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Mara Teresa Anabaln

Profesora de Ingls
Universidad de Chile

Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives

I: yo my: mi, mis
You: t your: tu, tus
He: el his: su, sus (de l)
She: ella her : su, sus (de ella)
It: Its: su, sus
We: nosotros our : nuestro, a, os, as
You: ustedes your : su, sus (de uds.)
They: ellos, ellas their : su, sus (de ellos)

Demonstrative Adjectives Articles

This: esto, e, a a/an: un, una

That : eso, e, a / aquel, aquella A + consonant sound
These : estos, estas An + vowel sound
Those : esos, as, aquellos, as.
THE = el, la, los, las

Prepositions: In-on-at = en
near = cerca de
far from = lejos de
behind = detrs



/s/: book-books; chair-chairs-

/es/: classes, boxes, churches, oranges, brushes
/ies/: lady-ladies; city-cities; dictionary-dictionaries.
/ves/: wife- wives; knife-knives; half-halves; life-lives


Man-men; woman-women; child-children; person-(persons) people; foot-feet


Medium-media; thesis-theses; bacillus-bacilli; criterion-criteria; bacterium-bacteria;

phenomenon-phenomena; crisis-crises; analysis-analyses; datum-data.
1.3 VERB TO BE: PRESENT TENSE :am, is, are.

Positive: I am . (Im) Negative: I am not . (Im not)

You are (Youre) You are not (You arent)
He is . (Hes) He is not (He isnt)
She is (Shes) She is not .. (she isnt)
It is . (Its) It is not .. (It isnt)
We are .. (Were) We are not. (We arent)
You are.. (Youre) You are not (You arent)
They are (Theyre) They are not.. (They arent)

Question Am I? Are you? Is he? Is it? Are we?


Subject Verb Complement

I am a good student
He isnt at home now
We are in class
She is working hard this term
They arent resting now


Are you a chemist? No, Im not. Im a biologist.

Are you tired? Yes, Im exhausted.



1. Mr. Johnson is a biologist. ____________ very good.

2. Peter is 18 and Alice is 21. ____________ brother and sister.
3. Today is not Sunday. __________ Monday.
4. Your books are not in English. ____________in Spanish.
5. You and I are in the same class. ______________in room G-101
6. My best friend is Paul. _______________ an Arts student.

A AN or X ?

1. That restauran is very _________________expensive.

2. These are ___________________interesting books
3. Jane is ____________attractive girl.
4. Youre _____________hour and ______________half late.
5. She is wearing ________________uniform.
6. That man is ____________honorable person.
7. Are you in ______________hurry?
8. They are _____________nice boys.



1. Santiago is a crowded city. ___________ streets are very polluted.

2. Those men are scientists. ___________________work is very ineresting..
3. Ms. Jenkins is my tutor __________________office is on the first floor.
4. This is a good dictionary. __________________covers are strong.
5. David is alone; _______________ girlfriend is abroad.
6. We are not comfortable because ____________________ room is very small.


1. El profesor y sus alumnos estn en la oficina de l.


2. El Dr. Gmez y su seora son qumicos. Sus investigaciones son conocidas.


3. Esta no es la sala de nosotros. Nuestra sala esta all.


4. Los libros de ella no son nuevos. Son muy antiguos.



1. (a) Tienes hambre? (b) No, pero tengo sueo


2. El profesor de ellos no tiene mucha paciencia


3. Nuestros amigos no tienen mucho cuidado con sus cosas.


4. (a) Tu hermano tiene veinte aos? (b) No, tiene veintitrs


5. (a) Hace calor hoy da? (b) No. Hace fro.


2.1 Prepositions. In : en
on : en
at : en
behind : detrs de
in front of : delante de
between : entre (dos)
among : entre (varios)
next to : junto a, al lado de
near : cerca de
far from : lejos de
under : debajo de

2.2 Some uses of in.

inside parts of a building a town, country or area

in the living room in the north, in the south

in the laboratory in uoa, in Vitacura
in the yard In England

Parts of the day a book or magazine

in the morning in the newspaper ,
in the afternoon in the news
in the evening in this novel
(but: at night) in the document

dressed months and seasons

the woman in red in January, in March
the girls in jeans in (the) summer
the men in black in (the) spring

Others Transportation
in a hurry in the car
in the mood in a taxi (cab)
in fashion
in a good/bad mood but you travel
in the sun By bus
in love By subway
in time By train
in the corner By car

2.3 Some uses of on.

touching a surface days and dates streets and avenues

on the table on Sunday
on the wall on Broadway Avenue
on the floor on Friday morning
on the Highway on September 18
on the second floor on Christmas
on the corner of Kent and Oak Street

on the bus on that train
on the plane on the ship
on a horse on a bicycle
(and . . . on foot)

on fire the radio is on/off
on the telephone on time
on the radio on vacation
on television on channel 36
on business on my way

2.4 Some uses of at.

a point in time places

at three oclock at school
at noon at home
at sunset at work
at night at the university
at lunch/dinner time at the bank
at this/that time at the doctors
at this/that moment at Carlas
at the corner
adresses at the door
at 456 Oxford Street

at the window at the gym at last
at the beginning at the cinema at least
at the desk at once
at the end at the cafeteria
at present at the hotel
at the corner at the stadium

abroad : en el extranjero
downtown : en el centro
2.5 Question Words.

