasite anti parasite/parasite killer.


This is kind of an interesting plant. It grows kind of where humans are at but never exactly where
theyre at and it does not grow wildly. Absinthe is made out of wormwood. Theres our absinthe
right there.

[Cameraman: Not a lot of it.]

Not a lot, but a little homeopathic dose is always good. What's going around over here, we got
some comfrey, we'll get into that. What comfrey looks like in its latter stages of the year. Comfrey
can be a perennial. This is one of those that can be a perennial and it can go on. Theres a good
leaf right there. Boom so we got that leaf in there and another good one right there.


Put that in there and one more. So we got that. Lets go over here and see if theres any goodies
coming up. This is the basil, kind of Interesting. A couple of that, put that in here. What well see
alive in our garden right now is lots of mustards. The mustards are the sulfur. Thats what builds
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

the bones. Sulfur is a huge bone piece of the puzzle by the way, beyond phosphorous, beyond
silica and magnesium. Sulfur also, if you burn your hair you smell sulfur. Thats whats in your
hair. It's in your nails. It's in your skin. If you burn your skin you smell sulfur. These minerals are
present in the mustards and as we move into the winter time we start wanting to fatten up a little
bit, get a little bit of coat. Theres some parsley so we can get some of that in there.


Look at this parsley.

[Cameraman: Weve just had rain and snow for the last few days and it's so beautiful and green

So still going strong. Anyway, that sulfur kind of cuts that fat. When youre eating that sulfur,
theres some more parsley here. When youre eating that sulfur what ends up happening is you can
cut the fat so it's not so heavy on your system. It's lighter on your liver. Your liver is like the
organizer of all the external influences coming into your body. It kind of takes all those external
influences, what weve eaten and ingests them and makes them useful in your body and kind of
says, oh this is something that we can deal with. Oh let's come over here. This is a wonderful type
of a mustard. Right here, this is a wild, invasive plant right here. See that is a type of a mustard.
This is a rocket or arugula but its the local equivalent in this particular ecosystem. You would see
the mustard types of seeds like that.


Now actually what I should do, if Im smart is I should pull some of this out so it doesnt re-seed
into my garden in this way anymore. This is what we do with all our weeds. We go over here and
we give them to Groovinda.

[Cameraman: Oh there she is.]

Now it will go into the fire pit right there. We took all our weeds. We throw them into the fire pit
and you see all our wood for the fire pit. We burn it all up and it develops a whole layer of ash.
We then shovel that ash and put it over there next to our pile of rock dust on the other side of the
yard over there next to the compost pile, so then we have different things to choose from. Weve
got an ash pile. Weve got rock dust. Weve got compost and then well bring a whole bunch of soil
over there too. So when were making soils up for our garden beds or for different potted plants
we can then select, or let's say were going to plant a tree, we can select. Okay, let's take a little bit of
this rock dust, a little bit of this ash. Ash is an amazing ingredient in the soil here because ash is


The soil here, the Canadian shield, the granite is acidic which brings us into that balance. Okay,
let's see what else we got? We still got some wild times ahead. We got some wild thyme in here.
Fantastic here it is, right there. Get ready for a wild thyme. You going to have lunch with us
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

[Groove: Um Im not sure.]

Back to the mustards here. There are some more different kind of mustard. This is whole
different thing. Look at the leaf on this thing. Watch this. Throw that in. Wonderful. Now keep
going around the garden and see what we got in here. We lost a lot of tomatoes here Groove.

[Groove: Yes, we had a wet coldish summer up here.]


A lot of tomatoes, what's over here? Not much. Lets go over this way. Everything is kind of in its
final stages. Look at the kale. Look at our kale. Look at how thrashed it is because weve eaten so
much of it. This is what happens when you overeat kale. I mean if you pick every last morsel this is
where you end up. This is well eaten kale. This is what your kale should look like at the end of the
year, just a trashed mess.

[Cameraman: The rest of the kale.]

Can you grab some for us Groove? Heres the kale, the kale bed. We're still getting some
wonderful onions though. Let's look at that. Let's look at this onion greens.

[Cameraman: Oh yes.]

This is going to be delicious. What else do we have here? Theres a goji berry, just a baby. Its out
here doing its thing. See if theres any tomatoes, no its fried.

[Cameraman: Thats what foraging is all about, is finding whatever we can.]

