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40 Reasons You Should Quit Watching

Porn Today

AUGUST 26, 2016

With the shockingly quick and easy access to an unlimited, ever-
increasing supply of porn these days, it shouldnt come as a
surprise that both science and personal accounts are coming out
by the day, exposing the negative impact porn has on peoples
lives. If youve come across these types of articles here and there
but still havent found the motivation you need to kick your porn
habit, weve got 40 good reasons for you.
1. Have Better Sex
Perhaps the biggest lie porn sells is that its fantasy world is filled
with sex positivity: sexual education, more sex, better sex, etc.
What it doesnt mention, however, is that the deeper a user dives
into that fantasy world, the more likely their reality is to
become just the opposite. Porn is complicated, the science is
simple: the more pornography a person views, the harder it
becomes for them to be aroused by a real person or a real
relationship. Ditch the shallow counterfeits and put the sex back
in sexy!
2. Its Like A Drug
On the surface, cocaine and porn dont seem to have a lot in
common but more and more studies are coming out showing that
viewing pornography tricks your brain into releasing the same
pleasure chemicals as drugs. Much like a drug, when these
pleasure chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin pulse through
the brain, they help to create new brain pathways that essentially
lead the user back to the behavior that triggered the chemical
release in the first place, mimicking a drug addiction. Porn is a
drug injected through the eyes, and although quitting can feel just
as daunting and impossible as quitting a substance, the support
out there is making it more possible than ever and the reward will
feel just as liberating!
3. Habits and Addiction Can Escalate
Because of its addictive nature, in order to retain the same level
of interest and excitement, an individual usually needs an ever
increasing dosage of porn and constantly evolving material. Over
time, their appetite pushes them to more hardcore versions just
to achieve the same level of arousal. The unshackling feeling that
comes from breaking free from addiction before it escalates will
empower you to live your life to its fullest potential!
4. Improve Behavior
Sooner or later, users start to find themselves getting aroused by
things that used to disgust them or that go against what they
think deep down is right. Once they start regularly watching
extreme and dangerous sex acts, these porn users are being
taught that those behaviors are more normal and common than
they actually are. Theres an obvious destructive behavior
pattern caused by porn that compromises beliefs, changes ideas
and turns relationships sour when pressure is placed on a partner
to perform or live up to the standards set by porn. Reversing
destructive behavior will happen soon after deciding to cut this
hazardous influence from your life.
5. Form Deeper Connections
The porn industry objectifies people and commoditizes the act of
sex. Theres nothing romantic or realistic about porn sex, and it
seriously puts a disconnect between the viewer and reality. This
makes it hard for them to have an intimate connection with a real
person. Youll only feel complete when you disconnect with porn
and connect with real person!
6. Appreciate Your Body
The makeup, surgery, Photoshop and acting that goes into porn
gives us an unrealistic view of the human body and sexuality. We
start to subconsciously compare ourselves to what were seeing,
causing overthinking and low self-esteem when it comes time to
being intimate. Kicking your porn habit will restore a healthy body
image and reinstate the sense confidence that you deserve.
7. Appreciate Those Youre Attracted To
In addition to affecting the way we see ourselves, porn causes us
to under-appreciate the opposite sex by training us to see them
as sexual objects and not as humans with beautiful and unique
features. Its likely due to the fact that porn promotes a
completely fictional version of how people look and behave, and
creates a false exciting reality that their partners can never live
up to. One of the first positive effects that people report soon
after quitting porn is the ability to truly appreciate the beauty of
the opposite sex without constantly undressing them in their
8. Prevent Sexual Dysfunction (ED)
This one is for the guys out there. The fact is porn often leads to
less sex and less satisfying sex. For a surprising amount of
viewers, porn eventually means no sex at all. Regular viewing of
porn has been found to affect the brain in such a way that it
hinders sexual performance when they get with an actual human
being. Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing in men, a
side effect of watching porn that they probably never see coming
until its too late. The only cure is to quit porn and let their brain
rewire and return to normal.
9. Stop Supporting Sex Trafficking
The facts are there: clicking porn directly fuels the demand for sex
trafficking. There are a countless victims of human sex trafficking
that are forced to have sex on camera. Even in the legitimate
adult industry, porn stars are frequently victims of violence and
drug abuse. Theres no just no way to know the dark origins
behind what were watching. By refusing to click, youre refusing
to contribute to the demand for sexual exploitation.
10. Porn Promotes Violence Against Women
From making actors participate in unsafe sex to the countless real
stories of actresses speaking out about the rape, violence and
drugs behind the camera, there is certainly a dark reality to this
industry. Porn tries to normalize this exploitation but were not
buying it. To watch porn is to support a questionable industry that
abuses its actors in addition to harming those who watch it. Not
11. Porn Can Lead To Violent Behavior
Its true that not all porn is the same, but the reality is that the
majority of even the most mainstream porn is packed full of
women being physically and verbally abusedand watching it
takes a serious toll on the viewer. Even the non-violent porn
portrays a power difference between partners where men are in
charge and women are submissive sex objects. But unlike
violence in movies where someone gets mad and fights back,
research has shown that 95% of the victims of aggression in porn
scenes reacted neutral or responded with pleasure. This confuses
frequent viewers to believe violence is sexy, and can lead them to
hurting women in real life during sex. Unlearning this violent
behavior will undoubtedly benefit you, your partner and your sex
12. Increase Your Creativity
We believe that in order to be truly creative, you have to connect
with deepest most honest parts of yourself. Porn clogs up your
imagination with cheap content that disconnects you from feeling
real passion and motivation. Once you let explicit images stop
distracting you from inspiration, youll feel more imaginative than
ever! (Read: Why Your Porn Habit Might Be Killing Your Creativity.)
13. Live A More Honest Life
Not every porn viewer lies about their addiction, but most feel
ashamed and obligated to hide it. Whether they admit it or not,
they know that their partner wouldnt like the idea of them
sexually bonding to a computer screen. When you live a lie for
long enough, you start to convince yourself of it as well and the
more lies you tell, the harder it becomes to tell the truth about
anything. Bring your dirty little secret out into the light and we
guarantee youll feel more free than ever before.
14. Free Up Some Time

