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Life-Safety Concerns in Chemical Plants

Richard W. Prugh
Chilworth Technology, Inc., a Dekra Company, 113 Campus Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540; (for
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.11808

The safety and health standards of the Occupational NFPA 101 [3]. The purpose of this Code is to provide mini-
Safety and Health Act do not specifically address life safety mum requirements, with due regard to function, for the
in chemical plants, other than requiring owners and opera- design, operation, and maintenance of buildings and struc-
tors to provide a safe place to work and to ensure that tures for safety to life [emphasis added] from fire and to aid
employees may evacuate the workplace safely. NFPA 101 life safety in similar emergencies. An additional statement is
would classify chemical plants as high-hazard industrial that a goal of this Code is to provide life safety during emer-
occupancies, and a primary concern is to ensure minimal gencies that can be mitigated using methods comparable to
danger to occupants in case of fire or other emergency before those used in case of fire. Further, emergencies would
they have time to use exits to escape. NFPA 1 also requires include incidents where the hazard involves thermal attrib-
that the design and operation of buildings and facilities utes similar to fires or airborne contaminants similar to
provide an environment for the occupants that is reason- smoke, and explosions and hazardous material releases.
ably safe from fire and similar emergencies, for the amount However, the Code recognizes that features mandated by
of time needed to evacuate. Thus, most life-safety require- this Code might be less effective against such hazards than
ments are concerned with safe exit. against fires.
There are, however, other life-safety hazards that should Thus, many of the requirements and guidance that are
be of concern to chemical plant owners and operators. They provided in this Code can aid in the design of chemical-
include many single-exit locations, such as the upper levels plant facilities and structures. Foremost in the requirements
on distillation/fractionation columns, scrubbers, and other of the Life Safety Code is assurance that occupants of a struc-
tall equipment; elevated work platforms as atop multistory ture are to be able to exit from the structure to a safe loca-
buildings and smokestacks; platforms above tank cars, tank tion at ground level.
trucks, and hopper cars; at the head of bucket elevators;
work spaces above false ceilings; and ladder-access roofs over
operating areas. Also, chemical-plant life-safety hazards
The Safety and Health Standards of the Occupational
include flash fire (flammable vapors and combustible dusts);
Safety and Health Act (OSHA) address several limited (and
releases of toxic gases and vapors; and vessel rupture from
nonquantitative) aspects of exits, as follows:
runaway reaction or other causes of overpressure. This arti-
cle presents practical countermeasures for these life-safety  Employers must provide exit routes so that employees may
hazards. VC 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process evacuate the workplace safely during an emergency [4].
Saf Prog 35: 1825, 2016  Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit
Keywords: life safety; hazards evaluation; emergency routes protect and minimize the danger to employees
response; safety management during emergency egress [5].

INTRODUCTION This Means of Egress section of the OSHA Standards [6]

The Williams-Steiger Act of 1970 [1] established the Occu- refers to the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection
pational Safety and Health standards, and it included the Association (NFPA) and to the International Fire Code [7].
statement that a purpose of this Act was to provide for the However, the quantitative requirements of these Codes are
general welfare, to assure so far as possible every working not included in the OSHA Standards. Guidance concerning
man and woman in the Nation safe and healthful working emergency-warning times, travel distances, travel times, and
conditions. the design of escape routes are presented in the following
The accompanying General Duty clause of the Occupa- sections, together with the justifications for rapid escape in
tional Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [2] provides the follow- an emergency.
ing requirement for life safety:
Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees . . ... TYPES OF LIFE-SAFETY HAZARDS IN CHEMICAL PLANTS
a place of employment which [is] free from recognized haz- There are wide varieties of life-safety (fatality) hazards in
ards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious many chemical plants. They can include the following, in an
physical harm to his employees. approximate descending order of risk [8]:
The primary source for life-safety requirements is the Life
Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association, as  Fire hazards, as exposure to thermal radiation, engulfment
in flame, or inhalation of smoke or combustion gases
 Exposure to toxic gases or vapors, toxic or corrosive
C 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V liquids, and toxic dusts

18 March 2016 Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1)

 Exposure to oxygen-depleted atmospheres, with risk of In many of these incidents, there are forewarnings such
asphyxiation as flammable gas/vapor alarms, and visual or audible indica-
 Suffocation from engulfment in powders, or drowning in tions of releases. Also, it may be possible to escape from the
liquids thermal radiation of fires by moving away from the fire, or
 Explosion hazards, as exposure to blast effects, shrapnel, by seeking refuge in the shadow of walls or equipment, or
or structural collapse by moving into a place of safety.
 Exposure to the above hazards while entrapped in single-
exit situations or circumstances Toxic-Material Releases