Let's go over here and look at this. This is asparagus right here. Were going to take it and see if
we've got a young shoot coming out that we can eat.


Well take this one.

[Groove: The parsley is still delicious. Its still strong. Want to try some?] [Cameraman: Oh yes.]

See all this wild mustard coming up here? Boom so were going to throw some of that in there.
Skin, hair and nails mustards, excellent, liver, pancreas also really good and bones look at that.
These are basically sprouts coming up in here.

[Groove: Here you go.]

What's that Groove? Oh you got some of that excellent. Actually, let's do it right here. In here this
is wild clover. Theres clover right there. This is the clover.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition


So were going to take some of this, throw that in there. Great plant to have in your diet, it's an anti
cancer, best. Look at this whole area, here best anti cancer medicine going, red clover. Thats what
this is. Throw a little bit of that in there. Okay, let's keep going what do you think Groove?

[Groove: Let's see if the celery is still edible.]

Still edible? Okay. We've got this good mustard here. Let's get one of those. Oh yes, that celerys

[Groove: Perfect.]

This is celery right here. Still I would take its last life away Ill take this piece right here. Thats the
last of the celery and a little bit over here, maybe we get another piece over here, let's see. Here we
go, a little bit of that. Now what's going on over here? Look at the lettuces is still going on. Look at
this lettuce.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

12 - Cleansing from the top of Burtlemans Hill Part 1

Cleansing, detox, every kind of question comes up about this. Its important, I think, to focus on
the basics, which is go organic, get onto plants, get away from the higher end of the food chain
because of the accumulation of toxins up the food chain and use that as your basic detox principle.
And from there as you advance further, youre gonna realize ok, maybe I should do a day of
eating 100% raw or 2 days or 3 days. Thats the way I started. I started with like a Friday and I ate
just Friday, 100% raw, of course I was already organic at that time, already eating the lions share of
my diet was already plants and then boom, went 100% raw for a day and then did it for 2 days.
And I think the most I did it in the early days, this might have been 22 years ago, 21 years ago, was
3 days.


Thats all I did. I did 3 days of raw and most of that was orange juice and that really propelled me
and I think thats a really important thing to give to people is just a short cleanse. Like do 1 day,
dont eat drink lots of water, thats it. Do 2 days dont eat drink lots of water. Do 3 days just on
vegetable juices. There are all different kinds of cleanses out there. There are different kinds of
raw food cleanses and the basic idea amongst all of them is that you want to bring your sugars
down, you want to bring your fats down and you want to bring mostly liquid in preferably in the
form of juices, vegetable juices, sprout juices, coconut water, etcetera. And if you can do that then
what will happen is that about day 3 or 4, youll start going into the glycogen. See as you keep your
fat and your sugars low, you have to burn your own fuel in order to create energy and the glycogen
from your liver starts to be broken down around day 3 or 4 and thats when youll notice a
significant change in your energy whenever youre fasting.


The day 3, day 4 lulls can be replaced by day 5 super highs where you have so much energy you
can hardly believe it because youve finally cracked into your glycogen store. A lot of the toxins in
our world are fat soluble and theyre in the fat. So in order to melt away the fat and get on a
cleanse, were gonna have to actually keep the sugar down and keep the fat down and protein in
order to allow the space to occur for that glycogen to be broken down. Is it okay if were doing a
cleanse and were breaking down the glycogen and lets say were doing vegetable juice, is it okay to
have some zeolites, fulvic acid, black mica extract, or any of these designer detox products, MSM
is one of them, while the cleansing is going on and all the years that I spent with Doctor Gabriel
Cousens we find that it is beneficial its much more beneficial to take those while youre fasting
or while youre on a juice fast or water fast then when youre not.


It works better for some reason and you can get the pesticides out quicker. So we inevitably kind
of cascaded along into a morning during a cleanse that looks like something like a detox lemonade
and an evening during the cleanse and an afternoon that looks like a green juice like a celery based
juice celery cucumber, celery cucumber lemon, something like that. And when you have that 1,
2 combo, the acids in the morning, the lemonade is kind of stirring everything up like a soap and
in that lemonade you put your fulvic acid, you put your MSM, you put your Noni powder and you
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

keep things rolling in the morning and churning and soaping and its kind of like going to the car
wash and then when you get into the afternoon, evening, thats when you want to have your
neutralizers coming in. Thats when you want to have your green chlorophyll rich substances that
can go in there and kind of mop up the debris. Your alkalizing factors herbs and vegetables are
alkalizing and vegetable juices are probably the most alkalizing food thing you could put in your