When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : Cundo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
Where . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....? : Dnde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
What . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : Qu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..?
What time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : (A) Qu hora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
What color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : (De) Qu color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?
How. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...? : Cmo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
How old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? : Qu edad / cuantos aos. . . . . . . ?
How far. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : A qu distancia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
How much. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : Cunto cuesta(n)/vale(n). . . . ?
Why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? : Por qu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : Quin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Whose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? : De quin (pertenencia). . . . . . . . . ?

2.6 Possessive pronouns.

Mine: That book is mine.

Yours: The guitar is yours.
His: Those pens are his.
Hers: These notes are hers.
Its :
Ours: The decision is ours.
Yours: Your life is yours.
Theirs: That piece of land is theirs.


Toms dog.
Jamess friends.
The childrens books.
My sisters friends.
Peter and Jasons house
The dogs tail.
Sundays newspaper.
Argentinas President

2.8 Question Tags:

She is nice, isnt she?
You are fine, arent you?
This is not our room, is it?



1. Our first break is______________10:00 in the morning.

2. That bank is _____________Kingston Avenue.
3. We are _______classroom 4_____________ the first floor (the ground floor)
4. The meeting is ____________next Monday nine sharp.
5. What time are you ______________ home?
6. The party is ____________Paulas _______________Friday night.
7. The weather is warm ____________September.
8. The bank is ____________ the corner of Madison and Broadway.
9. Are all the passengers _______________ the plane?
10. We are always _______________time for class.
11. Is Oxford ______________England or ________________ the United States?
12. There is a man _________________the door.


1. _____________________________________________________________?
The ticket for the concert is $30.000.
2. _____________________________________________________________?
We are sleepy because its late.
3. _____________________________________________________________?
Their puppy is two months old.
4. _____________________________________________________________?
My birthday is in July.
5. _____________________________________________________________ ?
Her office is ten blocks from here.
6. _____________________________________________________________ ?
No, Im not very worried.
7. _____________________________________________________________?
The bank is in front of the supermarket.
8 _____________________________________________________________ ?
Beckham is a football player.
9 _____________________________________________________________ ?
Its a quarter to one now.
10. _____________________________________________________________ ?
Your project is perfect.


1.________________________________ is the station from here?

Its ten minutes by bus.
2. ________________________________are your mothers eyes?
Theyre brown.
3. ________________________________are you so happy?
Because, Im in love.
4. ________________________________ the next show?
Its at 9:45.
5. ________________________________are those boys?
Theyre my brothers.
6. ________________________________are those sneakers?
They are $25.000.

1. (a) Hola Cmo estas? Ests bien?

2. (a) A qu hora es tu clase?
(b) Es a las 11 de la maana. Qu hora es? Oh!, Estoy atrasado.
3. Cuando es tu cumpleaos? Es en marzo?
Si, es el 31.
4. Donde estn tus compaeros? Estn en el laboratorio.
5. (a) A qu distancia queda el aeropuerto?
(b) Est como a una hora en bus.
6. (a) Por qu ests preocupado?
(b) No estoy preocupado, estoy un poco cansado


1. This is a nice place, _______________________________?

2. Your shoes arent too dirty, ______________________________?
3. Your mother is a teacher, ________________________?
4. The students are very busy, ________________________?
5. Im not late, ________________________?
6. The Bakers are at home, ________________________?
7. The subway station is near here ________________________?
8. These exercises arent very easy, ________________________?
9. Its hot/cold today, ________________________ ?
10. Unfortunately, we arent on vacation, ________________________?
11. Your phone number is 313-3123, ________________________?
12. Im not wrong, ________________________?

- When the owner is a person or an animal we use the aposthrophy

Ex. The girl`s pet; The boys` books; John and Mary `s house.

- When the owner is a thing, the word of is used.

Ex. The leg of that table is broken.

She says she will do many thing the rest of her life.

- NOUN AS AN ADJECTIVE: (not always indicating possession)

The lab teacher

The Chemistry book
A paper bag
A coffee cup
A T.V. show
A cheese sandwich

NOTE the difference:

A wine glass .............................a glass of wine

A potato sack ... ....................... a sack of potatoes.
A juice jar.................................. a jar of juice.