There are many types of chemical processes that can lead  Release of toxic gases or vapors from equipment, storage
to one or more of the above hazards. Loss of containment of tanks, or other containers;
hazardous materials or loss of control of processes often can  Release and dispersal of toxic dusts from bags, drums,
lead to release of flammable, explosible, or toxic materials. dust collectors, conveyors, or other equipment;
Ideally, a Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) or Risk Assessment  Release and vaporization of toxic liquids as spills from
(RA) can identify the causes of such incidents and lead to equipment or storage containers;
correction of the causes.  Release of toxic combustion gases and unburned dusts,
There may be other life-safety hazards and, although they vapors, and aerosols from explosion vents;
are important concerns of safety and health managers, they  Release of toxic decomposition or reaction products
are not within the scope of this presentation: including liquids, vapors, and gasesfrom overpressure-
protection relief valves.
 Industrial-type hazards of slipping, tripping, falling from
elevations, and dropped loads As with fire hazards, there may be forewarnings such as
 Hazards of impact, crushing, or other trauma in powered toxic-gas/vapor alarms, and visual, audible, or odor indica-
equipment tions of releases. Also, it may be possible to escape from
 Incidents involving lift trucks, delivery and product trucks, toxic releases by traveling cross-wind from the release point,
automobiles, and other vehicles or by leaving the enclosed areas in which a release was
 Exposures to earthquakes, landslides, or weather events occurring, or by moving into a place of safety.
such as tornadoes, hail, and flooding
Stored Energy
 Incidents involving sabotage, severe process upsets from
cyber[netic] attack, terrorism, or gunfire  Release of potential or kinetic energy from powered
equipment that is spring, pneumatic, or hydraulic-
Employers have a general duty to protect employees powered, and could cause serious and traumatic injury to
from all of the above hazards, particularly if they had been
previously recognized as life-safety hazards [2]. If a  Exposure to high-voltage and/or high-energy electrical
proactive analysis of processes and equipment had been
sources that can result in serious or fatal injury.
performed, with identification of hazards, the employer must
take steps to prevent exposure to the identified hazard or As with explosions, these hazards may occur without
mitigate the likely consequences of the hazard [9]. warning. Life-safety codes and standards do not address
travel distances and travel times for these types of stored-
TYPES OF LIFE-SAFETY PROCESS HAZARDS REQUIRING EMERGENCY ESCAPE energy hazards. However, the OSHA standards require ready
There are many types of materials (and energies) that are access to medical assistance.
used in chemical plants that can cause injuries to employees Thus, life-safety concerns in chemical plants should
unless they are carefully controlled and managed. These haz- address escape to a safe location particularly (1) during a fire
ards include the following. event or (2) during a toxic-release event, and also (3) follow-
ing an explosion or energy-release event. These consequen-
Explosions ces of undesired events should be included as process
 Ruptures of equipment from overpressure, as from hazards in evaluations of new or modified processes and in
unrelieved runaway reaction, internal explosion of ther- the periodic re-evaluations to determine if such hazards are
mally unstable material, fire exposure, or other source of adequately controlled.
internal pressure; This article does not directly involve PHAs or RAs and,
 Ignition of flammable gases, vapors, or dusts, as confined instead, focusses on the physical aspects of the plant and its
in equipment, rooms, or other enclosures; structures. Also, the post-trauma care of persons who were
 Initiation of explosives or other unstable materials, from injured by the above eventswith first-aid or medical treat-
sparks, heat, or impact. mentis certainly important but is not within the scope of
this article.
Such incidents may occur without sufficient warning of a
need to evacuate the area, and travel distances and travel GUIDANCE PROVIDED BY THE LIFE SAFETY CODE, NFPA 101
times are likely to exceed the limits of life-safety codes and The most-important reference for the protection of employ-
standards, because of the explosion-damaged environment. ees, contractors, and visitors to a chemical plant is the Life
However, the ability of employees to escape from such an Safety Code of the NFPA, which is published as NFPA 101 [3].
environment should be the subject of process-hazard and The pertinent section is Chapter 40, Industrial Occupancies,
process-risk assessments, as described later in this article. but this chapter also refers to Chapter 3, Definitions; Chapter
4, General Requirements; Chapter 6, Classification of Occu-
pancy and Hazard of Contents; Chapter 7, Means of Egress;
 Pool fires, from ignition of spilled flammable liquid; and Chapter 8, Features of Fire Protection.
 Flash fires, from ignition of accumulated flammable vapor Although much of the guidance that is presented in
in process vessels, equipment, in rooms, or other NFPA 101 is directed toward protection of personnel from
enclosures; fire, several aspects of this Code would also apply to pro-
 Jet fires, from ignition of flammable liquid or vapor issu- tection against releases of toxic materials. Less guidance is
ing at high pressure from piping or equipment. provided for escape from explosion-damaged structures or

Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2016 19
from the environment in which equipment has suffered an Ordinary or Moderate-Hazard Occupancies would be
explosion. No guidance is given in NFPA 101 for escape Factory Industrial F-1 Moderate Hazard Occupancy [16].
from an environment where a sudden release of energy had This classification would include all types of occupancies
occurred. that are not Low-Hazard Occupancies nor High-Hazard
Occupancies. The examples that are cited in the IBC include
CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICAL PLANTS the following manufacturing operations which might be con-
High-Hazard Occupancies sidered to be chemical facilities:
Almost all chemical plants would be considered to be  Beverages, over 12% alcohol
High Hazard occupancies because of the presence of haz-  Disinfectants
ards like those that are described above. In the Life Safety  Food processing
Code, high-hazard industrial occupancies include industrial  Paper mills and products
occupancies that use high-hazard materials or processes or  Plastic products
house high-hazard contents [10].  Soaps and detergents
The high-hazard materials would include:  Wood distillation
 Gasoline and other flammable liquids where possible Other chemical plants that would be classified as
release of flammable vapors could occur; ordinary-hazard or moderate-hazard occupancies would
 Grain dust, wood flour or plastic dust, aluminum or mag- involve processing, assembly, mixing, packaging, finishing,
nesium dust, or other explosible dusts; decorating, or repair [17]. This definition would include the
 Explosives storage and handling; use of ordinary combustible materials such as finished plas-
 Combustible flyings or fibrous materials. tics items, liquids that are noncombustible or have high flash
There is a limited exception that might apply to some points, powders that are noncombustible or have very large
locations in a chemical plant. A special-purpose industrial particle sizes, and packaging materials. This definition would
occupancy would be an area having a low density of person- exclude processes that involve exothermic reactions, flamma-
nel and with much of the area occupied by machinery or ble and unstable chemicals, combustible powders and dusts,
equipment. The scope of this article does not include and other high-hazard contents, including the handling and
special-purpose occupancies except where there is only one storage of such materials.
exit from that area. Low-Hazard Occupancy is defined in the IBC as F-2
Ordinary-Hazard Occupancies represent the conditions Factory Industrial and involves the fabrication or manufac-
found in most buildings and is the basis for the general turing of noncombustible materials which, during finishing,
requirements of the Life Safety Code, where there would be packing, or processing, do not involve a significant fire haz-
no unduly dangerous exposure to toxic fire gases during the ard [18]. The examples that are cited include nonalcoholic
period necessary to escape from a fire area, assuming there beverages, brick and masonry manufacture, ceramic prod-
are proper exits [11]. ucts, foundries, and fabrication and assembly of metal
The Life Safety Code does not provide a definition of products.
Low-Hazard Occupancy, except as the storage of non-
combustible materials, with some combustible materials or HIGH-HAZARD CONTENTS
hazardous operations during building repair or mainte- High-hazard occupancies also would include structures in
nance [12]. which High-Hazard Contents are handled. The definitions
of High-Hazard Contents in the NFPA Life Safety Code
would include the following [19]:
As stated in the Intent paragraph of this Code [13], The
purpose of this code is to establish the minimum require-  Materials that are likely to burn with extreme rapidity or
ments to safeguard the public health, safety and general wel- from which explosions are likely, including flammable
fare through structural strength, means of egress facilities, . . . liquids; combustible agricultural, plastic, metal, and other
and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards explosible dusts; and other products of manufacture [20].
. . . and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency  Materials that generate dangerous smoke or gases, poten-
responders during emergency operations. tially endangering the lives and safety of the occupants of
In the International Building Code (IBC), high-hazard the building or structure [21].
occupancies are defined as structures that involve materials  Other materials that are classified by the registered
that constitute a physical or health hazard in quantities that design professional as being hazardous, based on the
exceed the Maximum Allowable Quantity per Control Area character of the material and the processes or operations
[14]. A Control Area is defined as a space that is enclosed by that are conducted in the building or structure [22].
a wall, fire barriers, and/or roofs where hazardous materials
are stored, dispensed, used, or handled. Tables are provided Chapters 40 and 42 in the Life Safety Code [23,24]
in the IBC for a wide variety of materials with physical (fire include detailed information concerning the construction of
and explosion) hazards or health (toxicity) hazards, with lim- exit passageways, suitable types of protection from hazards,
its for storage and for use in closed or open systems. The appropriate fire-alarm systems, permitted utility systems, and
following Table 1 presents examples of the Maximum Allow- allowable travel distances.
able Quantities [15].
There are several additional types of Physical Hazard EMERGENCY-ESCAPE TRAVEL-DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS
materials, and the above quantities can be doubled if used in The NFPA Life Safety Code provides the following maxi-
sprinkler-protected structures or iffor examplecontained mum travel-distance limits for Industrial Occupancies [18].
in approved cabinets, exhaust-ventilated enclosures, or safety As indicated in Table 2, automatic sprinkler protection is
cans. Thus, the IBC should be consulted to determine the required in structures where high-hazard operations are con-
allowable quantities per control area and the appropriate ducted. In any process-hazards or due-diligence audits, the
Group classification if the maximum quantity were to be first focus of a walk-through should be on sprinkler protec-
exceeded. tion and the adequacy of water supplies.