If you did that for 1 day, wonderful, 2 days is great, 3 is great, generally recommend trying to get
into at least 2 weeks if youve got the time, if youve got the focus and if you can get into an
environment that will support you for that because once you get into a 2 week juice fast like that,
youre gonna be churning up some of the old muck pretty quickly. While thats happening
because youre bringing in a lot of liquids and maybe not a lot of fiber, you may also want to have
enemas and colonics. And traditionally, in the traditional raw food cleanse, always enemas and
colonics. So on this side, we have a super detox lemonade coming in, perhaps totally unsweetened
and then we have that celery, parsley, cucumber, lemon juice or something like that in the evening
and get that chlorophyll in and that alkalization and we drop that in but then weve also got to have
something thats helping to assist the draining of the bathtub. Sometimes the bathtub gets so dirty
and the water in it is so stagnant that we have to pull the plug out and thats called a colonic.


Thats called an enema. And if youre new to this, maybe start with enemas. If youre an
advanced student, or even an intermediate student, hey go right into colonics and start playing
around with that so you can start seeing exactly whats coming out. Ive know so many people over
the years, hundreds, whove done 10 day fasts, 15 days, 20 days, 25 days, 30 days, where they
actually were excreting toxic plaque out of their colon every single day while fasting. Like, wheres
all this stuff coming from? Well, its all impacted in there and one of the things that Ive been
privy to is some of these pictures that people send to me and when I get the pictures I have to tell
you, honestly, I either put gloves on as soon as I realize what kind of pictures they are in that
envelope because you never know where that picture has been or Ill just tell the person look, Im
sending it back, youre gonna have to scan it and email it to me because I dont want to touch the
pictures because you just never know where theyve been. Anyway, the pictures Ive seen of
whats come out of people are so completely mind bending and earth shattering that it has
convinced me that everybody needs to cleanse in our world.


And this is a very big niche for raw food, very big, its the biggest niche, actually. Its where raw
food fits into the mainstream. Cleansing and detox should you live forever on a cleanse and
detox the answer is no, you shouldnt. Ive had to learn that and every raw Foodist learns that
and its one of these areas where people kind of realize like hey, Ive been on this detox diet for 2
years, when do I actually get to eat something. And that could cause people to wildly swing, which
we always want to avoid, wildly swing where they all of a sudden get so depleted from too much
cleansing that theyre suddenly back onto like burgers or something to try to get something that has
stability or something with protein or something with minerals in it. So we always want to have
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

something what we call a transition detox diet and we also want to have what is your day to day
diet, your day to day program. So the detox diet is an area where I think you can make a massive
career for yourself.


You can create all different kinds of products for that type of profession. You could create all
different types of marketing plans for that kind of profession and its applicable to everybody all
over the world. It doesnt matter if theyre Balinese or it doesnt matter if theyre from India, it
doesnt matter if theyre from the Caucasus Mountains, if theyre Chinese, it doesnt matter if
theyre from Central America, North America, Europe, wherever, everybody needs it and we all
know that were toxic and we all know that after a few days of fasting some really toxic stuff can
come out in that colonic and it really should make us wonder. When were advancing into the
cleanse, lets say we commit to 7 days, one of the things I really, really recommend doing if you can
is change your immediate suggestive environment. And thats why we have the cleansing center or
the detox retreat center or the place where you go to cleanse and you get away preferably on the
Equinox, either the Spring Equinox or the Autumn Equinox or the Solstices. Thats when the
cleansing activity is the strongest.