Example: This is the book of John. This is Johns book.

1. The new book of Paula is very interesting.

2. This is the toilet of the men, and that is the toilet of the women.
3. The classroom of those students is upstairs.
4. The meeting of the students is very important.
5. The girlfriend of James is a dentist.
6. The bicycle of the brother of Alice is good.
7. The house of Jenny and Pat is far away.
8. The tail of that dog is cute.
9. Shes the mother of Jason and Sam.
10. The office of my boss isnt very big.

1. La reunin de alumnos es a las 7:00, verdad?

2. Las pruebas de los alumnos de Mr. Collins estn muy buenas, cierto?
3. Esa es la oficina del jefe de ellas.
4. Mi diccionario est al lado del de Claudio.
5. Yo prefiero las bolsas de papel en vez de las de plstico.
6. Cmo se llama tu to?
7. Al? Dnde ests? - Estamos donde Felipe.
8. Cmo se llama el hermano de la amiga de tu polola?
9. La botella de leche esta vacia.
10. El diario del domingo es interesante y entretenido, cierto?


1. These shoes are my shoes.

2. Those pencils arent her pencils.
3. These notes arent your notes. Where are my notes?
4. Their project is very good, but your project is excellent, isnt it?
5. These gloves arent my gloves. Are they your gloves?
6. Her brother is sixteen. How old is your brother?
7. His house is near here. My house is far. What about your house?
8. Johns dad is an artist. Whats your dad?


1. ______________________________________________________________________?
That jacket is mine.

2. ______________________________________________________________________?
This is my brothers car.

3. ______________________________________________________________________?
This new computer is Peters.

4. ______________________________________________________________________?
This dictionary is yours.

5. ______________________________________________________________________?
Thats the dogs ball.

6. ______________________________________________________________________ ?
They are the teachers documents.


1. Mi casa queda cerca de aqu. Dnde est la tuya?

La ma queda a media hora en metro.
2. Hay unos apuntes debajo de la mesa. De quin son? Son tuyos?
No. Son de Pablo.
3. Por qu ests tan plido? Tienes fro?
No, me da miedo la oscuridad.
4. Este sndwich est exquisito. Como est el tuyo John?
5. La casa de la esquina es sper vieja; pero es interesante, no?

It is used to express an action that takes place at the moment of speaking.

Examples: We are studying English now.

The students arent watching T.V. at this moment.

This tense can also be used to express future ideas.

Ex.: What time are you leaving?

3.2 Exercises.


1. The children are not ( have) lunch.


2. The students are (pay) attention.


3. Bob is (live) in London. He is not (work) there. He is (study).


4. Im (do) an experiment. What are you (do)?


5. The dog is (run) and (play) with the boys.


6. We arent (listen) to music at the moment. We are (speak) English now.


7. David is (write) a letter to his girlfriend Terri. - She is (look) forward to it.

8. Hurry up! The bus is (leave).



1. _______________________________________________________________________
No, Im not. Im listening to music.

2. _______________________________________________________________________
No, they arent. They are sleeping.
3.________________________________________________ _______________________
Im preparing a report.

4. _______________________________________________________________________
Hes watching a soccer game

5. _______________________________________________________________________
Because we lost the match

6. ______________________________________ ________________________________
Shes wearing Annies.

Hes reading the newspaper.

8. _______________________________________________________________________
He is waiting for his fiance.




1. Are you okay?


2. Is it raining?

3. Are we all watching television?


4. Is your best friend studying?


5. Are you eating?


6. Is your classmate sleeping?


7. Is the sun shinning?


8. Am I listening to music?

9. Is the secretary talking on the phone?


10. Are you going out tonight?



1. (a) Que hacen aqu?


(b) Estamos esperando a nuestras compaeras.


2. (a) A donde vas?


(b) Voy al estacionamiento.


3. (a) Qu est comiendo tu hermano?


(b) Est comiendo pollo con papas fritas.


4. (a) Profesor, El ejercicio de quin esta revisando?


(b) Estoy revisando el tuyo y est muy bueno.


5. (a) Dnde estn tus compaeros?


(b) Estn en la cafetera. Estn tomando caf


6. (a) Qu est haciendo la profesora?


(b) Est esperando a los alumnos.


7. (a) Esos nios estn celebrando el cumpleaos de Cristin, verdad?


(b) S, y lo estn pasando sper bien.


8. (a) Por qu ests usando bufanda? No hace fro.


(b) No? bueno, yo tengo fro.


Paul is 91, Helen is 94Helen is older than Paul

Helen is the oldest in the family.