Youve probably realized by now that porn takes up a lot of your

time! Porn viewers spend anywhere between a few minutes to a
few hours daily consuming these harmful images. Anyone who
frequently watches porn knows that as the years have gone on,
they watch harder material for longer periods of time. Think of it
this way: if you spent just 10 minutes a day watching porn, thats
over 60 hours at the end of the year you could have spent doing
something beneficial to your life! Time is precious; spend it on
making memories that last, not on images that disappear with a
15. Find Someone Special
In porn, everything from the way people look to how and why they
have sex is a lie. Porn viewers often get so obsessed with chasing
something that isnt real that they miss out on actual
relationships. Research has even shown that less men are getting
married because they feel porn takes care of all their sexual
needs. Ditch the lies and go find the the love of your life! Theyre
waiting for you!
16. Be A Better Partner
Porn doesnt just affect you, it affects your partner as well. While
a great deal of information exists for those suffering from
addiction, partners are often left feeling alone with equally real
wounds of their own. Partners of porn viewers commonly feel
betrayed and neglected when their significant other chooses to
share their sexuality with a screen instead of them. When you cut
porn from being the third party, youll find it easier to build a
healthier relationship emotionally and sexually.
17. Become A Better Parent
The harmful effects of porn dont always revolve around romantic
partners like boyfriends/girlfriends or husbands/wives. There are
countless stories, like this one, that show how porn can isolate,
consume, and eventually even destroy families. Additionally,
children and teens these days are exposed to hardcore porn at a
young age, and many receive their sex-ed from porn which
depicts unrealistic portrayals of human sexuality, leading to
lifelong issues in the bedroom. Promote healthy displays of
affection in your home and promote a porn-free life for your future
18. Become A Better Friend
Your porn habit can isolate you from valuable social time with
friends and the shame that comes with watching porn can cause
you to be distant at social gatherings. When you no longer allow
yourself to be a prisoner to this habit, you no longer have to worry
about the chains that come with it.
19. Maintain Mental/Emotional Health
Being tied to a consistent porn habit requires you to spend a lot of
time alone and can quickly make you uninterested in the every
day pleasures of life such as having conversations with real
people and being active. Research has shown that frequent porn
viewing is connected to mental/emotional health issues such as
anxiety and depression. There is a strong victory over these
challenges that comes with quitting porn that can be
truly liberating.
20. Take Back Control
One in five people who regularly watch porn admit to feeling
controlled by their own sexual desires. As a result, many viewers
start feeling like somethings wrong with them because they dont
know how to be turned on by a real person. This only leads to
watching more porn because its the only escape that works.
Quitting porn allows you to take back control of your sexual
desires and connect with a real person.
21. Dont Believe the Fantasy
With the exaggerated bodies and rehearsed scenes in porn,
viewers can quickly lose perspective on their own natural desires,
as well as their partners. Unplugging from porn will help you
become more in tune with what you and your partner want
instead of influencing you to reenact what youve seen in porn. Be
the author of your own sexuality, not an imitation of something
that isnt even real.
22. Increase Sexual Energy
If youre watching porn, youre probably also doing something
else thats giving you a sexual release. Many people deep in their
porn habit do this multiple times a day. If youre too busy venting
