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Instructional Lesson

Classroom: Module 9 Observer: Ann-Kathrin Duemmler

Grade: 3rd Date:3/20/17
Curriculum Area: Science Time: 1:40-2:40

What I notice Thoughts, Questions, Connections to

Methods Classes

Teacher gave students a passage I thought it was cool how she had
about the Earth with questions. each group look up a different
Students had 10 minutes to read planet and then have each group
the passage with a partner. present to the class. This way it
Teacher asked students to give wasnt just her teaching but the
her a thumbs up when they were students were teaching their
done with the passage and ready peers.
to go over the questions. I was surprised by the fact that
Teacher read the questions and the students had a hard time
had students fill in the blanks. typing. I never thought about
Teacher then gave the students that knowing how to use a
instructions on the next computer and typing a two
assignment. This assignment was different skills.
a group presentation. Students I wonder how the presentations
had to research a planet and put went, I was with a different teach
together a google slides power so I didnt get to see the
point. presentations.
Teacher put students in groups. One question I have is how much
Teacher assistant assigned time would you give the students
groups, group captains and to look up the information? Most
problem solvers. of the students in the 20 minutes
Teacher gave students a rubric of created their title page and
what had to be in the PowerPoint. answered one of the questions.
She also went through the rubric I thought it was really interesting
and told them what needed to be that she had them fill in the
included in the PowerPoint. blanks while she read the
Students then had 20 minutes to questions. This allowed for them
work. Students researched using to go over the questions in a
Kiddle and worked on creating short amount of time.
their PowerPoint. Her lesson that day was not in
Students seemed to struggle with the 5E lesson plan format since
typing. Students also got the students were looking up
distracted with the little details information on their own.
when creating the PowerPoints. However, it could be one of the
Es of a multiple-day lesson.


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