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Apriori algorithm is a powerful tool in data mining used these days.

It helps in
identifying correlation in large databases. Association rules can be mined and
this process of mining the association rules is one of the most important and
powerful aspect of data mining. Main criteria of ARM is to find relationship among
variety of variables of the database.
An association rule is of the form AB where A is the antecedent and B is the
Consequent. and here A and B are item sets and the underlying rule says us
purchased by the customers who purchase A are likely to purchase B with a
probability percentage factor as %C where C is known as confidence.
Confidence= Probability (B if A) = P(B/A)
Support= P (B and A).
One of the important goals of data mining are to find hidden knowledge in the
data. Many algorithms have been given till date but not all have been that
successful. Apriori Algorithm is the one which has been useful out of the lot. It
involves PRUNING and JOINING.
Apriori Property: if an item X is joined with item Y,
Support(X U Y) = min(Support(X), Support(Y)) .

Drawbacks and Problems:

Leads to shortage of memory to store data since it scans the entire database
again and again.
Since this happens number of times, the process takes lot of time to complete.
Time complexity involved in the Apriori algorithm is very Huge.

Group items into heads.
Reduce the number of scans from n+1 as this would save lots of time for the
users and hence be more productive.

The paper has a record of many algorithms used for market basket analysis. Out
of which only Apriori algorithm is the most suitable one. The paper lists out the
problems and solutions which can be worked on to get the best possible results
and in lesser time than usual.

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