Thats when your energies are moving around and preferably if you have a choice and if its
possible, to do both the full moon and the Equinox which is what weve been experiencing here in
Hawaii its been a full moon and an Equinox so what an ideal time to cleanse. And in this
particular case, its the Spring Equinox. So Spring Equinox is spring cleaning, spring cleansing,
spring detox. Thats the signal, thats the day you do it. So we want to follow that now. We want
to start going back to that Traditional Wisdom and realizing theres something to it and then
following it out. So right now, I should be fasting which basically I most of the time am anyway. I
mean I hardly eat any amounts of food and every bit of that food comes on me. Its like I absorb a
100% of what I eat. I have to be careful these days. In the old days I probably only absorbed 4%
of what I was eating because I was so impacted with so much mucus because I didnt know what a
cleanse was. As you improve your digestion, you absorb nutrients and your whole picture changes.
Its easier to eat raw food of course the cleaner that you are and I think people will realize that and
finally get on that and usually get in the raw food journey with some kind of a cleanse of one sort
or another.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

13 - From Burtlemans Hill Learning & Creating Hope

Oh look at that, wild Gotu Kola, right there, bam. Wild Gotu Kola, thats good, jeez. Uh-huh,
brain. So Gotu Kola is always mixed together with Gingko, those 2 leaves, thats kind of an herbal
combo. Its like a 1-2 punch for the brain it kind of activates your brain.
Cameraman: Now just for our audience, the synchronicity, you had the intention of talking about
learning and instantly, a plant appeared right here, right now.
DW: Exactly, right, right now. Just the idea even the thought of learning and boom, theres the
immediate feedback from the Universe.


I think its always like that. Thats my personal feeling. I think actually everything you need to
become an immortal and to perfect yourself is always immediately in front of you. Its always right
there right around you always, always has been, always will be. And all weve got to do is just
successfully and successively refine what is in front of us that we are not aware of. What is it thats
all around us; what is it thats obvious that were not seeing? For example, the fact that Im
touching my hand to the ground right now is like a connection that Im making with my Mother
Earth so that electrical connection is a whole discovery that has been made over the last 10 years
that we had been missing because of the shoe. Weve been disconnected from our Mother Earth
for the last 50, 60 years with the soles, rubber soles and the plastic soled shoe, but it was so obvious
that thats causing a problem that we didnt even see it. Its just so obvious. All the hip problems,
knee problems, ankle problems, back problems caused by wearing shoes, of course. Take those
things off and you dont have any of those problems.


Or they at least start healing thats the obviousness that were looking for. Anyway, the thing
about learning and educating is that its all really about listening too. The more that youre
listening, the more is becoming available to you. I just felt like almost everybody Ive ever talked to
about whatever their problem was, actually not only told me what their problem was, but also told
me how to fix it, just by listening to what theyre saying. And theres a phrase that comes out of
neurolinguistic programming called first things first. Somebody says I have this terrible toothache I
dont know whats causing it. You dont know? What do you think it is? I dont know? Lets say
you had to guess. Well I think it might be because I ate this rice and there was something in it and
I think it chipped my tooth or it could have something to do with this fight Im having with my
wife. Right? Its going to come out first things first.


Now I bet you in that, boom the person chipped their tooth by eating the meal that they had and
second, theres a secondary emotional component, theyre in a fight with their wife. But, the first
things first the real cause is whats going to come out of their mouth first thats from listening.
The more you tune in and listen to somebody when theyre speaking to you, the more youll find
out exactly whats going on with them because theyll tell you. Sometimes they cant actually hear
it. They actually say it and reflect it back to you as a mirror and then you can read it and go oh,
ok, Im getting the readout on whats going on here. Pain always has a number of messages. One
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

of them is that it not only teaches us what is wrong, it teaches us how to fix it. Our response to
pain carries those same messages so therefore when somebodys talking to you, theyre really
responding to an inner challenge of pain of some sort, some discomfort and theyre going to tell
you not only what is wrong, theyre also going to tell you how that they can fix it. And youve got to
allow that to come out and give them the appropriate tools that you have and all with an
understanding that theres certain things that theyre gonna do and certain things that theyre not
gonna do


Always with hope, always with the idea that everything is gonna work out, its gonna be great, its
gonna be fine, everything is ok, never the other idea which is doom and gloom, its not gonna work
out, you have to do this, or else, never. Youve got to take on that placebo effect. The placebo
effect is something in the old days, I used to be really concerned about because my energy wasnt
high enough. I wasnt in the right state of consciousness. I would be worried well maybe the
thing didnt actually work, it was just the placebo effect so that thing doesnt work actually so that
was my concern when I was in that state of consciousness. Now this is where Im at the thing
works and the placebo effect works so both work, so were getting it both ways. When you meet
somebody and youre talking to somebody about their diet, everything thats coming out of you has
got to be oriented towards helping that person to activate their own placebo effect, so that theyre
completely on it, theyre with it theyre like totally there.