20 March 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1)
Table 1. Maximum allowable quantities per control area.

Material Closed System Open System Group If Exceeded

Physical Hazard
Combustible dust Special report required Special report required H-2
Class IA liquid 30 gallons 10 gallons H2 or H-3
Class IB or IC liquid 120 gallons 30 gallons H-2 or H-3
Class II liquid 120 gallons 30 gallons H-2 or H-3
Class IIIA liquid 330 gallons 80 gallons H-2 or H-3
Class IIIB liquid 13,200 gallons 3,300 gallons Not H
Flammable gas 1,000 std. cu. ft. Not applicable H-2
Liquefied flamm. gas 150 gallons Not applicable H-2
Health Hazard
Corrosive liquid 150 gallons 100 gallons H-4
Corrosive gas 810 std. cu. ft. Not applicable H-4
Toxic liquid 150 gallons 125 gallons H-4
Toxic gas 801 std. cu. ft. Not applicable H-4
Highly toxic liquid 4 gallons 3 gallons H-4
Highly toxic gas 20 std. cu. ft. Not applicable H-4

Table 2. Maximum travel distances, NFPA 101.

Table 3. Maximum travel distances, IBC.
Hazards Occupancy Sprinklers Travel Distance
Hazards Occupancy Sprinklers Travel Distance
Special purpose, Yes 400 ft
Low/ordinary (fire) hazard Low (fire) hazard, F-2 Yes 400 ft
Special purpose, No 300 ft Low (fire) hazard, F-2 No 300 ft
Low/ordinary (fire) hazard Moderate (fire) hazard, F-1 Yes 250 ft
General industrial, Yes 250 ft Moderate (fire) hazard, F-1 No 200 ft
Low/ordinary (fire) hazard High (toxic) hazard, H-4 Yes 175 ft
General industrial, No 200 ft High (toxic) hazard, H-4 No (Not permitted)
Low/ordinary (fire) hazard High (fire) hazard, H-3 Yes 150 ft
High (explosion) hazard Yes 75 ft High (fire) hazard, H-3 No (Not permitted)
High (explosion) hazard No (Not permitted) High (explosion) hazard, H-2 Yes 100 ft
High (explosion) hazard, H-2 No (Not permitted)

The IBC contains similar maximum travel-distance toxic-material release at lower levels. In particular, the evalu-
requirements [25] (Table 3). ation should determine the protection that should be worn,
be carried, or be available at these dead-end locations. The
OTHER ASPECTS OF EMERGENCY-EGRESS TRAVEL PATHWAYS minimum protection would be an escape respirator, with suf-
There are many locations in typical chemical plants where ficient capacity to reach safety at ground level. In some loca-
there is only one path for access and exit. This might include tions, it also would be advisable to require the wearing of
the following: flame-resistant clothing, if exposure to fire could occur. Fur-
ther, for some locations, access to dead-end areas should
 The upper and/or top levels of open structures; be limited to shutdown periods, where there would be no
 Platforms on fractionating and extraction columns, strip- pressurized flammable and/or toxic liquids and gases that
pers, tall reactors, and similar towers, and the ladders or could hinder escape.
stairways providing access to such platforms; Process-safety audits also should examine the escape
 Stairs, ladders, or walkways giving access to bucket eleva- routes from the most-remote points on a floor or platform.
tors, belt conveyors, and other material-conveying The route should be over solid flooringrather than open
systems; gratingfor some protection against fire at lower levels [28].
 Walkways along pipe racks; Measurement of the travel distances from the remote
 Platforms at tank-truck and rail-car loading and unloading pointsfrom drawings or by physical measurementshould
be compared with the maximum travel distances, as
 The top floors, lofts, penthouses, or attics of closed
described above in Tables 2 and 3.
A likely and frequent consequence of explosion is power
The NFPA Life Safety Code provides restrictions on the failure, with loss of lighting. A life-safety audit should
occupancies of single-exit locations, as shown in Table 4 include a study of emergency lighting of exit pathways
[26]. around process equipment, and not be limited to stairways,
Similarly, the IBC has limits on the occupancies of single- aisles, and corridors.
exit locations, as shown in Table 5 [27].
Process-safety audits should examine and evaluate the INTERIOR STAIRWAYS
life-safety aspects of these locations, to determine if persons During process-safety studies or audits, the suitability of
at these locations could be exposed to fire, explosion, or interior stairways as accesses to exits should be assessed.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2016 21
Table 4. Single-exit restrictions, NFPA 101. Table 6. Assigned protection factors.