3.3.1 Comparatives:

- Short adjectives (one syllable) old, cheap, nice + er

Nice nicer easy easier

Slow slower heavy heavier
Late later
Big bigger

But.. good better bad worse far farther / further

- Long adjectives (modern, expensive, etc) more

More modern More comfortable More expensive

Room 310 is bigger than room 309
Is it more expensive to go by car or by train?

3.3.2 More / Less:

This car is less expensive than that car. (Both are expensive)
Carle is less nice than Paula (both are nice)
You go out more than me.
Is lunch $5.000? No, its less than that.

EMPHATIC: Much older, much bigger / much more interesting, much more exciting.
much less

3.3.3 As .As

Tennis is not as popular as football

My grandma is not as old as yours.

3.3.4 Superlatives:

- Short adjectives: the est

The oldest, the smallest, the latest the easiest, the heaviest, the hottest, the biggest

- Long adjectives: the most

The most comfortable, the most boring, the most interesting

But the best, the worst, the farthest / the furthest

Money is important but it is not the most important thing in life.
My best friend is Carlos.
The hottest month in Chile, is January.

Complete these sentences. Use than.

1. He isnt very smart. I am __________________________________________________

2. She isnt very old. Paul is__________________________________________________
3. That class is not very interesting. This class is__________________________________
4. I cant run very fast. You can run ____________________________________________
5. Tommy is 6 and Mike is 8. Tommy is _________________________________________
6. I have $2.000 and you have $5.000. You have _________________________________

Write sentences using (not)

1. Betty and John are 75 years old.

2. My house and your house are ten minutes by bus, from here.
3. A plane is faster than a ship.
4. Books are more expensive than magazines.
5. Football is more popular than rugby.


1. What is the biggest country in South America?


2. Who is the most popular singer?


3. Who is the most interesting person you know?


4. Who is the best actor/actress?


Affirmative and negative forms:

S + aux + (F.A.) + verb + complement

I always do my work
You (dont) sing very well
We never watch television
They work in a restaurant
It usually rain(s) a lot in the south
He (doesnt) call(s) them up
She generally attend(s) classes on Saturday

Interrogative :

Q.W. aux S infinitive complement

Do you like sugar in your tea?
Does he have any brothers?
Does it hurt?
Do we ever have classes on Saturday?
Do they play soccer well?
Where do you spend your vacation?
Why does she always arrive late?
How much do they cost?
Where does their sister work?
Who do they live with?

Short answers and tags.

Does she play tennis?
No, she doesnt.
Do the girls cook?
No, they dont. Their mother does.

Those students dont work very hard, do they?

Their father doesnt like pop music, does he?
You live in an apartment, dont you?
She dances very well, doesnt she?
That exercise has a lot of mistakes, doesnt it?
4.3 Frequency adverbs, expressions and other time expressions.

always: siempre
almost always : casi siempre
very often : muy a menudo, muy seguido
often : a menudo, seguido
usually : usualmente
frequently : frecuentemente, con frecuencia
generally : generalmente
sometimes : algunas veces, a veces
seldom : rara vez, no muy seguido
rarely : rara vez, no muy seguido
hardly ever : casi nunca
almost never :
never: nunca

Every = cada, (todos)

everyday , every weekend, every year, every Sunday, every summer, etc.

once a week : una vez a la semana

twice a month : dos veces al mes
three times a day : tres veces al da
every other day : da por medio
from nine to four : de nueve a cuatro
on Monday(s) : el (los) lunes
on weekends : los fines de semana
in (the) summer : en el verano

Still: todava, an.

She still loves him.
Are they still dating?.
Sam still works for that company, doesnt he?

Not . . . anymore: ya no, no mas.

She doesnt love him anymore.
We dont live in that house anymore.
Sam doesnt work for that company anymore, does he?

4.4 To ask about frequency.

How often.... Con qu frecuencia? o Cada cunto tiempo?

How often do they go to the cinema? They go there twice a week.

How often does their aunt visit them? She seldom visits them.
How often do you have tests? We have tests every two weeks.
Ever. . ...? Alguna vez?

Do you ever watch television? Yes, I do. I watch TV everyday.

Does your lab teacher ever arrive late? No, he doesnt. He never arrives late.

4.5 Exercises.

Fill in with DO or DOES.

1. (a) _____________you and your brother work?

(b) I __________ but my brother ____________ nt.
2. (a) _______________lessons start at 8:00 here?
(b) No, they _________nt.
3. The little girl ___________nt like dogs, ___________she?
4. You _______ nt watch soap operas, _________you
5. (a) ______________ his sons play tennis?
(b) Yes, they _________and they play very well.
6. Their mother __________nt speak French. What language ____________she speak?

Change the following sentences into negative and into interrogative.

1. Tom attends classes on Saturday.

2. They live near here.
3. Samantha helps her classmates with work.
5. They sell things at good prices.
Write the corresponding question.