We tried the opposite. Its called doctors and hospitals look at that disaster. So every
communication, everything is you can do it, I know, I believe in you, I trust you can make it, I
know you can take these every day. Its just assuming it because I guarantee you if you assume
that a child can win a race, that child is pretty soon gonna win that race. If you assume that
somebody is gonna heal themselves, pretty soon that person will heal themselves. And if they
dont, well, its Gods Will. What are you gonna do about it? All you can do is be a positive effect
on the whole situation. And youre going to, of course, going to playing against odds and so you
want to say that too. So its like look, were stacking the odds in your favour so heavily youre
winning! You won! Winner, duh! Thats how it goes. When somebody is given something to
eat, when somebody is given a bunch of supplements to take, when somebody is given a pep talk,
when somebody has been given positive vibrations and they walk out of your office,


Out of your retreat center, out of your presence, out of your event, theyre happy. Theyre happy
they got some love. They got somebody who actually cared about them and actually supported
them and gave them some hope. The number one thing is hope. When you got H-O-P-E and
you got L-O-V-E, youre pretty soon gonna have H-E-A-L thats how it comes together. And that
communication of that love and that hope to that person is like everything, thats why I do my
whole events. Im communicating like hope and love and that its gonna work out and everything
is gonna be ok and what a great message to have out there in the world. And of course its going
to be met with probabilities, but the probabilities of course are going to favour us. The possibilities
are gonna favour that person and if the person does overcome the cancer, well I can tell you that
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

youve got a happy person there. If the person does overcome their depression, I can tell you
something, youre gonna have a happy person there. If a person does overcome their diabetes,
youre gonna have a happy person there and theyre gonna go out and tell other people.


Its an effect that keeps on giving and giving and giving and giving and thats why we should only
speak positive things, you should only put out the most important messages out there because we
dont have time to tear anything apart nor tear each other apart or tear somebody who needs
healing apart, jeez. And some of the people who need the most healing are the most vicious and
the most mean and Ive seen that. I want to just share that idea is I have seen people in clinics
where by the time they get to that cancer clinic, theyve been through everything. Theyve been
lied to, theyve been crucified by doctors, theyve been cut open in ways that were completely
inappropriate, theyve had near death experiences, theyve been through a calamity financially,
theyve been through a spiritual calamity. They finally land in these clinics and they are upset, they
are angry and when youre working in that kind of environment, youll see people who just unload
on you because of what theyve been through. And you have to take everything in a context. Its
like youve got to know where these people are coming from.


And youve got to keep the love pouring forward and the hope pouring forward anyway and
ultimately that will be pushed by the wayside. Ive seen some of the best doctors in the world do
that. And to my amazement, I have to say, where I was observing it, realizing like whoa, this guy is
being heavily attacked for nothing by this crazy person whos in here for their first day as patient in
this cancer clinic, theyre completely strung out, flipped out on all kinds of different kinds of drugs.
Theyre on all kinds of different kinds of messages that are like doom and gloom reports and
heres that doctor holding the rudder, holding the wheel and powering through positively anyway.
Thats one of the most powerful messages in healing I have ever seen.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

14 - Metabolism
Efficiency of metabolism is where the future is at. Were getting a little bit more educated day-by-
day about quality as being very much more important than quantity and the quality as it improves
automatically increases our efficiency of metabolism. For example, if we want to lose weight, if we
want to get rid of that stubborn body fat, if we want to transform ourselves at the cellular level well
there is a way to do that. We can increase the efficiency of our metabolism and we have to go back
to the simple basics, which is diet and exercise, but at an upgraded level of an operating system.
Just as we have upgraded our computers from 1985 all the way to today and every step it has
improved the information and the diet and exercise field has improved


in the same way. We can get much more effects with much less work now than ever before. It's
become easier. It's easier to surf the Internet now than it was back in the old days as you can clearly
recall and remember. You remember what it was like when the first cell phones came out; mobile
phones came out versus how it is. The efficiency has improved and thats really where our cutting
edge information is, where our technology is in the field of nutrition and in the field of fitness
because Im focused on nutrition thats where were going to jump into right now. If we eat foods
that have higher quality nutrients, minerals, polysaccharides, sugars, carbohydrates, a higher quality
of those substances theyre more available to us then inevitably our metabolism fine-tunes. We end
up losing weight because were not eating as much. We get more from what were eating and
everything burns more cleanly. What we do


