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The brain has a body: adaptive behavior

emerges from interactions of nervous
system, body and environment
Hillel J. Chiel and Randall D. Beer

Studies of mechanisms of adaptive behavior generally focus on neurons and circuits. But adaptive
behavior also depends on interactions among the nervous system, body and environment: sensory
preprocessing and motor post-processing filter inputs to and outputs from the nervous system;
co-evolution and co-development of nervous system and periphery create matching and
complementarity between them; body structure creates constraints and opportunities for neural
control; and continuous feedback between nervous system, body and environment are essential
for normal behavior. This broader view of adaptive behavior has been a major underpinning of
ecological psychology and has influenced behavior-based robotics. Computational neuroethology,
which jointly models neural control and periphery of animals, is a promising methodology for
understanding adaptive behavior.
Trends Neurosci. (1997) 20, 553–557

T HE NERVOUS SYSTEM is often regarded as a cen-

tral processing unit that uses environmental
inputs and its internal state to plan future actions, and
tional information for sounds originating in front of
the animal4. Moreover, perforations of the septum of
the transverse trachea connecting the two sides of the
then generates motor commands to execute its plans body degrade the ability of crickets to walk directly to
(Fig. 1A). This view implies that an understanding of an artificial calling song, or to distinguish the direc-
adaptive behavior requires a primary focus on the nerv- tion of a song5,6.
ous system. By adaptive behavior, we mean behavior Extra-tympanic structures throughout the body
that enhances the survival and reproduction of an play an important role in the hearing of vertebrates.
animal. Using reduced preparations that can generate In frogs, sound conduction through the mouth, lateral
output patterns similar to those seen in vivo, it has body wall, lungs and the whole body affect the direc-
been possible to understand the biophysical and mol- tionality of tympanic membrane vibrations and
ecular biological properties of nerve cells within the responses of the auditory nerve7. Although 45% of
context of neural circuits, and determine the neural auditory nerve fibers have spiking responses that are
architectures underlying a variety of different adaptive highly positively correlated with eardrum velocity,
behaviors1–3. Despite these remarkable successes, 55% do not, and these fibers may be more responsive
recent results suggest that adaptive behavior can best to extratympanic pathways8. In general, animals that
be understood within the context of the biomechan- must discriminate sounds whose wavelength is small
ics of the body, the structure of an organism’s envi- relative to their body size take advantage of measure-
ronment, and the continuous feedback between the ments of pressure differences, utilizing whole body
nervous system, the body and the environment. structures to provide additional phase and amplitude
Processing of inputs to and outputs from the
The body also post-processes outputs from the nerv-
nervous system
ous system (Fig. 1B). Muscle acts as a low pass filter
The body processes inputs to and outputs from the of motor neuronal outputs, that is, it filters out the
nervous system (Fig. 1B). An example of sensory pre- high frequency components of the neural outputs10. Hillel J. Chiel is at
processing is the ability of the body to filter and Moreover, the tendons connecting muscle to bones the Depts of
amplify specific auditory inputs. For example, the ears create a musculotendon actuator whose filtering prop- Biology and
of crickets are located in the tibiae of their front legs. erties in response to neural outputs or changes in Neuroscience, and
The tympanum of the ear is interconnected via hollow length are greatly affected by the different degrees of Randall D. Beer is
tubes (acoustic trachea) to the acoustic spiracle on the stiffness or compliance of the tendon, as well as by the at the Depts of
thorax, as well as to the acoustic spiracle and the tym- level of activation of the muscle11. In addition, the Computer
panum of the ear on the contralateral side. A recent mechanical advantage of a muscle and the response of Engineering and
study has shown that amplitude and phase changes the whole body to the contraction of any particular Science and
in sound transmitted from the contralateral thoracic muscle are a complex function of the geometric rela- Biology, Case
spiracle, which is most sensitive to the frequency of tionships and positions of other muscles and joints, Western Reserve
the cricket calling song (that is, between 4 and 5 kHz), and the prior history of activation of that muscle12. University,
combine with the amplitude and phase changes from Thus, motor neuronal output is transformed signifi- Cleveland, OH
the ipsilateral thoracic spiracle to yield robust direc- cantly by the properties of the body. These data 44106-7080, USA.