1. __________________________________________________________________
No, their brother doesnt work in a bank.

2. __________________________________________________________________
We have only one test a month.

3. __________________________________________________________________
The train leaves at 6:00 oclock.

4. __________________________________________________________________
No, Sasha and Melissa never eat meat.

5. __________________________________________________________________
They go to the theatre twice a year.

6. __________________________________________________________________
Samantha usually does her homework in the evening.



Do you like to travel? Inter Rail is a special trail ticket which allows you to travel
anywhere in Europe for up to 30 days, and to stop wherever you want for as long as you
want. Europe is divided into zones and the price depends on the number of zones you
are planning to visit.
You only have to be under 26, have a nice group of friends - travelling alone can be
boring and some pocket money and other items, such as a rucksack never a
suitcase-, a sleeping bag and a pair of walking boots. You need the boots because,
although you always travel by train, you do a lot of walking , visiting towns and
sightseeing and, of course, you normally walk to the railway station. You have plenty of
time to prepare for your holidays, and Inter Rail is a cool solution for young people who
want to visit different countries on a limited budget.

True or false? Use your own words.

1. __ Inter Rail is a two-month journey.

2. __ You can t use Inter Rail if you are older than 26.
3. __ The best way is to travel alone.
4. __ You pay according to the number of zones you want to visit.
5. __ Its the best way to travel if you dont have much money to spend.
LETS TALK ! Answer these questions.

1. Do you like television? Whats your favourite show?


2. Are you watching any soap opera/ reality show at the moment?

3. How far do you live from here?


4. How many good friends do you have?


5. How far is the nearest subway station?


6. How much water do you drink daily? Do you ever do?


7. Where do you usually go on Saturday nights?


8. How often does it snow in Santiago?


9. Do you like movies?


10. What movies do you like?


11. How often do you go to the movies?


12 Do your teachers give you much homework?


13 Do you read? Do you ever read the newspaper?


14.. Do you want to go home right now?


15. Where does your best friend live?


16. Do you like football (soccer) ? Whats your team?


17. Do you study everyday? How many hours?

18. What sports do you like?

19. Do you play any sports on weekends?


20. What time do you get up on weekends?


21. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Any pets?


22. When do you get up earlier, on weekdays or on weekends?


23. Do you have a favourite singer / group ?


24. Do you like to get up early?


25. Why do you want to learn English?



1. (a) Qu hace tu hermana? Trabaja o estudia?


(b) En la maana estudia y en la tarde trabaja en un pub.


2. (a) Qu ests haciendo aqu?


(b) Estoy resolviendo unos problemas. Quieres trabajar conmigo?


(a) Si, pero yo no puedo trabajar aqu porque hay mucho ruido.

(b) Yo no tengo problemas con eso, pero si quieres podemos ir a una sala.

(a) Buena idea. Vamos!


Requests, commands, orders, instructions, invitations, suggestions, good wishes.

Infinitive, will you? Dont + infinitive.

Stay in the house, will you? Dont make noise, will you?
Please, stand up. Dont shout at me, will you?
Mix the butter with the sugar. Dont walk.
Be quiet, will you? Dont be lazy.
Have fun.

Invitations, suggestions:

Lets + infinitive. Lets not + infinitive.

Lets go, shall we? Lets not go by subway.

Lets study together. Lets not buy that material.
Lets have lunch at two. Lets not eat here, shall we?


Shall I answer the phone? Shall we start?
Shall I wait for you? Shall we go now?

5.2 COMPLEMENT / OBJECT PRONOUNS. They are always used after a verb or a

me : me, m.
you : te, t, le, usted.
him : le, el.
her : le, ella
it : lo, el, la.
us : nos, nosotros.
you : les, ustedes, las, los.
them : les, ellos.

Im looking at her.
Listen to me, please.
My friend is visiting us tonight.
Come with me.

5.3 Exercises.

Replace the underlined word by the corresponding complement pronoun:

1. Carla and Gina are speaking. The teacher is listening to Carla and Gina.


2. Our teacher is explaining the lesson and were listening to the teacher.

3. Are they staying with you and your family?


4. The whiteboard is on the wall. Bill is standing in front of the whiteboard.


5. These pictures are wonderful. Show these pictures to your friends


6. Your homework is excellent. Why are you doing your homework again?

7. Is this delicious pizza for you and me?


8. Jack isnt here. Are you waiting for Jack?



1. Imprmanlo. _________________________________________________________
2. No me grites. ________________________________________________________
4. Aprense, quieren? __________________________________________________
5. Ten mas cuidado _____________________________________________________
6. No me llames tarde. ___________________________________________________
7. Habla ms lento por favor. ______________________________________________
8. Lleguen temprano, ya? ________________________________________________
9. Djame hacerlo ______________________________________________________
10. Salgamos hoy? ______________________________________________________
11. Psenlo bien ________________________________________________________
Suggest something using an imperative.