your sex drive this way, youre not going to have much interest
in real sexual intimacy with a partner. You may have already
experienced a lack of drive or the inability to perform with your
partner. By quitting porn, youll reclaim that natural energy.
23. Increase Overall Energy
Its obvious that porn consumes your time and your sexual
attention, but do you think about how that doesnt leave you with
energy for much else? A demanding porn habit will definitely
drain your body of the mental and physical energy it needs to
keep up with the daily hustle of life. By turning off the monitor,
you can focus on being productive and making a difference in
your life and others.
24. Regain Focus
People often watch porn as an escape when they become
overwhelmed by the daily decisions of life. Quitting porn allows
you to assume responsibility and become accountable for your
own goals. By getting this distraction out of your life, you can
start to focus on the things that really matter to you.
25. Reclaim Self-Confidence
A belief in yourself is a huge casualty of consistent porn viewing.
People who feel they are addicted who porn believe they are
broken human beings with a damaged capacity to love and feel
joy. These negative feelings come from your own negative
feelings about porn mixed with your inability to quit, or from any
of the negative side effects that go with repeatedly watching
porn. By kicking the habit, you begin to be happy, which will fuel
your confidence in all aspects of your life.
26. Protect Your Marriage
Addiction to pornography is cited as a major reason couples
divorce annually around the world. Whether you are currently
married or one day hope to be, its a sure bet that porn is a
poisonous ingredient in a marriage. When porn is preferred to a
healthy sexual relationship with a spouse, the outcome is often a
broken home. With a risk as serious as this, it makes sense to
remove porn from your life all together and avoid a bunch of
issues in marriage.
27. Save Your Money
Porn is a global, $97 billion industry, with $12 billion of that
coming from the United States. How much have you spent on it?
Even if the answer is nothing, think about it this way: your time
spent watching porn could have been spent on either A) making
money or B) performing better at work where you could now be
making more money. Time is money after all, and by focusing
your time on porn youre being very unproductive to say the least.
28. Maintain Your Natural Sexuality
Porn removes the concept of intimacy from sex. It teaches that
sex is about taking selfish pleasure rather than giving love. When
you fill your mind with the explicit material porn offers, it takes
away the excitement of intimacy and even distorts your
sexuality. By kicking the habit, your brain can return to normal
and reset your arousal patterns to normal.
29. Protect Your Passions
The more you watch porn, the less you desire the things that
previously got you excited. Hanging out with friends, playing
sports, making music, etc., all these things lack the shock factor
that porn gives the brain. Soon, you start to lose interest in
anything that doesnt bring the ultra-arousal of pornography. But
not to worry, the sooner you cut out porn, the sooner you can
restore a healthy and fulfilling approach to the things you care
about most.
30. Prevent Sexual Compulsion/Addiction
Addiction is never a good thing, regardless of what it is. Porn can
create a constant need for sex/sexual material that needs to be
fueled, but is never truly satisfied. This cycle can quickly grow
into an obsession for the viewer, which inhibits their ability to
function like a normal person in the company of people, especially
the opposite sex, and can also lead to serious harmful behaviors
like soliciting prostitutes to act out what theyve seen in porn. Not
making porn a part of your life is a sure way to not step foot down
a potentially life changing road.
31. Dont Bond To A Screen