and the actual step is we've got to take on this idea of you are what you eat really to the depth that
weve never taken it to or explored before. To go deep into you are what you eat looks like this,
instead of battling ourselves about this diet or that diet or trying to lose weight with this kind of
gimmick or that kind of a thing. We just throw that all out the window. It's gone, gone forever.
Now were really onto where we really are which is we add in the best of the best as we can, in a
way that we can. What does that look like? Raw and living foods come in because of the quality
and quantity of nutrients, but not quantity of empty calories. Potato chips, all empty calories but
say a Goji berry or raw chocolate or a tomato is quality within quantity of nutrients but no empty
calories. Were really getting something. Were getting nourished actually, which decreases our


and increases our metabolism in our ability to go out in the world and make something happen
because were less lethargic with more energy. We add in instead of taking things away. The diet
idea is all about you have to eat this but you cant eat that. We skip that. We know actually from
experience that the higher quality substances automatically transform us and want us to keep eating
them because of flavor, taste, texture and effect and side effects that are all good. Now what does
that look like? We add in raw living foods, fruits, raw organic fruits, raw organic vegetables, raw
organic nuts and seeds, raw organic sea vegetables, raw organic sprouts, raw organic wheat grass,
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

raw organic herbs and we call them really super herbs because we might as well have the best herbs
in the world and we dont need to know about herb #742. Forget it and


then the best organic super foods. When we add those things in, we can just do that in our daily
smoothie or maybe we make a juice. We have a salad and we just add those things into our
lifestyle. What happens is our body goes oh this is easy to burn. It's clean. It's simple and it allows
us to get to that place where weve always wanted to be, which is eat what you want any time you
want without having to worry about stuff sticking to your ribs. If you want to lose weight we know
that vegetables help us lose weight because vegetables have no calories, lots of nutrients and lots of
quality. What kind of vegetables? Green leafy vegetables like kale or lettuces or bok choy and
roots like garlic and onions and in particular radishes. If you want to talk about beauty nutrition
and transforming that side of ourselves, radishes should be in our diet. What a wonderful food to
have. The sulfur and the vitamin C transform your skin, hair and nails.


A key idea here is we want to have the best skin, hair and nails possible because we can do that.
That nutrition is available to us now. How do we do that? We've got to eat these foods that Im
talking about. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds all organic, raw preferably because we know that
raw food has more nutrients in it. It's more bio available. It's more what we were designed for. We
werent born attached to a stove, an oven, a broaster or a toaster. Were born without any of that.
We were born to eat at least most of our diet raw foods because thats whats natural. The more
that we do that the more powerful we see it is because we realize if you can eat salad all day you
will not gain weight. You will never gain weight eating salad ever. If you have salad with any other
food youre eating let's say potato chips or whatever. It helps your body deal with it. It increases the
efficiency of metabolism, the efficiency of digestion. Now going one step further than that it is
actually now were at a


point where we discovered that the simple way to live is actually the healthiest, the cleanest and
gives us all the highs we could ever want. People come to me all the time and say you know Im
going to miss this food or miss that food. I say no problem eat as much of that as you want to have
so youre done with it but try all this stuff here and what youll find out is youre going to like some
of this so much that it's automatically without trying, without will power, going to crowd out and
move the other stuff right out of your lifestyle. It's going to change what you actually desire and it's
going to attract you to those things that are good for you. See the reason why we didnt eat healthy
food in the 50s is because it tasted awful. Nobody would want to eat bulgur wheat. It's way better to
have a burger and a milkshake. It tastes better but today its a totally different story. Actually we
have raw, incredible gourmet, vegetarian-based hamburgers that's never even been cooked that has
like you can actually have like ketchup and mustard on it,

David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

also never been cooked, tastes like the old stuff but no side effects, nothing sticking to your ribs;
you dont feel sluggish or slow. In fact the opposite happens. You feel more energy. You feel
inspired and youre ready to get up and go. We can have all the flavor, all the taste, all the foods we
love but at an upgraded level of an operating system. This is what the gourmet raw food world and
living food world has delivered to us. If were really into, for example, doing protein shakes we
throw out the whey protein and whatever that was and we just replace it very simply with super
foods like Goji berries and maca and raw cacao or raw chocolate and spirulina and marine
phytoplankton and hemp seed and things that really have the protein and the DNA and are
actually real foods that are unprocessed in their natural state. Increasing the efficiency of
metabolism happens automatically when we decide to go organic we decide to eat raw and we
decide actually


its a self esteem thing, that we are worth it, that we actually have earned it and we actually should
have the best food ever because certainly in my case I had the worst food ever growing up. I had
stuff that was absolutely toxic and contaminated same as you. Weve all had this food, now we turn
and say okay; boom! weve had that experience. Lets go for quality.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