Copyright © 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0166 - 2236/97/$17.00 PII: S0166-2236(97)01149-1 TINS Vol. 20, No. 12, 1997 553
VIEWPOINT H. Chiel and R. Beer – Brain, body and environmental interactions in adaptive behavior

A B are oriented vertically, they are likely to be particu-

larly sensitive to vertical movements essential for
Nervous Nervous
system system
maintaining balance during bipedal locomotion, sug-
gesting that the change to bipedal locomotion was
coordinated with a change in the sensory apparatus
Sensory Motor for balance13. Another example of coordinated evolu-
inputs outputs tion is provided by the feeding behavior of the leop-
ard frog Rana pipiens, which uses a mode of feeding
common to all primitive anurans for large prey, lung-
D ing at the prey and ingesting it using jaw prehension.
C In contrast, tongue prehension is used for small prey.
Lesions of the hypoglossus nerve abolish the mouth
Nervous opening in response to small prey, but do not affect
mouth opening in response to large prey. These results
Sensory Motor suggest that distinct neural circuitry using tactile sen-
inputs outputs Sensory Motor
inputs outputs
sory feedback has evolved for the new tongue-based
mechanism of small prey capture14.
Changes in behavior during development are also
E associated with coordinated changes in both the
Environment periphery and the nervous system. Hamburger’s clas-
sic studies of the effects of adding or removing limb
buds in chicks demonstrated that the number of
Body motor neurons was matched to the size of the periph-
ery15. Coordinated changes in motor control and
NS peripheral structures occur in animals such as insects
or frogs, whose larval and adult bodies differ16,17. Since
sensory and motor cortical maps are plastic, even
in the adult18–20, and the morphology of the body
changes throughout the life span21, it is likely that
Fig. 1. Changing understanding of the interactions between the changes in the periphery are coordinated with
nervous system, the body, and the environment. (A) Much work on changes in the nervous system to maintain the match
the neural basis of behavior has focused primarily on the function of the between them.
nervous system, assuming that its role in the generation of adaptive
Evidence for the match between neural control and
behavior is central. (B) Many sensory inputs are extensively pre-
the periphery is striking in adult animals. There is
processed by the body itself, and outputs of motor neurons are trans-
formed by muscle and the biomechanical properties of the body. (C) matching between the properties of motor neurons
The co-evolution and co-development of the nervous system and the and the muscles that they innervate22. Studies of
body lead to extensive matching and complementarity between them, muscles that are used for cyclic, rhythmic movements
which create both constraints and opportunities for neural control. The such as flight suggest that the timing and duration of
matching and complementarity between the nervous system, its sen- neural inputs to them are designed to maximize their
sory inputs and its motor outputs is indicated by the projecting tri- work and power output23,24. Studies of an identified
angular regions. (D) The nervous system’s function is affected by feed- muscle in the marine mollusk Aplysia indicate that
back, some of which is generated by its own motor outputs, and some there is matching between the neural control and
of which comes from the environment. This feedback may fundamen-
force/frequency properties of the muscle (S-Y. Yu,
tally alter the behavior of the nervous system itself. (E) A broader view-
P. Crago and H. Chiel, unpublished observations;
point of adaptive behavior (based on Ref. 42). The nervous system (NS)
is embedded within a body, which in turn is embedded within the envi- Ref. 25). A rostrocaudal gradient of mechanical
ronment. The nervous system, the body, and the environment are each advantage in the parasternal intercostal muscles of the
rich, complicated, highly structured dynamical systems, which are dog is matched by a rostrocaudal gradient of electrical
coupled to one another, and adaptive behavior emerges from the inter- activation26,27.
actions of all three systems.
Constraints and opportunities imposed by the
strongly suggest that one cannot simply ‘peel away’
the body to understand the nervous system’s role in The close matching between the nervous system
adaptive behavior. and the periphery creates both constraints and oppor-
tunities for the nervous system. The nervous system
Co-evolution and co-development lead to
cannot process information that is not transduced by
matching of neural and peripheral properties
the periphery, nor can it command movements that
Since the nervous system and periphery have co- are physically impossible for that periphery. At the
evolved, and develop together during the life of an same time, properties of the periphery may simplify
animal, there is extensive matching between their complex neural processing and control problems
properties (Fig. 1C). Changes in behavior over evolu- (Fig. 1C).
tionary time are associated with coordinated changes The body plan of an animal affects the kinds of
in both the periphery and the nervous system. For movements that it can generate. Animals with worm-
example, computed tomography of the bony semicir- like bodies (hydrostatic skeletons) can easily penetrate
cular canals subserving the vestibular system indicates tortuous spaces, but cannot easily exert the point
that hominid fossils have larger anterior and posterior forces that are readily generated by animals whose
canal sizes, and smaller lateral canal sizes, than those periphery consists of hard skeletal elements and
of great apes. Since the anterior and posterior canals musculature28. Hard skeletal elements impose other