1. Its raining. _______________________________________________________________

2. Im hungry. _______________________________________________________________
3. Marys alone. ______________________________________________________________
4. Im not feeling well. _________________________________________________________
5. Its too hot in here. _________________________________________________________
6. This exercise is very difficult.___________________________________________ _______
7. My car isnt working well. ____________________________________________________

To give directions we use the imperatives:

Walk to the corner

Turn right /left
Dont cross the street.
Drive/go straight ahead to Vespucio Ave.
Take bus number 204

- How can I get to Jumbo?

- How can I get to Secretaria ?

Interrogative: QW) + did + s + infinitive + c?

Affirmative: s + verb in past + c.
Negative: s + did not + infinitive + c.

Did you have lunch?
Yes, I did. I had lunch at two oclock.
Where did you go last night?
We went to the movies.
Did she call her mother last weekend?
No, she didnt.
Sarah and Tom left home early today, didnt they?

Remember that verb BE does not use auxiliaries but its own conjugated forms

I was I?
He was Was he?
She was she?
It was (not) it?
We were You?
You were Were We?
They were They?


A: Were you at the lecture?

B: Yes, I was. Where were you?
A: I wasnt there because I was very busy?

6.2 Time expressions:

LAST night, week, year, summer, time, term, class etc.

. . . Ago = hace, atrs.

a week ago = hace una semana.
Long time ago = largo tiempo atrs.
months ago = hace meses, meses atrs.

6.3 Exercises:

Transform into interrogative and negative:

1. She studied a lot for that test.

2. He wrote that wonderful book.
3. He was a good writer.
4. I did my homework better this time.
5. The boys played a very good match

Ask the corresponding question.

1. __________________________________________________________________
She put all the sandwiches on the table.
2. __________________________________________________________________
Yes, all of us came on time.
3. __________________________________________________________________
We had little time to do the exercises.
4. __________________________________________________________________
Patsy and Linda arrived at 8:10 today.
5. __________________________________________________________________
She answered only one question.
6. __________________________________________________________________
Columbus discovered America more than five hundred years ago.

1. (a) Qu te pas la clase pasada? No te vi.


(b) No vine porque tuve mucho que hacer. Era muy tarde cuando termin mi trabajo.
Hicieron muchos ejercicios?


(a) S, hicimos hartos. Los quieres?


(b) S, por favor. Prstame tu cuaderno hasta el martes, ya?


2. (a) No estuviste el domingo en tu casa, verdad?


(b) No, fuimos fuera de Santiago con unos amigos. Lo pasamos muy bien. El tiempo estuvo
muy bueno. Y tu, Qu hiciste?


(a) Fui al cine con una amiga pero a ella no le gust mucho la pelcula. Me fu a la casa
temprano y vi televisin.


Lets talk !

1. Where were you born?....and When?


2. What time did you get up today?


3. When did you have your first party?


4. What did you do on summer vacation? Did you read any book (s) on vacation?

5. What did you do yesterday after class?


6. Were you a good student at school? Did you study hard?


Write five lines telling us about your last vacation, weekend, trip or any other past event.



It means: Sola, acostumbraba a, antes ..

We used to play with dolls when we were little. (now, we dont)

Bobby didnt use to smoke, but now he does.
She used to travel abroad very often, but now she cant.
Who used to take you to school?

6.5 Exercises

Answer the following questions:

1. What did you use to do when you were a child?


2. Which TV show used to be your favorite? Explain.


3. What did people use to do when there was no TV.


4. Some people say Life used to be better. Do you agree?


5. What did children used to do when there were no computer games ?



. S + WAS / WERE (not) + ING + C

They were studying hard

She wasnt cooking meat.
We werent watching television at 10:00.

Were you sleeping?
What was he doing?

6.7 Exercises.

Ask the corresponding questions.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
They were doing research for a long time.

2. _______________________________________________________________________
We were waiting there for an hour or more.

3. _______________________________________________________________________
The Joneses were living abroad in 2006.

4. _______________________________________________________________________
He was getting his Ph.D in Paris at that time.

5. _______________________________________________________________________
We were having lunch when you called.

6. _______________________________________________________________________
He was sleeping at that hour because he was really tired.

7. _______________________________________________________________________
We were talking about a problem we had time ago.

8. ______________________________________________________________________
Peter was telling me why he didnt come last class.

Review of other tenses.

Fill in with am, is, are, was, were, will, do, does, did, lets, shall.

1. __________________your father sleeping at that time?