15 - Color Cure Prelude Part 1

All right, everybody. Were drinking spring water, here. Incredible spring water, here, in the
mountains of Alberta. And were digging in deep into the information for the weekend. Were
going to have an incredible weekend, up here, talking about the colors of food. Now, Ive been
exploring this subject, kind of in a cursory way, mostly through herbal traditions, for about three,
four, five years. And then one day I realized, I need to actually bring this out and talk about it
more. And once I started talking about it more, I realized that I knew very little about the pigments
of color in food. And so I started to actually dig in beyond just the color. Because theres a
meaning to each color. The colors are clues as to the phytochemicals that food contains. And that
eventually brought me to the herbal teachings that red is heart and blood, and black is jing,
longevity, primal


life-force essence. Brown is digestive system. You know, so the different colors have different
effects on our body. However, I never really got further than that. The pigments, the colors, and
categorizing them, giving a full complete understanding of what nature is producing for us, that is
creating those colors. But recently, Ive written a book that gets into all of that. And this is the most
incredible book that I have actually written in my career. And it has been one of those things thats
inspired me. Its changed me. Its actually changed the way I make food. Its changed the way I
make the beverages that I like. Its changed my elixir-craft. And that, to me, is really, you know,
one of the greatest gifts. You take something that youre so familiar with, and so into, and then
have something thats gonna add another spin onto it. To take it even to another level higher. And
thats what were gonna be doing for you. Were gonna be taking it to another level, higher. So
were gonna give you the basics


of what every color does. And then were going to get into what the color pigments are, and what
they do. And that is really an exploration. There was a time in the Earths history - there was a time
in the universes history, in the history of our galaxy - before there was color. This is something that
Ive noted from researching colors. There was a time when there were only whites and blacks, and
silvers, and greys. And going into the molecular structures of compounds, I essentially realized that
the first color that arises out of the twilight of silvers and greys, and blacks and whites, is yellow.
Yellow requires the least amount of symmetry. It requires the least amount of energy in order to be
produced. And so the first color is yellow.


So when we have very basic compounds, for example sulfur compounds. Theyre going to be
yellow. When we have very basic colors in plants, very basic colors in flowers, theyre going to be
yellow. In fact, some of the most basic compounds that provide color are called flavonoids, and
theyre based on the Latin word flavus, which means yellow. So yellow really is, like, a primary
color. Now this differs from the primary color theory that we all grew up with, where you have red,
green and blue, and from there you mix different colors together to get everything else. Thats
based on pigments. Thats based on, really, an artificial phenomenon that doesnt exist in nature.
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

Its based on artificial pigments. When we get to how nature produces color, its really quite a
different phenomenon. So we go to the yellows first. And then from yellows, eventually come into
being reds. And the reds offer a really fascinating insight really as to the beginning of crystalline


of color. For example, we have it in our body. Its called hemoglobin or heme-. And the heme-
part of our hemoglobin is, really, crystal. And the crystal has, at its center, iron. And that crystalline
structure of our blood is very ancient. In fact, its found in rocks. On certain shale and coal
deposits, you can find porphyrins. Thats a type of rock structure that is identical to hemoglobin.
And usually an identical color. Say, for example, if its made out of nickel instead of iron, you have
nickel in the middle. It still will be a red, a red-brown. And if we put iron back in there, it would be
actually red. So these porphyrins in nature, especially as they come up, as rocks, are actually red.
Now if we start to get a little bit deeper, we start realizing, Okay. There is a similarity, structurally.
Youve probably heard this before - between our blood and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has come to
predominate all