554 TINS Vol. 20, No. 12, 1997

H. Chiel and R. Beer – Brain, body and environmental interactions in adaptive behavior VIEWPOINT

constraints: for example, activation of postural muscles biologically useful patterns of activity39. Recent results
must minimize shear stresses on bone29. Structures from the leech have provided further evidence for the
composed entirely of muscle, such as tentacles, fundamental role of sensory feedback in normal pat-
tongues or trunks (muscular hydrostats) have an tern generation. First, the frequency of firing of swim
extraordinarily large number of degrees of freedom30, interneurons is too low in reduced preparations to
but changes in the mechanical advantage of their con- provide functional outputs, but in the presence of nor-
stituent muscles greatly affect the forces and move- mal sensory feedback, the neurons fire at an effective
ments they can generate31. rate. Second, a realistic model of the leech body does
Properties of the periphery also offer significant not generate effective crawling movements when acti-
simplifications for neural control. For example, when vated with fictive crawling motor patterns observed in
an octopus uses a tentacle to reach for an object, it isolated nervous systems, but does generate effective
generates a propagating bend that moves within a movements when activated by crawling motor pat-
single plane and has a tangential velocity (a velocity terns observed in intact leeches, which only occur
in the direction of movement) that is stereotyped. when sensory feedback is present40. In the absence of
Controlling this bend may simplify the control prob- feedback from an animal’s own movements, the ner-
lem of moving a muscular hydrostatic structure with vous system may not generate meaningful activity
many degrees of freedom32. The musculoskeletal prop- patterns for behavior.
erties of the human body restrict the feasible acceler- Feedback from the environment, and the dynamical
ations that can restore posture in response to a pertur- properties of the environment itself, also play a vital
bation that causes the body to sway. These restrictions role in the generation of adaptive behavior. A detailed
provide a rationale for understanding the rotations biomechanical model of the lamprey indicated that
around the ankle or hip that are experimentally the hydrodynamics of water was essential for generat-
observed33. Using a mass–spring model to represent ing normal traveling waves of contraction along the
running animals clarifies the absorption and release body of the animal. If this hydrodynamics was not
of energy by the musculoskeletal system, and pro- present, the model generated inappropriate whole
vides a unified perspective for understanding animals body contractions. Removing a lamprey from water
with different numbers of legs and different body and inducing it to swim generated the same inappro-
masses, locomoting at different speeds and over ter- priate movements predicted by the model41. Thus, the
rains of different stiffnesses34. The relative stiffness of embedding of an animal’s body in an environment is
muscles around a joint create an equilibrium point to crucial for the behavior that it generates.
which a limb will return after perturbation, and this
A broader viewpoint and its implications
may be exploited by spinal cord networks to simplify
control35. These observations can be summarized using two
contrasting musical metaphors. The nervous system is
Continuous feedback from the body and the
often seen as the conductor of the body, choosing the
program for the players and directing exactly how
The most important evidence suggesting that the they play. The results reviewed above suggest a differ-
nervous system cannot be the exclusive focus for ent metaphor: the nervous system is one of a group of
understanding adaptive behavior is that it continu- players engaged in jazz improvization, and the final
ously receives and responds to feedback both from the result emerges from the continued give and take
movements that it induces in its own periphery and between them. In other words, adaptive behavior is
from the surrounding environment (Fig. 1D). the result of the continuous interaction between the
Feedback plays vital roles in normal developmental nervous system, the body and the environment, each
processes. In rats, locomotion takes on its adult form of which have rich, complicated, highly structured
after postnatal day 15 (P15). Immobilizing one leg dynamics. The role of the nervous system is not so
from P1 to P13 does not prevent the development of much to direct or to program behavior as to shape it
a normal locomotor pattern 1–2 weeks after the leg is and evoke the appropriate patterns of dynamics from
freed from restriction; but it does cause a persistent the entire coupled system (see Fig. 1E; Ref. 42). As a
deficit in the duration and timing of electromyogram consequence, one cannot assign credit for adaptive
(EMG) to leg muscles of the restricted side, suggesting behavior to any one piece of this coupled system.
that feedback from movement contributes to normal There are several important implications of this
neural development36. Thelen and associates have broader viewpoint. New behaviors might emerge that
obtained data suggesting that the development of are properties only of the coupled system. For exam-
reaching movements in infants is related to the ability ple, as a predator and prey interact, their unfolding
of the infants to adjust for the dynamics of the reach- behavior depends both on their own actions and the
ing movements that they spontaneously generate changing behavior of the other animal. Furthermore,
(that is, fast or slow, weak or strong movements) by each system cannot control all aspects of the behavior
feedback from their success in reaching their goals37. of the system to which it is coupled. Rather, each
In adult animals, proprioceptive feedback plays a system’s response depends on its own internal state
fundamental role in the generation of normal patterns as well as the perturbations it receives from the other
of motor activity. Pearson and his colleagues demon- system. Instead of asking ‘What is the neural basis of
strated that phasic feedback from stretch receptors was adaptive behavior?’, one should ask ‘What are the
essential for maintaining the frequency and duration contributions of all components of the coupled
of normal flying movements in the locust38. These system and their interactions to adaptive behavior?’
results led Pearson to suggest that there was no such Versions of this viewpoint have been previously
thing as a pure central pattern generator, since all articulated by others. The view of behavior espoused by
pattern generators need sensory feedback to generate cybernetics, the theoretical study of control in animals