2. ________________you here at 7:00 this morning?
3. Pass me the salt, _______________you?
4. Look! Who ____________that pretty girl over there?
5. I ___________ planning to have a party next Saturday. ______ you want to come?
6. It ________hot in here. _________ I open the window?
7. When _________you born?
8. What _________________your favourite music?
9. _____________I right? Sorry, I___________ not think so.
10. I ______________not know about the test. Look! The teacher ________coming
there. ________ask her.
11. What ______________she study?
12. Where __________ your brother work?
13. When _______________you last go to the beach?
14. ________________you call me last night? I _______________at home.
15. (a) Please, be quiet. I _______ trying to do this homework and it is hard. By the way,
where ______ the dictionary?
(b) It ________ here a while ago, but Jane _______ using it now.

Translate into correct English:

1. Tu cumpleaos fue la semana pasada, verdad? Lo pasaste bien?


2. Dnde andabas? Andaba comprando.


3. Anoche estuve viendo televisin hasta tarde. Hubo un programa muy interesante.


4. El otro da fui al cine con una amiga y venamos conversando cuando vimos una luz muy rara
que se mova en el cielo. Nunca supimos lo que fue. Pero no era un avin. Estoy segura.


5. Por qu no viniste ayer? Estabas enferma? Te ech de menos.


6. Anoche cuando llegu a mi casa, el perro dorma frente a la chimenea y el gato jugaba con
una pelotita en un rincn. Estaba todo muy tranquilo. Estudi un poco y me acost




Countable nouns: Things we can count. We can make them plural.

Boy, girl, book, apple, picture, flower, etc.

Ex.: Two boys, five oranges, some girls, many people.

Uncountable nouns: Things we cannot count. They have no plural. They are always

Water, oil, beer, sugar, fish, chicken, music, information, bread, advice, furniture, news,
permission, traffic, trouble, work, homework, progress, hair, fish, fruit, paper, etc.

There is (isnt) = singular (There was/ has been/ had been etc.)
There are (arent) = plural (There were/ have been/ etc)

We use quantifiers to specify quantities.

Enough = suficiente ex.: There is enough time.

Several = varios ex.: There are several students in the cafeteria.
Some = algunos, algo de ex.: There are some exercises in that book.
There is some bread in that bag.

Any = Algn? Alguno? Algo? Ex.: Is there any pet in your house?
Is there any fruit for desert?
Are there any *people on the second floor?

* NOTE: Please note that the words people (gente), vegetables (verdura), and clothes (ropa) are
plurals in English.

Not any = ningn, ninguna, nada de. Ex. There is not any homework for tomorrow
There are not any fresh vegetables.

No = ningn, nada de: Ex.: There is no money. There are no free seats.

Much (mucho, mucha) and little (/poco, poca) with uncountable nouns.

Ex.: There isnt much time. Theres little milk in the fridge.

Many (muchos, muchas) Few (pocos, pocas). With countable nouns.

Ex.: There are many new students this year. There are few girls in that class.

A lot (of): muchos, muchas, mucho, mucha, un montn de, harto etc. Countable and
uncountable nouns.
Ex.: Theres a lot of pollution in Santiago. There are a lot of cars.

HOW MUCH......? Cunto, cunta....? How much money is there?

HOW MANY......? Cuntos, cuntas? How many boys are there in your class?


Fill in with:


1. ___________ people 6. ___________ furniture

2. ___________ beer 7. ___________ news
3. ___________ students 8. ___________ questions
4. ___________ pens 9. ___________ clothes
5. ___________ information 10. ___________ newspapers


1. ___________ coffee 6. ___________ money

2. ___________ bananas 7. ___________ doubts
3. ___________ transportation 8. ___________ buses
4. ___________ time 9. ___________ homework
5. ___________ visitors 10. ___________ oranges.

Transform into interrogative and negative.

Example: Theres a lot of investigation about that topic.

Is there any investigation about that?
There isnt any investigation or There is no investigation

1. There are a lot of people in that course.



2. There is a lot of information in the paper today.



3. There is a lot of money for that project. .

4. There are a lot of students applying for that scolarship.

Make the corresponding question:

1. There is only one million pesos for that.


2. There are around three bottles of milk


3. There are many students in class today.


4. There is a kilo of meat in the refrigerator.


5. There is no butter.


1. No tengo tiempo. Hay demasiadas cosas que hacer para la prxima semana.

2. Hay slo una prueba. No tenemos que estudiar mucho.


3. a) Cuntas personas hay en la sala?


b) Hay muy pocas. Hay clases?


4. Hubo mucha gente en la conferencia el viernes pasado. Haba como 40 personas


5. 8. Siempre hay muchos accidentes en feriados largos


6. Quiero hacer un tutti fruti. Cunta fruta hay? Creo que no hay mucha.

7. Haba una luz muy rara en el cielo ayer. Era un OVNI, estoy segura!.


8.1 Present Continuos for the future

.S + BE + ING + Complement

They are going to a concert on Friday.