Maximum Travel Breathing Protection APF

Hazards Number of Distance Air-purifying (cartridge) respirator (APR), 5
Occupancy Sprinklers Persons to Exit (ft) Demand mode; Quarter mask (nose and
General industrial, Yes 100 sq. ft/ 100 mouth)
Low/ordinary person Air-purifying (cartridge) respirator (APR), 10
(fire) hazard Demand mode; Half mask (nose, mouth,
General industrial, No 50 sq. ft/ 50 and chin)
Low/ordinary person Air-purifying (cartridge) respirator (APR), 50
(fire) hazard Demand mode; Full facepiece
High (explosion) Yes 3 (<200 sq. ft) 25 Supplied-air respirator (SAR) or SCBA, 10
hazard Demand mode; Half mask (nose, mouth,
High (explosion) No 3 (<200 sq. ft) 25 and chin)
hazard Supplied-air respirator (SAR) or SCBA, 50
Demand mode; Full facepiece or helmet/
Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), 50
Table 5. Single-exit restrictions, IBC. Positive-pressure; Half mask (nose, mouth,
and chin)
Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), 1,000
Positive-pressure; Full facepiece
Hazards Number of Travel Distance
Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), 1,000
Occupancy Persons to Exit (ft)
Positive-pressure; Helmet or hood (if
Low (fire) hazard, F-2 49 75 tested)
Moderate (fire) hazard, F-1 49 75 Supplied-air (airline) respirator (SAR), 50
High (toxic) hazard, H-4 10 75 Positive-pressure; Half mask (nose, mouth,
High (fire) hazard, H-3 3 25 and chin)
High (explosion) 3 25 Supplied-air (airline) respirator (SAR), 1,000
hazard, H-2 Positive-pressure; Full facepiece
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), 10,000
Positive-pressure; Full facepiece
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), 10,000
Unless an interior stairway is well-isolated from hazardous
Positive-pressure; Helmet or hood
processes, it should not be considered to be useful as an exit
pathway [29].

As indicated in this table, high Assigned Protection Factors

can only be achieved with full-face positive-pressure protection.
For the life safety of employees, contractors, and visi-
torsand particularly for the life safety of spill-response FIRE AND EXPLOSION CONTROL
teamsthe worst-case equilibrium concentration above a The primary objective of fire and explosion control is to
spill should be determined [30]. This evaluation should be protect life and property by ensuring that concentrations of
done for every toxic liquid that is handled in significant flammable gases and vapors do not exceed the Lower Flam-
quantity at a site. mable Limit (LFL)or the equivalent Lower Explosive Lim-
Many toxic liquids and toxic gases have lethal concentra- itand that concentrations of combustible dusts do not
tions that typically are characterized by LC50 values; that is, exceed the Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC).
the concentrations that would cause fatality to half of the
exposed animals or individuals, usually for a specified dura- Flammable Liquids and Gases
tion of exposure. Four hours of exposure to the toxic fluid The LFL values for flammable gases and vapor vary from
(gas or vapor) is typical, but shorter or longer durations are about 0.3% by volumefor high-molecular-weight gases and
quoted in the references [31,32]. For many fluids and for vaporsto about 2.5% by volume, or about a factor of 8. How-
short exposuresusually less than 1 hthe product of con- ever, on a weight-concentration basis, the range is much nar-
centration and duration represents a dose. This is described rowerfrom about 26 to 76 g/m3, or a factor of about 3, with an
by the Haber equation: D 5 Ct ppm-minutes [33]. For longer average of about 44 g/m3. Weight concentrations are important
exposures, the Haber equation is modified to: Cnt 5 K. when evaluating the combustibility hazards of hybrid mixtures
A simple relationship between equilibrium concentration of flammable gases or vapors with combustible dusts [35].
and temperature is the Antoine equation, with conversion to Life safety from flash fire and explosion involving flamma-
parts per million by volume (ppm): ble gases and vapors can be minimized if sufficient ventila-
tion is provided in enclosed spaces to prevent the
C 5 1; 000; 000 10A 2 B=T 1 C  =760 ppm: accumulation of gases and vapors above the LFL. The vapors
for most flammable liquids are much denser than air, so
Values of the Antoine constants can be found in the litera- floor-level exhaust ventilation should be provided. This is in
ture [34]. contrast to window or wall fans that are installed well above
Wearing inadequate breathing protection in a contami- floor level. The recommended exhaust-ventilation rate is
nated atmosphere can be life-threatening. To aid in minimiz- quite modest, at 1 standard cubic foot per minute per square
ing this hazard, OSHA has issued a table of Assigned foot of floor area [36]. This corresponds to an average veloc-
Protection Factors (Table 6). ity along the floor of about 1 foot per minute, or about 0.01