TINS Vol. 20, No. 12, 1997 555

VIEWPOINT H. Chiel and R. Beer – Brain, body and environmental interactions in adaptive behavior

and machines43, and, in particular, Ashby’s view of with neural activity, and the primary focus is relating
the brain as a dynamical system that generates appro- neural activity to behavior.
priate behavior44, is consonant with this viewpoint. Three broad approaches can be distinguished
Maturana and Varela’s views on the nature of bio- within computational neuroethology, each of which
logical organization and its consequences for adaptive has benefits and drawbacks. First, one can construct
behavior also emphasize the ongoing interactions biologically realistic models motivated by experi-
between the organism and the environment as essen- mental questions. Drawbacks of these models are the
tial for maintaining the self-organizing integrity of the extensive experimental work required to set the model
organism45,46. Ecological psychology has long empha- parameters, and the complexity of the models, which
sized such a dynamical perspective on perception and are difficult to analyze theoretically. The advantage
action, and the importance of organism/environment is that one can make quantitative, experimentally
mutuality47–50. Altman and Kien have emphasized testable predictions. Examples of this approach are
that the sensory and biomechanical contexts in which realistic models of neural control and biomechanics
neural activity occurs, as well as the contexts created of reptilian tongue-lapping31, leech crawling61 and
by the activity within and between different neural lamprey swimming41,62.
networks, are crucial for the flexibility and richness Second, one can construct more abstract models
of behavior51,52. Within cognitive science, there is a motivated by theoretical questions. Drawbacks of
growing awareness that one must take into account these models are that they may not make quantitative,
the embeddedness of the brain in the body and world experimentally testable predictions. The advantages
to understand aspects of cognition53. are that they highlight key features of a problem, can
Recent work in the field of autonomous robotics has determine what is or is not essential, have few param-
emphasized that intelligent behavior is an emergent eters to set and are tractable to theoretical analysis.
property of an agent embedded in an environment Examples of this approach are the creation of simpli-
with which it must continuously interact54. Raibert fied models of insects58,63, nematode worms64, hover-
and Hodgins, who have built robots that hop, run, flies65, frogs66, and more abstract ‘agents’ capable of
and jump, have made this argument: ‘Many re- locomotion, chemotaxis, learning and visually guided
searchers in neural motor control think of the nerv- behaviors67–69. A coupled model of an oscillator and
ous system as a source of commands that are issued to a pendular limb demonstrated that motor behavior
the body as “direct orders”. We believe that the emerges from interactions between neural and physi-
mechanical system has a mind of its own, governed by cal dynamics70. Mathematical tools of dynamic sys-
the physical structure and the laws of physics. Rather tems analysis have been applied to understanding
than issuing commands, the nervous system can only some of these simpler models42.
make “suggestions” which are reconciled with the Third, one can create physical models by building
physics of the system and the task’55. In our own work devices that exhibit properties of the system under
on biologically-inspired robotics, done in collabor- study. Drawbacks of this approach are that building
ation with Roger Quinn and Roy Ritzmann, we have an actual device can be difficult, slow, and expensive,
demonstrated that incorporating biomechanical prop- and it may fail to work for reasons that have nothing
erties similar to those of insects into hexapod robots to do with one’s understanding of the biological sys-