Oxytocin is commonly called the love hormone or the bonding

chemical because it plays an important part in intimacy by
connecting two people. Because the chemical is naturally
released during sex, watching porn triggers the release of
oxytocin as well, tricking your brain and essentially bonding you
to the computer screen. Keep love real, and dont take fake.
32. Prevent Anxiety
As talked about earlier, porn can be the onset of a number of
different anxiety problems. When viewers feel like they have to be
watching porn or cant stop thinking about it, it creates serious
anxiety. Not to mention, this anxiety can transfer over to the
bedroom and contribute to porn-induced erectile dysfunction.
Anxiety can be extremely crippling and most people experience it
to on some level from the daily stresses of life as it is. Why add to
33. Prevent Depression
We know that pornography and other addictions are used as self-
medicating tools which only lead to feeling worse than before. The
momentary escape only leads to feeling lower than before. Porn is
a negative influence in your life, and an easy way to start feeling
happier and more free is giving it the boot.
34. Live Without Shame
Its pretty simple: no porn equals no shame. The secrecy
surrounding your habit can have huge negative effects on your
life and shame can quickly settle in. You may find yourself
watching things you find disgusting, but cant seem to stop. When
this feeling starts to take its toll, it usually leads to medicating
with more porn. Youre guaranteed to feel relief when you break
the chains of this vicious cycle.
35. Increase Productivity
Think about what more motivation could mean for you. Do you
want to be more ambitious and driven? Are you wanting to
achieve your goals? A survey of a Reddit community called NoFap,
which is committed to breaking free from porn, found that 67% of
those who quit had an increase in energy levels as well as
productivity. Put it to the test for yourself. What are you waiting
36. Be Better At Your Job
Besides the obvious fact that porn is a waste of time, viewing it
can also make the viewer depressed and anxious, and make them
perform worse at their job. In fact, real stories of people being
caught watching porn at work prove that more and more people
are putting their jobs at risk by looking at porn during work hours.
Dont let this destructive material ruin the things that matter
most for your daily life.
37. Prevent STDs
Researchers have repeatedly found that people who have seen a
significant amount of porn are more likely to start having sex
sooner and with more partners, and to engage in riskier kinds of
sex, putting them at greater risk of getting sexually transmitted
38. Be Proud of Yourself
By quitting porn, youre taking a stand against a dangerous,
exploitive industry and becoming an advocate for positive
personal and social change. This is definitely something you can
feel proud of. Change yourself, and change the world.
39. Better the World
Every single click made on a porn site is counted by the greedy
companies that make that content. Clicking fuels the demand for
more, feeding and growing a dark industry that harms society as
a whole. For all of the harmful reasons mentioned above, stop
contributing to something that ruins peoples lives and supports
sexual exploitation. This negative influence doesnt have to affect
you, your peers or the countless people in the industry who are
are forced, coerced, and abused behind the camera. Take a stand
and be the change you want to see in the world.
40. Love
This is by far the most important reason to quit porn. Above all,
porn can seriously come between you and your partner. It distorts
the meaning of love and intimacy. The most common true stories
we receive are from partners who lost the love of their life due to
a struggle with porn that tore their relationship apart slowly but
surely. We all want and need love. Its the most important thing
we can experience in life. If fighting for love isnt the best reason
to stay away from porn, we dont know what is. Porn kills love, but
it doesnt have to. Choose love, not porn.
Struggling with porn?
Our Fortify app is currently helping over 50,000 users worldwide
get the help they need with our addiction recovery program.
Designed to help users take a step toward freedom and break
their porn habit, anyone who already has a Fortify account can
use the app for free. If you arent a Fortifier yet, head over
to and sign up to get started. The entire online
program is free for individuals under 21 years old and is an
inexpensive one-time fee for adults.
What YOU Can Do
Encourage others to live a life free from the harmful effects of
porn. SHARE this article to spread the word and take a stand.
Support the movement, rep a tee. Click here to shop:
Posted by Thavam

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