22 March 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1)
Table 7. Housekeeping guidelines. the concentration of oxygen is reduced by inerting (e.g.,
with nitrogen) [45]. If high velocities are maintained in
Dust-Layer Depth Frequency Housekeeping exhaust-ventilation systemsabove 4,000 feet per minute
(20 m/s), for example [46]this usually would be sufficient
Less than 1 mm Infrequent Clean to maintain to prevent accumulations of dust in ductwork and to re-sus-
(<1/3200 ) < 1 mm and to pend dust that may have settled at blower shutdown.
ensure surface
colors are discernible EMERGENCY-RESPONSE TEAMS
1/3200 to 1/800 Infrequent Clean up during Members of a sites Emergency-Response Team (ER Team)
the same shift are the employees that are most-likely to be exposed to toxic
More than 1/800 Two or three Immediately shut materials, while providing life-safety for other employees,
times per down and clean contractors, and visitors. Although the frequency of such
year exposures might be very low, the ER Team must be well-
prepared for almost every eventuality.
The minimum protection for the life safety of members of
the ER Team would be the following:
mile per hour. For lighter-than-air gases and hot vapors, a
similar exhaust-ventilation rate should be provided across  Body protectionflame-resistant and full-coverage outer
the ceiling, again to prevent accumulation of hazardous clothing, for protection against flash fire and sprays of
amounts of flammable and explosible gases (or light vapors). liquid.
Spills and unintended releases of flammable liquids from  Eye protectiongoggles and/or face shield, for protection
sampling points, dispensing stations, and drains can be mini- against liquid sprays, flash fire, and hazards during access
mized by providing dead man self-closing valves at these toor escape fromdamaged structures.
locations [37]. Thus, unexpected flows or spark-ignition of  Head protectionhard hat or helmet, for protection from
the flowing material would be stopped when the valve head-bumping hazards and falling debris.
handled is released. Similarly, pump transfers of flammable  Hand protectionheat-resistant gloves, with long cuffs
liquids into open containers should be controlled with a  Foot protectionhard-toe, steel-footplate, and slip-
dead man switch, such that releasing the switch or remov- resistant safety shoes or boots, for protection against
ing pressure from a pushbutton would stop the flow. spilled liquids and dusts and against penetrating objects
The vapor concentrations above flammable-liquid spills in access and exit pathways.
can be greatly reduced by covering the spill with foam [38]  Breathing protectionfor protection against combustion
or a noncombustible granular material, such as vermiculite, gases, toxic gases and vapors, and toxic or nuisance dusts.
amorphous mineral silicates [such as Sorb-All], and kitty
The equipment that should be provided for the ER Team
litter based on baking soda. Thus, the first action of an
would include some or all of the following:
emergency response team would be to cover the spill to
reduce the likelihood of ignition of the vapors.  Fire extinguishers: A [ordinary combustibles], B [flamma-
ble liquids], C [non-conductive], and D [metals].
Combustible Dusts (and Aerosols and Mists)  Spill-control equipment: spill-covering noncombustible
The MEC values for combustible dusts (and aerosols and granules [Spill-X extinguisher-type applicators; absorbent
mists) range from about 15 g/m3 to about 60 g/m3. On a pigs; etc.].
weight-concentration basis, the lower combustion limits for  Drain covers.
gases, vapors, aerosols, mists, and dusts [39] are quite similar.  Rescue equipment: ropes, stretchers, spineboard, gurneys,
For combustible dusts, floor-level exhaust ventilation is hoists.
not very effective in preventing the accumulation of dusts,  Site maps, showing stairways, elevators, safety showers,
since the densities of dust particles typically are three orders wheeled extinguishers.
of magnitude greater than the density of air. Thus, local  Water hoses.
exhaust ventilation should be provided to minimize the size  Portable battery-operated lights, flash lights.
and density of dust clouds at locations where such clouds  Defibrillator, oxygen supply and mask.
could exist [40]. This would include powder-bagging stations,  First-aid kit, splints, blankets.
powder-recovery operations, dust removal from dust collec-  A cart or vehicle-pulled wagon to contain the spill-control
tors, ductwork cleaning, and similar activities where dense and rescue equipment, and the personal protective equip-
clouds of dust could occur. For guidance concerning the ment for the ER Team members.
dust-combustion hazard, the rule of thumb is pertinent: if
the thumb can be seen at the end of the outstretched arm, Special training for the members of the ER Team would
the dust-cloud density is likely to be too low to allow propa- be needed, to recognize hazards to their own life safety,
gation of combustion [41]. Conversely, extremely poor visibil- including entry into confined spaces, exposure to high vol-
ity is an indication of a dust-explosion hazard. tages, and exposure to toxic and flammable gases, vapors,
Accumulations of combustible dusts should be prevented, and dusts. Members of the ER Team must also be able to rec-
particularly on elevated surfaces, to minimize the likelihood ognize when a situation is beyond control and when it is
of flash fires and primary and secondary explosions [42]. The essential for them to escape from the uncontrollable hazards.
elevated surfaces would include roof-support structures,
ductwork, piping, light fixtures, and process equipment.
Guidance that is provided in the NFPA publications includes Process Hazards Analysis or Risk Analysis
the following [43,44] as shown in Table 7. There are several methods that are in current use for anal-
The above guidance is primarily for electrically unclassified ysis of processes for hazards, and the most popular is the
areas. If the area is classified Class II, Division 1 or Division 2, Hazard and Operability method. Whichever method is used,
then greater cleaning intervals would be permissible. it is important that the analysis not be limited to a
It is also important that the concentration of combustible conference-room or ivory-tower study of Piping and
dusts be kept below the MEC in process equipment, unless Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) or a review of Standard

Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2016 23
Operating Procedures (SOPs). It certainly is important to interlock or manual emergency shutdowns of processes, fre-
ensure that control systems are designed to contend with quency of spills of flammable liquids or releases of combusti-
process upsets (through a P&ID study), and that operators ble dusts, and the frequency of Near-Misses.
are properly trained in process control (through review of
SOPs). However, these studies should be accompanied by
first-hand study of the following:
Chemical plants can have a wide variety of life-safety haz-
 Evaluate the life-safety of operators, mechanics, contrac- ards. Pertinent Codes and Standards provide good guidance
tors, and visitors in operating areas, to ensure that they concerning the avoidance and mitigation of such hazards. A
have ready access to exits. comprehensive PHA or RA can aid in identifying hazards,
 Study the process equipment to ensure that overpressure and members of the PHA or RA Team should be expected to
protection has been properly installed, as shown in propose improvements to minimize the life-safety hazards.
P&IDs, to prevent rupture. The PHA or RA should include a thorough field study of the
 Discuss the Operating Procedures with operating person- process equipment and, particularly, how employees, con-
nel, supervisors, and process engineers, to determine if tractors, and visitors would escape to a safe location if a fire,
they all are comfortable with the process and with the explosion, or toxic release were to occur.
procedures that they are required to follow. There are several types of life-hazard warnings that
The OSHA Process Safety Management standard requires should be reported, investigated, and corrected, including
Material Balances and Energy Balanceswhich are easily and Near-Misses and trends in safety performance. With well-
rather-accurately calculable. However, it is perhaps more directed efforts to identify and correct life-safety hazards, the
important that a Power Balance be developed, to show how General Duty responsibility for providing a safe place to
the power (joules per second, or watts per milliliter) [47] for work would be accomplished.
an exothermic reaction is controlled, or how the power deliv-
ered to an endothermic reaction is adequately controlled. The
power developed by an exothermic reaction cannot be calcu- LITERATURE CITED
lated and must be determined by test, using equipment such 1. U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
as the RC1 which allows confident scale-up. Health Act of 1970, December 29, 1970, Available at
Assistance by a third-party process-safety specialist often
can provide a fresh set of eyes, when identifying (and 2. U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
adequately controlling) unrecognized hazards is important. Health Act of 1970, Section 5: Duties, December 29,
Job Safety Analysis 3. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code,
There are many operationsin addition to the operation of NFPA 101, 2015.
chemical processeswhere there are life-safety hazards. They 4. U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
include process-vessel entry (confined-space entry), process- Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health
equipment lockout (such as valves at pumps), removal of com- Standards, Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
bustible dust from ductwork, cleanup of flammable-liquid spill- Paragraph 1910.34(b).
age, truck loading and unloading, flexible-hose transfers of 5. U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
toxic liquids and gases, lift-truck operations, and shrink- Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health
wrapping. The purpose of Job Safety Analysis is to ascertain Standards, Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
whether or not the procedures are sufficient to provide life- Paragraph 1910.37(a).
safety and to see if the practices match the procedures. When 6. U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
the practices do not match the procedures, this indicates that Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health
the sites Management of Change procedure is ineffective and Standards, Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
needs attention, in application and authorizations. Paragraph 1910.35.
7. International Code Council, International Fire Code,
Near-Miss Reporting
Near-Misses sometimes are events that could have been 2012.
hazardous to health or life, except that one or more Layers 8. Center for Chemical Process Safety [AIChE], Guidelines
of Protection functioned properly to prevent escalation of for Risk-Based Process Safety, (2007), p. 215.
the event. Reporting of such Near-Misses is importantas 9. Center for Chemical Process Safety [AIChE], Guidelines
lessons to be learnedto ensure that appropriate engineer- for Risk-Based Process Safety, (2007), p. 220.
ing or administrative controls are put in place to prevent 10. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code,
recurrence. Thus, reporting of Near-Misses should be NFPA 101, Paragraphs,, and
encouraged, even to the point of encouraging anonymous A., 2015.
reporting of such events. Further, investigation of Near- 11. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code,
Misses is as important as investigation of process incidents, NFPA 101, Paragraph A., 2015.
particularly if a hazard to life might be involved. 12. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code,
NFPA 101, Paragraph A., 2015.
Leading Indicators 13. International Code Council, International Building Code,
In a manner similar to the treatment of Near-Misses, a Paragraph 101.3, 2012.
site should establish appropriate leading indicators, to aid in 14. International Code Council, International Building Code,
determining how possibly limited resources should be allo- Paragraph 307.1, 2012.
cated. Of several types of leading indicators, perhaps the 15. International Code Council, International Building Code,
most-important is trends in safety performance. This would Tables 307.1(1) and 307.1(2), 2012.
include the frequency of serious injuriesparticularly 16. International Code Council, International Building Code,
process-related injuriesand the frequency of serious pro- Paragraph 306.2, 2012.
cess upsets. The latter would include the frequency of 17. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code,
releases from relief valves and explosion vents, frequency of NFPA 101, Paragraph A.7.6.1, 2015.