of nature. In fact, its the dominant color that is a pigment that nature produces. We might think,
well blue, and blue is everywhere. We look at the earth from space, and its blue. But the blue that
we see is not a pigment. Its actually a color structure. Its actually like a prism. If you remember
the old Dark Side of the Moon record, where theres white light hitting a prism, breaking it into its
different component colors. Thats how blue is mostly produced in the world. Very, very rarely will
you ever see a blue pigment. Well get back to that. What we see is green. And green is based on
that same structural compound thats in our blood. Except instead of iron in the middle, its
magnesium. So the magnesium turns it into a green color. And green has to do with detoxification,
deodorization, neutralization of toxins. So green is what purifies our air, purifies our environment.
In the oceans, it purifies


our oceans. Plankton, of course, is the dominant life-form in our oceans, and its green. Now, the
development from yellows to reds, in between there, is going to be browns. In between there is
going to be oranges. So they come into being. And then the greens. And then we start getting into
some of the violets, and purples. You know, the crown chakra kind of colors. The colors that are
more associated with spirituality. But the last color, and the most difficult color for nature to
produce, is actually blue. Blue pigments are extremely rare in nature. You dont see them very
often. In fact, if you start to hunt into this, youll realize actually, there are a couple of anthocyanins
that are blue. Malvodin. Theres phycocyanin, which is the blue pigment in blue-green algae. You
might think, Well what about green eyes? Or blue eyes?


What about the blue pigments there? Actually, those are structural colors. Theyre not actually
blue. If you look at somebodys eyes closely enough, if youre able to actually dissect the eye, and
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

get into the layers of prisms that the eye consists of basically layers of glass and each layer of
glass has a little bit of a reflective surface, and a little bit that you can see through, we are all familiar
with that. So if we look at this window, right here, sometimes we see a reflection in the window.
Sometimes we see right through the window. If we put some pigments in this layer of glass that are
brown, and we have another layer of glass behind it with more pigments in it, that are brown, and
then another layer behind that theres at least three layers of our eyes itll actually play a trick
on us, and it will appear that nature has produced a blue color. But there is no blue pigment to be
found. There are only brown pigments. And by the way that nature has refracted light again, like
that Pink Floyd idea of the prism being refracted


into its rainbow colors - nature will refract different components to create blues, and many times,
other colors, including greens. Green eyes are like that. Theres no green pigment in anybodys
eyes. Theres no green chlorophyll-like pigment in anybodys body. Those eyes that we see that are
green are actually refracted, the same as the blue is. When you look into the sky, the sky is blue,
not because of any pigments that are in the sky. Its because of refraction. Because the skies consist
of different layers of glass, essentially. Different layers of temperature, and different layers of
compounds that are in the atmosphere, water vapor for example, and sulfur, and those that will
refract to produce the blue color. The same is true with the oceans, and lakes, and rivers. The light
and the color that you see is a refraction. There are no blue pigments there. So that gave rise to a
very interesting idea. That, of all the colors, the most common of them


that we see today is currently green. Originally having arisen out of yellows, and then browns, and
oranges, and reds, and eventually we got to green, and then the violets, and then in between there,
all of a sudden, blue comes into existence. And the history of blue is very fascinating. Blue
pigments are very, very difficult to produce in nature. And in fact if you look at this, actually, one
that comes to mind is lapis. And azurite. But lapis in particular has a very, very bizarre reactive
sulfur thats contained in a zeolite cage, that gives it a blue color. Otherwise it would be red! Most
of those sulfur compounds, especially the triple sulfurs - thyozenide there are three sulfurs, just
like ozone is three oxygens. Those compounds are always red. And theyre original compounds, in
the construction of colors originally in the universe. But for whatever reason, when they get caught
up in that cage, that rock cage,


in lapis, it flips it from red to actually a blue pigment. And thats actually how ancient peoples got
their blue pigments. They would crush up azurite. They would crush up lapis in order to get the
blue color out. And they would soak their materials in it for example, their clothing in order to
get the blue. The nature of blue is one of imagination, and creativity. And to me, really, blue is the
highest color. So every time, now, that Im looking at how Im going to design a drink, or how Im
going to create a food, or how Im going to create a meal, Im always looking at blues with a much
different eye now. Because I know that those pigments are very hard to come by in nature. They
require a high amount of energy, and they require a high amount of symmetry. And therefore, they
David Avocado Wolfe
Intro Living Nutrition

will impart those energies to us. And thats really one of the magical things about blue. And thats
why blue is associated - not only from a chakra perspective -

with creativity, with Word. Right? Throat chakra. Blue is also associated with production of stem
cells. Recreating yourself. Remaking yourself.

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