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1. What is the lexicon?

2.What are WFR? List the major WFRs.

3. What is affixation? How many types of affixes are there? What is the difference between lexical and
grammatical affixes?
4. Discuss the different status of -ING affixed words. E.g. He is writing a text. This is a writing tool.
Writing on walls is prohibited. Writing his name he remembered the guy's face. He saw a man writing on
a slab.
5. Why are suffixes heads? WhT is the status of prefixes?
6. Terminology: base (for derivatio), root, stem.
7. Compounds. What is a compound? What is the difference between a compound and an affixed
(derived) word?
8. NN, AN, NA, VN, AA, PP, VV (Prt)V(Prt) compounds.
9. Verbal compounds. Taxi-driver, birdwatching, love-smitten.
10. Acronyms. Subcategories. Their morphology. Their phonology.
11. Portmanteau words. Examples. Morphology. e.g. dictaphone.
12. Clippings.
13. Conversion. N/V conversion in English. and Romanian. A/Advconversion in English and Romanian.
14. Compounds based on Greek and Latin words. Analysis and semantics. Centimetre vs hectometre.
Lithography, philology, decocracy, acrophobia, Anglophile etc.

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