24 March 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1)
18. International Code Council, International Building Code, 36. National Fire Protection Association, Flammable and
Paragraph 306.3, 2012. Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30, Paragraphs 17.11.3
19. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, and 18.6.1, 2015.
NFPA 101, Paragraphs and A., 2015. 37. National Fire Protection Association, Flammable and
20. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30, Paragraph 18.5.2,
NFPA 101, Paragraph, 2015. Boston, MA, 2015.
21. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, 38. S. Mannan, Lees Loss Prevention in the Process Indus-
NFPA 101, Paragraph, 2015. tries, 3rd Edition, (2005), pp. 15/324, 23/72, Elsevier But-
22. National Fire Protection Association, Industrial terworth Heinemann, Boston.
Occupancies, Chapter 40, Life Safety Code, NFPA 101, 2015. 39. Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
23. National Fire Protection Association, Storage Occupancies, [DECHEMA] and others, Combustion and Explosion Char-
Chapter 42, Life Safety Code, NFPA 101, 2015. acteristics of Dusts, GESTIS-DUST-EX, 2nd Edition, 2001.
24. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, 40. National Fire Protection Association, Standard for the Pre-
NFPA 101, Paragraph and Table, 2015. vention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufactur-
25. International Code Council, International Building Code, ing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate
Table 1016.2, 2012. Solids, NFPA 654, Paragraphs and A., Bos-
26. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, ton, MA, 2013.
NFPA 101, Paragraphs and 7.11.4, 2015. 41. R.K. Eckhoff, Dust Explosions in the Process Industries,
27. International Code Council, International Building Code, 2nd Edition, (1999), pp. 9, 72, 73.
Table 1015.1, 2012. 42. National Fire Protection Association, Standard for the Pre-
28. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, vention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufactur-
NFPA 101, Paragraph, 2015. ing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate
29. International Code Council, International Building Code, Solids, NFPA 654, Paragraphs and A., Bos-
Paragraph 1022.2, 2012. ton, MA, 2013.
30. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 43. National Fire Protection Association, Recommended Prac-
Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, U. S tice for the Classification of Combustible Dusts and of
Government Printing Office, 1983. Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installa-
31. R.W. Prugh, Toxicity-hazard index and the infinite tions in Chemical Process Areas, NFPA 499, Tables
point, In 11th Global Congress on Process Safety, Aus- A.6.3.2(a) and A.6.7, Boston, MA, 2013.
tin, Texas, April 28, 2015. 44. National Fire Protection Association, Standard for the Pre-
32. R.J. Lewis Sr., Saxs Dangerous Properties of Industrial vention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufactur-
Materials, 9th Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, ing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate
1996. Solids, NFPA 654, Tables A. and (b), Boston,
33. R.W. Prugh, Quantitative evaluation of inhalation-toxicity MA, 2013.
hazards, In Paper 5c in the Proceedings of the 29th 45. National Fire Protection Association, Standard on Explo-
Annual Loss Prevention Symposium, Boston, Massachu- sion Prevention Systems, NFPA 69, Chapter 7, Boston,
setts, August 1, 1995. MA, 2014.
34. J.A. Dean, Langes Handbook of Chemistry, 13th Edition, 46. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-
Tables 10-7 and 10-8, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New ists, Industrial Ventilation, 25th Edition, (2004), pp. 721,
York, 1985. Signature Publications, Cincinnati, Ohio.
35. R.W. Prugh, The relationship between flash point and 47. National Fire Protection Association, Standard System for
lower flammable limit and application to hybrid mixtures, the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emer-
AIChE 2007 Spring Meeting in Houston, TX, April 2226, gency Response, NFPA 704, Table 7.2 and Annex E, Bos-
2007, Process Saf Prog 27 (2008), 156. ton, MA, 2012.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.35, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2016 25

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