Peter is travelling next month.
We are meeting Bill this evening?
We arent going out of town next Sunday.

You say Im doing something tomorrow when you have planned to do something.

Example: Ellen is seeing her doctor on Friday. (She has an appointment with her doctor)

8.2 Be going to


I am going to come next week.

He is (not) going to have classes tomorrow.
We are going to graduate in three years from now.

You say Im going to do something tomorrow when you have decided to do something,
your intention is to do something.


Tom and his family are going to move out next month.
He is going to travel next month, isnt he?
They are going to come back soon, arent they?
What are you going to do when you graduate?

8.3 Will


My sister will (ll) visit me tonight.

Those students will probably be absent next class.
She will not (wont) finish this for tomorrow.


I think, well be back before noon.

The girls will probably stay up all night.
The phone is ringing, Ill get it!
Will you be here tonight?
8.4 Expressions of time.

Tomorrow ; The day after tomorrow.

Next month, next year, next summer, etc.; the month after next.
Within a week, within a month from now; in two years (within two years) from now...
In 2025

8.5 Exercises

Answer the following questions using the Present Continuous (planned) with future

1. What time are you coming back?

2. When are her friends arriving?
3. How are they travelling to Brazil?
4. What are you doing this evening?
5. What are you bringing to the party?


1. a) Le puedes dar un recado a Paula?


b) Seguro. Probablemente la vea en la reunin del mircoles. Ah le digo.


2. Mi hermano se va a graduar en a fin de ao y va a trabajar en el sur.


3. Voy a empezar el informe esta noche y as voy a estar mas tranquilo.


4. A qu hora se juntan el lunes? Estamos empezando a las 9:00.


5. a) Por qu tendremos clases el sbado?


b) Quin te dijo eso? Nunca tenemos clases los sbados.

a) Estuve hablando con Pablo hace un rato y l me dijo eso.

b) Y todava le crees? No le creas porque siempre anda bromeando.



Was (not)
Were (not)

The past form of going to indicates that an action was planned or intended, but that it did not

- I was going to call you last night, but I forgot to.
- They said (that) we were going to have classes in the morning.
- I never thought (that) it was going to be so difficult.


1. No sabia que ibas a venir. !Que bueno verte!


2. Ibamos a comprar otro auto pero decidimos que no.


3. No tenia idea que iban a venir maana. Voy a preparar algo rico.


4. Dijeron que no iba llover mucho este invierno


8.7 WOULD: It is the ending ia that we add to verbs: iria, comeria, gustaria etc.

Examples: We would like to have more time for that project.

Would you go with me?

What would you do in my case?

Would can be used to talk about past habits (used to):

When we were children, my brothers and I would go out with our parents vry often.
8.7 Other, another, the others, etc.

These pronouns (or adjectives) are used to refer to additional things or people. They may be
divided into singular and plural.


a) another = (otro, otra) + singular noun. (Adjective or pronoun)

Example : Could you bring me another soda?

This is not a good movie. I prefer to see another.

b) the other = (el otro, la otra) + a singular noun. The remaining one.

We can also say :



a) other = (otros, otras) + a plural noun.(Adjective)

Example: Some students live very near here. Other students live far but they could
come on foot, but others live very far.

b) others = (otros, otras) Pronoun (without mentioning the noun).

c) the other = (los otros, las otras) + a plural noun. (Adjective)

Example: I dont like these CDs. The other Cds ( or the others) you bought are
As in the singular the other, we can say these other, those other, some other, any
other etc.+ a plural noun.

d) the others = ( los otros, las otras) Pronoun. The remaining ones. (some others, any
others, no others etc.)

8.7 Exercises

Fill with the different forms of OTHER

1. Waiter, bring me _______________piece of cake.

2. They say that life there is easier than in ________________countries.
3. Ive brought two magazines. Ill read one. Would you like to see _____________?
4. Some of them are in the room. What about _________________?
5. They have two kids. One is a boy and i__________________s a girl.
6. How many __________________choices were there?
7. There wasnt _____________________ route to get there.
8. The twins look so alike that you cant tell one from _______________________.
9. Only six of those are yours. _______________________ are mine.
10. The post office is on _______________________side of the street.


1. a) No tengo tiempo para conversar hoy. Te llamo otro da.


b) Mary se llev los dems. Dijo que te los iba a devolver tan pronto termine su trabajo.

2. a) Quiero ver otra pelcula. Esta no tiene mucha accin. Veamos la otra.

b) Cuando te pregunt el otro da, dijiste que te encantara ver esta. No te entiendo.

a) Si? Probablemente estaba pensando en otra.


3. No me gusta este tema para investigar. Le voy a preguntar al profesor si tiene otro para mi.


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