can simplify their control, allowing them to traverse tem. There are great advantages for engineering, since
irregular terrain and making them robust to it would be a major advance to create robots with the
lesions56,57. flexibility and adaptiveness of animals. There are also
Adopting this broader viewpoint poses difficulties scientific advantages. Building an ‘animal’ provides a
for an experimentalist: it is already a daunting task to unique perspective on how it works. What aspects of
understand the neurons and neural circuits in iso- biomechanics, neural control, or environment are
lation; taking into account the periphery and the en- important for a behavior, and which can be safely
vironment only makes a hard problem even harder. ignored? What are possible solutions that generate
To cope with the challenges of this broader viewpoint, equivalent results? Will one’s ideas about how a sys-
we and others have begun to utilize a promising tem works actually succeed in interaction with the real
methodology termed computational neuroethology58,59. world? Examples of this approach are insect-like hexa-
Computational neuroethology involves creating pod robots57,71–73, robot crickets that can respond to
joint models of the relevant parts of an animal’s mating calls74, and robots guided by insect-like com-
nervous system, body and environment. This requires pound eyes75.
experimental investigation not only of neural cir- In summary, several lines of converging experimen-
cuitry, but also of the relevant aspects of an animal’s tal evidence suggest a broader viewpoint in which the
biomechanics and ecological niche, and then con- roles of the brain, body and environment are fully
struction of models that incorporate these compo- appreciated. The emerging methodology of compu-
nents. Using these models, one can study the contri- tational neuroethology, in which joint models of
butions of the components to adaptive behavior, and neural circuitry, biomechanics and environment can
the new phenomena that may emerge from their be studied, provides an effective means to progress.
interactions. Adopting this methodology has conse-
quences for experimental neuroscience. For example, Selected references
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The functional neuroanatomy of memory (retrieval). Starting with the
papers of Kapur et al.3 and Markowitsch et
episodic memory retrieval al.4,5, several cases have been collected in
the past years6–8 that all point to a differ-
ential involvement of the two hemispheres
Fletcher, Frith and Rugg1 gave an insightful ations…are differentially lateralized, were in memory retrieval, with the retrieval of
and clearly written description of the rela- unexpected on the basis of evidence from episodic memories being disturbed after
tionships between brain structures and lesion studies’ (Summary). principally right-hemispheric damage.
episodic memory processing, as currently While I would underline as well that the As was discussed in a theoretical con-
discovered. They based their sketch on contribution of the prefrontal cortex to tribution on the possible brain loci
studies that have used dynamical imaging episodic memory processing was – with a involved in episodic memory retrieval8, the
methods, particularly positron emission few exceptions2 – less apparent from the difference between the results of studies
tomography (PET), and emphasized that results of lesion studies, there exist since based on functional imaging and those
both the ‘extent of the contribution of the 1990s a number of reports on patients based on brain-damaged patients is that
prefrontal cortex to episodic memory, and with focal brain damage lending support to the damaged loci are usually not confined
the fact that encoding and retrieval oper- the lateralized processing of episodic exclusively to one hemisphere (but see

TINS Vol. 20, No. 12, 1997 557

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